Graham Taylor From OpenForum Europe at Zaizi's Open Gov Summit 2012

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Graham Taylor CEO, OpenForum Europe

OFE and Government, some experiences

European, not just UK Focus In UK jointly chair with Cabinet Office the UK Public Sector Group

Informal catalyst to enable the SIP for Open standards, Open source A bridge between UKG and the industry and community Reality check, review and monitor, identify blockers and opportunities Initiate Provide external advice and guidance

Where are the issues?

The first action by UKG on Open standards and Open source was announced in 2004 8 years ago! Past lock-in to single supplier solutions The 'oligopoly' of Systems Integrators Skills LSE research

LSE Research Conclusions

Pragmatism needs to guide open source adoption and not ideology Open source is not just or only or always about cheap. But it can bring a number of distinct and enduring benefits when contrasted to strategies based around proprietary software Migrating to open source is more likely to be successful if it is done when there is a real and present need for change, rather than simply on the basis of finding open source attractive on infrastructure cost arguments Adoption and development of open source can support the sharing of both expertise and expense between government bodies, for example among local authoritiesforming a flexible route to collaboration

The Panel Debate

What good news/bad news for the UK Public Sector have we heard today? Is the UK experience different to that in other EC countries? Why? Are there any real differences between the Public Sector and Private Sector?

Is there really a link between Open standards and Open source? How hard is it to be an SME in this market? Does changing policy change practice?

Policy versus Implementation the next steps?

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