The Frogronce of Groce: - by M.S. Lowndes

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of TheFrogronce Groce

We ore yourchildren, Lord groce Sovedby your precious in And walking yourvictory Living hope ond foilh by We come beforeyou holy throne And worship yourfeel ot witnnew hope renewed Oursouls now set free Our spirils We yeorn to know you more,O God More thon we do rightnow Lord And we long for yourpresence, Asbeforeyourthronewe bow Moy we be os frogrontofferings An incense lhe Lord of you moy loke pleosure us in Thot you hovecolled A vessel Soyou moy filllo overtlow WithyourHolySpirit 'truth of Sowe con loke yourgospel,Lord Tothose who don'l knowyou wos And be to them os Jesus Tolove them oll despite Wherever they hove come from,Lord lor yo- con chorge theirlives So'f hey con come beforeyou you wilh proise And worship Lord To come into your presence, groce. yoursoving And receive
-by M.S.Lowndes-

^r - rr ' 'r reilowsnllChurch Lnrrsflan

April29th,2012 vvorsntP )ervtce

Welcome Prayer and

{nexlGreg Thiessen)

Longregauonar )rn9rng Announcements 6{ Urrenng Kid's Korner

Elizobelh Abrohomson
Nepinak) {next-Crystql

t -.

(5pecial Number)
. | ^, I

(Moy6 Ferlin Abrohomson)

Reading Sffipture
Acls2: 38-47 RoyKroeker
(nexiTommi Thiessenr

Speoker Pot Reoder

5unday 5chool News Notes &

. "OurDoily Breod" Nexlquorter devotionols here. ore Pleose helpyourself . . Tonight. 7:30p.m. Lodies coffeenightoi Y Not Johnny's.


tsirthday Blessings to
(Moy3) ond Elizobeth Abrahomson lrmoThiessen {Moy 3)
-t | -l



Morilyn Coptoin

Ouotes Ourps &

Every Chrislion o verypersonol hos responsibility grow in theirfoi'th. lo Yel there ore timeswhen we seemlo stondslill. Thotiswhen God louches us likethe eorth in the springlime, bringingnew growth qnd wormth for the foithfulsouls dedicoted lo His service.
-Ed Price-

REQUESTS 2012EMCPRAYER EMCMissionsMexico Johnond LornoWoll(Hillside) -Johnond Lorno involved o leochingmjnistry ore in Bible School. ond Steinreich in seven churches proy for sofelyos lhey lrovelfrom church to church Pleose ond ot SBS. os ond proyforwisdom theyleoch in the churches


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