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Text: Lydje Snieders


LYDJE SNIEDERS at the Consultancy department and regularly writes about developments regarding TOPdesk Consultancy.

Many people think that all TOPdesk Consultancy does is perform TOPdesk implementations. However, the 5,000 implementations we have performed over the past 15 years have helped us to develop expertise in various fields. One of these fields is TOPdesk project management. In this article, Ill explain what TOPdesk project managers do and what they bring to the table when they join a project.
TOPdesk project managers
TOPdesk has really grown as a company. Our customer base includes all kinds of organizations, from one-man businesses to multinationals. TOPdesk is an integral part of services for many larger organizations, and so the regular consultancy program does not meet all their needs and wishes. TOPdesk project managers were needed to help make these more complex implementations a success, and so a group of experienced TOPdesk consultants began to develop the expertise needed to fulfil this role. Danil Huijbens is one of these consultants, and helped shape TOPdesk project management. It started with a few complex implementations that we started without a clear plan. Before long, we noticed that project managers booked great results in a short time. implementations of company-critical importance implementations in hierarchical organizations (with a project group, management group and other bodies, for instance) implementations that must be performed on relatively short notice implementations involving several departments (during a fusion, for instance) implementations involving several TOPdesk employees (several consultants, technical specialists, process specialists, trainers, planners, bespoke work specialists, import specialists, etc.)

Implementation types
TOPdesk project managers are responsible for the projects success. He or she acts as the coordinator for large or especially complex implementations, such as:

Photography: Robin Kuijs


It often becomes apparent during the tender phase whether or not a TOPdesk project manager will be required for that specific implementation. If possible, the project leader will be involved in the process from the very start. This gives the project leader the chance to contribute ideas for the process, give advice on the approach and planning and supplement the tender with a project proposal if necessary. However, TOPdesk project management has a number of other


Danil Huijbens, TOPdesk project manager

Roles and tasks

In addition to the TOPdesk project manager, implementations often involve internal project managers and management and/ or project groups. The internal project manager is responsible for all tasks that need to be performed within the organization to make the implementation a success. The TOPdesk project leader is responsible for tasks related to TOPdesk: everything surrounding the application implementation and the framework within which the project is executed. Were responsible for the TOPdesk project from the very beginning until the moment we pass the project on to the organization, says Huijbens. We take care of a lot of time-consuming tasks, so the internal project manager doesnt have to.

advantages. For instance, project managers can be contacted directly and bill per hour instead of per day contrary to regular consultants. This means that TOPdesk project leaders are extremely flexible and can often make appointments on short notice. Huijbens: Something can come up during the implementation that can hamper progress. Its great that you can quickly contact your TOPdesk project manager in such cases. The project manager is always up to date on the situation and can get to work on a solution straight away. A TOPdesk project manager also makes it easier to employ several TOPdesk consultants or specialists for the same project. The leader is their contact and makes sure that the planning is optimized, as Huijbens explains. I make sure that everyone is on the same page and has the opportunity to focus on their own tasks.

Added value
A TOPdesk project manager can provide a considerable contribution to implementation processes that require extensive coordination. The TOPdesk project manager is the primary contact, responsible for safeguarding project continuity, keeping everyone involved on the same page and resolving any problems that might arise. Our project managers are senior consultants who have proven their expertise in the field. The customer doesnt need to worry about their TOPdesk implementation. We make sure that all deadlines are met, explains Huijbens. TOPdesk project leaders have coordinated implementations at USG, Oc, Fire Department Hollands-Midden, Ministry of Justice, The Hague Council, Amsterdam Council, Province of Gelderland and Boskalis. Want more information on TOPdesk project management possibilities? Contact TOPdesk Consultancy at +31(0)15 270 09 09

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