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During day one we met with the children in the community we are serving. I can see it in their eyes that they are eager to learn more about god. They attend bible studies during Sundays. We are helping them understand more of gods words. We talked with their parents that they allow us to teach their children. We also told them that we need their participation in order for our goal to be met. We were exposed to this community to apply what we learned in our past FCL subjects. We are now doing preachings as part of being a helper of god. In this way, we can help in the fulfilment of institutions guiding principle Character building is nation building. This will help one of the advocacies of our church for us to familiarized and know by heart the words of god.

During the day two, ShielaPinlac preached about the prodigal son. The children were actively participating during the session. The story of prodigal son taught us about forgiving those who sinned against us. We must forgive because it is what god told us. The eldest son in the parable told

his father that he will get his heir. His father gave it. From then on the eldest son went on party every day until his heir vanished, he returned to his father and he was forgiven, in fact they celebrated his comeback. The story will help us realize that god is like the father in the story. God is ever forgiving. We must be like god who is ever forgiving and we must not let anger over rule us. We must have strong faith in god. In doing this we will be ever forgiving. The children learned a lot from the story. They were asking a lot of questions. It was a fun experience. JOSEPH THE DREAMER Day 3, our group mate Mercy Padua preached about Joseph the Dreamer. The children were so participative. They were asking questions and they were fulfilled with our answers. Joseph the Dreamer dreamt of himself being a strong king. His brother laugh at him and them always bully him. Joseph was their fathers favourite and because of that his brothers envy him. They come up with a plan that they will kill joseph. The day came that their plan must be executed. Joseph fell in the river and his brothers got his rove and they wiped it with blood and showed it to their father. They told him that joseph was dead. After many years there came a strong king who was Joseph.

Envy must not overcome us. We must love each other, in this way we can live with our neighbours with ease. SAMSON AND DELILAH This helps us realize what true love is. We are teaching about love which is what god told us to love each other as we love god. Loving is not about the material things in the world. We realized that true love waits, that true love can never be vanished in time. It is like gods love, never ending. Gods love is in all of us. We must all reflect on this.

DAVID AND GOLIATH This story was preached by me. This story helped us realized that we must not be boastful. God give us problem as big as goliath and we must be like David to face it with out fear and by gods grace we can defeat these trials. God is with us all the time. God will never let us face a challenge that we cannot solve. These trials are experiences which makes us a better person. We must be like David, no matter how small he is, he found a way to beat goliath.


We conducted an orientation on our first day. We chose grade school children because we want to teach them the words of god and teach them how to pray. We orient them that we are going to meet them once a week. We also toured their places so that we are aware their way of living because we dont want to be just their teachers, but also we would like to assess them and their family so that we will know if we need to help them in our own ways. We told them that we are all going to learn something about god every week. We would like to apply all our own learnings during our FCL classes inside the classroom. It is clear with them that we are going to teach them and at the same time the will have to participate since what we are doing is for them. I hope that these children will engrave the word of god.

Day two: we started our day with prayer, we asked one of the children to lead the prayer because we want them to feel how to pray or should I say we want them to train how to pray. On of our group mates told the story about the Prodigal Son. Prodigal Son is about forgiveness. After the whole story the children reflected

about the story. We ask them if they understand the story and we discussed the moral lesson of it. Just like the story we should know how to forgive because god himself forgives us on our sin. He wants us to learn to do so. This story help those children realized that forgiving is very vital in life. They understand that god forgive the sinners because he loves him so much that is why we, people should also learn how to forgive others who sinned against us. We are all happy because the children understand it and we hope that they will carry on the lesson as they continue to grow.


Day three: our group started our activity with the prayer and then we proceed with the story telling. We told the story of Joseph the Dreamer. The children were wondering what is it all about that is why they are focused and are eager to learn and understand the what the story all about. It is a story about a brother who is very jealous of his brother and he envies him in everything and also because their father loves Joseph so much so he planned to kill him and the story goes on. The moral of the story is that we shouldnt be like the brother of Joseph. We should never be envious with others. It is not a good attitude because god created us fairly that is why there is no reason for us to envy others and be jealous.

The children understand the moral lessons and they know that they should treat each other fairly and never get jealous instead they should be happy for what others have achieved.


Day four: on our fourth visit we preached about Samson and Delilah. This story entails us about love. The children were familiar about this story since they heard it many times that is why it is not hard for us to explain in deeply. But then we still did the story telling. They understand that love is not about you just like the Samson and Delilah story. We told them that gods love is unconditional and you cannot measure it. We are happy and fulfilled because we see it in their eyes that they loved the story and they understand it well.


Day five: Our story for this day is David and Goliath. Again, the children know the story of David and Goliath since it was being taught in their school and these children were attending bible study in their place. They understand that this story is all about being strong. We told them that you have to be like David who defeated Goliath. Just like in real life we must be strong and overcome our problems in life.

Maybe they cannot appreciate this because they are still young but we would like to leave this message to these children because at the right time they will be facing life with struggles and trials. And we hope that they will always remember the moral lessons not only David and Goliath but the stories. This is our last day as their teachers and we hope that they learned something on us. I will never forget this experience because as they are learning we are also learning. I am happy that we shared this king journey with this children. I thank god for giving us the chance to be their teachers.

Reflection Paper
Submitted by: Jann Louie M. Pea BSN-4H

Submitted to: Ms. Grace Gonzales

Reflection Paper
Submitted by: Janine Karla R. Orca BSN- 4H

Submitted to: Ms. Grace Gonzales

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