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Testing Wound Rotor Motors with the MCEMAX

1. Always remember when preparing to perform testing on a Wound Rotor Motor (WRM) there are three separate circuits that require MCE testing; the Stator, Rotor, and Resistor Bank. 2. When performing MCE testing on a WRM it is the brushes should be lifted from the slip rings. When doing this always take time to inspect the face of the brushes as well as the slip rings. 3. The MCE Standard Test on each of the three circuits should be evaluated for resistive and inductive imbalances. Average inductance should be used as a trending tool similar to how it is used for a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor. 4. Perform a MCE Standard Test for each step in the resistor bank. 5. A Rotor Influence Check (RIC) can be an effective tool for evaluation of the rotor stator air-gap. Always do at least two pole faces when possible. This allows you to evaluate the peak-to-peak inductance from on pole face to another which aids in air-gap eccentricity analysis. If you chose to perform EMAX testing remember that there is no easily defined pole pass frequency because of the difference in the construction of the rotor. In-Rush Start-Up testing through the acceleration cycle (shifting through the different taps of the external resistor bank) provides valuable data on the performance of the motor. Capturing the three phases of current during the start up using Rotor Evaluation in MCEGold or High Resolution in WinVis current capture can show the technician any current imbalances either being caused the rotor itself or the resistor bank (goes out of balance while in a specific resistor step). The Power Analysis Test should also be performed to evaluate the Power Circuit and Power Quality Fault Zones.

Note the changes in resistance and the resistive imbalance for each step in the external resistor bank.

External Resistor Bank Standard Test For Each Step


Graph of Resistive Imbalance and Phase-To-Phase Resistance There is also the Standard Test for the rotor windings. In the following example, the phase-tophase resistance changes because in one test the external resistor bank is still connected through the slip rings to the rotor. Note however that the inductance values stay the same.

Note the resistance and inductance values. The second test includes the external resistor bank.

WRM Rotor Standard Test Results


EMAX testing results such as these provide valuable information on the condition of the rotor and external resistor bank condition.

Note the three-phase current stays balanced throughout the start up cycle.

Time Domain of Rotor Current During Start-UP of a WRM

In-Rush Capture of One Phase of Stator Current During Start-Up of a WRM Both of these tests provide detailed information to compare to later test over the lifespan of the motor.


Cyclic Press Application

Rotor Evaluation Test Current Between Rotor & External Resistor Bank

In Rush Manual Capture Showing Press Cycle NOTES:


Resistor Bank Standard Tests Showing Cause Unbalanced Currents In The Rotor Circuit

Rotor Bank Resistive Imbalance Different Resistor Bank Taps

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