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Dopamine Drug Monographs PD Queen Mothers Hospital

Drug Name: Presentation: Indication: Dosage: Administration: Dopamine 200mg in 5ml ampoule (40mg in 1ml) Treatment of hypotension 5-20 microgram/kg/minute by continuous infusion By continuous intravenous infusion via central line (see below), flow rate adjusted according to the patients response.

Recommended Dilution: In 50ml syringe 30mg/kg

Rate(ml/hr) 0.5

Equivalent to 5 microgram/kg/min

Dilute to 50ml Dextrose

See below for sample calculation. Low doses may be administered peripherally via a large vein with careful observation of the infusion site. If concentration of solution is more than 1.6mg/ml (ie 80mg in 50ml) it should be administered centrally. Peripheral administration may result in vasoconstriction and gangrene of the fingers and toes. If patient is fluid restricted, dopamine can be administered undiluted via a syringe pump, via a central line. WARNING: DO NOT FLUSH THROUGH A LINE CONTAINING DOPAMINE AS IT IS A POTENT DRUG AND MAY CAUSE SERIOUS PROBLEMS. Solution compatibility Solution incompatibility Sodium chloride 0.45%, Sodium chloride 0.9%, Glucose 5%, Glucose 10% Alkaline intravenous solutions ie sodium bicarbonate

Where possible do not mix with any other medicine Additive compatibility Aminophylline, Dobutamine, Morphine, Tolazoline Additive incompatibility Aciclovir, Alkaline solutions, Amphotericin, Ampicillin, Indomethacin

Contraindications: tachyarrhythmias




Side effects: Ectopic heartbeats, increased heart rate, palpitation, hypotension, vasoconstriction, nausea, vomiting, headache, dyspnoea. Less frequently aberrant conduction, widened QRS complex, hypertension.
Dopamine Drug Monograph Authors: PD Consultants Review Date: 2009 Version: 1.0 Ratified: PD Q-Pulse Ref: QMH-PD-025 Page 1 of 2 Issue Date Aug 2006

Notes: 1. Dopamine solution should be discarded if it becomes discoloured. 2. Extravasation may cause dangerous ischaemia with necrosis and sloughing of the surrounding tissue. Licensed status: Not licensed for use in children 1.2kg

Sample calculation: Patient A

To prepare a 50ml syringe of dopamine for infusion: 30mg x weight = 30mg x 1.2kg = 36mg to be added to a 50ml syringe Volume of Dopamine Injection = (200mg/5ml) mg of dopamine required x Volume of ampoule mg of dopamine in ampoule

ie Volume required(ml) = 36mg x 5ml = 0.9ml 200mg Therefore: 0.9ml of Dopamine Injection (200mg/5ml) should be made up to 50ml with Sodium Chloride or Dextrose and infused at the appropriate rate: 0.5ml/hr 1.0ml/hr 5 microgram/kg/min 10 microgram/kg/min

References: 1. ABPI Medicines Compendium. Data Pharm Communications 2005 2. Martindale 34th ed. 2005 3. Medicines for Children NPPG/RCPCH 2003 4. Paediatric Injectable Drugs 7th ed. American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists, USA, 2004 5. UCLH Injectable Drug Administration Guide, Blackwell Science, 1998 6. Trissel, Handbook on Injectable Drugs, 13th ed. 2005 7. BNF for Children, 2005

Dopamine Drug Monograph Authors: PD Consultants Review Date: 2009

Version: 1.0 Ratified: PD Q-Pulse Ref: QMH-PD-025

Page 2 of 2 Issue Date Aug 2006

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