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Decrees to the violet flame

Beloved Saint Germain *** Lord of the Seventh Ray ***

I AM the violet flame In action in me now I AM the violet flame To Light alone I bow I AM the violet flame In mighty cosmic power I AM the light of God Shining every hour I AM the violet flame Blazing like a sun I AM Gods sacred power Freeing every one

Radiant spiral violet flame, Descend, now blaze through me Radiant spiral violet flame, Set free, set free, set free Radiant violet flame, O come, Expand and blaze thy light through me Radiant violet flame, O come, Reveal Gods power for all to see Radiant violet flame, O come, Awake the earth and set it free Radiance of the violet flame, Expand and blaze through me Radiance of the violet flame, Expand for all to see Radiance of the violet flame, Establish Mercys outpost here Radiance of the violet flame, Come, transmute now all fear

Breath of God inside each cell I AM the violet flame Pulsing out the cosmic time I AM the violet flame Energizing mind and heart I AM the violet flame Sustaining Gods creation now I AM the violet flame With all love, With all love, With all love Shimmering in a crystal cave I AM the violet flame Searching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flame Consuming cause and core of fear I AM the violet flame Revealing now the inner name I AM the violet flame With all peace, With all peace, With all peace

Flashing like a lightning bolt I AM the violet flame Stretching through the galaxies I AM the violet flame Connecting soul and Spirit now I AM the violet flame Raising you to cosmic heights I AM the violet flame With all power, With all power, With all power

O violet flame, come, violet flame Now blaze and blaze and blaze O violet flame, come, violet flame To raise and raise and raise The earth and all thereon The earth and all thereon The earth and all thereon O violet flame, come, violet flame Now blaze and blaze and blaze O violet flame, come, violet flame To raise and raise and raise The plants and all Gods creatures The plants and all Gods creatures The plants and all Gods creatures O violet flame, come, violet flame Now blaze and blaze and blaze O violet flame, come, violet flame To raise and raise and raise The air, the sea, the land The air, the sea, the land The air, the sea, the land

Tube of Light (Try to visualize the dazzling white light from your I AM Presence, the Presence of God above you, forming an impenetrable wall of light around you.) Beloved I AM Presence bright, Round me seal your tube of light From Ascended Master flame Called forth now in Gods own name. Let it keep my temple free From all discord sent to me. I AM calling forth violet fire To blaze and transmute all desire, Keeping on in Freedoms name Till I AM one with the violet flame. (Give three times or more)

Lovely God Presence

Lovely God Presence, I AM in me, Hear me now I do decree: Bring to pass each blessing for which I call Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all! Let violet fire of Freedom roll Round the world to make all whole Saturate the earth and its people, too, With increasing Christ-radiance shining through! I AM this action from God above Sustained by the hand of heavens love, Transmuting the causes of discord here, Removing the cores so that none do fear.

I AM, I AM, I AM The full power of Freedoms love Raising all earth to heaven above Violet fire now blazing bright In living beauty is Gods own light Which right now and forever Sets the world, myself, and all life Eternally free in Ascended Master perfection! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! (Give as much as you like)

Beloved Violet Flame Mantra 1 Beloved Violet Flame purify me, Beloved Violet Flame protect me,Beloved Violet Flame perfect me, Beloved Violet Flame enfold me, Beloved Violet Flame control me, Beloved Violet Flame heal me, Beloved Violet Flame supply me, Beloved Violet Flame direct me, Beloved Violet Flame resurrect me! (Repeat the above verse after each next line.)
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM

By Gods own Hand, By Gods own Hand, By Gods own Hand, By Gods Great Command, By Gods Great Command, By Gods Great Command, By Gods Love Ray, By Gods Love Ray, By Gods Love Ray, By Gods Violet Ray, By Gods Violet Ray, By Gods Violet Ray, By Gods Blue Ray, By Gods Blue Ray, By Gods Blue Ray,

(Finish with) And do it today, and do it today and do it to stay! Beloved I Am, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM!

(Repeat this at least 3 times) I am, take command of my consciousness, being and world. (Repeat this mantra throughout the day)

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I call to the Ascended Masters and all Great Beings, Powers, and Activities serving the Light to join me in my decrees and to place your Electronic Presence over me as I decree. I call for your assistance in drawing forth the Light to manifest the Divine Plan here on Earth.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain and Portia, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Beloved Mighty Arcturus and Victoria, Beloved Kwan Yin the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and all Great Beings, Powers and Activities of Light serving the Violet Flame. We call for the Transmutation of all that is less than perfection in our four lower bodies, cause, effect, record and memory back to the beginning of our individualized lifestream. We call for the transmutation of all misqualified energie we have ever imposed upon Life, and Blaze Mercys Healing ray troughout the Earth, the Elementals and all mankind and answer this my call infinitely, Presently and Forever.

We call for the transmutation of all that would stand in the way of our Ascension in this life and all that would stand in the way of Planetary Ascension according to the Law of Cycles. We accept this done in Full Power, Eternally Sustained and All Powerfully Active, and to this end we offer up our Decrees. Let it Be Done according to the Will of God. (repeat 3 times,then do the Decrees)

I AM THE VIOLET FLAME FROM SAINT GERMAIN (DO 8 TIMES) Bath the Earth with Violet Fire Cleanse the Earth with Violet Fire Heal the Earth with Violet Fire Mend the Earth with Violet Fire (4X) Kwan Yin, Compassion, Mercys Flame I AM invoking in THY name Penetrate with Violet Fire Take this Planet ever Higher (4X) Goddes of Liberty - I AM THAT I AM Holding a Vision-The freedom of man(4x) I AM THE VIOLET FLAME FROM SAINT GERMAIN (DO 8 TIMES)

Violet Fire, Raise the Earth! In the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of my I AM Presence and Christ self, I call to the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega beloved Saint Germain and all legions of the Violet Flame, to consume all imperfect energies, all forces of evil, all forces of anti-christ and all forces of anti peace. According to the will of God, it is done. I invoke the Violet Fire to take me ever higher, with love I leave behind all that made me blind and as the truth I see, I feel that I am free Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be.

I invoke the Violet Flame Gods purity now I claim. with love I do forgive myself and all that live. and as I release the past I feel Im free at last. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be. I invoke the Violet Light, to dispel the dark night, with love I know that I came from the Most High, and as my mind is clear, I feel that God is here. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be.

I invoke the Violet Spark to consume all that is dark, with love I set all free in Gods Light now to be, and as all to God are drawn, I feel the cosmic dawn. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be. I invoke the Violet Glow to help all people know, with love I clear their sight to see that all is Light, and as I make the call, I feel God frees us all. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be.

I invoke the Violet Blaze to dispel the blinding haze, with love I see all men find their God again, and as his name is praised, I feel the Earth is raised. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be. I invoke the Violet Ray to bring in the new day, with love I set Earth free Gods kingdom now to be, and as I am Gods love, I feel freedom from Above. Violet Fire, fill my soul, Violet Fire, I am whole, Violet Fire, takes me higher Violet Fire, Gods desire, I am free in God to be.

Oh saint Germain, Bring Violet Flame Give the decree three times Oh Saint Germain, bring violet flame We call to you in Gods own name, enfold the Earth in freedoms ray and raise her to a brand new day. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign Oh Saint Germain, bring violet love we call forth blessings from Above, let perfect love cast out all fear and draw us all to Heaven near. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign

Oh Saint germain, bring violet fire we call to you with pure desire, uplift the Earth and all thereon until we see all life as one. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign Oh Saint Germain, bring violet light we call forth all your love and might, consume all darkness and all sin for freedoms flame will always win. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign

Oh Saint Germain, release your power we call forth freedoms healing shower we all are cleansed by freedoms flame that sets us free to know your name. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign Oh Saint Germain,now set us free we call to you our king to be, let Earth now shine as freedoms star that all may know the flame you are. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign

Oh Saint Germain, your angels send we call for them all wounds to mend. now give the Earth a clean white page and help us bring your Golden Age. Violet fire, set us free so we can see reality, and co-create with Saint Germain a perfect Earth for him to reign The Earth is free, all men are raised, let Saint Germains name be praised. He is the king on freedoms star her light is shining near and far, and now the Earth can truly be the home of Mother Liberty. After 3 times giving this decree sealing. I am sealing this prayer in the Heart of God For the manifestation of Christ perfection on Earth and in all aspects of my life and conciousness. It is done in accordance with Gods Holy Will. AMEN.

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