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VCCT Double Cantilever Beam


NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Workshop Objectives
Perform a VCCT analysis on DCB. Review boundary conditions and contact bodies. Edit input file to add VCCT entries. Post process results.

Software Version
Patran 2010.2 MD Nastran 2010

Required File:
NAS113-VCCT.db DCB-VCCT_modified.bdf

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Problem Description
Two composite cantilever beams are glued together with initial crack. One end of the beams is fixed and the other is forced to separate. This is a modeI crack propagation, fracture toughness is set to 1.2.

Fixed Open

Crack Front

Glued Contact

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Suggested Exercise Steps

1. Review the model and create input deck in Patran.
2. Edit file dcb-vcct.bdf to add VCCT entries. 3. Submit the model to MD Nastran for analysis. 4. Import results into Patran. 5. Post-process results.

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Review the Model Boundary Conditions

Start Patran and Open NAS113-VCCT.db Review boundary conditions (Load/BCs/Plot Marker)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Review the Model Contact Body

Review contact bodies(Load/BCs/Plot Contours/Contact)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Review the Model Material

Review materials (Materials/Show/Composite)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Review the Model Contact Table

Review contact table (Analysis/Subcases/Subcase Param/Contact Table)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 1. Review the Model Contact Table

Review contact table (Analysis/Subcases/Subcase Param/Contact Table)

Glued Contact

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 2. Create Input File

Analysis/Entire Model/Analysis Deck Select DCB-VCCT under Available Jobs and click Apply

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 3. Edit Input File DCB-VCCT.bdf

Add the VCCT entries into DCB-VCCT.bdf Completed input deck: DCBVCCT_modified.bdf

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 4. Submit the Model to MD Nastran for Analysis

In Windows,
Double click the MD Nastran icon on the desktop. Browse and select DCB-VCCT_modified.bdf. click Open and Run (This job will run several minutes). Open DCB-VCCT.sts file to check the job status normal completion if job ends with exit number 0.

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 5. Attach Results File


Access Results file: a. Select Analysis: Access Results/ Attach MASTER/ Result Entities. b. Click on Select Results File. c. Browse to the working directory and select DCB-VCCT.master. d. Click OK. e. Click Apply.

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation WS6-14

Step 6. Display Contact Status

a e

Display contact status: a. Select Results: Create/ Quick Plot. b. Select all increments except the first one under Select Result Cases. c. Select Contact Status under Select Fringe Result. d. Select Displacement Translational under Select Deformation Result. e. Click Fringe Attributes icon f. Select Element Edges for Display. g. Click Deform Attributes icon. h. Select True Scale. i. Uncheck Show Underformed. j. Click Apply.

h c f i

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 6. Display Contact Status (Cont.)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


Step 7. Display Load-Deflection Curve

Display load-deflection curve: a. Select Results: Create/ Graph/Y vs X. b. Select all increments except the first one under Select Result Cases. c. Select Constraint Forces Translational under Select Y Result. d. Select Z Component Quantity. e. Select X: Result. f. Click on Select X Result. g. Select Displacements, Translational under Select X Result. h. Select Z Component Quantity i. Click OK. j. Click the Target Entities icon. k. Enter Node 8628 under Select Nodes. l. Click Apply.
NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation

j b

c g d


e f

Step 7. Display Load-Deflection Curve (Cont.)

NAS113, Workshop 6, April 2011 Copyright 2011 MSC.Software Corporation


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