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Journal Entry: 24th March 2347 While I was all hunting for geckos and by accident stirred up some

fire ant nest, they came in swarms lucky for me to bring my dirt bike along so I had to speed off from the ant swarm really fast and really far. Hopefully they do not catch on my tracks. Journal Entry 25th March 2347 I am lost in the vast wasteland and truly screwed for being lost, good enough is that I have enough food to feed a small caravan for a week but water is going to be trouble. I would need to find water. Journal Entry 26th March 2347 The wasteland is an unforgiving place. I cannot even pee due to all the water I had will be just being evaporated from my tongue. A few prickly pear fruits could hold me some water for an extra day. Journal Entry 27th March 2347 I could remember this day clearly, about 10 years ago this day. Bob Bartos, the so called gambler who is too lucky for his own good started his journey to New Vegas either to get even with the casinos there or what. Hell he left, so does the trouble the gangers that he brought along goes with. Still this is not the reason for me to remember all these days. Journal Entry 28th March 2347 I thought I my bones are going to bask outside the wasteland but happen to spot a footlocker out here. Who the frak would leave a footlocker out here? There is an engraving of a vault number, Vault 107 on the lid. Could there be a vault nearby? Plus another few bottle of clean crystal clear water that I have yet to see them in ages. Journal Entry 29th March 2347 Just as I suspected, among these mountain ranges resides a vault that matches the number on the footlocker previously but a trail of bones with Pip-Boys attached to their arms and torn vault suits does not seem pleasant. If there is any chance of surviving would be indoors. Journal Entry 30th March 2347 The vault door is huge with the writing 107 still clear on the door. The controls are still functional. Despite being deserted an no longer occupied, there are some traces of ashes and goop lying about suggests energy weapons being used in this facility, Im not alone. Journal Entry 31th March 2347 A trip around the vault shows this place was awesome while many of the facilities are immaculate; some of them still function quite well. But I still could not find the other person or thing in this vault. Did I miss any nook and cranny within the vault? I need to gain access to the security station of the vault. Journal Entry 1st April 2347

Its Aprils Fool, I cant tell whether my senses are fooling me or what, which I can tell its indeed a bad Aprils Fool joke for myself be myself. I found the security footage and some log in the security station, they were attacked by some army when the gates opened but using non-lethal methods to knockout most of the inhabitants and being dragged out of the vault, that pretty much explains not many corpses to be seen here. Journal Entry 2nd April 2347 I am very thirsty; the mess hall still has a water distiller holding several gallons of purified water but not for long. This place is posh I can tell, what kind of spoiled brat stayed here when the bombs fell? None of these luxuries that I have seen before otherwise would be soiled, burnt or looted, a swimming pool, some recreation rooms and some even have prewar videos of porn. Journal Entry 3rd April 2347 I found the Overseers Office, holding many records of the vault which is just one corridor away from the one of the networked computer in the tech room which I happen to access using the Overseers access codes. It seems that this vault houses the many VIPs, business tycoons, top scientists, influential politicians; its like a utopia they wanted to build. I could gain access to a lot of information about the facilities here. At a glance, they have neural networked computers, artificial farming, cold fusion reactor, an experimental Auto Doc, science facilities. This place is built totally for extreme comfort and convenience. I got myself a Pip-Boy for myself too, just happen to found one in the tech room too and Ive got the plans for the place. Journal Entry 4th April 2347 This place is huge, in size and capacity. The inhabitant manifest shows this place once housed 2000 people initially and the population had never dropped after that. The inhabitants here are scientists, engineers and technicians whom form the big majority albeit there are also political members and business tycoons whom once invested their future in this vault so they have quite the say. Their system of government quite typical, no different from any other, the political holds power in policies, and the business tycoons controls the manufacturing while the scientists do their research supported by both of theses entities. The engineers and technicians maintain vault facilities like power and such. Journal Entry 5th April 2347 The lowest level of the vault houses the cold fusion generator but I have yet to know how it functions, still intact and running. The central computer is just more advanced than what the Brotherhood of Steel has. It is quite surprising that the invaders did not destroy them or delete the many records here. There are also camera feed on the world out side the vault, about 50 years after the bombs fell but Im not so sure where the cameras are It was quite many decades since I settled down in this vault after travelling with a swordsman wannabe, an unlucky gambler and a gunslinger that always shoot himself on the foot at that time looking for some power ring. All of them have one thing in common, they will surely puke whenever Im on the wheel or on the stick. We had our fair share against psychotic raiders, crazy wildlife and even got a few grazes against the Caesars

Legion, tough son of bitches arent they. It was many long years we had travelled together and our fortunes had changed since, the swordsman left to seek his way, the gunslinger got what he came for, the funky green ring and the good luck for the unlucky gambler whom wanted to try his luck in New Vegas. I heard it is a good place, since NCR is running the ship tight.

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