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Further information

Tekes | Tekes Review

Capabilities for

Tekes Review 291/2012

Pekka Pesonen

innovation activities

Impact study
Johan Wallin (ed.), Philip Cooke, Arne Eriksson,
Tekes – Finnish Funding Agency for
Tomi Laamanen and Patrik Laxell
Technology and Innovation

Tel. +358 10 191 480

Capabilities for innovation activities – Impact study

Fax +358 9 694 9196
Kyllikinportti 2, P.O. Box 69
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

March 2012

ISSN 1797-7339
ISBN 978-952-457-544-7
Johan Wallin (ed.), Philip Cooke, Arne Eriksson,
Tomi Laamanen and Patrik Laxell

Capabilities for
innovation activities
Impact study

Tekes Review 291/2012

Helsinki 2012

Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation

Tekes is the main public funding organisation for research and development (R&D) in Finland.
Tekes funds industrial projects as well as projects in research organisations, and especially promotes
innovative, risk-intensive projects. Tekes offers partners from abroad a gateway to the key technology
players in Finland.

Tekes programmes – Tekes´ choices for the greatest impact of R&D funding

Tekes uses programmes to allocate its financing, networking and expert services to areas that are
important for business and society. Programmes are launched in areas of application and technology
that are in line with the focus areas in Tekes’ strategy. Tekes programmes have been contributing to
changes in the Finnish innovation environment for twenty years.

Copyright Tekes 2012. All rights reserved.

This publication includes materials protected under copyright law, the copyright for which is held by
Tekes or a third party. The materials appearing in publications may not be used for commercial purposes.
The contents of publications are the opinion of the writers and do not represent the official position of Tekes.
Tekes bears no responsibility for any possible damages arising from their use. The original source must be
mentioned when quoting from the materials.

ISSN 1797-7339
ISBN 978-952-457-544-7

Cover image: Kalleheikki Kannisto

Page layout: DTPage Oy
Printers: Erweko Oy, Helsinki 2012


Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, is the most important
public financier for research, development and innovation in Finland. Tekes’s achievement
of its objectives is monitored through impact analyses and studies. This report describes
how Tekes has succeeded in building capabilities for innovation activities, which is one
of its key objectives. This objective is also strongly linked with those associated with com-
petence base and internationalization of innovation activities.
The given assignment was especially challenging because there are no proven
methodologies available to measure the impact of public financed actions in capability
building. Capabilities for innovation cannot be easily quantified but have to be observed
indirectly. Thus establishing valid causal relationship is difficult and measuring the devel-
opment of innovation capabilities is prone to misinterpretations.
The study was carried out by doctor Johan Wallin and his team at Synocus Ltd. A
great deal of their work, as well as discussions at the steering group, was devoted to de-
veloping a conceptual model for understanding the role of development activities in
innovation capability building. The evaluation team succeeded in producing a concep-
tual framework that serves well the evaluation of the Tekes’s operations impact. The ap-
plied methodology might provide a useful tool for future analyses of innovation policy
impact as well.
On behalf of the steering group, I would like to express warm thanks to the Synocus
evaluation team for their creative problem solving and rigorous work in producing cred-
ible outcome for this impact study.

Helsinki, 29 March 2012

Antti Valle
Head of Division, chairman of the steering group
The Ministry of Employment and the Economy


1 Background.........................................................................................................................................8
2 Conceptual foundation.......................................................................................................... 10
2.1 An open systems view on innovation.......................................................................................10
2.2 Capability-based competition Exel vs. One Way Sport..................................................13
2.3 The emergence of innovation capabilities............................................................................15
2.4 Providing innovation support services.....................................................................................17
2.5 A process model for innovation capability building........................................................23
2.6 Pre-market capabilities and the role of key individuals.................................................26
3 The Finnish innovation system........................................................................................ 27
3.1 A brief overview of the Finnish economy...............................................................................27
3.2 The organizational structure of the Finnish innovation system...............................29
3.3 The Finnish innovation system in international comparison.....................................33
3.4 The role of Tekes in the Finnish innovation system..........................................................33
3.5 A framework for innovation system anatomy......................................................................35
4 International comparisons.................................................................................................. 38
4.1 Innovation support strategies........................................................................................................39
4.2 Clusters and networks.........................................................................................................................39
4.3 Performance measurement............................................................................................................40
4.4 Innovation capability building.......................................................................................................41
4.5 Summarizing the comparisons.....................................................................................................43
5 Innovation analysis.................................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Innovation capabilities vs. Tekes financing and operating methods....................45
5.1.1 Who is being funded by Tekes?.......................................................................................45
5.1.2 What is being funded by Tekes?.....................................................................................51
5.1.3 How is Tekes funding provided?.....................................................................................57
5.2 Tekes’s influence on the generation of intellectual capital..........................................60
5.3 Continuous monitoring and measurement of Tekes’s performance.....................65
5.4 The new imperatives for innovation support.......................................................................69
6 Conclusions...................................................................................................................................... 74
References.................................................................................................................................................. 78

1. The Oulu region as a high-tech center.....................................................................................80
2. Country studies.......................................................................................................................................85
Sweden...................................................................................................................................................... 100
Switzerland.............................................................................................................................................. 108
3. Case studies............................................................................................................................................ 114
Tekes – strengthening generative capabilities................................................................. 114
CVOPS – The Virtual Operating System................................................................... 114
Valio – Lactose-free milk................................................................................................... 115
Nexstim – Leader in navigated stimulation of the brain.............................. 117
Sintrol – Quality in process industry measurement........................................ 118
GreenStream Network – Asset management in green investments....... 119
Tekes – nurturing ecosystems.................................................................................................... 120
Tekla – Modeling built structures................................................................................ 120
Normet – For tough jobs in mining and tunneling......................................... 122
The Switch – Renewable energy transformation.............................................. 124
Beneq – Advanced knowledge in thin film manufacturing....................... 127
Smartum – Pioneering service vouchers............................................................... 129
4. List of interviewees............................................................................................................................ 132
5. Concluding assessment in Finnish........................................................................................... 133
Tekes’ Reviews in English............................................................................................................. 135

Tekes is the most important public or- The third objective, building inno- ties may evolve if the right set of activ-
ganization financing research, devel- vation capabilities is the focus of this ities is carried out. Using this model it
opment and innovation in Finland. In report, which evaluates what impact will subsequently be possible to identi-
2010, it provided more than €600 mil- Tekes has had historically on building fy some preliminary hypotheses about
lion in grants and loans. In its strategy innovation capabilities in Finland, and which innovation support activities are
Tekes has identified four objectives: what impact Tekes could have on nur- most important, and then look to veri-
turing innovation capability-building in fy these hypotheses through case stud-
Productivity and renewal the future. ies and surveys among leading actors in
•• sustainable growth, which requires Capability building within a com- the Finnish innovation system.
increased productivity and renewal pany or network cannot be easi- The Capabilities for Innovation Ac-
of the industrial life ly quantified. Unlike e.g. productivity, tivities – impact study, will also serve as
capabilities for innovation cannot be a tool in evaluating Tekes’s productivi-
Wellbeing of humans and measured as easily as dividing output ty/impact, and provide a foundation for
the environment
by the quantity of resources used, but successive future assessments of Tekes’s
•• effective specific measures will be im- have to be observed indirectly. A great operations. As guidance for the study
plemented to improve the wellbeing deal of ambiguity is involved, making the first steering meeting raised the fol-
of humans and the environment measuring the development of inno- lowing questions:
vation capabilities prone to misinter- •• How does the research community’s
Capabilities for innovation activities pretations and error. Thus, for exam- expertise influence innovation capa-
•• more skills that can be utilized and ple, econometric analysis is of little bility building in the long run?
enhanced in research and innova- help, as establishing valid causal rela- •• How to assess the question of “knowl-
tion networks tionship that can be operationalized is edge spill-over effects” to other in-
very difficult. dustries and sectors outside of the
Tekes of the future The approach taken in this impact original target? Other studies have
•• an inspiring, influential and respon­ study is to develop a conceptual mod- indicated that half of the benefits of
sible actor. el for understanding how the capabili- Tekes’s activities are in this category.

•• If the focus is on the explicit capabil- •• The definition of results of innova- •• The dynamic capability perspective
ities of enterprises (companies and tion cannot be limited to new of- (Teece et al 1997, Helfat 1997, Eisen-
public organizations), how to ac- ferings, but must also include new hardt, Martin, 2000, Winter, 2003, Hel-
count for more general infrastructure types of network constellations, busi- fat et al 2007, Teece, 2009) is biased
impacts due to Tekes interventions? ness models and alterations to exist- towards a firm-centric view on inno-
Building human, structural and rela- ing networks and business models vation, and subsequently the impact
tional capital can take place in more as these are also evidence of innova- study must also employ complemen-
subtle ways, whereby its impact can tion. Especially when considering the tary perspectives.
only be recognized ex-post. Especial- public sector these forms of innova-
ly research-based interventions by tions are important. How to take this With these considerations as a basis the
Tekes aim to create this form of im- into account? next chapter will introduce the concep-
pact. This implies that there is also a tual framework for the study.
need for an assessment of how the
preconditions for innovative behav-
ior are created, considering also the
geographical perspective; both do-
mestically and internationally.

Conceptual foundation
When evaluating Tekes’s impact on in- 2.1 An open systems view tice are difficult to develop and deploy
novation capabilities, it is necessary to on innovation (Teece, 2007).
agree upon a set of basic definitions A firm can be characterized as an
and a conceptual framework on the ba- In today’s business world most com- open system of asset stocks and flows
sis of which it will be possible to discuss panies and institutions create value (Dierickx and Cool, 1989).The model of
Tekes’s impact. These definitions will be through extended networks of organi- the firm as an open system presented
introduced in this chapter. This chapter zations that cooperate and compete si- in Figure 1 has its origin in a model, de-
will proceed as follows. multaneously. Such extended networks veloped by Sanchez and Heene (1996)1,
In the following section we will use of firms can also be called business eco- and was originally presented in Wallin
an open-systems approach to opera- systems, communities consisting of organ- (2000). The model of the firm as an open
tionalize the notion of capabilities for izations, institutions and individuals that system can be summarized to consist
this impact study, resulting in the cat- impact the nodal enterprise and its cus- of three parts: the purpose (values and
egorization of capabilities into four op- tomers and suppliers (Teece, 2009, p. 16). goals), the recipes (the business model)
erational and three leadership capabili- Ecosystems link one firm’s com- and the value creating processes.
ties. We will then use the example of Ex- petences or resources to those of oth- The origins of the model of the
el and One Way Sport to illustrate how er firms in order to draw on a broader firm as an open system can be located
capability building resulted in a process range of competences, to acquire de- in the value-creating business process-
innovation, which radically altered the sired competences more quickly or to es through which the firm-addressable
market for ski-poles in Europe. This will extend the reach of current compe- resources and customers are coupled
address the question: What are capabili- tences into new competitive domains. together. To be able to provide value to
ties? Having thoroughly discussed what For a firm to sustain superior per- customers the firm develops and deliv-
capabilities are we will then proceed to formance in an open economy with ers offerings, which require activities to
address the question: Where do capa- rapid innovation and dispersed sourc- develop technology, assets, systems, ca-
bilities come from? Here we will use es of invention, innovation, and manu- pabilities and competences. These ac-
the case of Oulu and its emergence facturing capabilities it must shape the tivities are planned for according to the
as a leading innovation hub in infor- ‘rules of the game’ within the ecosys- priorities set within the business model.
mation and communication technolo- tem. This is the result of co-evolution The business model is under con-
gy to explain how capabilities emerge. and complex interaction between the stant re-evaluation, as the environment
The remainder of this chapter will use ecosystem participants and involves in which the firm exists is dynamic. For
these examples to enrich the present- learning, interpretation, and creative ac- the firm, customers represent a very im-
ed high-level framework for supporting tivity. However, the micro-foundations mediate contact with the external en-
the building of innovation capabilities. necessary to make this work in prac- vironment. Other actors within the val-

1 Sanchez and Heene (1996) connect their model to earlier works on the systems behavior of firms (Ashby, 1956, Forrester, 1961, 1968, Simon,
1969, Dierickx and Cool, 1989, Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1990)

Figure 1. The firm as an open system (Wallin, 2000)

The border of the firm

Contextual Information flows

listening Environment

Contextual Requirements on
Technology, Assets, Systems, Capabilities
and Competences
Culturing Business Transactional
“Purpose” Modeling Transactional Environment
“Recipes” Environmental analysis

Corporate Values Transactional Requirements on Constellations
Technology, Assets, Systems,
Capabilities and Competences

Business Model Coordination Customers


Technology, Activities to Develop Value Creation

Assets, Systems, Capability, Technology, Assets, Systems, Offering
Competence and Offering Capabilities, Competences
Development Plan and Offerings
Resources, internal

Resources, external

ue constellation, such as co-suppliers port, and are often key elements in, el. Thus the firm’s prospects of attaining
(which can also be competitors) also making the right decisions. Business its goals are critically dependent on its
provide the firm with feedback infor- intelligence activities evaluate the re- ability to manage the systemic interde-
mation, based on which the firm will quirements of technology, assets, sys- pendency of its own internal resources
consider a possible redesign of its busi- tems, capabilities and competences im- and processes, as well as their open-sys-
ness model. posed on the firm. These business intel- tem interfaces, with external resources.
A firm must make decisions about ligence activities can be categorized in- Management controls the pro-
which resources to develop, access and to contextual listening and transaction- cesses within the organization it man-
deploy. These decisions are influenced al environmental analysis. Business in- ages and in this sense holds power
by external and internal environmental telligence and decision making togeth- over internal issues. Management lis-
factors, including the desires or actions er form the business modeling process. tens to (Crozier, 1989) and influences
of customers and other stakeholders2. The business modeling process is high- the transactional environment. This ca-
Therefore, business intelligence activ- ly influenced by the corporate values, pability of “listening” to contextual en-
ities – getting information about, and as well as the perceptions of managers, vironments gains management atten-
feedback from, the firm’s transaction- board, and other stakeholders affecting tion as business becomes more com-
al and contextual environments – sup- decision making on the business mod- plex and it becomes necessary to an-

2 van der Heijden (1996) and Freeman (1984) have categorized the stakeholders of the firm into five groups: suppliers, employees, competitors,
money providers and the government. de Geus (1997) emphasizes the importance of recognizing the firm in itself as a stakeholder.

ticipate discontinuities and to try to act relate to the lower-order system ele- ties: the firm’s capability to develop and
in advance of their full impact (Utter- ments or the higher-order system ele- maintain relationships with its custom-
back, 1994, p. 220). ments of the firm as an open system. ers (relationship capability), the firm’s
The model of the firm as an open The notion of higher-order and lower- capability to design products that de-
system separates value distribution order control loops (or feedback flows) liver value to customers (transformative
and value creation. Value distribution is introduced by Sanchez and Heene capability), the capability to create new
guided by the corporate values, which (1996) is here adapted to the categori- kinds of product performance (gener-
can be defined as follows: zation of capabilities. Higher-order con- ative capability) and the capability to
Corporate values are generalized, trol loops are those monitoring and ad- deploy both firm-specific and firm-ad-
but relatively enduring and consistent pri- justing asset stocks and flows and gov- dressable resources (integrative capa-
orities of what the firm wants to be (Zet- erning changes in a firm’s manageri- bility). These four capabilities are called
terberg, 1992). al cognitions. Lower-order system ele- operational capabilities.
The corporate values address two ments refer to tangible assets, opera- The firm also has capabilities that
basic questions: tions and products (ibid.). relate to “higher-order system ele-
•• who are the main stakeholders of the The value-creation processes rep- ments”. These higher-order systems are
firm and in which order shall they be resent the “lower-order elements” of culturing, business modeling, and coor-
served? the firm. Viewing customers as “co-pro- dination. These capabilities can also be
•• how shall each stakeholder be served ducers” helps to identify four capabili- called leadership capabilities.
according to the corporate values?
Figure 2. A categorization of capabilities (Wallin, 2000)
The business model in turn defines
how value is created by establishing
the recipes and organizational rou-
Business modeling
tines for the value-creating processes Culturing capability capability
of the firms.  Socialization  Absorptive capacity
The business model defines the val-  Role modeling  Conceptualizing
ue-creation priorities of the firm in respect
to the utilization of both internal and ex- Coordination capability
ternal resources for the purpose of cre-  Change management
 Constellation management
ating value for and with customers. The  Internal coordination
business model is in itself subject to con-
tinual review as a response to actual and
possible changes in perceived business
conditions. (Wallin, 2000) Integrative Relationship
In the here presented model of the capability capability
firm as an open system corporate val-
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
ues are superimposed on the business  External integration  Customer linking
model and the business model is su-
perimposed on the value-creating pro-
cesses. To address how the firm actually Generative capability Transformative capability
mobilizes resources to create value we
 Innovation  Offering design
need to operationalize the notion of ca-  Execution
An organization’s capabilities can
be categorized based on whether they

The categorization of capabilities lost its position as market leader in the networking both up and down stream.
suggested here would thus consist of ski pole business is an illuminating case. From the perspective of the sports re-
seven categories: relationship, trans- tailer, the concept they put togeth-
formative, generative, integrative, cul- 2.2 Capability-based er provided exactly the same techni-
turing, business modeling and coordi- competition Exel vs. cal products and delivery conditions
nation capability (see Figure 2). One Way Sport that Exel could offer. But thanks to its
The innovation capability of the outsourced production One Way Sport
firm can also be approached in a differ- Companies must increasingly evaluate could provide a significantly lower price
ent way based upon what types of re- their innovation possibilities in a global level.
sources affect the formation of the ca- context, considering what resource in- The capabilities of Exel and One
pabilities. The intellectual capital per- puts to mobilize for the value creation Way Sport are depicted in Figure 3. The
spective takes this perspective, and di- in order to be cost competitive. If this distinctive capabilities are indicated in
vides the capabilities into three sub cat- perspective is not taken into account, red. For One Way Sport the leadership
egories: the capabilities that once proved to be capabilities are in purple to indicate
•• human capital, or capabilities associ- superior for innovation may become that they are not directly comparable
ated with persons, obsolete in a very short time. to the coordination capability of Exel,
•• structural capital, or capabilities con- In Finland such a challenge was but instead there is a broader scope of
tained in systems, structures and op- imposed upon Exel in the ski-pole busi- leadership within One Way Sport com-
erating methods, ness. Exel had introduced the first com- pared to Exel.
•• relational capital, or capabilities that posite based cross-country ski poles in As the examples of Exel and One
are part of interaction, networks and 1973. Its product became the leading Way Sport show, it is difficult for an in-
images. ski-pole and entering the 2000s most cumbent company to adapt to a sit-
Olympic medals in skiing were won by uation in which its market position is
For an innovation agency the ambition athletes using Exel poles. threatened by a business orchestrator
is to be able to promote the develop- In 2004 a new company, One Way able to radically change the rules of the
ment of each set of capabilities form- Sport, entered the ski-pole business. game. The way Exel felt the pain is well
ing the intellectual capital. This then re- Right from the start One Way Sport illustrated in its 2007 annual report:
quires that one examines the mecha- used Chinese manufacturing and large •• The development of Exel Sports Brands
nisms through which capabilities are international wholesalers for its distri- was highly unsatisfactory in 2007. Sales
developed and, consequently, iden- bution. This enabled One Way Sport to declined and a continued big loss was
tifies policy actions that can promote operate the sales of half a million skiing recorded. Net sales decreased 29.2%.
their development. and trekking poles sold in more than Exel Sports Brands’ operating loss was
As an innovation agency primarily twenty countries with less than twenty EUR -10.7 compared with EUR -9.4 mil-
is interested in the emergence of radi- people. For each distributer it could of- lion last year. Lower sales and low prices
cal innovations, this implies that there is fer a customized solution at a very com- from sales of old inventory had a nega-
a need to simultaneously develop hu- petitive price. tive impact on the margins.
man, structural, and relational capital in One Way Sport built its business
successful innovation initiatives. Subse- model without any own strong techno- The lesson to be learnt from this is that
quently the two perspectives on capa- logical basis. Instead its founders, sea- even during times when the company
bilities have to be interlinked: the cat- soned executives from the sports in- performs well it should start to prepare
egorization of capabilities and intellec- dustry, were well connected both with for a shift towards a more outwardly di-
tual capital. suppliers in Asia, and with the large dis- rected perspective. When Exel was fac-
To illustrate how the capabilities tribution chains in Europe. Using these ing the new form of competition from
view provides new insights into how connections they were able to design One Way Sport it could not reconfigure
competition is playing out, the way Exel a business model that was based on its capability base fast enough to match

Figure 3. Capability portfolios of Exel and One Way Sport

Exel; generator One Way Sport; orchestrator


 Strong technology  Technology  Finnish knowledge in  Distribution-
and products leadership global networks driven expansion
 Financial control
 Strategic agility

External External


 Distributors such
 Three production
 Only limited  Distributors as Marimekko
subcontracting  Athletes
partners in China  Sport goods
 Website produced manufacturers
in Estonia for white labeling
Resources Markets Resources Markets
 Own composite  Distribution knowledge
 Elite sports products  Sports equipment  An orchestrated
technology  Cooperation with know-how international
 Strong quality and
athletes  Branding multi-actor network
technology image
 Strong personal

Internal Internal

the orchestrated, more cost effective The Oslo Manual presents four •• network-related activities, primari-
business model offered by One Way categories of factors relating to inno- ly related to science and technology
Sport. In 2008, Exel completely with- vations: institutions, and
drew from the sports business. •• business enterprises (“firms”), •• contextual activities.
The comparison of One Way Sport •• science and technology institutions,
and Exel raises the question of what ac- •• the surrounding environment of in- In addition to these three sets of activi-
tually forms an innovation. In seeking stitutions, legal arrangements, mac- ties, the way that these activities are in-
to define what an innovation is, a dis- roeconomic settings, and other con- terlinked is also of importance, i.e. the
tinction between inventions and in- ditions that exist regardless of any “issue of transfer and absorption of
novations is often made. For an inven- considerations of innovation, and technology, knowledge and skills”. In
tion to be called an innovation it has •• issues of transfer and absorption of this chapter, the nodal firm commer-
to be commercialized on the market technology, knowledge and skills. cializing the innovation will serve as
by a business or equivalent (OECD Os- the unit of analysis. The other actors
lo Manual, 2005). The Oslo Manual cat- Based on these prerequisites we can contributing to the capability building
egorizes innovations into four types: (i) identify three sets of activities that sup- and actual commercialization of the in-
product and service (offering); (ii) or- port innovations, and subsequently the novation constitute the network sur-
ganizational; (iii) process, and (iv) mar- building of innovation capabilities: rounding and supporting the nodal
keting innovations. •• firm-related activities, firm. The firm and the network togeth-

Figure 4. A high-level framework for innovation capability building support



Nodal firm
Business modeling
Culturing capability capability
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing

Coordination capability
 Change management
 Constellation management
 Internal coordination

Integrative Relationship
capability capability

 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
 External integration  Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

 Innovation  Offering design


The new
Business modeling
Culturing capability capability
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing

Coordination capability
 Change management
 Constellation management
 Internal coordination



 Internal integration
 External integration

 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

 Innovation  Offering design



er form a business ecosystem. Capabili- er costs. In such a case the innovation •• Considering the alternative roles in-
ties then exist, and can be built, both at has been a process innovation, which novation agencies can have for firms
the level of the firm, and at the level of has altered the competitive set-up to in their orchestrated ecosystems,
the network. the advantage of the innovator. Sub- what implications does this have on
The innovation support activities sequently we can present a high level firm and innovation agency manage-
are provided by a multitude of actors, model for how innovation support, ca- ment?
of which the national innovation agen- pability building and innovation are in-
cy, in the case of Finland: Tekes, is only terrelated according to Figure 4. Appendix 1 contains a detailed case
one organization supporting the build- analysis of how the Oulu region has
ing of capabilities for innovation. It is al- 2.3 The emergence of benefitted from a fruitful collaboration
so important to notice that the innova- innovation capabilities between public and private actors. The
tion support activities may be provided evolution of the Oulu region seems to
by both public and private actors, and This role of national and local innova- verify the observation by Porter (1990)
the way that these support activities are tion agencies as active alliance part- that serendipity shapes industry struc-
provided in different countries may vary ners to individual firms has received ture and plays an important role in shift-
quite significantly. some recognition in the strategy liter- ing competitive advantage in many in-
We will use the notion of “offering” ature (see e.g. Harwit, 1995, Peng, 2000, dustries. In this respect the discovery
to operationalize the innovation. The of- Wallin, Su, 2010) raising two questions of valuable strategic opportunity is of-
fering can be a product, a service or a of particular interest for this study: ten a matter of ‘serendipity’ in the strict
combination of both. The offering can •• How can national and local innova- sense – not just luck, but effort and luck
introduce new attributes to the market, tion agencies support firms creating joined by alertness and flexibility. (Den-
but it can also be a copy of an existing value through co-specialization and rell et al. 2003)
offering provided at substantially low- ecosystem orchestration?

Porter also treats the role of entre- ization has, for Oulu, provided a basis for cles and resistance. They ensured that
preneurs in his description of the “dia- success and continuous adaptation as the university was established in the
mond” (Porter, 1990, p. 125) conclud- the market conditions have changed. region and that the government de-
ing that differences in territorial envi- Similarly, Porter’s claim (ibid, p. 635) cided to localize the electronic labo-
ronments have an impact on the prob- that there is only a limited role for co- ratories in Oulu, in spite of the objec-
ability that invention and entrepreneur- operative research is difficult to sup- tions laid out by the officials in Helsin-
ship will occur. port using the findings from Oulu. Por- ki. All these individuals shared the vi-
In light of the case of Oulu it is al- ter seems to see collaboration as an im- sion that Oulu should become an im-
so easy to agree with Porter (ibid.) that pediment to competitiveness. How- portant player in electrical engineer-
one key role of the government is to in- ever, the development of the ICT-sec- ing. However, it was not enough that
fluence each of the four determinants tor in Oulu suggests that due to mutu- these leading actors were bright indi-
of the diamond: (i) factor conditions, (ii) al collaboration the commercial actors viduals and shared a common vision.
firm strategy, structure, and rivalry, (iii) have learned from each other, agreed What really made a difference was that
demand conditions, and (iv) related and on roles and responsibilities, and sub- they were able to individually and col-
supporting industries. sequently each actor has become more lectively generate concrete results.
In Oulu’s case we can see that the competitive in his own field. This mu- One such result was the contribution
government has actively tried to pro- tually reinforcing learning process to the decision by Nokia to establish
mote the factor conditions by localiz- seems to have continued successfully its production of radio equipment in
ing the university and the electronics throughout the whole period. Oulu in 1972. Another was the estab-
laboratory of the state owned Techni- Based on the above observation, lishing of the electronics laboratory of
cal Research Center in Oulu. In this way, we can see that the initiation of a ma- VTT in Oulu in 1974. Finally, a third very
one can say, that the policy of the Finn- jor change in a local commercial sector important factor was Seppo Säynäjä-
ish government has been successful as is, to a high degree, influenced by ser- kangas’ decision to bring his scientific
it has promoted an industry where the endipity. In the case of Oulu very few knowledge into a successful business
underlying determinants of national could have foreseen in the 1950s that in the form of Polar Electro.
advantage were present, and govern- the establishing of the university would, All these contributions can be seen
mental actions reinforced the positive in the early 1970s, be an instrumental to have originated from the steadfast
development. These activities have cre- factor in attracting Nokia, which in turn actions of a few key individuals. But
ated an advantageous context for the would mark the beginning of the rapid once these results were achieved the
ICT-sector to grow in Finland. expansion of the ICT-sector in the Ou- Oulu phenomenon was established;
Porter (ibid, p. 581) suggests that lu region. and its dependence on single individ-
it is often “outsiders” to the firms, the in- However, the Oulu case also shows uals diminished. Through the knowl-
dustry, and the established social struc- that once some minimum critical re- edge development path (Laamanen,
ture that are the catalysts for innovation. quirements have been established, the Wallin, 2009) initiated by a few individu-
The case of Oulu seems to state the op- evolution of an industry in a region is als, Oulu evolved into a true knowledge
posite. Over a period of more than thir- dependent on the existence of strong pool or competence center. This evolu-
ty years a very small society has proven individuals that will provide the means tion positioned Oulu as an institution in
to be able to come up with an aston- to attract additional individuals shar- the ICT-sector. This institutionalization
ishing stream of innovations that has ing the common objective of making was further strengthened in the 1990s
created a number of new companies the region competitive in the particu- through the role of Nokia. One could
and recognized outputs, both scientif- lar cluster. argue that Nokia initially came to Ou-
ically and in the form of commercially In the case of Oulu there were in- lu because of the presence of a certain
successful products and services. Sub- dividuals who, almost fanatically, drove critical mass of knowledge, but over the
sequently collaboration and co-special- their case in spite of potential obsta- last twenty years, Nokia has had an im-

Figure 5. The emergence of innovation capabilities in a region strategic thinking which need to be re-
thought when shifting the perspective
Attracting knowledge Attracting knowledge towards one of dynamic capabilities
flows, institutionalization flows, institutionalization
(see Figure 6). When considering the
Phase 4: Institutionalized relationship between a firm and an in-
knowledge center novation agency, five aspects of Figure
6 are of particular interest: ecosystems,
Knowledge Local Knowledge
complementary assets, co-specializa-
stocks orchestration generation
tion and co-evolution, asset orchestra-
Phase 3: Results from tion, and path dependency.
eknowledge creation
To address the question of how in-
novation support services are provided
Phase 2: Individuals Supporting Phase 2: Individuals
we will use the experiences from Ou-
attract individuals infrastructure attract individuals
lu as our starting point, but to broad-
Phase 1: Serendipity en the perspective we will first exam-
ine another successful case, outside Fin-
Attracting knowledge Attracting knowledge land, to complement the observations
flows, initialization flows, initialization from Oulu. This second case is well doc-
umented in the literature and describes
how Volkswagen established its opera-
portant role in shaping how the Ou- chain frameworks (Porter, 1980, 1985). tions in Shanghai (Harwit, 1995, Peng,
lu region has developed. This verifies Teece (2008) has presented an illustra- 2000).
that once a region’s cluster achieves or tion of the fundamental elements in
surpasses a certain threshold of tangi-
ble commercial results, the knowledge
stocks of the region reach critical mass, Figure 6. The dynamic capability perspective vs. five forces (Teece, 2008)
where after, the knowledge is institu-
tionalized and its dependence on a few OLD (FIVE FORCES & VALUE CHAIN) NEW (DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES)
critical individuals diminishes. Industry Ecosystems
Supplier Power Switching costs/lock-in
The findings from the Oulu devel-
Buyer Power Switching costs/lock-in?
opment can be summarized according
Intra-industry Inter-Industry competition
to Figure 5, which uses the Dierickx and Barriers to entry Isolating mechanism/imitability/appropriability
Cool (1989) notion of knowledge stocks Substitutes Substitutes and complements
to describe how capabilities emerge in Product market position Intangible assets/Intellectual capital position
a regional context. Strategic fit Evolutionary fitness/co-specialization
Generic strategies Contingent strategies
Equilibrium Disequilibrium/oppostunity
2.4 Providing innovation ∅ Complementary assets/platforms
support services ∅ supporting institutions
∅ The dynamic capability view recognizes: Co-specialization and co-evolution
As the example of Oulu shows we need ∅ Operations management, knowledge n-sided markets
to expand our understanding of com- management, IP Strategy, and business
∅ model design, which are not included Network effects
petitive strategy and strategic choic- ∅ in the value chain framework. Business models
es beyond the positioning alternatives ∅ Asset orchestration
suggested by the five forces and value ∅ Paradigms/path dependency

CASE: Volkswagen – Shanghai investments needed to reach German car model for the Chinese market in
cooperation standards as the joint venture initially their city. The car companies in turn saw
The first talks between western car needed merely a few thousand items that such a proposal was unrealistic, as
manufacturers and the Chinese gov- - only 8,031 Volkswagen Santanas were the know-how needed to set up the
ernment began in the late 1970s. A de- produced in 1986. Still the rate of lo- complete local manufacturing was sim-
cision was made to establish joint ven- calization at Shanghai Volkswagen was ply not present in the city region, and
tures in three cities, with three differ- comparable to those of other joint ven- moving quickly into such large scale lo-
ent western car manufacturers: Amer- tures. It more than doubled its local cal production was not an alternative,
ican Jeep manufacturer AMC in Bei- content during 1988–1989. By the end as the risks were far too great. This high-
jing, French Peugeot in Guangdong, of 1989, the Santana model contained lights the dilemma of exploitation ver-
and German Volkswagen in Shanghai. more than 30 percent local compo- sus exploration, where public authori-
Retrospectively the most successful nents, and after only eight years of op- ties and firms easily diverge in their per-
of these three initiatives was Volkswa- erations, Shanghai Volkswagen eventu- spectives.
gen’s. The well documented case study ally reached an 85 percent local content In his seminal paper March (1991)
of Volkswagen’s entry into Shanghai is level by 1993, thus attaining the highest framed the discussion of exploration
therefore a good basis for the genera- localization levels among the three Chi- and exploitation in the context of a sin-
tion of some deeper understanding of nese automotive joint-ventures. gle organization. However, if the unit of
how the cooperation between local au- Volkswagen was fortunate in that analysis is the network some new pos-
thorities and firms can promote innova- the Shanghai local government of- sibilities open up. As the Volkswagen
tion and growth. ten sided with its position. The reason example illustrates the public sector is
Although the Shanghai Volkswa- that the local government in Shanghai very interested in exploration. The firms
gen contract was signed in 1984, pre- showed a strong interest in the joint in turn are reluctant to take risks they
liminary talks had already started in venture was the enterprise’s growing cannot manage, and therefore want
1978, with Shanghai municipal offi- importance. Its production crossed the to be able to get immediate returns as
cials taking an active role in the nego- 100,000 mark by 1993. In the mid-1990s, quickly as possible. In the contract be-
tiations. The Chinese pressed the idea Shanghai Volkswagen was the largest tween Volkswagen and Shanghai this
of a new model for export, but the Ger- Sino-foreign joint venture in China, and was also explicitly recognized, as ex-
mans insisted on importing complete- was listed as a “pillar firm” in Shanghai’s ploring and building new capabilities
ly knocked down (CKD) kits of their ex- development plan. Reaching a capac- was the responsibility of the city, where-
isting Santana model for local assem- ity of 300,000 vehicles in 1997, it con- as Volkswagen was responsible for the
bly. Before the contract was signed, tributed up to 17 percent of municipal manufacturing, i.e. the exploitation part.
Volkswagen proposed a trial operation output, and captured 52 percent of the This suggests that when entering coop-
in Shanghai in order to demonstrate its sedan market in China. eration with a public agency, the firm is
commitment. It shipped CKD kits to the primarily interested in exploiting avail-
Shanghai Automotive Industrial Corpo- Firm expectations of innovation able resources and capabilities in order
ration (SAIC), its future partner, and lo- support services to rapidly generate profits from the co-
cal workers assembled them. In 1983, The first observation from the Volkswa- operation. The public agency in turn is
some 430 vehicles were produced, fol- gen case, which is also confirmed by more interested in explorative activities,
lowed by about 450 in 1984. The trial the two other cases of AMC and Peuge- which would create unique local capa-
proved largely successful. ot, is that the firm and the city basically bilities that would increase the attrac-
Indeed, finding qualified Chinese approached the cooperation with two tiveness of the region and create new
suppliers was difficult. After decades of different agendas. The cities wanted to jobs and regional growth.
isolation, many suppliers were unfamil- rapidly get new local business, and in- But as the Volkswagen case illus-
iar with Volkswagen’s high standards. sisted that the western partner estab- trates, in spite of these diverging in-
Furthermore, they balked at the large lish the manufacturing of a totally new itial objectives, a common path for-

ward had to be found. A catalyzing el- firms to quickly bring new knowledge lu show; firms will not base their deci-
ement in reconciling the dilemma was flows to the region in order to increase sions solely on history, but, to a great
the suggestion by Volkswagen to carry the size of the local stock of knowledge extent, also evaluate what possible con-
out a demonstration initiative, where- and make it more attractive. tributions the region can bring to them
by a limited number of CKD Santanas The firm in turn wants the public in the future, and strengthen the firm’s
were produced by the local partner in agency to act as an agent towards oth- ecosystem.
Shanghai, SAIC, in the years 1983 and er stakeholders, domestically or inter- However, the public agencies pri-
1984. These types of trials have been nationally, in order to promote its own marily want to develop network capa-
identified as important steps in bridg- interests and speed up growth. As the bilities that will attract new entrants
ing the gap between exploration and Volkswagen case illustrated, the city and create new jobs. This requires that
exploitation elements in regional inno- government of Shanghai often sided the region possesses certain “pre-mar-
vation by Cooke et al (2010), who in- with Volkswagen in possible disputes ket capabilities” that firms then can as-
troduce the notion of examination to with the national government, which similate into their own capability port-
deal with the stage of experimentation promoted Volkswagen’s interests in the folio to speed up their development.
in the innovation process. Examination larger business context in order to make When developing pre-market capabil-
refers to the important testing and tri- its business more competitive. ities a clear nodal enterprise doesn’t
aling process, which is the bridge be- In the case of Volkswagen it was necessary exist, and therefore one can
tween exploration and exploitation. The possible within a period of eight years use the notion of a value constellation
recent emphasis on demonstration pro- to build a supplier base that provided to describe such networks (Normann,
jects, test beds, and living labs is an ex- 85% of the content of the Santana local- Ramírez, 1994, p. 54):
ample of operationalizing the examina- ly. This offered Volkswagen a competi- Value constellations are formed by
tion phase. In the examination phase, or tive advantage, as the higher degree enterprises coming together to co-pro-
in the case of Volkswagen, during the of local content meant lower total cost duce value and allocate the tasks involved
demonstration initiative, there is the of production, and a more competitive in value creation among themselves and
possibility to test and explore various al- end product. Subsequently Volkswagen to others, in time and space, explicitly or
ternatives, and gradually build trust be- became the automotive market leader implicitly.
tween the involved parties. A demon- in China, and has since maintained its The notion of “enterprise” here re-
stration initiative reconciles the funda- position. fers to both private companies and
mental differences in interest between Nonetheless, the City of Shanghai public organizations (e.g. municipali-
the public agency and a firm, providing also benefited from this relationship. ties and educational/research organi-
a way for the parties to figure out com- The Jiading district in the northwest- zations).
mon interests and simultaneously build ern part of Shanghai, where SAIC and The development in Oulu illus-
mutual trust. Volkswagen established its first facto- trates how the explorative research re-
The differences in interest between ry, has become known as the Interna- lated to radio technology provided the
the two parties cannot be left aside, but tional Automobile City and is today Chi- necessary pre-market capabilities that
must be addressed and reconciled over na’s leading automotive center. In addi- were exploited by Nokia when setting
time. In the case of Volkswagen the fun- tion to Volkswagen, more than 100,000 up its own radio telephony unit in Oulu
damental challenge was that the Chi- enterprises have established their busi- in the early 1970s. Nokia in turn then es-
nese representatives had unrealistic ex- nesses in Jiading, many of them relat- tablished its own ecosystem-related ca-
pectations of how quickly the share of ed to the auto industry. So the collab- pability building efforts, which further
local content in the production of San- oration between Volkswagen and the strengthened the overall attractive-
tanas could be increased. This relates city of Shanghai has undoubtedly been ness of Oulu as a high-tech center. In
to the notion of knowledge stocks and a success for both parties. this way the explorative activities were
flows (Dierickx, Cool, 1989, Grant 1996). As both the example of Volkswa- primarily handled by the public sector:
In general, public agencies would like gen in Shanghai and Nokia in Ou- the city of Oulu, the University of Ou-

lu and the Technical Research Centre of question of what role the public au- vider of some central capabilities with-
Finland (VTT), and the exploitative ac- thorities can take in the company spe- in the ecosystem. Subsequently, the
tivities by the companies (Nokia and its cific ecosystem then becomes critical firm and the public agency can jointly
partners). when firms compare different locations. build a long-term win-win relationship.
In a setting where learning and This offers new perspectives for public This represents very tangible firm-relat-
building new capabilities is imperative agencies. As the configuration of capa- ed innovation support activities.
for the firm the importance of co-spe- bilities within the ecosystem has to be The more the firm sees the region
cialization increases. Traditionally firms mutually agreed upon, the public agen- as an innovation partner, the more it
expected regional authorities to be en- cy, as a proactive co-creator, can com- will appreciate the access to well edu-
ablers, providing smooth access to land, plement the orchestrating firm with cated professionals with the appropri-
buildings, skilled labor etc. Firms then not only operational capabilities but al- ate skills and the ability of the region
compared these production factors to so with leadership capabilities relating to support the firm with complex lo-
other alternatives, presented by “com- to the orchestration of the participants cal orchestration and leadership activ-
peting” regions, and the most attractive that are important in the ecosystem. ities. These are examples of network-re-
bundle was selected. If the firm was This expands the possibility of the pub- lated support services that an innova-
then established in the region, or ex- lic agency to support its most impor- tion agency can offer.
panded its activities in the region, on- tant corporate customers and provide Firms will thus have different ex-
ly limited interactions between the firm genuine additional value in the joint pectations vis-á-vis the innovation
and the regional agencies were expect- ecosystem-building efforts. The way the agency depending on how they con-
ed to take place. authorities in Shanghai had to nurture sider the balancing of exploitation and
Shifting from an industrial to a the emergence of a local supplier base, exploration in their strategy. For individ-
knowledge-based society means that capable of raising the local content of ual companies there is a reluctance to
firms must increasingly make their lo- the Santanas, is here a case in point. invest in explorative efforts that would
calization decisions based on the in- Innovation support service pro- need a lot of time to develop into con-
novation potential of respective loca- viders can thus support the firms in crete commercial opportunities. In-
tion. In the ecosystem logic of co-spe- various ways. The traditional support in novation support providers therefore
cialization this means that the parties the form of good infrastructures (land, have to be able to identify short-term
align their respective development ef- buildings, logistics, skilled labor etc.) is side effects that can quickly create tan-
forts on a more granular level, beyond still an important element when build- gible benefits for the involved compa-
the interfaces, in order to improve the ing long-term relationships with corpo- nies. From this perspective it is useful to
innovation processes. We can thus di- rate customers. Establishing an innova- think in terms of innovation platforms,
vide innovation processes into three tion friendly business context is also rel- which can facilitate the identification of
categories (Wallin, 2007, 2009): open in- evant. This traditional support may in- different alternatives for the respective
novation (very often used in the explo- clude different forms of financial incen- parties to benefit from new opportuni-
ration stage on ecosystem level), semi- tives such as tax breaks and subsidies. ties as they emerge. By defining a plat-
open innovation (applicable particular- But, in addition to this, the public sec- form as a set of stable components that
ly in demonstrations), and closed inno- tor is increasingly taking the role of the supports variety and evolvability in a sys-
vation (traditional in-house innovation, customer within the ecosystem. tem by constraining the linkages among
most often leading to incremental in- Certain industries, such as health the other components (Baldwin, Wood-
novations through the exploitation of care and education, have public in- ard, 2008) we can identify two types
existing knowledge when developing stitutions as some of the most impor- of innovation platforms, which may be
specific new products or services). tant customer segments, and the pub- partly overlapping.
Innovation increasingly takes lic agencies can serve as important pilot The constellation platform provid-
place in open or semi-open contexts customers in the demonstration phase. ed by a public organization, like e.g. the
with strong international linkages. The The public agency can also be a pro- innovation agency or a participating uni-

versity, primarily relates to exploration protect the value-creating potential of shape the learning processes within
and supports the scanning and search the ecosystem and support the provi- the ecosystem (Teece, 2009).
activities. sion of competitive offerings for cus- As the Volkswagen case revealed,
The orchestration platform, oper- tomers. Volkswagen divided the tasks into dif-
ated by the nodal firm, supports exploita- Ecosystem orchestration is a de- ferent categories, and the building of
tion (and exploration) by nurturing com- manding task, and it has been sug- an ecosystem of capable local suppliers
munication and engagement among the gested that companies mastering the was delegated to the city authorities of
members of the orchestrated ecosystem. complex competencies of network or- Shanghai. This also shows that the role
Cooke et al (2010) describe con- chestration have an opportunity to of the regional party can be that of co-
stellation platforms as combining reap the benefits of network syner- orchestrator, which has, thus far, not
many technologies that are adapta- gies. (Day, Schoemaker, 2011). Three been commonly discussed within the
ble across diverse industrial and tech- organizational and managerial objec- context of regional innovation.
nological contexts. Such platforms are tives must be met simultaneously: co- The collaboration between the
the result of what they call ‘cumula- ordination/integration, learning and firm and the innovation support provid-
tive’ and/or ‘combinatory’ knowledge reconfiguring. These are the core ele- er can, on a generic level, be illustrated
flows. They notice that knowledge ments forming the orchestration pro- in accordance with Figure 7.
flows can be seen as distributed wide- cess, which, proactively: (1) keeps co- As Figure 7 indicates, the ambition
ly on the horizontal dimension (across specialized assets in value-creating co- of the public sector is to support ex-
industries and sectors) as well as oper- alignment, (2) selects new co-special- plorative efforts within the broader val-
ating more conventionally on the ver- ized assets to be developed through ue constellations, supporting the emer-
tical dimension (within industries or the investment process and (3) di- gence of as many new innovations as
sectors) in a regional context. To distin- vests, or runs down, co-specialized possible during the path forward. The
guish these types of knowledge flow, assets that no longer help yield addi- firm’s interest is to be able to quick-
the terms ‘cumulative’ (sectoral) and tional value. The orchestration process ly assimilate some critical parts of the
‘combinatory’ (cross-sectoral) are intro- is entrepreneurial in its nature, and shared development efforts and inte-
duced. Constellation platforms are of- the manager/entrepreneur must also grate them with its own existing knowl-
ten open in their characteristics and by
definition they are governed by a pub- Figure 7. Public-private innovation collaboration
lic party in order to enable cross-fertili-
zation between industries and actors. A EXPLOITATION
key objective with such platforms is to
nurture experiments and trials among
Low High
actors that normally would not inter- E INNOVATION
act, and in this way create ‘combinato- X PUBLIC INTEREST
ry knowledge flows’ that are innovative P High  constellation building
interactions that are extra-sectoral, non- L  constellation platform
systemic and often involve unexpected O
discoveries. R
The ecosystem level or orchestra- A FIRM INTEREST
tion platform (Wallin, 2006), in turn is a T  orchestration
tool to nurture co-specialization and ca- I platform
pability building within the orchestrat- O Low  integration

ed ecosystem. Such a platform is in its N

nature semi-open, as part of the con-
tent is “for members only” in order to

edge in order to exploit this knowledge •• They foster systemic approaches search projects, or seed investment
in the form of new offerings, which can which address different social sub- in start-up activities. In addition, the
be successfully introduced to the mar- systems, framework conditions, polit- innovation agency can contribute
ket. Figure 7 also illustrates the interde- ical, commercial, technological sub- capabilities in the orchestrated eco-
pendence between the two sets of ac- systems, etc. system of the firm. Three types of ca-
tivities. The innovation activity, start- pabilities can be of value:
ing from the explorative efforts, ending The notion of challenge-driven innova- a. pre-market capabilities, which
in the right down corner and illustrat- tion emphasizes the broad perspective will speed up the building of
ed with the arrow get visually covered that a firm needs to take when evalu- “market” capabilities by the firm,
by the Demonstrations area. This illus- ating how appropriate a particular lo- b. operational capabilities, e.g. by
trates the non-linear property of the in- cation will be in the pursuit of address- taking responsibility for the in-
novation process, and how bridging the ing a grand challenge. But paradox- tegration of interactions with
gap between exploration and exploita- ically, due to path dependency cer- the individual citizens of the re-
tion demands a complex set of interac- tain locations are also in advantageous gion, when e.g. there are pilot-
tions and going back and forth among positions to become initiators to ad- ing activities going on, or there
the various stakeholders, when seeking dress such global challenges. For ex- are marketing or communica-
solutions that would qualify the inno- ample nations that, at present, already tion efforts directed towards the
vation initiative to truly make a break- have a large ageing part of the popula- citizens, and
through and become a commercial tion have natural potential to become c. leadership capabilities provided
success. prime movers in developing new inno- to strengthen orchestrated eco-
This need for properly designed vative solutions for senior citizens. And systems, e.g. by coordinating the
demonstration activities has become cities with strong growth supported by efforts of local SMEs through
particularly emphasized when dealing extensive greenfield construction be- the provision of local incubators
with societal grand challenges (Pisano, come interesting opportunities for de- managed by the public sector.
Shih, 2009). These forms of innovation veloping new low carbon city struc- 2. The innovation agency can also pro-
can be characterized as follows (Vinno- tures, as illustrated by the rapid expan- vide network externalities; e.g. pro-
va, 2011): sion of “eco-city” projects in China. moting the interests of the firm in
•• They address essential or critical The examples here provide some a national or international context
needs in society and industry. These concrete suggestions for how inno- and establishing a reference case
needs require users/customers vation agencies can better serve cus- for the firm, in addition to providing
whose demand for solutions incen- tomers looking for innovation part- access to important stakeholders re-
tivizes them to engage in developing ners. When they engage with firms in gionally, nationally and internation-
and testing new solutions. Co-crea- deep collaboration to promote innova- ally.
tion is a critical success factor. tion the expectations of the firm sug- 3. Additionally, innovation agencies
•• They ask for cross-sector collabora- gest that the following issues should be can improve their competitive posi-
tions to find solutions to the needs; emphasized: tion by providing cost-efficient pro-
solutions to social and societal chal- 1. By taking the role of customer of the duction factors for the firms, such as:
lenges are rarely found in one tradi- products and/or services provided land, buildings, access to skilled la-
tional sector or in a single research by the firm the public authorities bor, tax breaks etc.
field. New collaboration patterns are strengthen their ties with the firm,
emerging between actors in differ- and also create a stronger negotia- However, it is important to notice that
ent value chains; for example ‘green tion position in other mutually im- the above mentioned requirements
urban transportation’ is being devel- portant matters. Another very tangi- are very demanding, and an innova-
oped at the interface between ener- ble support service offered by most tion agency cannot enter into very
gy, automotive engineering and ICT. innovation agencies is funding of re- many firm relationships with the rela-

tionship depth described above. There- are uniquely positioned to mobilize In their study of over 1000 companies
fore agencies must establish Custom- and coordinate the efforts of the nu- from five city-regions in Norway they
er Relationship Management prac- merous organizations needed to solve identified international cooperation as
tices in order to be able to segment “grand challenge problems”, like climate the main source of radical product and
the customers, and they must decide change, lack of potable water, our de- process innovation. Additionally, pipe-
which customers to prioritize in rela- pendence on hydrocarbons, and the line-type interactions were also identi-
tionship building efforts. When evaluat- ravages of diseases (see also Wallin, Su, fied as being conducive to incremental
ing which firms to prioritize the agency 2010). How public-private collaboration product innovation. In contrast to most
may consider such issues as; the poten- should be carried out has become a key previous studies, domestic interactions
tial for job creation, the fit of the firm in- issue for debate. did not seem to promote firm-level in-
to the value constellations nurtured by The innovation literature seems to novation. There was also little evidence
the agency (Siggelkow, 2002), and the be united in dividing innovation activ- of complementarity between global
possible spillover effects resulting from ities into two broad categories: the in- pipelines and local interaction within
the firm’s activities in the region. cremental form of innovation, improv- Norwegian agglomerations. Firms that
For the companies in turn they ing existing technologies and process- develop international partnerships are
need to take a fairly comprehensive es, and the disruptive form of innova- likely to innovate; firms that rely on lo-
look at how they relate to focal loca- tion, radically changing the competitive cal interaction are not, meaning that
tions in their global footprint. For ex- conditions in a sector (see e.g. Chris- the transfer mechanisms of knowledge
ample the way local cooperation is car- tensen, 1997). The notion of dynamic and innovation within close geograph-
ried out within the location of the head- capabilities addresses situations where ical proximity are less prominent than
quarters can provide significant value firms have to deal with specific strate- previously thought. Firms can therefore
added to both the firm and the region. gic and organizational processes like not expect to rely on local interaction
product development, forming allianc- for new knowledge. The creation and
2.5 A process model for es, and strategic decision making that engagement in pipelines is a must if
innovation capability create value for firms within dynamic they are to remain innovative and com-
building markets by manipulating resources in- petitive.
to new value-creating strategies (Eisen- The evaluation of the Finnish in-
Traditionally innovation policy has been hardt, Martin, 2000). novation system published in 2009
seen in the context of cluster develop- Cooke (2009) has developed a re- (Veugelers et al 2009) also noticed that
ment (Porter, 1990). The transition from gional knowledge capabilities model, the Finnish system is less international
an industrial age to a knowledge econ- which highlights issues such as open than conventionally thought and that
omy paradigm requires a broader per- innovation, related variety, asymmetric there are signs that it is falling further
spective on innovation policy. In the knowledge endowments and regional behind. The current ways of addressing
same way as Teece (2008) suggested knowledge domains. He observes that the issue are clearly not working. Tap-
that the five-forces framework has to regions should not be expected to con- ping deeper into the global knowledge
be complemented with the dynamic tain all knowledge interaction possibil- pool should become one of the main
capabilities framework, there is a need ities, even if they are strong. Many ex- objectives of innovation policy.
to complement the cluster perspec- ternal-to-the-region interactions will Developing and strengthening in-
tive. The belief that “the invisible hand” likely occur, with expertise in appropri- ternational ecosystems calls for busi-
of self-regulating market forces is the ate other regional domains participat- ness orchestration. Within such ecosys-
best way to bring the world forward ing in ‘global talent pools’. This is fur- tems, while the role of orchestrator is
has come under severe doubt. ther emphasized in a study by Dahl limited to a few actors, all participants
This need for a broader view has and Rodríguez-Pose (2011), suggesting must have a clear role in the ecosystem,
also been raised by Pisano and Shih that international networking and col- providing them with the opportunity to
(2009). They suggest that governments laboration is key to innovation in firms. leverage upon the knowledge spill-over

effects taking place within that ecosys- tion, co-evolution and asset orchestra- reality’ with action implications (Nor-
tem. tion (Teece, 2008) carried out by busi- mann, ibid. p. 311).
Subsequently innovation increas- ness orchestrators. When considering how Tekes’s
ingly progresses by means of the evo- Within orchestrated ecosystems funding and support translates into
lution of platforms combining sever- there has to be a willingness and in- project and network level impacts it
al technologies that are, in an increas- terest to engage in collective learning. should be recognized that Tekes already
ing number of cases, adaptable across This requires lateral absorptive capaci- through its funding criteria shapes the
diverse industrial and technological ty (among industry branches), possi- industrial mosaic in Finland to some
contexts. These platforms can be es- bly co-located to some extent, to ac- extent. Those companies that apply for
tablished and maintained by individ- cess the external economies, includ- funding are aware of “the rules of the
ual companies, like Apple’s orchestra- ing knowledge spillovers, from geo- game”, and subsequently these rules
tion platform, but they can also be or- graphic propinquity but open to dis- in themselves are important signals for
ganized by a public organization in the tant network relations with other firms how the innovation landscape in Fin-
form of constellation platforms such as in other continents (pipelines). Distrib- land is framed (we will return to this
Bayern Innovativ (http://bayern-innova- uted knowledge flows, their identifica- in chapter 3). At those companies ap- tion and capture characterize this so- proved for funding, the project activities
For an innovation agency like Tekes cio-technical learning system in which are expected to contribute to the build-
one key question is to what extent Fin- alert firms routinely thrive and survive. ing of innovation capabilities. However,
land is uniquely positioned to contin- For such an ecosystem to flourish in a the effect this has on the outcome is
ue to benefit from historical compara- territorial context it is necessary to es- not easy to directly measure. However,
tive advantages. If this is the case, tradi- tablish (i) efficient circulation of knowl- what is possible to see is how the com-
tional clusters can still work, and intra- edge between the region and other ar- panies that are funded are performing:
sectoral cumulative knowledge flows eas, (ii) efficient circulation of knowl- some companies will perform better,
will strengthen the innovation capaci- edge between the different knowl- whereas others will perform worse. For
ty of the enterprises. In Finland the rap- edge segments; and (iii) a central role the evaluation of the building of inno-
id growth of mining activities is an ex- for some organizations endowed with vation capabilities two particular types
ample of possibilities to be innovative knowledge integration capacity (Cooke of companies are of interest:
while also creating growth through the et al, 2010, p. 341). •• The generators; companies that are
traditional industrial logic. Such innova- How successful a region will be in growing and display strong genera-
tion capability building companies will an ecosystem is dependent not only on tive capabilities. These are the back-
here be called generators, as their core its internal relations, but also on the way bone of the industrial, technology-
capability is their generative capability. the region connects itself to larger pipe- based part of the innovation system.
The rapid transition of the Finnish lines through a subset of nodes. This re- •• The orchestrators; companies that
economy however suggests that there quires a coalition of key actors working provide the platforms for combina-
is also a need to deal with the other in the regional context to co-align their tive knowledge to enable new solu-
type of innovation process: orchestra- forces based on a grounded and con- tions. These companies are very im-
tion. This calls for more horizontal ac- verging vision of the region’s strategic portant in the knowledge economy.
tivities, integrating different forms of identity and mission (Normann, 2001, p.
technologies and encouraging com- 307). This calls for a high quality strate- The innovation capability building ac-
binatory knowledge flows, character- gic process based on horizontal inter- tivities in the funded companies may
ized by interactions that are extrasec- activity, future-oriented processes to lead to further capability building (in
toral, non-systemic and often involve evolve a vision of strategic identity, the favorable cases) in the larger ecosys-
unexpected combinations (Cooke et al, skill and ability to utilize events and var- tem. The result of this capability build-
2010). Such ecosystems are then char- ious assets and processes to bring peo- ing should then be some form of ma-
acterized by the need for co-specializa- ple together in creating a new ‘social terialized innovation. For an innovation

to materialize the following conditions of the public health care sector, despite With these definitions of innova-
must prevail: a lack of any clear new products, pro- tion and offerings a more detailed de-
(i) the innovation has to provide value vides value and the activities leading to scription of how the building of innova-
to a set of customers or users, this (e.g. activities that have increased tion capability takes place is presented
(ii) the costs for providing this value physical activity among the elderly thus in Figure 8. This model emphasizes an
have to be lower than the value, in improving their health) is an innovation. organization’s capacity to create future
order to be able to set a price which Any innovation will have a positive im- innovation as this is a central aspect in
is acceptable to the customer or us- pact on growth for the company/com- defining the successful creation of new
er and generates profits for the pro- panies/public organization and subse- innovation capabilities. The model is as
vider, and quently contribute to GDP growth in follows:
(iii) the costs must also be lower than the country. This model uses the term Impact
those of any potential competitor Another note is on the definition to refer solely to the repeated innova-
prepared to offer the same value of offering; this is not just products and tion activities, which ultimately con-
proposition to the same set of cus- services provided by companies, but al- firm the establishing of innovation ca-
tomers or users. so what the public sector offers to the pability. By employing this model it is
community. The following definition possible to start from the end of a suc-
Here the notion of “value” is broader will be used here (Wallin, 2000): cessful innovation creating activity and
than mere financial or commercial gain An offering is a limited set of focused trace its origins back to the root capa-
as it is based on a consideration of per- human activity which can, and is intend- bilities (pre-market capabilities, leader-
ceived value or benefit. Subsequently ed to, generate positive customer value ship capabilities and operational capa-
an improvement e.g. of the efficiency and exchange value. bilities), the human resources (key indi-

Figure 8. A model for innovation capability building

(Human) Project outcome;

Resources Innovation (firm & network)

duals Project interactions
The new
duals offering BUILDING OF
Indivi- Indivi-
duals Indivi-
Project outcome;
new capabilities CAPABILITY!!
Capabilities (firm & network)
Culturing capability
 Role modeling
Business modeling
 Absorptive capacity
(Human) Project outcome;
Innovation (firm & network)
 Timing Business modeling

Coordination capability
 Change management
 Constellation management
Culturing capability
 Role modeling
 Absorptive capacity
Business modeling
 Internal coordination
Culturing capability capability Coordination capability
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity  Change management
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing  Constellation management

 Internal coordination

Coordination capability Relationship
 Change management capability

Culturing capability
 Constellation management
Business modeling  Internal integration
 Internal coordination
capability  External integration
 Absorptive capacity
 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking Integrative
duals Project interactions
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing
Generative capability Transformative capability
 Internal integration
 External integration
 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking
duals The new
Integrative Relationship
Coordination capability
 Change management capability
 Innovation  Offering design

duals offering
 Constellation management
 Internal integration
 Internal coordination
 External integration
 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking
Generative capability Transformative capability
Indivi- Indivi-
Generative capability Transformative capability
 Offering design

duals Indivi-
 Innovation  Offering design Indivi-
duals Project outcome;
network interactions
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
 External integration  Customer linking
Generative capability Transformative capability new capabilities
Capabilities duals
(firm & network)
 Innovation  Offering design

Unintended Culturing capability

 Role modeling
Business modeling
 Absorptive capacity
Culturing capability
Business modeling

Coordination capability  Absorptive capacity

project outcome;
 Change management  Role modeling  Conceptualizing
 Constellation management  Timing
Business modeling
 Internal coordination

Culturing capability capability Coordination capability
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity  Change management
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing  Constellation management
 Timing  Internal coordination

Coordination capability Relationship
 Change management capability
 Constellation management
Business modeling  Internal integration
 Internal coordination  Customer intelligence
Culturing capability capability  External integration  Customer linking Integrative Relationship

 Socialization  Absorptive capacity capability capability
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing
 Timing  Internal integration  Customer intelligence

new capabilities in
Generative capability Transformative capability  External integration  Customer linking
Coordination capability Relationship
 Change management capability
 Innovation  Offering design

 Constellation management  Execution
 Internal integration
 Internal coordination  Customer intelligence Generative capability Transformative capability
 External integration  Customer linking
 Innovation  Offering design

Generative capability Transformative capability

Integrative Relationship
capability capability
 Innovation  Offering design

network interactions
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
 External integration  Customer linking

the network
Generative capability Transformative capability

 Innovation  Offering design


duals Unintended
Indivi- Innovation- Indivi-
project outcome;
Business modeling

platforms new capabilities in

Culturing capability capability
 Role modeling
 Absorptive capacity
Coordination capability

duals the network

 Change management
 Constellation management
 Internal coordination
Indivi- Business modeling

Culturing capability capability
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing

Coordination capability
 Change management

Integrative Relationship  Constellation management

 Internal coordination

capability capability
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence Integrative Relationship
 External integration  Customer linking
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
 External integration  Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

Generative capability Transformative capability
 Innovation  Offering design

 Innovation  Offering design



viduals) and the role of innovation plat- defined geographical region has been success of an innovation policy. Such
forms (constellation platforms and or- proven substantial. Therefore, it is also infrastructural and network-wide gains
chestration platforms). important to consider to what extent cannot be left in the hands of the free-
What also is important to notice physical proximity and the possibility market, as they are investments which
is that the Input Capabilities consist of for physical interaction influence inno- need to be made by the public sector
both the firm’s and the network mem- vations compared to the role of digitally and are often considered unjustifiable
bers’ capabilities, an important part of mediated interaction, and also to what by individual companies in the short-
which are the so called “pre-market” ca- extent this differs across sectors and in- term. In many cases the societal ben-
pabilities. Such capabilities may be pre- dustries when considering innovation efits will, however, eventually far out-
sent in the network due to prior devel- activities. weigh these investments. An ecosys-
opment, such as the Oulu region’s pre- While Tekes operates on a nation- tem-oriented approach enables the as-
existing capabilities related to radio al level, it should be remembered that, sessment of such cases.
technology, based upon which Nokia as a nation, Finland is, ultimately, e.g. in While research institutes play an
decided to locate is mobile telephony terms of its GDP comparable to the re- integral role in innovation processes,
unit there. New insights and inventions gional level in a larger country, such as these institutes are in addition back-
originating in universities can take up Germany. ground influencers which provide the
to fifteen years or more before they be- important “pre-market” capability in-
come commercial successes. 2.6 Pre-market capabilities puts for the building of innovation ca-
It has also been shown (Cooke and the role of key pabilities at a later stage.
et al, 2010, p. 17) that the way plat- individuals As innovation is about learning,
forms emerge depends on the indus- and learning only takes place on the
trial context. In the biotechnology sec- While companies certainly outweigh level of the single individual, it is al-
tor the major platforms have emerged the public sector as targets of Tekes’s so important to consider the effect of
around leading universities, whereas funding, the public sector still re- migration of personnel as a source of
in the ICT sector such platforms have mains a viable and significant target of knowledge and input factor to the in-
emerged around individual compa- Tekes’s activities. A key question to be novation process. As perhaps half of the
nies. The notion of a ‘platform’ is thus addressed is what metrics should be gains will be appropriated outside the
quite broad and flexible, and less de- used to assess the public sector bene- Tekes-funded enterprise, a key consid-
termined by sectoral perspectives, cap- fits and gains created by innovation ac- eration is tracking the migration of per-
turing elements of the framing of in- tivities? Economic gains benefit not on- sonnel between enterprises funded by
novative challenges and opportunities ly the target enterprise but society as a Tekes when analyzing Tekes’s custom-
as they emerge through useful knowl- whole. Evolving and developing the in- ers.
edge flows and interactions. (Cooke et novation system and creating new ca- The model presented in Figure 8
al, 2010, p. 273) pabilities in networks, as opposed to for assessing the building of innovation
The notion of innovation capabili- single companies, create future bene- capabilities will be used in the innova-
ties must also be considered from a ge- fits and gains across the entire network. tion analysis which will be covered in
ographical perspective. In this area the Assessing the impact of innova- chapter 5 of this report. To provide the
role of “white spaces” in the regional in- tion activities on the public sector de- context for how innovation capabilities
novation landscape, as described by mands a long-term perspective, as the have been and can, in future, be built in
Cooke and Eriksson (2011), provides an ultimate benefits of many of the infra- Finland, the third chapter will, howev-
important contextual factor impacting structural improvements are not ap- er, first present a brief overview of the
the innovation process. parent until many years after the efforts Finnish innovation system, followed by
The significance of physical prox- have been made. This perspective is, a comparison of some other national in-
imity and interaction in the context of a however, essential when assessing the novation systems in the fourth chapter.

The Finnish innovation system
In chapter 2 the innovation support ac- the Oulu-Nokia example is a good illus- 3.1 A brief overview of
tivities were analyzed from the perspec- tration of genuine innovation support, as the Finnish economy
tive of the firm in order to be able to the ICT-investments in the region creat-
identify how innovation agencies can ed significant growth within the sector. Finland has a highly industrialized,
support innovation capability building We will further explore this issue when largely free-market economy, based
in a region. In this chapter we will shift analyzing the individual innovation cas- on abundant forest resources, capital
the perspective to that of the innova- es in chapter 5. investments, and technology, with a
tion agency itself, and use the Finnish This chapter will, on one hand, pro- population of 5.4 million and a GDP of
innovation system, and the specific role vide an overview of the Finnish innova- €188 billion in 2010. Traditionally, Fin-
that Tekes has within this system, as a tion system, and on the other hand it land has been a net importer of capital
means to establish a framework for the will also enable us to build up the el- to finance industrial growth.
way an innovation agency supports in- ements for a framework to be used In the 1980s, Finland’s econom-
novation-capability building. when comparing the innovation sys- ic growth rate was one of the highest
Most national innovation agen- tems across different countries in chap- among industrialized countries, and fol-
cies are established to finance demand- ter 4, using Finland as the “base case”. lowing the recovery from the 1992 de-
ing research and development projects This chapter will thus begin with a brief pression the economic competitive-
with the goal of promoting the devel- overview of the Finnish economy, high- ness has been rated first in the world
opment of companies. When evaluating lighting the industrial structure, and for several years. The Finnish depres-
how well the agency has been able to the most recent developments. Based sion in 1992 was primarily due to the
support the building of innovation capa- on this introduction to the Finnish eco- collapse of the Soviet Union, which at
bilities, the first level of analysis should nomic landscape the structure of the the peak in the early 1980s represent-
thus focus on how well the support- Finnish innovation system will be de- ed over 25% of the Finnish exports but
ed companies have progressed, as a re- scribed. Some recent comparisons be- shrank to less than 5% in 1992. Subse-
sult of the support from the innovation tween Finland and other countries are quently, Finnish exports to Russia start-
agency. This then also highlights an im- then presented. This is followed by a ed to increase again and represented
portant aspect of innovation policy; in more detailed analysis of Tekes, and the more than 16% of total exports in 2010.
addition to simply assessing whether a way Tekes has lately shifted its priorities The major Finnish export sectors
development has crossed the threshold from merely supporting technology de- are telecommunications, electronics,
to be considered an innovation (instead velopment to more broadly promoting paper and forestry, engineered met-
of remaining a promising invention) it the overall Finnish innovation agenda. al and metal refining, and chemical in-
is also necessary to look at the further Based on these building blocks the last dustries. Except for timber and some
growth induced by the innovation. Sub- part of this chapter will then combine minerals, Finland depends on imports
sequently we also need to consider to the various elements into a framework of raw materials, energy, and most com-
what extent successful innovations have of how an innovation agency supports ponents for manufactured goods. Be-
scaled up, and genuinely contributed to capability building, using Tekes as an cause of the climate, agricultural devel-
growth and job creation. In this respect example. opment is limited to maintaining self-

Figure 9. The development of Finnish exports (source: Statistics Finland)

Figure 10. The breakdown of Finnish exports of goods (source: Statistics Finland)

Figure 11. Finnish R&D spending 1989–2010 (source: Statistics Finland)

sufficiency in basic products. Forestry, However, in the 2011 list only Nokia re- 3.2 The organizational
an important export earner, provides a mains. structure of the Finnish
secondary occupation for the rural pop- The Finnish innovation system is innovation system
ulation, although its significance has primarily based on private investments
declined in recent years. from the corporate sector (see Figure In 2010 the governmental budget out-
The breakdown of Finnish 2010 ex- 11). Nokia is the biggest spender in R&D, lays on research and development
ports is presented in Figures 9 and 10. and 60 per cent of its 21,000 global R&D amounted to €1.9 billion. Government
Finnish total exports in 2010 stood at employees are in Finland. R&D expenditure as a proportion of
€71 billion, of which goods represent- The challenges in developing the overall government spending, excluding
ed €52 billion. Finnish innovation system relate to the debt servicing, stood at 4.5 per cent. In
As can be seen from the above fig- prioritization of activities, internation- the EU countries, the share of public R&D
ures; forest industry, metals and me- al and national positioning of research funding of the gross domestic product
chanical engineering, and electronics organizations, and the development was the highest in Finland, 1.0 per cent.
and electro-technical products are the of selective, foresight-based decision- The formulation of national Finn-
dominant export sectors. Interestingly making. Finland had set a goal of rais- ish science, technology and innovation
enough, chemical products have sig- ing the share of R&D spending to four policies has been assigned to an expert
nificantly increased their share in 2009– per cent of GDP by 2010, from 3.5 per body, the Research and Innovation
2010. cent in 2006, and in 2009 the share of Council, which is chaired by the Prime
Finland had three companies on R&D expenditure, of Finland’s GDP, was Minister. Nearly 80 per cent of gov-
the 2007 Fortune 500 list: Nokia (tele- 3.93 per cent, with 2.79% coming from ernmental R&D funding is channeled
communications), StoraEnso (forest and the private sector and 1.11% from the through two ministries, Ministry of Ed-
paper products), and Neste Oil (energy). public sector. ucation and Culture and the Ministry of

Employment and the Economy. These and Suomen Akatemia (The Academy range of funding instruments tailored
ministries are the foremost organiza- of Finland) distribute research fund- to different purposes. Each year, Acad-
tions responsible for science and tech- ing in Finland with open, competitive emy-funded research projects account
nology policies. The Ministry of Educa- schemes. for some 3,000 researcher FTEs at uni-
tion and Culture handles matters relat- Tekes is the main government fi- versities and research institutes. The
ing to education and training, science nancing and expert organization for re- Academy of Finland also functions as
policy, universities and polytechnics, search and technological development the party enabling rotation of experts
and the Academy of Finland. The Min- in Finland. Tekes finances industrial R&D between academia and industry, and
istry of Employment and the Economy projects as well as projects in universi- supports and facilitates researcher train-
is in charge of matters pertaining to in- ties and research institutes. Tekes espe- ing and careers in: research; internation-
dustrial and technology policies, Tekes, cially promotes innovative, risk-inten- alization; and the practical application
and the VTT Technical Research Cent- sive projects. of research results. The Academy is keen
er of Finland, a governmental research The main focus of the Academy of to emphasize the importance of the im-
organization with over 3,100 employ- Finland is in the multifaceted advance- pact of research and breakthrough re-
ees and a 2010 turnover of €292 mil- ment of professional research career search by encouraging researchers to
lion, of which 32 per cent was financed options, the establishment of cutting- submit boundary-crossing funding
by the government. Figure 12 presents edge research environments and the plans that involve risks but that also of-
the composition of Finland’s innovation utilization of international opportuni- fer promise and potential for scientifi-
environment, displaying the various ac- ties. In 2011 the Academy issued fund- cally significant breakthroughs.
tors active within it. ing decisions worth about €340 million, A third development agency fund-
The two governmental agen- which represented 16 per cent of gov- ed by the government is Sitra, the Finn-
cies Tekes (The Finnish Funding Agen- ernment R&D spending of about €2 bil- ish Innovation Fund. Sitra is an inde-
cy for Technology and Innovation) lion in Finland. The Academy has a wide pendent public fund which under the
supervision of the Finnish Parliament
promotes the welfare of Finnish socie-
Figure 12. Resources of organizations in the Finnish innovation environment in 2008,
ty. Sitra’s responsibilities have been stip-
m€ (source: Tekes)
ulated in law. The funding decisions of
Sitra in 2008 amounted to €35 million.
R&D The structure of the public Finnish

at companies research funding is depicted in Figure 13.

Business The strategy of the Finnish public
Angels innovation policy is to secure sustain-
Venture capitalists: Approx. 380*
Private 364 able and balanced social and econom-
From abroad
407*** ic development. Achieving this aim en-
VTT Finnish Industry Investment:
direct 19, venture capital funds 131, tails a high employment rate, high pro-
245 (74)
seed funding 7 Finnvera ductivity and strong international com-
468 (44)
Academy Tekes Sitra petitiveness. The Research and Innova-
of Finland 526 (526) 35 Finpro
297 (297)e 35 (21) tion Council of Finland, chaired by the
Ministries, Innofin Prime Minister, advises the Government
Universities ELY Centres, 7 (5)
and sectoral research and its Ministries in important matters

polytechnics** 413 (402)* relating to the direction, follow-up, eval-

1,165 (482) Business development
Basic research Applied research
Business R&D Internationalisation
uation and co-ordination of research,
technology and innovation policy. The
The figures represent the total extent of each organisation in million euros in 2008, those marked
with star are earlier. In parenthesis the share that is funded from the State budget. Council also puts forward relevant plans
** includes polytechnics ***includes R&D costs of corporations units and proposals. 

Figure 13. The organization of the pubic Finnish research funding In a strategic center, or SHOK, en-
terprises, universities and research in-
stitutes are expected to agree on a
joint research agenda, which will fulfill
the enterprises’ application-orientated
needs on a 5–10-year period. In practice
this means that the leading companies
within their respective industries have
to agree on a common research agen-
da, and then they can heavily influence
the decision making on which research
projects will be financed by the govern-
ment in relation to this research agen-
da. The first SHOK, the Forestcluster Ltd.,
was established in April 2007 and the
remaining five in 2008 and 2009.
The formation of the SHOKs illus-
trates a strategic shift in the Finnish in-
novation policy. Until 2005 the offi-
cial English name of the main fund-
ing agency (Tekes) was The Nation-
The Research and Innovation •• co-ordinates Government activities al Technology Agency. Then the name
Council is continuing the work of the in the field of science, technology was changed to The Finnish Funding
Science and Technology Policy Coun- and innovation policy; and Agency for Technology and Innovation.
cil of Finland, which operated 1978– •• undertakes any other duties assigned This change was a response to a world
2008. The Council’s remit involves as- to it by the Government. where competitiveness and innova-
sisting the Government and its minis- tion is more and more about services,
tries. To that end, the Council carries out In 2006 the Science and Technolo- knowledge and capabilities.
the following tasks:  gy Policy Council of Finland decided Globalization represents a major
•• follows national and international de- to form Strategic Centers for Science, challenge for Finland. The development
velopments in research, technology Technology and Innovation, or SHOKs focus of large Finnish companies is shift-
and innovation; in Finnish, to speed up innovation. Such ing from a strong technological focus
•• reviews the field and developments centers of excellence have been estab- at home, within Finland, towards more
within it; lished in the following areas: energy emphasis on services and localized con-
•• addresses major issues relating to and the environment, metal products cept development with international
developments in science, technolo- and mechanical engineering, the forest partners that are closer to the targeted
gy and innovation policy and the hu- cluster, health and well-being, informa- customer segments abroad. Increased
man resources they entail, present- tion and communication industry and customer orientation and solution focus
ing the related proposals and plans services, and build environment inno- are goals which apply to leading com-
to the Government; vations. This was a further step towards panies in the ICT-sector, in mechanical
•• attends to preparatory work on mat- providing cluster based support, con- engineering, as well as in the forest in-
ters relating to the development and tinuing on the path set forth when es- dustry. At the same time orchestrated
allocation of public research and in- tablishing the Center of Expertise pro- ecosystems exploiting access to cheap-
novation funding for the Govern- gram for regional development for the er labor resources e.g. in Asia are dis-
ment; first time in 1994. rupting many industries where Finland

has traditionally had a prominent posi- nies have a global presence such as The innovation system also en-
tion. Many Finnish companies that have Nokia and Tieto in the information and compasses regional development. The
been slow to respond to these changes telecommunication sector, M-Real, Sto- network of Finnish universities and
have already experienced considerable raEnso, and UPM in the forest industry, polytechnics, technology centers, the
weakening of their market positions. and Cargotec, Kone, Konecranes, Met- Center of Expertise Program, and oth-
Common to all these is that the lead- so, Outokumpu, Rautaruukki, and Wärt- er operations have developed innova-
ing producers are today located in low- silä in metals and mechanical engineer- tion prerequisites in the regions to the
er cost countries such as China. ing. All these companies share a need extent that it is now possible to speak
When the Finnish government de- to adapt to a changing competitive of the innovation systems of the regions
cided to put more emphasis on its in- landscape requiring increased empha- and their development.
novation support, the selection of fo- sis on solutions and services. Addition- The third Center of Expertise pro-
cus areas indicated that the tradition- ally, there is also a greater need to local- gram, or OSKE-program in Finnish, runs
al industrial competence areas, such as ize both manufacturing and innovation from 2007 to 2013 and supports 13 clus-
forest industry, metal products and me- in areas which show more rapid expan- ters and 21 regional Centers of Expertise.
chanical engineering, and information sion compared to the mature Europe- The OSKE- and SHOK-programs bring to-
and communication industry and ser- an markets. So, in considering what the gether research resources in areas im-
vices, were seen as the basis for growth government can do to support these portant to both enterprises and society.
also in the future. These industries rep- SHOKs certain needs appear to be com- During spring 2009 the Finnish gov-
resent those in which Finnish compa- mon among several industries. ernment initiated a new program called

Figure 14. Overview of the Finnish innovation programs

Strategic centers for science, technology Innovation programs

and innovation (CSTI, “SHOK”)

Energy and Metal products Forest ICT Built Health and Travel Others
environment and mechanical cluster industry & environment well-being
engineering services
Centers of expertise (”OSKE”) HealthBIO Tourism
Energy Intelligent Forest Digi- Living and Food
Technology Machines Industry business Business Experience deve-
Health and lopment
Well-being Mngmnt
Cleantech Maritime


Ubiquitous Computing
Local development initiatives (”KOKO”)

Itä-Uusimaa Pääkaupunkiseutu Kotkan- Pääkaupunki- Itä-Uusimaa Turun seutu Pk-seutu Pk-seutu

Haminan s. seutu
Vakka-Suomi KUUMA-seutu Pohjois- Forssan seutu Turunmaa Vakka-
Itä-Uusimaa Satakunta Suomi
Kouvolan s. Savon-
Lahden alue Turun seutu Jämsä
Salon seutu Jyväskylä- linnan s. Forssan
Vakka-Suomi Lappeen- Savonlinnan s. seutu
Rauman s. Äänekoski kv.
Pohjois- Koillis-
seutu Etelä-
Mikkelin s. Loimaan seutukunta Satakunta Suomi & Lahden a.
Pohjanmaan Seinäjoen
Luoteis- järvialue kaupunkiseutu Itä-Lappi
Varkauden & Rauman seutu Tampereen Pohjois-
Pieksämäen kaup.seutu Satakunta
Suupohjan rannik. Ylä-Pohjanm., Ylivieskan seutu Kuopion alue
Tornion a. Pietar-
Vaasan s. Keuruu & Ylivieskan
Vaasan seutu Kaakkois seutu Nivala-Haapaj. saaren s.
Joens. ja Keski- Pohjanmaa ja Haapaveden-
Oulun seutu seutu Seinäjoen
Karjala Kokkolan seutu Oulun seutu Siikalatvan seutu
Rauman s. Tunturi-
Oulun s. Ylivieskan seutu Turun seutu
Kainuun alue Lappi &
Savonlinn. s. T.laakso
Kainuun a. Kemi-Tornion alue

the regional Cohesion and Competi- •• The Innovation Union Scoreboard (2010–2011); Finland was third after
tiveness program (KOKO). The goal of 2010 rated Sweden, Denmark, Finland Sweden and Singapore.
the KOKO- program was to improve the and Germany “Innovation leaders”.
competitiveness of regions in Finland •• According to the WEF, Finland 3.4 The role of Tekes in the
and to balance regional development by ranked third in innovation and was Finnish innovation system
supporting interaction and networking the seventh most competitive coun-
between different regions. The KOKO- try, overall, in the world in 2010. The Tekes’s objectives are illustrated in Fig-
program started in 2010 and covered all most competitive countries were ure 15.
of Finland. In December 2011 it was an- Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore. The main function of Tekes is to fi-
nounced that the KOKO-program would •• The US based ITIF (Information Tech- nance and support private and pub-
be terminated due to budget cuts. nology and Innovation Foundation), lic research and development pro-
Based on a thematic analysis of the in a 2011 comparison, ranked Fin- jects. Tekes targets its funding to three
56 supplied KOKO-applications in 2009 land as the second most innovative types of actors: enterprises, universities
it was possible to draw a map of the in- and competitive country out of 44 and research institutes, and other ac-
terconnections between the three dif- countries based on R&D input and tors. One third of funding is allocated
ferent innovation programs, the SHOKs, personnel, venture capital, produc- to universities and research institutes.
the OSKEs and the KOKOs. This resulted tivity and trade indicators (Singapore Enterprises receive about two thirds of
in the structure presented in Figure 14. was ranked first). funding. Other actors, such as public
As a small country it is important •• In the Global Innovation Index rank- service providers and third-party ac-
for Finland that the areas that are pri- ings, compiled by INSEAD, Finland tors receive only a minor share of the
oritized are truly evaluated based on ranked fifth after Switzerland, Swe- funding. A breakdown of Tekes fund-
their global potential, understanding den, Singapore and Hong Kong. ing in 2010 is as follows (€633 million,
both the market possibilities but also •• The Global Information Technology 1896 projects) illustrated in Figure 16.
realistically evaluating the underlying Report, by the WEF, ranked coun- Enterprise funding is targeted to
strengths based upon which the com- tries by the network readiness index (i) young SMEs, (ii) established enter-
mercial activities could be undertaken.
In this respect identifying where there
are opportunities to build new innova- Figure 15. Tekes objectives
tion capabilities is one of the key suc-
cess factors. Impact
Tekes Science,
objectives Productivity Environment Wellbeing education
and renewal
3.3 The Finnish innovation and culture
system in international A wellbeing Achievement
society and
comparison environment
 Innovations: products and
services, methods and
 Company growth and
processes, organisation  Productivity
and procedures  Distribution and utilization
In general Finland has ranked high in
 New companies, business of new information and
different international comparisons re- Productivity areas and services know-how
lating to competitiveness and innova- and renewal Activities
of industries  Research and development
tion throughout the 2000s. Some re-  Education
cent examples of this are as follows:  New procedures and networking
•• The OECD Science, Technology and in innovation Input
Industry Outlook 2010 noted that activities  Investments in immaterial and material capital
 Existing information and knowledge
Finland’s innovation investment and
performance was among the strong-
est in the OECD area.

Figure 16. Tekes funding in 2010 crease networking in the funded or-
ganizations. Three sets of activities are
R&D grants Funding for SHOK
to companies and research programmes primarily sought for: research and inno-
public organisations 99 million euros vation activity, education, and new pro-
186 million euros cesses and networking.
Tekes funding eventually translates
Research funding into concrete activities in the compa-
for universities,
nies or other institutions. These activi-
research institutes
and polytechnics ties include e.g. product R&D, develop-
193 million euros ment of organizational processes, busi-
ness model research or international
networking. The activities that compa-
nies want to be engaged in vary signif-
R&D loans to companies
155 million euros
icantly based on e.g. the industry and
size of the company.
The activities funded by Tekes re-
The funding for R&D includes 29 million euros from EU Structural Funds.
Research programmes of the Strategic Centres for Science, Technology sult in different outputs. These can be
and Innovation (SHOK) are joint programmes for research organisations divided into three distinct categories:
and companies.
1. Project results (company specific)
2. Development of capabilities (com-
pany specific)
prises with less than 500 employees enterprise, small or medium sized en- 3. Network level results (ecosystem ef-
and (iii) enterprises with more than 500 terprises receive funding for different fects)
employees. Large enterprises are only purposes and under different condi-
funded, if external impacts on other ac- tions than do large companies. The Project results are e.g. innovative prod-
tors are significant, or if the company is funding directed to small or medium ucts and services, new processes and
essentially reinventing its business op- sized enterprises is generally utilized methods, organizational development,
erations. Each target group receives ap- to affect short-term business growth or new enterprises, new business areas
proximately one third of the enterprise in-house R&D. Large enterprises are re- and services, growth and internationali-
funding. All projects funded are based quired to partner with public research zation, productivity improvements, and
on customer ideas and plans. organizations and SMEs, and direct a the distribution and utilization of new
Different selection criteria for re- majority of the funding they receive to- knowledge and skills. Many of these
ceiving funding exist depending on wards these partner organizations. outputs can be quantified. Activities in-
e.g. the size of the applicant compa- Based on Tekes’s criteria, certain side the organization also develop the
ny and the type of project. The financ- types of projects and companies are company’s capabilities. Ecosystem ef-
ing instrument also varies based on selected for funding. Tekes funding has fects relate to outputs affecting the en-
the needs of the project or company. many implications on the actors and tire network of stakeholders.
The funding provided by Tekes should the projects they take on. The funding Project results and capability build-
help to leverage the existing capabili- allows companies and other organiza- ing are primarily company-specific and
ties and knowledge within the funded tions; e.g. to increase their R&D invest- benefit those parties involved in the
enterprise, thereby enabling more rap- ments and resources committed to project. Network effects, on the other
id and successful development than R&D. Tekes support also enables the ac- hand, relate to broader benefits to ac-
would otherwise be possible. tors to undertake riskier projects as well tors not participating in the project di-
Funding is directed differently de- as to increase the scope of the projects. rectly. These benefits could include e.g.
pending on the respective size of the In addition, Tekes funding aims to in- establishment of international network

relationships or improved value chain 3.5 A framework for ferent forms of innovation systems, and
management. innovation system anatomy enable a comparison that would also
In addition to the capability build- identify possible needs for change in a
ing effects relating to individual pro- The analysis of the Finnish innovation new context.
jects and programs, the overall strategic system has provided the basic facts
direction of how Tekes allocates funds about those factors forming the way Finnish innovation system
also has an impact on Finnish innova- the Finnish innovation system works. morphology
tion activities. Recent examples of how These factors will now be evaluated in The Finnish innovation system is char-
Tekes has reformulated these decisions the context of a preliminary framework acterized by strong cooperation be-
include: the introduction of the SHOKs; for evaluating the “anatomy” of the in- tween the Finnish government and
and the decision to further strengthen novation system of a particular country. the corporate sector. There are histor-
the support of rapidly growing young The preliminary framework is depicted ical reasons for this cooperation. After
companies, through the VIGO accelera- in Figure 17. This framework does not WWII, Finland had to pay its debt to
tor program. These changes in the stra- attempt to explain why one innovation the Soviet Union, and the strong ties
tegic direction of Tekes funding will be system would be superior to another, between the Soviet-planned econ-
addressed in greater detail in the analy- but rather to provide a basis for discus- omy and Finland continued later on
sis portion in chapter 5. sion of why different countries have dif- in the form of bilateral trade agree-
ments between the two countries. As
the quotas stipulated by the bilater-
Figure 17. A framework for innovation system anatomy al agreements were politically agreed,
the companies had to interact close-
ly with the politicians in order to make
Territorial Innovation System Morphology sure that the commitments could be
 Public vs. private fulfilled in practice. This also intro-
 Centralized vs. decentralized duced a strong centralized culture into
 Research vs. applications
the Finnish innovation system, as the
demands arising from the discussions
with the Russians were channeled into
different types of development initia-
TIS Resource Focus
tives with both public and private par-
 Universities vs. companies
 Proactive vs. reactive
ticipation. Icebreaker ships, machin-
 Cluster vs. networks ery and electrical appliances were ex-
amples of product areas that were de-
veloped and sold to the Soviet Union.
TIS Architecture These products required the develop-
 Innovation system actors ment of new technological know-how
 Collaboration vs. competition that also enabled the companies to
 Governance principles compete on a global basis. The cultur-
al underpinnings that had been estab-
lished during the Soviet area contin-
ued to, a large extent, prevail, after the
TIS Innovation Performance (IUS) regime change in Russia as well.
 Evaluation process Finland continues to have a strong
l Evaluation results centralized innovation system today,
and corporate involvement has been

even more visibly highlighted through The SHOKs are seen to be a vehi- TIS performance
the establishing of the SHOKs. Research cle that will enable the research agen- Finland was, in the 2010 Innovation Un-
is carried out with both a focus on ap- das to be set in consensus between the ion Scoreboard, classified as one of the
plied research as well as on the area of various parties. Considering the SHOKs’ four countries that were considered
basic research. The research policy is performance thus far, not all commen- to be EU innovation leaders (Sweden,
now up for re-evaluation, as the quali- tators are convinced that this is the fi- Denmark, and Germany being the three
ty of Finnish research results is not con- nal model. However, what is clear is that other ones). When expanding the rank-
sidered to be high enough in relation to there is a strong interest to shift the fo- ing to all European countries, Switzer-
the allocated resources. cus more from traditional clusters to- land emerged as the leading country.
wards different forms of cross-sectoral However, the evaluation also highlight-
Research focus initiatives, e.g. by introducing the ser- ed the Achilles heel of the Finnish inno-
A recent innovation assessment (Veu- vice (Serve) and the business manage- vation system:
glers, et. al 2009) made the following ment (Liito) programs in Tekes. In dynamic terms, in the last dec-
statement: The recently launched Tekes-pro- ade Finland has outperformed the EU,
It is quite possible that Finland cur- gram for electric transportation, the the United States and other highly knowl-
rently has one of the best national inno- EVE-program, is another example of a edge-intensive countries in Europe in
vation systems worldwide. Even that may program that unifies different indus- terms of private and public R&D invest-
not be enough in an era, where the glob- tries, such as the automotive, energy ments and the share of new doctoral
al operating environment is rapidly evolv- and information technology industries. graduates. However, this rosy picture in
ing and the whole concept of a national These programs, together with strong- terms of increasing input does not find its
innovation system has rightly been ques- er emphasis on international network- immediate translation in terms of growth
tioned. Companies have been the prima- ing when evaluating applications for in scientific and technological output, es-
ry object of the innovation policy but, as funding, signal a genuine ambition at pecially in terms of patents, where the
they become increasingly footloose and Tekes to further strengthen the global country seems to lose ground vis-à-vis
geographically dispersed, the focus may competitiveness of its funded innova- these reference countries.
have to shift to nurturing and attracting tion activities. …despite being among the scien-
creative individuals. tific and technological leaders in Europe,
These types of tendencies can be TIS architecture Finland’s internationalization in science
identified in the recent developments The architecture of the Finnish innova- and technology still remains behind the
in the Finnish innovation system. In the tion system was described in Figure 14. reference group including Sweden, Den-
interest of supporting creative individ- The private sector represents the ma- mark and Switzerland, notably in terms
uals, the ambition is to have a great- jority of the innovation funding, but as of technological cooperation. This may
er variety of programs, and aim for re- previously mentioned, public spend- signal an untapped potential for progress
search areas that have a real possibility ing on R&D amounts to about 1.0% of that could benefit future competitiveness
of making international breakthroughs. GDP, representing the highest figure in and growth of the country.
The formation of the Aalto University Europe. The relatively high degree of The specific activities initiated
and the mergers of some other univer- public R&D spending is also mirrored to address these shortfalls will be ad-
sities are evidence of these ambitions. in the governance structure, in hav- dressed further in the analytics part in
However, the balance between pro- ing the Prime Minister serving as the chapter 5.
moting state of the art academic re- chairman of the Research and Innova- The anatomy of the Finnish inno-
search and supporting the interests of tion Council. vation system is illustrated in Figure 18.
companies expecting applied research
is still evolving.

Figure 18. The anatomy of the Finnish innovation system

Territorial Innovation System Morphology

 The Finnish innovation system is characterized by strong cooperation between the Finnish
government and companies.
 The Finnish innovation system is primarily based on private investments from the corporate sector.
 The formulation of national innovation policy has been assigned to an expert body,
the Research and Innovation Council, chaired by the Prime Minister.
 Research focused both on basic and applied research; the research policy is now up for
re-evaluation, as the quality of Finnish research results is not considered to be
high enough in relation to the allocated resources.

TIS Resource Focus

 The Academy of Finland and Tekes provide about 40 per cent of public funding on R&D&I.
 Major export sectors are: telecommunications; electronics; paper and forestry;
metal and metal refining; and chemicals.
 Clusters are supported through the Strategic Centers for Science,
Technology and Innovation (SHOKs) and regional networks
through the Center of Expertise program (OSKE).

TIS Architecture
 Tekes finances industrial R&D projects as well as projects in universities and research institutes.
 The Academy of Finland advances cutting-edge research.
 Collaboration within the innovation system is strengthened. The ambition is also to have
more versatile programs. The balance between state of the art academic research
and applied research is still evolving.

TIS Innovation Performance

 OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2010 noted that Finland’s was
among the strongest in the OECD area.
 WEF ranked Finland as the third most innovative country in the world in 2010.
 INSEAD ranked Finland 5th in its Global Innovation Index in 2011.
 The US based ITIF, in a 2011 comparison, ranked Finland as the second most
innovative and competitive country.
 According to the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany
are the Innovation leaders

International comparisons
The international comparisons conduct- more challenging by the absence of a questions will be addressed by taking
ed in this study address how other inno- uniform European framework for this. A specific perspectives in respect of each
vation organizations have supported the further challenge was posed by the var- of the issues.
building of innovation capabilities. For ied compositions of the innovation sys- The first question regarding how
the purpose of this study, the countries tems in various countries, with none be- Tekes has achieved its objectives, in
to be included in the comparison were ing structured quite like Finland’s. As a comparison with similar institutions,
chosen from similar small economies, result, no institution precisely like Tekes will be addressed from two perspec-
which have been considered to be at the exists in other countries. Because of this tives: firstly, how the agencies have
leading edge of innovation or econom- it is necessary to compare the entire na- managed the balance between univer-
ic growth. This resulted in the selection tional innovation systems, and draw the sities and the corporate sector; and, sec-
of the four benchmark countries to be relevant conclusions in respect of what ondly, how the regional aspects of inno-
studied: Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, and can be observed regarding innovation vation policy are handled. We will call
Switzerland. The analyses of these four capability building. this Innovation support strategies.
countries are presented in Appendix 2. As Cooke et al (2010, p. 325) state, it Comparing how objectives have
The comparisons attempted to ad- is indisputable that there are an increas- been achieved nationally and interna-
dress the following questions: ing amount of cases where a core re- tionally will be addressed by discussing
•• How has Tekes succeeded in achiev- gional industry competence is threat- how the countries have dealt with Clus-
ing its objectives compared to other ened or actually harmed by the globali- ters and networks.
similar institutions in other countries? zation processes, notably cheaper pro- Performance measurement will
•• How well have the objectives been duction of the core product portfolio at be assessed using the procedures em-
achieved nationally compared to in- equivalent or better quality, undermin- ployed in each respective country; Per-
ternational development? ing key markets. Such changes are, for formance measurement.
•• How can the achievement of objec- example, very visible in most engineer- Innovation-capability building is
tives and development of capabilities ing sectors, and hence also of great rel- discussed in more general terms, as
for innovation activities be measured evance for Finland. none of the other innovation agencies
(company level, network level, soci- In such situations more open in- has set building of innovation capabil-
etal level)? novation is expected, and outsourcing ities as an objective. This discussion al-
•• How does Tekes compare with similar in general is seen as a means of cop- so includes the international dimension
organizations internationally? ing with the increased cost pressures. At of how innovation capabilities are built
•• How are capabilities for innovation the same time, the possibilities to lever- and nurtured.
activities developed internationally? age upon the strongholds by identifying Finally this section will summarize
new applications have to be evaluated. Tekes’s overall performance as com-
The study’s ambition of investigating Based on observations gathered pared to its peer organizations in Swe-
the support provided for the building from the four comparisons (Denmark, den, Denmark, Switzerland and Ireland;
of innovation capabilities was made Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland) the Summarizing the comparisons.

4.1 Innovation support As to the balance between cen- ety, whereby the different actors in the
strategies tralized and regional aspects: the Dan- innovation system are able to constant-
ish, Irish, and Swiss innovation agen- ly readjust and realign the efforts in
The publicly funded operations of the cies have a strong centralized man- keeping the country competitive.
Danish, Irish, Swedish and Swiss innova- date, whereas Sweden has a more frag- Assessment 1: The Finnish innova-
tion systems are based, in large part, on mented public innovation system, with tion system has its own historical back-
support channeled through universities. a multitude of actors, both on national ground and appears to have a good bal-
Public funds for R&D in Sweden are usu- and regional levels. In Sweden, one can ance of university and corporate support.
ally directed towards Higher Education see a certain shift in emphasis from the Recommendation 1: Tekes’s role in
Institutions through research councils, national level to stronger regional cent- the future is to remain flexible in adjust-
and in Sweden direct public financial ers, particularly around Gothenburg ing its policies in order to meet the increas-
support to big companies is very limit- and Malmö/Lund. The regional aspect ingly global requirements facing innova-
ed. Worthy of note is also the fact that in- in Sweden was also emphasized in the tion actors.
novation actors in both Sweden as well highly successful VINNVÄXT program.
as Denmark report primarily to the min- Ireland has a very different ap- 4.2 Clusters and networks
istries of education. In Switzerland, with proach to innovation compared to the
an R&D intensity of 3% of GDP, the role other countries in this comparison. Ire- The notion of clusters is actively used in
of the public sector is very small, as the land used to rely on a low-tax policy Sweden, with five clusters being identi-
private sector and higher education to- and strong support for FDI into Ireland, fied as areas of specialization: cleantech,
gether represent 98%. This means that and was successful with this approach automotive, ICT, materials, and life sci-
the Swiss innovation support structure until the beginning of this century. The ences. Ireland has also identified a num-
is only well aligned with two major na- economic crisis has radically affected ber of clusters that are afforded special
tional innovation actors: the Swiss Na- Ireland, and the changes in the inno- recognition: medical technology, com-
tional Science Foundation and the Com- vation system that were announced in puter hardware and software, and phar-
mission for Technology and Innovation. 2006 now face significant pressure due maceuticals. In Switzerland the leading
The Swiss situation is, however, very spe- to the financial difficulties. Irrespective clusters are pharmaceuticals, financial
cial, as Switzerland benefits from its ge- of this, Ireland remains extremely de- services, machinery, and watches and
ographical location, an attractive tax re- pendent on international trade, and the precision instruments.
gime, its close collaboration with Ger- success of its innovation policy in the Sweden is also the only country
many, a favorable climate, and a long near future will depend on how well Ire- in this comparison with a series of pro-
tradition of strong industrial activity in land can engage the MNCs in expand- grams specifically supporting the R&D
a multitude of industries, not least of ing their R&D activities in Ireland. activities of foreign actors, for example
which is the financial services sector. As the Irish budget for R&D is sub- in the automotive sector. Another spe-
However, it is also important to stantially smaller than the other coun- cific feature in Sweden is the training of
note that both Sweden and Switzer- tries in this comparison, the Irish expe- “innovation system developers”.
land have a high degree of compa- riences primarily tend to support the A new initiative in Sweden, Chal-
ny funded R&D, which has been seen view that innovation capabilities can lenge-driven innovation, is a clear in-
as the engine of the successful innova- only be developed over the long term, dication of a change taking place in
tion systems in these countries. In Swe- and require efficient collaboration be- Swedish innovation practices. This
den there are signs of some decline in tween the public and private sectors. multidisciplinary call for proposals, an-
innovation activities, which is partly due Temporarily a country may be attractive nounced in 2011, will result in a three-
to some of the leading MNCs relocat- due to tax policies and structural imbal- stage innovation program with the
ing their research activities from Swe- ances, but long-term economic growth most promising ideas gaining financ-
den to other countries. requires a solid foundation in the soci- ing for up to ten years. The first round

of applications resulted in over 600 pro- ic unit undertaking formal collabora- provide orchestration support e.g. in its
posals, showing that the format intro- tion with further research teams locat- Value Networks program.
duced by VINNOVA was very attractive. ed throughout the country. At the same
These networks are designed in an in- time the same academic unit can also 4.3 Performance
ternational setting from the outset, in participate in another NCCR. measurement
this respect they differ from the region- Ireland has largely adopted a net-
al approach employed in the previous work strategy, similar to that of Switzer- The leading countries in respect of in-
large program, VINNVÄXT. land, by introducing two forms of net- novation seem to actively reference in-
Denmark is also initiating new pro- works: Centres for Science, Engineering ternational rankings in assessing their
grams in the area of eco-innovations, and Technology; and Strategic Research success. In addition, the comparisons
and is looking to support large demon- Clusters. also show that Denmark has quite a fine
stration facilities. This also further un- In Switzerland competition has led grained process of assessing and mon-
derlines the way Denmark emphasizes to a certain degree of academic special- itoring of its own innovation activities.
technology-driven industries and at the ization, as universities compete for ex- The Danish innovation system’s rapid
same time increases its R&D intensity. In tra funding and industry partners. This improvement suggests that this prac-
Denmark collaboration between busi- collaborative structure enables co-spe- tice is something other countries could
ness and research is one of four focus cialization. While a university might have actively consider.
areas of Innovation Denmark. Two types the responsibility for one or two NCCRs Sweden and Switzerland seem to
of networks are formed in Denmark to in certain areas of expertise, its other ac- primarily measure direct outputs of the
support this: competence and innova- ademic units can connect themselves to innovation activities (number of new
tion networks, and innovation consor- funded research projects conducted at PhD and master’s degrees, scientific
tia. The innovation consortia represent other institutions. The NCCRs therefore publications, granted patents). Quali-
a flexible framework for collaboration are the clearest examples of orchestrat- tative measures have also been collect-
between enterprises, research institu- ed ecosystems found in any of the five ed in Sweden and Switzerland through
tions and non-profit advisory/knowl- countries. The Swedish Challenge-driven questionnaires.
edge dissemination parties. The budget Innovation program seems to be going The Swedish assessments do em-
of an average innovation consortium is in the same direction, but the Swiss sys- phasize the significance of durable re-
approximately between €3 million and tem has already been in operation since lationships in explaining innovation
€7.5 million. The consortium must con- 2001, and can, therefore, provide a prac- success. The Swedish experience sug-
sist of a minimum of two enterprises, tical example for how such ecosystems gests that trust and confidence, partic-
one research institution and one knowl- can be nurtured. ularly between key members of each
edge dissemination party. Assessment 2: The emphasis of in- organization, are far more important
The Swiss innovation system has novation support is shifting from clusters than formal agreements. Long-term
two strong networks, the National Re- to networks, and towards orchestrated and large grants have created oppor-
search Programs and the National Cent- ecosystems in particular. The Swiss exam- tunities for establishing relatively broad
ers of Competence in Research (NCCRs). ple of NCCRs and VINNOVA’s Challenge- collaborations with other R&D milieus
The key program is the NCCR, which driven Innovation show the tendency to both within and outside their own in-
has the objective of promoting “scien- support longer-term development efforts stitutions primarily, but not exclusively,
tific excellence in areas of major strate- which have a clear, identifiable organiza- in Sweden. In the Swedish system the
gic importance of the future of Swiss tion as the orchestrator of the ecosystem. university is clearly assigned the role of
research, economy and society” and a Recommendation 2: Tekes should ecosystem orchestrator, as the Swedish
usual funding duration of 12 years. At consider the experiences from these meth- calls for proposals for center grants re-
the moment there are 27 NCCRs, each ods of supporting the development of quire that the university itself must be
of them coordinated by one academ- ecosystems when determining how to the applicant.

Ireland, as a country which is striv- Researchers grappling with the is- is based on the production and use of
ing to catch-up, places great empha- sue of national innovation systems have codified scientific and technical knowl-
sis on tracking how its R&D intensity is similarly had difficulties in identifying edge, STI (Science-Technology-Innova-
progressing. In the last decade private the prerequisites for the success of dif- tion mode), which dominates the inno-
R&D intensity grew from 0.8% in 2000 ferent types of innovation systems. Pro- vation discourse in most countries. The
to 1.17% in 2009. fessor Beng-Åke Lundvall and his col- other mode of learning is based on Do-
Assessment 3: There are clear indi- leagues (2002) have, in various studies, ing, Using and Interacting (DUI mode),
cations that trust and confidence are im- compared different innovation systems which refers to an experience based
portant factors strengthening the innova- and their dynamics. One study was a knowledge policy, or a human resource
tion process. large-scale project on the Danish sys- policy. The vast majority of innovation
Recommendation 3: Tekes could tem of innovation, mainly carried out in studies have little to say about the re-
use the experiences from abroad when 1996–1999 where they observed that lation of DUI-mode learning to innova-
broadening its assessment process. In- the Danish system was built on special- tive performance.
creased active monitoring of the inno- ization in low technology sectors and Empirical data from Denmark has
vation activities as they proceed should that most of its innovations had been shown that companies that perform
be emphasized. In networks there is al- incremental and experience-based well on both these dimensions (STI
so a need to be able to monitor how rela- rather than radical and science based. and DUI) are the most successful ones
tionships and trust are nurtured through They also noticed that the Danish econ- in respect of innovation. These firms
Tekes’s activities. omy was characterized by intense inter- tend to combine informal experience-
action between firms, while the interac- based learning with activities that in-
4.4 Innovation capability tion between firms and universities was dicate a strong capacity to absorb and
building weakly developed. These findings from use codified and scientific knowledge.
the late 1990s can now be reflected up- This would then imply that human re-
The challenge to operationalize ca- on in light of the strong emphasis on sources are key to innovation, and there
pabilities for the purpose of proper- university–industry collaboration car- is a need to build innovation and com-
ly understanding the underlying logic ried out in the 2000s in Denmark, and petence building systems that include
of how certain organizations are able the significant improvements Denmark labor market institutions, industrial re-
to change and transform is a univer- lately has had in innovation rankings. lations, vocational training and edu-
sal problem. David J. Teece, the leading Another observation from the cational principles, and that support
academic authority on capabilities, ad- Danish innovation system is that it fa- organizational learning and life-long
mits this: vors a broad concept based on a wide learning. Practical means of strengthen-
The microfoundations of dynamic set of policies including social policy, la- ing the DUI mode in organizations and
capabilities – the distinct skills, process- bor market policy, education policy, in- networks include: project teams, prob-
es, procedures, organizational structures, dustrial policy, energy policy, environ- lem-solving groups, and job and task
decision rules, and disciplines – which un- mental policy and science and tech- rotation (Jensen et al, 2007).
dergird enterprise-level sensing, seizing, nology policy. Such a national innova- Lundvall has also interpreted the
and reconfiguring capacities are difficult tion system then calls for national de- above results in the light of the success
to develop and deploy. Enterprises with velopment strategies with co-ordina- of the Nordic countries in respect of in-
strong dynamic capabilities are intense- tion across these policy areas (Lundvall novation (Lundvall, 2008). Here he sug-
ly entrepreneurial. They not only adapt to et al, 2002). gests that in small countries most ideas
business ecosystems, but also shape them Later, Lundvall and his colleagues based in scientific research come from
through innovation and through collabo- (Jensen et al 2007) have developed ide- abroad and the capacity to integrate
ration with other enterprises, entities, and as about two basically different forms them in the practice of domestic firms
institutions. (Teece, 2007, p. 1319) of innovation approaches. One mode will reflect not only R&D-activities but

also the competence and collaborative positive result of publicly funded inno- transfer networks in 2005. These net-
efforts of scientists, engineers, manag- vation projects. works have assigned advisors to help
ers, workers and marketing experts. This Lundvall also addresses some more SMEs to determine exactly what kind
would suggest that small countries in fundamental issues which he considers of innovation support services they
general neither can nor should set the prejudices. So for example he questions require. Coaching of young entrepre-
same ambitions for domestic innova- to what extent lowering personal tax- neurs is also provided.
tion as the United States or China. Crit- es attract experts. There is no evidence Lundvall welcomes the Finnish
ical to the performance of small coun- that low tax economies perform better model in which innovation is under the
tries is the capability to learn. This re- in terms of innovation than those with Ministry of Employment and the Econ-
quires skilled labor, good labor relation- high taxes. Here the case of Ireland in omy as this may give adequate weight
ships and good collaboration with cus- comparison with the other countries of to policies affecting human resourc-
tomers and among experts with differ- this study seems to also raise the ques- es, labor market and work organization
ent backgrounds. Having made this ba- tion of how efficient a low tax policy is (Lundvall, 2008, p. 7). He concludes that
sic assumption Lundvall comes to the in nurturing innovation. social capital and participatory learn-
conclusion that the Finnish innovation Another issue raised by Lundvall is ing could be the hidden and forgotten
strategy is the one that comes closest to that of entrepreneurship. This area al- strengths of the Nordic innovation sys-
combining the DUI and the STI-mode, so shows no indication that countries tems. This could be due to the fact that
forming a systemic understanding of with high frequencies of start-ups per- the egalitarian character of the Nordic
what drives innovation and of how in- form better in terms of innovation and innovation systems, with small income
novation is transformed into econom- growth than those with low frequencies and status differences, makes vertical,
ic performance (Lundvall, 2008, p. 5). of start-ups. One reason for this may be interactive learning and delegation of
This observation is based on the explic- the fact that most innovation process- responsibility much more frequent and
it strategy formulation of the 2008 Pro- es are interactive and take place within efficient. This would also indicate that
posal for Finland’s National Innovation or across the borders of existing organi- national educational systems with the
strategy. zations. – What may be more important main emphasis on the formal training of
Lundvall also appreciates that than individual entrepreneurship may scientists and engineers, while neglect-
Denmark, Sweden and Finland are ac- be ‘collective entrepreneurship’. ing the broader forms of vocational
tively taking part in transnational net- Despite of Lundvall’s skepticism, it training, may be vulnerable in the con-
works and EU programs, and that they seems that most countries are actively text of a learning economy.
aim to attract star scholars from abroad. trying to encourage an entrepreneur- From Sweden, Denmark and Swit-
He also acknowledges the ambitions of ial culture. In Denmark the main chal- zerland there is very clear evidence that
the countries to not only focus on di- lenge is that even if there is a high lev- companies’ adoption of scientifically
rect transfer knowledge from universi- el of start-ups, there is a low level of based working practices, recruitment
ties to industry, but also to actively pro- high growth firms. Scaling up is there- of research graduates, competence de-
mote the presence of academic labor fore a key word used by several of the velopment and absorption of R&D re-
in industry, thereby encouraging indi- innovation agencies. To help start-ups sults are facilitated if companies collab-
rect knowledge transfer. This has been and small firms to gain access to in- orate with leading R&D milieus and ac-
very explicit in Denmark, through its novation support, both Denmark and tively participate in joint R&D projects.
industrial PhD scheme, where the re- Switzerland have introduced innova- Assessment 4: Innovation capabil-
search student divides his or her time tion voucher schemes. In Switzerland ity building requires the convergence of a
between an enterprise and a university. the objective of the scheme is to pro- multitude of factors.
Also Switzerland has a similar PhD pro- vide support in a fair, user-friendly, and Recommendation 4: Tekes should
gram. In Sweden the transition of Ph- flexible manner. Switzerland has also track and evaluate which particular in-
Ds into industry has been considered a launched Knowledge and Technology novation support activities are effective in

what situations, and to support different and on commercial markets means that at the moment, in light of the materi-
innovation needs. On one hand, there is Sweden’s image as a research and tech- al provided for this study, the leading
a need for longer term programs, orches- nology nation is further strengthened. system of those compared. This is very
trated by leading organizations, and, on Strong R&I systems comprise interna- much a result of the confluence of sev-
the other hand for fair, user-friendly and tionally leading R&D milieus of consid- eral factors, which have allowed the
flexible instruments for start-ups and erable mass, which maintain close and Swiss research and innovation system
SMEs. Tekes should also emphasize the sustainable collaborations with interna- to establish strong scientific and tech-
transfer of knowledge through individu- tionally leading companies. nological connections with partners
als, by e.g. encouraging PhDs to alter be- Also seemingly on the rise is the in other European systems. 45% of all
tween academia and industry. need to support innovation from explo- Swiss patent applications include a co-
ration to exploitation through different inventor located abroad, showing the
4.5 Summarizing the forms of demonstration initiatives. This high degree of international network-
comparisons is the case in the Swedish Challenge- ing within the Swiss innovation system.
driven innovation program, and is al- The results from the country com-
Both Sweden and Switzerland seem so evident in the Danish Proof-of-Con- parisons now enables a return to the
to benefit from the image of being in- cept program, which particularly em- conceptual framework introduced in
novation leaders. When assessing one phasizes technology transfer between chapter 1 and a reconsideration of the
Swedish innovation program it was national and international research in- framework from the perspective of the
concluded that becoming internation- stitutions and enterprises. innovation agency, which is illustrated
ally known both in the scientific arena The Swiss innovation system is in Figure 19.

Figure 19. Innovation capability building support; the innovation agency perspective


–knowledge creation &
capability building –


Nodal firm Nodal firm

Business modeling
Business modeling Culturing capability capability
Culturing capability capability  Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity  Role modeling  Conceptualizing
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing  Timing
Coordination capability
Coordination capability  Change management
 Change management  Constellation management
 Constellation management  Internal coordination
 Internal coordination

Integrative Relationship
Integrative Relationship capability capability
capability capability
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence

 Internal integration  Customer intelligence  External integration  Customer linking
 External integration  Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

Generative capability Transformative capability
 Innovation  Offering design
 Innovation  Offering design  Execution

The new
Business modeling
Business modeling Culturing capability capability
Culturing capability capability  Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity  Role modeling  Conceptualizing
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing  Timing
Coordination capability
Coordination capability  Change management
 Change management  Constellation management
 Constellation management  Internal coordination
 Internal coordination


 Internal integration
 External integration

 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking
CONTEXT Integrative

 Internal integration
 External integration

 Customer intelligence
 Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

Generative capability Transformative capability
 Innovation  Offering design
 Innovation  Offering design  Execution

Network Network

Figure 20. Innovation support activities


 Seed investments for start-ups  Selecting and funding demanding  Access to land and premises at
 Financing long-term development research projects and programs competitive prices (e.g. science parks)
(incubators, accelerators etc.)  Creating complex financing packages  High quality communication networks
 Financing firm research projects for large research projects (transportation, data etc.)
 Pre-market incentives and  Attracting venture capital  Health and safety regulations.
demonstrations to support early  Nurturing creative individuals  Supportive tax system
adopters of new technology  Investor engagement in early stage  Investment support for innovation
 Public procurement as research initiatives efforts
encouragement for new solutions  Public procurement and incentives to  Laws and regulations guaranteeing
 Foresight to support innovation stimulate research collaboration smooth business operations
activities  Train innovation system developers  Technical standards and coordination
 Coaching of entrepreneurs  International researcher exchange to  Societal inclusiveness enabling
 Access to key expertise (technology, strengthen research quality integration of foreign labor
marketing etc.)  Rotation of researchers between  Welfare system which strengthens
 Co-orchestration support in academia and industry workforce motivation
ecosystems  Venture management to secure  Public operating procedures which
 Access to market and distribution market pull in research projects makes dealing with authorities simple
channels  Domestic and international research  Access to educated workforce at
 Connections to alliance partners alliances to sharpen research focus competitive conditions
 Possibilities to gain access to  Market making/positioning as  Availability of service workforce to
established international pipelines guidance for research priorities secure basic business operations
 Providing political credibility in front  Providing stewardship and disciplinary  High labor moral including low
of stakeholders (investors etc.) diversification in the network frequency of strikes and work
 Fostering a collaborative spirit in  Constellation platforms bringing disputes
large ecosystems together actors from different sectors  Labor market flexibility
 Input on the design of new business for open innovation  Support of an entrepreneurial climate
models  Nurturing trust in constellations and

The innovation agency is a co-cre- Assessment 5: The internation- Recommendation 5: As interna-

ator of innovation capabilities. The fo- al comparison of innovation agencies in tional networks are becoming the main
cus of the innovation support activities Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Ire- form for successful innovations, Tekes
is on knowledge creation and capability land suggests that the leading innova- should focus on the individuals and the
building. Activities contributing to this tion agencies have broadly similar strat- organizational capabilities needed to
are listed in Figure 20: egies and objectives. Compared to these build and foster international networks.
other countries Finland is less internation-
alized, and this has to be taken into con-
sideration by Tekes.

Innovation analysis
This chapter uses the conceptual •• How well are Tekes’s strategic choic- how well Finnish companies have de-
framework to evaluate how the activi- es, relating to the strengthening of veloped, as a result of the support Tekes
ties of Tekes have supported innovation innovation capabilities, represented has provided. This is the reason for this
capability building in the Finnish inno- in its financing criteria, financing in- impact study’s strong company-cen-
vation system. The analysis will consist struments and operating methods? tric view.
of four parts. First, the overall direction •• How can the chosen financing crite- In considering the historical direc-
of Tekes’s activities, and how these have ria, instruments and operating meth- tion of Tekes’s financing, the first ques-
changed over the years, is analyzed in ods be justified in light of stimulat- tion is WHO is being funded by Tekes.
section 5.1. Second, Tekes’s interac- ing the strengthening of innovation This will be dealt with in section 5.1.1.
tions with individual organizations and capability? The second question when consider-
what the organizations expect from •• How should the criteria, instruments ing Tekes interventions is WHAT types
Tekes, is the focus of section 5.2. Third, and operating methods be im- of activities get funded, and here the
Tekes’s means of assessing its own per- proved? way Tekes has organized its own activi-
formance is the subject of section 5.3. ties in the form of programs is of partic-
Certain new imperatives for innovation This section will address policy level is- ular interest, as the programs in them-
agencies, derived from these findings, sues relating to Tekes’s performance in selves are Tekes’s means of signaling its
are presented in section 5.4. building innovation capabilities. Sec- content priorities in respect of innova-
tion 5.2 in turn will address the inter- tion support. The programs and other
5.1 Innovation capabilities actions with customers based on case funding priorities are discussed in sec-
vs. Tekes financing and analyses and additional feedback gath- tion 5.1.2. The third question of impor-
operating methods ered from Tekes customers and other tance regarding the way Tekes supports
stakeholders during this study. innovation capability building is HOW
When considering how the activities of Tekes has defined its objectives as the innovation support is carried out.
Tekes have contributed to the building follows: This is the topic of section 5.1.3.
of innovation capabilities the key ques- We finance demanding research
tions are: and development projects and we pro- 5.1.1 Who is being funded by
•• How has Tekes considered the ob- mote the development of companies. Tekes?
jectives and strategic choices associ- (In Finnish: Rahoitamme haastavia tutki- In Finland there are strong links be-
ated with capabilities for innovation mus- ja kehitysprojekteja ja edistämme tween the innovation agency, compa-
activities, competence bases, and in- yritysten kehittymistä; source www. nies and the state funded research in-
ternationalization and networking in stitute VTT. During 2010 the funding to
its financing criteria, financing instru- Based on the above definition the VTT was increased, from 50 to 64 mil-
ments and operating methods? focus of Tekes activities is to provide lion, which makes VTT, by far, the sin-
•• How does Tekes operate, target its support to companies. This implies that gle largest recipient of Tekes funding.
funding and support, and what are a study of Tekes’s impact on innova- Sweden in turn has a very clear focus
the funding criteria? tion capabilities should take its origin in on universities, whereas SMEs are Den-

mark’s primary target group. Switzer- In such a case the institutional frame- companies is actually quite small, and
land has a much smaller ratio of govern- work prohibits certain types of market that the amount of financing awarded
ment financed R&D to GDP compared mechanisms from being established in to the largest recipients has decreased
to Finland, Sweden and Denmark, even the first place. One example in Finland over the 2004–2010 period.
if universities play as significant a role in is the way in which universities are in- For example, in 2010, only 10.7% of
the Swiss innovation system as they do stitutionalized, implying that they can- Tekes payments were allocated to the
in the Nordic countries. not be freely financed by the market. As 30 largest recipients, compared to 2004
The conceptual framework of this the role of universities is crucial in the when 16.9% of Tekes payments were al-
impact study puts forward some sug- innovation system, this mechanism pre- located to the 30 largest recipients. Fig-
gestions to explain the reason for Swit- sents certain specific constraints upon ure 21 presents how Tekes payments
zerland being on top of the chart, even how Tekes can perform in the Finnish have been divided between different
if the national innovation agency has a innovation system. organization types.
very minor role in the development. By Another observation concerns the The share of Tekes payments di-
taking the company-centric view we way companies are supported by the rected to Finland’s largest companies
can argue that the strong ecosystems public sector; Tekes must take this into is assessed by comparing the amount
around the leading Swiss MNCs as well consideration when directing its own of funding with their revenues by us-
as the well networked Swiss banking targeted activities. The ultimate role ing Talouselämä magazine’s TE 500
sector provide individual start-up com- of an innovation agency is to support list, which ranks the Finnish compa-
panies with access to both financial growth and generate jobs. The cases nies based on revenue. Together, the
and intellectual capital through mar- of Volkswagen in Shanghai and Nokia 50 largest companies represented pay-
ket mechanisms. In such a case, “inno- in Oulu are examples (see chapter 2) ments of €291 million during the period
vation support services” are provided by of the mechanisms that have achieved 2004–2010, equal to 18.1% of all Tekes
the market, which also seems to be the this: supported growth and generat- payments to companies. Of the top 50
case in Silicon Valley. Therefore national ed new jobs. Tekes needs to critical- TE 500 -companies only 13 were also on
innovation agencies in countries, with ly evaluate what alternative paths ex- Tekes’s list of the 50 largest payment re-
less robust markets, must substitute for ist for achieving these objectives, and cipients for the period 2004–2010 (see
those activities that the local, national what alternative strategies an innova- Table 1).
market fails to provide. This means that tion agency such as Tekes has for con- The emergence of the SHOKs, and
in allocating its funds, Tekes cannot di- tributing to such development. Partic- the funding allocated to them, consti-
rectly copy the Swiss success story, as ularly in light of the increasing difficulty tute a noteworthy new phenomenon
the contextual factors in Switzerland of mobilizing public funding, as a result which has surfaced during the period
are quite different from Finland. An im- of the financial crisis, leveraging upon of observation. This funding appears in
portant conclusion to be drawn from activities carried out by other actors in the figures, until 2010, in two forms, as
this is, however, that innovation sup- the innovation system becomes a key payments to the SHOKs, but primarily,
port services can be provided by both objective. in the individual figures for each of the
private firms as well as public organiza- One important question, which respective receiving companies within
tions. has been raised in the public discus- the SHOKs. This further underscores the
In the case of Finland, this means sion, is to what extent Tekes should pro- fact, that even with the introduction of
that those innovation support activities vide financing to the largest companies. SHOKs, Tekes financing has systemati-
that the market cannot provide should Through an analysis of quantitative in- cally been more geared towards SMEs
constitute the activities provided by formation from Tekes’s customer data- during the period 2004–2010.
the public innovation support provid- base and ex-post report data regard- When moving from individu-
ers as a result of market failure. In ad- ing Tekes’s customers over the period al companies to industries, the evolu-
dition, other forms of support may al- 2004–2010 it becomes apparent that tion of the overall industrial composi-
so be necessary due to system failure. Tekes’s funding of the largest Finnish tion must be explored. During the peri-

Figure 21. Tekes payments to organizations, by organization (source: Tekes data, Synocus analysis)

Other companies Other research Grand Total

Values ESA SHOK TOP 30 University VTT and organizations institutes (€)
2004 15 143 160 0 58 194 328 90 004 891 33 631 241 137 955 325 8 450 661 343 379 606
2005 17 138 654 0 56 214 541 95 012 130 36 700 036 138 853 312 8 959 805 352 878 478
2006 15 661 334 0 63 219 065 100 136 615 34 821 960 146 214 669 8 659 368 368 713 011
2007 18 041 405 463 027 70 581 125 96 561 684 33 519 640 148 982 431 6 532 167 374 681 479
2008 14 262 132 625 096 77 299 301 96 984 883 44 328 189 181 879 946 9 640 599 425 020 146
2009 16 410 449 4 608 333 68 407 566 106 701 176 50 865 035 197 308 568 9 277 159 253 578 286
2010 15 858 245 26 303 129 55 379 626 133 267 494 64 734 029 212 204 603 7 708 293 515 455 419

od 2004–2010 the most significant de- Table 1. Main recipients of Tekes funding, 2004–2010 (source: Synocus analysis)
velopment has been in the software
and data processing industry, where Company Ranking Sum of all Revenue TE 500
in Tekes payments 2010 list
Tekes payments have increased more
payments rank
than 100%, up to almost €60 million in 2004–2010
2010. Although Tekes funding has been Nokia 1 84917957 42446000000 1
increased in the majority of industries,
Metso 2 42764365 5552000000 10
software and data processing is the on-
UPM-Kymmene 3 23059867 8925400000 5
ly industry which experienced signifi-
Tellabs 4 22302619 312690000 162
cant relative growth from the perspec-
Neste Oil 5 19591203 11892000000 2
tive of Tekes funding. This is illustrated
Wärtsilä 6 18862330 4553000000 15
in the Figure 22.
Orion 7 18349516 850000000 67
Figure 23 shows how funding
Elektrobit 8 16175693 162000000 283
awarded to large companies is further
Outotec 9 13630417 970000000 60
allocated to the broader network.
FIT Biotech 10 13371850 0 -
Three trends are identifiable from
Kemira 11 13370486 2161000000 25
this analysis. Firstly, the financing has,
in general, been directed slightly away Biotie Therapies 12 13258397 1711000 -
from large companies and towards Stora Enso 13 12861989 10297000000 3

Table 1. continues... SMEs. Secondly, most industries have
maintained their relative share of fi-
Company Ranking Sum of all Revenue TE 500 nancing during the observation peri-
in Tekes payments 2010 list
od, only the ICT-sector has significantly
payments rank
2004–2010 increased its relative share. Thirdly, the
KONE 14 12633191 4987000000 12 financing instruments have been fine-
tuned to ensure that funding allocat-
Rautaruukki 15 12374662 2415000000 22
ed by Tekes will encourage networks
Teleste 16 11585946 46600000 -
to be formed, to establish closer collab-
Silecs Oy 17 10799919 3900000 -
oration between large and small com-
Hormos Medical Oy 18 8682281 12444000 -
panies, with the support of universities
ABB 19 8357094 2161000000 24
and research institutes.
Chempolis Oy 20 8315511 1000000 - Considering what groups of organ-
Finnzymes Oy 21 6988279 13400000 - izations Tekes should finance in the fu-
Valio 22 6921823 1822000000 35 ture inevitably brings up the debate re-
TeliaSonera 23 6919097 1713000000 40 garding whether society should finance
NetHawk Oyj 24 6780167 16806000 - large companies to begin with. This de-
Honeywell Oy 25 6648577 46520000 - bate has inspired The Economist (De-
Oy Jurilab Ltd 26 6640605 0 - cember 17th-30th, 2011, p. 122) to argue
Technopolis 27 6597763 82000000 - that today’s economy seems to favor
Medicel Oy 28 6255977 74000 - big companies over small ones. Three
VTI Technologies 29 6247565 75788000 - arguments were made in support of
KWH 30 5453256 484000000 121
this statement (see Mendel, 2011):
•• Economic growth is increasingly driv-
Borealis 31 5450370 315000000 161
en by big ecosystems; these ecosys-
Philips 32 5275971 95000000 447
tems need to be managed by a core
Vaisala 33 5083465 253000000 156
company that has the scale and skills
Patria 34 5015016 564000000 101
to provide technological leadership
FibroGen Europe Oy 35 4950000 13000 - (i.e. business orchestrators).
IonPhasE Oy 36 4917352 628000 - •• Globalization attaches a greater pre-
On2 Technologies Finland Oy 37 4888422 598000 - mium to size than ever before.
BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oy 38 4645832 0 - •• Many of the most important chal-
Cassidian Finland Oy 39 4632348 150 302 lenges for innovators involve vast sys-
Outokumpu 40 4326134 4229000000 17 tems, such as education and health
Tuotekehitys Oy Tamlink 41 4288653 2800000 - care, or giant problems, such as glob-
M-real 42 4231130 5377000000 11 al warming. To make a serious change
Metsäliitto Osuuskunta 43 4206138   to a complex system, you usually
Fastrax Oy 44 4201703 8429000 - have to be big (grand challenge inno-
Beneq Oy 45 4131027 10034000 - vation, see Pisano, Shih, 2009, Wallin,
Su 2010, Day, Shoemaker, 2011).
Ipsat Therapies Oy 46 4104672 - -
Foster Wheeler 47 4075822 154000000 293
The Economist goes on to suggest that
Ekahau Oy 48 3834598 3300000 -
this has profound implications for pol-
Vapo 49 3829931 720000000 77
icymakers. Western governments have
Winwind 50 3738118 84000000 487
been obsessed with promoting small

Figure 22. Tekes funding by industry 2004–2010 (source: Synocus analysis)

70 000 000
Software and data
Machines and metals
60 000 000 Electronics and
electrotechnical industry
Chemical industry
50 000 000 Architecture, engineering
and technical services
R&D services
40 000 000 Forest industry

Management consulting

30 000 000 Other services

Wholesale and retail trade

20 000 000 Other sectors


10 000 000 Foods

Healt care and social

0 #N/A
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Figure 23. Tekes funding flows to large companies in 2008–2010 (source: Tekes)

Average funding flows in 2008–2010

Funding flows, million euros
Large company Tekes funding for large companies + 58
10mill. € over 500 employees
Large companies projects buy research
University services from universities and research
institutes -28
Research Costs of projects
institute funded by Tekes SMEs Large companies projects use SMEs as
28 mill. € 19 mill. €
167 mill. € subcontractors -19

Large companies co-finance public

research projects in universities and
research institutes
58 mill. €
Net flow -10
+ 1

businesses and fostering creative eco- ing becoming focused on short term op- source pools will provide support in
systems. But, if large companies are the portunistic trends affecting the public dis- this respect. For example, cities devel-
key to innovation, there is an increased cussion. oping technology parks in adjacen-
need to also more strongly integrate The invitation to tender for the im- cy to leading universities provide such
the large companies into innovation pact study highlighted the complex dy- support, and, for many start-ups, access
networks. In this respect, the formation namics related to the building of inno- to the university campus may be what
of SHOKs, which integrate all three con- vation capability as follows: they are looking for in order to pursue
stituents: large companies; SMEs; and Outcomes of this type result in more their business ambitions. In this respect
universities/research institutes, is a step extensive societal impacts as new capa- a substitute for support from Tekes is
in this direction. The key question then bilities for innovation activities are creat- the provision of physical proximity to
is: how well does this organizational ed in new fields of research and applica- the research community provided by a
construct serve, and support, each of tion. In the next phase, extensive new ca- local agency, be it a city, incubator or
these constituents in practice? pabilities for innovation activities of this university organization. For the compa-
Including large companies in the type will act as an input in enterprising ac- ny, any organization that supports its in-
innovation system is also only part of tivities aiming at renewal of the economy novation efforts could be perceived to
the solution to the innovation conun- and productivity growth. In other words, serve as an “innovation support provid-
drum, as many have acknowledged business life networks are a key part of the er”, meaning that, in certain situations,
(and as The Economist also points out): relational capital, which can help transfer Tekes, the City of Espoo, Technopolis, or
large companies often excel at incre- capabilities accumulated through earlier Aalto University may all provide “inno-
mental innovation (see e.g. Christensen, research and development activities as in- vation support services” in the Finnish
1997), but are less comfortable with dis- puts in the networks’ own activities. capital region.
ruptive innovation. The other important The above quote illustrates the If the objective is to create new or-
factor is a firm’s ability to grow, which difficulty of establishing the causal re- chestrated ecosystems, then the nod-
is valuable in itself. Progress tends to lationships of Tekes intervention versus al organization must be an Orchestra-
come from high-growth companies. the formation of innovation capabili- tor. Therefore, there are two types of
The conclusion is that a good innova- ties in the business community affect- organizations which are critical to the
tion system needs both large and SME ed by Tekes’s activities. The notion can formation of internationally successful
companies. help transfer capabilities underlines the ecosystems: Generators and Orchestra-
Assessment 6: The distribution uncertainties related to the assessment tors. Generators build their own core re-
of funds by Tekes during 2004-2010 has of the impact on capability creation of sources, and engage in active coopera-
evolved in a way which encourages col- Tekes’s interventions. tion with customers within an efficient-
laboration between various actors in the A key question arising from the ly managed operational framework. Or-
innovation system. This varied composi- conceptual framework (chapter 2) and chestrators, in turn, develop new con-
tion seems to accurately reflect the larg- the comparison of the different coun- cepts and actively build networks that
er changes in the business context. Tekes’s tries (chapter 4) is how Tekes supports they guide and nurture through their
ambition of being both adaptive and the formation of international ecosys- strong leadership capabilities.
pro-active seems to have proved success- tems. If the innovation is based on a There is only a small portion of
ful. The correlation of recent successes in technological invention, the focal com- Finnish companies that, like One Way
the ICT sector and the relative increase in pany is a Generator. Such a company Sport, aim at being fully-fledged eco-
the sector’s funding is a positive indicator. will primarily look for access to scientif- system orchestrators similar to Ap-
Recommendation 6: Tekes should ic knowledge, which is normally avail- ple or IKEA. But there are a considera-
continue its independent evaluation of able in universities and research insti- ble number of companies elaborating
the larger business context, and balance tutes. Subsequently, any arrangement with business models and service con-
its funding portfolio for the purpose of that will facilitate and enable the com- cepts which strengthen the companies
long term support of innovation, avoid- pany to gain good access to such re- in this area, due to the increasing im-

portance of business ecosystems as the In the case of an Orchestrator, the work orchestration, banks, cities, univer-
environments where important innova- need for Absorption – Conceptualiza- sities etc.
tions emerge. This implies that compa- tion – Networking capabilities means Thus, the success of building in-
nies occupy different roles, in different that the requirements on the “innova- novation capabilities in general is ulti-
business contexts and ecosystems. It is tion agency” are quite different from mately determined by the combined
therefore relevant for Tekes to support what is required for a Generator, and effects of the different actors. Regard-
both those companies that build gen- the Vigo Accelerators are one way of ing Tekes, it is therefore increasingly im-
erative capabilities, enabling innova- establishing such co-orchestration sup- portant to make sure that its resources
tion according to the traditional indus- port for start-ups. However, the need for are leveraged upon in order to engage
trial logic, as well as those that provide orchestration also exists for established other parties for the purpose of build-
orchestration capabilities. Such orches- companies, and larger ecosystems. For ing innovation capabilities.
trating organizations need to develop such purposes Tekes recently launched Assessment 7: Tekes supports both
and/or gain access to the Absorption its funding program for Value Networks. the development of new technologies
– Conceptualization – Networking ca- In projects funded within this program formed by individual companies as well
pabilities, which are required to pursue special emphasis is placed on develop- as the orchestration of internationally en-
the orchestration strategy. These capa- ing larger ecosystems that enable the gaged ecosystems. The Vigo and Value
bilities are not primarily found in univer- establishment of new and broad inter- Network initiatives are important new el-
sities or research institutions, but either national business, which is based on the ements in the funding portfolio, which ef-
through access to large companies with strength of the engaged network. Fi- fectively support the new emergent need
whom the orchestrating enterprise can nancing can be provided to both large to enable capability building in ecosys-
make an alliance, or through access to companies as well as SMEs. Of special tems.
financers that can provide relevant net- interest in these projects are new busi- Recommendation 7: Tekes should
works with complementary capabilities. ness models, concept development, place particular emphasis on ensuring
In the case of Silicon Valley we can new forms of collaborative processes, that dynamic and orchestration capabil-
see that the venture capital community and customer-driven, iterative devel- ities are properly built in the ecosystems,
provides support to build the necessary opment. The average development cy- and that funding also supports the inclu-
capabilities for start-up firms, whereas it cle is expected to be 2–4 years, and the sion of necessary international elements.
could be speculated that the large Swiss total investment of each initiative is in
MNCs together with the strong bank- the range of €5–10 million. Tekes will, 5.1.2 What is being funded by
ing sector in Switzerland provide small- however, not participate in the costs of Tekes?
er companies with similar capabilities. forming the consortium, the applica- Tekes’s allocation of its own funding
Tekes is increasingly developing these tion must, instead, be provided by an through different forms of programs
types of supporting capabilities for Finn- existing consortium. is one way of evaluating how the em-
ish start-up firms through the Vigo pro- The above examples show that phasis of Tekes’s innovation capabili-
gram. Vigo Accelerators form the back- considering the company as a mem- ty building efforts has evolved. Tekes
bone of the Vigo program. Accelerators ber of an orchestrated ecosystem al- funding is distributed by a variety of
are carefully selected independent com- lows us to see that the national inno- means, both in the form of individual-
panies run by internationally proven en- vation agency, i.e. Tekes in Finland, is ly funded business research and devel-
trepreneurs and executives. These Ac- only one possible service provider that opment projects or public research pro-
celerators help the start-ups grow faster, can support the company in building jects, as well as through long term re-
smarter, and safer in entering the glob- innovation capabilities. Subsequent- search programs. These long term pro-
al market. The Accelerators are co-entre- ly, innovation support services can al- grams, varying in length from 3-8 years
preneurs, who invest in the companies so be provided by large companies as with a majority lasting four or five years,
they work with to guarantee common alliance partners, venture capitalists, include companies, research institutes
goals and shared development effort. smaller companies specializing in net- and universities as well as public sec-

tor organizations participating in joint grams active between the years 2000– following table (Table 2), categorizes the
research projects. The selection of par- 2011 here presented shows the broad programs active within the period in
ticipating firms and individual projects trends governing Tekes’s funding deci- question according to industry and to-
within these programs is conducted sions over this period. The assessment tal amount of funding, awarded by Tekes.
separately for research organizations or has cataloged the 91 programs, active As is evident from the above table,
universities and businesses. The selec- during the period of 2000–2011, ac- the single largest portion of funding has
tion process for businesses is an open, cording to three factors: (i) target in- been directed towards programs relat-
year-round application process wherein dustry or field of commerce, (ii) total ing to the field of information and com-
businesses may apply for funding for an amount of funding awarded by Tekes; munication technology, having bene-
existing, or planned, research and de- and (iii) the program’s total duration. fited from a total of €900 million. This
velopment project which the business The programs were classified using six funding has been quite evenly spread
believes would fit the program’s gen- industries: (1) built environment, (2) en- out over a total of 17 programs through-
eral goals. Research institutes and uni- ergy & the environment, (3) forest, (4) out the period in question, with the ear-
versities, however, are selected through health and wellbeing, (5) ICT, (6) met- liest program (TLX Telecommunications
public research calls, often conducted als and mechanical engineering, and – Creating a Global Village) having origi-
annually or biennially. the remaining programs were grouped nated in 1997 and successive programs
In 2010 Tekes’s programs account- into the final category (7) others, which in the industry continuing throughout
ed for an estimated 36% of all Tekes includes those projects involving mul- the period. (see Figure 24)
funding and, as such, serve as a relia- tiple industries or ones which did not The next most significant sectors
ble indicator of general trends govern- represent any of the six “base industries”. have been those of health and well-be-
ing the organization’s funding strategy. This data enabled the assessment of de- ing (€447 million, 9 programs) and en-
The goals of these programs, as well as velopments over the breadth of Tekes’s ergy and the environment (€363 mil-
their significance as markers of Tekes’s programs as well as those within indi- lion, 15 programs) (see figures 24–25).
evolving priorities, are further under- vidual industries, providing a broad per- While fewer in number, individual pro-
scored by Tekes’s description of the tar- spective on the prevailing trends. grams within the health and well-being
gets of these programs as “…strategi- Those industries or sectors with sector have consistently been of com-
cally important areas of R&D that Tekes the most programs active over this pe- parable duration and funding as those
has identified together with the busi- riod are: information and communica- within the ICT industry and have pro-
ness sector and researchers.” The over- tion technology, and energy and the en- ceeded without pause since the begin-
all evolution of the allocation of Tekes vironment. However, the mere number ning of the iWell and Diagnostics 2000
funding in the form of programs dur- of active programs does not necessarily programs in 2000. Programs within the
ing the last ten years is depicted in Fig- reflect the sector’s significance in respect energy and environment sector have
ures 24–26. of funding. To address this question it is been evenly spread out over the peri-
The assessment of the industries or integral to consider the total amount of od in question but have been limited to
fields of commerce targeted by the pro- funding allocated to a given sector. The more moderately budgeted programs

Table 2. Total funding awarded by Tekes and number of programs for all active programs (2000–2011) by industry
(source: Tekes, Synocus analysis)

Built Energy & Forest Health & Information & Metals and Multi-
environment environment cluster well-being communication mechanical industry &
technology engineering other
Number of programs 9 15 5 9 17 7 29
Total funding e192 million e363 million e127 million e447 million e900 million e132 million e831 million

Figure 24. The allocation of Tekes funds through programs classified as (from top to bottom): Metal products and mechanical
engineering; Information and communication industry and services; and Health and well-being

€ million
NewPro – Uusiutuva metalliteknologia – Uudet tuotteet 2004–2009 19
MASINA – Koneenrakennus 2002–2007 51
VÄRE – Värähtelyn ja äänen hallinta 1999–2002 10
ProMotor – Moottorialan teknologiaohjelma 1999–2003 22
Metallurgian mahdollisuudet 1999–2003 14
Rasko – Keskiraskaan ja raskaan kokoonpanotoiminnan kehittäminen 1998–2000 7
Kenno – Kevyet levyt -teknologiaohjelma 1998–2002 8
Trial – Kognitiivisen radion ja verkon kokeiluympäristö 2011–2014 14
Tila 2008–2012 45
Digitaalinen tuoteprosessi 2008–2012 40
Ubicom – Sulautettu tietotekniikka 2007–2013 120
Verso – Vertical Software Solutions 2006–2010 56
MASI – Mallinnus ja simulointi 2005–2009 53
GIGA – Konvergoituvat verkot 2005–2010 99
VAMOS – Liiketoiminnan mobiilit ratkaisut 2005–2010 43
FENIX – Vuorovaikutteinen tietotekniikka 2003–2007 47
ELMO – Elektroniikan miniatyrisointi 2002–2005 62
ÄLY – Älykkäät automaatiojärjestelmät 2001–2004 24
NETS – Tulevaisuuden verkot 2001–2005 97
SPIN – Ohjelmistotuotteet 2000–2003 29
USIX – Uusi käyttäjäkeskeinen tietotekniikka 1999–2002 44
Tesla – Informaatiotekniikka sähkönjakelussa 1998–2002 12
ETX – Elektroniikka tietoyhteiskunnan palveluksessa 1997–2001 74
TLX – Tietoliikenteellä maailmalle 1997–2001 40
Pharma – Kilpailuetua uusista toimintatavoista 2008–2011 29
Innovaatiot sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa 2008–2015 120
FinnWell 2004–2009 92
COMBIO – Terveydenhuollon biomateriaalit 2003–2007 21
Elintarvikkeet ja terveys 2001–2004 22
NeoBio 2001–2005 50
Lääke 2000 2001–2006 83
iWell – Hyvinvointi ja terveys 2000–2003 8
Diagnostiikka 2000, 2000–2003 20
1997 2002 2007 2012 2017

and have not included single programs Total funding for the remaining Programs within the built environ-
as sizable as some within the ICT (such three sectors: built environment, nine ment sector have generally been more
as the €97 million NETS or the €99 mil- programs; metal products and mechan- modestly budgeted, with only two
lion GIGA programs) or health and well- ical engineering, seven programs; and of the sector’s most recent programs
being sectors (the €92 million FinnWell forest industry, five programs, falls be- having exceeded €30 million in fund-
or the €83 million Drug 2000 programs). low €200 million each. ing (Sustainable Community, €50 mil-

lion, and Built Environment, €37 mil- in the built environment sector, with The forest sector, traditional-
lion). While programs within this sector only one single program exceeding €30 ly considered one of Finland’s lega-
have continued throughout the period million (MASINA at €51 million). Howev- cy clusters, has received not only the
in question, there was a four-year gap er, programs within the metals and me- least amount of total funding over this
between the initiation of new programs chanical engineering sector have been period but also the smallest number
between 2003 and 2007. less evenly dispersed than those with- of dedicated programs. Furthermore,
Funding of the seven programs in other sectors, with five of the sev- four of the sector’s five programs were
active within the metal products and en programs having originated before conducted between 1998 and 2005, all
mechanical engineering sector has fol- 2000 and no ongoing programs dedi- falling under €30 million in total fund-
lowed much the same pattern as those cated solely to the sector in 2012. ing. The opening of the BioRefine pro-

Figure 25. The allocation of Tekes funds through programs classified as (from top to bottom): Forestry; Energy and the environment;
and Built environment

€ million
BioRefine – Uudet biomassatuotteet 2007–2012 70
Divan – Huonekalualan teknologia- ja kehittämisohjelma 1999–2002 5
Puuenergia 1999–2003 13
Wood Wisdom – Metsäalan tutkimusohjelmakokonaisuus 1998–2001 14
Tukista tuplasti 1998–2003 24
Green Growth – Tie kestävään talouteen 2011–2015 5
EVE – Sähköisten ajoneuvojen järjestelmät 2011–2015 30
Green Mining – Huomaamaton ja älykäs kaivos 2011–2016 30
Groove – Uusiutuva energia, kasvua kansainvälistymisestä 2010–2014 47
Vesi 2008–2012 40
Polttokennot 2007–2013 50
SymBio – Biotekniikasta tuotantoon 2006–2011 40
ClimBus – Ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnän liiketoimintamahdollisuudet 2004–2008 43
FUSION – Fuusioenergian teknologiohjelma 2003–2006 7
DENSY – Hajautettujen energiajärjestelmien teknologiat 2003–2007 31
FINE – Pienhiukkaset – teknologia, ympäristö ja terveys 2002–2005 14
Streams – Yhdyskuntien jätevirroista liiketoimintaa 2001–2004 14
Ffusion 2 – Fuusioenergian teknologiaohjelma 1999–2002 4
Climtech – Teknologia ja ilmastonmuutos 1999–2002 4
Jätteiden energiakäyttö 1998–2001 8
Rakennettu ympäristö 2009–2014 37
Kestävä yhdyskunta 2007–2012 50
Sara – Suuntana arvoverkottunut rakentaminen 2003–2007 21
CUBE – Talotekniikan teknologiaohjelma 2002–2006 20
Infra – Rakentaminen ja palvelut 2001–2005 13
Rembrand – Palveleva kiinteistöliiketoiminta 1999–2003 12
Terve talo – Rakennustekniikka, sisäilma ja laatu 1998–2002 (Healthy Bulding) 12
ProBuild – Kehittyvä rakentamisprosessi 1997–2001 5
Vera – Tietoverkottunut rakennusprosessi 1997–2002 20
1997 2002 2007 2012 2017

gram in 2007 constitutes a significant of funding at the outset of the peri- opment within leisure services provid-
show of faith in the industry’s future od in question. However, during re- ers. This shift away from traditional tech-
potential within the field of recycla- cent years there has been a significant nology innovation towards more con-
ble biomass, particularly considering rise in the budgets and frequency of cept driven forms of innovation is in
its €70 million budget. new programs. These new programs line with Tekes’s strategy, which was re-
The remainder of the program ac- have notably been aimed at address- cently amended to include an empha-
tivities between 2000 and 2011 con- ing the challenge of global warming, sis on “…service-related, design, busi-
sist of a variety of multi-industry pro- with programs focusing on issues such ness, and social innovations.” In addition
grams (programs such as Functional as sustainable development (Green to the traditional technological break-
Materials, €84 million, the application Growth, €5 million), electromobility throughs which had served as the or-
of which concern a variety of industries) (EVE, €30million), or renewable ener- ganization’s central mandate for the
and those which do not address any of gy (Groove, €47 million). This develop- majority of its history.
the traditional industrial sectors (such ment, together with those in the forest The programs in the other cate-
as the service industry targeted Serve, (the above mentioned BioRefine pro- gory also indicate Tekes’s continued
€112 million, or the security services tar- gram) and built environment (the Sus- support of emerging industries, a cen-
geted Safety and Security, €80 million). tainable community program aimed tral component of the agency’s strate-
The assessment reveals certain at improving the sustainability and gy. Within this category are programs
broad trends regarding Tekes’s fund- energy efficiency of buildings) sectors, which reflect other non-technolo-
ing decisions. Firstly, as already shown seems to indicate a shift towards pro- gy driven forms of innovation empha-
by the analysis of funding to individu- grams, which address grand challeng- sized in Tekes’s renewed strategy, such
al enterprises, there has recently been es through technology. as: business model innovation, the €43
a significant rise in the funding of the The health and well-being sec- million Liito program which developed
ICT industry, which, over the course of tor’s strong presence in Tekes’s activi- business management practices; or de-
the preceding decade, has come to rep- ties from 2000 onwards can largely be sign, in programs such as the €15 mil-
resent Tekes’s most prioritized industry. attributed to the pharmacological in- lion Boat program, which emphasiz-
The rise of the ICT industry has come at dustry, the development of which has es the significance of design in driving
the cost of two of Finland’s legacy sec- been driven by such programs as the consumer demand and customer sat-
tors: forest and metal industries, which €29 million Pharma or the €83 million isfaction.
have experienced a comparative dearth Drug 2000. However, recent years have As here indicated Tekes’s published
of programs over the period. Howev- seen a marked shift towards service fo- reports from completed programs pro-
er, one also has to remember that the cused innovation within the health and vide ample evidence of four main pre-
two SHOKs, Forestcluster and FIMECC, well-being sector, as exemplified by vailing trends governing Tekes’s fund-
were among the first SHOKs to be es- programs such as Innovations in Social ing strategy. These trends, are: (i) the rise
tablished, and they in turn have been and Healthcare Services (€120 million) of the ICT sector, (ii) the decline of tradi-
funded by Tekes without the allocation or the FinnWell (€92 million) program. tional industrial sectors as Tekes-target-
through Tekes-specific programs. While The evolution of service focused ed programs, which however is com-
not directly targeted at the metal prod- innovation programs is also apparent pensated for by the financing to SHOKs,
ucts and engineering sector, the Func- among those programs falling into the (iii) increased funding to address grand
tional Materials program does also indi- multi-purpose, other category. These challenges, and (iv) a growing support
cate a renewed effort on Tekes’s behalf include such significant programs as for service-related innovations as well
to promote the development of new, the €112 million Serve program, fo- as other less-technology focused forms
innovative directions for Finland’s flag- cused on spurring innovation in cus- of innovation. These trends are indica-
ging industrial sectors. tomer service professions, or the Tour- tive of Tekes’s aim to continually devel-
The energy and environment ism and Leisure Services program (€20 op its strategy and priorities to keep
sector did not attract a great deal million), promoting research and devel- pace with the fluctuating demands

Figure 26. The allocation of Tekes funds through programs classified as “Other”

€ million
Oppimisratkaisut 2011–2015 30
Sapuska – Kansainvälistä liiketoimintaa elintarvikkeista 2008–2012 18
TULI – Tutkimuksesta liiketoimintaa 2008–2013 25
Tuotantokonseptit 2007–2011 60
Vene 2007–2011 15
Toiminnalliset materiaalit 2007–2013 84
Turvallisuus 2007–2013 80
Liito – Uudistuva liiketoiminta ja johtaminen 2006–2010 43
Vapaa-ajan palvelut 2006–2012 20
Serve – Palveluliiketoiminnan edelläkävijöille 2006–2013 112
SISU 2010 – Uusi tuotantoajattelu 2005–2009 39
FinNano 2005–2010 47
Työelämän kehittämisohjelma Tykes 2004–2011 75
ELO – Elektronisen liiketoiminnan logistiikka 2002–2005 15
AVALI – Avaruusteknologiasta liiketoimintaa 2002–2005 11
MUOTO 2005 – Teollisen muotoilun teknologiaohjelma 2002–2005 10
PINTA – Likaantumattomat pinnat 2002–2006 15
Antares – Avaruustutkimusohjelma 2001–2004 10
Potra – Polymeerit tulevaisuuden rakentajina 2000–2003 22
UTT – Uusi teollinen toimintatapa 2000–2004 24
Prosessi-integraatio 2000–2004 13
CODE – Polttoprosessien mallinnus 1999–2002 7
STAHA – Staattisen sähkön hallinta 1999–2002 5
Kiviteollisuuden teknologia- ja kehittämisohjelma 1999–2002 5
Presto – Tulevaisuuden tuotteet – lisäarvoa mikroteknologioista 1999–2002 12
Pro Muovi 1998–2001 6
Laatu verkostotaloudessa 1998–2001 5
GPB – Kansainvälinen projektiliiketoiminta 1998–2001 5
Molekyylit myyntiin 1997–2000 12
1997 2002 2007 2012 2017

placed on innovation agencies by to- emergent business sectors. Tekes funding jacent fields or “white spaces”. Possible so-
day’s increasingly globalized business seems to provide such versatility and re- lutions include, for example: allocating
world. cent efforts have further encouraged col- part of the SHOK-funding to be available
Assessment 8: Building innova- laboration across established industries. for initiatives that explicitly engage two
tion capabilities demands a versatile ap- Recommendation 8: Tekes should or more SHOKs, or for Tekes to create new
proach, supporting both established and search for innovation opportunities in ad- multidisciplinary programs.

5.1.3 How is Tekes funding industrial and professional journals. In the funding recipients evaluated Tekes’s
provided? addition, the identification process in- support as significant for the inception
When evaluating the impact of Tekes cludes the annual reports of the 20 larg- and progress of the innovation process
activities relating to innovations there est Finnish firms and expert interviews. (VTT, 2012, p. 44). The Sfinno analyses
is a need to make a clear distinction be- The innovations have been identified for each particular field of innovation
tween invention and innovation. This by VTT’s research team. are summarized in the following.
implies that one must, therefore, assess The database includes mainly
how the innovations have performed product innovations introduced on the Health promoting food
on the market over the longer term. market. On the other hand, the number Within the health promoting food in-
In an analysis of the Sfinno database of identified process and service inno- dustry the first cases presented go back
seven fields of innovation (VTT, 2012) vations is increasing due to the fact that to the 1970s, with Xylitol, Hyla milk and
were investigated through case stud- several of these innovations are consid- Benecol as examples of significant Finn-
ies: health promoting food, medical bi- ered to be, from the seller’s point of ish innovations. A characteristic of the
omaterials, packaging and logistics, en- view, product innovations whereas cus- health promoting food sector is the
ergy saving environment, self-care, ICT tomers perceive them as improved pro- need for close cooperation between
and computer games, and machinery cesses. research and industry, as inventions are
and equipment. The analysis has de- For an innovation to be included often made in universities or research
scribed how the individual companies in the Sfinno database, it needs to fulfill organizations from where they are
have carried out their innovation activ- four criteria. First, the innovation must transferred to industry; by, for example,
ities, and also analyzed what role Tekes have been commercialized on the mar- creating spin-offs or licensing agree-
has had as a provider of innovation sup- ket, including at least one significant ments. The role of industry is to get the
port in each respective case. sales activity. Second, the innovation scientific inventions to be accepted by
The Sfinno database is a longitu- is technologically novel or is a signifi- the market and become significant rev-
dinal database of some 4500 individu- cant improvement to the firm’s exist- enue generators.
al product innovations of Finnish busi- ing product range. Innovation develop- In the food sector, Tekes took a pro-
nesses from across the Finnish econo- ment includes internal R&D, at least in active position in the 1990s by forcing
my. These innovations have been com- some part of the development process, companies, which had limited experi-
mercialized during the years 1945– in order to exclude pure imitations of ence of collaboration, to join forces in
2005. It is compiled on the basis of dif- foreign innovations. Lastly, the innova- the Renewable Food program. This pro-
ferent methodologies starting main- tion is developed and commercialized gram concentrated on process meas-
ly with so-called literature-based inno- by a domestic firm, or a foreign affiliate uring, new technologies, and foodstuff
vation tallying. Subsequently, comple- registered in Finland. and health. This created a positive co-
mentary data on the commercializing The analysis by VTT attempted to operative atmosphere which led to the
firms has been collected from second- (i) illustrate Tekes’s role in the nation- successive Food and Wellbeing pro-
ary sources such as business registers al innovation system, (ii) shed light on gram, launched in 2001. However, al-
and the patent office. A questionnaire Tekes’s activities in relation to company though the programs created a higher
instrument, with coverage from 1985 innovation processes, and (iii) provide degree of cooperation, VTT notes that
on, has been used to provide more de- information about the challenges and the programs showed that the difficult
tailed information related to the inno- bottlenecks Tekes faces when aiming process of commercializing foodstuff
vation and innovation process. Varia- to generate impacts. The overall results inventions proved an apparent chal-
bles include: characteristics of the inno- of the analysis of the Sfinno survey da- lenge in the health promoting food
vation; the innovation process; and the ta showed that 62% of the innovations sector. It was obvious that both Finnish
firm. Information has mainly been gath- had been supported by Tekes during food firms as well as academia lacked
ered by identifying innovations from 15 the development phase, and 83% of the necessary skills in the internation-

alization of health promoting foodstuff biomaterial sector established Finnish- Energy saving environment
and components. Japanese collaboration and also serves Since the 1990s Tekes has carried out 33
as coordinator of the Eurotrans-Bio ini- energy technology programs and 10 en-
Medical biomaterials tiative, which has been set up to sup- vironmental programs. The first energy
The biomaterial sector has two strong port transnational R&D and innovation. programs were launched as early as the
regional concentrations of firms, spin- late 1980s by the Ministry of Trade and
ning off from universities in Turku and Packaging and logistics Industry, and were continued by Tekes
Tampere. The first Tekes program The forest and paper industry, and its beginning in 1995, when the execution
aimed directly at the medical bioma- transportation needs, have served as of technology programs was moved
terials field was called COMBIO 2003– important drivers for development of from the ministry to Tekes. One exam-
2007, which targeted small, young logistics competencies in Finland. In the ple of a more comprehensive effort by
firms and included 22 firms and 31 ac- packaging area Tekes has had, particu- the Finnish government to promote
ademic units. The VTT report draws larly at an earlier stage, an active role in new innovations in the energy sector
similar conclusions regarding this pro- networking and supporting develop- was the way the government promoted
gram as those regarding health pro- ment of co-operation between com- the development of high environmen-
moting food: “The evaluation of the panies, universities and research insti- tal-quality engine petrol, carried out by
COMBIO program indicates that inter- tutes. With time, Tekes’s role as an active Neste Oy. Due to the regulated market
nationalization of the novel start-ups is actor facilitating networking has, how- in the late 1990s large global oil com-
difficult to achieve, therefore the exact ever, become less visible while its role panies were unable to make the invest-
internationalization targets were not as funder of R&D has remained more or ments necessary for reformulated prod-
reached.” Therefore the subsequent less stable. One company that has been ucts. Additionally, competitors also criti-
program, Functional Materials, con- an active participant in the packaging cized the protectionism given by tax re-
centrates on building capacities by and logistics sector has been UPM. It lief granted to the CityFutura petrol de-
means of creating international com- has actively developed RFID tags and veloped by Neste. The tax relief was pro-
petence networks and globally com- inlays since the mid-1990s. Not only vided on environmental grounds, and
petitive value chains. VTT mentions Bi- UPM itself benefitted from the compa- made it possible to introduce the prod-
oretec Oy as one example of a com- ny’s early interest in development and uct to the market at an accelerated pace.
pany which has been an active partici- application of RFID in the mid-1990s. Focus on environmentally friendly ener-
pant in many Tekes programs. Howev- As a large export oriented company, gy also spurred entrepreneurial activi-
er, even if this company has been con- UPM lent the emerging technology ar- ties, and St1, founded in the mid-1990s,
sidered to have made several innova- ea credibility and its example encour- is now one of the pioneers in bioethanol
tions, its sales have remained stagnant aged many other companies to ex- fuels. St1 is chaired by Mika Anttonen,
over the period 2008–2010, confirming plore potential applications of RFID in who started his career at Neste, but left
the difficulty of achieving internation- their businesses. This contributed to the to become an independent oil trad-
al success in this sector. An important growth of the RFID community in Fin- er in 1996. He has subsequently devel-
finding from this sector is that future land over time resulting in the forma- oped an energy business, whose vision
technological development trends tion of the non-profit association, RFID is to be the leading producer and seller
in medical biomaterials require even Lab Finland, which unites the key actors of CO2-aware energy. The company re-
deeper multidisciplinary collaboration. developing RFID technology. Tekes pro- searches and develops economically vi-
Co-operation, in the form of consorti- grams have not only provided funding able, environmentally sustainable ener-
ums, is a key success factor to become but also a platform for Finnish actors to gy solutions and has seven bioethanol
internationally competitive requiring network domestically and internation- plants in Finland and more than 1000
seamless cooperation between a vari- ally as well as to tap into to internation- gasoline stations in Finland, Sweden
ety of different actors. Tekes has in the al expertise in the RFID field. and Norway.

Self-care itoring the user’s well-being 24 hours a nesses; low number of research based
In the field of self-care the first initia- day. VTT notices that the markets for start-ups; and too few serial entrepre-
tive came from abroad as early as 1992: self-care products have turned out to neurs with global experience, as some
Wagner CCM was the first formulation be very difficult, and the programs have of the main reasons for the relative-
of a chronic care model which set the failed to produce the desired results. ly low portion of rapidly growing new
center’s patients and relatives in the ac- The technologies have not been adopt- firms in Finland. After the benchmark
tor network of care. The model identi- ed as widely as expected. As a conse- study, The Ministry of Employment and
fied the essential elements of a health quence of these results, a recent pro- the Economy (TEM) together with Tekes
care system encouraging high-quality gram, Innovation in Social and Health- introduced three new instruments and
chronic disease care. Some elements of care Services, has been launched. This activities to support high-growth and
this model were soon adopted in Fin- program focuses on financing innova- start-up firms. The funding for young
land, but as a whole the model is on- tive consortiums led by public organi- innovative companies (NIY) offers sup-
ly currently being introduced to Finnish zations and emphasizing customer ori- port for those aiming at fast internation-
primary care. Subsequently the Finnish entation and customer needs. This pro- al growth by granting funding in phas-
government has adopted several na- gram’s scope includes social services es based on the growth of the firm. The
tional development plans for social and systems. However, this program has Vigo Accelerator program is a joint ef-
and health care services. Since the ear- also been criticized because of the diffi- fort by TEM, Tekes and Finnvera to meet
ly 2000s the plans have also embraced culties in coordinating actions with the the urgent demand for early venture in-
promotion of self-care. other public organizations involved in vestments for start-ups by establishing
Tekes has systematically support- the social and healthcare services sec- venturing cooperation between pub-
ed the creation of self-care servic- tors. It is now evident that success will lic and private financers. A third pro-
es through several consecutive fund- require strong collaboration between a gram, Kasvuväylä (“Growth Path”), aim-
ing programs. Tekes’s role has changed multitude of institutions, and a better ing at giving guidance to find suita-
gradually. In its first programs, Tekes clarification of their roles is necessary. ble partners during the entirety of a
took an active role in the develop- young firm’s international growth pro-
ment of health technology expertise ICT and computer games cess, was launched and tested among
and competence for Finland. Recently, One industry in which Finland has 21 ICT-companies in 2011. These new
however, Tekes has extended its role to achieved international success is com- instruments are new services to firms,
promoting system innovation in health puter games. Major international suc- and deviate from Tekes’s traditional role,
and welfare. But, here too, achieving cesses have included: Habbo Hotel, i.e. R&D support, as they focus on sup-
breakthrough innovations has proven Alan Wake, and Angry Birds. The poorly porting the commercialization phase of
a considerable challenge. For instance: developed private venture capital mar- innovation.
Nokia developed a support system for ket in Finland has been seen as one of
diabetes self-care (Wellmate), and Po- the weakest links in the Finnish innova- Machinery and equipment
lar Electro introduced a support system tion system. The foreign interest in new Tekes has been closely involved in the
for hypertension self-care. However, start-ups in the gaming industry has, development of mechanical engineer-
neither of these innovations ultimately however, somewhat improved this sit- ing industries and related research
proved successful. Achieving commer- uation lately. fields over the last decades in close co-
cial success has proven difficult despite Tekes has targeted start-ups in the operation with companies, industry as-
a product’s technology being reviewed ICT sectors for quite some time. In 2007, sociations and the research communi-
positively. This has also been evident in a benchmark study outlined the chal- ty. This has been fertile ground, as Finn-
the case of the Vivago “WristCare” sys- lenges faced by start-ups and iden- ish mechanical engineering companies
tem which was the world’s first com- tified: a risk-averse attitude; low level have proved to be flexible and open-
mercially available security device mon- of competences to steer growth busi- minded towards new methods and

technologies. Absence of a ‘rigid tradi- for those firms that have displayed a clear- er innovation agencies do not explicit-
tion’ has also supported diffusion and ly identified potential to grow significant- ly address the issue of capability build-
utilization of production methods, pro- ly. Working together with other impor- ing, and subsequently we have had to
cesses and technologies across com- tant innovation support providers such develop, in this impact study, the tools
panies. Tekes has actively tried to intro- as public and private investors should al- for addressing these questions.
duce new operational methods, pro- so be prioritized. When analyzing what particular
cesses, networking models and tech- venues exist for companies to grow and
nologies in mechanical engineering. 5.2 Tekes’s influence on the prosper two major logics were identi-
Companies which have participated ac- generation of intellectual fied in chapter 2: technology push and
tively in these programs include Rocla capital market pull. By using the examples of
and Cargotec. Rocla executed almost Exel and One Way Sport we operation-
30 Tekes co-funded projects between Here the key questions are: alized these two logics in the form of
2001 and 2009. By using both enter- •• In what ways has Tekes influenced the capability maps, highlighting that
prise R&D projects and participating in the generation of intellectual capital technology push emphasizes two key
Tekes programs such as the Masina and and the development of intellectual capabilities: generative capabilities
Serve programs, Rocla has evolved into investments in Finland? and customer relationship capabili-
one of the most innovative warehouse •• What kind of phenomena and na- ties, whereas the market pull compa-
truck producers in the world. Thanks to tional level indicators can be identi- ny needs three key capabilities: absorp-
its modular service concept Rocla was fied? tive capacity, offering design or concep-
named Finland’s most successful solu- •• How are intellectual capital and in- tualization, and integrative capabilities
tion provider of 2011 by the Association novation capabilities built and de- or networking. The former logic we call
of Finnish Technical Traders. Cargotec in veloped? Generator logic, and the latter Orches-
turn has actively participated in Tekes •• What kinds of indicators can be uti- trator logic.
programs when developing its Kalmar lized in measuring the influence on a In order to evaluate the extent to
straddle carrier product, which has be- national level? which the two logics are visible in the
come a successful concept for effec- •• What are the effects of Tekes’s activi- Finnish innovation context; a sample of
tively bringing containers to and from ties on the generation of innovation ten Finnish innovation cases were se-
the ship’s side at megaports. The role capabilities in Finland? lected for in-depth study. The result-
of Tekes in these cases has been broad- •• Where does Tekes stand compared to ing case descriptions are presented in
ened to also contain softer and intan- other similar institutions? Appendix 3. These cases were select-
gible objectives like service and work ed, while fairly randomly, to represent
life development and business devel- As intellectual capital comprises hu- different industries, different regions
opment. man, structural and relational capital, within Finland, and also a combination
Assessment 9: Tekes has been a sig- and our framework for analysis (chapter of old established firms and younger
nificant contributor to the majority of re- 2) creates the link between intellectu- companies.
cent Finnish innovations. Still, there are al capital and the presented seven cat- Given the study’s focus on un-
a number of industries that have experi- egories of capabilities we will here ap- derstanding how innovation capabil-
enced challenges in making real commer- proach Tekes’s influence on the gener- ities are built, the capability develop-
cial breakthroughs. Tekes has recognized ation of intellectual capital through the ment paths of the investigated compa-
this, and a number of recent new instru- operationalization of capabilities, and nies were of particular interest. Among
ments have been introduced to more ac- use information gathered directly from the aspects addressed herein were: the
tively support scaling up and fast growth. Tekes’s customers as a way to address subject companies’ entrance into the
Recommendation 9: Tekes should the above questions. As the compari- observed fields of innovation, and the
be prepared to provide stronger support sons with other countries showed, oth- particular outcomes of the innovation

Figure 27. Summarizing the case analyses (source: Synocus analysis) that both Valio’s and Nexstim’s focus is
on the products.
Company Technology Product Solutions Ecosystems Interestingly enough, Tekla and
CVOPS 1980s–1990s Sintrol both began as general solution
Valio 1980s >> 2001– providers, Tekla as a provider of tech-
Nexstim 1990s >> 2003–
nical calculations for Finnish engineer-
ing companies in the 1960s and Sintrol
Sintrol 2007– << 1990s
as a technical trader, but both have lat-
GreenStream 2001– er shifted to a stronger product focus.
Tekla 1998– << 1980s 2011– In 1998 Tekla decided to focus on soft-
Normet 1970s >> 2007– 2007– ware for building information modeling
The Switch 2000s >> 2006– 2006– and energy/infrastructure applications.
Sintrol, in turn, launched in 2007 its first
Beneq 2000s >> 2005– 2005–
product, a dust monitor. For both Tekla
Smartum 1995– 1995–
and Sintrol the gradual narrowing of fo-
cus on a specific product has been seen
as a means to international expansion,
activities. The analyses revealed that the viding a new standard for pre-operative as the broader solution provision strat-
innovation activities could be related to functional brain mapping prior to neu- egy has been difficult to expand inter-
four different development areas with- rosurgery for tumor resection or epi- nationally.
in the companies: technology, prod- lepsy. The scientific discoveries upon The development paths of Nor-
ucts, solutions and ecosystems. The fo- which Nexstim is based were made in met and The Switch have been the ex-
cus of the case study subjects’ innova- the early 1990s. More than €30 million act opposite of those of Tekla and Sin-
tion activities in these respective areas, of external capital has been invested in trol. As mechanical engineering compa-
and how this focus has, over time, shift- the company to date. Annual sales are nies, their roots are firmly in products.
ed is illustrated in Figure 27. now, approximately, €2 million. However, their internationalization ef-
Four of the cases have a strong Beneq has its roots in Nokia, and forts have required a broadening of the
technology foundation. The Virtual Op- was spun off in 2005. Unlike the other offering. They must now provide servic-
erating System (CVOPS) was developed technology based cases, Beneq decid- es and customized offerings in an in-
by VTT to support Nokia and other ICT ed to opt for an orchestrated business creasingly solution driven market. Nor-
hardware and software providers. This model, and outsource the actual man- met has focused on two customer seg-
platform evolved, based on the Finprit ufacturing of its thin film manufactur- ments, underground mining and tun-
program established in 1983, into a na- ing equipment to third parties from the neling. For these segments the offering
tional platform. This platform served very outset. In this respect Beneq is also has been strengthened both through
the Finnish ICT-cluster in a multitude of a good example of a successful orches- internal development projects to build
ways until the early 2000s. trator, as the company has experienced new capabilities and through acqui-
Valio in turn had started to use rapid growth and in 2010 its turnover sitions. The Switch in turn has aggres-
chromatographic technology for its HY- passed the €10 million mark. sively penetrated the rapidly growing
LA products in the 1980s, and in 1990, Industries with strict product reg- market for wind-turbines in China. In
this technology was applied to the de- ulations require, by definition, a strong its striving to become a viable orches-
velopment of lactose-free milk. The first product focus within the companies. trator, The Switch attempted a merger
product was launched in 2001. Food, pharmaceuticals and medical with the American AMSC, which how-
Nexstim has become a leader in equipment are examples of such in- ever was terminated due to AMSC’s dif-
navigating stimulation of the brain pro- dustries. Therefore it is quite natural ficulties in gaining the required financ-

ing. None the less, The Switch is mov- work to provide the customer with a •• Supportive tax system
ing forward with its networked business unique technological and equipment •• Rotation of researchers between aca-
model, even if the product offering re- manufacturing solution. demia and industry
mains narrower as compared to the ex- Smartum, also a successful or- •• Access to key expertise (technology,
panded offering which this deal would chestrator, operates in an entirely sep- marketing, etc.)
have made possible. arate field. It is a domestic Finnish mar- •• Fostering a collaborative spirit in
As Figure 27 illustrates, the major- ket leader in offering voucher payment large ecosystems
ity of the case companies apply a solu- solutions for employee benefits such as •• Selecting and funding demanding
tions strategy. Given that GreenStream sport and cultural activities. This plat- research projects and programs
Network is a relatively young company form knowledge has lately been ex-
providing green asset management so- panded to serve the public health care The above list indicates that the innova-
lutions, it has yet to display any indica- sector. Smartum is now also actively in- tion support activities considered most
tions of considering adjustment of its volved in the development of vouch- important involve a multitude of actors
solutions strategy. As mentioned earli- er-based payment solutions for home- within the innovation system. However,
er, two other service companies, Tekla care, child-care, and dental health ser- it also confirms the utmost significance
and Sintrol, have decided to develop a vices. of establishing entrepreneurial process-
more product driven approach for their In light of the analysis of the case es that bring together different players
internationalization. companies there seems to be support to jointly conduct innovation activities
The solutions provided by both for the interpretation that the Orches- (coming in at #1) followed closely by
Normet and The Switch include a strong trator logic is becoming relatively more the need to support an entrepreneur-
proprietary product, but also a network important compared to the Genera- ial climate.
of partners, both upstream and down- tor logic. To verify whether this is the The focus on both generator com-
stream. However, both companies are case a survey among leading actors in panies and orchestrators has subse-
relatively small in a global comparison, the Finnish innovation community was quently found support both in the case
and they have to be adaptive and agile carried out to identify which innovation analyses and in the survey conduct-
to succeed in markets where the main support activities they considered most ed among key individuals active in the
actors are significantly bigger compa- important. A total of 35 individuals were Finnish innovation system.
nies. Therefore they must align within interviewed (the list of interviewees is Thus, as for the implications on
those ecosystems that surround their in Appendix 4). Each respondent was Tekes’s operations: two different types of
most important customers, and then, asked to list the ten most important in- innovation support capabilities are nec-
if possible, establish some smaller com- novation support activities out of the essary in response: supporting genera-
plementary ecosystems of their own. total list of 45 activities. The responses tors and supporting orchestrators. The
Two companies, Beneq and Smart- to this survey are summarized in Fig- focus of the generator is on the genera-
um, have both been successful in estab- ure 28. tive capability, and the achievements of
lishing a strategy based on ecosystem As can be seen from Figure 28, the such a company can be measured in the
orchestration. top innovation support elements are: form of tangible outputs. As most Finn-
Beneq is a globally recognized •• Constellation platforms bringing to- ish companies still operate according
supplier of production and research gether actors from different sectors to the industrial logic, measuring how
equipment for advanced thin film coat- for open innovation strong their generative capabilities are is
ings. This position is supported by ac- •• Support of an entrepreneurial climate the appropriate means of assessing their
tive interactions with leading custom- •• Attracting venture capital innovation capacity. In this evaluation,
ers, manufacturing companies, and re- •• Pre-market incentives and demon- more traditional innovation measures
search institutions. Beneq then com- strations to support early adopters of can be used, such as patents, revenue
bines the strengths of its partner net- new technology growth, new product introductions etc.

Figure 28. Prioritized innovation support activities (source: Synocus research)


 Pre-market incentives and  Constellation platforms bringing  Support of an entrepreneurial
demonstrations to support early together actors from different climate (19)
adopters of new technology (17) sectors for open innovation (20)  Supportive tax system (15)
 Access to key expertise  Attracting venture capital (17) Investment support for innovation
(technology, marketing etc.) (14)  Rotation of researchers between efforts (12)
academia and industry (15)  Access to educated workforce at
 Fostering a collaborative spirit in
 Selecting and funding demanding competitive conditions (7)
large ecosystems (13)
research projects and programs (13)  Laws and regulations guaranteeing
 Seed investments for start-ups
 Nurturing creative individuals (12) smooth business operations (7)
(12)  Market making/positioning as  High quality communication networks
 Coaching of entrepreneurs (9) guidance for research priorities (12) (transportation, data etc.) (5)
 Public procurement as  International researcher exchange to  Societal inclusiveness enabling
encouragement for new solutions (8) strengthen research quality (10) integration of foreign labor (5)
 Input on the design of new business  Domestic and international research  Labor market flexibility (4)
models (8) alliances to sharpen research focus  Technical standards and
(10) coordination (3)
 Co-orchestration support in
 Venture management to secure  Welfare system which strengthens
ecosystems (8)
market pull in research projects (9) workforce motivation (2)
 Access to market and distribution
 Investor engagement in early stage  High labor morale including low
channels (7) frequency of strikes and work
research initiatives (7)
 Financing firm research projects (7)  Public procurement and incentives to disputes (1)
 Possibilities to gain access to stimulate research collaboration (4)  Public operating procedures which
established international pipelines (6) Train innovation system developers (4) makes dealing with authorities
 Financing long-term development  Nurturing trust in constellations and simple (1)
(incubators, accelerators etc.) (6) ecosystems (2)  Health and safety regulations. (1)
 Providing stewardship and  Availability of service workforce to
 Foresight to support innovation
disciplinary diversification in the secure basic business operations (0)
activities (6)
network (2)  Access to land and premises at
 Providing political credibility in front
 Integrating financial packages with competitive prices (e.g. science parks)
of stakeholders (investors etc.) (4) multiple players for research (2) (0)
 Connections to alliance partners (3)  Creating complex financing packages
for large research projects (2)

The orchestrators, however, are may, in many ways from a national per- competitive dynamics and permanent-
more difficult to assess. Their success spective, be seen as a capability de- ly shift the resource use into low-cost
is determined by how successful they stroying phenomenon. countries. Subsequently, this has an ir-
are at combining the resources of their This problem of game-changing reversible effect on the dynamics of the
partners, but also on how well they can innovations leading to process efficien- ecosystem once the transformation has
capture the created added-value. As the cy also highlights the risk that a disrup- taken place. Therefore the most criti-
example of One Way Sport illustrated, it tive innovation may indeed change the cal capability here is the transforma-
was able to put Exel out of the sports
Table 3. One Way Sport; financial development (source:
business. However, in light of the finan-
cial results of One Way Sport it is doubt-
One Way Sport Oy 2005/12 2006/12 2007/12 2008/12 2009/12
ful whether the company has created
any significant value in the Finnish con- Company turnover (1000 EUR) 3285 3028 2905 2771 4013
text, even if its business model was in- Operating profit (1000 EUR) -12 -4 32 -304 40
novative when it was launched (see Ta-
ble 3). In this respect One Way Sport Number of employees 8 8 11 N/A 10

tive one: how well does the new busi- erative capabilities, but also in relation possibilities for Finnish know-how to
ness model (i) serve the needs of the to their conceptualizing, networking find global demand.
customers, (ii) appeal to those ecosys- and leadership capabilities. Leverag- Both Smartum and GreenStream
tem partners involved, and (iii) present ing upon this to strengthen the part have successfully exploited changes
the orchestrator with an opportunity to of the ecosystem that is active in Fin- taking place in respect of regulation.
capture a significant amount of the new land should become a key objective for For GreenStream this meant changes
value created. In the case of One Way Tekes when financing companies that relating to the trade of carbon emis-
Sport the first two criteria seem to have are actively orchestrating ecosystems. sion rights, and for Smartum the intro-
been well met, but it is less evident that The Beneq and Tekla cases also duction of tax incentives for compa-
proper value capturing has taken place. give light to a pattern of active interac- nies promoting well-being at work. In
Despite the fact that there are still tion with universities and research in- these cases, Tekes has provided impor-
very few pure orchestrating business stitutes outside Finland. This phenom- tant stimulus for the renewal of the re-
models active in Finland, both our liter- enon must also be taken into consid- spective company’s business model to
ature study and the case analyses con- eration in Tekes’s development of sup- actively provide new solutions for the
firm that orchestration support is an in- port instruments for orchestrators. How opportunities created through these
creasingly important form of innova- can Tekes best extend its support to in- changes in regulation.
tion support that Tekes has to integrate clude international expertise, when this Assessment 10: In light of conduct-
into its repertoire of innovation tools. knowledge is crucial for the innovation ed case studies and surveys among Finn-
The examples of Beneq and Smart- to become internationally successful? ish companies, ecosystem orchestration
um also verify that when successful- Beneq illustrates, in many ways, is becoming increasingly important for
ly applied, an ecosystem orchestration the multi-faceted role Tekes can take spurring the evolution of innovations. For
strategy can provide the basis for rap- in the development of an orchestrator Finnish companies this entails a need to
id growth and good profitability. These capability set. On one hand Tekes has integrate with international networks,
cases also illustrate that there are var- provided financing and steering in re- and either look for positions to become or-
ious ways that Tekes can support this search and partnership development. chestrators or become skilled in comple-
form of development. Smartum has re- Hence Beneq has also strengthened its menting the leading firms orchestrating
ceived support for the very tradition- own resource integration capabilities, the ecosystems. In such situations, Tekes
al development of a software applica- which in turn has benefitted the larg- can support the explicit development of
tion for the management of the bene- er ecosystem surrounding Beneq both those capabilities necessary to ensure a
fits of its voucher program. Beneq has in Finland and internationally. Tekes has firm’s success in its role as a member of an
received much more versatile support, also, through its programs, support- orchestrated ecosystem.
and has also cooperated with Tekes in ed the co-development of new offer- Recommendation 10: In its fore-
the development of the new Young In- ings/business models and thus helped sight activities, Tekes should continue to
novative Enterprise program. This pro- to strengthen Beneq’s generative and identify changes e.g. in regulations mak-
gram, as well as the Vigo program and transformative capabilities. ing the emergence of new ecosystems
the Value Networks program show that Tekla shows how Tekes’s support more probable, and then proactively sup-
Tekes is proactively developing new in- first enabled the development of new port companies leveraging upon these
struments to more forcefully support basic technologies and offerings that opportunities. As ecosystems are of an
orchestrators as well. fulfilled a customer need later ena- increasingly global nature, Tekes should
Analyzes of the orchestrators’ de- bling the development of new mana- look for further ways to selectively support
velopment paths also reveals that the gerial capabilities to engage with glob- innovation building activities that take
orchestrating firms, Beneq, Smartum, al ecosystems active in the industry. In place outside Finland, but, nonetheless,
but also Tekla and The Switch, persis- the case of Tekla this meant the merger have significant possibilities to strength-
tently upgraded their own capability with Trimble Corporation, which should en the Finnish companies and research-
portfolios, not only in respect of gen- be expected to further strengthen the ers active within these ecosystems.

5.3 Continuous monitoring The reasoning behind the statis- tor is the one of particular interest. The
and measurement of Tekes’s tical analysis is that, through a combi- regression analysis has highlighted the
performance nation of Tekes’s input and the inher- underlying factors leading to the estab-
ent characteristics of the funded enter- lishing of capabilities in business in ac-
Here the key questions are: prise, a set of activities will be undertak- cordance with the following figure:
•• What types of methods for contin- en, in the form of the project, but also As indicated in the above figure
uous monitoring and measurement in related activities that will result in cer- there are two main development sce-
can be identified to support Tekes’s tain outputs. These outputs in turn may narios.
management in the target areas re- lead to a broader impact on the socie- The first relates to projects initiat-
lated to capabilities for innovation ac- ty (spill-over effects). The analysis em- ed by research teams which are already
tivities? ployed regression analysis in order to forerunners in their own fields from the
•• What are Tekes’s needs for continu- identify how these inputs, activities and outset. Tekes support will enable such
ous monitoring and measurement? output and impact effects cluster into teams to learn and progress more ef-
•• What methods of monitoring and aggregated factors. fectively. Engaging with the firms fur-
measurement exist? In the analyses the aggregated ther improves this learning process, cre-
•• From the different monitoring and factors or clusters have been given ating new knowledge and skills within
measurement methods, which names, aimed at illustrating the com- the participating companies as well. This
would be best suited to Tekes? pound attributes of the respective fac- type of scenario corresponds well to the
tors. The aggregated factors are pre- type of research projects carried out by
Tekes continually assesses each indi- sented in the summarizing figures in Beneq, which seeks to interact with the
vidual project that has been funded. order of weight, with the most impor- leading researchers in the particular field
Based on questionnaires Tekes has de- tant factors at the top. of interest. One could assume that in this
veloped an assessment model to eval- The main role of the analyses pre- type of development the participants
uate the impact of Tekes-funded pro- sented in the following is to: are already quite well aware of the po-
jects. These assessments have uti- 1. identify hypotheses relating to the tential commercial benefits that the pro-
lized the General Logic Model for In- building of innovation capabilities, ject could bring about, and subsequent-
novation Intermediaries (developed and ly the capability building efforts can be
by Professor Margaret Dalziel, Univer- 2. compare the results from the assess- aligned with these commercial goals.
stiy of Ottawa) to illustrate how Tekes ments with the findings from the This approach may be dubbed the “Core
has influenced the creation of new ca- case analyses conducted in this im- Competence path”. This path is also suc-
pabilities and added value both within pact study. cessful on an international level, and cre-
the enterprises, to which it has award- ates spill-over effects that strengthen the
ed funding, as well as in the surround- The following consists of a discussion of national knowledge base.
ing community or network. the findings from the respective cate- The other path illustrates activi-
The assessment material is based gories of respondents. ties which are more explorative in their
on an analysis of a series of final reports nature. Here Tekes’s role is more proac-
and multiple-choice, customer surveys Universities and research institutes tive, and owing to insights provided by
conducted over the course of the last The clustering of factors in assessments Tekes, the scope and scale of the project
ten years. The surveys have been con- made by representatives from univer- may be adjusted, in addition to also in-
ducted three years after the conclusion sities and research institutes results in troducing new partners to the project.
of the project in question. The database three main factors: Entrepreneurship; Such more explorative projects may al-
consists of assessments from more than Competitiveness and regional devel- so identify new research areas, or alter-
1500 respondents from research institu- opment; and Capabilities for innova- natively they will be able to enter com-
tions, nearly 1500 responses from SMEs tion activities in business. For the pur- mercialization. This seems to support
and over 500 from large companies. pose of this impact study the third fac- the “white spaces” -idea, by means of

Figure 29. Clustering of impact factors for public research institutions

new insights regarding unforeseen com- Path”, and an alternative path where the It is noteworthy that these ear-
mercialization opportunities introduced research is focused solely on addressing ly stages of challenge-driven research
by new these new partners. This then al- some particularly challenging scientific do not include any commercializa-
so confirms the importance of provid- problem. An example of such a research tion ambitions. In fact, a premature fo-
ing the constellation platforms for open case was the initial phase in the research cus on commercialization may imply
innovation. This path can be called the leading to the formation of Nexstim. that the necessary iterative research
“White Spaces Path”. Furthermore, the While research at the Helsinki Universi- process, leading to a significant break-
conditions for the “White Spaces Path” al- ty Central Hospital began during the first through in the research field, will not be
so proved conducive for establishing an half of the 1990s, the company was not given enough time and efforts. This is
increased degree of entrepreneurship. formed until the year 2000. Also of signif- confirmed by the over 1500 responses
By increasing the level of challenge ex- icance in this early research was a high tracking the development paths of var-
perienced by participants, and the num- degree of international cooperation. This ious types of research projects.
ber of cooperation partners, Tekes has al- in turn resulted in the build-up of a very A third correlation that emerged
so been able to foster additional entre- strong research unit in this particular ar- from the assessments is that between
preneurial activity. ea, which is now a core area of expertise the combination of: the project-internal
When entering a new research ar- in the Department of Biomedical Engi- knowledge base; and collaboration with
ea, there are two types of successful cas- neering and Computational Science at the transfer of researchers or licenses to
es: the above described “White Spaces Aalto University. the industry, and the positive impact on

the building of innovation capabilities izational activity and productivity in activities, and thus bringing together
within the companies. However, this was wide enterprise networks is the volume new sources of expertise, which, in turn,
not systematically connected to any spe- of Tekes’s funding, which in turn makes also affects the management practices
cific instrument or activity organized by possible more ambitious requirements of the participants. This path we can call
Tekes, but was an independent phenom- as well as improvement of the out- the “Network Building Path”.
enon identified in those projects that come’s quality. Demanding more from Forerunners are here identified to
were assessed to successfully have built the project increases commercializa- increase their technological skills and
innovation capabilities in companies. tion and leads to growth and interna- other competences as well. This, in turn,
tionalization. This in turn also has a pos- has contributed to the development of
SMEs itive impact on the management prac- organizational activities and productivity
Among SMEs the three main aggregated tices within the participating firms. This in enterprise networks. In the context of
factors were: Renewal of the economy; path is, however, difficult to distinguish an SME this means that the SME has the
Development and organizational activity as unique, as the funding volume can possibility to interact with forerunners
and productivity in wide enterprise net- be assumed to create more activity, but providing access to advanced knowl-
works; and Growth and internationaliza- doesn’t, as such, reveal what the ulti- edge and technologies. This path could
tion of (adolescent) enterprises. mate financial outcome is. be called the “Apprenticeship Path”.
A key development path contrib- The other central path emphasiz- Additionally, a fourth phenom-
uting to the Development and organ- es Tekes’s establishing of networking enon can be identified among SMEs:

Figure 30. Clustering of impact factors for SMEs

spinoffs and license contracts serve as tence itself in its international activities, ment of organizational activity, was main-
catalysts for additional organizational and is not particularly interested in pro- ly driven by Tekes increasing the project’s
activity and the formation of new net- moting such networking. level of ambition by influencing project
works. However, this takes place with- The development paths for SMEs schedules, project scope, and the human
out Tekes’s systematic intervention. are illustrated in Figure 30. resources involved. The ambitious project
Research has found that, in seeking has generated new processes which have
to identify the role which forerunners Large enterprises increased the efficiency and productivity
play, they are rarely identified as drivers Clustering of factors among large enter- of large enterprises. This has had a posi-
for networking. This is an important ob- prises did not explicitly reveal capability tive impact on the development of or-
servation, as the common view of “local building to be a significant outcome in ganizational activities and, thus, produc-
anchors” seems to assume that a partici- the assessments. Here the key factors are: tivity, coming as a result of other firms
pating forerunner will, by definition, spur Development of organizational activity adopting the knowledge from their large
local collaboration. While, here it would and productivity in other firms; Employ- counterparts. This could be described as
appear likely that the leading company, ment and regional development; and the “Challenge-driven Path”.
the forerunner, tries, rather, to protect its Broad clustering, subcontracting and Another means of increasing or-
own interests, and uses the core compe- R&D networks. The main factor, Develop- ganizational activity among other firms

Figure 31. Clustering of impact factors for large enterprises

is by increasing funding volumes, which As Tekes has to be able to serve a ent types of network arrangements re-
naturally leads to increased activity. This multitude of enterprises, in various in- quires more detailed investigation.
in turn may then also lead to faster com- dustries, and at different stages in their Assessment 12: Tekes needs to
mercialization, being linked with effi- company’s evolution, it is of utmost complement its existing ex-post assess-
cient intellectual property management, importance for Tekes to continuous- ment system with additional monitoring
and an increased number of patent ap- ly gather feedback regarding the im- activities in order to be able to more quick-
plications. This path could be called the pact of its innovation support activities. ly test and verify the effects of various new
“Commercialization Boost Path”. Therefore it is necessary to complement instruments and tools, and also be able
The emergence of the Develop- the present assessment process with to abandon those that are not successful.
ment of organizational activity -impact more regular feedback regarding on- Recommendation 12: Tekes should
factor is illustrated in Figure 31. going project activities, which should make efforts to better understand the rel-
Assessment 11: The analysis of the use the same “information architecture” ative suitability of various instruments
assessment information shows that this to enable comparisons across different and tools in relation to different industries,
database has great potential to provide measurements. In such monitoring ac- network types, and firms in different stag-
additional depth in understanding how tivities one should look for more fine- es of their development cycle. Especially
successful innovation paths emerge. tuned measures, so that the industrial when promoting innovation in networks
Recommendation 11: Tekes should and company specific attributes would it is important to recognize that there are
expand the assessments to also include also be monitored. This would then also various forms of networks, and how well
background information regarding re- enable shorter feedback loops, which they perform should be evaluated sepa-
spondents to use the impact data to de- would be particularly important in sit- rately for each category.
velop more detailed explanations for how uations where the introduction of new
projects succeed depending on industry, instruments and tools will be necessary 5.4 The new imperatives for
network type, competitive challenge etc. to keep up with the fast pace of change innovation support
in the market place.
Further needs for assessments and This would then also address the This impact study has addressed the is-
monitoring question of how the monitoring pro- sue of innovation capability building
The assessments conducted by Tekes cess and its results may more efficient- from several different perspectives.
have identified several paths that show ly impact Tekes’s means of evaluating First, a conceptual framework was
correlation between subjective, ex-post who should receive funding. Another developed to provide a sound theoret-
evaluations of the broader impacts of important question regards the require- ical foundation for the discussion re-
projects carried out. However, these as- ments dictated for a company’s behav- garding the definition of innovation ca-
sessments do not reveal possible dif- ior within a project in qualifying for dif- pabilities, what possible activities can
ferences between industries, and be- ferent types of support. For example be carried out to support the building
tween old, established and new com- what incentives should be used to pro- of innovation capabilities, and how a
panies. The effects of international mote a higher degree of international national agency like Tekes can success-
competition on the companies are al- networking, and how will the follow up fully take part in these support activi-
so missing from the analysis. of this be arranged? ties.
However, in spite of the lack of What the assessments have clearly Second, a comparative study of
background information relating to the shown is that both competence as such the national innovation systems of Den-
individual organizations providing the (i.e. generative capabilities) and the net- mark, Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland
assessments, the findings are well in working of a multitude of actors (i.e. or- was conducted. The purpose of this
line with the other empirical results of chestration capabilities) have a posi- study was to collect insights about how
this impact study. The identified paths tive impact on the capability building these countries have built their innova-
can also be identified among the inves- efforts within the innovation system. tion systems to secure the necessary in-
tigated case companies. How to monitor the success of differ- novation capability building.

Third, ten in-depth case studies of observations relate to the implications ies presented in this report, Normet
successful innovations were carried out, of changes in the marketplace have on and The Switch provide ample illustra-
focusing upon understanding how the the innovation processes. The third ob- tion of this development. On the other
capability portfolios of the enterprises servation, and the key finding for this re- hand, domestic companies, which have
evolved over time, and what role Tekes port, relate to the implications this has achieved success in Finland with a rela-
has had in this development. for a national innovation agency, such tively broad offering, have found it nec-
Fourth, a very intensive collabora- as Tekes. essary to focus on more narrow prod-
tive relationship with the project and ucts in order to succeed internationally.
steering groups was secured to pro- Changes in competitive patterns Tekla and Sintrol represent this catego-
vide guidance for the study. Addition- The Finnish innovation field has un- ry. Thus evidence can now be found to
ally, two half-day workshops with the dergone a transformation in the peri- support both those internationalization
steering group representatives were od from the 1980s to today. Its roots are strategies that broaden the offering as
carried out in December 2011 and Jan- in a strong anchoring in domestic tech- well as those which narrow the offering.
uary 2012 to validate preliminary find- nologies, and strong local clusters. This The strategy best suited to a given sit-
ings, and receive final guidance for the provided Finland with a good position uation depends on the industrial struc-
completion of the study. in respect of these technologies. This ture, and the strengths of the company
Fifth, based on feedback from the advantage is evidenced by such exam- in question. Thus, these product and so-
project and steering groups a survey of ples as those of; CVOPS providing a ba- lutions based strategies exist increasing-
35 key individuals in the Finnish innova- sis for Nokia’s competitiveness, and the ly in parallel.
tion system was conducted in order to scientific work supporting Valio’s devel- The 2000s saw the rise of two im-
identify which specific innovation sup- opment of lactose-free milk. portant new phenomena which have
port activities are particularly important In the late 1990s, the beginnings further increased the complexity of
when considering how to build innova- of a shift, due to globalization and driv- global competition: open innovation,
tion capabilities in Finland to secure a en by companies, could be identified. and the focus on addressing glob-
competitive Finnish national innova- Companies that had, hitherto, been al grand challenges. These two phe-
tion system. successful with their technology–based, nomena, both in combination as well
Sixth, feedback, gathered by Tekes, domestic innovation strategy had to re- as individually, have increased the sig-
on completed Tekes projects, over the consider these strategies when inter- nificance of ecosystems as the unit of
period 2005–2010, was evaluated. This nationalizing. The large companies al- analysis when studying the emergence
included almost 3000 responses to a ready operating internationally also had of innovations. For Finland, Apple’s rise
standardized questionnaire. to reconsider their positions due to the to become the leader in mobile com-
All these activities have been car- changing international field of competi- munications served as a harsh lesson
ried out simultaneously, with the Syno- tion. To cope with these changes we can in how orchestrated ecosystems can
cus team coordinating and distributing observe two major trends. On one hand radically change the competitive land-
intermediate project reports to all the large product based companies, e.g. in scape. In addition to restructuring the
individuals involved in this project, in- mechanical engineering, have decid- field of competition in major industries,
cluding the external experts Phil Cooke, ed to enlarge the scope of their offer- such as mobile communications, such
Arne Eriksson and Tomi Laamanen, who ing and increasingly focus on the devel- orchestrated ecosystems can also ex-
have all read and commented on earlier opment of more versatile service-offer- ist in more narrow niches, as illustrat-
versions of the project report. ings and solutions. This entails a trend ed by the examples of One Way Sport
The results of all these activities towards increasingly outsourcing part and Smartum. It is also possible to com-
have shown a high degree of conver- of their manufacturing activities to third bine a strong technology- and product
gence. The first set of observations re- parties, thereby increasing their flexibil- based foundation with the additional
late to the overall changes in compe- ity to better respond to the needs of in- benefit of becoming the orchestrator of
tition in the markets. The second set of dividual customers. Of the case stud- the ecosystem, thereby enabling com-

plex and customized solutions, as evi- What do we need to do to survive in it easier for outside observers to evalu-
denced by companies such as Beneq. the short term? Where should we put ate whether the innovation has a good
However, concurrent with the our bets regarding longer term oppor- chance of being successful or not.
above developments, cost competi- tunities? Thirdly, innovations are increas-
tion has also increased. The Internet When dealing with increased un- ingly undertaken as collaborative pro-
has, by providing access to global infor- certainty, both relating to the compet- jects, either within orchestrated eco-
mation in any industry, increased trans- itive context (as described earlier) as systems, such as those within the
parency, and driven the rapid growth of well as the impact of various contextual mobile telecommunications indus-
Asian companies as viable global com- changes regarding concerns of time, an try, with three ecosystems competing
petitors has forced large Finnish MNCs increasingly frequent complaint among against each other: Nokia/Microsoft,
to also shift activities to lower-cost loca- enterprises is that the “visibility is poor”. Apple and Android/Google; or in the
tions to cope with the price pressures. For example: Nokia, when announcing form of emergent constellations, such
its 2011 results, didn’t provide any guid- as the different public-private demon-
Changes in innovation patterns ance to the market in respect of 2012 stration projects in the field of electric
The need to, simultaneously, be cost earnings. Similar challenges meet po- vehicles and urban transport, with the
competitive and develop new, more litical decision makers. They must deal EVE-program financed by Tekes serv-
attractive value propositions has forced with time-critical challenges relating to ing as an illustration.
many companies to open up their inno- the financial crisis, but at the same time
vation processes. Procter & Gamble has they have to bring forward undertak- The new role of national innovation
been a global trendsetter here, institut- ings aiming to improve the efficiency agencies
ing a corporate policy requiring more of public sector organizations, and deal This impact study has verified that at the
than half of all new product and tech- with problems such as an ageing pop- same time as the scope of factors affect-
nology innovations to come from out- ulation and increased pressure to com- ing innovation decisions taken by com-
side the company. bat climate change. panies have been expanded; the expec-
However, open innovation is not Organizations have reacted in tations regarding the role of the public
a remedy for all innovation challeng- three ways when trying to cope with sector have also grown. For public inno-
es. Apple has been used as an example this increased complexity. vation agencies, this poses quite a chal-
of a company which has only opened The first immediate reaction has lenge, as efficiency requirements also
up certain parts of its innovation activi- been to reduce the funding for innova- tend to reduce the amount of resourc-
ties for the outside world, and maintains tion. The logic behind this is quite straight es that governments are willing to al-
very tight control of the core architec- forward: as we don’t know in what direc- locate for innovation activities. The key
tural elements, which makes it very dif- tion the world is moving, undertaking question is then: how to achieve more
ficult for competitors to copy Apple’s innovation efforts guaranteed to be suc- with less? From the government’s per-
strategy. This, again, illustrates how de- cessful proves to be too difficult. spective the answer has to be through
pendent identification of the type of in- Secondly, enterprises increasing- stronger coordination and alignment of
novation strategy best suited to a com- ly frequently prefer to make their in- various policies that will nurture innova-
pany’s needs is on the industry and on novation bets in a gradual, stage-by- tion. This means that there has to be a
the inherent strengths of the company. stage fashion, with clear process gates broad governance perspective on inno-
Climate change and the financial and increasing security that the in- vation, which is illustrated in Figure 32.
crisis have forced many organizations, vestment will pay off in pace with in- Figure 32 presents a simplified ver-
both public and private, to be more se- creasing the bets. This also explains the sion of the conceptual framework devel-
lective in setting strategic goals. These growing interest for pilots and demon- oped at the beginning of the process,
conditions have also prompted a re- strations, as such initiatives have a role and highlights those innovation sup-
newed consideration of the notion of of making the intermediate results vis- port activities that this study revealed
time in the actions of strategic planners: ible and transparent, thus also making as most critical during the final survey.

Figure 32. The requirements for the Finnish national innovation system

Innovation support governance

National Innovation Policy

Firm-level support Network-level support Institutional factors

Public and private  Entrepreneurial climate

service providers:  Supportive tax system Customers:
– Tekes – Research organizations
– Academy of Finland
Innovation – Large companies
– Sitra, VTT support – SMEs
– Venture capitalists, activities – Others
– Others
 Access to key expertise  Constellation platforms
 Demonstrations  Venture capital
 Seed investments  Rotation of researchers
 Collaborative spirit  Creative individuals

Human Structural
capital Culturing capability
Business modeling
 Socialization  Absorptive capacity
 Role modeling  Conceptualizing

Coordination capability
 Change management
 Constellation management
 Internal coordination

Integrative Relationship
capability capability
 Internal integration  Customer intelligence
 External integration  Customer linking

Generative capability Transformative capability

 Innovation  Offering design



Innovation capability building

This is not to argue that these ten activ- are more visible on the network level: These results have enabled the devel-
ities are exactly the ten most important access to constellations platforms that opment of a fine-grained operationali-
factors the Finnish innovation system will support open innovation, the gen- zation of what this broad-base innova-
should address, but ones which provide eral attractiveness of Finland for venture tion approach should actually contain.
a very strong indication of the aggregate capitalists, the principles for rotation of This in turn reveals that it is quite obvi-
view on what type of innovation system researchers between academia and in- ous that those support activities neces-
is necessary in Finland today to ensure dustry, and how the innovation system sary to ensure the success of the Finn-
that the key enterprises feel comfortable nurtures creative individuals. The two fi- ish innovation system cannot be dele-
in continuing to direct innovation invest- nal factors, how an entrepreneurial cli- gated to Tekes alone, but must be pro-
ments into Finland. mate in general is fostered in Finland, vided through a strong national collab-
As Figure 32 indicates, there are and how the tax system can spur inno- oration involving different public agen-
four factors that with a strong appeal vations are contextual factors that are cies as well as the private sector. This al-
to the individual companies: access to affected by laws, regulations and polit- so, increasingly, demands international
expertise when needed, the possibil- ical leadership. support, as the venture capital and ex-
ity to benefit from public incentives The list of requirements resulting pertise requirements are not confined
for demonstrations, seed investments from this study shows that the concept to only resources available within Finn-
in the start-up phase, and the mainte- of “broad-based innovation” seems to ish borders. This poses significant chal-
nance of a collaborative spirit in joint in- be a suitable fit with the expecta- lenges for Tekes. On one hand, Tekes is
novation initiatives. Four other factors tions of the Finnish innovation sector. often expected to take the intellectual

lead when political decisions have to be community building the next generation couraged for the innovation process to
made for the future direction of Finnish of the Finnish innovation system. proceed in an adaptive fashion. During
research policy. However, at the same The single most important innova- the demonstration phase, collaborative
time Tekes should be a neutral financer, tion support activity raised in the sur- leadership is required to support the
following the innovation policy guide- vey was the need to establish constel- necessary self-organization. Once com-
lines provided by the government. lation platforms bringing together ac- mercialization is at hand, stricter coordi-
To resolve this dilemma, Finland tors from different sectors for open in- nation will be necessary to meet dead-
would require a stronger integration of novation. This implies that besides the lines and shift focus towards operation-
the various public actors in the field of need for Tekes to proactively promote a al excellence (Wallin, G., 2011).
innovation, especially when one con- broad innovation policy agenda in Fin- In ecosystems there is a need to
siders that the issues of entrepreneur- land, Tekes itself must also increase its integrate the internal knowledge man-
ial climate and a supportive tax system support of different forms of networks, agement activities with those conduct-
also figure heavily on the list of factors and provide platforms that will enable ed externally. Subsequently, Tekes must
necessary to ensure a successful, na- more efficient collaboration. not only consider the interests of the
tional innovation policy. Based on this Innovation collaboration can be individual firms initially committed to
we suggest our first new imperative for carried out in three distinct phases of joint innovation activities, but should
the Finnish innovation policy: the innovation process: (i) the explora- also facilitate the further expansion of
Imperative 1: In an increasingly glo- tion phase, (ii) the important phase of the network. Tekes should encourage,
balized world a national innovation pol- testing and experimenting, often sup- in particular, the continuous search for
icy requires coherent integration in order ported by demonstration initiatives, new opportunities, as companies easi-
for the country to be internationally at- and (iii) in the final commercializa- ly become preoccupied by their exploi-
tractive for top experts and venture capi- tion or exploitation phase. Each phase tation activities, whereby they gradually
tal. The Finnish government needs to take is characterized by different forms become incapable of renewing them-
this into consideration when forming an of collaboration processes. For Tekes selves. This leads to the second impera-
integrated national innovation and in- this means that there is a need to de- tive for the innovation policy:
dustrial policy. The new innovation pol- velop different forms of support for Imperative 2: Tekes should encour-
icy should simultaneously emphasize these different phases in the innova- age open innovation and the conduct-
firm-level and network-level activities as tion process. Of particular importance ing of an increasing amount of innova-
well as making certain that institutional is the question of how the knowledge tion activities within networks and eco-
factors supporting an entrepreneurial cli- management activities can be sup- systems. When supporting such activi-
mate and forming innovation-friendly tax ported by an innovation agency like ties, Tekes needs to particularly steer the
policies are also taken into consideration. Tekes. The three phases of exploration, knowledge management activities, as
Historically, Tekes has proven its ca- demonstration, and exploitation need the self-interests of the individual partici-
pacity to provide the foresight capabili- therefore to receive particular atten- pating companies may be in conflict with
ties essential to initiating necessary new tion when Tekes increases its support the broader national interests represented
initiatives in the Finnish innovation sys- of innovation in networks. by Tekes. There is also a need to distinguish
tem. Additionally, Tekes could also strong- Research sponsored by Synocus between the different phases of collabo-
ly support the forming of the agenda, de- has shown that leadership and relation- ration in innovation: exploration, demon-
fine the guidelines for how to bring vari- ships within the network are closely in- stration, and exploitation. Each phase will
ous actors together, and co-orchestrate terlinked. In the exploration phase agile require its own specific form of knowledge
the collaboration within the knowledge and flexible relationships must be en- management support process.

The surroundings in which Tekes oper- This impact study has addressed as the Value Networks program show
ates are undergoing significant chang- the issue of how an innovation agen- that the same conclusions have already
es. These changes can be summarized cy can support innovation capabili- been made within Tekes, and the neces-
in three points: ty building on two levels. On the one sary steps are taken to meet these new
•• The innovation market is increasingly hand, it has looked at the innovation demands.
shifting from technologies and prod- system on the national level, and made This impact study has provided de-
ucts towards solutions and ecosys- comparisons with other successful na- tailed, concrete suggestions that can be
tems. tions. On the other hand, it has looked used by Tekes when looking for ways to
•• A coherent national innovation poli- at the innovation support needed from further improve its performance. What
cy is necessary to support the forma- the viewpoint of the individual organi- this report has not addressed is the effi-
tion of the various elements required zation, and the individual decision mak- ciency of the innovation capability build-
to ensure the emergence of success- ers within key organizations. ing activities. The important question is,
ful collaborative arrangements. Much of the contemporary discus- of course, could the same results have
•• Tekes has identified the changes tak- sion concerning the building of a suc- been achieved with fewer resources?
ing place, and has initiated a series of cessful innovation system has been fo- This question was raised especially when
actions required to support innova- cused on the intermediary level, look- comparing the funding of the Swiss in-
tion capability building in this rapid- ing at regional innovation hubs, and an- novation system, but it has been outside
ly changing business environment. alyzing the actors in various geograph- the scope of this study to try to provide a
Supporting the important knowl- ical locations. The results of this study clear answer to this question.
edge management processes in var- seem to support the view that the in- In the interest of providing a sum-
ious forms of innovation networks is novation system cannot be designed as mary of the results, the report will con-
a significant opportunity for Tekes to one uniform machine, serving all types clude by repeating the assessments
add new value. of industries and all forms of compa- and recommendations made through-
nies and institutions. Instead it is cru- out this report. The first five assess-
Based on general feedback gathered cial that the overall contextual factors, ments and recommendations present-
from leading individuals in the Finnish such as: tax policies; level of education; ed in this report were derived from the
innovation system during the study, the and the general attitude to entrepre- country comparison data (see Appen-
general impression of Tekes was of an neurship, are competitive. Once these dix 2 for the individual country analy-
institution with a solid understanding of conditions are met, the national innova- ses and chapter 4 for the conclusions).
what is required to bring the Finnish in- tion agency’s support activities must be The assessments and recommenda-
novation system to the next level. There fine-tuned to the specific needs of in- tions based on the international com-
is also strong evidence that the innova- dividual industries and innovative com- parisons are as follows:
tion support activities which Tekes has panies. A common element across all Assessment 1: The Finnish innova-
undertaken throughout its history, have this is that innovations are increasingly tion system has its own historical back-
kept pace with the changing require- emerging in networks. Recent efforts by ground and appears to have a good bal-
ments of the business environment. Tekes to establish new programs such ance of university and corporate support.

Recommendation 1: Tekes’s role in SMEs. Tekes should also emphasize the its funding portfolio for the purpose of
the future is to remain flexible in adjust- transfer of knowledge through individu- long term support of innovation, avoid-
ing its policies in order to meet the increas- als, by e.g. encouraging PhDs to alter be- ing becoming focused on short term op-
ingly global requirements facing innova- tween academia and industry. portunistic trends affecting the public dis-
tion actors. Assessment 5: The internation- cussion
Assessment 2: The emphasis of in- al comparison of innovation agencies in Assessment 7: Tekes supports both
novation support is shifting from clusters Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Ire- the development of new technologies
to networks, and towards orchestrated land suggests that the leading innova- formed by individual companies as well
ecosystems in particular. The Swiss exam- tion agencies have broadly similar strat- as the orchestration of internationally en-
ple of NCCRs and VINNOVA’s Challenge- egies and objectives. Compared to these gaged ecosystems. The Vigo and Value
driven Innovation show the tendency to other countries Finland is less internation- Network initiatives are important new el-
support longer-term development efforts alized, and this has to be taken into con- ements in the funding portfolio, which ef-
which have a clear identifiable organiza- sideration by Tekes. fectively support the new emergent need
tion as the orchestrator of the ecosystem. Recommendation 5: As interna- to enable capability building in ecosys-
Recommendation 2: Tekes should tional networks are becoming the main tems.
consider the experiences from these meth- form for successful innovations, Tekes Recommendation 7: Tekes should
ods of supporting the development of should focus on the individuals and the place particular emphasis on ensuring
ecosystems when determining how to organizational capabilities needed to that dynamic and orchestration capabil-
provide orchestration support e.g. in its build and foster international networks. ities are properly built in the ecosystems,
Value Networks program. Having assessed the operations and that funding also supports the inclu-
Assessment 3: There are clear indi- of other innovation agencies, the re- sion of necessary international elements.
cations that trust and confidence are im- cipients of Tekes funding were ana- It is also relevant to consider what
portant factors strengthening the innova- lyzed next. In evaluating the allocation has been funded by Tekes. The analysis
tion process. of funding, the study assessed how dif- of this dimension (section 5.1.2) used
Recommendation 3: Tekes could ferent types of companies (large and the findings from the evaluations of
use the experiences from abroad when small) have been funded as well as the programs financed between 2000 and
broadening its assessment process. In- funding of network activities (see sec- 2011, amounting to a total of 91 re-
creased active monitoring of the inno- tion 5.1.1). This resulted in the follow- search programs. This analysis resulted
vation activities as they proceed should ing two assessments and recommen- in the following assessment and recom-
be emphasized. In networks there is al- dations. mendation.
so a need to be able to monitor how rela- Assessment 6: The distribution Assessment 8: Building innova-
tionships and trust are nurtured through of funds by Tekes during 2004-2010 has tion capabilities demands a versatile ap-
Tekes’s activities. evolved in a way which encourages col- proach, supporting both established and
Assessment 4: Innovation capabil- laboration between various actors in the emergent business sectors. Tekes funding
ity building requires the convergence of a innovation system. This varied composi- seems to provide such versatility and re-
multitude of factors. tion seems to accurately reflect the larg- cent efforts have further encouraged col-
Recommendation 4: Tekes should er changes in the business context. Tekes’s laboration across established industries.
track and evaluate which particular in- ambition of being both adaptive and Recommendation 8: Tekes should
novation support activities are effective in pro-active seems to have proved success- search for innovation opportunities in ad-
what situations, and to support different ful. The correlation of recent successes in jacent fields or “white spaces”. Possible so-
innovation needs. On one hand, there is the ICT sector and the relative increase in lutions include, for example: allocating
a need for longer term programs, orches- the sector’s funding is a positive indicator. part of the SHOK-funding to be available
trated by leading organizations, and, on Recommendation 6: Tekes should for initiatives that explicitly engage two
the other hand for fair, user-friendly and continue its independent evaluation of or more SHOKs, or for Tekes to create new
flexible instruments for start-ups and the larger business context, and balance multidisciplinary programs.

This study then evaluated the re- is becoming increasingly important for network type, competitive challenge etc.
cently published VTT analysis of the spurring the evolution of innovations. For Assessment 12: Tekes needs to
Sfinno database regarding the building Finnish companies this entails a need to complement its existing ex-post assess-
of innovation capabilities. The following integrate with international networks, ment system with additional monitoring
conclusion emerged from this analysis: and either look for positions to become or- activities in order to be able to more quick-
Assessment 9: Tekes has been a sig- chestrators or become skilled in comple- ly test and verify the effects of various new
nificant contributor to the majority of re- menting the leading firms orchestrating instruments and tools, and also be able
cent Finnish innovations. Still, there are the ecosystems. In such situations, Tekes to abandon those that are not successful.
a number of industries that have experi- can support the explicit development of Recommendation 12: Tekes should
enced challenges in making real commer- those capabilities necessary to ensure a make efforts to better understand the rel-
cial breakthroughs. Tekes has recognized firm’s success in its role as a member of an ative suitability of various instruments
this, and a number of recent new instru- orchestrated ecosystem. and tools in relation to different industries,
ments have been introduced to more ac- Recommendation 10: In its fore- network types, and firms in different stag-
tively support scaling up and fast growth. sight activities, Tekes should continue to es of their development cycle. Especially
Recommendation 9: Tekes should identify changes e.g. in regulations mak- when promoting innovation in networks
be prepared to provide stronger support ing the emergence of new ecosystems it is important to recognize that there are
for those firms that have displayed a clear- more probable, and then proactively sup- various forms of networks, and how well
ly identified potential to grow significant- port companies leveraging upon these they perform should be evaluated sepa-
ly. Working together with other impor- opportunities. As ecosystems are of an rately for each category.
tant innovation support providers such increasingly global nature, Tekes should Finally we identified two impera-
as public and private investors should al- look for further ways to selectively support tives for ensuring the future success of
so be prioritized. innovation building activities that take the Finnish innovation policy. On one
The majority of the activities car- place outside Finland, but, nonetheless, hand there are on-going changes in the
ried out in this impact study were relat- have significant possibilities to strength- market place, which require Tekes to be
ed to collecting information from com- en the Finnish companies and research- continuously proactive in renewing the
panies and other organizations active in ers active within these ecosystems. Finnish innovation system. On the oth-
the Finnish innovation field. This infor- Tekes also has an extensive inter- er hand, Tekes must also reconsider its
mation has primarily been gathered by nal assessment process, which has gen- own position as an increasing amount
means of two approaches: conducting erated over 3000 ex-post evaluations of of innovation takes place in networks,
in-depth case studies of 10 successful conducted projects. This material has which also opens up new opportunities
innovation projects (see Appendix 3), been evaluated and analyzed (section for Tekes to take a more active role, es-
and interviewing individuals active in 5.3) resulting in two assessments and pecially in respect of knowledge man-
the Finnish innovation system (see list recommendations: agement in networks (see section 5.4).
of interviewees in Appendix 4). The role Assessment 11: The analysis of the Imperative 1: In an in­­­creasing­ly glo-
of these activities has been to identi- assessment information shows that this balized world a national innovation pol-
fy more specifically, precisely what is database has great potential to provide icy requires coherent integration in order
needed to align innovation support ac- additional depth in understanding how for the country to be internationally at-
tivities with present needs. This has led successful innovation paths emerge. tractive for top experts and venture capital.
to the following assessment and rec- Recommendation 11: Tekes should The Finnish government needs to take this
ommendation based upon the synthe- expand the assessments to also include into consideration when forming an inte-
ses (presented in section 5.2): background information regarding re- grated national innovation and industrial
Assessment 10: In light of conduct- spondents to use the impact data to de- policy. The new innovation policy should
ed case studies and surveys among Finn- velop more detailed explanations for how simultaneously emphasize firm-level and
ish companies, ecosystem orchestration projects succeed depending on industry, network-level activities as well as making

certain that institutional factors support- systems. When supporting such activi- years ahead. However, what is impor-
ing an entrepreneurial climate and form- ties, Tekes needs to particularly steer the tant to note is that a general trend can
ing innovation-friendly tax policies are al- knowledge management activities, as be identified from all these recommen-
so taken into consideration. the self-interests of the individual partici- dations: The field of innovation is mov-
Historically, Tekes has proven its ca- pating companies may be in conflict with ing more towards the direction of solu-
pacity to provide the foresight capabili- the broader national interests represented tions and ecosystems, with less empha-
ties essential to initiating necessary new by Tekes. There is also a need to distinguish sis placed on technologies and individu-
initiatives in the Finnish innovation sys- between the different phases of collabo- al products. This doesn’t mean that these
tem. Additionally, Tekes could also strong- ration in innovation: exploration, demon- are not important; indeed they will still
ly support the forming of the agenda, de- stration, and exploitation. Each phase will be the spearheads through which com-
fine the guidelines for how to bring vari- require its own specific form of knowledge mercial success will be built. Howev-
ous actors together, and co-orchestrate management support process. er, the analyses conducted in this study
the collaboration within the knowledge Finally, it is also important to note support the view that by more actively
community building the next generation that innovation capabilities must be per- promoting innovations which take place
of the Finnish innovation system. ceived of as dynamic entities. What is re- in networks, and which encourage the
Imperative 2: Tekes should encour- quired from the Finnish innovation sys- formation of ecosystems, Tekes can once
age open innovation and the conduct- tem today is different from what was again provide guidance, which will spur
ing of an increasing amount of innova- required ten years ago, and will be dif- the Finnish innovation system towards
tion activities within networks and eco- ferent from what will be required ten international success.


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Appendix 1. The Oulu region as a high-tech center
Appendix 1

In 1965 the department of electrical en- producing innovative new products in 80 countries and had approximately 1
gineering of the University of Oulu, fo- the field of telecommunications, but 200 employees.
cusing on radio technology and elec- later this was extended into such are- Seppo Leppävuori, whose aca-
tronics, started operations. The first as as manufacturing equipment for tel- demic career began at the Helsinki Uni-
professor of the department of electri- ecommunications products and indus- versity of Technology, was, in 1975, ap-
cal engineering, Juhani Oksman, was trial components. pointed Associate Professor at the De-
appointed in 19671. At its beginning Professor Otala was also active- partment of Electrical Engineering at
the major area of interest of the depart- ly recruiting new companies to estab- the University of Oulu. In the early 1970s
ment was theoretical electrical engi- lish operations in the Oulu region. In he started the Microelectronics Labora-
neering, but in the early 1970s the em- the 1970s, Matti Otala was employed tory at the University, and worked for
phasis gradually shifted more towards both as the professor of electronics at the University until his retirement in
data communications and especial- the university and as the director of the spring 2004. In the early 1970s, Profes-
ly radio communications. The reasons laboratory of electronics of the Techni- sor Leppävuori had been instrumen-
for this were twofold: firstly there was a cal Research Centre of Finland (VTT). He tal in the decision to locate the labora-
shortage of telecommunications engi- could therefore support researchers like tory of electronics of VTT in Oulu, and
neers in northern Finland, and second- Seppo Säynäjäkangas and Seppo Lep- he continued, throughout his career, to
ly Juhani Oksaman himself was original- pävuori to work in close co-operation actively promote a three party collab-
ly trained in radio technology. Dr. Oks- with the local companies. oration between the University of Ou-
man was also a skilled administrator, In 1969, Seppo Säynäjäkangas be- lu, VTT, and the private sector. The re-
and during the years 1990-1993 he was came the first M.Sc. in electrical engi- search activities of professor Leppävuori
the dean of the University of Oulu. neering to graduate from the Universi- and his research team aimed at devel-
Juhani Oksman was instrumen- ty of Oulu and, in 1973, the first to get oping new materials and future man-
tal in recruiting Matti Otala to become a doctorate. Subsequently he was ap- ufacturing technologies required for
the first professor of electronics at the pointed professor of his alma mater. novel information technology prod-
University of Oulu. Otala, having pre- Having developed the first miniature ucts. The group has played an impor-
viously worked for Nokia and Helvar, wireless telemetry for heart monitoring, tant role in the research for novel elec-
brought with him an industrial back- Säynäjäkangas founded Polar Electro in tronics materials, high-density electron-
ground that has since fostered a cli- 1977, the company that introduced the ics packaging and reliability techniques.
mate of strong industrial collaboration heart monitor that would become the Precision engineering has a key role in
within the university. Professor Otala first choice for athletes looking for pulse these fields. Professor Leppävuori has
was focused on producing functioning monitoring for aerobic and anaerobic published more than 300 scientific and
electrical equipment, and this has lat- training. In 1983 Polar Electro launched technical papers in internationally ref-
er distinguished the development of the world’s first wireless Heart Rate ereed journal and conference publica-
the whole Information and Communi- Monitor. This product was developed tions.
cations Technology sector (ICT-sector) by Polar together with the department The University of Oulu and the
in the Oulu region. In the beginning of of electronics at the University of Oulu. electronics laboratory of VTT would
the 1970s this meant developing and In 2011 Polar Electro operated in over probably not have reached the out-

1 The analysis of Oulu was originally presented by Hultin, Kuusela and Wallin(2004).

standing results during the last thir- decided to focus on telecommunica- ment activities of this company greatly

Appendix 1
ty years, were it not for Nokia’s deci- tions it sold its cable operations in the benefited from the scientific work (e.g.
sion to establish its unit for radio com- end of the 1990s to the Dutch compa- thick-film hybrid innovation) done by
munications in Oulu in 1973. This deci- ny NKF Holding. The company changed Professor Seppo Leppävuori. The com-
sion has to be understood in the con- its name and has been known as Draka pany expanded rapidly. In 1979 a print-
text of the structure of Nokia at that NK Cables since the beginning of 2003. ed wired-boards plant and a hybrid fac-
time. Nokia was then a conglomerate. Based on the strong cable man- tory were inaugurated and in 1986 a
In 1967, three companies merged: (i) ufacturing knowledge in Oulu, a new printed circuit-board plant was estab-
Nokia, then primarily a pulp and paper company, PK-Cables (later PKC Group), lished. Aspocomp was taking over sim-
company, (ii) the Finnish Rubber Works, was formed in 1994. This company ilar operations from Nokia in 1997. To-
a galosh and tire manufacturer, and (iii) grew very fast at the end of the 1990s day, the main business of Aspocomp
the Finnish Cable Works, which manu- in the areas of telecommunication wir- consists of the production of printed
factured phone-cables. The new com- ing harnesses and cabling. circuit boards.
pany was called Nokia Group. This new Contributing to the decision to The third major player in the elec-
conglomerate consisted of four indus- choose Oulu as the location for the tronics field in Oulu in the 1970s was
trial groups: pulp and paper, rubber, ca- mobile telephony unit was the fact that Kajaani Elektroniikka. This company, es-
bles and electronics. Of these, electron- Nokia, through the Finnish Cable Works, tablished in 1970, was a subsidiary of a
ics was the smallest, representing only was already established in Oulu, com- pulp and paper manufacturer that had
3% of the total turnover. bined with the possibility of tax breaks decided to diversify outside its core
The electronics group of Nokia and the access to well-educated engi- business. It was established in Oulu
(Nokia Electronics) thus had its origin neers from the University of Oulu. The based on close collaboration between
in the Finnish Cable Works, the old- young radio engineer that got the re- the parent company CEO, Mikko Tähtin-
est Finnish cable company established sponsibility to set up this operation was en, and Matti Otala. The first product of
in 1917. The CEO of the Finnish Cable Lauri Kuokkanen, who immediately af- Kajaani Elektroniikka was a pulp bleach-
Works, Björn Westerlund, had already ter his graduation in 1969 had started to ing process instrument. In 1982 Kajaani
in the 1950s recognized the growing work as a unit manager for Nokia Elec- Elektroniikka delivered fare collection
significance of computers, and in 1960 tronics in Helsinki. devices for public transport. The busi-
the electronics department was estab- In 1972 Nokia Electronics began to ness became a part of a company called
lished. The first product the department manufacture radio equipment in Ou- Edacom Oy, which became Buscom Oy
developed and sold was an analyzer for lu for the Finnish defense forces. Ou- through a management-buy-out ar-
advanced measurements in nuclear lu was selected as the production site rangement in 1986 and became a part
physics. The department also imported partly because the production had to of the Norwegian Fara group in a 2007
and distributed computers, and by the be located outside the capital region merger.
mid-1960s was a licensed distributor for due to political reasons. In 1973 Nokia Lauri Kuokkanen was more of an
Siemens, Elliot, and Bull computers. started the production of radio phones, entrepreneur than an administrator,
The first Oulu based cable manu- base stations and relays in Oulu, and and in 1976 he left Nokia to become a
facturing company Pohjolan Kaapeli, two years later the product mix was ex- partner at a subcontractor making met-
a subsidiary of Nokia, was established panded by modems and PCM equip- al parts for industrial clients. Two years
in 1960. The same year another private ment. In 1985 Nokia Mobile Phones es- later he started his own company, Lauri
company, Kaapeliteollisuus, also began tablished a research and development Kuokkanen Ltd. that made duplex filters
manufacturing cables in Oulu. In 1969 unit in Oulu. for radiotelephones. He sold this com-
Pohjolan Kaapeli started the produc- The need for electronics compo- pany to Nokia in 1985, and the name
tion of cable harnesses, and cable pro- nents inspired the formation of a com- was transferred to LK Products. Later on
duction was expanded. In 1987 Kaape- pany called Aspo Elektroniikka (later As- Nokia disposed of the company and
liteollisuus was sold to Nokia. As Nokia pocomp) in 1973. The product develop- sold it to Filtronic upon which the name

became Filtronic LK. By 2000 Filtronic duction equipment for the electron- ing of electronic products and produc-
Appendix 1

LK employed more than 1 000 people. ics industry. Veikko Lesonen set up tion automation.
Lauri Kuokkanen moved ahead, and in the company in 1988. It was in 1995 CCC Group, a software compa-
1986 he formed a company called So- turned into a group, and Jorma Ter- ny, was founded in 1985 by Timo Ko-
litra making radio transmitters/ receiv- entjeff was appointed managing di- rhonen. Prior to forming the company
ers for telemetry applications. This com- rector. Lesonen and Terentjeff made Timo Korhonen had worked for the Uni-
pany was sold in 1993, and until 2001 an aggressive growth strategy for the versity of Oulu. Seppo Säynäjäkangas,
remained part of ADC Telecommuni- company, and they listed it in Septem- the founder of Polar Electro, had sup-
cations. Then the unit, employing 600 ber, 1998. Lesonen and Terentjeff sold ported Korhonen in his efforts to form
people, was sold to Remec, a San Die- their shares at the peak of the mar- his own company, which today em-
go based designer and manufactur- ket in February 2000. Lesonen cashed ploys almost 200 people.
er of high frequency subsystems used in over €130M. Lesonen, a technician The evolution of the overall em-
in the transmission of voice, video and from Kemi, north of Oulu, remained in ployment in the Oulu region is summa-
data traffic over wireless communica- Oulu after his exit from the company rized in Table a.
tions networks and in defense electron- he founded, and is actively promot- The evolution of employment
ics applications. Kuokkanen continued ing different business activities in the in the ICT-sector in the Oulu region is
his entrepreneurial career and estab- region. One of his activities has been summarized in Table b.
lished Ultracom and Ultraprint, making to engage in regional development Table b shows how the origin of
integrated circuits. In the year 2000 he as a venture capitalist. The vehicle he the ICT-sector in Oulu is to be found
sold Ultraprint to JMC Tools, but contin- formed for this activity is Head Group. in cable manufacturing. Cable manu-
ued his relationship with Ultracom. Ul- Today Head Group consists of a net- facturing was still the major employ-
tracom specializes in high frequency ra- work of capital investment and devel- er in the early 1980s. At the same time
dio products and system solutions for opment companies. Table b also shows the overwhelming
wireless data communications. In March 2002 it was announced impact Nokia has had on the develop-
In the 1980s a number of new that JOT Automation would merge with ment of the ICT-sector in the region. Ex-
companies emerged in pace with the Elektrobit, a company founded in 1985 cept from Polar Electro and the two tel-
increasing demand for subcontract- by another entrepreneur from Oulu, Ju- ecommunications operators (long dis-
ing work for the telecommunications ha Hulkko. The merged group took the tance operator TeliaSonera and the lo-
industry. One of these companies was name of Elektrobit Group, specializing cal telephone company Oulun Puhelin)
JOT Automation, which made pro- in mobile technologies, life-cycle test- all other large ICT-sector companies

Table a. The employment structure of the Oulu region.

Facts / Year of Analysis 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2003

Population in the city of Oulu 53 000 85 000 94 000 101 000 121 000 126 000
Population in the Oulu region2 n/a 120 000 141 000 159 000 189 000 199 000
Share of primary production jobs 1.6% 1.7% 0.8% 1.0% 0.6% 0.6%
Share of construction sector jobs 13.8% 13.6% 9.2% 8.1% 6.9% 6.7%
Share of jobs in industry 25.9% 23.5% 23.2% 17.0% 22.1% 19.1%
Share of service sector jobs 58.1% 61.1% 66.8% 72.3% 69.1% 72.2%
Total jobs in Oulu n/a 39 000 45 000 58 000 64 000 66 000

2 The Oulu region consists of the municipalities of Hailuoto, Haukipudas, Kempele, Kiiminki, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Oulu, Oulunsalo, and Tyrnävä.

Table b. The major employers of the ICT-sector in the Oulu region.

Appendix 1
Company / Year of Analysis 1983 1990 1/2001 1/2002 1/2003 1/2004
1. Nokia Corporation 567 1 860 4 271 4 134 4 300 4 300
2. Sanmina SCI EMS (ex. Nokia Networks in Haukipudas) - - 863 600 730 700
3. PKC Group - - 450 450 490 580
4. Filtronic LK (ex. LK products) 50 ~350 1 100 970 700 550
5. Elektrobit Group (including JOT Automation) - 52 400 500 370 470
6. Draka NK Cables (ex. Nokia Kaapeli, Pohjolan Kaapeli, 1 430 1 550 550 550 523 457
7. Oulun Puhelin 132 205 393 432 439 431
8. Remec (ex. Solitra, ADC) - ~30 648 480 420 350
9. CCC Group - 60 158 280 300 350
10. VTT electronics laboratory 95 205 325 320 320 305
11. Polar Electro ~20 <100 258 291 ~300 ~300
12. Aspocomp 150 220 414 379 296 299
13. Scanfil - 50 270 280 260 240
14. TeliaSonera (ex. Tele) ~600 ~600 356 348 232 239
Total 3 044 5 282 10 456 10 014 9 680 9 571

have had some link with Nokia, either as sity of Technology, Pentti Kaitera, born of Oulu was founded, and Pentti Kait-
spin-offs from Nokia or major suppliers in Oulu, suggested the establishment era was nominated to become the first
to Nokia. Scanfil for example, founded of a techno-economic research insti- dean of the university.
by the 30-year old entrepreneur Jorma tute in the north of Finland. In 1952 the Once the University of Oulu was in
J. Takanen in 1976, is a contract manu- Council of State nominated a commit- place the regional decision makers con-
facturer and systems supplier for com- tee to plan the future university policies tinued to push the national authorities
munication and industrial electronics. of Finland. Pentti Kaitera was a member to get more activities localized in Oulu.
Originating in Sievi around 100 miles of this committee. In 1956 the commit- The second major decision was to have
south of Oulu, Scanfil opened its Oulu tee suggested establishing a university VTT (the state owned Technical Re-
factory in 1991. The company is today in north Finland focusing on forest relat- search Centre) to establish its electron-
listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange as ed research. This suggestion was large- ics laboratory in Oulu in the early 1970s.
Sievi Capital, and had by the end of Sep- ly opposed in Oulu, due to the very lim- In the beginning of the 1970s the gov-
tember 2011 over 2 000 employees, of ited scope of the suggested university. ernmental policy was to increasingly
which less than 400 were employed in A new committee, chaired by decentralize governmental institutions.
Finland. Pentti Kaitera was nominated in 1956. The dean of Oulu University at that
However, as earlier stated, the fact A year later this committee suggested time, Markku Mannerkoski, was actively
that Nokia established its electronics establishing the University of Oulu hav- promoting the establishment of an Ou-
unit in Oulu in the early 1970s was at ing faculties of philosophy, technology lu branch of VTT. Mannerkoski was able
least partly due to the knowledge base and medicine. This proposal again mo- to gain support for this idea from the di-
that already existed in the area. This bilized severe opposition in the south rector general of VTT, Pekka Jauho, and
knowledge base had been built up for of Finland among the established uni- the inauguration of the new electron-
more than ten years. The first step in versities, who were afraid that their part ics laboratory took place in 1974. After
this evolution was the decision to es- of the governmental support would di- that Mannerkoski actively built up the
tablish a university in Oulu. Already in minish. In spite of this a consensus was co-operation between the university,
1949 a professor at the Helsinki Univer- reached, and in 1958 the University VTT and the local industry.

The gradually growing ICT-sector ing technology development. The Ou- and Ultra Wideband (UWB) technolo-
Appendix 1

was consistently supported by the de- lu Region Centre of Expertise was estab- gies. Table c summarizes the evolution
cision makers of the city of Oulu. One lished in 1994. The center supports the of the ICT-sector in Oulu through five
concrete decision to further attract the development of telecommunications, decades.
attention of local and external inves- electronics, and software engineering To conclude one can state that the
tors was to establish the Science Park businesses in the region. development of the region of Oulu as
Oulun teknologiakylä (“Technology Vil- The University of Oulu established a high-tech center has its origin in im-
lage”) in 1982. One of the major influ- the Center for Wireless Communica- portant decisions made already in the
encers for the driving of this initiative tions (CWC) in 1995 in close collabora- 1950s and 1960s. Thanks to these de-
was Ilmo Paananen, the mayor of Ou- tion with the local business communi- cisions a foundation for continuous
lu from 1974 to 1990. Once the Tech- ty. CWC is an independent research in- knowledge creation in the informa-
nology Village was in place, Oulu also stitute focusing on next generation mo- tion and telecommunications sector
took further responsibilities in support- bile communications, beyond 3G, 4G, was laid.

Table c. The development of the ICT-sector in the Oulu region.

Facts / Decade 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

ICT-sector employees <100 ~1 500 ~2 000 ~5 500 ~13 000
Key events The department of The university focused on Solid and long-term A huge expansion Internet bubble
electrical engineer- data communications / work related to the of the IT and telecom- in Finland,
ing was established radio communications, ICT-sector product munication employ- Economic
at the University of New product innovations innovations, New ment, Subcontracting slow-down,
Oulu in the region company set-ups expansion / spill-over Staff-reductions
Institutions The University of The University of Oulu, The Science Park / CWC, The Oulu Region The Oulu
Oulu VTT Oulu Technopolis Oulu Centre of Expertise Growth
Leading companies Pohjolan Kaapeli, Pohjolan Kaapeli, Kaapeli- Nokia, Polar Electro, Nokia, Polar Electro, Nokia, CCC
(focusing on the Kaapeliteollisuus teollisuus, Nokia Electronics, LK Products, Filtronic LK, Elektrobit, Group, PKC
ICT-sector) Aspo Elektroniikka, Kajaani Aspocomp JOT Automation, PKC Group, Buscom
Elektroniikka Group, Solitra/ADC

Technological focus Cable manufactur- First initiatives in the area of Nokia concentrates GSM, Local subcon- 3G/4G and
areas ing / harnesses, electronics (radio equipment, its R&D operations tracting for Nokia Ultra Wideband
Electrotechnical radio phones, base stations, in Oulu, Mobile (UWB) technol-
industry relays, modems and PCM phones volume ogy R&D
equipment) production
Significant individuals Pentti Kaitera, Juhani Oksman, Matti Otala, Seppo Säynäjä- Lauri Kuokkanen, Juha Hulkko,
Juhani Oksman, Lauri Kuokkanen, Seppo kangas Veikko Lesonen, Timo Korho-
Matti Otala Säynäjäkangas, Seppo Leppä- Lauri Kuokkanen, Jorma Terentjeff, nen, Jorma J.
vuori, Markku Mannerkoski, Veikko Lesonen Juha Hulkko Takanen
Ilmo Paananen

Regional develop- Background Regional work groups The Science Park, Strategy process and The Oulu
ment activities by work for the VTT “The Technology growth targets for Growth Agree-
the authorities localization Village”, was the electronics sector ment strategy
launched employment process

Appendix 2. Country studies

Appendix 2
The country studies presented in this curement of eco-innovations; support on public finances in 2020 (struc-
appendix have been carried out by for large demonstration facilities; and turally) is to be ensured.
Arne Eriksson (Denmark & Sweden), Phil the launch of the Renewal Fund as well (iii) It is a fundamental requirement that
Cooke (Ireland), and Tomi Laamanen as a risk capital fund. This is evidence of spending does not continue to in-
(Switzerland) with support from Syno- Denmark’s strong focus on SMEs and crease more than what is planned
cus’s analyst team. dissemination of knowledge on the one and agreed. Stricter control mech-
hand and a very clear science focus on anisms have been implemented,
Denmark the other. but it is assessed not to be suffi-
Overall, Denmark’s specialization cient. There is a need to introduce a
Denmark has become well known for profile is strongly driven both by intan- new spending management system
its very flexible labor market, with un- gible assets (marketing-driven indus- based on binding spending ceilings
employment in Denmark remaining tries such as games and toys), but at the for the central government, munici-
relatively low in spite of the ongoing fi- same time by natural endowments (ag- palities and regions.
nancial crisis. However, lately Denmark ricultural products, sea, etc.), explaining
too has witnessed increasing unem- its bipolar focus on both innovative and Research focus
ployment, exceeding 7 per cent at the less innovative sectors. Denmark is specialized in mainstream
beginning of 2011. The economic reform program for manufacturing industries (electric mo-
With a population of 5.6 million 2011 identified three fundamental chal- tors, generators and transformers), and
and a 2010 GDP of DKK 1 750 billion lenges for the Danish economy: in marketing-driven industries (the
(€235 billion) Denmark had the fifth (i) Growth potential has to be strength- manufacture of games and toys, meat
highest nominal GDP per capita in the ened. Without reforms which in- and fish products). Danish exports are,
world in 2010. At the same time Den- crease labor supply or a higher pro- to a great extent, based on labor-inten-
mark also has the highest tax rates in ductivity growth the growth poten- sive industries such as the manufacture
the world, with a value added tax of 25 tial is very limited – around 1 per of builders’ carpentry and joinery. At the
% and income tax ranging up to 63%. cent per year – and there is a risk more aggregated sector level, Denmark
that Denmark will be a low-growth features value added specialization in
Danish innovation system economy. With great challenges for sectors with high innovation intensity
morphology both public finances and growth, (machinery), as well as in those with low
R&D intensity in Denmark was 3.02% it is the conditions for private en- innovation intensity (water transport).
in 2009 (0.99% public + 2.02% pri- terprise growth that must be im- In terms of change, Denmark has
vate). Over the period 2000–2009, Den- proved. This requires reforms that strongly increased its emphasis on
mark’s R&D intensity increased notably, strengthen labor supply, productiv- technology-driven industries such as
with an average annual growth rate of ity and competitiveness. medical equipment. Also, sectors with
8.84% over the period 2006–2009, one (ii) Public finances need to be strength- high educational and innovation inten-
of the highest growth rates among the ened substantially in order to ensure sity, such as electrical machinery (e.g.
EU Member States. that the public budget is balanced wind turbines), have gained increased
In 2009 and 2010, new innovation in the longer term. Without further attention. At the same time the relative
policy measures were introduced in reforms the room for growth in pub- share of sectors with low innovation
Denmark targeting private R&D invest- lic consumption over the next dec- and education intensity (land and water
ment, including: increased public pro- ade will be around zero if balance transport) have decreased. The change

dynamics for exports have been some- Denmark’s specialization patterns was growth firms. This underpins almost
Appendix 2

what different, with high education sec- limited, with no clear overall direction of all policy measures in the SME area,
tors having increased strongly (financial change during the crisis years. The im- e.g. the ”Erhvervspakken” and the “New
services) but high-innovation sectors pact on total manufacturing production firms package” with measures aiming at
(communication equipment) and tech- was severe, and its level in April 2011 was providing funding and easing financial
nology-driven industries (aircraft and still 14 % below its previous cyclical peak. constraints for start-ups and SMEs.
spacecraft) having slightly decreased. Start-up rates in Denmark have
Denmark’s R&D intensity has risen increased steadily in recent years and TIS Architecture
considerably, while there has been little are high in international comparison. The Ministry of Science, Innovation and
change in the quality indicators. At the The overall importance of high growth Higher Education is responsible for the
sectoral level, Denmark has gained R&D firms is increasing but remains below following policy areas: research; inno-
intensity mainly in services sectors such the level of some other countries. This vation; and higher education, including
as distribution, software and research has stimulated the Danish government university education and internationali-
and development, while decreasing to put forward ambitious objectives for zation of education and training in Den-
R&D intensity in machinery and trans- entrepreneurship in general and high mark. The principles for public Danish
port and communications. growth start-ups specifically. The chal- funding of innovation activities are illus-
The impact of the financial crisis on lenge is the low proportion of high trated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The principles of the public Danish funding of innovation activities

The ministry aims to make Den- lion). This corresponds to approximately •• Innovation and input of capital and

Appendix 2
mark a leading entrepreneurial and 2 percent of the annual public research expertise for knowledge and tech-
knowledge based society, offering ed- expenditure. As a supplement to the nology based enterprises.
ucation that rank among the best in the Centres of Excellence, the Foundation •• International collaboration on the
world, and to create the best possible experiments with various other pro- utilization of knowledge and tech-
opportunities for citizens and business- grams, particularly those with a view to nology.
es to realize the vision of Denmark as a strengthening the internationalization
network society. The ministry includes of Danish research. Following this strat- The Danish Council for Technology and
the following departments: The Danish egy the Foundation is active in collab- Innovation administers a number of ini-
Agency for International Education; The orations with international foundations tiatives the purposes of which are to pro-
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and organizations on joint programs. mote private research, development, in-
and Innovation; The Danish University The effect of these investments is novation and dissemination of knowl-
and Higher Education Agency which, clearly visible, e.g. in the exceptional edge between knowledge institutions
together with the Permanent Secre- quality of the research output, the high and enterprises. The initiatives are:
tary’s Department, are referred to as degree of international cooperation, •• Cooperation and interaction
the Ministry of Science, Innovation and the extensive PhD production, and in between business and research:
Higher Education. the ability to attract external funding –– Innovation consortia scheme
Also within the scope of the minis- from abroad. –– Innovation voucher scheme
try are a number of funding bodies for The Danish Council for Technology –– The scheme for new forms of
research and innovation, research and and Innovation was established in 2002, collaboration
advanced technological service institu- and is an independent council, which –– The competence and innovation
tions and Denmark’s eight universities. works at strengthening Danish private network scheme
Innovation policy is managed by research, development and innovation •• Approved technological service
the Danish Agency for Science, Technol- and economic growth in Denmark. The (The Danish GTS-system)
ogy and Innovation – DASTI. Its main re- council distributes up to DKK 1100 mil- •• Industrial PhD scheme
sponsibilities are in areas such as: pub- lion (€150 million) annually. The coun- •• Knowledge pilot scheme
lic research and innovation funding; re- cil’s work consists of two parts. One is –– Entrepreneurship and
searcher mobility; dialogue on priorities to advise the Minister of Science, Tech- commercialization
in research and technology initiatives; nology and Innovation about technol- –– Technology transfer offices at
regionalization of research and innova- ogy and innovation policy. The other is universities
tion; interaction between knowledge in- to administer the initiatives given to the –– Business incubators (The Danish
stitutions and the business community; council by the Minister. innovation incubator scheme )
innovation policy; and international co- The objectives of the council are to –– The proof-of-concept scheme
operation on research and innovation. promote:
The Danish National Research Foun- •• Collaboration and dissemination of The council has, in collaboration with
dation was established in 1991, and is knowledge between researchers, re- the ministry and after a broad nation-
an independent foundation, which search and educational institutions, al consultation procedure with: organi-
works at strengthening Danish basic advanced technology groups, knowl- zations; institutions; and innovation ac-
research within all research fields. The edge institutions and enterprises. tors, established the second four year
Foundation’s main working method is •• Innovation, development, diffusion, action plan called Innovation Denmark
to set up and fund research centers of use and commercialization of new 2010–2013 which describes the main
the highest international standing, Cen- research and technology, and knowl- innovation policy initiatives under the
tres of Excellence, for 1–2 periods of edge of organizations and markets. Ministry of Science, Technology and
funding. The Foundation annually dis- •• Flow and development of knowledge Innovation. The initiatives are divided
tributes up to DKK 400 million (€57 mil- and technology based enterprises. across four broad priority areas:

Figure 2. Innovation Denmark al sources, universities, technological
Appendix 2

and research institutes and the Europe-

an Union. In 2011 there are 22 national
networks with support from the DCTI
network program.
One of the most important tasks
of a competence and innovation net-
work is to ensure that national inno-
vation policy is not simply a matter for
large research enterprises; both by en-
suring that smaller enterprises partici-
pate in network projects, and by ensur-
ing that the networks help this target
group to make use of other innovation
The most important tools of the 5. The Danish Innovation Incubator policy initiatives e.g. innovation con-
Danish Council of Technology and In- program: 6 business incubators in- sortia, innovation vouchers, the knowl-
novation are: vest public capital in entirely new, edge-pilot scheme and the industri-
1. Innovation Denmark project pro- high-tech enterprises. al PhD scheme. The use of other inno-
gram: a) Innovation consortia, b) in- 6. The Danish Proof-of-Concept pro- vation policy programs is three times
novation vouchers and c) new forms gram: Commercial exploitation of higher among enterprises that partici-
of research-business collaboration public research: In the form of sup- pate in network activities than among
projects: i.e. large and small nation- port for maturation of inventions similar enterprises not participating in
al and international innovation and from public research institutions innovation networks.
research projects operated in col- (proof-of-concept) and projects The DCTI finances national net-
laboration between academic and which promote technology trans- works for a period of four years with the
research institutions and enterprises fer between national and interna- possibility to add additional 4-year pe-
2. Innovation Denmark Network Pro- tional research institutions and en- riods after a tender.
gramme: 22 competence and innova- terprises. There are nine core network ser-
tion networks (cluster organizations) vices, the majority relate to bridge-
3. Highly educated staff and research- The Danish Council for Technology and building activities and meeting plac-
ers in enterprises: Innovation also supports competence es (themed networks; matchmaking;
a. The Industrial PhD Programme and innovation networks. A compe- idea generation; conferences; seminars,
where the research student di- tence and innovation network is a flex- etc.; partnership projects; pre-projects;
vides his or her time between ible framework for collaboration be- R&D&I projects; and business-to-busi-
an enterprise and a university tween enterprises, research institu- ness partnerships) but two core servic-
b. The knowledge pilot scheme (an tions and non-profit advisory/knowl- es relate to knowledge development
innovation assistant program) edge dissemination parties. The annual and communication (consultation and
which promotes employment budget of the ministry’s total network skills development).
of highly qualified staff in small program is approximately €10 million. An innovation consortium sup-
and medium-sized enterprises. The annual budget of an average net- ported by DCTI is a flexible framework
4. The Danish GTS-net: The approved work is approximately €0.9 million of for collaboration between enterpris-
technological service institutes which 40 percent is financed by the es, research institutions and non-prof-
which are independent knowledge network program of the DCTI, at least it advisory/knowledge dissemination
institutions delivering knowledge to 40 percent is financed by enterpris- parties.
enterprises es and the rest is financed by region-

The budget of an average innova- within the fields of research and inno- tions, experience an average 15 per

Appendix 2
tion consortium is approximately be- vation. The foundation makes special cent higher productivity per employee
tween €3 million and €7.5 million. The efforts to promote research and inno- compared to the average Danish R&D-
average funding by the DCTI is 40 per vation in small and medium-sized en- active enterprises with no cooperation
cent of a consortium’s budget, i.e. be- terprises, and supports larger projects with research institutions. Furthermore,
tween €1 and €3 million. An innova- which are relevant to advanced tech- the productivity per employee increas-
tion consortium must consist of at nological research and/or innovation. es 9 per cent for enterprises initiating
least two enterprises which participate The foundation pays special attention collaboration projects with research
throughout the entire project, one re- to applications which fall within the ar- and technology institutions compared
search institution and one advisory eas of nano-, bio-, and/or information to a control group of similar non-col-
and knowledge dissemination party. and communication technology, in- laborating enterprises found by using
Additionally, an innovation consorti- cluding the interface between these the propensity score matching meth-
um may involve or attach other types areas. od among 20,000 Danish R&D-active
of partners which are considered rele- The Danish Council for Research Pol- enterprises.
vant for the project. icy (DCRP) advises the Minister for Sci- An additional analysis of the Dan-
The Danish Council for Independ- ence, Technology and Innovation on ish innovation consortium program,
ent Research funds specific research ac- research policy. The Danish Parliament which supports research business col-
tivities that are based on the research- and any minister can also obtain re- laboration, shows that an average con-
ers’ own initiatives and that improve the search-related advice from the Coun- sortium enterprise’s investment of
quality and internationalization of Dan- cil. This advice is given upon request or €400,000 in public-private research
ish research. The council annually dis- upon the initiative of the Council. The partnerships yields €2–3 million gross
tributes up to DKK 1400 million (€187 council does not distribute funds. profits.
million). The Council’s responsibilities Moreover, analyses of the return
The Danish Council for Strategic Re- generally include advice on Danish from private R&D investments in Den-
search was established in 2003, and is and international research policy for mark show that R&D-active enterpris-
an independent foundation, which the benefit of society, including ad- es have a 15 per cent higher average
works at strengthening Danish strate- vice on: framework conditions for re- productivity per employee compared
gic research within all research fields. search (funding for research, major na- to non R&D-active enterprises. Further,
The council annually distributes up to tional and international research infra- innovative enterprises have 6 per cent
DKK 1100 million (€150 million). The structures, development of national re- higher average labor productivity than
aim is to ensure Denmark’s position as search strategies, Denmark’s role and non R&D active enterprises. The return
a global frontrunner regarding welfare, position in international research col- of increasing private investments in
wealth and science in both the short laboration, and research training and R&D&I is, on average, between 30 per
and long term. recruitment of researchers) and im- cent and 66 per cent for Danish enter-
The Danish National Advanced pacts/evaluation. prises.
Technology Foundation was estab- OECD analyses show that an ef-
lished in 2005, and is an independent TIS Performance fective diffusion of knowledge dou-
foundation. The Foundation annually The Danish approach to innovation bles the economic impact of private
distributes up to DKK 600 million (€80 policy evaluation utilizes econometric investments in research, development
million). methods more than many other coun- and innovation. In other words, it is
The aim of the Danish Nation- tries. So does e.g. a recent analysis of the beneficial to invest in research, devel-
al Advanced Technology Foundation return from private R&D investments opment and innovation and to do so
is to enhance growth and strengthen in Denmark show that those R&D-ac- in cluster or project collaborations be-
employment by supporting strategic tive enterprises, which collaborate with tween research and business. The like-
and advanced technological priorities universities or other research institu- lihood of enterprises to innovate is 3–4

times higher for enterprises participat- oration. Thus, for every company in the The above findings show that Den-
Appendix 2

ing in clusters and networks compared control group, consisting of other simi- mark’s research and innovation system
to similar enterprises not participating. lar companies (found through propen- benefits from a strong scientific produc-
In 2011 a separate econometric sity matching score) not participating in tion, building on a high level of fund-
impact assessment of the Innovation innovation networks, entering into R&D ing, human resources and international
Network Denmark program was con- collaboration, two new companies par- scientific cooperation. Over the period
ducted. The study showed that par- ticipating in innovation networks enter 2000–2009, the Danish government in-
ticipation in innovation networks and into R&D collaboration. creased the share of total government
clusters increases the likelihood of in- Another impact analysis of 220 expenditures allocated to R&D, leading
novation by more than 4.5 times year enterprises which have participated to an increase of 30% in R&D expendi-
1, after participation. Companies par- in at least one Innovation Consorti- tures financed by government, as % of
ticipating in different innovation net- um (IC) using national developments GDP.
works have an increased probability for assessed success primarily using two This funding is reflected in one of
innovation with the effects on innova- parameters: gross profit and employ- the world’s highest levels of scientific
tion becoming apparent from the first ment. The results of the analysis can excellence (a ratio of 17.5% of nation-
year on. The probability of being inno- be summarized as follows: Of the en- al publications to the 10% most high-
vative is 4.5 times higher for compa- terprises that participated in the IC ly-cited in the world). The Danish inno-
nies participating in innovation net- scheme, small enterprises have ex- vation system also builds on substantial
works compared to a control group perienced significant increases in the researcher intensity in the labor force
composite of other similar compa- growth of gross profit and employ- and a focus on technologies for soci-
nies not participating in networks. This ment in association with program etal challenges and future growth are-
means that for every time 10 compa- participation. These results are robust as, well adapted to the Danish industry
nies in the control group become in- even when controlling for pre-partic- profile. The weaker points in the Dan-
novative, 45 participating companies ipation growth and developments in ish innovation system, in relative terms,
in innovation networks will become the growth of enterprises in the con- are the patent intensity and share of
innovative. trol group. It is important to note that new doctoral graduates, which are low-
The impact study also documents these potential effects depend on the er than in similar knowledge-intensive
that the probability of R&D collabora- size of the enterprises under consid- countries such as Sweden, Finland and
tion is increased four-fold following par- eration. The analysis finds positive po- Switzerland.
ticipation in a network. Innovation net- tential gross profit effects (increase in Over the period 2000–2009, Den-
works assist companies in entering joint growth) that are significant at a five per mark increased its performance in all ar-
R&D and innovation projects by provid- cent significance level for enterpris- eas where it is lagging behind the oth-
ing the companies with the compe- es with a gross profit below DKK 150 er world innovation leaders, particular-
tencies required for this complex task million (approx. €20 million) the year ly in technology production. Denmark
(competencies which SMEs, in partic- before the program. The analysis also has also enhanced the knowledge-in-
ular, did not possess prior to participa- finds potential employment effects for tensity of its economy, with a grow-
tion). enterprises with less than 150 employ- ing share of activities based on highly-
Additionally, innovation networks ees in the year before the program. skilled employees. Only in public R&D
provide a platform within which com- Similar econometric calculations expenditure and international scientific
panies can identify potential collabo- of other programs have also been cooperation has Denmark lost ground
ration partners. Already within the first completed. These include the knowl- compared to both the EU average and
year of participation, the probability of edge pilot scheme, the industrial to other world innovation leaders. – The
entering R&D collaboration increases by Ph.D. program, the innovation vouch- anatomy of the Danish innovation sys-
95 per cent, and, thus, nearly doubles er scheme and the technological ser- tem is depicted in Figure 3.
the probability of entering R&D collab- vice system.

Figure 3. The anatomy of the Danish innovation system

Appendix 2
Territorial Innovation System Morphology
 Denmark has a strong focus on SMEs and dissemination of knowledge on the one hand and
very clear science focus on the other.
 Denmark’s profile is driven by intangible assets (marketing-driven industries such as games and toys),
and by natural endowments (agricultural products, sea,...), explaining its bipolar specialization in
both innovative and less innovative sectors.

TIS Resource Focus

 Denmark has a high level of start-ups. The challenge is a low level of high growth firms. Almost all policy measures are in
the SME area, e.g. the "Erhvervspakken" and the New firms package aiming at providing funding and easing financial
constraints for startups and SMEs.
 High innovation sectors medical equipment, electrical machinery e.g. wind turbines; low innovation sectors;
land and water transport.
 A competence and innovation network is supported by the Danish Council for Technology and Innovation under
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation to establish collaboration between enterprises,
research institutions and knowledge dissemination parties

TIS Architecture
 Attitudes towards entrepreneurship and self-employment indicate that Danes are less prone than the average EU citizens to
start their own businesses. On the other hand, Danish SMEs are more internationalized than the average EU SME.
 The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education is responsible for the following policy areas: research; innovation;
and higher education, including university educations and internationalization of education and training in Denmark.
 Innovation policy is managed by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation – DASTI.

TIS Innovation Performance (IUS)

 An impact analysis following 220 enterprises which have participated in at least one Innovation Consortium has been conducted.
Small enterprises have experienced significant increases in the growth of gross profit and employment in association with program
participation. The analysis finds positive potential gross profit effects (increase in growth) that are significant. The analysis also finds
potential employment effects for enterprises with less than 150 employees in the year before the program.
 R&D-active enterprises, which collaborate with universities or other research institutions experience an average 15 per cent higher
productivity per employee compared to the average Danish R&D-active enterprises with no cooperation with research institutions.

CASE: The Danish cleantech cluster icy is the 2007 ‘A Visionary Danish Ener- vation instruments driving actions from
The emergence of Denmark’s power- gy Policy 2025’, which proposed cost-ef- any specific innovation agency, devel-
ful cleantech cluster in the 2000s came fective measures to secure energy sup- opment has benefited from numerous
as the result of a combination of factors ply, reduce environmental impact and regulatory frameworks at national lev-
ranging from national and local govern- enhance competitiveness. To promote el ‘framing’ general subsidy or incentive
mental policies supporting the renew- research into these measures, the gov- schemes that fit in and support what
able energy field to an innovative, poli- ernment earmarked almost €137 mil- has been occurring at local or region-
cy intervention model employed by lo- lion (annually) for R&D into and dem- al level where such are deemed nec-
cal businesses. active local, small-busi- onstration of energy technology from essary or desirable. These frameworks
ness community. The policies which 2010 onwards, effectively doubling the have stimulated the emergence of an
set the stage for this development can previous sum. efficient business intervention mod-
be traced as far back as the 1970s and In the absence of any precise, glob- el. The business intervention model is
continue to the present. One such pol- ally controlled, cleantech or eco-inno- based on lobbying or ‘concertation’ be-

tween business associations and min- by Jensen & Tollin (2004) in their disclo- ish National R&D Strategies for Renew-
Appendix 2

istries, often at the behest of business sure of how networks spread innova- able Energy Technologies (2003), Subsi-
more than government. This often in- tive policy knowledge in Copenhagen’s dies for Renewable Electricity Genera-
volves taking initiatives upwards in the Dogma sustainable development strat- tion (2004) and the Danish Energy Strat-
multi-level governance structure be- egies and actions. The dogma was a set egy 2025 (2005) initiatives set the ap-
yond Denmark to the EU and elsewhere of rules that each member of the net- propriate framework for Danish heating
to influence supra-national institutions, work agreed and signed up to. However and cooling engineers to evolve mul-
again with firm or business association- they also had to ‘walk the talk’ by fulfill- tiple renewable energy systems com-
led initiative to the fore. ing their commitments, otherwise their bining wind, solar, marine, geother-
This collective, entrepreneurship membership of the network was termi- mal, biomass and biogas energy to off-
policy-influence model can also oper- nated in ‘punishment’. set variability in supply of single sourc-
ate at the lowest level in the multi-level Danish implementation of the es. Hence, system variety and adaptive-
governance hierarchy without interven- business intervention model has been ness became ‘emergent’ in Danish re-
tion from national government. In Den- extremely successful in penetrating newable energy portfolios and the re-
mark, this has involved municipal com- global markets for district cooling as gion whose path inter-dependence
missioning of locally engineered dis- well as district heating schemes. A strik- was able to press home its inherited
trict power stations fuelled by varieties ing effect of this success has been the collective advantage was north Jutland
of localized renewable energy. It is in- ‘revolution’ in the decentralization of where most companies and clients are
ternationally respected as an exemplar power generation in Denmark where based (Cooke 2010).
of enlightened ‘green’ public procure- regional and local providers came to Together, these regional District
ment. But it is by no means an isolat- dominate the scene after the 1980s. Heating firms, municipalities, universi-
ed instance of innovative eco-govern- With regional administrations estab- ty laboratories and technology trans-
ance in Denmark. One of the best and lished in Denmark since 2007, an exem- fer agencies created an association en-
most impressive eco-innovation clean- plar of new regional initiative has been titled Innovative Region: Flexible Dis-
tech public procurement initiatives in north Jutland’s emergent ‘green region- trict Heating. This consortium, since re-
the world was Copenhagen’s leader- al innovation system’ a cleantech clus- named Flexenergie, for example, suc-
ship of the Dogma program, which was ter-platform which grew out of the ear- cessfully bid for a project, valued in the
completed by 2009. Dogma was fun- ly lead established by Danish wind tur- millions, from the Danish ‘Demand Driv-
damentally a policy network; that is, an bine eco-innovators. en Innovation Fund’, which since 2007
informal or semi-formal organization- North Jutland is nowadays spe- has been managed and implement-
al mechanism involving public and pri- cialized in building and developing re- ed through each of Denmark’s five re-
vate individuals, stakeholder groups, or- newable energy through District Heat- gions. This funds a number of future
ganizations and associations interact- ing innovations and innovative tech- projects on multiple renewable ener-
ing around specific multi-level policies nology mixes. Demanding customers gy combinations. This region serves as
and programs. Network stability de- for District Heating in Denmark are the an ‘environmental foreign policy’ light-
rived from establishment of trust, relia- municipalities (the central motivating house attracting visits from numerous
bility, reputation and customary rules to factor in the shift towards decentral- foreign delegations. Similarly, the Dan-
which network members adhered. Net- ized power generation), most of whom ish government has applied this pub-
work maintenance was secured by the run local energy supply companies and lic procurement model to the devel-
access members had to resources and some 60% of Denmark’s citizens rely opment of its electric vehicle and wind
influence in projects. Network manage- upon it. Municipalities seek a balanced energy sectors, as well as several oth-
ment, brokerage and facilitation were supply and order customized mixes of er sustainability initiatives aimed at re-
necessary functions taken by different biomass, biogas, wind, solar and ma- ducing CO2 emissions, with the aim of
network members in the target group. rine energy depending on location and promoting demonstration projects and
This is illustrated in the practical sense the type of solution required. The Dan- R&D activities.

Ireland for stronger emphasis on the knowl- Forfás acknowledges that, com-

Appendix 2
edge society aspects of national in- pared to most EU member states, Ire-
In 1949 the Industrial Development Au- novation policy by making a series of land allocates a relatively minimal
thority (IDA) was established with re- recommendations in the 2004 report amount of state aid for the purposes
sponsibility for attracting foreign invest- Ahead of the Curve. The Forfás 2006 An- of assisting companies to achieve en-
ment to Ireland. This began the transi- nual Report described Ireland’s position vironmental objectives. Forfás does
tion of the Irish economy from a rural in the globalized knowledge society as however emphasize that policy makers
to an industrial based economy and set follows: and enterprises are becoming more
in motion an economy which, towards The accelerating pace of globaliza- aware of the benefits that enhanced
the end of the century, would move tion continues to present enormous op- environmental practices can have in
heavily into the tertiary sector. Dur- portunities for countries with small open strengthening competitiveness in tan-
ing the 1970s Ireland began to consid- economies such as Ireland. The countries dem with improving environmental
er science policy through the work of that will succeed are those that are ag- protection.
the National Science Council and, sub- ile and can respond quickly to emerging The present Irish strategy for sci-
sequently, the National Board for Sci- opportunities through coherence in poli- ence, technology and innovation,
ence and Technology. These efforts had cy choices and responses, and those that launched in 2006, aims at making the
a broad purview at the policy level, en- can forge knowledge-based partnerships next leap forward to move Ireland from
compassing areas such as energy and with globally competitive enterprises and an impressive latecomer to an acknowl-
the marine, as well as policy on tech- that create the conditions necessary to edged leader. The success would be
nological innovation exemplified by the support new and emerging enterprises marked by demonstrable achievement
formation of Ireland’s first biotechnolo- and innovations… Services exports now in a number of critical areas:
gy program. However, during this peri- account for almost 40 % of total Irish ex- •• Increased participation in the scienc-
od there was a significant disjunction ports of goods and services… Success in es by young people;
between the effort put into policy anal- services also depends on the availability •• Significant increase in the numbers
ysis and the funding flowing from that of creative and innovative individuals and of people with advanced qualifica-
analysis. on creating a strong research and innova- tions in science and engineering;
A decisive shift in public policy and tion base across diverse areas from digital •• Enhanced contribution of research to
funding was initiated under the Nation- media to finance and law. It will also re- economic and social development
al Development Plan (NDP), 2000–2006. quire increasing flexibility in the provision across all relevant areas of public pol-
The major initiatives involved the foun- of state supports. icy including agriculture, health, en-
dation and funding of Science Founda- The Irish focus on knowledge- vironment and the marine and nat-
tion Ireland (SFI) and the expansion of based partnerships, increasingly in ser- ural resources;
the Higher Education Authority’s Pro- vices, became a dominant theme in the •• Transformational change in the quali-
gram for Research in Third Level Insti- activities of Forfás. But an increasing in- ty and quantity of research undertak-
tutions (PRTLI). Both of these initiatives terest in environmental issues could al- en by enterprise – both directly and
have been the subject of review by pan- so be observed. Martin Cronin, Chief Ex- in cooperation with third level insti-
els of international experts, with posi- ecutive of Forfás, noted in a newsletter tutions;
tive findings in regard to the rapid pro- in July 2007 that maintaining economic •• Increased output of economically
gress in building a base of world class progress was contingent on good envi- relevant knowledge, know-how and
research in Ireland. ronmental practices. Ireland is more de- patents from those institutions;
Forfás, Ireland’s national policy and pendent on imported oil for its energy •• Increased participation in interna-
advisory board for enterprise, trade, sci- requirements than almost any other Eu- tional S&T cooperation and transna-
ence, technology and innovation, was ropean country; it has been estimated tional research activity;
one of the first national agencies that that it will take up to 10 years to signifi- •• An established international profile
had come out with recommendations cantly reduce this dependence. for Ireland as a premier location for

carrying out world class research and put and employment increased in Ire- lion, which fell to €872 million in 2010.
Appendix 2

development; land in the 1990s. Productivity of those Due to the sharp drop in GDP due to
•• Greater coherence and exploitation at work also improved rapidly, and a the economic crisis, the R&D intensity in
of synergies to mutual advantage in huge expansion in the numbers at work Ireland increased from 1.12% in 2000, to
the development of STI policy on the was facilitated by a favorable age struc- 1.45% in 2008 and up to 1.77% in 2009.
island of Ireland. ture, a high initial stock of unemployed
workers, immigration and increasing Research focus
Irish innovation system female workforce participation. The FDI The Irish research and innovation sys-
morphology and export boom had a positive knock- tem is characterized by a strong high-
Ireland, with a 2011 population of 4.6 on effect across the economy, stimu- quality scientific performance coming
million people, earned the nickname lating increased household and gov- as the result of a well-established num-
the “Celtic Tiger” as a result of the rapid ernment spending and rapid, broadly- ber of renowned universities, and the
growth of its economy between 1995 based, economic growth. significant presence of foreign multi-
and 2007. From 1995 to 2000 the GDP Ireland remains very dependent national companies, who account for
growth rate ranged between 7.8 and on international trade. Its 2010 exports a large share of the Irish scientific and
11.5%. The rate then slowed to be- amounted to €163 billion, with chem- technological performance and con-
tween 4.4 to 6.5% from 2001 to 2007. icals (32%), computer services (17%), tribute to the positive manufacturing
However, the expansion underwent a business services (14%) and machin- trade balance in high-tech and medi-
dramatic reversal from 2008, with GDP ery and transport equipment (7 %) as um high-tech products.
contracting by 14 % and unemploy- the most important export catego- Approximately two-thirds of inno-
ment levels rising to 14% by 2010. The ries. UK (17%) and the US (16%) are the vation funding is undertaken by private
2010 GDP of €156 billion was thus con- main export destinations. 2010 imports industry in Ireland. The higher educa-
siderably lower than the peak of 2007 amounted to €127 billion, with busi- tion sector performs about 30%, while
of €190 million. One of the major rea- ness services and royalties/licenses rep- the Government sector spends approx-
sons for the rapidly declining growth resenting half of the imports, and USA imately 4.3% of the total.
rate was the impact that the decline being the main import partner followed The business sectors performing
of the housing and construction mar- by the UK. the largest percentage of R&D are the
ket had on the Irish economy. The con- During the growth period, Ireland manufacturing sectors (40%), and in-
struction sector represented 19 % of was transformed from one of Europe’s formation and communication servic-
GDP in 2007. poorer countries into one of its wealth- es (26%). Total expenditure on R&D per-
The rapid decline of the Irish econ- iest. The causes of Ireland’s growth are formed in the State sector fell to €131
omy was a radical departure from the the subject of some debate, but one of million in 2010 (including R&D per-
growth path entered in the 1990s. Ire- the key drivers for the growth was the formed in hospitals).
land had successfully positioned itself very low corporate tax rate, which at- One of the outcomes of a high-
as one of the world’s “super competi- tracted considerable foreign direct in- ly structured and planned approach
tive” locations, earning a share of rapid- vestment, particularly from the United to Foreign Direct Investment has been
ly expanding cross-border global trade States, which used Ireland as a bridge- the rise of industrial clusters at a region-
and FDI flows that had been out of pro- head to enter the European Union. The al level. The main clusters are the medi-
portion to the size of the Irish econo- infusion of foreign capital in turn stimu- cal technology cluster in the West of Ire-
my. Fast export growth from MNCs and lated the construction industry, to sup- land, the computer hardware and soft-
a growing cohort of successful indige- port the newly established companies, ware in the East, and the pharmaceuti-
nous exporters had created a rapid in- and it also positively affected the Irish fi- cals cluster in the south-east.
crease in Ireland’s global market share. nancial services sector. Data for 2010–2011 indicate that
Almost uniquely among developed The total outlays on R&D in the there has been some scaling back in
countries, manufacturing’s share of out- Irish budget for 2009 were €941 mil- public R&D expenditure and there is

a fear that further erosion of publicly A comparison of 2010 figures with start-up companies and entrepreneurs,

Appendix 2
funded R&D could have an impact on year-end figures from 2009 shows an primarily through equity investment in-
the progress being made in increasing overall increase of 44% in the num- struments, will help to secure a source
firm level innovation capacity and on ber of collaborations taking place with of future employment and will ensure
export performance, given the tradi- companies, 867 collaborations in total that Enterprise Ireland’s client com-
tionally strong relationship between versus 601 in 2009. There was a corre- panies are in a strong position when
these variables. Ireland’s reduced GDP sponding increase of 37% in the num- markets begin to recover. This activi-
in recent years has, to a large extent, ber of companies (534) collaborating ty is targeted for priority funding un-
masked this decline given that R&D in- with SFI funded researchers. This is the der the current budget projections to
tensity ratios have improved owing to upward trajectory expected as a result increase output to 100 HPSUs per an-
reduced national income. In particu- of, very significantly, SFI industry fo- num by 2013.
lar, Ireland needs to continue the sus- cused programs since the CSETs com- Industry Collaboration with the Third
tained growth trajectory in indigenous menced in 2003 and the SRCs in 2007. Level Sector – Technology Centres & In-
R&D spending, especially in manufac- Virtually all the blue-chip MNCs based dustry Led Networks – The objective is
turing, if it is to continue to win export in Ireland are connected to SFI funded to achieve competitive advantage for
markets. researchers now and many companies industry in Ireland through world-class
Modern and R&D-performing sec- (e.g. IBM, HP, Intel, Roche & Pfizer) have collaborative research. The Centres are
tors have sustained output and export multiple collaborations. Through SFI, industry led and carry out market-fo-
growth during the economic recession. and complemented via other research cused strategic R&D by translating ad-
The number of firms undertaking R&D investments, Ireland has seen a trans- vanced research into technology capa-
and their R&D intensity has increased, formational change in the relationship ble of commercialization. It is planned
towards international sectoral averages, between academic and industry in re- to expand the number of Technology
but further progress is needed to bring cent years. Centres to 16 by 2015 under the exist-
firm level performance to that of com- Enterprise Ireland (EI) operates a ing budget projections.
petitors internationally. There has been suite of programs to expand research Commercialization of Research –
a marked increase in commercializa- capacity in companies, to increase col- The Commercialization Fund activities
tion activity from higher education in- laboration between enterprise and support academic researchers to un-
stitutes. the research sector and to maximize dertake commercial, output driven re-
To strengthen the connections the commercialization of the state’s search and to bring that research to a
between researchers and industry Sci- research investment. In 2010, Enter- point where it can be transferred into
ence Foundation Ireland (SFI) has es- prise Ireland invested over €120 mil- industry.
tablished two vehicles: the Centres for lion in science, technology and inno- Technology Transfer System – cap-
Science, Engineering and Technolo- vation related activities. The main ac- tures, identifies and protects intellec-
gy (CSETs), and the Strategic Research tivities of EI are: tual property throughout the third lev-
Clusters (SRCs). CSETs and SRCs help Transforming R&D Activity in Enter- el system.
link scientists and engineers in part- prise – This initiative supports the sig-
nerships across academia and industry nificant building-up of a company’s in- TIS Architecture
to address crucial research questions, house R&D capabilities and infrastruc- In 2004 the Irish government noticed
foster the development of new and ex- ture, in the context of a development that if Ireland was to make the transi-
isting Irish-based technology compa- plan by the company for growing the tion to a market-led economy, knowl-
nies, and grow partnerships with in- business, taking into account the eco- edge-based businesses would need to
dustry that could make an important nomic and market context in which develop strengths in two areas which
contribution to Ireland and its econo- companies operate. are, with recommendations for action,
my. SFI currently supports 9 CSETs and High Potential Start Up Scheme – listed below (source: Enterprise Strate-
19 SRCs. The provision of strong supports for gy Group, 2004):

In-depth knowledge of markets to market-led applied research and sources to support the creation of
Appendix 2

and customer needs: technological development and to enterprise-led networks to foster col-
•• Establish, within Enterprise Ireland, a leverage increased enterprise invest- laboration in defined areas of activity.
dedicated structure, ‘Export Ireland’, ment. (Department of Enterprise, Trade All-island business networks should
with its own budget and strong, ex- and Employment) be supported where complementary
perienced leadership, to develop a •• Establish a consultative process to strengths are identified. (Department
more focused approach to export identify technology platforms. These of Enterprise, Trade and Employment)
market intelligence and promotion- platforms should be used to prior-
al activities. (Department of Enterprise, itize state expenditure on research In addition to the above listed measures
Trade and Employment) and enterprise development. (‘Tech- the 2004 report argued that it would
•• Incorporate work placements and nology Ireland’) be important for businesses to recog-
modules that focus on the practi- •• Public funding for applied research nize the importance of, and assume re-
cal capabilities required by firms into and in-firm R&D should be progres- sponsibility for, management capabili-
marketing and sales curricula. These sively increased to match that invest- ty building. This area should be a ma-
should also be available to students ed by the Department of Enterprise, jor business development priority. Ad-
of technical disciplines. (Higher Edu- Trade and Employment in basic re- ditionally, business networks should
cation Institutions) search. This includes support for in- articulate the management develop-
•• Establish a five-year program, to place, firm capability development, com- ment needs of their members. These
on a cost-sharing basis, 1,000 gradu- mercialization, cluster-led academ- networks could act as a focal point for
ates and internationally experienced ic research and innovation partner- the delivery of targeted training.
professionals in Irish firms to augment ships. (Department of Enterprise, Trade At present, the Department of En-
the stock of national sales and mar- and Employment) terprise, Trade and Employment (DETE)
keting talent. This program should be •• Develop an effective oversight and is committed to working for the Irish
complementary to existing programs, review mechanism that includes the Government and people in order to in-
such as the Export Orientation Pro- appointment of a Chief Scientist, to crease the amount of quality employ-
gram. (Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland) optimize Ireland’s national invest- ment and enhance national compet-
•• Target sales and marketing and Eu- ment in science, technology and in- itiveness. Other Government Depart-
ropean headquarters projects from novation. It should provide strategic ments whose activities hold implica-
both established multinationals and direction to and co-ordinate national tions for growth policy include: the De-
smaller companies at the early stage investment and should include struc- partment of Education and Science, the
of internationalization. (IDA Ireland) tured evaluations of R&D expendi- Department of Rural and Gaeltacht Af-
ture. (Department of Enterprise, Trade fairs, the Department of Art, Sports, and
The ability to develop high-value prod- and Employment) Tourism, the Department of Justice,
ucts and services to satisfy those needs: •• Draw up a national research and in- Equality and Law Reform, and the De-
•• Continue funding for research pro- novation strategy statement. An in- partment of Finance. The DETE strategy
grams on a multi-annual basis be- tegrated approach to policy formu- supports entrepreneurs and innovative
yond the current National Develop- lation and implementation should companies most extensively through:
ment Plan (NDP). (Department of En- be undertaken that involves all play- •• Enterprise Ireland which supports
terprise, Trade and Employment, De- ers (enterprise, research community, high growth potential start-up en-
partment of Education and Science) state agencies, etc) in the national in- terprises;
•• Establish, within Enterprise Ireland, novation system. (Department of En- •• City and County Enterprise Boards
a dedicated structure, ‘Technolo- terprise, Trade and Employment) which support start-ups and enter-
gy Ireland’, with its own budget and •• Allocate a budget of 20 million per prises with fewer than ten employees,
strong leadership, to develop a cohe- annum for five years from existing and are responsible for the promotion
sive, strategic and focused approach enterprise development agency re- of entrepreneurship at a local level;

•• The Community Enterprise Centres The range of services is: for world-class Irish suppliers and sup-

Appendix 2
(CECs) and Business Innovation Cen- •• Funding supports – a range of sup- port international companies who want
tres (BICs) which provide practical ports, for start-ups, expansion plans, to set up food and drink manufacturing
support and assistance to entrepre- and R&D business plans. operations in Ireland.
neurs at local level; •• Export assistance – including the The following criteria are necessary
•• FAS which provides training to nas- provision of in-market services, local for a business idea to benefit from EI’s
cent and actual entrepreneurs; market information and the facilities services:
•• BASIS which provides online informa- of its international office network. •• Entrepreneur must plan to operate in
tion on State supports; •• Supports to develop competitive- either the manufacturing sector or in
•• An interdepartmental committee fa- ness – companies to become lean- an internationally traded service sec-
cilitates a unified approach by differ- er to make them more competitive tor in an export led environment;
ent Government agencies and bod- in international markets. •• Proposed product or service should
ies to the implementation of strategy; •• Incentives to stimulate in-company be technologically advanced;
•• The Office of Science, Technology R&D – new product, service and pro- •• Business must have high potential -
and Innovation (OSTI), which is re- cess development to ensure sustain- likely to achieve significant growth
sponsible for the development, pro- ability, and growth through the evo- within three years;
motion and co-ordination of Ireland’s lution of products and services. •• Projected sales must incorporate a
Science, Technology and Innovation •• Assistance with R&D collaboration – heavy export element;
(STI) policy. with research institutions, to develop •• Business must be Irish owned and be
and bring to market new technolo- located in Ireland.
Enterprise Ireland (EI) is the main actor gies, products or processes.
in Ireland for encouraging and support- •• Connections and introductions to Budget wise Ireland invests approxi-
ing new high potential start-up busi- customers overseas – providing ac- mately €250 million annually in attract-
nesses. EI provides advice and support cess to a global network of contacts ing foreign direct investment, which is
to businesses at the pre-incorporation, – from heads of government to end the responsibility of IDA. IDA adminis-
pre-commercialization phase by incu- customers. ters a range of investment incentives:
bating project ideas and highlighting capital grants, employment grants, and
available resources. Newly established Enterprise Ireland’s main objective is to grants for training and for research and
businesses can also benefit from co- accelerate the development of world- development; and it provides sites and
ordination assistance, seminars, work- class Irish companies to achieve strong buildings, often in partnership with pri-
shops, and strategic direction. Business- positions in global markets resulting in vate developers. Another highly impor-
es in the investment phase, have access increased national and regional pros- tant financial incentive is the low cor-
to legal assistance, commercial evalua- perity. The focus is on Irish companies, poration tax rate: zero on export profits
tions, investment proposal assistance, and there are five main areas of activi- (1956–1980); 10 percent (1980–2003);
and can be assigned legal, equity, and ty: achieving export sales; investing in 12.5 percent (2003–).
commercial teams. research and innovation; competing The key sectors attracting invest-
EI is the government organiza- through productivity; starting up and ment support from IDA are Life Scienc-
tion responsible for the development scaling up; and driving regional enter- es (Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical
and growth of Irish enterprises in world prise. and Medical Technologies), Information
markets. EI works in partnership with EI has a network of 13 Irish offic- Communications Technology (ICT), En-
Irish enterprises to help them start, es supplemented by 33 international gineering, Professional Services, Digi-
grow, innovate and win export sales on offices; and works with entrepreneurs tal Media, Consumer Brands and Inter-
global markets. In this way, EI supports enabling them to compete to grow. national Services. Emerging areas are
sustainable economic growth, regional EI also provides assistance for interna- Clean Technology, Convergence and
development and secure employment. tional companies who are searching Services Innovation.

TIS performance strengths on the scoreboard are in: Hu- precision and optical instruments in the
Appendix 2

Ireland was, in the 2010 Innovation Un- man resources; Open, excellent and at- overall economy, and the move towards
ion Scoreboard, classified as an innova- tractive research systems; and Outputs, higher research intensive segments in
tion follower, with an average close to these areas also show a good level of research intensity sectors such as office
that of the EU27, together with coun- growth. Especially Ireland is networked accounting and computing machinery.
tries such as Austria, Estonia, France, in co-publishing science international- The weight and research intensity of the
the Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK. ly. In its evaluation of Ireland the Inno- chemicals and chemical products sector
Ireland’s performance was encourag- vation Union report makes the follow- are noticeable and constitute strong as-
ing at an international level, with a high ing conclusion: sets for the country. As a whole, the Irish
proportion of firms engaged in innova- In the last decade, private R&D in- economy is relatively well diversified and
tion activity, and a high level of inno- tensity grew from 0.8% in 2000 to 1.17% its trend towards a more knowledge and
vation expenditure. At a domestic level, in 2009. This relative progress was innovation intensive economy is a real-
there are notable weaknesses in inno- achieved mainly due to the rise in im- istic prospect in spite of the current se-
vative activity, particularly on the part of portance of some medium-high tech vere financial constraint. This will large-
small indigenous firms. Ireland’s relative and high-tech sectors, such as medical, ly depend on the ability to maintain fa-

Figure 4. The anatomy of the Irish innovation system

Territorial Innovation System Morphology

 The overall Irish R&D intensity ratio increased to 1,77% in 2009, up from 1,12% in 2006, bringing it to the level of EU average,
this development can, however, be largely accredited to the economic crisis. The industry performed 66 % of the total R&D and
the higher education sector, 29 %, public sector accounting for 5%.
 The national Irish strategy for science, technology and innovation is becoming more centralized.
 Historically the Irish innovation system focus has been international, integrating attracting FDI and innovation policy.

TIS Resource Focus

Ireland has a traditional focus on applied research.
 There are some high quality and renowned universities, but in terms of capitalizing this in terms of innovations Ireland
needs to integrate better third level institutions into the innovation system. A commitment set in 2008 aims to
double the number of PhD graduates in science, engineering and technology to nearly one thousand p.a. by 2013.
 Emergence of clusters relating to medical technology in the west of Ireland, computer hardware and software in the east,
and pharmaceuticals in the south-east can be partly attributed to focused FDI strategies.

TIS Architecture
Low inter-firm co-operation; collaboration promoted through networks, centers for science engineering and technology,
 The ministries and Forfásas advisory organ function as innovation policymakers. Institutions in implementing the policy are
Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland for indigenous respectively exogenous enterprise innovation/ development, Science
Foundation Ireland and Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology are responsible for research funding.
 In addition to R&D funding, tax exemptions also have an important resource allocation effect for R&D .

TIS Innovation Performance (IUS)

The 2010 Innovation Union Scoreboard classified Ireland as an innovation follower, with an average close to the EU27.
 At a domestic level, there are notable weaknesses in innovative activity, particularly on the part of small indigenous firms.
 The scoreboard points out relative weaknesses in Finance and support, Linkages & entrepreneurship,
Intellectual assets and Innovators.

vourable framework conditions through- sible for about 13 per cent of Irish ex- was mooted, and the government pol-

Appendix 2
out the sectors and to encourage invest- ports. However, a challenge was posed icy no longer targeted sectors or pro-
ment in R&I by less intensive sectors such by multinationals tendency to use Ire- vided preferential treatment for any in-
as food products and beverages or pub- land as a base to export software de- dustrial areas.
lishing and printing. veloped elsewhere, resulting in little of Irish industrial policy in the 1960s
An innovation taskforce (see www. the generated value being able to trick- and 1970s was criticized for supporting presented its re- le down to local software firms. foreign MNCs and for being less inter-
port in March 2010. The main recom- The roots of the development of ested in the promotion of indigenous
mendations from this report were to: the Irish software sector went back to Irish companies. An influential report
place entrepreneurs and enterprises at the educational reforms of the 1960s produced by the National Economic
the center; establish, attract, grow and and the highly educated generations and Social Council in 1982 initiated a
transform enterprises; ensure the avail- that were produced in the subsequent series of changes that increased the at-
ability of smart capital; develop an edu- decades. A further factor in the success tention of the government on indige-
cation system which fosters independ- of the Irish software sector was the low nous companies.
ent thinking, creativity and innovation; corporate tax regime, which proved The Irish industrial policy became
encourage flagship projects and pri- particularly attractive to multinational what could be called ‘state interven-
oritize the provision of excellent infra- corporations. tionist but with a hands-off approach’,
structure; and sharpen the focus of the Under the policy constraints of the which encapsulated the apparently
national research system to target are- 1980s, overseas firms in Ireland had to contradictory nature of Irish industrial
as of potential strategic and economic be classified as manufacturing rather policy. An example of government pro-
advantage for Ireland. than service firms if they wished to ob- activism: in the late 1990s, Chris Horn,
tain support from the Irish government, founder of Iona Technologies, one of
CASE: The Irish software sector e.g. Microsoft had to manufacture disks Ireland’s largest software companies,
In the early 1980s Ireland emerged as in Ireland in order to qualify for assis- led an inquiry into the state of the labor
a hotbed of software development ac- tance. There were two reasons for this market in the IT sector. He concluded
tivity. Many of the world’s leading soft- anomaly: first, corporate tax rules that that the industry was heading for a la-
ware companies including Microsoft, required proof of ‘tangible substance’ in bor shortage unless large-scale supplies
Oracle and Symantec, based their Euro- the output of companies; and second, were found. The Irish Government im-
pean operations centers in and around governmental reluctance to assist ser- mediately announced that it was qua-
Dublin. At the beginning of the new vice sector companies (arguing that the drupling the number of degree places
millennium, there were more than 800 wealth creation value was intangible). in computer science from 400 to 1 600
international and indigenous software From 1981, a statutory instrument over the seven years to 2004. The rules
companies located in Ireland, employ- identified ten service sectors that gov- on immigration were also eased to fa-
ing over 25 000 people. Ireland had at- ernment could support. Software was cilitate the entry of IT engineers from
tracted one-third of all US electronics one of these sectors. The objective was abroad. FAS, the government spon-
investment in the EU. to identify winners but only in the con- sored training agency began to host
In 2004 one-third of all personal text of what was already occurring overseas job fairs.
computers sold in Europe were man- through market selection and forces in The impact of the Internet bubble
ufactured in Ireland. Microsoft’s Dub- international business. Irish policymak- highlighted the fragile nature of many
lin operation alone accounted for four ers saw software development and da- of Ireland’s early-stage software compa-
per cent of Irish exports. The indige- ta processing as emerging businesses nies, for example during 2002 the sector
nous sector employed more than 15 in Ireland with high growth potential. lost, in the region of, 4,500 jobs. Lawton
000 people in 2006 and generated rev- During the years 1981–97 the Irish gov- and Innes (2003) noticed that there was
enues of about €1.4 billion. In total, the ernment pursued a targeted, preferen- a need for substantial external funding
software sector in Ireland was respon- tial policy regime. In 1997 a new regime to keep the whole sector alive. Subse-

quently the most promising compa- tives but also through direct funding Sweden
Appendix 2

nies like Baltimore Technologies and and loans from agencies such as Enter-
Iona Technologies were not able to re- prise Ireland and the Irish Film Board. The Swedish economy has performed
spond to the expectations they creat- This funding has in some cases been comparatively well in Europe in recent
ed in the early 2000’s. Baltimore was dis- crucial in allowing firms to develop their years. With a population of 9.4 million, a
solved, and Iona Technologies was ac- projects to the point where they are via- 2010 GDP of SEK 3 300 billion (€365 bil-
quired by US based Progress Software ble prospects for external investors. Re- lion), and a governmental debt of less
in 2008 for USD 162 million. search funding in biotech serves as a than 40%, Sweden is in a position to
However, even if the software sec- very substantial public subsidy of inno- continue its strict fiscal policy aiming at:
tor, as a stand-alone cluster, has not vation in the industry. •• surplus target for the entire govern-
been able to live up to expectations, The performance of the MedTech ment sector,
the investments in the software indus- cluster suggests that, the innovation •• central government expenditure
try have had a positive side-effect: the projects of companies in the Dublin area ceiling,
combination of software and medical involve very little collaboration with oth- •• local government balanced budget
sciences has led to the emergence of an er regional and even national actors. As requirements, and
Irish MedTech cluster. This cluster com- regards the sources of knowledge dur- •• strict budget process.
prised, in 2011, approximately 120 com- ing the various stages of the innovation
panies with over 24,000 jobs. trajectories, as regards the intentionali- Sweden’s strict fiscal policy implies that
The MedTech cluster is driven by ty of the knowledge flow; the most vital macroeconomic stability is on top of the
the significant presence of large for- knowledge is exchanged intentionally. economic policy agenda. An important
eign-owned subsidiaries, whose capa- Unintentional knowledge flow appears feature of the fiscal framework is that it
bilities lie in manufacturing as well as to have been of limited relevance for the has led to a governing process that fo-
product and process development ac- specific innovation trajectories although cuses, to a very high degree, on budg-
tivities. Ireland’s MedTech cluster seeks it does occur and can play a role, partic- etary matters and, to a lesser extent,
to learn about the cluster in Massachu- ularly during the first stages when most on policy content and differences be-
setts, particularly its institutional mod- projects tend to be in the hands of aca- tween sectors and policy areas. This fo-
el, and despite Ireland’s economic demic research groups. cus may be in conflict with the ongoing
woes MedTech FDI continues to grow. The government’s role in creating dynamism and change that is associat-
On Monday January 9th, 2012, IDA Ire- and nurturing the right environment ed with much needed innovation and
land welcomed the announcement by and conditions for high-technology transition. In 2009, Sweden’s R&D inten-
Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland that it and software clusters has been seen sity was 3.6 % (1.06 % public + 2.54 %
would invest $350 million in its West- as crucial. The software sector was ex- private). This is well below its peak lev-
port operation to expand both its de- pected to generate revenues, and mov- el of 2001 (4.18 % of GDP). The down-
velopment and manufacturing capabil- ing up the value chain was the ambi- ward variation is mainly due to chang-
ities. The expansion will result in the cre- tion. Ireland would then be responsi- es in private sector R&D investments. In
ation of approximately 200 new jobs at ble for idea generation, design, man- view of 2020, Sweden is considering a
the site over the next four years and an agement and the marketing of soft- preliminary national R&D target of 4 %
estimated 250 indirect jobs locally, dur- ware. The actual production of soft- of GDP.
ing the construction period. The invest- ware would be done elsewhere. How- The Swedish economy is open
ment is supported by IDA Ireland. ever, the software sector was not able and export oriented. At the moment,
A crucial influence in the develop- to reach these targets. Nonetheless, the the fact that the most important mar-
ment of the MedTech cluster is the fi- rise of the MedTech cluster may at least kets are in neighboring countries with
nancing directed towards it. State agen- be seen as a non-intended spillover ef- relatively low growth rates, while, si-
cies have played important roles in ear- fect of those efforts. multaneously, a large share of exports
ly stage financing through tax incen- are products with relatively low market

growth, poses a problem. The lack of The slightly lower dynamics of ia and industry whereas the Swedish

Appendix 2
transition to other markets would have knowledge-intensive firms has contrib- Research Council uses academics on-
been a major problem were it not for uted to a lack of major structural change ly. These different research councils al-
China. in the Swedish knowledge economy over so operate independent of each other,
the period 1995–2007. Many of the large which means that a specific research
Swedish innovation system research-intensive firms are close to the group may receive funding from sever-
morphology world technology frontier in their do- al sources over time.
In Sweden the private sector is the main mains and, therefore, have small margins The Swedish economy is relative-
source of R&D funding. Public funds to increase their R&D intensity relative to ly strong in engineering industries, tele-
for R&D are usually directed towards international competitors. However, the communications, and life sciences. This
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or Swedish manufacturing sector is show- strength also rests upon the competi-
through research councils, public foun- ing signs of diversification, with knowl- tiveness of about 20 big companies.
dations or sectoral agencies. On the edge and R&D being injected into and These companies account for about
whole, public research institutes play a invested in medium-and low-tech sec- 80% of industrial R&D. These companies
minor role with the exception of the ar- tors, both more traditional (such as tex- have long been dependent on interna-
ea of defense. tiles or basic metals) and newer sectors tional markets. Lately, many of them
The Ministry of Research and Edu- (in particular recycling and publishing– have, however, been taken over by for-
cation and the Ministry of Industry (in printing). The Swedish economy has not eign companies in, for example, the
Sweden called Ministry of Enterprise, shifted towards a larger weight of knowl- automotive and pharmaceutical sec-
Energy and Communications) are re- edge-intensive manufacturing sectors in tors. This change in ownership has hap-
sponsible for most of the public agen- the economy. This stable sectoral compo- pened in parallel with a change in cor-
cies and research councils financing re- sition of Sweden shows that the increas- porate governance towards a more An-
search in Sweden. Swedish innovation es in R&D intensity inside sectors have not glo-Saxon style. In combination these
policy underwent a major reorganiza- been enough to compensate some de- two processes have made Sweden less
tion in the year 2000, with the creation creases. Sweden needs the emergence of of a home base for large multination-
of new agencies and the reorganization new sectors. al companies, and subsequently much
of some of the research funding agen- discussion in Sweden has surrounded
cies like NUTEK. Among the new agen- Research focus how to keep or attract footloose R&D in-
cies created in this reorganization was The main structure for research fund- vestment into the country. One part of
VINNOVA. ing – the research councils – has grad- the policy answer has been to pool pri-
Despite the fact that Sweden, ually evolved. The first research council vate and public R&D and innovation re-
like Finland, ranks high in most coun- in Sweden was formed as early as 1945. sources in the development of “Innova-
try rankings of competitiveness and in- The reforms undertaken in 2000 were tion milieus” such as competence cent-
novation, recent years have presented carried out to change NUTEK and oth- ers, innovation clusters etc. Direct pub-
structural problems, which need to be er funding agencies into research coun- lic financial support to big companies is
addressed. Even though Sweden scores cils. Today one can observe that even quite limited in Sweden.
high there are some signs of emerging if the Swedish Research Council (Vet- If the prominence of a few large
challenges and/or problems of poli- enskapsrådet), the major funder of ba- companies is one important feature
cy relevance. Observers have indicat- sic research, and VINNOVA are both for- of the Swedish innovation system, an-
ed that the dynamism of the Swedish mally research councils they operate other is that a significant amount of re-
economy is declining. One indicator of differently, not least in the way the pro- search is concentrated in universities,
this process is that the terms of trade ject applications are evaluated. VINNO- while the share of research that is per-
have been deteriorating for several VA, KK-foundation and the Foundation formed in research institutes is compar-
years. This structural problem is also ad- for Strategic Research all have mixed atively small. This model implies that
dressed in the Innovation Union report: groups of experts from both academ- universities can serve as “platforms” for

curiosity driven research as well as is- Global innovation and production in the production of passenger and
Appendix 2

sue-driven research. This “double” role activities are attracted to certain re- commercial vehicles. Although the in-
for universities has been an important gions or clusters, which have accumu- dustry is currently undergoing re-struc-
element in policy discussions for a long lated competences in a particular in- turing (Volvo has been acquired by the
time. The challenge is how to attain dustrial area. In the case of Sweden ar- Chinese Geely and Saab was forced into
both academic excellence and societal eas of specialization are cleantech, au- bankruptcy), some of the world’s most
relevance. tomotive, ICT, materials science and life innovative companies in car safety (for
During the last decade, all research sciences. example Autoliv) and intelligent trans-
funding has been channeled through a Cleantech: One of the newest clus- port systems have their headquarters in
reduced number of research councils. ters in Sweden is comprised of Clean or Sweden. The cluster has attracted pro-
The “power” over design and coordina- Green Technologies (Cleantech) and, duction and innovation activities world-
tion has also shifted from the Office of particularly of biofuels, wind power wide, including MNCs subsidiaries like
the Prime Minister to the Minister of Re- and solar cell manufacturing. The Swed- Bharat Forge from India. The center of
search and Higher Education. The Min- ish cleantech cluster is largely a product this cluster is Gothenburg.
ister of Industry is responsible for In- of Sweden’s accumulated competenc- Information and Communication
novation Policy and VINNOVA serves es in engineering. The cluster is locat- Technologies (ICT): One of the most im-
as the national agency. The emphasis ed in the north of Stockholm (includ- portant clusters in Sweden is that of ICT,
on academic excellence in innovation ing Uppsala). particularly mobile communications,
policy continues to be very strong. The Automotive: Sweden has a long media (IPTV) and computer games.
structure of the Swedish research fund- tradition in automotive innovation There are three main factors that ex-
ing system is depicted in Figure 5. which is built on a long specialization plain the success in ICT: the presence of

Figure 5. The structure of the Swedish research funding system


Ministry of Ministry of Enterprice,

Education & Energy and
Research Communication

The Swedish Swedish Agency R&D

VINNOVA ITPS for Economic & Funding
Public & Private
Research Regional Growth Agencies
Council Foundations

Governmental Industrial
Higher Institutes Business
Education & Agencies Sector

Source: Adapted and updated from Roos et al. 2005

Source: Adapted ( and updated from Roos et al (2005)

world leaders in communication tech- ktra, Gambro and Pharmacia. There are the Swedish innovation system. Where-

Appendix 2
nologies, such as Ericsson; the pool of two main clusters in Life Sciences, one as Tekes and the Academy of Finland
qualified human resources in related in the South of Sweden – the Medicon have a very large portion of the public
communication technologies; and cus- Valley – and the other in Stockholm. research funding in Finland, the Swed-
tomer demand. One of the main drivers The life sciences clusters have special- ish funding system is much more frag-
of innovation in the ICT industries is the ized in biotech tools, diagnostics, med- mented. For instanct, VINNOVA’s 2011
proximity to the customer. Swedish cus- ical devices, biomaterials and regenera- budget was about 2.1 billion SEK (about
tomers are among the quickest in the tive medicine. €230 million), which is, relatively, much
world to adopt new applications and lower than what the Finnish govern-
services, which makes Sweden a good TIS Architecture ment has allocated through Tekes. This
test market for new applications. This The public Swedish innovation system’s is also reflected in the slightly different
cluster has attracted a large number composition, consisting of various ac- positioning of VINNOVA in the Swedish
of R&D centers from all over the world, tors, is illustrated in Figure 6. innovation system compared to Tekes.
like TCS and Infosys from India and ZTE, Figure 6 clearly illustrates the im- VINNOVA’s main task is to “pro-
Huawei and Lenovo from China. The portance of the regional dimension in mote sustainable growth and develop-
cluster is mainly located in Kista, on the
outskirts of Stockholm although there
Figure 6. The key actors in the public Swedish innovation system
are two emerging clusters in Skåne (for
computer games) and Linköping (for
web servers and IPTV).
Materials science: The Swedish
specialization in materials science can
be explained by the combination of
research specialization at the universi-
ties and the accumulation of industrial
know-how in paper and pulp and pack-
aging technologies based on cellulose
fiber – like Tetrapak. In the future, Swe-
den will host Europe’s largest research
facility for materials research: the Euro-
pean Spallation Source (ESS). In con-
trast with the previous clusters, the ma-
terials science cluster is spread all over
the country: e.g. materials research on
packaging in Lund and Stockholm and
material research related to textiles in
Borås (close to Gothenburg).
Life sciences: The specialization in
life sciences is based on the combina-
tion of world class research (for example
The Karolinska Institute in Stockholm)
and medical universities and a cluster
of large multinational companies in bi-
otechnology (including biomed) and
pharmaceuticals like Astra Zeneca, Ele-

ment for the business community, soci- ment and resources needed to create TIS Performance
Appendix 2

ety and individuals by developing effec- efficient groups and processes which VINNOVA recently co-funded an assess-
tive innovation systems …”. This gener- will produce concrete results”. ment of strong Swedish R&I systems
al objective is translated into three main The industrial research insti- (
functions: tutes focus on applied research and torePDF/va-11-07.pdf ). The focus was
•• Advising the government on innova- are jointly funded by the government on the R&I systems as such, not on the
tion policy issues; and the industry. The institutes were funding instruments. It concludes that
•• Commissioning and conducting in- created with the aim of providing the strong R&I systems have produced
house research on innovation relat- some research capabilities to indus- substantial results and impacts across
ed issues; tries that were fundamentally dom- the entire triple helix. The most obvi-
•• Designing and implementing (na- inated by SMEs. Therefore, the insti- ous results were scientific publications,
tional, regional and sectoral) policy tutes tackle, in principle, two prob- granted patents, PhD degrees, licentiate
programs to support and stimulate lems related to the Swedish innova- degrees and master’s theses. The ana-
innovation. tion system: the low participation of lytic framework used in the assessment
SMEs in R&D investments and the fo- is shown in Figure 7.
VINNOVA has, very specifically, adopted cus on basic research. However, in The quantifiable impacts on the
an innovation approach in policy mak- contrast to some other countries, the companies that this impact assessment
ing. Policy actions deployed by VINNO- industrial research institutes play a was able to validate (there are of course
VA aim at promoting problem solving minor role in the Swedish innovation others) were that 96% of the granted
research and developing effective in- system, with even decreasing budg- patents were issued to Swedish-based
novation systems. VINNOVA defines ef- ets over time. Examples of some of companies and that 78% of the PhDs
fective innovation systems “as consisting the industrial research institutes are: were active in Swedish industry at the
of actors from science, business and the Institute for Electronic, Optics and time of the assessment. The more dif-
politics, which interact to develop, ex- Communication Technologies, the In- ficult-to-define impacts, which the in-
change and apply new technologies stitute for Manufacturing Technology terviewees within the companies nev-
and new knowledge in order to pro- or the Swedish Institute for Food and ertheless agree on, are among others:
mote sustainable growth by means of Bio-Technology. •• New knowledge that has been fur-
new products, services and processes”. Sweden has a series of programs ther developed by the companies
VINNOVA aims to promote the effective supporting R&D in certain strategic ar- themselves, resulting in new, as well
interaction of these actors to facilitate eas that are particularly targeted to for- as improved and more competitive,
the transformation of new knowledge eign actors. For example, in the auto- materials, processes, products and
into products, services and processes as motive sector, the Swedish govern- services reaching the market and
well as ensuring effective links with oth- ment has the Strategic Vehicle Research thereby resulting in revenue increase
er innovation systems (national, region- and Innovation Initiative that supports •• Bases for decisions on critical techno-
al and sectoral). applied research in energy and the en- logical choices
The regional program VINNVÄXT is vironment, transport efficiency, ve- •• Software developed by R&D provid-
the best example of how network prob- hicle and traffic safety, vehicle devel- ers that is being used by companies
lems are being addressed by VINNO- opment and sustainable production. to speed up and increase the quali-
VA. All initiatives funded at the region- Funding is eligible to any foreign com- ty of internal processes and develop-
al level must involve all relevant actors pany with a subsidiary in Sweden and ment stages, which in turn has result-
at that level, including policy-makers. To with an established agreement with a ed in increased competitiveness
increase cooperation between the or- Swedish company or to any university •• Competence development of exist-
ganizations, VINNOVA trains “innovation or research institute from abroad that ing personnel through participation
system developers”, that is, facilitators have unique competences not availa- in R&D projects together with R&D
that can “mobilize the level of commit- ble in Sweden. providers and other companies

Figure 7. The impact assessment of R&I systems in Sweden

Appendix 2
Activities Results First order Second order
effects effects

PhDs Master’s Better insight

into the role of Improved
degrees competitiveness

Competence Technology
R&D Project Networking
building diffusion

New/deepened Competence
building New business

New New methods,

technology, processes, and
ideas, concepts tests

Time span: Time span: Time span:

0–5 years 2–10 years 5–20 years

•• Increased competence for the per- the R&D providers more attractive to R&D results and PhDs have also
sonnel at large through recruitment companies. Recent years’ successes spread to companies and industry sec-
of PhD graduates (and to some ex- with proposals have no doubt facilitat- tors that have not directly participated
tent, MScs) ed achievement of critical mass for the in the R&I systems, including the med-
•• New internal working practices in R&D milieus. The R&D milieus have, over ical technology industry, pharmaceuti-
R&D-related matters time, developed their working practices cal industry, construction, forestry and
•• Access to laboratory facilities and val- and now focus, to a larger extent, on is- packaging. Additional opportunities
uable networks sues of clear industrial relevance. for technology and competence dis-
The main socio-economic impacts semination, particularly for SMEs, arise
It could also be concluded that the du- are that the country has gained a num- through participating research insti-
rable relationships that had been estab- ber of internationally competitive R&I tutes. The fact that strong R&I systems,
lished would suggest that the compa- systems, participating companies have R&D providers as well as participat-
nies had gained something that was of become more competitive and a num- ing companies, become international-
commercial value to them. ber of PhDs have been added to the ly known both on the scientific arena
For the R&D providers, large, long- Swedish workforce. The R&D providers’ and on commercial markets means that
term grants have created opportuni- contributions to the country’s research Sweden’s image as a research and tech-
ties to establish relatively broad collab- infrastructure and the increased com- nology nation is further strengthened.
orations with other R&D milieus both petitiveness of the companies are both The conclusion of the assessment
within as well as outside their own in- likely to have had substantial positive is that strong R&I systems comprise in-
stitutions, primarily but not exclusive- employment impacts in Sweden. The ternationally leading R&D milieus of
ly in Sweden. This has resulted in a dis- majority of the PhDs (78%) were em- considerable mass, which maintain
ciplinary diversification that has made ployed in Swedish industry. close and sustainable collaborations

with internationally leading compa- ing, strong R&D milieus. This may pos- joint R&D projects. This assessment al-
Appendix 2

nies. A strong R&I system has its core in sibly result in lock-in effects, wherein so illustrates that the working practices
an R&D milieu, but companies and oth- already strong R&D milieus may be fa- that evolve between R&D providers and
er R&D milieus belonging to the system vored at the expense of ones that could companies whet their appetite for more
can be located elsewhere, even abroad. develop into new, strong R&I systems. of the same, thus leading to behavio-
These R&I systems are strong in terms There are relatively few agencies ral patterns, additionally; collaboration
of both development and implementa- that, like VINNOVA, fund R&D that re- becomes sustainable and the working
tion of new knowledge, and they have a quires and encourages active industri- practices continue to evolve as long as
multidisciplinary approach that focuses al participation. Such funding require- public funding is available.
on industrially relevant R&D. ments stimulate companies to take part The Innovation Union Scoreboard
Apart from necessary conditions in the activities of R&D milieus, with an notes that the Swedish research and
in terms of funding and a supportive obvious expectation of gaining some- innovation system is characterized by
partnership, which requires an indus- thing of commercial value in return. a dominant private sector combined
trial base of relevance for the R&D field, In the absence of such requirements, with a public sector with a very high
there is no doubt that the most impor- there are, for most companies, only lim- and expanding research and educa-
tant condition for the establishment and ited incentives to collaborate with an tion investment rate. The leading per-
growth of a strong R&I system is compe- R&D milieu, partly due to the milieu’s former of research in Sweden is the
tent leadership. Success also requires R&D activities then becoming more cu- business enterprise sector (account-
a shared set of objectives or visions riosity driven than industrially oriented. ing for around 74% of the R&D expend-
among R&D providers and companies. Analogously, there are only limited in- iture in the last five years). The second
The durability of these shared objectives centives for an R&D milieu to strive to main performer is the higher educa-
or visions requires the presence of chal- engage companies in R&D collabora- tion sector, with the universities as the
lenging R&D problems of industrial rele- tion if the funding agency does not ex- main actors (around 20% of total R&D
vance. Thus success ultimately demands plicitly require such collaboration. expenditure). Sweden is among the
continuous mutual consideration in or- Successful R&D milieus have learned most knowledge-intensive countries in
der to ensure win-win solutions. Further- to design a portfolio of grants, which the world, with over 42% of the work
more, trust and confidence, particularly complement each other and include force employed in knowledge-inten-
between key members of each organi- funding for both curiosity-driven and in- sive activities. It has among the highest
zation, are far more important than for- dustry oriented R&D. The grants portfolio R&D intensities, high shares of research-
mal agreements. supports the R&D milieu as a whole, and ers and skilled human resources in the
A good match between the activi- the center grants only constitute a sub- economy, low unemployment rates for
ties of the R&D milieu and the host uni- set. The duration and the stability of long- researchers and high levels of new ac-
versity’s prioritized R&D profiles is es- term grants have nevertheless been cru- ademic-oriented tertiary education de-
sentially a prerequisite for developing a cial for the establishment and evolution grees. These efforts have resulted in
strong R&I system, since Swedish calls of the R&I systems, and the durability has very high and rising quality of scientif-
for proposals for center grants in recent proved far more important than the mag- ic production (a ratio of 14% of Swed-
years have required that the universi- nitude of the funding. ish scientific publications are among
ty itself must be the applicant and also This assessment shows that com- the 10 % most cited in the world) – al-
that it must provide co-funding should panies’ adoption of scientifically based though here Sweden is below the sci-
the proposal be granted. There is, nev- working practices, recruitment of re- entific quality of Denmark, Switzerland
ertheless, a correlation between the search graduates, competence devel- and the United States. Sweden has also
two in that, generally speaking, strong opment of existing personnel, as well as achieved a high number of patent ap-
R&I systems constitute an asset for the absorption of R&D results are facilitated plications – as well as high-tech patent
university, which reasonably defines its if companies collaborate with leading applications – to the European Patent
prioritized R&D profiles based on exist- R&D milieus and actively participate in Office per billion GDP.

Figure 8. The anatomy of the Swedish innovation system

Appendix 2
Territorial Innovation System Morphology
The private sector is the main source of R&D funding. Public funds for R&D are usually directed towards
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or through research councils, publics foundations or sectoral agencies.
Public research institutes play a minor role except in the area of defense.
 Direct financial support to big companies is very limited in Sweden.
 Increasingly more power to regions (Skåne and Västra Götalandsregionenas examples) –
they become regional innovation agencies.

TIS Resource Focus

 Pooling of private and public R&D and innovation resources in“Innovation milieus” like competence centers, clusters etc.
 A large part of research is concentrated to universities; the share of research in research institutes is comparatively small
 The low dynamics of knowledge-intensive firms has contributed to a lack of major structural change in
the Swedish knowledge economy over the period 1995–2007.
 In Sweden the areas of specialization are cleantech, automotive, ICT, materials science and life sciences.
 The emphasis on academic excellence is very strong in innovation policy.

TIS Architecture
 Both the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, the major funder of basic research) and VINNOVA are both research
councils but operate differently not least in the way the project applications are evaluated.
 VINNOVA, KK-foundation and the Foundation for Strategic Research have groups of experts from both academia and industry.
 The “power” over design and coordination of research funding has shifted from the Office of the Prime Minister to the
Minister of Research and Higher Education.

TIS Innovation Performance (IUS)

 The fact that strong R&I systems, R&D providers as well as participating companies, become internationally known both on
the scientific arena and on commercial markets means that Sweden’s image as a research and technology nation is
further strengthened.
 Companies’ adoption of scientifically based working practices, recruitment of research graduates, competence development
of existing personnel, as well as absorption of R&D results are facilitated if companies collaborate with leading R&D milieus
and actively participate in joint R&D projects.

CASE: Challenge-driven innovation

The Swedish national innova- and catalyze the efforts of various ac-
tion framework conditions show clear In 2011 VINNOVA launched a program tors.
strengths in several areas: a stable mac- called Challenge-driven innovation VINNOVA has identified four soci-
roeconomic environment, a highly with an aim to use societal challeng- etal challenges where Sweden is con-
trained workforce, a handful of R&D-in- es as a driver for innovation. The as- sidered well-placed for internationally
tensive multinational corporations, one sumption of VINNOVA is that challeng- leading innovativeness:
of the highest levels of venture capital es are drivers of Sweden’s innovation •• Information Society 3.0
availability in the world (both for ear- and growth in a global context. These •• Sustainable Attractive Cities
ly stage and expansion capital), and a challenges should be drivers of need •• Future Healthcare
high rate of broadband access by firms. and demand. Starting with a challenge •• Competitive Production
These strengths are reinforced by Swe- requires broad collaboration between
den’s integration into global markets. – companies, universities, research in- Some coordination between this pro-
The anatomy of the Swedish innovation stitutes and government organiza- gram and innovation procurement is to
system is summarized in Figure 8. tions; VINNOVA wants to help link up be expected. Together these initiatives

are in line with an international trend of idea was at a stage where enabling it While government spending on
Appendix 2

addressing societal challenges, but they to apply directly for stage two, this was R&D has been comparably low and sta-
also have a special significance in Swe- also possible. The closing date for the ble over the years, the public endeav-
den because of their resemblance to tender was end of September 1st, 2011. ors to maintain and enhance the na-
the very successful “innovation model” VINNOVA received a total of 635 tional innovativeness in Switzerland are
of the 1950s and 1960s. During this time applications of which 94 were grant- well aligned and are pursued by a small
the Swedish government used public ed funding. The funding decision was amount of organizational actors with
procurement in the energy, transport communicated to the applicants in the clear responsibilities, strong inter-rela-
and communications sectors for inno- second half of October 2011. Those pro- tions and common priorities. In com-
vation and development of early mar- jects that were granted funding for the plementation to R&D spending a strong
kets. This took the form of “develop- first stage would have to prepare the focus is set on supporting local spillo-
ment pairs” between leading Swedish application for second stage funding to ver effects within the existing industrial
companies like Ericsson, Sandvik, Atlas be submitted to VINNOVA by the end of clusters in pharmaceuticals (Basel area),
Copco, Alfa Laval and utility agencies March 2012. financial services and machinery (Zu-
like Vattenfall and Televerket. These col- rich area) and watches and precision
laborations were systematic and long instruments (Jura-Bern area).
term and took their theoretical inspira- Switzerland Public research funding in Switzer-
tion from Erik Dahmén´s work on devel- land is based upon two institutions with
opment blocks. Without abundance of natural resourc- complementary purposes and respon-
In April 2011 VINNOVA announced es, Switzerland has always relied on sibilities: the Swiss National Science
a call for tender for projects that would the capabilities, ideas, virtues and con- Foundation (SNF), and the Commission
address grand challenges. The ambi- nections of its inhabitants. As a small, for Technology and Innovation (CTI).
tion was to attract large constellations densely populated country with 7.9 Collaboration on regional as well
of companies, universities, research in- million inhabitants in the heart of Eu- as national level is intense and ultimate-
stitutes, public sector, non-governmen- rope its individuals and organizations ly facilitated through population densi-
tal organizations or trade organizations. are both intensely interconnected do- ty and physical proximity of key actors.
VINNOVA would, in these initiatives, cat- mestically, as well as maintaining wide- To further foster such inter-linkages,
alyze the collaboration between the spun connections internationally. SNF and CTI put emphasis on funding
various actors to be able to address Switzerland counted 15 compa- activities conducted jointly by multiple
challenges that identified clear target nies from the 2010 Fortune 500 list. actors. Collaboration on international
customers and would produce inno- These companies represent a variety of level is attributed to close cultural and
vations improving quality of life and industries such as machinery, precision historical ties to its technological links
economic growth. The structure of the instruments, watches, chemicals, phar- with partners in foreign countries. As a
funding procedure is divided into three maceuticals, and financial services. result 45 % of the total Swiss patent ap-
stages. The first stage focuses on the de- plications have been developed with a
velopment of the idea for the project as Swiss innovation system co-inventor located abroad.
well as building the research constella- morphology SNF and KTI consider themselves
tion. The second stage involves the ac- R&D intensity in Switzerland in 2009 as a funding partnership with a shared
tual development and integration of was 3% of GDP. The private sector per- overarching strategy but complemen-
the different elements needed for the formed 74% of the total R&D and the tary objectives. They conduct joint con-
systemic innovation to materialize. The higher education sector 24%. Direct ferences and public events on nation-
third stage focuses on implementation. government spending on R&D is sub- al and international level and carefully
Through the first call for tender it was sequently low, only 0,02%, which is fair- adjust their funding decisions on local
possible to apply for funding for the first ly low in comparison to the OECD aver- level. The executing actors, the coun-
stage, or if the constellation felt that the age of 0,26%. try’s 12 universities and 9 universities of

applied sciences collaborate by offer- ed as a long-term investment in local torically grown industry clusters is aug-

Appendix 2
ing joint Masters- or PhD programs and human capital. mented through corresponding NCCRs,
by conducting joint research projects. With an annual funding volume additional clusters are likely to emerge
The universities of applied sciences of CHF 600–700 million, the SNF is the around interconnected research efforts
throughout the country went through most important institution for advanc- in nano-scale science, molecular ultra-
a consolidation process in the past 10 ing scientific research in Switzerland fast technology or multimodal infor-
years resulting in regional institutions, and supports around 7,200 scientists mation management. NCCRs economic
with different academic units in differ- each year, who are usually associated impact extends the value of its research
ent locations. with one of the 12 universities or 9 uni- outputs by the emergence of academic
SNF and CTI also complement versities of applied sciences within the spin-offs and education of highly quali-
each other in respect of their funding. country. Its main activity being the sci- fied research personnel. The NCCRs are
While SNF’s goal is to foster the explora- entific evaluation of the submitted re- as follows:
tion of a wide range of phenomena and search proposals the SNF distinguishes
ensure a high national absorptive ca- two categories of funding: Life Sciences
pacity, CTI acts as the central innovation •• National Research Programs (NRPs) •• NCCR Molecular Oncology – From
promotion agency with the objective of •• National Centers of Competence in Basic Research to Therapeutic Ap-
effective market impact and emphasis Research (NCCRs) proaches
on research applications. While univer- •• NCCR Frontiers in Genetics – Genes,
sities and federal institutes of technol- NRPs are supporting individual prob- Chromosomes and Development
ogies receive slightly more funding for lem-orientated, inter- and trans-disci- •• NCCR Molecular Life Sciences – Three
basic research, the Universities of Ap- plinary research projects for a usual du- Dimensional Structure, Folding and
plied Science have a slightly higher ac- ration of 4–5 years. On a larger scale, the Interactions
tivity in industry collaborations and re- establishment of NCCRs with the objec- •• NCCR Neuro – Neural Plasticity and
search applications. tive to promote “scientific excellence in Repair
areas of major strategic importance of •• NCCR Kidney.CH – Kidney Control of
Research focus and TIS architecture the future of Swiss research, economy Homeostasis
The Swiss National Science Founda- and society” and a usual funding dura- •• NCCR SYNAPSY – The synaptic bases
tion is established as a foundation un- tion of 12 years, was initiated 10 years of mental diseases
der public law with federal mandate, ago. The current NCCRs consist of sep- •• NCCR TransCure – From transport
in order to ensure independence of arate, coherently integrated research physiology to Identification of ther-
research funding. Its general objec- projects, with the main responsibility apeutic targets
tive is the advancement of scientific upon one research institution and for- •• NCCR Chemical Biology – Visualisa-
insight in all possible knowledge are- mal collaboration with further research tion and Control of Biological Pro-
as, ranging from Philosophy and An- teams located throughout the coun- cesses Using Chemistry
thropology to Medicine and Nano Sci- try. While some teams conduct basic
ences, without consideration of appli- research and explore untrodden lands, Environment and Sustainability
cability for commercial purposes. It al- others work towards specifically target- •• NCCR North-South – Research Part-
so encourages dialogue between sci- ed research applications in close inter- nership for Mitigating Syndromes of
entists and representatives in society, linkage with business partners. Global Change
politics and the economy. A strong fo- Since 2001 SNF has created 27 Na- •• NCCR Plant Survival in Natural and
cus on education and diversity is real- tional Centers of Competence in Re- Agricultural Ecosystems
ized by a quote of 80% of funding-re- search, which couple various individu- •• NCCR Climate Variability, Predictabili-
cipients below the age of 35 and a va- al projects conducted by different insti- ty and Climate Risks
riety of programs targeted at the ad- tutions under the coordination of one •• NCCR MaNep – Materials with Novel
vancement of women, which is regard- academic unit. While research in his- Electronic Properties

•• NCCR Nanoscale Science – Impact on certain areas of expertise, its other aca- orative projects were supported by CTI.
Appendix 2

Life Sciences demic units can connect themselves to Private sector spending has devel-
funded research projects conducted at oped with an impressive average annu-
Sustainability and ICT other institutions. al growth rate of 22.4% between 2000
•• NCCR Quantum Photonics Complementary to the SNFs goal and 2004 and 24% between 2004 and
•• NCCR MUST – Molecular Ultrafast Sci- of fostering exploration of a wide range 2008.
ences and Technology of phenomena and ensuring a high na- The activities of the CTI are catego-
•• NCCR Robotics – Intelligent Robots tional absorptive capacity, the Commis- rized under three main themes:
for Improving the Quality of Life sion of Technology and Innovation (CTI) •• Market-oriented R&D projects
•• NCCR QSIT – Quantum Science and acts as the central innovation promo- •• Knowledge and technology transfer
Technology Information and Com- tion agency with the objective of ef- •• Creation and development of start-
munication Technology fective market impact. With a budget up companies
•• NCCR IM2 – Interactive Multimodal of CHF 125 million annually it supports
Information Management projects with a clear exploitation- and Market-oriented R&D projects have the
•• NCCR CO-ME – Computer Aided and market orientation. purpose to encourage joint R&D pro-
Image Guided Medical Interventions CTI, as the federal administration’s jects between SMEs and higher ed-
•• NCCR MICS – Mobile Information and decision-making body for the promo- ucation institutions. 319 projects re-
Communication Systems tion of innovation, aims at creating ceived grant funding in 2009, for a to-
general conditions that favor innova- tal R&D expenditure of CHF 240 million,
Social Sciences and Humanities tive capacities and can take targeted with nearly 55% (over CHF 133 million)
•• NCCR FINRISK – Financial Valuation support measures. But such measures funded by the private sector, as busi-
and Risk Management must be carefully crafted to ensure ness partners match every Swiss franc
•• NCCR Iconic Criticism – The Power that they do not undermine compe- invested by CTI with an additional CHF
and Meaning of Images tition and personal initiative. The CTIs 1.35. This enables SMEs with limited re-
•• NCCR International Trade Regulation operating principles have been ex- sources to leverage their R&D invest-
– From Fragmentation to Coherence pressed as follows: ments and initiate collaboration with
•• NCCR Mediality – Historical Perspec- •• Reliance on individuals with extensive the national higher education institu-
tives experience in industry and research. tions. The vast majority of those pro-
•• NCCR Democracy – Challenges to •• Providing support in a fair and user- jects takes place within Micro- and Na-
Democracy in the 21st Century friendly manner. notechnologies, Life Sciences and En-
•• NCCR Affective Sciences: Emotion in •• Responding to current needs in a gineering Sciences and was conducted
Individual Behavior and Social Pro- flexible manner. by Universities of Applied Sciences. The
cesses funding is provided through two main
•• NCCR LIVES – Overcoming vulnera- CTI, focusing on knowledge transfer be- instruments: An innovation cheque à
bility: life course perspectives tween universities and companies, re- CHF 7,500, which is mainly intended for
gards itself as a facilitator for the Swiss SMEs which presently do not devote
Competition has led to a certain de- innovation ecosystem and encourages any expenditure to scientific based in-
gree of academic specialization with- private sector R&D spending. Funding novation projects, and the innovation
in the academic landscape. Universi- is only granted to projects, which con- voucher, as a recently introduced pi-
ties are competing against each oth- tain of a private industry partner and a lot instrument, worth CHF 350,000. This
er for extra public funding and indus- public academic partner. By rule, the in- funding is provided within a simple,
try partners. The clustered and collab- dustry partner covers at least 50% of the non-bureaucratic procedure and clear
orative structure enables co-specializa- project costs, to establish collaborative admission criteria.
tion. While a university might have the structures and induce long-term private In order to enhance knowl-
responsibility for one or two NCCRs in R&D spending. In 2010 343 such collab- edge and technology transfer, the CTI

launched Knowledge and Technology Initiative CTI Entrepreneurship around 200 have been distinguished

Appendix 2
Transfer networks (KTT) in 2005. They This initiative is executed by venture- by means of the CTI Start-up label. A
are regionally and thematically grouped lab, a CTI sub-organization, which con- study conducted by the University of
networks, which provide access to spe- ducts entrepreneurship promotion and Basel, analyzing a sample of 886 Swiss
cific expertise in a formalized manner. entrepreneurship training. They organ- startups between 1999 and 2009 came
Every KTT network has an assigned ad- ize venture challenges as regular uni- to the conclusion, that companies dis-
visor to help SMEs determine exactly versity courses, train teams for inter- tinguished with the Start-up label are
what kind of services they require by national championships, coach young generally more successful compared to
introducing them to university part- entrepreneurs and help acquiring ven- companies without labeling. Five years
ners, provide assistance with CTI grant ture capital. They maintain an extensive after foundation, 85 percent of the la-
applications and help SMEs introduce expert network, and act as the “glue” beled businesses are still in business,
their branch or technology in nation- in the Swiss entrepreneurship scene. compared to 57,4% without. The la-
al and international communities. They University members can venture ide- beled companies managed to acquire
act as partners of industry and trade to as and attend information and moti- CHF 1,200 million of funding and cre-
enhance innovation in existing and fu- vation events conducted by success- ated more than 8,000 new highly qual-
ture markets. Currently, KTTs exist for ful entrepreneurs. Within the semester ified jobs.
sustainable engineering, food, timber, course venture challenge, which is be-
tourism, photonics and laser, servic- ing offered regularly at most higher ed- Initiative CTI Invest
es, manufacturing, biotech, e-business, ucation institutions, they can test and CTI Invest is a public-private partner-
micro- and nanotechnology. develop their business ideas. Ambi- ship and the leading platform for fi-
CTI also promotes entrepre- tious founding teams can attend ven- nancing of Swiss high-tech start-up
neurship and entrepreneurship train- ture plan, a five-day workshop to tweak companies and the professionaliza-
ing through the organization of ven- their strategies, present in front of ex- tion of the business angels and ven-
ture challenges as regular university perts and investors and receive feed- ture capitalist scene in Switzerland.
courses, coaching of young entrepre- back. Within venture training specific New ventures presented and support-
neurs and awarding the CTI startup la- growth- and internationalization-strat- ed by CTI invest have mostly been ac-
bel. Further, a platform has been es- egies are developed and possible finan- tive in the Life sciences, Biotech, Nano
tablished for financing of Swiss high- cial sources evaluated. Twenty of the and ICT industries. With the conduc-
tech start-up companies and the pro- most promising teams travel to Boston tion of matchmaking events, CEO days,
fessionalization of the business angels each year to participate at the business investor lunch and innovation round-
and venture capitalist scene in Switzer- development program, venture lead- tables, CTI invest facilitates the inter-
land with a special focus on Life scienc- ers and garner valuable connections linkage of entrepreneurs, venture cap-
es, Biotech, Nano and ICT industries. to venture capitalists and the interna- ital firms, corporate investors, business
Conducting matchmaking events, tional entrepreneurship scene. Since angel clubs and industrial partners and
CEO days, investor lunch and innova- its launch in 2004 venturelab conduct- facilitated a cumulated financing vol-
tion roundtables, has resulted in a cu- ed 1,770 teaching days with more than ume of CHF 300 million since its estab-
mulated financing volume of CHF 300 13,000 participants. lishment in 2003.
million since 2003.
The creation and development Initiative CTI Start-up TIS Performance
of start-up companies is fostered by With its network of 40 professional Switzerland issued 112,7 triadic patent
the CTI through three main initiatives coaches, this initiative provides coach- families per million inhabitants in 2010,
which re-emphasize the CTIs approach ing for existing startups and awards the which makes Switzerland the most
to foster innovation by acting as a fa- CTI startup label. Since its foundation active patent issuer among all OECD
cilitator for collaboration, knowledge- in 1996 more than 1,800 projects have countries. A patent family consists of
transfer and networking. been reviewed until today. Of these, a set of patents taken in various coun-

tries to protect a single invention. A tri- the foundation of 46 startups as NC- trepreneurs, venture capital firms, cor-
Appendix 2

ad patent family consists of patents is- CR-spinoffs and 580 research-business- porate investors, business angel clubs
sued at the European Patent Office, at partnerships. and industrial partners cumulated fi-
Japan Patent Office and the US Patent In 2010, 343 industry-academic- nancing volume of 300 million CHF in-
& Trademark Office. collaboration projects received grant to Swiss High Tech startups was ena-
The coordinating institutions SNF funding, for a total R&D expenditure of bled between 2003 and 2011.
and KTI regularly assess the impact of CHF 234 million, with nearly 58% (over The Innovation Union country pro-
their instruments: CHF 134 million) funded by the private file highlights the importance of the
For the time-span between 2001 sector. 74% of the participating compa- international networking of Switzer-
and 2008 SNF reports to have creat- nies employ 250 employees or less. Be- land when evaluating the Swiss perfor-
ed 63 assistance-professorships, edu- tween 2004 and 2011 1,770 entrepre- mance:
cated 972 junior researchers within its neurial teaching days have been con- Switzerland is a small country with
PhD programs, induced around 10,000 ducted with more than 13,000 partici- a very open research and innovation sys-
academic publications and facilitated pants. By facilitating inter-linkage of en- tem. The very high quality of its scientific

Figure 9. The anatomy of the Swiss innovation system

Territorial Innovation System Morphology

R&D intensity in Switzerland in 2009 was 3 % of GDP, one of the highest in Europe and in the world.
The private sector performed 74 % of the total R&D and the higher education sector, 24 %.
 The national innovation system in Switzerland is well aligned and is pursued by a small amount of
organizational actors with clear responsibilities, strong inter-relations and common priorities.
 The innovation policy facilitates the emergence of new clusters by fostering networking,
collaboration and exchange of expertise among key actors

TIS Resource Focus
 Public research funding in Switzerland is based upon two institutions with complementary purposes and responsibilities.
The Swiss National Science Foundation with federal mandate to advance scientific insight in all possible knowledge areas.
A strong focus on education and diversity is realized by a quota mandating that 80% of funding-recipients be below
the age of 35 and a variety of programs targeted at the advancement of women, which is regarded as a
long-term investment in local human capital.
 Complementary to the SNF ensuring a high national absorptive capacity, the Commission of Technology and Innovation
acts as the central innovation promotion agency with the objective of effective market impact.

TIS Architecture
 SNF supports around 7200 scientists each year, SNF distinguishes two categories of funding: National Research Programs
(NRPs) and National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCRs)
 NRPs support individual problem-orientated, inter- and trans-disciplinary research projects for a usual duration of 4–5 years.
 NCCRs promote “scientific excellence in areas of major strategic importance of the future of Swiss research, economy and
society”; a usual funding duration of 12 years.

TIS Innovation Performance (IUS)

 For the time-span between 2001 and 2008 the SNF reports having created 63 assistance-professorships,
educated 972 junior researchers within its PhD programs, induced around 10000 academic publications and
facilitated the foundation of 46 startups as NCCR-spinoffs and 580 research-business-partnerships (SNF).
 The Swiss research and innovation system is characterized by its very strong scientific and technological production that
out performs most countries in the world. A high level of R&D, alongside an overall excellent education system,
investment coupled with an efficient allocation of both private and public R&D resources result in scientific and
technological outcomes of utmost quality.

and technological production, its supe- CASE: The Swiss Biotech industry ographic proximity enables local spill-

Appendix 2
rior education system on all levels, cou- The Swiss Biotech industry has recent- over effects. Further, agreements of free-
pled with its strategic geographical po- ly played a key role in the Swiss econo- movement of persons make it possible
sition and close historical, cultural and my. The industry has depicted high lev- to additionally recruit foreign workforce,
linguistic ties have allowed the Swiss re- els of innovativeness and consists of both which is, in turn, attracted by the high liv-
search and innovation system to estab- startup and mature companies which ing standards. Public recognition of the
lish strong scientific and technological employed approximately 19000 peo- importance of the Swiss biotech sector
links with partners in other European ple and realized an industry turnover of has enhanced research spending and led
systems. As an indication, 45% of the to- CHF 9.2 billion in 2010. The recent report to the establishment of National Centres
tal Swiss patent applications count with of the Swiss Biotech Association is well of Competence in Research, which have
a co-inventor located abroad, one of suited to illustrate how national innova- become highly connected with private
the highest percentages, if not the high- tion capabilities are enhanced through innovation endeavors.
est, in the world. Italy, France, the Unit- various public innovation endeavors. Ac- Intense startup support and more
ed Kingdom and especially Germany are cording to the report, several aspects act- than 40 venture capital firms and bio-
the main scientific partners, while Ger- ed as unique fertilizers: first and foremost, tech-specific investment funds are ac-
many remains the reference technolog- the highly skilled local labor pool, which tive at all stages of financing in Switzer-
ical partner for Swiss enterprises and re- is equipped to conduct high impact re- land and have enabled the emergence
search centers. This strong openness is al- search through specific education, such of new players in the field. Finally, com-
lowing the system to tap into the main as the M.Sc. in Life Science offered by sev- parably low taxes and a generally para-
global knowledge networks, benefit from eral Swiss universities. The abundance digmatic approach to regulatory issues
strong knowledge spillovers and leverage of expertise, collaboration of public and provide favorable conditions for inno-
on their important R&D investments. private actors, and a high degree of ge- vative endeavors to prosper.

Appendix 3. Case studies
Appendix 3

Tekes – strengthening •• a distributed database developed ious purposes both within the compa-
generative capabilities during the program formed an in- ny but also with key suppliers and part-
tegral part of Nokia’s digital switches ners.
•• the hypertext related development Among CVOPS’s important innova-
CVOPS – The Virtual Operating within the program was discontin- tions was the use of Ethernet to test the
System ued radio communication protocols, which
Tekes initiated its first technology pro- made it possible to test solutions sever-
gram, Finprit, in 1983 and contacted The protocol tool was initially intend- al years before radio system parts were
VTT regarding the type of content to ed to become a platform for develop- available. CVOPS enabled Nokia to de-
be included in the program. ing the program’s other parts, but it, velop and test GSM (and later partial-
Prior to this opportunity, VTT had ultimately, became a much larger and ly 3G) technologies in advance of the
conducted a research project with the more crucial part of the development of competition and, thereby, gain a fore-
goal of raising the competence level in the Finnish telecommunications sector. runner position. For example: Nokia uti-
protocol standardization and formal de- The original idea was to simulate future lized CVOPS as a tool in GSM standard-
scription techniques. Additionally, a va- workstations and network architectures ization, by taking the role of software
riety of protocol implementation ap- with existing minicomputers, LANs and developer in one of the development
proaches were compared. self-built gateways in order to learn to consortiums. In this role Nokia was able
A researcher from VTT, Olli Marti- develop network software and to sim- to steer GSM development in a favora-
kainen, had, in the previous project, de- ulate the behavior of such complex sys- ble direction – e.g. at one critical junc-
veloped a prototype of a virtual oper- tems. tion, Ericsson claimed that certain parts
ating system and suggested the inclu- This concept, of building a virtu- of the specification could not work –
sion of a similar type of tool in the Fin- al environment for testing and devel- but Nokia was able to present simula-
prit project. oping, was novel; and, a mere ten years tion results as a proof-of-concept. Nokia
The Finprit-program contained, later, similar types of development envi- developed its solutions virtually at a
based on negotiations between VTT ronments began to emerge that would time when Ericsson still had to devel-
and Tekes, development of a protocol eventually displace CVOPS. op physical prototypes. After the mid-
tool (VOPS =acronym for Virtual Oper- 1990s, Nokia switched from CVOPS to
ating System), development of a rout- Capability development the Swedish Telelogic (now part of IBM)
in companies
er, development of a distributed data- protocol development tools.
base and hypertext related develop- Olli Martikainen had been recruited by After an additional tenure at VTT
ment. The analysis here will focus on Nokia in 1985. He was able to use his Olli Martikainen was employed by Son-
VOPS – other results of the Finprit-pro- role in the Nokia Research Center to test era and his role included the utiliza-
gram included: whether VOPS could be of use. Nokia tion of CVOPS there. From 1993-1997,
•• a router concept was presented to Research Center and VTT co-developed Sonera subcontracted the develop-
Nokia management in 1986; but this CVOPS from VOPS and it was taken in- ment of SS7, GSM, IN and TMN-relat-
technology failed to gain support to use in 1986 (CVOPS was coded in C). ed infrastructures to the Moscow Peo-
within Nokia (as commonly acknowl- CVOPS became a central tool for Nokia ple’s Friendship University and a com-
edged, the development of routers during its time of rapid technology re- pany affiliated with the University. This
would go on to destroy Nokia’s mo- lated development, as it was a technol- infrastructure was developed utiliz-
dem business within a few years) ogy platform that could be used for var- ing CVOPS. Later, development of the

CVOPS software in Finland was moved able to develop much of its central in- entific Nobel Laureate, Artturi Ilmari Vir-

Appendix 3
to Intellitel Ltd with Sonera as the ma- frastructure for services. tanen (in 1945), for his research and in-
jor shareholder. The CEO of Intellitel was Among the investment’s indirect ventions in agricultural and nutrition
Mårten Mickos until 1999 (he later be- consequence has been the rise of sev- chemistry, especially fodder preserva-
came the CEO of MySQL) and was suc- eral of the CVOPS team members’ (e.g. tion (AIV fodder). The focus on basic
ceeded by Pasi Kemppainen. Arto Karila, Jarmo Harju, Kirsi Valtari) to research lasted until the 1960s, after
As an operator, Sonera was unique- become top researchers in their own which more focused product develop-
ly positioned as the sole operator with fields. ment was prioritized.
these types of technological service The 1970s saw the development
platforms and used this edge to devel- Case synthesis and of hydrolysis technology, to re-
op e.g. Zed and SmartTrust. The virtu- The CVOPS case shows the potential for move lactose from milk, at Valio. The in-
al switch developed using CVOPS was technology foresight, when combined troduction of this product to the market
sold to Trio AB in Sweden. Logica (earlier with accurately timed investments in a was met with great success. The result-
WM-data) recruited Tapani Karttunen, technology platform, to enable an en- ing products were branded HYLA. The
who had led Sonera’s offshore devel- tire cluster to outpace competition. It awareness of lactose-intolerance grew
opment work in Russia. also illustrates the challenges in trans- among the Finnish population as a re-
Finnish universities used CVOPS ferring a potential innovation from re- sult of Valio’s marketing.
in training students between 1988 and search to business. Only after Olli Mar- During the 1980s, Valio began sell-
1998 and Oulu University continued to tikainen, who had developed the tech- ing lactose and acquired chromato-
use the system until 2003. Altogether, nology during his tenure with VTT, him- graphic technology for this aim from
as many as one thousand engineers self began working for Nokia, and later Suomen Sokeri. The technology was in-
were trained in this competence in Fin- for Sonera, were these companies able stalled at the Joensuu dairy. Whey was
land. Moscow People’s Friendship Uni- to fully utilize CVOPS. used as raw material, but the process
versity trained more than two thousand was also tested on milk, to see if it would
Source: Interviews with Olli Martikainen
engineers in CVOPS during the collabo- be possible to produce lactose-free milk
ration with Sonera. (HYLA contains < 1% of lactose). The test
Valio – Lactose-free milk was successful and a patent was award-
Results Valio is a company owned by Finnish ed for the production of lactose-free
The direct result of the project was the dairy farmers that secures milk produc- milk through chromatographic technol-
development of a protocol tool for spec- tion in Finland as well as the vitality of ogy. At the end of the 1980s, sales of lac-
ification, implementation and testing of the nation’s countryside by processing tose were discontinued and Valio was
telecommunication applications. The milk into products that promote well- left with the unused chromatographic
main result of the investment in CVOPS being. Quality, expertise and responsi- equipment in Joensuu.
was that the telecommunications sec- bility have served as Valio’s guidelines Valio initiated a project to com-
tor’s main players were able to outpace for more than a century. Valio’s turno- mercialize lactose-free milk in 1990 with
their competition at the critical junction ver in 2010 was €1.8 billion. The CEO of financial support from Tekes. This proj-
of digitalization. As a platform technolo- the company is Pekka Laaksonen. ect was led by Matti Harju. The process
gy it, in turn, enabled the development encountered several challenges – the
of several successive innovations. Company and capability evolution most significant of which were:
Nokia, in particular, benefited from Valio has a tradition of developing •• The marketing department’s lack of
this technology as it was able to play an ground-breaking innovations. In the faith in the product was reinforced
important role in the software develop- 1920s, Valio’s company laboratory in- by a consumer study. Consumers
ment for GSM standardization which troduced a new field of research to Fin- of HYLA-milk were presented with
would not have been possible without land, namely bio-chemical research. an expensive alternative that tasted
access to CVOPS. Sonera, in turn, was This laboratory produced Finland’s sci- like genuine milk, which they turned

down, as HYLA-milk consumers had milk has not cannibalized HYLA-sales During 2004–2010 Tekes provided
Appendix 3

become fond of the sweeter taste to any greater extent. a total of €6,9 million in funding (grants
of HYLA-milk. There was another Export sales have required raising and loans). Valio had both firm-led proj-
group that, either due to lactose-in- awareness of lactose-intolerance in the ects as well as research co-operation –
tolerance-symptoms or dislike of the target countries. The market has been e.g. in the Symbio –program. This pe-
taste of HYLA-milk, did not consume cultivated in Sweden and local compet- riod included the undertaking of Valio-
milk at all. The market research didn’t itors are following suit. Sales have also led projects as well as two co-operation
discover that these consumers repre- started in Estonia and Russia. Valio had projects. Valio is also coordinating the
sented a significant potential for lac- to work hard to introduce these prod- SalWe-program (SHOK) Mind and Body.
tose-free milk. ucts to international markets, but now Valio pays its own costs in R&D projects
•• A standard for lactose-free milk had demand for Lactose-free milk is spurred with Tekes and Tekes’s support is direct-
been set by a Nordic committee. The through the grapevine and is support- ed to research institutes and universi-
target of <0,01% lactose content had ed by Valio awareness-building through ties. In this way, competences are built
been lobbied by the margarine in- specialists, magazines and social media. in the network and Valio can then ac-
dustry. The problem was that there In its projects, Valio provides the cess this knowledge when necessary.
was no analysis method to achieve core competence and project leader-
this until Valio developed a method ship. Naturally, external resources are Results
to measure extremely low levels of engaged as required in Tekes projects. Valio was able to develop and commer-
lactose. Presented below are the major actor cialize the lactose-free milk drink and
•• An additional technology utilized in groups and their roles (Table 1). other dairy products as well as the re-
lactose-free milk was ESL. ESL en- lated production process and gain the
abled longer shelf-life, and the in- Innovation support activities related patents. It also developed the
creased sales times of lactose-free Together, Tekes and the Ministry of measurement technology necessary to
milk drink that enabled stores to ac- Trade and Industry supported the de- detect low levels of lactose, which was
cept the product at its introduction. velopment of HYLA as well as lactose- required to verify the lactose-free char-
free milk. Through the HYLA-project, acteristics of these new products.
The development project was explora- Valio had already developed capabili- As a result of the added value of
tive, with its basis strongly in technol- ties that it could utilize in lactose-free lactose-free milk Valio now has Europe’s
ogy. The end result was a lactose-free milk. In the case of lactose-free milk, highest producer-price for milk. The
milk drink, to a large extent ready when Tekes support was crucial in gaining in- strengthening of the in-house innova-
the Tekes project ended in 1997. ternal support for the project at Valio; tion culture supports the exploration of
The lactose-free milk drink was serving as proof of the project’s viability. new opportunities.
not launched until 2001. The reason
was low expectations for product de- Table 1. Valio’s major actor groups and their roles
mand - the initial goal was to sell 1
Actor group Role vis-á-vis Valio Examples
million liters annually. Two million li-
ters were sold in the last four months VTT Support in research projects
of 2001 and, at present, 60 million liters Universities Recruitment, testing of novel ideas Aalto University, University of
are sold annually in Finland and anoth- (masters work), idea & researcher Helsinki
er 20 million are exported. A number of
Consumers Steer product availability & New product decisions are
other lactose-free products have been
development derived from sales and consumer-
introduced. Competitors have devel- service requests.
oped their own products as the patent Media Awareness of product benefits (e.g. Specialist appearances, advertise-
has expired, but Valio still holds market identifying symptoms of lactose- ments
leadership. Despite fears, lactose-free intolerance)

Case synthesis The key persons were Dr. Risto Ilmo- Sciences Partners, SITRA, Finnish Indus-

Appendix 3
This case shows that Tekes can help to niemi, his student Jarmo Ruohonen try Investment, Lundbeckfond Ventures,
strengthen a company’s managerial ca- and Dr. Jari Karhu, M.D. The techno- Cparicorn Heath-tech Fund NV, and Il-
pability, which can, eventually, lead to logical foundation for the NBS system marinen.
new innovations, alongside the build- was laid during various research pro- Nexstim has developed a solid
up of new generative (technological) jects that were carried out at the Bio- understanding of the theoretical and
capabilities. Mag Laboratory in 1994–1999. End us- physiological foundations of magnet-
ers (among them Helsinki University ic stimulation and related aspects. For
Sources: Interviews with Matti Harju,
Central Hospital, Helsinki University of development of new research equip-, Touko Perko: Valio ja
Technology and the University of Hel- ment, a critical mass of expert engi-
Suuri Murros, 2005
sinki) were involved in these projects. neers, scientists, and clinicians from
These projects received financial sup- the relevant areas have been brought
Nexstim – Leader in navigated port from Tekes. together. Today Nexstim has approxi-
stimulation of the brain The realization by Ilmoniemi and mately 50 employees and its compre-
Nexstim develops, manufactures and Karhu, who were also brain researchers hensive network of various specialists
markets Navigated Brain Stimulation themselves, that the end users would also plays an essential role. The com-
(NBS) devices for clinical use and sci- benefit from the novel technology led pany has recruited a very knowledge-
entific research. Headquartered in Hel- to the founding of Nexstim Oy in 2000 able board, with representatives from
sinki, Finland, Nexstim employs a staff to commercialize the combination of investors, customer organizations and
with high-level expertise in neurophys- stereotactic TMS and high-resolution developers of globally successful med-
iology and brain research and extensive EEG monitoring. Additionally, Risto Il- ical equipment.
knowledge of modern healthcare tech- moniemi agreed to spearhead the fur- It takes considerable effort to con-
nology. ther development of Nexstim serving as vert an original idea into a successful
Established in 2000, following the first chairman of the board (2000– product in the market. It has been over
eight years of extensive technolog- 2003) and functioning as CEO through 15 years since one of the new concepts,
ical and scientific research, Nexstim 2003–2005. Thereafter he has returned pre-surgical localization of key areas of
launched its first commercial product to academic work, but remains the larg- the cortex, was presented to a surgeon
in 2003. The company subsequent- est individual shareholder and techni- at the Helsinki University Central Hos-
ly developed sophisticated tools for cal advisor to the company. Ilmoniemi pital. The surgeon, Dr. Juha Jääskeläin-
neuroscience and clinical research, was supported in the decision to form a en, politely made clear that only reliable
with sales to leading hospitals and company by Markku Lahdenpää, then a products can be used in the actual work
brain research centers throughout professor at the Helsinki School of Eco- of a surgeon. Ten years later, in 2005, the
the world. The company is still firmly in nomics and one of the coaches for Ilm- first real life test of the product was con-
the development phase with approx- niemi’s team in the TULI project, as well ducted, and was a success. Subsequent-
imately €30 million raised from exter- as by his colleague in business consult- ly Jääskeläinen ordered that this meth-
nal investors. The turnover in 2010 was ing, Pekka Puolakka, who became Nex- od should be used in all similar cases.
€1.6 million. stim’s first managing director and was However, even after making the clinical
eventually followed by Dr. Jari Karhu breakthrough in respect of getting the
Company and capability evolution 2000–2003. first customer convinced, generating
The development of Navigated Brain Although Nexstim launched its sufficient sales has taken several addi-
Stimulation (NBS) began with the first commercial product in 2003, it con- tional years. This illustrates the effort re-
launch of the TMS (Transcranial mag- tinues to be, after over ten years, very quired to transfer world class scientific
netic simulation) Imaging Project at dependent on external investors. The knowledge into a marketable product
the BioMag Laboratory of the Helsin- company has been supported by its in such a demanding industry as medi-
ki University Central Hospital in 1994. founders and investors: HealthCap, Life cal equipment.

Innovation support activities Sintrol – Quality in process industry ing of customers’ needs, a portion of its
Appendix 3

Financing from Tekes was crucial when measurement business also consists of the pure sales
Nexstim was still in the basic research of hardware products. But this busi-
phase. During these years, the coach- Sintrol was founded in 1975 and spe- ness also demands an active approach
ing sevices provided by Tekes’s special- cializes in process industry measure- and an understanding of the chang-
ist, Simo Luiro, on the development of ments, automation, non-destructive es in the market. You have to under-
the innovation was valuable. Also sev- testing and laboratory equipment. The stand the bottlenecks of the custom-
eral other key persons, such as Mark- turnover of Sintrol Group, in 2010, was ers’ processes and you must be able
ku Lahdenpää and Pekka Puolakka, €13 million and the CEO is Karl Ehr- to find the right solutions. The role
functioned as Ilmoniemi’s coaches in ström. of companies like Sintrol is, on one
the initial stages of Nexstim. During hand, becoming more and more con-
2004-2010 Nexstim has received €2,6 Company and capability evolution sultative, but, on the other hand, it re-
million in Tekes funding (grants and Sintrol is an expert in measurements re- quires a constant search for new prod-
loans) to further develop the techno- lated to process technology and auto- ucts, in order to meet the cost and so-
logical base. mation. As a solution provider, Sintrol is lution requirements of the customers.
an importer that provides the custom- When Sintrol was established in 1975
Results er with the sought for technical solu- the added value offered to the cus-
The NBS System is rapidly becoming tion. In addition to this, Sintrol has al- tomer was knowhow concerning the
the new standard for functional, pre- so developed its own dust measure- import of equipment and logistics; to-
operative brain mapping prior to neu- ment product line, which represents a day it must be something else.
rosurgery for tumor resection or epi- growing part of Sintrol’s business. The
lepsy. The accuracy of the NBS System dust monitors are exported to countries Innovation support activities
has been shown to be equivalent to di- such as China, India and Germany. Sintrol has been supported by Tekes
rect cortical stimulation, hitherto con- When Karl Ehrström became Sin- during 2004–2010 through financing of
sidered the ”gold standard” method for trol’s majority owner in 1988, the com- €730 000 (loans and grants). This pro-
locating the motor cortex during brain pany had only five employees. Today, gress has taken place in both business
surgery. The NBS System is the only di- Sintrol has about forty employees in development as well as product devel-
rect, non-invasive cortical mapping de- Finland, around ten employees in Rus- opment. Examples of business develop-
vice approved for both the USA (FDA sia, two in Kazakhstan, five in China, and ment driven projects are two firm-led
approval in 2009) and European mar- one in India. The product portfolio con- projects within the Liito-program. Sin-
kets. Many of Nexstim’s innovations are sists of more than 100 different brands trol has also participated in the GAP-
protected by patents. (Yxlon, Olympus, Bycotest, Durag, Ray- program. Sintrol has developed its own
tek etc.). proprietary technology, such as the
Case synthesis In its development work Sintrol dust monitor product, through e.g. a
Tekes, through its financing, enabled has been looking at ways to further project in the Fine-program.
the basic research and partially sup- strengthen its service concepts. The According to Sintrol’s Ehrström
ported the development of the prod- challenge for Sintrol has been instigat- some of the changes would have been
uct after the decision to transfer the ing an internal change among the sales carried out without Tekes’s support, but
commercialization of the innovation to people and the technical experts; from certainly they would have taken more
Nexstim. This case shows that the capa- a product perspective to a more cus- time as development investments are
bility base needs to be developed well tomer-oriented way of thinking. To this scarce. Tekes’s continued support has
ahead of large scale commercialization. end Sintrol also participated in Tekes’s been very beneficial to Sintrol. A good
Liito programs. example was a market study support-
Sources: Interview with Risto Ilmomiemi
Although Sintrol’s focus is on pro- ed by Tekes. As a result of the study,
cesses and developing an understand- Sintrol decided not to go into the busi-

ness in question and Ehrström believes Company and capability evolution form for a boutique-type expert organ-

Appendix 3
this was probably a very wise decision GreenStream was founded in 2001. ization. Adaptation is especially impor-
which was made possible by Tekes’s Most of its founders came from Fortum, tant for small companies as their abil-
support. with a background in the environmen- ity to compete with the huge players
tal field and international business. The is limited. As soon as larger companies
Results company started as a green certificate move into the business, smaller organi-
Sintrol has been able to change its busi- broker, particularly between the Nordic zations must find something new. Thus
ness model into one which is more cus- countries and the Netherlands, where flexibility and speed are the major com-
tomer-oriented and proactive as well taxation was very favorable for green petitive edges for the SMEs.
as develop a proprietary product (dust electricity. In 2003/2004 GreenStream GreenStream’s business model is
monitor). began business related to carbon emis- strongly relationship based. In China
sion markets, the company first served the most important significant factor is
Case synthesis as a broker and consultant in this busi- making the right contacts, knowing the
The case shows how Tekes financ- ness. At present, the business is main- right people. This is not easy and it is al-
ing has made it possible for a compa- ly focused on asset management and so a matter of luck and understanding
ny, such as Sintrol, to make changes, it emission reduction project manage- the cultural background. GreenStream
has enabled the company to take incre- ment. The company is owned by the presently have 13 employees in China,
mental steps into new directions. current and previous management as of these, two are from Finland and the
well as some insurance companies and others are Chinese.
Sources: Interviews with Karl Ehrström,
different investors and banks. The competitive advantage for
GreenStream’s activities have tar- GreenStream is its know-how and the
geted international markets from the fact that the company has been in the
GreenStream Network – Asset very beginning. At its largest, Green- business much longer than many com-
management in green investments Stream had activities in eight different petitors. The main challenges are how
GreenStream Network Plc is a develop- countries, but today business is primar- to manage and finance the fast growth
er and manager of green investment ily concentrated in Finland and China. of the business.
vehicles, basing its excellence on deep This reduction was a result of the rapid
market insight and first-class project growth of Chinese activities, which re- Innovation support activities
management skills. GreenStream es- quired a reallocation of resources. GreenStream has participated in two
tablishes and manages green invest- At the moment GreenStream has Tekes programs: Climbus (two pro-
ment vehicles by selecting attractive contracted about 60 different projects jects) and Groove (one project). The to-
projects and managing these. North- in China related to renewable energy tal financing by Tekes to GreenStream
ern Europe serves as its home market and energy efficiency. Business in Chi- during 2004–2010 has been around
and China is the key area for growth. na is growing rapidly with over 100 €250  000.
GreenStream is also active in Rus- new projects being suggested each Tekes has supported the develop-
sia and Ukraine. GreenStream oper- year. The company’s customers in Chi- ment of new service offerings for in-
ates in the advisory and intermediary na consist of the main energy com- ternational markets as well as provid-
businesses in the environmental mar- panies and financial institutions. Al- ed support for relationship building.
kets, and its 2010 revenues generated though growth is taking place in Chi- Tekes has also served as a coaching
by a staff of 32 people amounted to na, the key know-how resides in the partner and a strong source of support
€6 million. The company has offices in Helsinki office. for GreenStream when internationaliz-
the Baltic Sea region, headquarters in GreenStream believes in the ing its business.
Helsinki, and considerable operations growth of the environmental busi- Other important networks be-
in China. The CEO of the company is ness. As the environmental markets are sides Tekes have included Cleantech
Markku Ahponen. changing fast, they offer a perfect plat- Finland and Finnpartnership. Finnpart-

nership has been supportive in Green- ters in Finland. Tekla was established in with its customers led to new solutions
Appendix 3

Stream’s Chinese and Ukrainian busi- 1966, and is one of the longest-operat- in a wide range of fields, with build-
nesses. However Finnpartnership is ba- ing Finnish software companies. Tekla ing information modeling (steel con-
sically only active during the build-up Corporation became part of US-based struction) and energy/infrastructure as
period whereas Tekes is a more long- Trimble corporation in July 2011. The spearheads.
term partner. Another door opener in CEO of Tekla is Ari Kohonen. In 1998 the company made a de-
the Chinese market has been the FECC cision to change its strategy. The new
(the Finnish Environmental Cluster for Company and capability evolution strategy was that Tekla should become
China). Tekla’s evolution can be divided into an international service/product firm,
two phases: the technology develop- which would base its competitiveness
Results ment phase, 1966–1997, and the inter- on strong in-house development of
Based on the internationalization and of- nationalization phase, beginning from software. This gradually led to a wide
fering development GreenStream Net- 1998. Tekla’s original role was to support range of changes:
work has been able to better address the the technical calculation needs of Finn- •• an (hands-off ) international distrib-
market opportunities in China. ish engineering companies. Software utor relationship with CSC was re-
applications were developed to satis- placed by a mixed (own + partners)
Case synthesis fy customer needs. Co-development international distribution model
The GreenStream Network case shows
how a firm’s capability base enables it Figure 1. Tekla capabilities in 1997
to adapt its business model along with
the evolution of market opportunities.

Sources: Interview with Jussi Nykänen,


● Management
Tekes – nurturing ecosystems by financial

Tekla – Modeling built structures External

Tekla aims to drive the evolution of dig-
ital information models with its soft-
ware, providing a growing competitive
advantage to its customers in the con- ● Sales (intimate and long
CONSTELLATIONS term customer
struction, infrastructure and energy in- relationships in Finland)
● International distribution
dustries. via partner
Tekla’s net sales for 2010 were €58
million and operating result approxi- Resources Markets
mately €10 million. International op- CORE
erations accounted for approximately
● Technology development
80% of net sales. Tekla has customers (modeling, virtual CONCEPT
in 100 countries, offices in 15 countries databases) applied to steel
construction and energy
and a worldwide partner network. Tek- ● Wide product portfolio.
la Group currently employs more than
500 persons, of whom, approximate-
ly, 200 work outside of the headquar- Internal

Table 2. Tekla’s key stakeholders and their respective roles vis-á-vis Tekla funded by Tekes and it has also par-

Appendix 3
ticipated in one research institute pro-
Actor group Role vis-á-vis Tekla Examples
Product development Specific technological expertise Software company in same
ject. Tekla is presently leading one work
partners field supporting Tekla with package in the Pre-program (a SHOK-
information exchange program).
Key customers Co-specialization between Granlund, Bechtel As Tekla has emerged into a tech-
customers and Tekla - enabling the nology leader, Tekes’s role has changed
evolution of Tekla’s products and
from supporting technology develop-
capabilities and providing references
ment to also supporting the target mar-
Industrial associations Support in building networks
ket’s overall development (so that Tek-
Universities and Used for developing Tekla’s own Frauenhofer, VTT
research institutes competence or joint research/ la can better co-evolve with its custom-
concepts, prototypes ers). Program evaluations and Tekla’s
Standardization Support in promoting Open BIM own reflections point out that Tekes’s
bodies in practice support has, in later years, also enabled
new product functionalities, service de-
•• a decision was taken to concentrate ceived a total of €2.8 million in grants velopment and research of methodolo-
on two core products: building in- and loans. Tekla has, during the period gies (that can potentially later be inte-
formation modeling (BIM) and solu- 2004–2010, had four firm-led projects grated into Tekla’s offerings).
tions for infrastructure and energy in-
dustries. Figure 2. Tekla capabilities in 2011

But in spite of changing its strategic fo-

cus and becoming more internation- CULTURE COURSE

al Tekla continued its strong customer ● Change from technology ● Market monitoring
focus. Subsequently Tekla’s key stake- to service/product firm and road maps
holders and their respective roles vis-á-
vis Tekla are shown in Table 2. ● Short & long term
Tekla’s initial capabilities, relating
to technology and sales/customer re- External
lationships, have been expanded to
reflect the broadening of the service
scope to also include product manage- CUSTOMERS
ment and service development, and ● Sales complemented with
the sales capabilities have been com- CONSTELLATIONS marketing
● Combined own and
plemented by Tekla’s marketing and partners’ international
distribution capabilities. The co-ordi- distribution
nation capabilities have been com- Resources Markets
plemented by foresight and a related CORE
systematic road mapping of its future ● Focused products with
products. technology leadership
(BIM/Structures, solutions CONCEPT
for infrastructure and energy)
Innovation support activities ● Strong product
Tekla has continuously applied for ● Service development

funding support for its development

from Tekes. During 2004–2010 Tekla re- Internal

Results overall industry as Tekla increasingly fo- Capman were the other owners 1999–
Appendix 3

Tekla has been able to integrate its soft- cused on its core expertise. 2005). In 2005 Cantell became the main
ware platforms into its customer pro- owner of the company (70%), with an
Sources: Interviews with Ritva Keinonen,
cesses by developing integrated offer- aim of revitalizing it. Normet’s capability, Tekla history: From
ing packages. This has enabled Tekla set at the end of the 1990s was typical
punch cards to product modeling
to become a world leader in building for an OEM manufacturer at that time,
information modeling. Tekla has also strong generative capabilities in pro-
been highly profitable. This created in- Normet – For tough jobs in mining duction and development of technol-
terest regarding the acquisition of Tek- and tunneling ogy and global sales via dealers.
la among numerous potential acquir- The Normet Group is a fast growing Normet’s sights had been set on
ers. In summer 2011, Tekla’s board ac- Finnish technology company operating global markets from the very incep-
cepted Trimble Navigation’s acquisition globally in 28 locations on 6 continents. tion of its forest machinery operations.
bid of €337million. In the press release, Normet is focusing on advanced solu- When Normet began its mining oper-
the rationale of the transaction was de- tions for selected customer processes in ations, it benefitted from Tekes’s fore-
scribed as follows: underground mining, tunnel construc- sight, Tekes had developed this fore-
The integration of Tekla’s BIM soft- tion and underground space projects. sight as a result of the Intelligent Mine
ware solutions with Trimble’s building These solutions include: development program, launched in the 1990s, which
construction estimating, project man- and manufacturing of specialized ma- developed automation processes and
agement and BIM-to-field solutions chinery and equipment; life time care wireless technologies for new types of
will enable a compelling set of produc- services; construction chemicals; and mining operations.
tivity solutions for contractors around customer process optimization. Highly When the new ownership evalu-
the world... Clients around the world mechanized concrete spraying and ex- ated alternative strategic options in the
will benefit from dedicated workflows plosive charging are examples of these early 2000s, they set out to utilize the
and productivity solutions that are un- customer processes. Today, the Normet international growth opportunity in-
matched in the construction industry Group is a global market leader in its herent in Normet. This meant changes
today. Additionally, Trimble’s significant chosen market segments. The Group in business and production models as
global customer base will immediately generated turnover of more than €160 well as distribution and management.
extend Tekla’s customer reach, while Tek- million in 2011 and employs 700 pro- Normet started to develop its ser-
la’s global presence in the building and fessionals around the world. The com- vice business and initiated a Tekes-fi-
construction market will bolster Trimble’s pany’s Chairman of the Board and main nanced project called Norse. In this pro-
own customer reach… Tekla and Trim- shareholder is Aaro Cantell. Normet re- ject it quickly became evident that the
ble’s combined solutions will enable us to ceived the 2011 Internationalization change towards services was impossi-
provide our customers with the broadest Award of the President of the Repub- ble without changing the distribution
and most sophisticated BIM capability lic of Finland. structure. This resulted in the 2007 de-
available today. cision to change the sales organization
Company and capability evolution from a distributor driven one to one
Case synthesis Normet began targeting the mining driven by its own sales force and com-
The Tekla case shows how Tekes’s sup- industry in the early 1970s. Revenues plemented by select distribution part-
port enables the development of new from mining equipment did not sur- ners.
basic technologies and offerings that pass forest machinery until the 1980s. Simultaneously Normet decided to
fulfill a customer need. These types of Normet was a subsidiary of Orion outsource everything but frame struc-
needs were complemented by devel- until 1999, at which time Aaro Cantell tures and assembly, which it kept at its
oping further managerial capabilities first became involved with the compa- factory in Iisalmi. This enabled a dou-
(e.g. supporting business model inno- ny through the Fenno Fund, one of Nor- bling of production capacity between
vations) and support of the company’s met’s owners at the time (Eqviteq and 2006 and 2010. This change was also

Figure 3. Normet capability base at the end of 1990’s Increased customer contact has in-

Appendix 3
fluenced Normet’s innovation process-
es. While technical innovation has al-
ways been conducted in close coop-
eration with the customer, customers
COORDINATION are now also increasingly involved in
● Co-ordination
the development of new service con-
(as Orion subsidiary) cepts and total solutions for customers
as well. Due to Normet’s dedication to
External maintaining a close-knit, internation-
al communication network, its innova-
tion processes are easily expanded to
also include close cooperation with ex-
CONSTELLATIONS ternal partners within its business net-
● Global distribution via
distributors work.
Normet has been able to supple-
ment a traditional OEM capability pro-
Resources Markets
file with complementary transformative
and resource integration capabilities. It
has also considerably strengthened its
● Production CONCEPT managerial capabilities.
● Development of
Innovation support activities
Tekes financing to Normet between
2004 and 2010 was, in total, €1,5 million
(grants and loans). Normet has had pro-
jects in both the Production concepts
evident in the setup and personnel, as Normet’s more comprehensive of- and Serve programs, reflecting its dual
Normet today has 28 sites globally in 19 fering and the changes in production development challenge: both produc-
countries, and more than half of its ap- have led to the following relationships tion processes and the business model.
proximately 700 employees are located with key stakeholders (Table 3). The results have included:
outside of Finland. •• The development of the production
concept has enabled subcontractors
Table 3. Normet’s relationships with key stakeholders to move forward in the value chain
and participate in product and ser-
Actor group Role vis-á-vis Normet Examples vice development; more effective-
ly leveraging upon their own core
Technology partners Recruitment base to support Exertus
strategy change competence.
•• Participating in Tekes’s programs
Suppliers Flexible production, freeing up In 2010, Normet was named the
with research institutes and universi-
resources for growth Main Supplier of the year
ties particularly in relation to digital
Customers Development partners of Finnish mines and tunneling modeling and automation process-
products and services contractors
es has provided significant added-
Research partners R & D & I support VTT and Universities value. The application of the results
of research has led to concrete ben-

Figure 4. Normet capability base in 2011 The Switch – Renewable energy
Appendix 3

The Switch is a leading supplier of
● Growth company &
global mindset ● Services megawatt-class permanent magnet
generator and full-power convert-
● Tailored target er packages for wind power and oth-
setting per unit on
short-and long terms er emerging businesses, including so-
lar power and fuel cell applications,
External variable speed gensets and industri-
al applications. The Switch evolved in
2006 from the joint forces of three in-
CONSTELLATIONS CUSTOMERS novative companies – Rotatek Finland,
● Increased responsiveness Verteco and Youtility.
● Management of network
partnerships (production, and customer relationship Net sales of The Switch in 2010
R&D&I) development via own
distribution were €134 million and the operating
profit was €16,6 million. The Switch is
Resources Markets headquartered in Vantaa, Finland and
has two other locations in Finland (Lap-
CORE CONCEPT peenranta and Vaasa), three locations in
● Technology development ● Developing China and offices in Denmark, Germany,
● Modular and comprehensive Spain, India, Korea and the US. The CEO
standardized equipment offerings
is Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen.

Company and capability evolution

Internal The Switch was born as a result of the
merger of three companies Rotatek Fin-
efits. Without Tekes’s support, utiliz- growth opportunities it presents, Nor- land, Verteco and Youtility (US). These
ing these competences would have met has changed its production and three companies had mutually com-
been financially unfeasible. business model. Normet has also made plementary technological bases (Ro-
•• The most significant impacts of Tekes’s a number of acquisitions to support this tatek – Generators, Verteco – Convert-
innovation activities have been in the development. ers and Youtility – Fuel Cells). Customer
development of new technologies needs had converged and these com-
and the evolution of Normet’s servic- Case synthesis panies were already forming consor-
es. The creation of Normet Services, in Normet exemplifies the capability de- tium agreements prior to the merger.
particular, led to a complete renewal velopment from a manufacturing fo- The three companies also partly had
of the company’s strategy in 2005. cused OEM to a global service firm with the same ownership structure.
complementing orchestration capabili- The Switch’s initial strategic deci-
Results ties, with successful Tekes support pro- sions were:
Normet has been able to expand its of- vided at different phases. •• to go international, target the area
fering significantly, serving more cus- with the most rapid growth; i.e. China
tomer-critical processes. With new ser- Sources: Interview with Janne Lehto, •• utilize a technology new to the seg-
vice solutions, in particular, being intro-, presentation by CEO ment (proven elsewhere) – perma-
duced (e.g. Life Time Care). To support Aaro Cantell at Tekes Concepts of nent magnet generators and full
this development, and address the Operations programme 17.2.2011 power converters

•• customer orientation, which entails a significant impact on the company. The production capacity based on demand.

Appendix 3
flexible way of working with custom- flexible strategy has however support- In Finland, production companies are
ers and a flexible offering ed the adaptation. accustomed to rapid fluctuations, this
•• flexible production model, i.e. the The market for wind turbines is behavior has been adopted as a result
Model Factory concept (The Switch on its way towards consolidation, and of lessons learned from Nokia. Overall,
provides R&D services, prototypes, the offering is now packaged in a vari- the Switch has a networked mode of
and 0-series) ety of ways; from standard and adapt- operations, utilizing the best compe-
ed products to tailor made products, li- tence available. The key actor groups
The key founding persons of The Switch censing agreements and component and roles within The Switch network
were: Veijo Karppinen (CEO of Ven- sales. The Switch has twenty wind-en- are shown in Table 4.
ture Capital Firm VNT Management), ergy customers and a few solar-energy The Switch’s growth has been very
J-P Mäkinen (CEO of The Switch), and customers. fast, from 22 employees and a turnover
Dag Sandås (CFO of The Switch). They The main partners in converter of €10 million in 2006 to 270 employees
all shared a background at Vacon. Their production are Scanfil (both in Finland and a turnover of €135 million in 2010.
Vacon background had the following and in China) and YIT (only in Finland). The owners and financers have
benefits: In generators the main partners are been central to the company’s success.
•• a well-established network and trust Holming Works in Finland and Dong- Over its first three years, the company
between the key individuals fang in China. These partners need made significant losses, after which it
•• Vacon became a minority sharehold- to be aligned with The Switch’s busi- has been profitable. The Switch has re-
er and a component supplier ness model in order for the co-opera- ceived investments from Vacon, Semik-
•• Vacon could focus and divest their tion to operate efficiently, some earlier ron, VNT Power Fund and Finnish Indus-
partial ownership in Rotatek partners have not been able to achieve try Investments as well as its personnel.
this goal. In total, the partners and The Tekes has supported The Switch with a
The founders’ initial vision, in 2006, was Switch have invested €90 million in The total of €251 000 (grant and loans), not
to serve all segments; wind, solar, fuel Switch and its production facilities. The accounting for pre-merger financing to
cells, industry. However, shortly it be- Switch has been able to flexibly scale its Rotatek Finland and Verteco.
came evident that this was not possi-
ble and wind was chosen as the first fo-
Table 4. The key actor groups and roles within The Switch network
cus, as it was the most mature market.
Due to the market’s relative youth, The
Actor group Role vis-á-vis The Switch Examples
Switch’s business model relied on tailor
Customers Support in tailoring solutions In total, approx. 20 customers
made products.
in wind power
In 2007-2008, the company was in
a phase of high growth which necessi- Production partners Flexible production capacity Scanfil, YIT, Holming Works,
based on demand Dongfang
tated further development of the pro-
duction model. Retrospectively, unusu- Engineering partners Flexible engineering capacity
on demand, or best possible
ally large orders of converters proved competence
very significant for the company. In
Other producers of Capabilities in Universities ABB, Vacon
2008, operations in China began to
similar technologies through their work with
grow rapidly and continued through- similar firms.
out the next year.
Locations Capability bases that can Vaasa –energy cluster,
In 2010-2011, the focus shifted to (and Universities) be utilized Lappeenranta – product
the generator business, as the effects of development & technology,
the economic downturn, especially no- Vantaa –managerial
table in the wind power sector, had a capabilities

Figure 5. The Switch capability set in 2011 With highly complementary engi-
Appendix 3

neering capabilities and product offer-

CULTURE ings, the combination of The Switch and
● Trust
AMSC will provide significant addition-
established al value for our customers, partners and
between key actors
investor. Both AMSC and The Switch are
COORDINATION well positioned in Asia, which is now the
world’s largest and fastest growing wind
power market. Our combined company
External is expected to be serving China’s three
largest wind turbine manufacturers – Si-
novel, Goldwind and Dongfang – in var-
CUSTOMERS ious capacities. The Switch will also sig-
CONSTELLATIONS ● Flexible packaging of nificantly strengthen AMSC’s presence
offering to meet in Western wind markets with custom-
customer needs
ers such as GE and create a new channel
to market for AMSC. In short, this com-
Resources Markets
bination will create a global wind pow-
CORE erhouse.
● Proven technology However, due to a rapid decline of
(permanent magnet CONCEPT the Chinese wind turbine market, the
generators, full power
converters) applied to deal was terminated as AMSC failed to
new field receive the external financing required
to fund the acquisition. However, de-
spite the mutual termination of the ac-
quisition agreement, both parties ex-
pressed a willingness to continue to
Innovation support activities The Switch is also an active mem- seek synergies between the two com-
ber in Cleen Oy (SHOK). panies and expected to continue to
Tekes has been valuable in supporting work collaboratively on drivetrain solu-
growth ambitions both in terms of tech- Results tions that increase wind turbine reliabil-
nology (broadening the offering) and The Switch was able to apply an ex- ity and lower the cost of energy.
business model (the networked model isting technology, permanent magnet
was necessary due to the rapid growth). generators and full power converters, Case synthesis
The Switch projects have been Switch- to a new field. This enabled The Switch The Switch has developed a business
driven within programs such as Produc- to develop the broadest and most flexi- model in which a networked model is
tion concepts (2 projects), Climbus (1 ble offering portfolio in its field (tailored, applied to enable effective leveraging
project). In Groove The Switch has had standard, adapted products, compo- of its strong generative capabilities in
one firm-driven project and participat- nent sales and licensing). This has al- the renewable energy industry in order
ed in one project with VTT. Prior to the so been noticed internationally, and in to gain the flexibility to grow and adapt
merger, Rotatek Finland and Verteco March 2011 it was announced that the to market changes. Tekes has been able
had several projects in e.g. Densy. American company AMSC would ac- to support this evolution.
The support from Finnvera was quire The Switch at the price of €190
very important in the company’s rela- million. The rationale behind the acqui- Sources: Interview with Dag Sandås,
tionships with banks. sition was described as follows:

Beneq – Advanced knowledge gy platforms: atomic layer deposition ing; knowledge of international mar-

Appendix 3
in thin film manufacturing (ALD) and aerosol coating. kets; process management; product
The company turnover in 2010 was (life cycle) management; and adap-
Beneq is a supplier of production and over €10 million and the firm had a total tive planning. Following Knill Gruppe’s
research equipment for advanced thin of over 60 employees at its headquar- (an Austrian competitor) 2005 acqui-
film coatings. Beneq serves the clean- ters in Vantaa and subsidiaries in Ger- sition of Nextrom, the diversification
tech and renewable energy fields and is many, China and the US. The CEO of the plan was halted. As a result, persons
at the forefront of applications develop- company is Sampo Ahonen. involved in the diversification study
ment in solar power technology, energy founded Beneq.
conservation and flexible electronics. Company and capability evolution Beneq’s initial ten person team
Applications and target industries Beneq is a spin-off from Nextrom, a represented the competence required
include transparent conductive oxides, company specializing in fiber optics to begin operations. The business idea
barriers and passivation layers especial- machinery, and was originally a sub- was to design new industrial equip-
ly for solar industry, LED and OLED and sidiary of Nokia. A study was undertak- ment and machinery using new inno-
glass strengthening. Beneq also offers en by Nextrom on where it could suc- vative technologies. The selection of ap-
complete coating and development cessfully apply its capabilities. The key plication areas fell on atomic layer dep-
services to its customers. The business capabilities were identified as: techni- osition and aerosol coating. Co-opera-
is built on two nano-based technolo- cal expertise in machine manufactur- tion with companies specialized in the
technologies, Planar and ABR Innova,
Figure 6. Initial capability set of Beneq (2005, at time of spin-off from Nextrom) was initiated, resulting, a year later, in
these technologies being acquired by
Beneq. Beneq began developing the
first customer solutions based on these
CULTURE ● Applying technologies, also utilizing competenc-
capabilities in
new areas es of leading university researchers. As
part of company strategy, Beneq has
● Adaptive also developed production and design
partnerships to carry out the equip-
ment manufacturing. The first commer-
cial product, an ALD Coating machine,
was finished in 2005.
The application areas have lat-
CUSTOMERS er been narrowed down to cleantech/
● Knowledge of renewable energy and related coat-
international markets ing equipment. Beneq is differentiated
from its competitors through its con-
Resources Markets tinued focus, present from the outset,
on both research and industrial scale
CORE equipment as well as on developing
● Process management applications supported by IPR portfolio,
Product (life cycle) CONCEPT

whereas competitors have, at least ini-
● Technical expertise tially, primarily targeted research equip-
Beneq has developed a business
Internal model with the following elements: (i)

finding a relevant technical idea and a Figure 7. Beneq capability profile 2011
Appendix 3

globally leading firm as a pilot custom-

er, (ii) providing a joint development COURSE
process, (iii) linking in additional com-
CULTURE ● Focusing on
plementary research for the technolog- renewable energy
ical and equipment manufacturing so- COORDINATION sources
lutions, (iv) building the prototype, and,
● Adaptive
finally, the production equipment. planning
By orchestrating its own ecosys-
tem, Beneq manages these collabora- External
tive projects and owns the IPR related
to the technologies. Beneq wants to CONSTELLATIONS
ensure the customer’s success through ● Management of
the new developed technology. Beneq collaborative, open-
● Collaboration with
innovation projects with
also searches for alternative paths for best possible partners in internationally leading
reference costomers
commercializing its IPR. The develop- research and
ment of Beneq has resulted in a broad
Resources Markets
network including over 200 organiza-
tions in total. Working with the best ● Process management CONCEPT
● Product (life-cycle)
competence, irrespective of whether
management ● Concept for developing
the competence is internal or exter- ● Technical expertise
solutions to the
(specifically high temperatures
nal, has been a guiding principle. Ta- & gaseous materials)
technical challenges of
ble 5 below presents some key actor ● Research into new
groups, roles and examples of organ-
izations. Internal
Beneq’s growth strategy has been
supported by its founders, private in- Table 5. Beneq’s key actor groups, roles and examples of organizations
dividuals and venture capital firms (In-
venture, 2006 & 2007, Via Venture Part- Actor group Role vis-á-vis Beneq Examples
ners, 2007 & 2011, Finnish Industry In- Leading global Co-developing solutions Asahi Glass Limited
vestments, 2011). In the period be- companies and business cases
tween 2006-2010, Beneq has received Business partners Co-development of Glaston, ALD Nanosolutions
a total of €4,1 million in from Tekes opportunities
(loans and grants) to support its de- Distributors Seeking customer &
velopment. market potential
Throughout its history, Beneq has Research institutions Expertise, resources for University of Helsinki (inorganic chem-
R&D&I istry), Aalto University (Micronova),
strengthened its resource integration, Tampere University of Technology
business modeling and transformative (aerosol physics), NREL, NASA, Chinese
capabilities. In its innovation and com- Academy of Science, Frauenhofer
mercialization processes it looks for re- Institute, Helmoltz Zentrum Berlin
sources far beyond its own organiza- Design partners Complementing design Finnsampo, Etteplan
tional borders. This strong development
Manufacturing Producing the equipment Mechania, KTS Mekano, Turun
focus has also refined its technology-re-
after 0-series Tekotekniikka, Partnertech – + 20
lated generative capabilities. other manufacturing partners

Innovation support activities the venture capital firms indicates that Company and capability evolution

Appendix 3
Among the first activities undertaken there is a strong belief in Beneq’s po- Smartum was born out of the desire
by Beneq was the utilization of inter- tential. to provide greater flexibility in how
nationally leading incubators to find in- and where employees use employer-
novative application areas for their ca- Case synthesis subsidized fitness/sports benefits. The
pabilities. These activities resulted in Beneq exemplifies how a compa- Hyökyvaara founders operated popular
Beneq’s receiving a very large number ny possessing a generator capabili- gyms, but received customer feedback
of suggestions. ty set can build orchestrator capabili- that their gyms were not approved by
Beneq has had a total of six firm-led ties by purposefully co-evolving with the employers for company use. Thus,
Tekes projects in the FinNano and Func- a broader network as well as the var- the brothers decided to develop a ser-
tional Materials programs. It has partic- ious possible roles which Tekes can vice (voucher and support process) to
ipated in nine research projects and in occupy in such a process. The rap- facilitate the optimized management of
one project lead by another compa- id growth has been enabled both these benefits for both employers and
ny. Program evaluations and Beneq’s by venture capital and support from employees. Smartum was founded and
own reflections express the benefits of Tekes. As a result of Tekes’s support, it utilized the lunch vouchers (Lounas-
Tekes’s support in building partnerships Beneq has been able to address a big- seteli) as a model for running the pay-
in business and research as well as the ger number of technical challenges. ment system. Perseverant sales activi-
building of human capital. Tekes has also helped to steer the re- ties and being receptive to the sugges-
Beneq was a pilot company in the search and partnership development tions of service providers and employ-
NIY –program (Young Innovative En- as well as the co-development of new ers, created the basis for the success. A
terprise) and thus has also gained ex- offerings/business models. new wave of growth came with legisla-
perience of Tekes’s new strategy to- tion, introduced in 2004, which made
Sources: Interviews with CEO Sampo
wards growth enterprises. Beneq per- a portion of the employer-provided
Ahonen and CTO Tommi Vainio,
ceived this as a positive development, sports benefits tax-free income for the
this despite Beneq’s having to co-de- employee, a development which came
velop many parts of the content of the as the result of Smartum’s active pro-
program with Tekes. Smartum – Pioneering service motion to members of parliament over
vouchers several years. In a similar manner, Smart-
Results Smartum Oy is a service company that um introduced, in 2005, the culture
Beneq has broadened and refined Nex- produces targeted employment bene- voucher, which again became partially
trom’s initial innovation capabilities and fits in the form of means of payment. tax-free for the employee later.
applied these capabilities to new appli- The company was established in 1995. The core element of the Smartum
cations and technology areas. Beneq’s Smartum’s targeted payment instru- offerings is assisting employers in pro-
model of supporting the industri- ments provide the employer with a ver- viding benefits to employees and si-
al equipment development and pro- satile, easy, and cost-effective means of multaneously opening up a market for
duction concept with complementary supporting an employee’s spontane- service providers. This not only expands
technological expertise from universi- ous development. 100% of the deci- employees’ freedom of choice but also
ties has emerged gradually. The co-op- sion-makers in the personnel admin- improves their wellbeing. The wellbe-
eration has resulted in the awarding of istration of Smartum’s customer com- ing factor is important as this explains
over 100 patent families to Beneq. panies would recommend Smartum to why the state has supported this with a
The company’s growth has been their colleagues. favorable tax code.
rapid, and the company has yet to make Smartum’s turnover in 2010 was The Smartum network now con-
a profit due to the aggressive growth €50 million. The CEO of the company is tains 4 000 sites where the benefits can
strategy, but the continued support of Maarit Hannula. be used and 11 000 employers utilize

the service, which means that 25 % of ed in the future. This motivated Jykes (a The next logical step for Jykes was
Appendix 3

the Finnish workforce are Smartum cus- development firm owned by the City of to apply for funding for the next stage
tomers. Smartum is home-market ori- Jyväskylä) to further research this po- of development in Tekes’s Customer –
ented and family owned. tential market in order to enhance well- Provider model - project. Tekes’s initial
Smartum basically fulfills two crit- being entrepreneurship. In this study it response to the application was neg-
ical roles, firstly, it needs to be a skill- was shown that if vouchers are provid- ative. A refined application received
ful orchestrator to link together the in- ed by the public sector there has to be Tekes’s support, but the city had then
terests of different partners in order to a cost efficient voucher firm to manage rejected the idea. After some modifi-
open up a new market (develop a con- the process if benefits are to be gained. cations of the project plan the project
cept, link different resources and evolve A pilot project was undertaken to was undertaken as a co-operation be-
the business model). Secondly, Smart- test the voucher in select social services. tween the city and Jykes, and support-
um has to serve the established sys- Jykes became the lead organization as ed by Smartum.
tem by providing an efficient system the service providers needed to become The project did not proceed
for managing benefits, and developing involved and Jykes was believed to have smoothly at the beginning. For in-
the support services based on continu- the skills to work with them. The key per- stance, the merger of several munici-
ous feedback. son from Jykes succeeded, as a result of palities with Jyväskylä delayed the en-
Smartum’s whole business model persistent encouragement, in convinc- gagement of the city officials. Gradu-
is thus based on establishing added val- ing Smartum to support the pilot. ally, however, the city leadership start-
ue between the various actors in its net- The pilot proved that customer ed to recognize the potential bene-
work and reinforcing their connections choice was a good way to steer the re- fits of the concept. A voucher system
to each other (Table 6). sources, but it presented the city with would improve customer choice and
The emergence of Smartum’s third, the challenge of developing a method this would, at the same time, imply sav-
and latest, product range followed a dif- for managing these services as a whole. ings for the city. This would transform
ferent route. Smartum was introduced Through the pilot, however, Jykes was the city’s health care and social servic-
to the possibility of operating in a new able to communicate to national legis- es systems significantly, requiring a cus-
field: supporting social and health ser- lators that the planned maximum value tomer service desk providing custom-
vices with their competences. of €20 per voucher would not suffice if ers with 24/7 support for the vouchers.
The ministry of Social Affairs and the application area was expanded and, This implied a cultural change as city
Health communicated, in 2004, that use consequently, the legislation does not officials could now have an impact on
of service vouchers could be expand- stipulate a maximum value. how the customer, through his or her
own behavior, could reduce expenses
Table 6. Smartum’s network and connections to each other for the city.
The key person at Jykes, Maree-
Actor group Role vis-á-vis Smartum Examples na Löfgrén, had, prior to the final Tekes
End customers Recipients of vouchers, utilize Individuals of all ages decision, joined Smartum and begun
and provide feedback on and development of the voucher related
ideas for services
business in the public sector. She was
Service providers New application areas for Gyms, museums, dentists
able to utilize the electronic manage-
Smartum’s offering
ment system for the vouchers (from a
Employers / benefit Paying customer for Smartum’s
providers services Tekes project) as input for designing the
Key customers Co-development of offering, City of Jyväskylä health care and social voucher process.
reference customers The support system was further de-
Professional Complementing competences Lobbyists, ICT developers veloped in dialogue with the custom-
service firms er care personnel. Development work
National authorities Regulation of market Parliament, Tax Authorities has continued and the supported ser-

Figure 8. Smartum capability set in 2011 Due to its role as an intermediary

Appendix 3
between parties, Smartum is itself often
COURSE approached by parties seeking to en-
CULTURE ● Working with
ter the market, among these are: small
stakeholders to enable firms with new, Tekes-supported offer-
COORDINATION system change
ings. Thus Smartum can, at best, pro-
● Managing vide innovation support activities itself.
related business
External Smartum has become a market leader
in service vouchers and has developed
CONSTELLATIONS a system that is used by over thirty cit-
CUSTOMERS ies and municipalities.
● Development of
concept with key Continuous

stakeholders development Case synthesis
(employers, service based on feedback
providers, authorities The Smartum case provides a view of
how the actual development of a sys-
Resources Markets
tem level innovation, demanding the
establishing of a new orchestrated
CORE CONCEPT ecosystem, requires a different capa-
● Electronic systems for ● New concept for bility set than the later phase of actu-
managing benefits service vouchers ally orchestrating this ecosystem. It al-
so shows that this type of orchestra-
tion platform development potential-
Internal ly transforms the roles of the participat-
ing parties during the process of the
ecosystem’s gradual maturation. Tekes’s
vice forms have been expanded; be- only a single national system, this im- role has, thus far, been primarily to sup-
ginning with temporary at- home-care plies that the service voucher systems port the development of some techni-
and filial care, and later to child family demand stronger orchestrator capa- cal component of Smartum’s ecosys-
care, therapies and dental health ser- bilities. The first service voucher pilot tem. But it can be envisaged that the
vices. The system is provided as a ser- projects were financed within AKO- systemic efforts to build such ecosys-
vice to the cities, in order to make their program. Smartum has subsequent- tems are a new important innovation
decision making easier. The objectives ly received financing of €360 000 from field that also is becoming increasing-
of the Jyväskylä demonstration project Tekes during 2004-2010 by participat- ly important for Tekes.
have, to a large extent, been achieved. ing in a Serve-project to build the elec-
Smartum’s capability set at present is tronic system for benefit management. Sources: Interviews with Mareena Löfgren,
depicted in Figure 8. Smartum also participated in a City
of Jyväskylä project funded by Tekes,
Innovation support activities which enabled the development of
In the case of service vouchers, several its service voucher offering. The Tekes
systems have been established (Smart- funding enabled a safe environment
um has about thirty cities as custom- for development for the city and a ref-
ers), whereas the other benefits have erence to Smartum.

Appendix 4. List of interviewees
Appendix 4

Nokia, Esko Aho

RYM, Ari Ahonen
Beneq, Sampo Ahonen
Kone, Matti Alahuhta
Sintrol, Karl Ehrström
Forestcluster, Christine Hagström-Näsi
Tieto, Bo Harald
Valio, Matti Harju
SalWe, Saara Hassinen
Elektrobit, Hannu Huttunen
Nexstim, Risto Ilmoniemi
CLEEN, Tommy Jacobson
Tekla, Ritva Keinonen
Kemira, Harri Kerminen
StoraEnso, Jukka Kilpeläinen
Tampere University of Technology, Markku Kivikoski
Lifeline Ventures, Petteri Koponen
Sitra, Mikko Kosonen
FIMECC, Harri Kulmala
Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Centre of Expertise Programme), Pirjo Kutinlahti
VTT, Erkki Leppävuori
Neste Oil, Lars Peter Lindfors
Smartum, Mareena Löfgren
GreenStream Network, Jussi Nykänen
TIVIT, Reijo Paananen
University of Oulu, Taina Pihlajaniemi
Rautaruukki, Arto Ranta-Eskola
FIT Biotech, Kalevi Reijonen
Teleste, Ilkka Ritakallio
Orion, Reijo Salonen
The Switch, Dag Sandås
Tellabs, Risto Soila
Cargotec, Matti Sommarberg
Aalto University, Tuula Teeri
Biotie Therapies, Timo Veromaa

Appendix 5. Concluding assessment in Finnish

Appendix 5
Tekesin toimenpiteet nen ja Aleksi Kärkkäinen tukivat analyy- Sen perusteella on myös rakennettu
innovaatiokyvykkyyden sityötä koko hankkeen aikana. Tämän li- viitekehys, jonka avulla voidaan arvioi-
kehittämiseksi Suomessa säksi asiantuntijoina olivat mukana Pro- da kansallisen innovaationjärjestelmän
fessorit Philip Cooke, Cardiff University luonnetta. Suomen innovaatiojärjes-
ja Tomi Laamanen, University of St. Gal- telmää kuvataan myös tätä viitekehys-
Johdanto len sekä Arne Eriksson, joka on tehnyt tä käyttäen.
Strategiassaan Tekes on määritellyt lukuisia innovaatioselvityksiä Vinnoval- Luotua viitekehystä käytetään lu-
erääksi keskeiseksi tavoitteekseen ke- le Ruotsissa. Kaikki tässä mainitut hen- vussa neljä arvioimaan neljää muu-
hittää sellaisia kyvykkyyksiä, joita tar- kilöt ovat antaneet kommenttejaan ra- ta kansallista innovaatiojärjestelmää:
vitaan innovaatioiden aikaansaami- portin eri versioihin, ja näin ollen ra- Tanskan, Irlannin, Ruotsin ja Sveitsin.
seen. Menestyvän innovaatiotoimin- portti edustaa koko ryhmän yhteistä Maa-analyysien tärkein tehtävä on ol-
nan edellytyksiin kuuluu osaamisten ja näkemystä. lut tunnistaa sellaisia innovaatiokyvyk-
verkostojen vahvistaminen. kyyden rakentamiseen tähtääviä toi-
Syksyllä 2011 käynnistettiin han- Raportin rakenne menpiteitä, joita on menestyksekkääs-
ke, jonka tarkoituksena oli selvittää mi- Raportti koostuu kuudesta luvusta. ti otettu käyttöön muualla, jotta pystyt-
ten Tekesin toimenpiteet ovat edesaut- Johdannossa todetaan Tekesin tavoit- täisiin arvioimaan kuinka vastaavat toi-
taneet innovaatiokyvykkyyksien raken- teet, ja määritellään ne puitteet, missä menpiteet ovat Suomessa onnistuneet.
tumista suomalaisessa innovaatiojär- innovaatiokyvykkyyden rakentamisen Luvun neljän lopuksi yhdistetään kirjal-
jestelmässä. Tässä raportissa on esitet- arviointi toteutettiin. lisuuskatsauksen löydökset ja maa-ana-
ty tämän selvityksen tuloksia. Toisessa luvussa esitetään kirjalli- lyyseissa esiin tulleet havainnot, jolloin
Innovaatiokyvykkyys ei ole yksise- suuskatsaus, jonka avulla määriteltiin pystytään identifioimaan 45 aktiviteet-
litteisesti määritelty käsite. Esimerkiksi tutkimuksen keskeiset käsitteet. Lähes- tilajia, jotka voivat vaikuttaa suotuisas-
Tekesiä vastaavat organisaatiot muissa tymistavaksi otettiin systeeminäkökul- ti innovaatiokyvykkyyden muodostu-
Euroopan maissa eivät ole määritelleet ma ja asiakaskeskeisyys. Kyvykkyystar- miseen.
tavoitteekseen innovaatiokyvykkyyden kastelussa nojauduttiin ns. dynaamis- Viidennessä luvussa esitetään var-
kehittämistä. Siksi selvityksen ensim- ten kyvykkyyksien koulukuntaan (ks. sinainen arviointi Tekesin toimenpiteis-
mäinen tehtävä oli suorittaa kirjallisuus- esim. Teece, 2009) ja käytettiin Walli- tä. Ensimmäisessä osassa arvioidaan
tutkimus, jonka kautta määriteltiin kes- nin kyvykkyysmallia, jossa organisaati- Tekesin omaan sisäiseen informaati-
keiset käsitteet. Niiden avulla pystyttiin on kyvykkyydet jaetaan neljään opera- oon perustuen keitä, mitä ja miten Te-
sekä analysoimaan Tekesin tehtyjä toi- tiiviseen kyvykkyyteen ja kolmeen joh- kes on rahoittanut ja tukenut ja miten
menpiteitä että suorittamaan täydentä- tamiskyvykkyyteen (ks. Wallin, 2000). nämä toimenpiteet ovat tukeneet in-
viä yritysanalyysejä ja asiantuntijahaas- Innovaatioiden määritelmäksi valittiin novaatiokyvykkyyksien rakentumista.
tatteluja innovaatiokyvykkyyksien tun- OECD:n käyttämä tapa. Näiden perus- Toisessa osassa arvioidaan miten asi-
nistamiseksi ja Tekesin toimenpiteiden käsitteiden avulla mallinnettiin inno- akkaat, Tekesin rahoittamat yritykset,
tulosten arvioimiseksi. vaatiokyvykkyyksien kehittämistyötä. ovat arvioineet Tekesin toimenpiteiden
Selvityksen päävastuullisena to- Mallin avulla voitiin arvioida, mitä toi- edesauttaneen innovaatiokyvykkyyksi-
teutusorganisaationa toimi Synocus. menpiteitä tarvitaan innovaatiokyvyk- en muodostumista. Kolmannessa osas-
Raportin koostamisesta on vastannut kyyksien rakentamiseksi. sa on analysoitu, miten Tekesin saama
Johan Wallin. Patrik Laxell suoritti yritys- Luvussa kolme on lyhyt katsaus projektipalautteen mukaan on arvioi-
haastattelut ja -analyysit. Jussi Hulkko- suomalaiseen innovaatiojärjestelmään. tu innovaatiokyvykkyyksien syntymistä

hankkeissa. Lopuksi neljännessä osas- korostuu monitieteellisyys ja monialai- Yritysanalyysit ja haastattelut toi-
Appendix 5

sa esitetään muutamia havaintoja siitä, suus. Tekesin pitää tässä olla aloitteente- vat esille sen, että menestyksekäs toi-
miten suomalaisen innovaatiojärjestel- kijänä uudenlaisten yhteistyömuotojen minta kansainvälisissä ekosysteemeis-
män tulee huomioida meneillään ole- ja liittoumien muodostamisessa. Haas- sä on avain innovaatioiden onnistumi-
vat muutokset kansainvälisessä inno- teellisuutta lisää se, että toimintamal- selle. Tekesin tulee tuoda kehitys- ja or-
vaatiotoiminnassa. lit ja -tavat ovat toimialakohtaisia. Näin kestrointialustoja asiakkaidensa käyt-
Kuudes luku esittää yhteenvetona kyky arvioida, mitä tulee mihinkin tilan- töön ja samanaikaisesti huolehtia siitä,
kaikki ne arvioinnit ja suositukset, joita teeseen soveltaa, nousee ensiarvoisen että tiedonhallintaprosessit toimivat si-
on aiemmin esitetty luvuissa neljä ja vii- tärkeäksi. Suomelle ja Tekesille proaktii- ten, että aito itseään ruokkiva yhteistyö
si. Raportissa on esitetty yhteensä kak- vinen kansainvälinen toiminta on tässä lähtee vahvistumaan.
sitoista arviointi-/suositusparia. Sen li- avainasemassa, ja kansainvälisessä toi- Tekesillä on säännöllinen arvioin-
säksi tuotiin esille kaksi yleisempää ta- minnassa Suomi on jonkin verran jäljes- tiprosessi. Sen tuottamaa tietokantaa
voitetta suomalaiselle innovaatiojärjes- sä parhaista kilpailijoista. pystytään tulevaisuudessa hyödyn-
telmälle. Tekesin vuosien 2004–2010 aika- tämään vielä aktiivisemmin ja tehok-
na tehdyt toimenpiteet ovat vastan- kaammin. Tulee myös harkita, voisiko
Arvioinnin tulokset neet hyvin uusiin haasteisiin. Pk-sekto- väliraportoinneissa käyttää samanlaista
Tekesin toimintaympäristö on voimak- rille on lisätty rahoitusta. Suurten yritys- informaatiorakennetta kuin loppuarvi-
kaiden muutosten kohteena. Innovaa- ten rahoitusosuutta ei voida mitenkään oinneissa. Tämä toisi vielä tehokkaam-
tiotoiminnassa painopiste on siirtymäs- pitää ylisuurena, kun erityisesti viime ai- man seurantavälineen Tekesin johdon
sä teknologioista ja tuotteista ratkai- koina on alkanut vahvistua se käsitys, käyttöön.
suihin ja ekosysteemeihin. Tämä vaa- että suurten yritysten merkitys menes- Arvioinnin yhteenvetona voidaan
tii kansallisilta innovaatiojärjestelmil- tyksekkäissä ekosysteemi-innovaatiois- todeta, että Tekes on varsin hyvin omil-
tä kykyä muuntua ja sopeutua tilantei- sa on hyvinkin keskeinen. Myös rahoi- la toimenpiteillään onnistunut vahvis-
siin. Niiltä edellytetään voimakkaampaa tettavien alojen valinnoissa Tekes on tamaan innovaatiokyvykkyyttä suoma-
osallistumista uudentyyppisten yhteis- hyvin tasapainottanut vanhaa ja uutta. laisessa talouselämässä. Kolme asiaa
työrakenteiden luomiseen ja tukemi- On tärkeää, että Tekes jatkossakin pitää vaatii jatkossa Tekesin johdolta erityis-
seen. omasta linjastaan kiinni, koska Tekes on tä huomiota:
Tekes on hyvin tiedostanut me- kiistattomasti Suomen innovaatioken- •• uusien toimintatapojen juurruttami-
neillään olevat muutokset, ja on myös tän keskeisin toimija. nen, jotta voidaan pärjätä kansain-
käynnistänyt toimenpiteitä, jotka vas- Innovaatiologiikan muutoksista välisissä orkestroiduissa ekosystee-
taavat uusiin haasteisiin. Kun Tekesiä on seurannut kaksi merkittävää haas- meissä
verrataan vastaaviin innovaatiotoimi- tetta. Toinen on tarve yhdistää erilaisia •• potentiaalisten kasvuyritysten identi-
joihin muissa maissa, Tekesiä voidaan teknologioita ja osaamisia vaativien rat- fiointi ja niiden tukeminen siihen asti,
yhä vielä pitää eräänä johtavana inno- kaisujen aikaansaamiseksi ja toinen on että ne ovat tukevasti päässeet kasvu-
vaatiotoimijana maailmassa. kasvun tukeminen. Tekes on vastannut urilleen
Lyhyellä tähtäyksellä Tekesin tär- molempiin haasteisiin lisäämällä uu- •• kokonaisvaltaisesta innovaatiojärjes-
kein haaste on luoda toimintamallit, jot- sia instrumentteja keinovalikoimaan- telmän kehittämisestä huolehtimi-
ka mahdollistavat kansainvälisten arvo- sa. Nyt on erityisen tärkeää, että näillä nen mukaan lukien verotus ja yrittä-
verkkojen ja ekosysteemien täysimää- toimenpiteillä saadaan aikaiseksi myös jyysasiat.
räisen hyödyntämisen suomalaisille in- kansainvälisesti menestyviä kasvuyri-
novaatiotoimijoille. Tällaisissa hankkeissa tyksiä.

Tekes’ Reviews in English

291/2012 Capabilities for innovation activities – Impact study. Johan Wallin (ed.), Philip Cooke,
Arne Eriksson, Tomi Laamanen and Patrik Laxell. 134 p.
290/2011 Business Opportunities at the United Nations for the Finnish Safety and Security Industry.
Annamari Paimela-Wheler and Laura Hämynen. 41 p.
289/2011 Funder, activator, networker, investor... Exploring Roles of Tekes in Fuelling Finnish Innovation.
Kirsi Hyytinen, Sirkku Kivisaari, Olavi Lehtoranta, Maria Lima Toivanen, Torsti Loikkanen,
Tatu Lyytinen, Juha Oksanen, Nina Rilla and Robert van der Have. 136 p.
288/2011 Better results, more value – A framework for analysing the societal impact of Research and
Innovation. Päivi Luoma, Tuomas Raivio, Paula Tommila, Johan Lunabba, Kimmo Halme,
Kimmo Viljamaa and Henri Lahtinen. 120 p.
284/2011 BioRefine Yearbook 2011. Tuula Mäkinen, Eija Alakangas and Marjo Kauppi (eds.) 207 p.
282/2011 Towards green growth? The position of Finland in environmental technologies. Raimo Lovio,
Tuomo Nikulainen, Christopher Palmberg, Jenny Rinkinen, Armi Temmes and Kimmo Viljamaa.
59 p.
280/2011 Network governance and the Finnish Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation.
Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith, Petri Uusikylä, Katri Haila, Antti Eronen and Pekka Kettunen. 57 p.
279/2010 New Economic Perspectives of Innovation Market. Jari Hyvärinen. 78 p.
278/2010 Safety and Security Business Opportunities in World Bank projects. Annamari Paimela-Wheler
and Maija Arellano. 40 p.
276/2010 BioRefine Yearbook 2010. Tuula Mäkinen, Eija Alakangas and Marjo Kauppi (eds.) 188 p.
275/2010 ROADMAP for Communication Technologies, Services and Business Models 2010, 2015 and
Beyond. Pekka Ruuska, Jukka Mäkelä, Marko Jurvansuu, Jyrki Huusko and Petteri Mannersalo.
47 p.
274/2010 Business Dynamics and Scenarios of Change. Petri Ahokangas, Miikka Blomster, Lauri Haapanen,
Matti Leppäniemi, Vesa Puhakka, Veikko Seppänen, Juhani Warsta. 65 p.
272/2010 The Future of Service Business Innovation. 75 p.
267/2010 Silicon Valley Journey – Experiences of Finnish IT Startups from Dot-Com Boom to 2010.
Raija Rapo & Marita Seulamo-Vargas. 176 p.
264/2009 BioRefine Programme 2007–2012. Yearbook 2009.
263/2009 Drive for Future Software Leverage – The Role, Importance, and Future Challenges of Software
Competences in Finland. Mikael von Hertzen, Jyrki Laine, Sami Kangasharju, Juhani Timonen
and Maarit Santala. 93 p.
259/2009 Technology Transfer of Research Results Protected by Intellectual Property: Finland and China.
Rainer Oesch. 28 p.
254/2009 Evaluation of Bioprocessing Expertise in Finland. Colja Laane. 22 p.
242/2009 Foresight for Our Future Society – Cooperative project between NISTEP (Japan) and Tekes
(Finland). Eija Ahola and Mikko Syrjänen. 59 p.


Further information

Tekes | Tekes Review

Capabilities for

Tekes Review 291/2012

Pekka Pesonen

innovation activities

Impact study
Johan Wallin (ed.), Philip Cooke, Arne Eriksson,
Tekes – Finnish Funding Agency for
Tomi Laamanen and Patrik Laxell
Technology and Innovation

Tel. +358 10 191 480

Capabilities for innovation activities – Impact study

Fax +358 9 694 9196
Kyllikinportti 2, P.O. Box 69
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

March 2012

ISSN 1797-7339
ISBN 978-952-457-544-7

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