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Brief Instructions for Use of IRAffinity-1 Spectrometer 1. Sign the Log Book. 2.

Check that the dessicant in the instrument has not turned colored. If it is colored replace the dissicant. 3. Turn on the IRAffinity-1 (power switch on the front lower right hand side of the instrument. 4. Click on the IRsolution icon on the desktop or go to Programs and select IRsolution. 5. Make sure that Measure in the row of buttons in the middle of the window is selected. 6. Initialize the instrument by going to the Measurement tab and selecting Initialize. 7. Click OK for Auto Adjust. 8. Click the Measure button again. 9. Go to the lower right hand corner of the screen and change the minimum and maximum values of wavenumber range and resolution that are appropriate for the measurement. 10. Click the Bkgd button. Wait until the background spectrum is taken. After the background spectrum is taken, the program will go into the View mode. 11. To run a sample, click the Measure button and then the Sample button. Wait until the sample spectrum is taken. After the spectrum is taken, the program will go into the view mode. 12. Save the spectrum to the Chem3108 folder in Documents. Select a name for the file that identifies the spectrum as being one taken by you. The spectrum can be viewed within the IRsolutio n program at later time. 13. If you wish to analyze the spectrum using Excel, then under the File menu select Export and save as a text file. 14. If you wish to take another spectrum with a different range and resolution, then you must repeat Steps 9-11. 15. After completing your measurements, close IRsolution, turn off the instrument, and record the time that you turned off the instrument in the Log Book. 16. Transfer your data from the Chem 3108 folder to a Flash Drive. 17. To open the text file containing your spectrum using Excel 2007, go to the Data Tab and select Get Data from Text and click the Import button. Select Delimited and start importing at Row 2. Click Next. Choose Space Delimited and click Finish. Excel will ask you to import the data to an existing worksheet. If you wish to do that, then click OK. Column A (X-axis) will correspond to the wavenumbers (cm-1 ) and column B (Y-axis) to the Percent Transmission. Insert a continuous scatter plot. To get your spectrum centered, right-click the two axes and choose Format Axis. Change the maximum and minimum values of your Wavenumber and Transmission axes to fixed values to get the spectrum centered. Revised 02/22/10

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