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Nemo Server Guide

2010 by Anite Finland Ltd. All rights reserved. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. The information in this manual is intended for informational use only and is subject to change without notice. Anite Finland Ltd assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this user manual. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Anite Finland Ltd. Windows, Windows 2000 and Windows XP, Outlook, and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. MapInfo and MapX are registered trademarks of MapInfo Corporation. CDMA 2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA -USA). The license management portion of this Licensed Technology is based on SentinelLM* 1989-2003 Rainbow Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision 5.40.02, Last edited March 2011


Step 1: Installing the server Step 2: Booting the server Step 3: Opening terminal Step 4: Change the superuser password Step 5: Configure LAN (optional) Step 6: Configure WAN (optional) Step 7: Restart configured network interfaces Step 8: Configure Samba workgroup (optional) Step 9: Determining servers IP addresses (optional) Step 10: Calibration (Audiotest PSTN Openline4 only)

6 7 8 8 9 11 11 11 12 12 13

Step 11: Busy-tone wizard (Audiotest PSTN only, mandatory) Step 12: Determining gain settings (Audiotest only, optional)13 NEMO SERVER MANAGER Voice Quality monitor TCP/IP monitor Log monitor NSM menu Settings menu NEMO FILE MANAGER 16 16 17 18 19 21 25

Samba/Windows file sharing VNC and Remote Desktop 27 27


WWW FTP E-Mail RTSP IPERF 29 29 29 30 31


Server users and passwords 32


Measurement Guidelines The servers main WWW page PPPOE Instructions Manual configuration Step 5: Configure LAN (optional) Step 6: Configure WAN (optional) Step 7: Restart configured network interfaces Updating Instructions

32 35 35 36 36 37 38 38


40 41 41

NEMO SERVER NETWORKING Static Public Address Dynamic NAT Debugging 43 45 45




This chapter describes procedures for Nemo Server on-site installation and calibration. The server must be at the final installation location at the customers premises.

For smooth operation, i.e. measurement file collection, server controlling, it is recommended that the server is connected to LAN (at least the LAN cable must be connected for the VQ-service to work), and if the server is to be used as a data-testing and/or field measurement file hub with Nemo Outdoor, Q, Handy or Autonomous, an external Internet connection is required additionally. Note that the server is properly firewalled and will not route network traffic between the LAN and WAN interfaces.

If the server has one or more Audiotest options, dedicated fixed line(s) must be available, as the line level adjustments are made using these lines. Use only included cables but if they are not long enough, any other high-quality phone cable can be used as long as all of the cables are identical. If the server is moved, or lines or cables changed later, electrical properties of the new lines are probably different from the earlier ones, and calibration has to be redone. Test all fixed lines by connecting an analogue phone to the line and making a test call to it with a mobile phone. Remember to check that audio goes through in both directions. Checklist: The server is at the final location at the customers premises. There is at least one working fixed line available. At least one fixed-line phone number is known. The fixed line is reserved for VQ testing and will be used with the server. All fixed line cables are identical. All fixed lines are tested with phone. Primary rate ISDN E1 connection is active with parameters: CCS, HDB3 and NCRC4

NOTE: Do not update the server operating system! Kernel updating will most probably cease the operation of the Nemo Server applications. Instead, you should wait for a server update from Anite. NOTE: Do not change any system regional settings except the time-zone. The server has to be rebooted after time-zone is changed. NOTE: It is no longer required to restart the voiceqd service after settings are changed. Instead, the voiceqd service detects configuration changes after 10s maximum, and reloads configurations on the fly. Configuration changes may affect ongoing test calls if, e.g., call duration is changed. However, test sample changes will become active from the next test call on.

Step 1: Installing the server
Please refer to the enclosed Dell server installation documents for how to set up the power, keyboard, mouse and display. Before connecting the power cable, make sure that the voltage selector of server power is set according to local mains voltage. By default it is set to 230VAC. Do not connect the server to the Internet at this time only connect the LAN interface cable. Depending on the installed Audiotest options, the server has 0 or 4 or 8 analogue Loop Start (FXO) RJ-11 ports for connecting with POTS (PSTN) lines, or one RJ45 port for connecting with the ISDNPRI E1 line. Dell SC440 server with Openline4 Connect fixed lines to the RJ-11 connectors which are located on the rear side of the server. There is no need to configure the number of each line as it does not matter which line goes to which port unless the call back feature is used in this case keep track with which line number goes to which port. Line 0 is port 0 of the upper card and line 4 is port 0 of the lower card and so on. Remember to use identical cables with all lines. Dell T100 server with OpenPCI In this configuration the T100 server is delivered with one or two splitter boxes. The splitter box connects to the OpenPCI cards via the RJ45 socket. One splitter box converts one RJ45 socket to four RJ11 sockets.

Dell T100 server with OpenPRI In this configuration the T100 server is delivered with OpenPRI ISDN-PRI card that has one RJ45 connector. Connect the port to E1 interface with proper cable supplied by the telco provider. Note that only E1 interface with CCS signalling is supported with parameters NCRC4 and HDB3. Maximum number of timeslots usable for VQ-tests is limited to 10 due to processing power limitations. Standard E1 pinout for RJ45 jack: pins 1-2: RX- RX+ and pins 4-5: TX- TX+ Dell T110 server with OpenPCIe or OpenPRIe In this configuration the T110 server is delivered either with OpenPCIe or OpenPRIe PCI-Express card. Both cards should be installed to the lowest PCI-E 1x slot. Otherwise the same instructions apply than with T100 above.

Step 2: Booting the server

Switch on the server and wait until the Logon prompt appears. Log on as root (the superuser on Linux systems): Username: root Password: Server 2.0.1: 6yV-1pSc Server 2.1.0 and later: -2eF6aX7 After the logon has completed, the Fedora 8 (server 2.4.0 and earlier) or Fedora 12 (server 3.0.0 and later) desktop appears.

Step 3: Opening terminal

Select the Terminal / Command Line icon from the bottom row: The following prompt refers to console commands from now on: [root@nemoserver root]#

Step 4: Change the superuser password

This step is required only if the server is to be connected to the Internet. The superuser is called root in Linux. The superuser password can be changed with the passwd command: [root@nemoserver root]# passwd Changing password for user root. New UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. Create a new password according to the following guidelines: Do not use common words or names The password must be least 8 characters long The password should have upper and lower case characters, numbers, and special characters The following is an example of a valid password (do not use this, as it is the default password for server 2.0.1 and earlier versions): 6yV-1pSc

Write the password down and keep it in a safe and secure place! There is no easy way to retrieve it if it gets lost. In addition, after the root password has been changed, the servers superuser account can only be accessed locally or from the Internet with the password. Please note that Anite Finland cannot guarantee absolute safety when the server is connected to the Internet since the server has active, public services such as FTP, WWW, POP3, SMTP, RTSP, Iperf and VNC that can be or become vulnerable. However, the server has properly configured a firewall that should prevent all common intrusions.

Step 5: Configure LAN (optional)

It is possible to edit network startup scripts directly by using the vi-editor as described in the Manual configuration appendix, or interfaces can be configured from the Network settings system dialog that

can be opened by first starting NSM2 by clicking on the NSM2 icon on the desktop, and further selecting Settings | Network Configuration in the Nemo Server Manager menu. This step is required only if the server is to be connected to a company LAN. Connecting the server to LAN has some great advantages. For example, the server files can be accessed easily by using Windows file sharing (Samba service in Linux), and it can be used remotely by using VNC ( ). In addition, all external services such as SSH and FTP can naturally be accessed also from the LAN side. If not already connected, connect a network cable to the main board RJ-45 connector that is located near the display connector, and is away from the other network connectors, and labeled with LAN. Connect the other end to a company LAN switch. In Fedora 8, or Linux generally taken, network interfaces are named as eth0, eth1, etc. so that the last number is different for each interface. The following interfaces are installed by default: lo, eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4. Additionally, the server may have eth5-eth8. Interface lo Eth0 eth1 Configuration ifcfg-lo ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth1 Description Loop-back interface for local IP traffic LAN interface, VNC and Samba enabled First WAN interface, Catra streaming service binds to this interface Second WAN interface Third WAN interface Fourth WAN interface

eth2 eth3 eth4

ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-eth3 ifcfg-eth4


Go to Settings | Network Configuration in the Nemo Server Manager menu. The following dialog opens.

Select an interface to be configured, and click on Edit. The following dialog appears.

Select Automatic (DHCP) or Static configuration. With Static configuration it is advised you write down the network settings as obtained from ISP. Press OK when ready. The example picture shows a static configuration for eth0 (LAN). If there is need to configure DNS, select the DNS tab and write down the domain name server address(es).


Step 6: Configure WAN (optional)

This step is required only if the server is to be connected to the Internet and if the WAN interface uses a static IP address. By default, all WAN interfaces are configured to use dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses. In case PPPOE connection is used, see PPPOE Instructions in the APPENDICES at the end of this manual for more information. Note that it is recommended to use a static IP address on the WAN side so that there is no need to change the IP address into measurement unit configurations in case of possible later changes to it. See the previous step for how to open the network settings, and then select the WAN interface to be configured: eth1, eth2, eth3 or eth4 (or eth5-eth8).

Step 7: Restart configured network interfaces

If the network interface settings were changed, it is required to restart those interfaces to activate them in order for the changes to become active. It is also time to connect the WAN interface network cables. Repeat this procedure with every changed interface. Select network interface in the Network Configuration dialog, and click on Deactivate, then Activate. Sometimes, especially if gateway settings are changed, it is required to restart the whole network system. In this case it is noticed when network settings are saved. Open the terminal and type in the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# service network restart All interfaces will be shut down, after which they are restarted with new settings.

Step 8: Configure Samba workgroup (optional)

The Samba service is responsible for Windows network file/folder sharing. The servers Samba service is preconfigured to use the following workgroup name: NEMOTEST. This should be changed so that it matches with the local networks workgroup - otherwise the servers shares will not appear on workstations. If the workgroup name needs to be changed, give the following commands: 1. First, open the Samba configuration with vi-editor: [root@nemoserver root]# vi /etc/samba/smb.conf 2. Press Esc I to set the vi editor to insert mode. Search the line that reads workgroup: workgroup = NEMOTEST 3. Replace NEMOTEST with the correct workgroup name. Remember to use upper-case letters. 4. Find a line that reads: hosts allow = 192.168. 127. 10.


In case your LAN uses a different subnet than the one defined above, add your subnet at the end of the line. For example, if your LAN uses the 72.10.x.x network, add 72.10. to the end, each subnet separated with a space character. hosts allow = 192.168. 127. 10. 72.10. 5. Press Esc : x [enter] to save the configuration and to close the vi editor. Next, restart the Samba service: [root@nemoserver root]# service smb restart

Step 9: Determining servers IP addresses (optional)

If the server is configured to use dynamic IP addresses (DHCP), it is required to check which addresses the server retrieved in order to access the server by using its IP address, from LAN or WAN. If the server IP address is unknown (it was assigned automatically by DHCP), use the following command to retrieve the address: [root@nemoserver root]# ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:25:57:37:3B inet addr: Bcast: Mask: [] The IP address is next to inet addr field, in this case Repeat the procedure for each interface from eth1 to eth4 to obtain the addresses. If the interface does not have an assigned IP address, the inet addr field does not appear. What is more, whenever the server reboots it may or may not get new IP addresses depending on the networks DHCP settings.

Step 10: Calibration (Audiotest PSTN Openline4 only)

Since fixed lines are analogue, their electrical properties vary greatly among different operators and countries. Therefore the PSTN cards electrical interface has to be adjusted to match the local conditions. However, this is required only with Openline4 card with the Dell SC440 server platform with the newer Dell T100/T110 and OpenPCI/OpenPCIe-card the user is only required to input country code to NSM settings and the card then selects proper impedance settings based on the international country code (ICC). Dell SC440 server Line calibration is done by determining three values for a cards hybrid balance registers. These values assign the interface impedances so that the impedances of the card and the line are as close to each other as possible. Be sure that all used phone cables are identical otherwise the electric properties of the lines are not identical and the balance values obtained for one test line do not necessarily work with other lines. The Nemo Server Manager has a calibration wizard which performs the calibration but requires the user to call one of the connected fixed lines.


Select menu Settings | PSTN-Line Calibration and follow the onscreen instructions. The calibration process takes some 15 minutes to complete and involves a long test call to the server.

Dell T100 and T110 servers Start NSM and select menu item Settings | VQD-Service Configuration. Set the CountryCode to your international country code and press Save.

Step 11: Busy-tone wizard (Audiotest PSTN only, mandatory)

The PSTN line busy tone varies greatly among different operators and countries. Therefore the PSTN card has to be tone-trained so that it can detect the situation when the line is disconnected by the other end. Otherwise the server will keep the line open until the maximum call duration, by default 8 hours, is elapsed and it cannot be called again before that. Start Nemo Server Manager and select menu item Settings | Busy-tone Wizard. Next, follow the instructions. The busy-tone training involves a test call to the server. This is not required with ISDN-PRI.

Step 12: Determining gain settings (Audiotest only, optional)

As the level of analogue PSTN lines may vary greatly in different places, it might be necessary that the RX/TX gain settings be adjusted. The server analogue lines have adjustable SW and HW gains for both input (RX) and output (TX) direction. So there are a total of four gain values. Note: VQ2 systems (VQ2/server, VQ2/audio module, VQ2/sound card) have automatic RX-level gain adjustment in both ends so this step is generally not required. Just take care that the output gain of server is not too high and terminal headset volume is at recommended level: 6630, 6680, N80 and similar terminals that have the Nokia Pop-port connector: Set the terminals headset audio level to the minimum (it can be adjusted during a test call). VQ2/audio module with N95 or other terminals that have the 2.5/3.5mm jack plug audio connector: set the headset level to position 4. VQ2/sound card with N95 or other terminals that have the 2.5/3.5mm jack plug audio connector: see details from VQ quick card and/or Nemo Outdoor manual.

If the default values do not work so that the server cannot synchronize during call tests, default values may be required to be increased or decreased.


Determining TX gains
These settings can be changed from the menu Settings | VQD-Service Configuration and their default values are: SwTxGain 0.0 HwTxGain 6.0 Maximum values for both are 12.0. Note that you should not exceed this limit! If the server type is Dell SC440, change the settings immediately to these: SwTxGain 3.0 HwTxGain 10.0

The TX gain settings affect the signal amplitude at the mobile end. So, if the mobile side is not getting high enough scores or synchronization, these may need to be adjusted. If the test sample speech sounds distorted when heard from the mobile end, lower both values by 1.0 and try again until the voice sounds OK (it takes max 10s from voiceqd-service to detect configuration change). If the speech sounds too weak and scores are lower than expected, increase both gains by 1.0 until the voice is OK. Sometimes it is necessary to set the mobile ends headset level a bit higher than the minimum, for example to position 2 or 3. After the synchronization has gone through well, it is possible to optimize the gain settings so that the best scores are achieved at the mobile end. The procedure goes as follows: Make a two-minute-long measurement and estimate the average quality on the Nemo Outdoor side. Lower the SW TX gain setting by 1.0, restart the service and make a test call. Measure with Nemo Outdoor and observe for a couple of minutes. If the average quality is lower than earlier, increase the SW TX by 1.0 and go to position 5, if better go to position 2. Increase the HW TX gain setting by 1.0 and make a test call. Measure with Nemo Outdoor and observe for a couple of minutes. If the average quality is lower than earlier, set the HW TX gain to previous value and stop, otherwise repeat from 5. The idea is to minimize the SW gain and maximize the HW gain. The reason why the SW gain is lowered and the HW gain increased is the fact that the SW gain does more harm to the signal than the HW gain. However, if the HW gain is maxed out (12.0) already, increase the SW gain instead.

Determining RX gains
It is not normally required to adjust the input gains because the server adjusts the SW input gain automatically. However, the autogain adjustment is limited to the 4.0dB range from configured SwRxGain.


These settings can be changed from the Settings | VQD-Service Configuration menu and their default values are: SwRxGain 0.0 HwRxGain 0.0 The maximum values for both are 12.0. Note that you should not exceed this limit! The minimum values are 0.0. The RX gain settings affect the signal amplitude at the server end. If the server side is not getting high enough sync power, these may need to be adjusted if autogain cannot compensate for signal weakness. Start the Nemo Server Manager. Make a test call from Nemo Outdoor and observe the MOS value and the Sync power. In optimal conditions (flawless network), the MOS can be as high as 3.8-4.1, and the Sync power should be over 4000. See the picture below.

Make several measurements and if gains need to be lowered, lower SW gain first, then HW gain. And vice versa, if gains need to be raised, raise HW gain first and then SW gain. The procedure goes as follows:


1. Make a two-minute-long measurement and observe the average Sync power from the server side. 2. Lower the HW RX gain setting by 1.0 and make a test call. 3. Measure with the server and observe for a couple of minutes. 4. If the average sync power is lower than earlier, go to position 5, if better go to position 2. 5. Increase the HW RX gain setting by 1.0 and make a test call. 6. Measure with the server and observe for a couple of minutes. 7. If the average sync power is lower than earlier, set gains to previous values.


With the Nemo Server Manager it is possible to observe VQ MOS and data transfer rates and connections in real time as well as to set all voice quality service settings. The Nemo Server Manager can be started from the following taskbar icon:

Voice Quality monitor

With the VQ monitor it is possible to see the status of each PSTN line or ISDN timeslot together with graphical MOS history instantly. It displays also the used test sample name, line- and remote numbers and level of received sync signal.


Note: While with PSTN a line always equals certain channel, instead with ISDN-PRI there are timeslots that are allocated as calls come in. Therefore, an incoming call may appear in any timeslot before the caller number is detected. After the caller number is detected, it is compared to all channels and timeslot will be reassigned to a channel that has an open measurement file and has been called earlier from the same number. Alternatively, if there is no open measurement file that matches caller number, a channel that has identical callback number configured will be used. If one wants to use certain settings like test sample for a certain caller number, the callback number has to be configured even if callback is not actually used. Moreover, the caller number has to be forced to be always visible from the test terminal settings, otherwise the channel assigning will not work properly and all calls will create a new measurement file. In short: Set all numbers that call the server into separate channel CallbackNumbers. If any caller number is missing results will be un-expectable and system most probably wont work properly.

TCP/IP monitor

With the TCP/IP monitor it is possible to instantly see the status of all data connections established with the server.


Each line describes one inbound socket connection such as an FTP or a WWW test connection. Displayed are uplink and downlink rates and total bytes, used protocol, and source/destination IPaddresses and -ports. When a socket connection is closed, the line disappears after a while.

Log monitor


With the VQD service log monitor it is possible to watch the operation of the voiceqd service in real time. All log lines are displayed by default, and one can also filter out the information from some channels to improve readability. In addition, it is possible to stop the updating.

NSM menu
The main menu of Nemo Server Manager looks as below.

The menu item Change ping IP Address: can be used for changing the external host IP that the server pings once every ten seconds. This feature is useful in determining if the servers Internet or LAN connection is alive.

Enter an IP address of external host to be pinged and select Save. The status line at the bottom of the main screen shows the result of a live ping:

The example shows that the ping check was successful with host, and that the ping delay was 13.726ms.


The menu item Export measurement files can be used to export servers measurement files into USB stick or into a local e-mail account. Measurement files will be packed into a single .zip file.

Source file directory This defines the folder where the exporting function searches for measurement files. The number of found files is displayed right below the setting. In this example there were no files. Export target This defines the target where measurement files will be exported. Available choices are E-mail and /media/usbdisk. The latter choice becomes available only when there is an USB disk connected into one USB ports of the server. Local e-mail address This setting is enabled only when the export target is set to E-mail. It defines the local e-mail account where the measurement zip file will be sent. The zip file can later be fetched externally by using POP3 if the server is connected to the Internet. Note that the account must exist. Automatic export This setting disables or enables the automatic measurement file exporting once per daily, weekly or monthly basis. The exporting happens during midnight at the selected interval. Post-processing This setting defines the action what to do for the source measurement files choices are archive or delete. The former archives (moves) exported files to another local folder, that is defined with setting Archive to folder, and the latter deletes local source files every time exporting takes place. When the settings are ready, press Export now and the found measurement files will zipped and exported as configured. Note that the button is disabled if there are no found measurement files, as in the example picture.


Settings menu
This is the Settings menu of Nemo Server Manager:

The menu item PSTN Line Calibration can be used to calibrate the server with local analogue PSTN lines. Select the menu item and follow the onscreen instructions. The calibration requires the user to make a test call to the server number. Note also that the calibration requires that the VQ service is stopped. Voiceqd-service settings can be changed from the Nemo Server Manager by selecting menu Settings | VQD-Service Configuration. The Configuration dialog has two tabs: Global Parameters and Channel Parameters. The former settings affect the service and all channels; the latter contains channel-specific settings.


Global Parameters ResultsDir default: /home/nemotest/results/ This setting is provided only for backward compatibility, and defined in Channel Parameters. This is the directory where measurement files will be stored by default if no channel-specific ResultsDir-setting is defined. Note that the directory must exist. Each call generates a new file except if a new call arrives in 120 seconds after last disconnection, in which case events of new call go to the earlier file. ReceivedDir default: /home/nemotest/samples/ This setting is provided only for backward compatibility, and defined in Channel Parameters. This is the directory where the received samples will be stored. Note that the directory must exist. ReferenceSampleDir default: /usr/vqd/test_samples This is the directory from where the service auto-loads reference test samples (max 9). FileformatMode default: 1.88 The file format version that service writes to its measurement files. SaveSamples default: OFF Enables or disables received sample saving globally for all channels.


SaveThreshold default: 4.5 This setting defines the sample saving threshold: only samples with lower score than the threshold will be saved. Latitude default: 64.932724 Longitude default: 25.384432 These are the server coordinates in decimal format for post-processing tools. These appear on every measurement file line that the server generates. The coordinate validity is not checked at all! SwTxGain default: 0.0 HwTxGain default: 6.0 SwRxGain default: 0.0 HwRxGain default: 0.0 These are the servers default software and hardware gain settings. The maximum is 12.0, see chapter Installation, Step 11 for details on how to determine these. Usually it is not required to adjust these settings. FileCloseTimeout default: 200 This setting determines the delay for how soon each channels measurement file will be closed if there are no further incoming calls or callbacks to that line. The unit is displayed in seconds. ForceSample default: none This setting forces a certain test sample for all channels. Overrides channel-specific sample setting. Note: It is highly recommended to use global sample forcing as the automatic sample detection is not reliable in bad conditions. MaxCallDuration default: 480 This setting determines the maximum duration that a test call can last in minutes. Due to certain inaccuracies with analogue PSTN lines, the servers PSTN card cannot determine whether the line is closed or not with 100% accuracy. Sometimes, very rarely, the line may be left to a state that does not give the busy tone to the server direction but is in fact disconnected. Therefore the server would keep the line open indefinitely in this situation. This feature grants that the line will be closed after eight hours at least to avoid server rebooting. CountryCode default: 358 This setting defines the international country code (ICC) that is used by Dell T100/T110 servers and OpenPCI/OpenPRI- and OpenPCIe/OpenPRIe-cards for line impedance determination. Not used by the older Dell SC440 server.


Channel Parameters There are ten tabs, one for each channel. Note that if the server has only one PSTN card, only the Ch0-3 settings are valid. The Channel Parameters contains call-back call related settings that allow the server to make a callback call after each received call to make it possible to conduct alternating mobile originating/terminating testing with two-directional voice quality. In addition, it contains settings that allow the measurement results/samples to be written into a different folder for each channel. Note that CallbackNumber is also used for caller-channel association in ISDN system. Callback default: OFF Enable or disable the callback for a channel. Channel numbers are assigned so that port0 of the upper card is channel 0, and port0 of the lower card (if installed) is channel 4. CallbackDelay delay_in_seconds The time in seconds for how long the server waits from disconnection before it calls back. CallbackDuration call_duration_in_seconds The time in seconds for how long the call-back call lasts.


CallbackNumber phone_number The number to where the server initiates the call-back call from this channel. This number also associates the caller number with certain channel in ISDN-PRI system. LineNumber phone_number The line's phone number this is required if the uplink and downlink measurement files will be joined in post-processing and it can be also used to remember which line number is connected to each port. PlayMode default: OFF If a channel is in this mode it will automatically answer a received call. It plays the configured sample for the line until the caller ends the call. This mode is also used for Handy/Wanderer downlink-Pesq testing: Set Playmode on and select some of available handy test samples to PlayModeSample. PlayModeSample sample_name_with_absolute_path This is a test sample that a channel plays for the line in PlayMode. TestSample sample_name_with_absolute_path If defined, this forces a channel to use a defined sample during voice quality testing. It does not affect the PlayMode. Note: Because the automatic sample detection can be unreliable it is recommended to set this to the used test sample to make testing more accurate or use the global ForceSample. ResultsDir absolute_path The folder where a channels measurement files will be created. Note that the directory must exist. Each call generates a new file except if a new call arrives in 120 seconds after the last disconnection, in which case events of a new call go to the earlier file. ReceivedDir absolute_path This is the folder where a channels received samples will be stored. Note that the directory must exist. FilenamePrefix filename_prefix This describes a filename prefix that will be added to the beginning of a filename of all channels generated measurement files. Do not use any other than valid filename characters. ReceivedDuration default: 0 If bigger than zero, determines the duration of received test calls for the channel. Affects both voice quality and PlayMode test calls.


From server version 2.3.0 on the server has preinstalled Nemo File Manager that is run on Wine environment. The File Manager icon is located on the desktop and it has to be run manually after each reboot. By default, the File Manager has only one rule: Convert all files under /home/auto/* folder and subfolders into /home/nemotest/outgoing folder. After conversion original files are archived into folder /usr/archive and new zip file is created every day. For further details how to configure and use File Manager please refer to its manual.



Once it is set up, the server is administration free when it comes to server settings and the like. The only situation where administration may be required is if the hard disk becomes full. By default, the server has more than 60GB of free disk space, but it may run out of it in a couple of years, especially if sample saving is used. If this happens, open the server Samba share and remove/delete obsolete measurement files.

Samba/Windows file sharing

Once the server is connected to LAN, it is possible to browse into it and access its files by using Windows file sharing. If the servers LAN IP address is, run the following command: \\ It should open a file window that contains the servers shared folders. Instead, if Windows asks for a password, close the password prompt and run the following command: net use \\ 7UcW49kq /USER:nemotest And after the command is completed try again the command \\ By default the server has the following shared folders: Share name auto movies nemotest Real folder /home/auto /usr/local/movies /home/nemotest Description The root folder of Nemo Autonomous. Catra streaming service video folder. The root folder of generic test account nemotest.

VNC and Remote Desktop

With Fedora 12 the VNC service was dropped out and instead there is system Remote Desktop functionality available into LAN. However, the new RD is protocol-wise compliant with VNC and not with Windows Remote Desktop so VNC Viewer is required to access the server. The VNC service is disabled to WAN interfaces from server version 2.0.1 onwards due to security risks, and VNC service and Remote Desktop ports are open only to LAN interface from the firewall.

Server versions before 3.0.0 (Dell SC440 and Dell T100) In case VNC service is needed for LAN access, open console as root and run command: [root@nemoserver root]# vncpasswd Feed new VNC password and then run the following command to start the VNC service manually: [root@nemoserver root]# vncserver &


Note that the service has to be restarted manually after each reboot.

Server versions 3.2.0 and later (Dell T110) By default the RD is active to LAN. It can be connected by using VNC Viewer and connecting simply to LAN IP address without screen number. The default password is: nemonemo To change this select menu System | Preferences | Remote Desktop

The Remote Desktop can be disabled by unchecking the topmost setting. It is recommended to change the default password to something more secure if feature is used.


The server has multiple test pages and files for data testing. It is also possible to add more of them by placing them into the correct directory.

The WWW test pages are located in the /var/www/html folder. HTML test pages: 500B.html 1kB.html 2kB.html 5kB.html 10kB.html 20kB.html 50kB.html 100kB.html 200kB.html 500kB.html 1000kB.html. These files can be accessed via any servers public IP address, i.e. http://server.public.ip.address/500kB.html. If the filename is omitted, the servers main page opens (see page 35). The main page displays which test files are available, and also the servers IP addresses are listed. The page is refreshed once every five minutes.

FTP test files are located in the /home/nemotest folder. This folder is also accessible through Samba file sharing. The server contains the following FTP test files. Compressible .txt files have redundant content so they will compress well where .bin files are not compressible. Compressible FTP test files: 100kB.txt 200kB.txt 300kB.txt 500kB.txt 1000kB.txt 5000kB.txt 10000kB.txt 50000kB.txt 100000kB.txt. Random FTP test files: 100kB.bin 200kB.bin 300kB.bin 500kB.bin 1000kB.bin 5000kB.bin 10000kB.bin 50000kB.bin 100000kB.bin. Use the following account: FTP login / password: nemotest / 7UcW49kq It is also possible (but not recommended) to use other accounts (except root) listed this section. Note that the fleetmanager account is reserved for Nemo Fleet Manager-application, and the l337 account is for Nemo Autonomous field units.

There are no predefined test e-mails. Instead, it is required that the user upload a test e-mail with SMTP, and read it with POP3. Use the following accounts: SMTP / POP3 server: Any of the servers public domain names. SMTP login / password: both empty SMTP From:


SMTP To: nemotest POP3 login / password: nemotest / 7UcW49kq Note: The server requires a domain name for at least one WAN interface IP address that is going to be used on SMTP testing - otherwise the server does not accept the inbound SMTP connection. This security mechanism has been recently added due to continually increasing e-mail fraudulency and spamming. After the server is connected to the Internet (WAN) and has public domain name, the user has to run the following commands as the root-user to set the domain name permanently to SMTP-service configuration: [root@nemoserver root]# postconf -e [root@nemoserver root]# service postfix restart Where is replaced with the user's own domain name. Note: Some operators prevent accessing other SMTP services than their own - therefore it is not possible to test SMTP against the server with these operators' SIM cards.

The server has the Catra Streaming service running, and it is bound automatically with interface eth1. Thus, make sure that there is only one WAN/Internet connection that is connected to the upper network cards port A. The RTSP service can be accessed only by using an eth1 IP address, for example, if the eth1 IP address is 62.142.xx.yy, then the file 6.3gp can loaded by typing this address on a mobile browser: RTSP://62.142.xx.yy/6.3gp RTSP test videos are located in the /usr/local/movies folder. This folder is also accessible through Samba file sharing so it is easy to add more test videos. The server contains the following test videos (videos are downloaded from the Catra WWW-site

Filename 6.3gp 7.3gp 8.2gp 9.3gp 10.3gp 11.3gp 12.3gp

File size 2819 kB 2718 kB 2893 kB 2930 kB 2130 kB 3003 kB 2647 kB

Original filename 06_H263_BR_48000_FR_3_AAC_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 07_H263_BR_48000_FR_3_GSMAMR_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 08_H263_BR_48000_FR_3_WBAMR_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 09_MP4_BR_48000_FR_3_AAC_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 10_MP4_BR_48000_FR_3_AMR_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 11_MP4_BR_48000_FR_3_WBAMR_BR_16000_VID_Trailer1.3gp 12_MP4_BR_42000_FR_8_3_GSMAMR_BR_8000_VID_TomJerry.3gp

Note: Nemo Outdoor cannot establish streaming with the Nemo Server Catra streaming service. With Nemo Handy the streaming is OK with the included test files.


The server has two Iperf services running at port 5001, one in UDP and other in TCP-mode. Services are available via all connected network interfaces. Iperf-service is very useful, for example, on UDP maximum throughput testing. Note: When configuring multi-data Iperf-tests with Nemo Outdoor, USE THE SAME IP ADDRESS FOR EACH TERMINAL. This differs from normal data testing (www, FTP, etc.) because those have to be configured to use different IP addresses. Note: It is not recommended to run Iperf test transfers while doing simultaneous voice quality tests as the Iperf consumes most of the available processing power making VQ testing inaccurate that may and will lower average scores.


Server users and passwords
Username root Password v2.0.1: 6yV-1pSc v2.1.0 and later: -2eF6aX7 7UcW49kq flee7m4n l337 Type SSH Home /root Description Super-user account

nemotest fleetmanager l337


/home/nemotest /home/auto /home/l337

General test account: FTP test files Fleet Manager account Wanderer auto-login account

Measurement Guidelines
Server measurement files
The server generates a new measurement file for each line when a test call arrives, and the file is closed (i.e. footer is written to it) in two minutes unless another call comes in before that. The serverside measurement files have the same file format as the Nemo Outdoor measurement files. Measurement files are located in the /home/nemotest/results folder. Within ISDN system there is no specific channels but dynamically allocated timeslots. Therefore the caller id is associated with certain channel by using channels CallbackNumber setting. If it is set correctly, all calls from certain number go to the same measurement file (with FileCloseTimeout considered). File-format mode 1.88 Each file is named using the following naming convention: aaBbbcc ddeeff.dtn where aa is year, Bbb is a three-letter month abbreviation, cc is the day of the month, dd is the hour in the 24-hour format, ee is minutes, ff is seconds, and n is the called line number beginning from 1 (note that in NSM channel numbers begin from zero). st The following is an example, 05Apr21 173345.dt1 - this file was generated on April 21 2005 at 17:33:45 from line 1. File-format mode 2.x The naming convention is as follows: aaBbbcc ddeeff.n.nmf where aa is year, Bbb is a three-letter month abbreviation, cc is the day of the month, dd is the hour in the 24-hour format, ee is minutes, ff is seconds, and n is the called line number beginning from 1 (note that in NSM channel numbers begin from zero). st The following is an example, 05Apr21 173345.1.nmf - this file was generated on April 21 2005 at 17:33:45 from line 1. Measurement files can be fetched from the server by using FTP with the following username: nemotest, and the following password: 7UcW49kq After login, change to folder results and download measurement files. Do not try to delete files that are currently active, that is, when a test call is still on.


Test Terminal Configuration

a) Make a test call and adjust the terminal headset volume to minimum (or to level 4 with N95 and other 2.5/3.5mm jack plug headset connected terminals). b) Switch off alert and warning tones. Beeping during a measurement will lower the score.

Nemo Outdoor Configuration

a) Set Nemo Outdoor Voice Quality test mode to Half Duplex Start TX (Outdoor 4 only, Outdoor 5 determines test mode automatically). b) Select one of the default test samples: 3s.wav, 4s.wav, 4s_m.wav, 5s.wav, 6s.wav, 6s_m.wav, 6s_f.wav, 8s.wav, 10s.wav. When Nemo Outdoor calls the fixed line connected to the server, the server answers the call and records 1.5 seconds of incoming audio. Next, it compares the recorded snapshot and chooses the best matching sample from the default samples. However, if ForceSample or TestSample is configured, voiceqd skips the auto-detection and uses the configured sample directly. After the identification, the server sends the identified, non-degraded sample to Nemo Outdoor which records it and calculates the PESQ score. Along with test samples, one can hear short beeps between samples: those are used for synchronization purposes and do not affect the PESQ score because they are eliminated before the calculation. Next, Nemo Outdoor sends the sample again to the server and since this time the server already knows the sample (if it was auto-detected), it records for the duration of the identified sample and calculates the score, opens a measurement file and stores the result there. The file is closed after two minutes if the line is dropped and no new call is made. This testing keeps alternating until Nemo Outdoor drops the call or the ReceivedDuration time is elapsed (in the case it is configured).It is recommended to set the time between calls parameter to at least 5s to Nemo Outdoor so that there is enough time for the server to detect the line busy-tone (PSTN only, with ISDN signaling handles call events immediately).

Call-back example
The following Nemo Outdoor script example allows alternating call-testing, i.e. mobile-originating followed by mobile-terminating call, with voice quality measurements. Nemo Outdoor first calls the server, and the test call lasts for 90 seconds. Next, there is a 30-second idle period on both sides, after which the server calls Outdoor, the call lasting for 90s. Next, there is a 30-second idle period again, after which the script starts from the beginning if the script repeat is bigger than 1. The following is a script file from Nemo Outdoor 4.16.26 (from RC2) and later versions:
* Nemo Prime script file Repeat : 5 Device Settings : 0 VoiceCallStart : NUM=081234567,VQE=1,VQM=4,PFX=1,RSF=4s.wav,TMO=90,MRK=0,ATT=30,SYS=2097153,CTY=0 VoiceCallStop Wait : DEL=50,SEL=2,NOT=Incoming Call,ATM=60 Wait : DEL=120,SEL=0,NOT=,ATM=300


Set the following to the servers Channel Parameters of used channel:

Callback CallbackDelay CallbackDuration CallbackNumber LineNumber ON 10000 90000 0102345678 081234567

It is assumed here that the servers line 0 number is 081234567, and the terminals number calling that line is 0102345678. Note that since the call duration in CAD event is the time from CAA to CAD including signaling time, and call script call duration calculation starts from the call connection, the call duration in CAD events is usually some 5-10s longer than the Call duration value defined in a script. In addition, if more precise timing is needed, the only way to sharpen it is to make some test measurements and observe the call duration from the CAD event. Increase/decrease Call duration from the Outdoor script and the servers Channel Parameters as needed until the observed call duration is acceptable.


The servers main WWW page

PPPOE Instructions
Open the root console and run the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# adsl-setup The command runs the ADSL/VDSL/xDSL configuration script that asks several questions about the new connection. After the script is done, a new network configuration script is created to: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 PPPOE settings can be edited, if necessary, but this is usually not required if the entered information was correct: [root@nemoserver root]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts


[root@nemoserver root]# vi ifcfg-ppp0 Press Esc i to set the vi editor to insert mode. Note that all vi editor commands are case sensitive. Press Esc : x [enter] to save the crontab and to close the vi editor. After the PPPOE script is ready, the connection can be started with the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# pppoe-start Verify that the new connection received an IP address with the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# ifconfig ppp0 If the inet addr field is present, the connection should be OK. In failure situations use the following command to get more information about PPPOE: [root@nemoserver root]# man pppoe PPPOE can be set to start automatically when the server boots: [root@nemoserver root]# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Add the following line just below the lowest commented line: pppoe-start The beginning of the file should look as follows: #!/bin/sh # # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts. # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff. pppoe-start

Manual configuration
Note that all voice quality service configurations can be made from Nemo Server Manager. This chapter is provided for backward compatibility. These instructions continue from the Installation chapter, Step 4.

Step 5: Configure LAN (optional)

Each of the servers interfaces has a separate start-up script and these scripts are located in the following folder: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and are named as follows: Script for eth0 is ifcfg-eth0, script for eth1 is ifcfg-eth1, and so on. By editing these scripts it is possible to switch between DCHP and manually assigned IP addresses. Note that it is recommended to use a static IP address on the LAN-side so that there is no need to change the IP address if it changes later. Change the interface eth0 settings with the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts [root@nemoserver root]# vi ifcfg-eth0


Now the vi editor opens. By default the configuration uses a static IP and shows: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes # Comment EITHER of these sections # Static IP BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= # Dynamic IP #BOOTPROTO=dhcp Press Esc I to set the vi editor to insert mode. Note that all vi editor commands are case sensitive. Change the configuration to the dynamic IP by commenting the Static section with the hash character (#), and uncommenting the Dynamic section by removing # from the BOOTPROTO=dhcp item: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes # Comment EITHER of these sections # Static IP #BOOTPROTO=static #IPADDR= #NETMASK= #GATEWAY= # Dynamic IP BOOTPROTO=dhcp Note that the following parameters, IPADDR, NETMASK, GATEWAY, and BROADCAST, are supplied by ISP, and BROADCAST is optional. Press Esc : x [enter] to save the script and to close the vi editor.

Step 6: Configure WAN (optional)

In this example, eth1 is configured. When configuring other WAN interfaces replace eth1 with eth2, eth3 or eth4 (or eth5-eth8). Change the interface eth1 settings with the following command: [root@nemoserver root]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts [root@nemoserver root]# vi ifcfg-eth1 The vi editor opens. By default the configuration uses a dynamic IP and the following is displayed: DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes # Comment EITHER of these sections


# Static IP #BOOTPROTO=static #IPADDR= #NETMASK= #GATEWAY= # Dynamic IP BOOTPROTO=dhcp Press Esc i. to set the vi editor to insert mode. Note that all vi editor commands are case sensitive. Change the configuration to a static IP by removing the hash character (#) from the static section, thus un-commenting it, and commenting the dynamic section by adding # next to it. Note that the following parameters, IPADDR, NETMASK, GATEWAY, and BROADCAST, are supplied by ISP, and that BROADCAST is optional. Press Esc : x [enter] to save the script and to close the vi editor.

Step 7: Restart configured network interfaces

If network interface settings were changed, it is sometimes required to restart those interfaces to activate it in order for the changes to become active. It is also time to connect the WAN interface network cables. Open terminal and write command: [root@nemoserver root]# service network restart All interfaces will be shutdown and then they are restarted with new settings.

Updating Instructions
Server image updating Note that the server update erases all files that are currently on your PCs hard-disk! Backup all measurement data before continuing with the update. 1. Shut down the server, open the chassis and remove all OpenPCI/OpenPRI and 4xEthernet cards. 2. Start the server and press F11 as soon as the BIOS POST screen appears. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reset if you were not fast enough and Linux already started. 3. Insert server image DVD. 4. Select CD/DVD for boot device, after which Debian Isolinux should appear on the screen. After a while there will be a question whether to continue with hard-disk overwriting. Answer y to continue. Image writing will take almost 2 hours. 5. After the writing is finished, take the DVD out and press the power button some seconds to power the server off.


6. After that boot the server once without any card installed. After the logon screen appears, select Shutdown. Now the integrated Ethernet-device has been mapped to device eth0. 7. Now install the 4xEthernet card (if the server has a Datatest option) into second lowest PCI or PCI-E slot and start the server. After the login screen appears, select Shutdown. Now the 4XEthernet card is mapped to devices eth1-eth4. 8. If the server has another 4xEthernet-card, install it to top of earlier card, then boot to login screen and shutdown. 9. Next, install the OpenPCI/OpenPRI- or OpenPCIe/OpenPRIe-card and reboot. PCI cards go to lowest PCI slot and PCI-E cards to the lowest PCI-E slot. 10. The server is in its initial condition after the login-screen appears, and the busy-tone wizard should be run and correct CountryCode entered (required only with Nemo Audiotest Server). After these the server is ready for use.

File Manager updating 1. Put the latest File Manager setup to USB memory and connect it to the server. The server should detect it automatically and its root folder should open. 2. If File Manager is running, stop it. 3. Select the setup file and double-click it to run it. The setup will now install the new File Manager over the existing setup.


Product Code 100035-03-110 Product Name Nemo Audio Server (4 x PSTN lines) Configuration 1 x server based on Dell PowerEdge T110 English Docs with Euro Power Cord PE T110 Server Tower Chassis FP/BL - Euro - 17in Black Flat Panel Dell Black 2 Button USB Scroll Optical Mouse US/Euro (QWERTY) Quietkey USB Black Keyboard PE T110 Electronic System Documentation and OpenManage DVD C1 Cabled MST No Raid with On-board SATA Controller, Min. 1 Max. 4 SATA Only 1Yr Basic Warranty Fedora Core 12 operating system (499046-02) Including: o o o o o Comes with preinstalled NSM (Nemo Server Manager) application (310002-01) Nemo Server Image v3.1 (416000-31) PESQ licence SW, up to 4 PSTN lines (319000-00) Voicetronix PSTN card OpenPCIe with 8 x RJ11 connectors (499016-05) Voicetronix Splitter Box with 4 x RJ11 + 1 x RJ45 connectors. Converts one RJ45 interface to four RJ11 connections. Includes RJ45 cable (499016-03) o o o o 100035-03 Nemo Audio Server Expansion 4 x RJ11 Line cables for PSTN card, Modular cable 2xplug 6/4 5m (420039-00 ) 1 x Data Cable 5E S-FTP 5m (420040-00) Nemo Server USB Copy Protection Key (499003-00)

Additional 4 PSTN lines: o Voicetronix Splitter Box with 4 x RJ11 + 1 x RJ45 connectors. Converts one RJ45 interface to four RJ11 connections. RJ45 cable included (499016-03) o o 4 x Line cables for PSTN card, Modular cable 2xplug 6/4 5m (420039-00) Additional PESQ licence (319000-00)


Nemo Audio Server ISDN PRI (10 x ISDN lines)

1 x server based on Dell PowerEdge T110 English Docs with Euro Power Cord PE T110 Server Tower Chassis FP/BL - Euro - 17in Black Flat Panel Dell Black 2 Button USB Scroll Optical Mouse US/Euro (QWERTY) Quietkey USB Black Keyboard PE T110 Electronic System Documentation and OpenManage DVD C1 Cabled MST No Raid with On-board SATA Controller, Min. 1 Max. 4 SATA Only 1Yr Basic Warranty Fedora Core 12 operating system (499046-02) Nemo Server Image v3.1 (416000-31) Including: o o Comes with preinstalled NSM (Nemo Server Manager) application (310002-01) 2 x PESQ licence SW, up to 10 ISDN lines (319000-00)


o o

Voicetronix OpenPRIe Single PCI card. 1 x E1/ T1 span. Primary rate E1/T1 ISDN lines (499016-06) Nemo Server USB Copy Protection Key (499003-00)


Product Code 100270-02-110 Product Name Nemo Data Server 1 x Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter PCI Express Card Configuration 1 x server based on Dell PowerEdge T110 English Docs with Euro Power Cord PE T110 Server Tower Chassis FP/BL - Euro - 17in Black Flat Panel Dell Black 2 Button USB Scroll Optical Mouse US/Euro (QWERTY) Quietkey USB Black Keyboard PE T110 Electronic System Documentation and OpenManage DVD C1 Cabled MST No Raid with On-board SATA Controller, Min. 1 Max. 4 SATA Only 1Yr Basic Warranty Fedora Core 12 operating system (499046-02) Nemo Server Image v3.1 (416000-31) Datatest server HW with 4 port network card (IP Addresses) Including: o o o Comes with preinstalled NSM (Nemo Server Manager) application (310002-01) 1 x Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter PCI Express Card EXPI9404PTBLK (499047-00) 5 x Data Cable 5E S-FTP 5m (420040-00)


Product Code 100270-03-110 Product Name Nemo Audio & Data Server with ISDN PRI card (10 x ISDN lines) and 1 x Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter PCI Express Card Configuration 1 x server based on Dell PowerEdge T110 English Docs with Euro Power Cord PE T110 Server Tower Chassis FP/BL - Euro - 17in Black Flat Panel Dell Black 2 Button USB Scroll Optical Mouse US/Euro (QWERTY) Quietkey USB Black Keyboard PE T110 Electronic System Documentation and OpenManage DVD C1 Cabled MST No Raid with On-board SATA Controller, Min. 1 Max. 4 SATA Only 1Yr Basic Warranty Fedora Core 12 operating system (499046-02) Nemo Server Image v3.1 (416000-31) Datatest server HW with 4 port network card (IP Addresses) Including: o Comes with preinstalled NSM (Nemo Server Manager) application (310002-01)


o o o o o

2 x PESQ licence SW, up to 10 ISDN lines (319000-00) Voicetronix OpenPRIe Single PCI card. 1 x E1/ T1 span. Primary rate E1/T1 ISDN lines (499016-06) Nemo Server USB Copy Protection Key (499003-00) 1 x Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter PCI Express Card EXPI9404PTBLK (499047-00) 5 x Data Cable 5E S-FTP 5m (420040-00)


Static Public Address

Dynamic public address

Private addresses (RFC 1918)

Private address spaces (reserved addresses): - -

No route from the Internet! Internal use only!


Static NAT (destination NAT)

Basic NAT. No port mapping Virtual Public IP is translated to private IP addresses What is my public IP?

With virtual interfaces we can map multiple public address to one private. (Nemorver)

Static NAT and PAT

PAT = Port address translation With portmapping we can map one pubic address to many private servers


Dynamic NAT
Multible private addresses Portmapping Common ISP setup for homes Access from internet need still static configuration

What is my ip? iptstate - A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries tcpdump - dump traffic on a network

route n display routing table and default Gateway Ifconfig (-all) display interface configuration netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, etc.


Static NAT (port forwarding) example with Buffalo access point


4xEthernet card, 36 PSTN lines, 13

PSTN-card, 12 audio testing, 5

calibration, 13 call-back script, 31 Change ping IP Address, 19 Channel Parameters, 24 company LAN, 9 console commands, 8

RJ-11 connectors, 6 RJ-45 connector, 9 root, 7

Samba file sharing, 26 samba service, 11 Server image, 36 Server update, 36 SW and HW gains, 13

data-testing, 5 Debian Isolinux, 36

TCP/IP monitor, 17, 19 terminal/command line icon, 8

Fedora core, 7, 9

Nemo Server Manager, 12, 21 Nemo Server Manager menu, 19

voiceqd service settings, 21 VQ monitor, 16

OpenPCI card, 37

Windows file sharing, 26

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