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Downing, Karley - GOV

Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
uesc:lay, March 08, 2011 8:15 AM
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J- GOV
suggested tweet
Did you know that collective bargaining caused the Outstanding First Year Teacher to be laid off one week after winning
her award?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:36 AM
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: sources
John- We got the first 6 examples in this release we want to send from your office, do you have sources or something to
back these up so we can double check everything?
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released examples of how collective bargaining impacts
government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The following are some of the
items contained in collective bargaining provisions:
1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and recreational
activities. The size and location ofthe board is subject to collective bargaining.
2. Employer is prevented from adjusting schedules to prevent the use of overtime.
3. When a local union meets the following conditions are subject to bargaining:
1. lighting,
2. vision care and examinations,
3; noise,
4. chairs,
5. desks,
6. footrests,
7. adjustable terminals and keyboards,
8. work environment design (wall cover, carpet, windows),
9. room temperature,
4. Starting of vehicles during cold weather is subject to collective bargaining.
5. Paid time off to donate blood.
6. Whether or not a directory of employees is allowed and what information will be included in it.
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school
crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come
and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want
to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1127/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during off-duty hours
in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining agreements, these employees
are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more than $6,000 in
additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council 24
Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing pornography on a
school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the teacher only after takingthe
case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the taxpayers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' Laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being named
Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost her job because the
collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have required zero
contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, of course I would switch to a different plan
to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in medians and right-of-
ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a grievance indicating it was the right of
government workers to cut the grass, even though it would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teachers can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
Source: WWK-TV, 3/3/11
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258, including
$109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total, seven City of Madison bus
drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers'} contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a, practice known as "sick leave
stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are allowed to work the
very next shift, earning time-and-a-half for overtime. This results in the officer receiving 2.5 times his or her
rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009, despite earning
base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of $66,000 in overtime pay for an
average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining:
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate in
union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a direct
fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs and requiring
notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to
reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week
to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as many
school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible. Union
leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the state employee
health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the
flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings
would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is $786,000
a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime
if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen was collectively
bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:41AM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV
More Cost of Collective Bargaining
A couple more, including one addition to the Green Bay Emeritus example from yesterday:
Example #3- A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teaches can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
At the average annual salary for a Green Bay teacher of $51,355, this amounts to a daily rate of pay of
$1 ,711.83, or an hourly rate of $213.98. Since most retiring teachers receive higher than average salary,
these amounts are, in practice, much higher.
Source: WLUK-TV. 313111
Example #12- Teachers Receiving Two Pensions
Due to a 1982 provision of their collective bargaining agreement, Milwaukee Public School teachers actually
receive two pensions upon retirement instead of one. The contribution to the second pension is equal to 4.2%
of a teacher's salary, with the school district making 100% of the contribution, just like they do for the first
pension. This extra benefit costs taxpayers more than $16 million per year.
Source: February 17, 2010 Press Release, Process of developing FY11 budget begins Milwaukee Public
Example #13- Almost $10,000 Per Year for Doing Nothing
While the Green Bay Emeritus Program actually requires teachers to at least show up for work, the Madison
Emeritus Program doesn't even require that. In addition to their pension payouts, retired Madison public
school teachers receive annual payments of at least $9,884.18 per year for enrolling in the Emeritus Program,
which requires ZERO days of work.
When this program began, 20 days of work per year were required. Through collective bargaining, the union
successfully negotiated this down to zero days.
Ryan Murray
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
Office ofthe Governor
Main: 608-266-1212
Source: Madison Teachers Inc. Website
Downing, Karley - GOV
jJWD Office
Tuesday, March oa; 2011 9:01AM
Barroilhet, Dan - DWD; Bartol, Fred - DWD; Baumbach, Scott C - DWD; Beckett, Laura L -
DWD; Berge, Sharon - DWD; Bernstein, Howard I - DWD; Black-Radloff, Rita - DWD;
Bolles, John - DWD; Brockmiller, William - DWD; Crary, Cathy- DWD; Denis, Gary J -
DWD; Dipko, John A- DWD; Falk, Elizabeth C - DWD; Fosdick, Anna- DWD; Gerrits,
Karen - DWD; Grant; Ken G - DWD; Grosso, Eric - DWD; Hodek, Scott A - DWD; Holt,
Deb - DWD; Jones, Richard - DWD; Kikkert, Becky- GOV; Lied I, Kimberly- GOV; Lingard,
Sue - DWD; Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD; McDonald, Scott- DWEl; Michels, Thomas A -
DWD; Morgan, Karen P - DWD; Natera, Ramon V - DWD; OBrien, Christopher D - DWD;
O'Brien, Pamela - DWD; Perez, Manuel - DWD; Phillips, Amelia - DWD; Preysz, Linda -
DWD; Reid, Andrea - DWD; Reynolds, Dianne - DWD; Richard, JoAnna - DWD; Rodgers-
Rhyme, Anne M - DWD; Sachse, Jeff A- DWD; Schmalle, Verlynn C - DWD; Schrimpf,
Chris - GOV; Shutes, David L- DWD; Solomon, Brian - DWD; Spurlin, Dennis A - DWD;
Thompson, Heather- DWD; Udalova, Victoria M - DWD; Vue, Mai Zong - DCF; Weber,
Sue - DWD; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Westbury, John R- DWD; Westfall, Grant- DWD;
Williamson, Linda - DWD; Winters, Dennis K- DWD; Wisnewski, Jerry- DWD; Wolfe,
Brian M - DWD; Wurl, Mark W- DWD
Articles from CustomScoop, Tuesday 03.08.11
htto: /lwww .jsonli 562933. html
Outlook for hiring is positive for sixth straight quarter
By Paul Gores of the Journal Sentinel March 8, 2011 [C18) Comments
Hiring is expected to continue picking up in the April-through-June quarter, with prospects in Wisconsin outpacing the
U.S., according to a new survey from Milwaukee's Manpower Inc. It's the sixth consecutive quarter with a positive hiring
outlook for the nation.
http: /lwww 03 .html
Oshkosh Corp. union president fired
By Rick Barrett of the Journal Sentinel, March 7, 2011 [C17) Comments
The president of the union that represents Oshkosh Corp. production employees was fired Monday, less than two weeks
after he questioned whether people should quit their jobs in order to accept work on a five-year military contract. Perry
Grave's remarks were made several days before a Feb. 27-28 Oshkosh Corp. job fair that attracted about 2,500 people.
I wanted to draw your attention to these articles that appeared In my CustomScoop online news result
Growing l"owei- promises new jobs
Byline: Matt Hrodey
Source: Milwaukee News Buzz (WI) N/ A
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 8:.46 AM
Keywords: Jobless (1)
Abstract: .. some researchers argue the official figure underestimates black joblessness. You must be
logged In to post a comment .
,.c-.-::- -. .. .......... . . _-_. -- -- .. . . c - . .. . ....
.. --
Stevens Point ma:y:oral candidates discuss job ideas
..... _
. -
.. . .
Byline: B.C. Kowalski Journal
Source: Stevens Point Journal (WI) 11700
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 5:27AM
Keywords: workforce development (1)
Abstract: ... latest local figures from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development put
Stevens Point at 7 percent as of December 2010 - down from that time ...
. . .. _...... ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ; . . .. . .. .
StorJ!, interactive maR: National economJ! shows mRrovement ._- ..
Squrce: Appleton Post'Gazette & Post (WI) 52000
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 4:26AM
Keywords: Jobless (2),workforce development (2),Jeff Sachse (1)
Abstract: ... a year and enough to drop the national jobless rate to 8.9 percent, its lowest level since
April 2009. The state Department of Workforce ...
. .. . . - ..... - .. . .--- . . . - . . - --.- . . . ... -- .. -- . '.
Local Tech Colleges React to Walker's Plan to Slasb Aid 30 Percent .
.-. -
Source: WSAW-TV CBS 7 Wausau (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/201111:23 PM
Keywords: Governor Scott Walker (11)
Abstract: ... 30 Percent Despite a steady increase in enrollment, GOvernor Scott Walker's budget
slashes funding to technical colleges in the state by 30 percent. Despite a ...
. --.- .. . .. ' ....
. - ... -.-... _.
\ >>
. ... _ -._ .
Tough times for
Source: Janesville Gazette (WI) 21900 [Registration Required]
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 5:38PM
Keywords: Job Center (!),workforce development (2)
Abstract: ... The event was hosted by the Rock County Job Center and several local employers, colleges
and volunteer organizations. Teens at the event had a universal ...
- -- ---- - ... . - - .. - .... -- .. ... -- ...
MN bill would maintain longer jobless benefits
_---- --_ .... _ ._ -._ ------
., _-.-..
Source: WXOW-TV ABC 19 LaCrosse (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 5:15PM
Keywords: Unemployment Insurance OR unemployment benefits (3),Jobless (2)
Abstract: ... MN bill would maintain longer jobless benefits ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP)- The Minnesota
Legislature has passed a bill that would ...
- - . - - ;_ . - -- .. . - ,'
NLCReRort: Greater CollaboratiOJ1 Needed Between Local Workforce ,
Investment and Local Elected Officials __ -_ .-_._-.__ . ,i _._ -__ -__-.. _._ . .. - - -
Source: Milwaukee Business Journal (WI) 10400 [Registration Required]
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 3:44PM
Keywords: workforce development (8)
Abstrae,t: ... elected officials in ensuring a productive and effective workforce development system.
The report, State of Amerlca's Cities: Special Section on Workforce Developmen_t
finds that
nearly ...
.. . .. .. ..... __ . -.-. .... - ... . . _._ .. . -- . __
For jobless, emotional caR ita I can also take a hit
. -
. .. . -
Source: Fond du Lac Reporter (WI) 16300
Indexed At: 03/07/201110:47 AM
Keywords: Jobless (2)
: Abstract: ... For jobless, emotional capital can also take a hit You will be redirected to the page ...
- -- --- -_ -- ----- --- ---- ___________ :: --------- - -- - -
. . ... -
------ _____________ -:-= __;
The Board Erm)loymenfTrends Index, (ET:[).Ihtreases
Source: Milwaukee Business Journal (WI) 10400 [Registration Required]
Indexed At: 03/07/201110:40 AM
Keywords: Unemployment Insurance OR unemployment benefits (2)
Abstract: ... Confidence
Jobs Hard to Get," Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance/ Percentage of
Firms With Positions Not Able to Fill Right Now, Number of Temporary ...
Downing, Karley - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 8:48AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J- GOV
Re: suggested tweet
Good. Tweet.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
S e ~ 8 , 201108:15 AM
T o ~
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: suggested tweet
Did you know that collective bargaining caused the Outstanding First Year Teacher to be laid off one week after winning
her award?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
Jagler, John <>
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:03 AM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: sources
Contact Eric Batt. He's the guy on this. He says double check everything.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 8, 2011, at 8:36AM, "Schrimpf, Chris- GOV" <> wrote:
John- We got the first 6 examples in this release we want to send from your office, do you have sources
or something to back these up so we can double check everything?
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released examples of how collective bargaining
impacts government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The
following are some of the items contained in collective bargaining provisions:
1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and
recreational activities. The size and location of the board is subject to collective
2. Employer is prevented from adjusting schedules to prevent the use of overtime.
3. When a local union meets the following conditions are subject to bargaining:
1. lighting,
2. vision care and examinations,
3. noise,
4. chairs,
5. desks,
6. footrests,
7. adjustable terminals and keyboards,
8. work environment design (wall cover, carpet, windows),
9. room temperature,
4. Starting of vehicles during cold weather is subject to collective bargaining.
5. Paid time off to donate blood.
6. Whether or not a directory of employees is allowed and what information will be
included in it.
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as
a school crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the
morning to come and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that
simple. Representatives didn't want to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is
needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1/27/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during
off-duty hours in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining
agreements, these employees are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether
they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more
than $6,000 in additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council 24
Arbitrator Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing
pornography on a school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the
teacher only after taking the case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' Laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being
named Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost
her job because the collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on
seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have
required zero contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, ofcourse I
would switch to a different plan to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in
medians and right-of-ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a
grievance indicating it was the right of government workers to cut the grass, even though it
would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teachers can
retire and receive a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year
period. This is paid in addition to their already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258,
including $109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total,
seven City of Madison bus drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers') contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a practice known as "sick
leave stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are
allowed to work the very next shift, earning time-and-a-half for overtime. This results in the
officer receiving 2.5 times his or her rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009,
despite earning base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of
$66,000 in overtime pay for an average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest
paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen
employees receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on
full-time release for union business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for
these employees to only participate in union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that
have a direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on
operational needs and requiring notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling
changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to reduce work hours based on budget
pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week to avoid layoffs,
which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to
get as many school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance
plan as possible, Union leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school
districts enrolled in the state employee health plan, it would save school districts up to $68
million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the flexibility to look for health insurance
coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a policy established by
collective bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost
to taxpayers is $786,000 a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to
collect overtime ifthey work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows
this to happen was collectively bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Jagler, John <>
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:11AM Sent:
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: sources
http://oser.state. wi. us/docview 1468
That link might help.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:36AM
To: Jagler, John
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: sources
John- We got the first 6 examples in this release we want to send from your office, do you have sources or something to
back these up so we can double check everything?
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released examples of how collective bargaining impacts
government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The following are some oft he
items contained in collective bargaining provisions:
1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and recreational
activities. The size and location of the board is subject to collective bargaining.
2. Employer is prevented from adjusting schedules to prevent the use of overtime.
3. When a local union meets the following conditions are subject to bargaining:
1. lighting,
2. vision care and examinations,
3. noise,
A. chairs,
5. desks,
6. footrests,
7. adjustable terminals and keyboards,
8. work environment design (wall cover, carpet, windows),
9. room temperature,
4. Starting of vehicles during cold weather is subject to collective bargaining.
5. Paid time off to donate blood.
6. Whether or not a directory of employees is allowed and what information will be included in it.
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school
crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come
and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want
to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1/27/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during off-duty hours
in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining agreements, these employees
are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more than $6,000 in
additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council 24
Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing pornography on a
school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the teacher only after taking the
case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the taxpayers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' Laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being named
Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost her job because the
collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have required zero
contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, of course I would switch to a different plan
to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in medians and right-of-
ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a grievance indicating it was the right of
government workers to cut the grass, even though it would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teachers can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258, including
$109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total, seven City of Madison bus
drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers') contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a practice known as "sick leave
stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are allowed to work the shift, earning time-and-a-halffor overtime. This results in the officer receiving 2.5 times his or her
rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009, despite earning
base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of $66,000 in overtime pay for an
average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples ofthe fiscal impact of collective bargaining:
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate in
union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a direct
fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs and requiring
notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to
reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week
to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as many
school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible. Union
leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the state employee
health plan, it would save school districts up tci $68 million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the
flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings
would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is $786,000
a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level; the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime
if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen was collectively
bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:29 AM
Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Schutt, Eric- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
collective bargaining content/politics/general state surveys/wisconsin/wisconsin voters oppose we
akening collective bargaining rights in general but strongly support specific changes
year 553779.html?utm source-twitterfeed&utm medium-twitter
It seems that folks might be with us on specific changes to collective bargaining; ie when they understand what it means
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:34AM
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: FW: sources
Can someone in your shop double check these examples we got from the speaker's office? They apparently first came
from Eric Bolt
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released examples of how collective bargaining impacts
government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The following are some of the
items contained in collective bargaining provisions:
1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and recreational
activities. The size and location of the board is subject to collective bargaining.
2. Employer is prevented from adjusting schedules to prevent the use of overtime.
3. When a local union meets the following conditions are subject to bargaining:
l. lighting,
2. vision care and examinations,
3. noise,
4. chairs,
5. desks,
6. footrests,
7. adjustable terminals and keyboards,
8. work environment design (wall cover, carpet, windows),
9. room temperature,
4. Starting of vehicles during cold weather is subject to collective bargaining.
5. Paid time off to donate blood.
6. Whether or not a directory of employees is allowed and what information will be included in it ..
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Jagler, John []
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:11AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: RE: sources
http://oser.state. wi. us/docview.asp?docid= 1468
That link might help.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:36AM
To: Jagler, John
Cc: Werwie, Cullen) - GOV
Subject: sources
John- We got the first 6 examples in this release we want to send from your office, do you have sources or something to
back these up so we can double check everything?
Strange But True Provisions of Collective Bargaining
Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released examples of how collective bargaining impacts
government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve government. The following are some of the
items contained in collective bargaining provisions:
1. Employer must provide bulletin boards to post information about union social and recreational
activities. The size and location of the board is subject to collective bargaining.
2. Employer is prevented from adjusting schedules to prevent the use of overtime.
3. When a local union meets the following conditions are subject to bargaining:
1. lighting,
2. vision care and examinations,
3. noise,
4. chairs,
5. desks,
6. footrests,
7. adjustable terminals and keyboards,
8. work environment design (wall cover, carpet, windows),
9. room temperature,
4. Starting of vehicles during cold weather is subject to collective bargaining.
5. Paid time off to donate blood.
6. Whether or not a directory of employees is allowed and what information will be included in it.
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples ofthe fiscal impact of collective bargaining
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school
crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come
and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want
to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1/27/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during off-duty hours
in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining agreements, these employees
are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more than $6,000 in
additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council 24
Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing pornography on a
school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the teacher only after taking the
case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the taxpayers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' Laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being named
Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost her job because the
collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have required zero
contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, of course I would switch to a different plan
to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in medians and right-of-
ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a grievance indicating it was the right of
government workers to cut the grass, even though it would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teachers can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258, including
$109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total, seven City of Madison bus
drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers') contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a practice known as "sick leave
stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are allowed to work the
very next shift, earning time-and-a-half for overtime. This results in the officer receiving 2.5 times his or her
rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009, despite earning
base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of $66,000 in overtime pay for an
average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining:
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Ofthe fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate in
union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a direct
fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs and requiring
notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to
reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week
to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed, Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as many
school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible. Union
leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the state employee
health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the
flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings
would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA} tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is $786,000
a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime
if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen was collectively
bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Eggert, Linda R - DOC
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:45 AM
DOC DL Executive Planning; Waddell, Pamela L- DOC
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: DOC Online News
Kielman gets prisonforOWI.illjurv crash
Source: Sheboygan Press (WI) 22700
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 8:24AM
Keywords: Extended Supervision (2),Prison (4)
Abstract: ... Kielman gets prison for OW!, injury crash You will be redirected to the page you want to view ...
Source: Wausau Daily Herald (WI) 21200
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 5:43 AM
Keywords: Ethan Allen School (1)
Abstract: ... juvenile detention facilities will be consolidated into one. Ethan Allen School In suburban Milwaukee will be
closed, according to Walker's proposal. Southern Oaks Girls School In ...
Scroll Down Link in Next Story:
State Budget Ne1o'lts: Critics attacking several specific cuts in Governor's budget: .... ... > .. . .
Source: Pierce County Herald (WI) 4600 [Registration Required]
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 4:45AM
Keywords: Eggert (1)
Abstract: ... boys' schools are from the Milwaukee area. But Linda Eggert of the corrections' department says they're
pretty much evenly divided between the two institutions now ...
Ethan.AIIen up for sale?
Byline: Nick Kerzner
Source: Lake Country Reporter (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 4:30AM
Keywords: Department of Corrections (WI only) (1),Ethan Allen School (1)
Abstract: ... facility If the state is going to close Ethan Allen School, State Rep. Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) wants to
sell it off so it can never ...
Byline: Randy 1-jollenbeck
Source: CudahyNOW (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/08/20114:24 AM
Keywords: Wisconsin Department of Corrections (1),Department of Corrections (WI only) (1)
Abstract: ... tips & tidbits sprinkled in. Doreen from the Wisconsin Department of Corrections talking to Vicki about
all the Union Misinformation and all of the workers spreading that ...
The Oaiiv Page
Source: Madison Isthmus (WI) 64000
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 4:22AM
Keywords: Department of Corrections (WI only) (1)
Abstract: ... Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board: 21.5 cut Department of Corrections: 6.9 cut for 2012, loss of
333 jobs Historical Society: 7.9 cut, loss of 18 ...
. Byline: Steven and Cokie Roberts
Source: Portage Daily Register (WI) 5200
Indexed At: 03/08/2011 2:24AM .
Keywords: Prison (1)
Abstract: ... the cops and firefighters, teachers, nurses,social workers and prison guards who make up the vast majority
ofstate and local workers but also the folks ...
William Schmidt Court Case
Byline: Melissa Langbehn - bio
Source: WAOW-ABC 9-Wausau (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 8:10PM
Keywords: Prison (1)
Abstract: ... his wife. If convicted, Schmidt faces life in prison . ...
Byline: James Causey
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) 186433
Indexed At:. 03/07/2011 8:02PM
Keywords: Prison (6)
Abstract: ... He's right. An involved dad does not need prisoners teliing their kids about the harshness of life. The name
is iconic. It was ...
Drilfer in April gang shooting sentenced to4 years in prison ' ...... . . . .. .. ..
Source: Wisconsin State Journal and Madison .. com (WI) 91575
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 7:44PM
Keywords: Prison ( 4)
Abstract: ... April gang shooting sentenced to 4 years in prison ...
Holder supports prevention for youths over courts .
Byline: PETE YOST Associated Press
source: WGBA-TV NBC 26 Green Bay (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 6:41 PM
Keywords: Prison (1)
.. .. . ..... < . .
. ...
. .. .
Abstract: ... straight" initiatives involve visits by troubled teenagers to prisons where intimidating inmates deliver in-
your-face lectures about the harshness of life behind bars. The ...
Onion protest!i preface Ohio golf's Stai:e of State -- __ --. . - ._---_ >< ----__ .-- --_-.__ ----- .. -_-.-._. -. ---- _ . __ --
source: WBAY-TV ABC 2 Green Bay (WI) N/A
Il)dexed At: 03/07/2011 6:06PM
Keywords: Corrections Officer (1)
_ Abstract: ... of the Worker" event Monday. Tim Roberts, a corrections officer at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in
Marysville, Ohio, west of Columbus, said he's concerned ...
Records show at least 45 sex offenders live in state nursing homes . -__ -. -_ . --- -.-.-. __ -- -----_ ---- .. . .. ..
Source: Janesville Gazette (WI) 21900 [Registration Required]
Indexed At: 03/07/20115:16 PM
Keywords: Sex Offender (15)
Abstract: ... Records show at least 45 sex offenders live in state nursing homes By NICK PENZENSTADLER AND KATE
GOLDEN Monday, March 7, ...
Barrett pushes tor stricter gun-sale background check:s_ --- ---- _-. _ ... -_- .
. __ .. _ .... - - - .. - _ .. __-_-. -- -
. ..
Byline: John Diedrich
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) 186433
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 4:39 PM
Keywords: Prison (1)
Abstract: ... 20111:39 p.m. Overdose death leads to five-year prison term March 7, 20111:16 p.m. Walker: Sen. Miller
is misleading the public Updated: March ...
c6untv To Benefit f'l"om Juvenile school Closing -
Byline: wise
Source: (NAT) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 4:39 PM
Keywords: Ethan Allen School (1)
. _._ ... _ .... -.. - .
. ...... - -...... _.-_- . . ... _.- . ... -- . - ...... .
Abstract: ... two juvenile correction centers in southern Wisconsin - Ethan Allen School in Wales and Southern Oaks
_ Girls School In Union Grove - and send 185 students ...
overdose death leads to five-vear prisoll term -_-- --- -_. -. --- .. - _ ___ -.. - -.. -- ----_. - ------ ... .---. - --.- _ -__ _
Byline: Bruce Vieimetti
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) 186433
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 2:50 PM
Keywords: Extended Supervision (1)
Abstract: ... also ordered Schaefer to serve six years of extended supervision upon her release. "The public should
understand that if you get involved in these drug ...
i - .. -.-. . . . cc. - ... ; .c
Murder Suspect Charged With Sex Assault of Guard_.
Source: Milwaukee WTMJ (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/201112:19 PM
Corrections Officer (1),Prison (2)
. _.
.. .
.-.. _.
--- ..
- ..
Abstract: ... teenage girl- with sexual assault of a prison guard.Markus Evans, who will turn 18 years old later this year,
faces a charge of ...
Court rules for inmate 1/Vho wants DNA testing .
. . . ... . . .. .
. . _-.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal and (WI) 91575
Indexed At: 03/07/201112:07 PM
Keywords: Prison (2)
Abstract: ... Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing for the majority, saidprison inmates may use a federal civil rights law to seek
DNAtesting that was not performed ....
sl!)c' !ltfeilders' Green Bay residency debated . . . . .. .. . ... ... . > . .. .. . . \ ......... .
Source: Green Bay Press-Gazette (WI) 56300
Indexed At: 03/07/201111:15 AM
Keywords: Sex Offender (8)
Abstract: ... Sex offenders' Green Bay residency debated You will be redirected to the page you want to ...
Supportersllf Wisconsin anti-union bill hold rally . .. < . . \ .. . < .. .. . .. > <
Byline: "SCOTT BAUERAssociated Press
Source: Milwaukee Daily Reporter (WI) N/A
Indexed At: 03/07/2011 11:09 AM
Keywords: Prison (1)
Abstract: ... the concessions. All state workers, except those at prisons, state hospitals and other facilities open around
. the clock, would be potential layoff targets ....
Vern oil Col.lllty authorities release registered sex offender illfll . . ... . . . . .. .. . .. . .
Source: WRJC (WI) N/ A
IndexedAt: 03/07/2011 9:39AM
Keywords: Wisconsin Department of Corrections (!),Department of Corrections (WI only) (1)
Abstract: ... Vernon County Sheriff's Office, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, is notifying
the public of the release of 25-year old Isaac Yoder. Yoder is a ...
From the Department of Corrections: Please consider the environment before printing this message.
Downing, Karley - GOV
Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 10:18 AM
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
FW: Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
Do these go to legislative all?
Waylon Hurlburt
Senior Policy Advisor
The Office of Governor Scott Walker
State of iisconsin
From: GOV Press
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 10:13 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
March 8, 2011
For lmmediat.e Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
Madison- Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples and new details to show how
collective bargaining fiscally impacts government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teaches can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
At the average annual salary for a Green Bay teacher of $51,355, this amounts to a daily rate of pay of
$1,711.83, or an hourly rate of $213.98. Since most retiring teachers receive higher than average salary, these
amounts are, in practice, much higher.
Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
Teachers Receiving Two Pensions
Due to a 1982 provision of their collective bargaining agreement, Milwaukee Public School teachers actually
receive two pensions upon retirement instead of one. The contribution to the second pension is equal to 4.2%
of a teacher's salary, with the school district making 100% of the contribution, just like they do for the first
pension. This extra benefit costs taxpayers more than $16 million per year.
Source: February 17, 2010 Press Release, Process of developing FY11 budget begins Milwaukee Public Schools
Almost $10.000 Per Year for Doing Nothing
While the Green Bay Emeritus Program actually requires teachers to at least show up for work, the Madison
Emeritus Program doesn't even require that. In addition to their pension payouts, retired Madison public
school teachers receive annual payments of at least $9,884.18 per year for enrolling in the Emeritus Program,
which requires ZERO days of work.
When this program began, 20 days of work per year were required. Through collective bargaining, the union
successfully negotiated this down to zero days.
Source: Madison Teachers Inc. Website
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples ofthe fiscal impact of collective bargaining
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school
crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come
and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want
to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1127/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during off-duty hours
in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining agreements, these employees
are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more than $6,000 in
additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council24
Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing pornography on a
school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the teacher only after taking the
case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the taxpayers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being named
Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost her job because the
collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have required zero
contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, of course I would switch to a different plan
to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in medians and right-of-
ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a grievance indicating it was the right of
government workers to cut the grass, even though it would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258, including
$109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total, seven City of Madison bus
drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers') contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a practice known as "sick leave
stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are allowed to work the
very next shift, earning time-and-a-half for overtime. This results in the officer receiving 2.5 times his or her
rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009, despite earning
base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of $66,000 in overtime pay for an
average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining:
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate in
union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a direct
fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs and requiring
notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to
reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week
to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as many
school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible. Union
leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the state employee
health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the
flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings
would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is $786,000
a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime
if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen was collectively
bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Mohr, Mark - GOV
Evenson, Tom - GOV
IIP<n"v. March 08, 2011 10:18 AM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Proposed Tweet
Even more examples that show how collective bargaining impacts state/local gov'ts:
http: // !iournal media detail.asp?locid-177&;prid-s6zs
Tom Evenson
Press Aide
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Direct Line: (6oS) 267-7303
Wisconsin is Open for Business
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 201110:31 AM
Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 10:18 AM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: FW: Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
Do these go to legislative all?
Waylon Hurlburt
Senior Policy Advisor
The Office of Governor Scott Walker
State of Wisconsin
From: GOV Press
Sent:Tuesday, March 08, 201110:13 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
March 8, 2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
Collective Bargaining Has a Fiscal Impact Part 4
Madison- Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples and new details to show how
collective bargaining fiscally impacts government and how reforming collective bargaining can improve
A Year's Worth of Pay for 30 Days of Work
Under the Green Bay School District's collectively bargained Emeritus Program, teaches can retire and receive
a year's worth of salary for working only 30 days over a three year period. This is paid in addition to their
already guaranteed pension and health care payouts.
At the average annual salary for a Green Bay teacher of $51,355, this amounts to a daily rate of pay of
$1,711.83, or an hourly rate of $213.98. Since most retiring teachers receive higher than average salary, these
amounts are, in practice, much higher.
Source: WLUK-TV, 3/3/11
Teachers Receiving Two Pensions
Due to a 1982 provision of their collective bargaining agreement, Milwaukee Public School teachers actually
receive two pensions upon retirement instead of one. The contribution to the second pension is equal to 4.2%
of a teacher's salary, with the school district making 100% of the contribution, just like they do for the first
pension. This extra benefit costs taxpayers more than $16 million per year.
Source: February 17, 2010 Press Release, Process of developing FY11 budget begins Milwaukee Public Schools
Almost $10,000 Per Year for Doing Nothing
While the Green Bay Emeritus Program actually requires teachers to at least show up for work, the Madison
Emeritus Program doesn't even require that. In addition to their pension payouts, retired Madison public
school teachers receive annual payments of at least $9,884.18 per year for enrolling in the Emeritus Program,
which requires ZERO days of work.
When this program began, 20 days of work per year were required. Through collective bargaining, the union
successfully negotiated this down to zero days.
Source: Madison Teachers Inc. Website
Yesterday the Governor's office released these examples ofthe fiscal impact of collective bargaining
No Volunteer Crossing Guards Allowed
A Wausau public employee union filed a grievance to prohibit a local volunteer from serving as a school
crossing guard. The 86-year-old lives just two blocks away and serves everyday free of charge.
Principal Steve Miller says, "He said, you know, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning to come
and help these kids in the neighborhood."
But for a local union that represents crossing guards, it isn't that simple. Representatives didn't want
to go on camera but say if a crossing guard is needed, then one should be officially hired by the city.
Source: WAOW-TV, 1/27/10
$6,000 Extra for Carrying a Pager
Some state employees, due to the nature of their positions, are required to carry pagers during off-duty hours
in order to respond to emergency situations. Due to the collective bargaining agreements, these employees
are compensated an extra five hours of pay each week, whether they are paged or not.
For an employee earning an average salary of $50,000 per year, this requirement can cost more than $6,000 in
additional compensation.
Source: 2008-09 Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and AFSCME Council 24
Arbitrator Reinstates Porn-Watching Teacher
A Cedarburg school teacher was reinstated by an arbitrator after being fired for viewing pornography on a
school computer. The school district ultimately succeeded in terminating the teacher only after taking the
case to the Wisconsin Supreme Court at great cost to the taxpayers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/23/08
'Outstanding First Year Teacher' laid Off
Milwaukee Public Schools teacher Megan Sampson was laid off less than one week after being named
Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Wisconsin Council of English Teachers. She lost her job because the
collective bargaining agreement requires layoffs to be made based on seniority rather than merit.
Informed that her union had rejected a lower-cost health care plan, that still would have required zero
contribution from teachers, Sampson said, "Given the opportunity, of course I would switch to a different plan
to save my job, or the jobs of 10 other teachers.
Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/14/10
Union Opposes Cost-Saving Lawn Mowing Program
As a cost cutting measure, Racine County began using county inmates to cut the grass in medians and right-of-
ways at no cost to the taxpayers. A county employee union filed a grievance indicating it was the right of
government workers to cut the grass, even though it would cost the taxpayers dramatically more.
Source: Racine Journal Times, 5/12/10
The $150,000 Bus Driver
In 2009, the City of Madison's highest paid employee was a bus driver who earned $159,258, including
$109,892 in overtime, guaranteed by a collective bargaining agreement. In total, seven City of Madison bus
drivers made more than $100,000 per year in 2009.
"That's the (drivers') contract," said Transit and Parking Commission Chairman Gary Poulson.
Sourc;e: Wisconsin State Journal, 2/7/10
$150,000 Correctional Officers
Correctional Officer collective bargaining agreements allow officers a practice known as "sick leave
stacking." Officers can call in sick for a shift, receiving 8 hours of sick pay, and then are allowed to work the
very next shift, earning time-and-a-half for overtime. This results in the officer receiving 2.5 times his or her
rate of pay, while still only working 8 hours.
In part because of these practices, 13 correctional officers made more than $100,000 in 2009, despite earning
base wages of less than $60,000 per year. The officers received an average of $66,000 in overtime pay for an
average annual salary of more than $123,000 with the highest paid receiving $151,181.
Source: Department of Corrections
Previously the Governor's office released these examples of the fiscal impact of collective bargaining:
Paid-Time off for Union Activities
In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate in
union activities such as collective bargaining.
Surrender of Management Rights
Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a direct
fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs and requiring
notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As County Executive Walker attempted to
reduce work hours based on budget pressures andworkload requirements by instituting a 35 hour work week
to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions
that could save taxpayers money.
WEA Trust
Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as many
school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible. Union
leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the state employee
health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. Beyond that if school districts had the
flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state plan, additional savings
would likely be realized.
Viagra for Teachers
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association {MTEA) tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is $786,000
a year.
Unrealistic Overtime Provisions
On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect overtime
if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen was collectively
bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.
Mohr, Mark - GOV
Sent: Tuesday,
To: Evenson, Tom - GOV
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Re: Proposed Tweet
Good. Tweet it.
From: Evenson, Tom- GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 10:18 AM
T o : ~
Cc: ~ V ; Werwie, Cullen J- GOV
Subject: Proposed Tweet
Even more examples that show how collective bargaining impacts state/local gov'ts: media detail.asp?locid=177&prid=5675
Tom Evenson
Press Aide
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Direct Line: (6oS) 267-7303
Wisconsin is Open for Business
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 201111:21 AM
To: Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Madison -- Senate Democrats still in Illinois are waiting to see what comes out of a meeting Tuesday with their GOP colleagues.
While some Senate Democrats have given up hope that enough Republican senators will shift their stance on Gov. Scott Walker's budget
repair bill, Sen. Chris Larson (D-Milwaukee) said he still thinks GOP lawmakers could budge. Republican lawmakerS are meeting Tuesday
ahead of a scheduled floor session.
Democrats have been staying in Illinois to block passage of Walker's bill, which repeals most collective bargaining for public unions. The
Democrats don't have any meeting scheduled for Tuesday and are watching what Republicans do, Larson said.
"This week is really a watershed for those moderate Republicans," Larson said.
In an interview with the Green Bay Press Gazette, Sen. Rob Cowles (R-Green Bay) said Monday that his Republican colleagues should be
prepared to meet Democrats halfway on aspects of the collective bargaining bill that don't help balalice the budget .or save taxpayers money.
"The important part is the monetary concessions. That's the part that helps balance the budget. The other things are less monetary in
nature," said Cowles, co-chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee.
"It's the challenge of the Senate to go through those and find a conclusion on items that have little or no connection to finance."
The Journal Sentinel reported Monday that Sen. Luther Olsen of Ripon also favored some negotiatio'n with Democrats.
"TheY're in the minority but holding some cards so you've got to negotiate, you can't give up the whole ship," Olsen said.
Olsen said he's forwarded to the governor undisclosed ideas for compromise.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Downing, Karley - GOV
Kendall, Kristina
Tuesday, Aprill9,
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
1 don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci,
cc'd on this email). Please
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J- GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV <>; Lott, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina i
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:01
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
will be our staff on location (they're also
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [maililtOj
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf; Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina fm;3ilh1l
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April20, 2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April21, 2011
5:27PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina rm,ilhlj
Sent: Monday, April18, 2011 09:27AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Werwie, I
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 10:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: l;:venson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailt1J.
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:37
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April 21'') would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 8:47AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.We;wie@WI.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lott, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole"-we'lllook at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26'" and Friday, April 29'".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stosse/
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Downing, Karley - GOV
Schrimpf, Chris- GOV
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 9:36AM
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Evenson, Tom - GOV
RE: John Stossel Interview
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be
prepared to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget
issues? Why did he include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is
itimportant for our leaders to be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've
BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:---and Alex Martin, cell:
{they're also cc'd on this ~ o n ' t hesitate to cor1ta1:t
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:31 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Evenson, Tom - GOV
Subject: John Stossel Interview
will be our staff on location
or me if you need anything.
Please get a topic and any additional information to me by Noon tomorrow for the John Stossel
Jennifer Grinder
Scheduling Assistant
Office of the Governor
Downing, Karley - GOV
Thank you!
Kendall, Kristina
Tuesday, Aprill9,
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Re: STOSSEL intv request
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tue Apr 19 20:44:58 2011
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Happy pesach
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom -
Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
; Ricci, Michael
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:-and Alex Martin, cell:
cc'd on this email). P l e a s ~ o contact them or me
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
will be our staff on location (they're also
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J- GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV <>; Lett, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina fmi3ilt<Jl
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina rmi3ilt<Jl
Sent: Monday, April 18, 20111:56 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [m<liltc>
Sent: Monday, April18, 2011 11:51 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina fm;iltr>:l
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 20,2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5:27 PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00 PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina r
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 09:27
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 11:
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 10:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April 21") would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do theintv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 8:47
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.Werwie@Wl.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lett, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole"-we'lllook at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shodting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26" and Friday, April 29".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
Downing, Karley - GOV
Happy pesach
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:45 PM
Re: STOSSEL intv request
; Ricci, Michael
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:-and Alex Martin, cell:
cc'd on this email). P l e a s e ~ o contact them or me
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV <>
will be our staff on location (they're also
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV <>; Lott, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
. Email:
From: Kendall, Kristina rm,,ilho>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina rm,iltrooJ
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:56
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto: .........
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201111:51 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
. Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April18, 201110:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April20, 2011
2:50 PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April21, 2011
5:27 PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00 PM Arrive LGA
. .. .. . .... . . ..................... .
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina rm;oilt,n.i
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 09:27
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201112:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Friday, April15, 201111:20 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 201110:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina i
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April21") would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina , ~ , ;
sent: Friday, April15, 2011 8:47
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen. Werwie@WI.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lott, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole"-we'lllook at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26'" and Friday, April 29'".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Wednesday, April 20, 20111:40 PM
Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
RE: STOSSEL intv request
Do you have an ETA on when your team will arrive, so I know what time we need to be in?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto ...........
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:25 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:
cc'd on this email). Ple;ase
and Alex Martin, cell: will be our staff on location (they're also
contact them or me i you need anything.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV <>; Lott, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
~ Y e s . Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina I m;ilh1l
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:56 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201111:51
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I woula think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April20, 2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5:27 PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00 PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina rm;,iltr>J
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 09:27 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwle,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSS!=L intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201110:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom ~ GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April 21") would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:55 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lett, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole" -we'll look at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26'" and Friday, April 29'".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New NY
Downing, Karley - GOV
Kendall, Kristina
Wednesday, April 20, 20111:43 PM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
RE: STOSSEL intv request
Crews are set for 6:30AM, Stossel will probably arrive between 8:15 and 8:25AM so that we can roll promptly at 8:30
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 2:40 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Do you have an ETA on when your team will arrive, so I know what time we need to be in?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [maHto: ..........
Sent: Tuesday, April19, 2011 7:25 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:
cc'd on this email). Please
Alex Martin, cell:--. will be our staff on location (they're also
contact them or me i ~ h i n g .
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV <>; Lott, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto ..........
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:56 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30 am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mi3ilt'Jl
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April20, 2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April21, 2011
5:27PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00 PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201110:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina rmailtojl
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf; Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201112:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina I
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201111:20
To: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 201110:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto ..........
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April 21'
) would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:55 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Culfen.Werwie@WI.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lott, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole"-we'lllook at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26'" and Friday, April 29'".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stosse/
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New NY 10036
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 4:17 PM
Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
RE: STOSSEL intv request
The crew should email me when they arrive and what entrance they are at so I can let them in the building which will be
locked at the time.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto:j
Sent: Wednesday, i 20, 20111:43
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Crews are set for 6:30AM, Stossel will probably arrive between 8:15 and 8:25AM so that we can roll promptly at 8:30
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Wednesday, April20, 2011 2:40PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Do you have an ETA on when your team will arrive, so I know what time we need to be in?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell:.- and Alex Martin, cell:--will be our staff on location (they're also
cc'd on this email). PleaseToii"i"1ieSeo contact them or me i ~ h i n g .
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV <>; Lett, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Fr()m: Kendall, Kristina [m<liltc,.
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
. Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailtot
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201111:51
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 20,2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41PM ArriveMSN
Thursday, April21, 2011
5:27PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201110:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
. Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom c GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina rmoHb,.
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie,
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 10:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailto ........
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April21") would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 8:47
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.WeiWie@Wl.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lett, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole" -we'll look at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 26'" and Friday, April 29.
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Ricci, Michael
Thursday, April 21, 2011 6:20AM
Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Hi chris it is mike with stossel.
Crew has arrived. They are at the entrance near main and king (they think it is east side)
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, .Tom- GOV <>; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Sent: Wed Apr 20 17:16:46 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
The crew should email me when they arrive and what entrance they are at so I can let them in the building which will be
locked at the time.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Wednesday, April 20,
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Crews are set for 6:30AM, Stossel will probably arrive between 8:15 and 8:25AM so that we can roll promptly at 8:30
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 2:40 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Do you have an ETA on when your team will arrive, so I know what time we need to be in?
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [m<liltc
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be prepared
to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he
include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to
be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci,
cc'd on this email). Please
and Alex Martin, cell:...-will be our staff on location (they're also
contact them or me i ~ i n g .
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV <>
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV <>; Lett, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [mailtotl
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:01 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to get the
most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
~ - - - ~ ~
From: Kendall, Kristina [m
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:56 P
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [m<liltc>:ll
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201111:51 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be our first
choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in Milwaukee
would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would think
would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where. Thursday morning in
Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina [m< 1
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; WeiWie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the following
flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 20,2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41 PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5:27PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV []
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
From: Kendall, Kristina '"""''u
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 12:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina 1
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 11:
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201110:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, [mailto .........
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Loti:, Maxim
Subject: RE: ST05SEL intv request
Thursday (April 21") would definitely work for us.
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV []
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet. Thursday
we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 8:47AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lett, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or Fri), and
would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.Werwie@Wl.Gov'; ''
Cc: ''; Lott, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The Money
Hole"-we'lllook at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS, broadcast 20
times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit down for
an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good on John's schedule
to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April 2 6 ~ and Friday, April 29".
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10036

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