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Downing, Karley- GOV

From: Kitzman, Nick- GOV
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:19PM
To: Archer, Cynthia- DOA; Brickman, Michael- DOA; Culotta, Jason- GOV; Eberle, Ed- LTGOV; Gilkes, Keith- GOV; Hagedorn, Brian K- GOV; Hlmebauch,
Casey- GOV; Hogan, Pat- DOA; Huebsch, Mike - DOA; Hurlburt-a on - GQV en, Jodi - DOA; Kikkert, Becky- DOA; Kitzman, Nick- GOV; lied!,
~ u r r a y , Ryan M- GOV; Polzin, Cindy M- GOV; Roetker, Patrick- DOA; SChrimpf, Chris- GOV; Schult, Eric- GOV;
-,...._. Werwle, Cullen J- GOV; Yahn, Nate- DOA
Subject: Dally Policy and Legislative Update
l&glslative Affairs Team
Committee Activities
AB 6/SB 7- Voter ID legislation was passed out of JFC 12-2 (Jauch, Shi!Ung) with Senator Taylor and Representative Grigsby absent
o Representative Shilling read a statement from Representative Grigsby saying that she was unable to attend the meeting because she was receiving medical
treatment. She did not disclose anything further.
Both the Assembly and Senate are in session tomorrow .
.bflgislative Contacts
Representative Severson's Office contacted us to follow up on his meeting with Sheer Wind Inc. about possibly expanding their business operation to Osceola.
Tuesday's Committees Date Time Room Bill Author Staff
S. State and Federal Relations
and Information Technology
Exec 5/1012011 8:30 400SE
SS SB 13 telecommunications exec Zipperer
S. Workforce Development,
Small Business and Tourism
Exec 511012011 9:00 300SE
Auctioneer Board appointee hearing and exec xxxxxxxxx
SB 47- changes to the membership of the Small
Business Regulatory Review Board Moulton
S. Transportation Hearing and
Exec 5/1012011 9:00 425SW
(Hearing) SJR 23- creation of a department of
transportation, creation of a transportation fund,
and deposit of funds Into the transportation fund
(first consideraUon). Hopper
SB 41- agreements related to motor carrier
liability Lazich
SB 61- multiple trip permits for overweight
vehicles transporting granular roOfing material Galloway
JCRAR Hearing and Exec 5/1012011 9:30 300NE
Emergency Rule 1046- major source permitting
thresholds for sources of greenhouse gas
emissions and affecting small business xxxxxxxxx
Emergency Rule 1047- An order of the Barbering
and Cosmetology Examining Board to amend BC
9.02; and to repeal and create ch. BC 11,
relating to late renewal and continuing education xxxxxxxxx
A. Transportation Committee
Exec 5/10/2011 10:00 GAR
AB 88- multiple trip permits for overweight
vehicles transporting granular roofing materials Petrowski
AJR 31- creation of a department of
transportation, creation of a transportation fund,
and deposit of funds Into the transportation fund
(first consideration). Petrowski
Economic Development and Regulatory Reform Team
Venture Capital
o Met with Senator Grothman and Representative Tauchen on the proposal
I. Sen. Grothman has concerns about the Jobs Now Tax Credits; we hope to favorably address them tomorrow.
Charter Agency
o Secretary Stepp and Deputy Secretary Moroney met with Secretary Huebsch today on their charter agency proposal.
o DNR wants to make the department more efficient and reduce spending by allowing it more individual authority by way of spending tools.
0 DNR wm provide DOA more information on their specific requests In order for the feasibility of the plan to be determined.
Wisconsin was not awarded any of our grant requests for Florida high speed rail funding.
Secretary Gottlieb met with Congressman John Mica, Chairman of House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee today.
WisDOT announced the preferred alternative for the Zoo Interchange.
Transportation Projects Commission
o Will meet May 25
- announcement will likely be made on May 11
o DOT briefed Governor's staff about the agenda today
o Sec. Gottlieb will visit Prairie du Chien to discuss roundabouts.
o Contact from Sen. Lasee's office to discuss WisDOT and roundabouts.
Road weight limits
o Contact from Stanley business regarding local roads and weight limits.
o Contact with Chippewa County business and Chippewa County Administrator regarding Frac Sand mining and local roads and weight limits.
o Representative Ripp called together a meeting on the future of the PACE program and the associated conversion fee.
o Reps. Ott and Tauchen and Sen. Harsdorf were also present, along with groups:
Realtors, Towns Association, Fann Bureau and Bullders
Page 2 of3
o A consensus has yet to emerge from the legislators on how to whether to eliminate the conversion fee and the PACE program or allow them to take effect in the
Biomass Plant Proposal in Rothschild
o Last Friday, the commission approved the We Energiesloomtar Paper Biomass Plant
JOBS Hotline
Didion Group LLC
o Based In Washington, D.C., spoke to the president, who said he has investors thinking about doing business in WI and would like more information
1. ldeaof50-100greenhouses
2. Put the firm in touch with Commerce
Health Care and Education Team
FoodShare: Reps. Nygren and Markle in are interested in requiring photos on an Quest cards. The Grocers will be sending out a memo to all legislators asking for funds to
implement this provision and train cashiers. DHS would require $2-3 million as the dept would be unable to absorb the costs.
IM Centralization: There is a hi-breed between the two solutions. Overview will be presented shortly.
SB20 (MPS school buildings)
o Passed out of the Senate Education Committee today with support of Republicans and Sen. Vinehout.
o A vote on passage Is expected in both the Assembly and Senate tomorrow.
o The Senate adopted the Assembly language Which shortens the amount of time a building can be vacant from 18 to 12 months.
o We updated Sen. Darling's Office on the implications for Rocketshlp schools in Milwaukee and will update Rocketship with tomorrow's developments.
We are continuing to build stakeholder support far the school report card proposal
Health Care News
BadgerCare Plus Basic Audit Released
Milwaukee Infant mortality rate still high despite years of effort. millions spent (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Education News
Wise. Pa. governors to address pro-school voucher nonprofit: union leaders plan protest fAPI
WASHINGTON Two Republican governors are scheduled to speak at a Washington conference hosted by a nonprofit that pushes for private school vouchers and charter
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Gov. Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania will address the American Federation for Children's second annual policy summit Monday.
Lost in the School Choice Maze fNew York Times!
On the last day In March, when most eighth graders in New York City learned where they would be going to high school in the fa!!, Radcliffe Saddler watched the majority of his
classmates rip open thin envelopes and celebrate.
~ c e and Local Governments Team
Local Government:
Green Bay Press Gazette Wisconsin schools feed pinch of proposed state budget
'1f Governor Walker didn't exlse the school districts in the state of \!Visconsin are still on the road toward fiscal bankruptcy," said Tom Beebe, executive director of the
\!Visconsin Alliance tor Excellent Schools, a coallt/on of about 150 school districts, teachers unions and parent and student groups. "It has nothing to do wfth the governots
budget. The cuts they're making are based on the system they have."
Evers maintains that a more equitable funding stream over the last two decades could have resulted in /ass drastic Increases In education spending. Rossmiller believes 1he
removal of collective bargalnfng will help school districts find efficiencies previously blocked by teacher contracts.
Fond du Lac Reoorter Staff changes coming In Fond du Lac schools
Nault said by replacing the retirees with new hires, the district should save about $800,000.
The Fond duLac Schoo/ Distn'ct employs BOO staff members, including teachers and support staff.
The veterans board reorganization bill will be voted on Thursday and on the floor next week.
Sen. Hopper. Votes to exempt veterans homes from bed tax
Green Bav Press Gazettg,_ Editorial: Specialized veterans court In Northeastern Wisconsin could benefit all
''You give them some chances, some opportunities," he said. "They have to work with a mentor they're hooked up with, and the mentor goes through training, so It's really quite
an operation. But at the same time ... you're really helping your veterans and helping them fit back Into society."
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The committee is worKing with local law enforcement to detennine how many veterans might be served by a specialty court, Kelley said Thursday. Depending on numbers and
other factors, the court could serve a larger area within Wisconsin's Bth judicial dlsttict. It could be up and running within a matter of months.
John Scocos. Fonner Sec. of Veterans Affairs scores court win for vets
am pleased on behalf of all veterans that this case w/11 be going forward," Mr. Scocos stated after the hearing. veterans -Including those veterans who worl< for the State
of L!Vlsconsin- deserve the protections of state and federal law. This decision /s an Important step toward ensuring that veterans In Wisconsin get the protections that they
have earned through their service to the United
Concealed Carrv:
Milwaukee Journal SentineL Gun bll! triggers applause, dismay
The Wisconsin Professional Police Association was neutral on past concealed-cany proposals, said Executive Director Jim Palmer, because of different views among roral and
urban officers.
uour group Is likely to revisit our stance," he said. Since the no-penm1 proposal made the news, "We've been ovetWhe/med with members opposing that It just seems absurd."
In Wisconsin, one of only two states (with Illinois) that currently ban any concealed weapons, it may indeed strike many as a radfca/ idea.
But backers say no-strings-attached concealed cany is already the Jaw In four states and has been proposed In about a dozen more that have had permit systems in place.
The concealed carry pub1lc hearings begin this Thursday.
We met with the A.G.'s office about the creation of a statewide criminal justice coordinating counciL They are on board and we are currently Ironing out the details Wilh
Corrections. When all parties are on board it will be presented to the Governor and released via EO If he approves.
I met with Jesse Heier of the Midwest Governor's Association. He outlined what they do and how they operate. II was an informal meet and greet.
Early release will be voted on In Assembly and Senate committees this week.
Voter 10:
Wisconsin State JournaL As voter 10 bill heads toward passage, the only certainty is a high price tag
Indiana passed its law In 2005. Democrats feared the measure, which cost the state $10 million to put in place, would suppress turnout among certain groups.
"I still wony about the disabled, the poor and the homeless and whether their votes are being suppressed," said Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, Indiana University law professor and
voting rights expert. "But so far no one has been able to prove disenfranchisement."
Fuentes-Rohwer said Indiana's law hasn't been around tong enough for researchers to paint an accurate pfcture of the law'S effect. The closest seems to be a 2009 study
conducted by Michael Pitts, a law professor with Indiana University-Indianapolis. Pitts' study concluded that of the 2.8 million lndfana voters in the 2008 election, 1,039 arrived
at the polls without a valid ID and were forced to cast a provisional ballot. In the end, only 137 of those voters returned with a vaffd ID and had their votes counted.
AB 7 (Voter 10) was passed out of JFC today with a final vote of 12-2-2 (Rep. Grigsby and Sen. Taylor were not In attendance). A substitute amendment (LRBs0100/1)
to the previous substitute (ASA 1) passed 12-2-2 as well. There was also one other amendment which moves the final day someone can request an absentee ballot in
person from the Monday before the election to the Friday before the election. This passed 12-2-2. The main concerns from opponents were 1) The cost of the bill and 2)
Possible voter disenfranchisement. There was a small recess taken when three protesters decided to try and take over the meeting. They were immediately shouted
down by Senator Jauch and four people (a cameraman being the fourth) were removed from the room.
Moving the September primary to August was removed from this legislation and will be introduced as separate legislation.
Changes in the amendment to the substitute amendment:
1. Studet')t lD cards will no longer be required to show the student's address. A student must get a new ID card every two years If they plan to use it to vole.
2. The time period for in-person absentee voting now begins on the third Monday preceding an elecllon
3. The voter registration form must contain a statement that the falsification of information on the form Is a Class I Felony
4. One will not have to present a photo 10 when registeri[lg. A photo ID wlll now only be needed when vollng.
5. The residency requirement will be 28 days before the election.
6. The word "managers" at nursing homes who witness absentee votes are substituted with
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Downing, Karley- GOV
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Thursday, May 05,2011 6:10PM
To: Murray, Ryan M- GOV
Subject: Daily Policy and Legislative Briefing
Legislative Affairs Update
Legislative Update:
Representative Petersen today voted against the Special Session telecommunications bill in the
Assembly Energy and Utilities Committee. The bill passed the committee 6-5.
Representative Severson will be having a 10 minute phone call with the Governor tomorrow
concerning a new business that wants to set up a production facility in Osceola called Sheer Wind
Inc. which makes wind turbines.
Senator Grothrnan has requested a meeting with the Governor to talk about budget issues.
Representative Toles has requested a meeting with the Governor to discuss the Governor's
suspension of Executive Order 108.
Economic Development and Regulatory: Reform Team
Hospitality Development near State Fair Park
o Met with Speaker Fitzgerald and some developers to discuss what tax credits may apply for a
development planned for this fall.
Dairy Manufacturing Facility Investment Tax Credit
o The WI Chessemaker's Association is in favor of Rep. Ott's amendment that would extend
the $200,000 tax credit to all facilities regardless of corporation structure.
o Cooperatives Network is OK with this.
Trucl' Weight Increase
o Senator Leibham is working on a bill to increase the allowable truck weights for a set
distance around the Arcadia area for particular products.
o DOT, DATCP and staff will meet next week to discuss this legislation, recommend changes.
Plan to apply the bill towards the entire state, include larger amounts of products.
Great Lal,es Council of Governors
o Met with DNR staff to receive an update on various Great Lakes issues, including:
The City of Waukesha's request for a water diversion from the Great Lakes Basin
A review of the 5 Areas of Concem designated by EPA
1. Sheboygan should have dredging completed by the end of2012.
G-Tac Exploratory Drilling
o The Bad River Band sent the Governor a letter on DNR' s approving this.
o They would have wanted there to be public input, despite there being no legal duty to do so.
o Outagamie County came up with a memo for JFC members on recycling.
o They talk about:
Supporting per capita grant distribution
Supporting consolidation
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Offering different ways of incentivizing consolidation and implementing change in
Contact with business owner from Chippewa County regarding road weight limits.
Federal Railroad Administration began to announce the grants from the Florida HSR money.
Commission Meeting on Friday
o Among other issues on the docket, the Focus on Energy Administrator will be selected
o Further discussion on We Energies proposed biomass plant in Rothschild
USS Milwaukee
o Secretary of the Navy sent a letter thanking you for your request that Milwaukee be
considered for the commissioning site ofUSS Milwaukee (LCS 5)
o Will work with the Dept. of Tourism to see what else can be done to make this happen
Menomonee Valley
o Menomonee Valley Partners Inc. sent a letter thanking you for your partnership in helping
improve the Valley
o MVP said, "these successes would not be possible without partners like you." (in 2010,4
more companies moved to the Valley, creating 660 jobs)
Venture Capital
Package announced at media event by Sen. Hopper, Rep. Tauchen, and Rep. Fields
JOBS Hotline
2 calls received
Health Care and Education Team
RGPPC Healthcare Conference Call
Nine states are behind our Medicaid flexibility recommendations. Edits from states are to be submitted
throughout next week.
Met with Tony Langenol, Dr. Phillips, and Ryan Natzke (Marshfield Clinic): Discussed the proposed
Marshfield dental school, dental clinics, and budget.
Meeting with Tom Fonfara & Maureen Kartheiser (March of Dimes): May 17th is the March of
Dimes lobby day at the Capitol. Discussed their prenatal programs. There are 8 sites in Wisconsin that
reach 2,000 women each year.
Meeting with Ken Taylor (WI Council on Children & Families: Ken discussed WCCF's budget
priorities, shared their support for the Read to Lead Task Force. They oppose the new emergency rule
making authority in the budget repair bill. Ken is also the co-chair with Secretary Anderson for the WI
Child Welfare Council.
Met with Tony Langenol and Data Recognition Corp on the WKCE test, discussed phasing in another
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Health Care News
Renublicans want to require photos on FoQdShare, cards: (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Medicaid Debate Can't only Be About Cuts (Tite Huffington Post)
Article by: Former Gov. Tommy G. Thompson & Sec. ofHHS
Justice and Local Governments Team
Local Government:
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Editorial: The cuts at MPS
The loss of federal grant money and reduced state spending sends a clear message that Milwaukee Public
Schools has to put in place the efficiencies called for by consultants in 2009. Just as important, school
leaders need to ask the teachers union to reopen its contract to save teaching jobs.
Thornton and the School Board also should ask the teachers union to reopen its contract with the district.
The emphasis for the union now should be on saving jobs.
Sheboygan Press: Editorial: Contract extensions were good moves
Sheboygan County Finance Director Terry Hanson said the extension will save the county $600,000 this
year and nearly $1.4 million next year above what it would have gained under Walker's plan alone.
The savings to the school district in the four contracts it agreed to extend comes to about $6.65 million
over the next 18 months and includes a wage freeze.
We don't know how long the collective bargaining provisions will remain in legal limbo, but we do know
that local taxpayers are already saving money by having hundreds of union employees pay insurance and
pension costs now rather than later.
Beloit Daily News. Beloit may face transit, recycling cuts
Approximately 2.8 percent of the Beloit Transit System's operating budget is state-funded, she said. For
2011 the operating budget is $1,903,000.
Overall, Gavin said Walker's plan would result in a total loss of$80,000 per year in 2012 and 2013.
She did not want to speak prematurely, because the budget has not yet been passed, but Gavin did say a
reduction in the number of hours of service- whether that be during non-peak times or Saturday
services- could be a possibility.
Since City Manager Larry Arfl said state statutes mandate recycling, the only choice is to raise the
monthly collection fees if the grant is indeed eliminated.
He said the rate for the residential solid waste collection (that includes the recycling program) used to be
at $11.50 a month, and in 2010 it went up to $13 a month.
There is an overage charge of more than jive set-outs a week, and the yard waste collection is a separate
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If the grants are notfimded, the rate for residential collection would likely go up to $14.50 a month.
La Crosse Tribune. Walker signs sick leave bill
The bill declares that statewide employee leave provisions trump local ordinances and prohibits cities,
villages, towns and counties from adopting their own.
Walker, a Republican, says in a statement the bill removes another barrier to creating jobs. Milwaukee
Mayor Tom Barrett, a Democrat who ran against Walker for governor, opposes the bill, saying it could
drive jobs out of the city.
La Crosse Tribune. Appointment of veterans secretary gaining speed
Wisconsin's veterans groups are divided on whether to change the current structure, which gives the
Board of Veterans Affairs the power to appoint the secretary. Those in support of the change argue that
the department is in shambles and a dramatic change is needed.
But opponents say it will only ji1rther politicize the board and department.
Wisconsin State Journal. State assistant district attorneys reject proposal to cut work hours
Wisconsin assistant district attorneys have ovenvhelmingly rejected a plan to take state-mandated
{itrloughs in a statewide vote that ended Tuesday.
The rejection prolongs an impasse between prosecutors and the state over the state's insistence that the
prosecutors take furloughs like other state workers or accept cuts to work hours to ease the budget
The two sides have not come to an agreement, so last month the state informed assistant DAs that their
work hours would be pared by 20 percent beginning next week because they had not yet taken six of the
16 furlough days mandated in 2009 by former Gov. Jim Doyle.
The Petersen bill to change the veterans board is up for an exec next Thursday. Radcliffe is
offering an amendment to allow the county veteran service officers the ability to run elections to
pick board members. Petersen is offering an omnibus amendment to stagger terms better and make
some other technical tweaks. Petersen's amendment is expected to pass and Radcliffe has been
told that his idea is a logistical nightmare by VSO's and unconstitutional by Petersen and possibly
Legislative Council. The bill is now expected on the floor May 17.
Representative Suder held his press conference on ending early release. It also had a hearing today
and is expected to be amended with technical tweaks. Representative Suder is committed to
passing it soon.
Sunnnary of hearing by Pat Hogan:
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AB 86, SB 57: Technical amendments will be added at the suggestion of DOC so that the repeal of the
bill may more cmTectly coincide with Truth and Sentencing. Gaty Hamblin was well received and was
able to answer most questions, while defetTing to support staff for the rest. He will be getting more
numbers regarding the recidivism rate. There was a question of constitutionality regarding ex post facto,
but this was rebuffed by many in the room (this certain individual had previously met with Rep. Kessler
and Sen. Coggs) -I do not foresee this being an issue. The public support from members of the
committee was split party-line.
Reu. Suder. Holds press conference on repeal of early release. Facts and Figures.
Concealed Carry:
Wausau Daily Herald. Sen. Galloway introduces concealed carry gun bill
"I look forward to residents of the state of Wisconsin being able to exercise their constitutional rights,"
Galloway said.
Wisconsin and lllinois are the only two states that do not permit concealed carry. Proponents of
concealed cany argue it will prevent crime and is a guaranteed right for US. citizens, but opponents say
it's a danger to the public.
Galloway'sfirst proposal would allow individuals older than 21 to apply for permits from the state's
Department of Justice. A background check to carry a concealed weapon would be required.
Milwaukee Joumal Sentinel. New concealed carry bills go further than previous efforts
Galloway said she did not believe any training was needed for people to carry concealed guns.
'People who carry concealed as private citizens are responsible people," she said.
Galloway's contention that no training would be needed for concealed carry contrasts with regulations in
place for hunters.
State regulations specifY that hunters born after Jan. 1, 1973, must complete a hunter safety course.
There are some exceptions- for example, if hunters have completed basic training in the militmy, or they
are shooting certain species such as squirrels and rabbits without a license on their own property.
George Meyer, executive director of the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, would not comment on the bill
but said his organization has consistently supported concealed carry over the years. He did add that
hunter safety courses- combined with the requirement to wear blaze orange in the woods- had
"substantially reduced hunting accidents. "
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Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, February 15,2011 8:18PM
To: Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Huebsch, Mike - DOA; Schutt, Eric- GOV; Archer, Cynthia- DOA; Jensen,
Jodi- DOA
Cc: Hagedorn, Brian K- GOV; Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Polzin, Cindy M - GOV;
Lied I, Kimberly - GOV; Culotta, Jason - DOA; Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV; Matejov, Scott- GOV;
Eberle, Ed - L TGOV
Subject: Daily Policy and Legislative Briefing
Legislative Affairs Team
Legislative Contacts
Talked with Representative Jacque who had questions with regard to how the BAB will affect local
contracts that have been recently signed
Representative Kooyenga is trying to help Milwaukee Electric Tool create 80 jobs in Wisconsin. Currently
working with both Economic Development Team and Commerce to facilitate
Representative Bies and Representative Steineke have both reached out to our office regarding BAB. May
need further attention
Contacted supporters of SS AB 5- 2/3rds vote needed for tax increase- to inform them of postponement of
bill signing
SS AB/SB 11- BAB update
The Joint Committee on Finance had a public hearing on SS AB/SB 11- BAB.that will continue into the
night. JFC plans to vote on the bill tomorrow.
Retirement system changes included in SS AB/SB 11 were ok'd by the Joint Survey Committee on
Retirement Systems
Economic Development and Regulatory Reform Team
Spoke to Dave Volz about contacting Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation
o VP/CFO of company contacted Brookfield's Economic Development coordinator, who then
contacted Rep. Kooyenga
o Would like to speak to Commerce about state assistance that would aid in the expansion of jobs
currently in-and-out of the state
Met with Scott Tyre, Mick Foti, and American Transit Solutions
o They would like to introduce a JFC amendment allowing cameras to be used at intersections and in
construction zones to fine speed violators
o This could be used to help supplement local governments' finances
o Would be a civil forfeiture; law enforcement would issue the citation, but a vendor would monitor for
o They are talking to Sec. Gottlieb and Tom Howells at the Motor Carriers Assn about this; AAA and
the League of Municipalities support this.
Discussed course of action to resolve the NHTSA Section 164 issue with Reggie Newson and DOT
o DOT has the following recommendations:
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Appeal to NHTSA and illustrate why WisDOT is in compliance with Section 164.
Set up a conference call with NHTSA and FHWA to get guidance to how WisDOT could
become compliant with Section 164.
Request congressional assistance to ask NHTSHA to reevaluate their interpretation of
Wisconsin state statue.
DOT Recertification of 23 CFR Section 164 and,
Short-term, continue to be non-compliant and administratively transfer highway dollars that
have been redirected to highway safety program. (Status quo)
o Until told otherwise, WisDOT will not be requesting administrative rule or statutory changes
to reconcile the difference in state vs. federal interpretation of Section 164 (reserves right to
introduce language sometime in future)
o Currently, nothing has been done with Section 164 sanction transferred funds (WisDOT cannot do
anything until official sanction notification letter is received from FHWA)
o Note: Feds have already moved $7.3M from the $15M allocated for highway programs into the
safety program fund, which is contradictory the process that the Fed's established, as a result of no
official ruling/decision on this issue has been made yet
Budget Repair Bill - potential issue
o Dan Kannien, former Doyle legislative director and current White House policy staff, contacted
Fiscal Bureau
o Has opinion that it is illegal for the state to eliminate collective bargaining rights for county transit
workers, based on current federal code
o If illegal, could affect state's ability to receive federal transit dollars ($60-BOM)
NGA Economic Development and Commerce Committee Conference Call
o Discussed President's new budget and highlights of surface transportation funding
Spoke to Town of Hubbard Chairman in Rusk County about issue they are having with flood plain mapping
done by DNR and used by FEMA.
They are hoping to resolve the issue before the risk of flooding is at spring-time high.
Will work with DNR on possible resolution.
Spoke with the Curt Witynski of the League of Municipalities on Director Winston's WHEDA TIF proposal.
They have signed off on the concept and we will share the concept with interested legislators
Human Services and Education Team
Legislative Meeting
Met with Rep. Kapenga on K-12 issues:
* Repeal2009 Act 134 (funding Plmmed Parenthood/sex education)
* Wants teacher accountability and tenure reform
*Wants funding based on graduation rather than enrollment
Education MeetinJU
Met with DPI to discuss creation of a Wisconsin Student Information System (WSIS). DPI is very excited to
be moving forward with this project and would like to put as mm1y pieces in place as possible before the budget
passes. To make that happen, we will have to consider the following issues, among others:
o How much time do we allow districts to get on board?
o How can we encourage DOA to move this process along?
o Many districts are currently signed with a Wisconsin vendor; will this cause backlash if a non-
Wisconsin vendor is ultimately selected for the statewide system?
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Met with members of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact. They wondered why Wisconsin state
agencies aren't participating in the IT procurement consortium with the other II member states. They believe that
it could provide a significant cost savings to the state. Another option for potential cost savings is with property
insurance benefits with universities if their insurance wasn't pooled with the other state propetties.
Justice and Local Governments Team
Legal Reiorm:
Met with Andy Cook of the Wisconsin Civil Justice Council and Brian Hagedorn to talk about another legal
reform package. This would include loser pays, punitive damage changes, etc ...
Met with Pete Christianson, Forbes Mcintosh, Mental Health Management and Secretary Hamblin
regarding contracting out mental health services at corrections to save cost. Secretary Hamblin and his
staff are reviewing the idea to determine if it is worth pursuing. MHM offered to consult at no cost to the
Secretary Hamblin is planning on announcing the closure of Ethan Allen and SOGS on Tuesday of next
week because the staff will know when the budget language is released.
Military Affairs:
Dept. of Military Affairs. Wisconsin National Guard always ready, always there
Local Government:
Mayor Bauer from the City of Durand stopped by to talk about the budget adjustment. He supports it and
feels the teachers union has destroyed the Durand school. He also brought up an issue with WHEDA over
the approval of a loan guarantee to build a radio tower. I contacted Deputy Winston and McCoshen to
check on it.
Mayor Bauer would also like the Governor to be at Volk Field when his son returns from Iraq. I contacted
General Dunbar to see if he has the time they are to return so I can get it to Dorothy if it works on the
Governor's schedule.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. GMC proposes downsizing for county government. Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel (Editorial).
"Milwaukee County government would get downsized under a plan announced Monday by the Greater Milwaukee
Committee, with parks, transit and the airport spun off to two new special districts and unspecified human
services turned over to the state."
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Friday, February 04, 2011 12:38 PM
Hogan, Pat- GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Attachments: state and counties_Q22010 by Own.xls
state and
unties_Q22010 by c
FYI ....
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784 georgia.maxwell@dwd.wisconsin.gov
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 7:06AM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Cc: Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
In case you are asked for county level data
attached in Q2/2010 data that is all jobs by
private and gov
t ownership similar to the statewide data I sent late yesterday afternoon.
Any zero value in a cell likely indicates suppression due to confidentiality reasons.
Eric Grosso
Senior Economist
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Office of Economic Advisors Madison
-----Original Message-----
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:16 PM
To: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
Thank you so much Eric!
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:12 PM
To: Maxwell
Georgia E - DWD; Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
We dont have any figures for municipal employees unfortunately
here is a breakdown of jobs by ownership. 2009 is latest annual data
I hope the attachment helps--i hope I am understanding their question correctly
Let me know if you need any other assistance
From: Maxwell, Georgia E DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:04 PM
To: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Is this a question we would have answers for??
Thank you so much Eric!
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Hogan, Pat - GOV
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:48 PM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
Hey Georgia, I'm bugging you again. I guess my previous question about the total of state
workers maybe have sounded a little odd. Do we have any numbers about total amount of
workers in the state and if that number is broken into municipal employees, state
employees, or county employees.
From: Maxwell, Georgia E DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:33 PM
To: Hogan, Pat - GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Email #2 ..... hopefully this is of some help to you?
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Grosso
Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:31 PM
To: Loehe, Rex - DWD; Winters
Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell
Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
<< File: BEA_Employer Compensation.xls >> << File: Local Govt$.xls >>
The 'BEA
excel file contains very general data of what employers (private and gov
combined) for some insurances of employees in terms of total compensation. It is
aggregate data and does not itemize which types of insurances by dollar amount.
The 'Local Gov't' file is annual average wage by industry that is owned by local
government. Local government indicates county and municipal combined. It is only wage
data and does not include any benefit value. A value of zero in a cell indicates either
the data is suppressed for confidentiality reasons or that no employment exists in that
county in that industry/ownership
Both files are dated as 2009
Eric Grosso
Senior Economist
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Office of Economic Advisors
Madison, WI
From: Loehe, Rex - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:03 PM
To: Grosso
Eric - DWD; Winters
Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell
Georgia E - DWD; Loehe
Rex - DWD
Subject: Public Employee Data Request
Good afternoon Eric & Dennis:
Georgia Maxwell received a data request pertaining to local public employees in Wisconsin.
Is it possible for OEA to derive comparative data presenting the average salary earned
(including benefits) for county workers vs. other municipal workers in Wisconsin? Any
assistance or direction you can provide is appreciated.
Thank you
Rex Loehe
Executive Staff Assistant
Office of the Secretary
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
(608) 266-1756
Second Quarter- 2010 -Number of Jobs by Ownership- All Industries
Local Government
Adams County
Ashland County
Barron County
Bayfield County
Brown County
Buffalo County
Burnett County
Calumet County
Chippewa County
Clark County
Columbia County
Crawford County
Dane County
Dodge County
Door County
Douglas County
Dunn County
Eau Claire County
Florence County
Fond du Lac County
Forest County
Grant County
Green County
Green Lake County
Iowa County.
Iron County
Jackson County
Jefferson County
Juneau County
Kenosha County
Kewaunee County
La Crosse County
Lafayette County
Langlade County
Lincoln County
Manitowoc County
Marathon County
Marinette County
Marquette County
Menominee County
Milwaukee County
Monroe County
Oconto County
Oneida County
Outagamie County
Ozaukee County
Pepin County
Pierce County
Polk County
(Countv and City)
State Government
Portage County 26,985 0 0
Price County 4,817 0 0
Racine County 61,443 7,409 1,814
Richland County 4,716 0 0
Rock County 49,994 8,404 307
Rusk County 3,637 0 0
Sauk County 31,410 5,242 154
Sawyer County 4,819 0 0
Shawano County 9,446 2,771 32
Sheboygan County 50,725 5,508 527
St. Croix County 23,770 4,036 67
Taylor County 6,934 962 11
Trempealeau County 11,013 2,135 19
Vernon County 6,439 1,800 37
Vilas County 5,306 0 0
Walworth County 31,164 0 0
Washburn County 4,364 1,003 186
Washington County 43,426 5,194 140
Waukesha County 200,352 16,287 1,216
Waupaca County 15,828 0 0
Waushara County 4,718 0 0
Winnebago County 77,011 7,333 3,744
Wood County 36,925 4,500 315
Wisconsin 2,245,441 291,274 78,441
Federal Government Total
337 4,803
211 8,119
187 20,219
151 3,961
1,292 144,633
173 4, 775
62 4,712
155 11,591
229 21,835
143 9,386
254 20,808
90 7,421
5,291 295,554
250 32,789
165 13,163
718 16,064
121 15,668
503 54,461
36 1,017
285 43,380
124 3,280
202 17,476
108 13,806
82 6,531
110 10,375
28 1,721
70 8,295
195 33,049
311 8,958
968 53,628
88 7,469
526 66,174
74 3,820
64 7,746
101 10,384
232 33,722
598 64,821
226 18,350
73 3,749
20 2,009
10,760 466,919
2,594 19,802
179 8,823
266 16,436
662 99,880
184 37,470
30 2,279
147 9,789
182 14,777
225 31,821
137 5,909
375 71,041
84 5,835
407 59,113
70 4,915
204 37,009
101 6,964
172 12,420
276 57,036
211 28,084
75 7,982
144 13,311
141 8,416
124 7,479
200 37,842
160 5,712
327 49,087
819 218,674
174 20,022
79 6,270
609 88,697
248 41,988
35,240 2,650,396
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Hogan, Pat- DOA
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 4:07 PM
To: Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
After Hartland teachers agree, union blocks insurance switch
By Mike Johnson of the Journal Sentinel
May 24, 2011 3:44p.m. 1(29) COMMENTS
Page 1 of3
Hartland -Teachers in the Hartland-Lakeside School District have agreed to
switch health insurance providers to save the district $690,000, but the executive
committee of a union that represents Arrowhead High feeder schools is blocking
the change, officials say.
Faced with a $1.2 million reduction in state aid for the 2011-12 school year, the
School Board has been looking at ways to reduce costs and avoid program cuts
and increases in class sizes, Superintendent Glenn W. Schilling said Tuesday.
The board determined it could achieve some saving by switching teachers' health
insurance from WEA Trust, the nonprofit company started 40 years ago by the
state's largest teachers union, to another provider when the contract expires on
June 30.
In the end, the board and teachers - after a series of joint meetings to study the
issue - agreed to go with United Healthcare.
Teachers overwhelmingly supported the change, said Schilling and Ginny
Henningsen, the former School Board president who has been serving as a liaison
in negotiations with teachers since leaving the board in April.
The Arrowhead United Teachers Organization's executive committee rejected the
switch on Monday.
Samuel Froiland, a director for Cedar Lake United Educators, which represents the
Arrowhead United Teachers Organization, said the committee asked School Board
negotiators to include an agreement to bargain between now and July 1 on wages
and other work rules as part of the insurance change.
The committee wanted a full labor agreement, rather than having a segregated
deal on insurance, Froiland said.
That was rejected, he said.
Page 2 of3
"There was a willingness to try to work with them on this. It's unfortunate the
district refused that offer .... This was not about the carrier. This was about the
district's unwillingness to negotiate anything but health insurance," Froiland said.
The move in Hartland-Lakeside to save on health insurance comes at a time when
Gov. Scott Walker has proposed slicing $834 million in state K-12 education
spending over the next two years, a decrease of nearly 8% from current funding.
Walker has said, though, that measures included in his budget-repair law will help
districts make up for the cuts. The law, which is being challenged in court, limits
collective bargaining for public workers, including teachers.
The law imposes new health care contributions on workers if they are in the state's
health insurance plan and requires most public employees to pay half the cost of
their pensions- typically 5.8% of pay.
It repeals bargaining by public employee unions over their benefits and work
conditions, leaving only bargaining over wages with a cap based on the rate of
inflation, barring a referendum.
Hartland-Lakeside isn't in the state's insurance plan.
But switching from WEA Trust to United Healthcare will give the district enough
saving coupled with $250,000 in saving from Walker's pension contribution
provision the maintain the district's current level of programs and services,
Henningsen said.
Other districts have switched from WEA Trust insurance to achieve savings, the
Menomonee Falls district among the latest.
The Falls School Board on Monday ggproved a new contract with teachers that
achieved a saving of $2.4 million by switching health insurance from WEA Trust to
Hartland-Lakeside School Board President Dave Elario said the board will meet
Tuesday night to discuss its options on health insurance.
But Elario said it is likely the board will move forward with making the change, and
he and others believe Walker will prevail on the collective bargaining changes.
"We've come up with what we think is a very fair proposal that the local teachers
are supporting .... We're together on this. And yet we've got the AUTO exec board,
they're not part of our community and they are standing in the way of something
in my opinion that's good for teachers, students and taxpayers," Elario said.
"There's too much at risk to not make the change," he said. "We can't afford to
have higher class sizes," he said.
Patrick Hogan
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Policy Assistant
(608) 266-1212
Page 3 of3
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Friday, February 04, 2011 12:37 PM
Hogan, Pat- GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
h t ~ ~
lOQZ.xls (20 K. ..
FYI ....
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
statewide_own_201 OQ2.xls
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784 georgia.maxwell@dwd.wisconsin.gov
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:15PM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD; Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
Here is more recent data
This gets us thru Q2l2010
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:04 PM
To: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Is this a question we would have answers for??
Thank you so much Eric!
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Hogan, Pat GOV
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:48 PM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
Hey Georgia, I'm bugging you again. I guess my previous question about the total of state
workers maybe have sounded a little odd. Do we have any numbers about total amount of
workers in the state and if that number is.broken into municipal employees, state
or county employees.
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:33 PM
To: Hogan, Pat - GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Email #2 ..... hopefully this is of some help to you?
Georgia Maxwell.
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:31 PM
To: Loehe, Rex - DWD; Winters
Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
<< File: BEA_Employer Compensation.xls >> << File: Local Govt$.xls >>
The 'BEA' excel file contains very general data of what employers {private and gov't
combined) for some insurances of employees in terms of total compensation. It is
aggregate data and does not itemize which types of insurances by dollar amount.
The 'Local Gov't' file is annual average wage by industry that is owned by local
government. Local government indicates county and municipal combined. It is only wage
data and does not include any benefit value. A value of zero in a cell indicates either
the data is suppressed for confidentiality reasons or that no employment exists in that
county in that industry/ownership
Both files are dated as 2009
Eric Grosso
Senior Economist
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Office of Economic Advisors Madison, WI
From: Loehe, Rex - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:03 PM
To: Grosso, Eric - DWD; Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD; Loehe, Rex - DWD
Subject: Public Employee Data Request
Good afternoon Eric & Dennis:
Georgia Maxwell received a data request pertaining to local public employees in Wisconsin.
Is it possible for OEA to derive comparative data presenting the average salary earned
(including benefits) for county workers vs. other municipal workers in Wisconsin? Any
assistance or direction you can provide is appreciated.
Thank you,
Rex Loehe
Executive Staff Assistant
Office of the Secretary
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
(608) 266-1756
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (ES202) Query Results
Area Year Period NAICS Industry
Wisconsin o Total Alllnd
Wisconsin o Total Alllnd
Wisconsin . o Total Alllnd
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Bureau of Workforce Labor Market Information
Query Created on February 03, 2011
http:/ /WORKnet.Wisconsin.gov
Downing, Karley- GOV
From: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:16PM
Hogan, Pat- GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Attachments: State_emp by own_2009.xls
State_emp by
Jwn_2009.xls (20 ...
Sorry Patrick .... It's not exactley what you're looking for, but the closest
we've got.
Let me know if there is anything else we can do.
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784 georgia.maxwe1l@dwd.wisconsin.gov
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
-----Original Message-----
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:12 PM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD; Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
We dont have any figures for municipal employees unfortunately
here is a breakdown of jobs by ownership. 2009 is latest annual data
I hope the attachment helps--i hope I am understanding their question correctly
Let me know if you need any other assistance
From: Maxwell, Georgia E DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:04 PM
To: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Is this a question we would have answers for??
Thank you so much Eric!
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department o ~ Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Hogan, Pat - GOV
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:48 PM
To: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
Hey Georgia, I'm bugging you again. I guess my previous question about the total of state
workers maybe have sounded a little odd. Do we have any numbers about total amount of
workers in the state and if that number is broken into municipal employees, state
employees, or county employees.
From: Maxwell, Georgia E DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:33 PM
To: Hogan, Pat - GOV
Subject: FW: Public Employee Data Request
Email #2 ..... hopefully this is of some help to you?
Georgia Maxwell
Executive Assistant
WI Department of Workforce Development
201 E Washington Avenue, A400
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: (608) 266-2284 I Fax: (608) 266-1784
Wisconsin is Open for Business!
From: Grosso, Eric - DWD
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:31 PM
To: Loehe, Rex - DWD; Winters, Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell, Georgia E - DWD
Subject: RE: Public Employee Data Request
<< File: BEA Employer Compensation.xls >> << File: Local Govt$.xls >>
The 'BEA' excel file contains very general data of what employers (private and gov't
combined) for some insurances of employees in terms of total compensation. It is
aggregate data and does not itemize which types of insurances by dollar amount.
The 'Local Gov't' file is annual average wage by industry that is owned by local
government. Local government indicates county and municipal combined. It is only wage
data and does not include any benefit value. A value of zero in a cell indicates either
the data is suppressed for confidentiality reasons or that no employment exists in that
county in that industry/ownership
Both files are dated as 2009
Eric Grosso
Senior Economist
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Office of Economic Advisors Madison, WI
From: Loehe
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 2:03 PM
To: Grosso
Eric - DWD; Winters
Dennis K - DWD
Cc: Maxwell
Georgia E - DWD; Loehe
Rex - DWD
Subject: Public Employee Data Request
Good afternoon Eric & Dennis:
Georgia Maxwell received a data request pertaining to local public employees in Wisconsin.
Is it possible for OEA to derive comparative data presenting the average salary earned
{including benefits) for county workers vs. other municipal workers in Wisconsin? Any
assistance or direction you can provide is appreciated.
Thank you
Rex Loehe
Executive Staff Assistant
Office of the Secretary
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
(608) 266-1756
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (ES202) Query Results
Area Year Period NAICS Industry
Wisconsin 2009 Annual 0 Total Alllnd
2009 Annual
2009 Annual
2009 Annual
2009 Annual
0 Total Alllnd
0 Total Alllnd
0 Total Alllnd
0 Total Alllnd
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Bureau of Workforce Training- Labor Market Information
Query Results- Created on February 03, 2011
http:/ /WORKnet.Wisconsin.gov


State Government
Federal Government
Local Government

A V J J . E m ~ ...
__ .?79.?.9 includes county and muni
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 7:00AM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV; Hogan, Pat- GOV
Subject: RE: Staffing for upcoming meetings
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:54 PM
To: Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV; Hogan, Pat- GOV
Cc: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV
Subject: Staffing for upcoming meetings
Waylon and Pat-
One of you should plan on staffing the governor for the following meetings:
1) Friday, 1/21/1111:30am-12:00pm-Governor's Office-
Page 1 of2
She! Lubar and the Greater Milwaukee Committee and his meeting with Chief Tubbs from the Capitol Police.
Staff: Keith & W a y ~
POC: Mike Grebe-
GMC Task Force Headed by She! Lubar- County
30 minute meeting with Governor Walker.
Mike Grebe
Ray Carey
Julia Taylor
Brian Schupper
She! Lubar-Conferencing from Aspen Colorado
2) Wednesday- conference call with the Midwest Governors Association
Jesse Heier, Executive Director Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) would like to schedule an initial
meeting with Governor Walker.
The MGA is an association of governors from Midwestern statesx that bring together state leaders to work
cooperatively on issues important to the region. The MGA focuses primarily on energy, agriculture and
economic development issues. The meeting should take no more than 30 minutes.
Contact Info: 202.624.5460 [fax: 202.624.5452]
3) Friday- Speaking to the Urban Alliance
From: Curt Witynski [mailto:witynski@lwm-info.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:19 AM
To: Moore, Dorothy J -GOT
Subject: Meeting with Governor -Elect Walker
Hi Dorothy: The Executive Committee of the Urban Alliance respectfully requests an opportunity to meet
with Governor Elect Walker to discuss issues of mutual concern, such as changes to the collective
bargaining laws that municipalities must operate under. About a week after the election I delivered a letter
from the Urban Alliance Executive Committee to the transition team office requesting a meeting with
Governor Elect Walker. A copy of that letter is attached. In Mid-November I received a call from Joe
Fadness saying that the transition team had received our letter and would be in touch about scheduling a
meeting. I haven't heard anything since.
Page 2 of2
The Urban Alliance is a subgroup of large municipalities within the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. The
Executive Committee of the Urban Alliance is made up of mayors from the cities of Green Bay, Superior,
Racine, Appleton, Manitowoc, and West Allis.
Thank you for considering our request for a meeting. I look forward to hearing from you.
Curt Witynski
Assistant Director
League of Wisconsin Municipalities
122 West Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 267-3294
Ryan Murray
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
Office of the Governor
Main: 608-266-1212
Email: r.murray@wisconsin.gov
Downing, Karley - GOV
Cosh, William A [coshwa@doj.state.wi.us]
Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:52 PM
Hurlburt, Waylon- GOV; Hogan, Pat - GOV
FW: Daily Press Briefing M January 20, 2011
Attachments: Daily Press Briefing -January 20, 2011.doc
From: Cosh, William A.
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:52 PM
To: Cosh, William A.
Subject: Daily Press Briefing -January 20, 2011
Brandon Jennings Case (Stratman)
Daily News Briefs
Thursday, January 20,2011
"Stratman's attorney comments on the case" (WXOW)
"Deputy charged in July 2010 fatal crash" (WKBT)
Page 1 of3
"Deputy charged with homicide in crash" (La Crosse Tribune) http://lacrossetribune.com/news/article 962b:f806-2452-
1le0-a1f0-00 lcc4c03286.htm)
"Officer charged in Holmen teen's death" (WXOW) http://www.wxow.<;om/Giobal/story.asp?S='J3870612
"Deputy charged with homicide in crash" (1MJ4) http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/114235594.html
"La Crosse County sheriffs deputy charged with negligent homicide" (Pierce County Herald)
"Deputy charged in crash that killed a teenager" (WEAU)
nlinews/headlines/BREAKING NEWS Deputy charged in crash that killed a teenager.html?
"Ex-trooper comments on OT/Highway 35" (WKBT)
http://host.madison.com/w_ru/news/local/crime and comts/article 0 I b20a5f-fb41-54 76-99af-4 71a609ca9df.html
"Deputy charged with homicide also involved in September accident" (WKBT) http;l/.www.wkbt.com/Gioba!/story.asp?

"Wisconsin Sheriffs Deputy charged in fatal July crash" (WMTV)
http://www.nbcl5.com/state/headlines/Wisconsin Sheriffs Deputy Charged In Fatal July Crash 114239949.html
"Officer charged in Holmen teens death" (WQOW)
"Homicide charge filed against La Crosse County Deputy" (Wisconsin State Journal)
http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local!Qrime and cmnts/article 5405408e-23ff-11 eO-bSOa-00 1 cc4c002e0 .html
DOJ/Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
In a letter to Joint Audit Committee co-chairs today, State Auditor Jan Mueller criticized accounting by the Doyle
Administration and concluded if the correct standards had been applied, the state's GPR balance at the end of June, 2010
would have been $45.3 million lower.
Mueller's letter said $19.4 million was lapsed from cettain program revenue appropriations "with insufficient cash to cover
the lapses" and expenditures of$25.9 million were incurred in FY 2009-10 but charged to FY 2010-11.
Further, Mueller's letter said $406,700 was lapsed to the General Fund in FY 2009-10 from the State's Unclaimed Property
Program, but should have been transfened to the Common School Fund. She said it appeared there could be a
constitutional and statutory conflict with the transfer.
Link to Mueller letter:
Sen. Cowles' and Rep. Kerkman's response:
http://thewheelerrepmt.<;om/releases/Januaty 1110129/0 120cowlesaudit.pdf
''State says ethics investigation of transportation official is ongoing" (Wisconsin State Journal)
http://host.madison.com/wsi!news/local/govt-and-politics/atiicle 753e5290-2440-11 e0-a59a-OO 1 cc4c03286.html
"Investigation of DOT official continues" (Beaver Dam Daily Citizen)
http://www.wiscilews.com/bdc/news/local/article e9af2e6e-2455-lle0-9616-00lcc4c03286.html
Environmental Releases
"State fines Lake Nebagamon well driller" (Superior Telegram)
"AG Van Hollen: Waukesha firm agrees to pay $200,000 for environmental violations" (Wisbusiness.com)

Health Care Reform Suit
"Wisconsin joins fight against health care law" (Fox News' Bulls & Bears Program)

"Wisconsin officially requests to join suit against suit against Obamacare" (Maciver News Service)
http ://watchdog. org/796 9/wisco nsin -o ffi ci
lly-requests-to-join -suit -against -o bamacare/
Page 2 of3
"Report: Six states to join lawsuit against health care mandate" (Idaho Reporter) http://www.idahorepmter.com/2011/report-
s ix join -laws ui t:-against -health-care-mandate/
"Attorneys General Pam Bondi and J.B. Van Hollen On The Record" (Greta Wire)
"27 states challenging the constitutionality of health care law in court" (Cato Institute) http://american:
Ken Kratz
"Sexting prosecutor claims immunity" (MSNBC.com) lLttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41)
milwaukee wi/
"State DOi seeks clarification on Kratz lawsuit" (WBA Y)
"Former sexting DA claims immunity :fiom civil suit by domestic abuse victim" (ABA Joumal)
http://www.abajournal.com/news/articl!;:/former sexting da claims civil suit by dom_estic abuse victim/
" 'Sexting' former DA: Not my fault those sexts offended people" (TPMMuckraker)
http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/kenneth-kratz120 11/01/
"Former prosecutor claims immunity in civil case" (CBS 5)
"State files briefs seeking to oppose Kratz in civil suit" (WHBL) hllp://whbl.corn/news/articles/20 11/jan/18/state-files-
"Wisconsin: Ex-prosecutor claims immunity,, (Dubuque Herald Telegraph)
"Calumet County DA claims immunity from civillawsuit"(Sheboygan Press)
http://www. sheboyganpress.com/article/20 II 0 118/SHEO I 0 1/30 1190_0 15/Calumet-County-DA -claims-immunity-from-civil-
"Ex-Calumet County DA Kratz claims immunity from suit" (WTAQ) http://wtaq.com/news/atiicles/2011/jan/17/ex-
"Sexting prosecutor wants immunity" (Reason Online) http://reason.com/blog/2011/0 l/18/sexting-prosecutor-wants-immun
''Ex-DA Kratz argues against sexting suit" (Wisconsin State Joumal)
(from Wispolitics) --Former Deputy AG Ray Taffora has rejoined the Michael Best & Friedrich law firm.
Taffora, who was a partner at the finn from 1991 until he was picked in 2006 to serve in the DOJ post, will work out of the
Madison office and lead the firm's government and regulatory law practice.
See more:
http://www .wispolitics.com/index.im I?
"Michael Best & Friedrich LLP: Former deputy attorney general Raymond Tafforajoins Michael Best" (Wispolitics)
http://www. wispolitics.com/index.iml?
"Political appointee joins Michael Best" (The Business Journal)
hllp://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/20 11/0 1/20/political-appointee-joins-michael-best.html
Former Deputy Attorney General Raymond Taffora Joins Michael Best (Michael Best Press Release)

"Taffora goes back to MBF" (Front page ofWispolitics)
Press Releases
Homer L. Perren, Jr. Bound Over for Trial Under State's Sexually Violent Person Statute
Secure Communities
"New fingerprint method in Wis. for immigrants" (Daily Cardinal) http://www.dailycardinal.com/news/new-fingerprint-
Page 3 of3
Southworth Case
"Activist DA must pay" (Milwaukee Magazine)

Page 1 of3
Downing, Karley - GOV
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:54 PM
To: Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Huebsch, Mike- DOA; Archer, Cynthia- DOA; Jensen, Jodi- DOA; Schutt,
Eric- GOV; Matejov, Scott- GOV
Cc: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Hagedorn, Brian K- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Polzin, Cindy M - GOV;
Culotta, Jason - DOA; Lied!, Kimberly - GOV; Hurlburt, Waylon - GOV
Subject: Daily Policy and Legislative Briefing
Policy and Legislative Daily Briefing for Tuesday, January 18,2011
Legislative Liaison Update
Co.mmittee Ul)date
Joint Finance passed three special session bills (HSAs, relocation credit, & econ. dev. tax credit) today on
party line votes. Joint Finance will hold exec on Thursday for the small business tax credit bilL
JFC passed an amendment from Sen. Jauch on the relocation credit, requiring passive review from JFC
before releasing the extra $25 million.
Both the Senate at-large and Assembly Judiciary passed the tort bill today (both party line). Discrepancies
between the bills are being addressed.
1. Bills have been amended to reflect the punitive damage cap, with an exemption for OWl. They were
also amended with technical changes to better protect paint companies from frivolous suits and to
simply federalize the expert witness changes. Our office agreed to all changes.
Legislator Meetings- Assembly
Met with Representative Tiffany today to discuss the federalizing of forestry rules, the possible closing of
a juvenile detention facility in his district, and the special session rules reform bill. Was given language
of the rules bill that not only deletes wetlands and wind-siting provisions, but increases power of the Joint
Committee for Review of Administrative Rules to influence rules (LRB 1060/1 ).
Met with Representative Wynn about a variety of issues including capping interest rates for payday
loans, prevailing wage repeal, and the WEDC bill.
Legislative Meetings for Wednesday
Majority Leader Fitzgerald & Speaker Fitzgerald
Rep. Spanbauer
Rep. Petersen
Confirmation Hearings
Sec. Brancel had his confirmation hearing today in Senate Ag, Exec on Thursday.
Sees. Huebsch and Jadin confirmation hearing will be Wednesday in Senate Judiciary at 11a
Economic Development and Regulatory Reform Team
Economic Development and Regulatory Reform
Quad/Graphics Meeting (w/ Eric Schutt, Nate Yahn)
1. Met with Andy Schiesl (VP/Chief Legal Counsel) and Patrick Henderson (Director of Gov't Affairs)
2. Concerned about harmful regulatory laws that are being administered by the PSC and by the DNR
1. Provided proposals that would reform the mentioned regulatory laws, which would help
Quad/Graphics grow jobs, and in general, make Wisconsin look much more "business-
Legislative Committees
15 meetings scheduled with committee chairpersons (for the rest-of-the-week and next week)
Page 2 of3
Jason met with the DOT Sec., Dep. Sec., and EA today. They have the following issues to share:
Some outstanding obligations on the passenger rail bonds will preclude the use of the $73 million in
leftover bonding authority from being used for freight rail. DOT is working on telling how much will still be
needed to close out the proposed Madison-Milwaukee line, but it will exceed $13 million. In addition, DOT
received a $14 million stimulus grant for the Hiawatha to upgrade a crossing near the state line in Pleasant
Prairie and extend the size of the Mitchell Airport Station; some funds will be left over from these projects
to apply toward the dead trainline's obligations.
Local Aids Administration -- by requiring local governments to pay the share of administering aid programs
out of their grant money rather than from DOT's operations money, some additional savings can be
realized to the Transportation Fund.
Fox Cities and Green Bay Transit- reminded us that both systems will lose federal funding because their
metropolitan populations are too large to continue receiving FED operating assistance.
***ACTION ITEM - RTA language in statute- DOT is wondering what direction the Governor will go
pertaining to the existing statutes and rental car fee.
Mirror Lake Bridge on 1-94- following yesterday's semi accident, DOT today signed a $170,000 emergency
contract for repairs. One lane will stay open, the second will be closed until the completion of the repairs in
a few weeks.
***ACTION ITEM- FED earmarks- Sen. Kohl's office asks DOT for a list of earmark requests annually. Is
this something WisDOT should submit this year? They would like direction from the Governor
Transportation Projects Commission -convened in October to recommend enumeration of four projects:
Hwy 441/41/10 interchange (Menasha), Hwy 38 (Racine- Vos' district), Hwy 39-90 (Rock County), and
Hwy 15 (Greenville to New London). All four projects rnust be enumerated in the budget so that further
work on the projects can continue. DOT would like these included for enumeration in the 2011-13 budget.
Human Services and Education Team
Education Meetings
o Met with Kathleen Cullen from WTCS on a $200,000 Bill and Melinda Gates grant due in early Feb with
potential for a $1.6 million grantlyr for the next 3 years. Grant targeted at Adult Basic Education.
Met with UW-System on their Authority proposal. We will brief you on it tomorrow. They tried to sell the
proposal as a $500 million GPR savings over 4 years. In reality, it is not a cut to base, but a reduced
increase of the bigger increase they were going to ask of the state.
Met with Jeff Spitzer-Resnick from Diabilities Rights WI on special education. He stressed the importance
of the Governor addressing the importance of special education when discussing education issues. It
means a lot to families with special needs children.
Health Care Meetings
Met with Leah Robbins from Daycare Provider Jewish Beginnings Milwaukee. Discussed her ideas on how
WI Shares could be retooled to eliminate fraud and provide higher quality child care.
Met with Liz Buchen from Lutheran Social Services. She would like to repeal the 2009 budget item that
child welfare rates are decided by DCF. Prior to the 2009 Act 28, providers set rates based on costs, and
the rates were published annually to show that all purchasers are charged the same rate (Market Rate).
o With the Doyle change, all provider rates for 2010 have been frozen at 2009 payment levels
o With in 2009 Act 28, the Governor set up a "Rate Regulation Committee" This is not needed to
establish the rate if the language is repealed
Education News
Tomorrow, MPS will receive a $20 million grant over 5 years from GE to improve math and science scores. The Lt
Governor is helping to present the award.
Justi<;e and Local Governments Team
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Commission:
Working with DOA to update the Governor's website to include a Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Commission
webpage to post agenda's, meeting minutes, and to solicit recommendations and/or comments from the
Page 3 of3
The DOA IT folks have been told this must be done by Thursday to fulfill a promise and to send out a press
statement about the webpage launch on that day.
AFLCIO. Opposition to Special Session SB1.
Wisconsin Grocers Association. Vote in support of Special Session SB1.
Wisconsin Civil Justice Council. Employers unite behind Wisconsin lawsuit reforms.
WMC. Urges Senate passage of lawsuit reforms.
Wisconsin Economic DevelopmentAssociation. Special Session SB 1.
Wisconsin Restaurant Association Support for Special Session SB 1.
Green Bay Press Gazette. Wisconsin Legislature set to take action on Gov. Scott Walker bills.
Page 1 of2
Nolan, Annie - GOV
Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:49 PM
To: Nolan, Annie- GOV
Subject: RE: Budget ramifications for Elm Grove, WI
Happy to help.
First, we are still running the numbers and will be releasing them in the next couple of weeks, so we'll know more
at that lime. Preliminarily, I would say that the $200k plus cut estimate is probably a little high. A worst-case-
scenario 15% cut to GTA would be about $85k. Similarly, a worst-case-scenario 50% reduction in shared
revenue would be about $53k. And while we're eliminating the recycling grants, we're also eliminating the
recycling mandate, so Elm Grove would have total fiexibility to redesign or eliminate their recycling program to
reduce costs.
I'm not personally familiar with the village operations in Elm Grove, but in general, the collective bargaining
reforms contained in the Budget Repair Bill will allow Elm Grove to be able to require higher health insurance
premium contributions from their employees, could switch to a lower cost plan, could implement co-pays or could
even go to a high-deductible HSA plan. They can also look at greater privatization and contracting for village
Without knowing the specific details of how Elm Grove delivers services, I don't think I can be any more specific
than that, but hopefully this helps a little.
Let me know if I can do anything else.
Ryan Murray
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
Office of the Governor
Main: 608-266-1212
Email: r.murray@wisconsin.gov
From: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:14PM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Subject: FW: Budget ramifications for Elm Grove, WI
An acquaintance of Mrs. Walker is wondering:
"whether someone in the Walker Administration could point me to areas where they expect municipalities like
Elm Grove will realize savings."
She is a candidate for Village of Elm Grove trustee, and would like to secure information in advance of a
candidates' forum she has tomorrow night so she can highlight the Governor's message.
Would you please let me know either way if your team has time to address this for her? Thank you,
}tnnie !M. :Nofan
Assistant to the First Lady
Executive Residence
fax: (608) 246-3245
Sent: March 09,
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: Budget ramifications for Elm Grove, WI
Hi Annie--
Page 2 of2
I'm hoping you can forward this to the appropriate person. As Mrs. Walker may have mentioned, I am
running for Elm Grove Village Trustee. I just finished a meeting with our Village Finance Director
Monica Hughes, and while we will see a net savings from the pension fix of about $66,000, the Village
is expecting to see a shortfall exceeding $200k from other state aid. Elm Grove is a very well-rnn
municipality and while we held tax increases to just over 1% this year, we have been making many cuts
in staffing and other areas for quite some time.
I'm wondering whether someone in the Walker Administration could point me to areas where they
expect municipalities like Elm Grove will realize savings? Specifically, there are concerns about
reductions in state shared revenue (currently at $107k, expecting an 8.5% reduction), transportation aid
(currently receiving $57lk and expecting 10% to 15% reduction, recycling aid (not expecting $40k).
The candidate's forum is tomorrow night (3/1 0), and I would like to talk a bit about how this budget will
help Elm Grove. I realize you are very busy, but again, I'm hoping to help in getting the Governor's
message out about the highlights of the proposed budget.
My contact info is below--but if you need it, my cell is
Patty Kujawa
Patty Kujawa
Elm Grove Village Trustee
Page 1 of2
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Erwin, David - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 11:51 AM
To: Zukowski, Ryan - DOT; Jones, Glen A- DOT (State Patrol)
Cc: Nolan, Annie - GOV; Erwin, David - GOV
Subject: Invitation from the Wisconsin Troopers' Association
Glen or Ryan,
Will you please get back to Annie Nolan the 1
Ladies assistance reference her questions below about Tracy
Fuller and his remarks?
Lieutenant David M. Erwin
WSP Dignitary Protection Unit
State Capitol Room B2 North
Madison, WI 53702
(608) 264 9501 Office
From: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 5:00PM
To: Erwin, David - GOV
Subject: FW: Invitation from the Wisconsin Troopers' Association
Hi, Dave:
Mrs. Walker has received an invitation to participate in an event with the WTA, and in doing some background
research on them, I came across the following:
If Walker were hoping to gain politically by sparing police and firemen, his plan has likely backfired. Last week, Tracy Fuller,
.director of the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association, denounced Walker's decision to abolish collective bargaining
privileges for public employees.
"I specifically regret the endorsement of the Wisconsin Trooper's Association for Gov. Scott Walker. I regret the governor's
decision to 'endorse' the troopers and inspectors of the Wisconsin State Patrol,'' Fuller wrote. "I regret being the recipient of
any of the perceived benefits provided by the governor's anointing. I think everyone's job and career is just as significant as
the others."
Fuller and the WLEA, which includes state police as members but is a completely separate organization, endorsed Scott's
opponent, Tom Barrett
It is my understanding that WLEA and WTA are completely different, and that Fuller has no official capacity to
speak on behalf of WTA, but given the confusion of Fuller "regretting" the endorsement of the WTA, I wanted to
run it by you. Do you think it's ok to send Mrs. Walker to the WTA event? Please call if I can clarify anything.
Thank you!
Jlnnie !M.. :Nofan
Assistant to the First Lady
Executive Residence
office: {608) 246-5501
fax: (608) 246-3245
From: Marina Dupler [mailto:marina@martinschreiber.com]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 2:14PM
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: Invitation from the Wisconsin Troopers' Association
Hi Annie,
Page 2 of2
I got your name from my friend Kristin Ruesch; she mentioned you are the person in charge of the First Lady's
schedule. I would have loved to call and speak with you personally, but the voicemail box is understandably full.
I'm writing on behalf of one of our clients, the Wisconsin Troopers' Association (WTA), who would like to invite
First Lady Walker to present awards and give remarks at their Annual Art and Essay Contest.
The WT A started the Art and Essay Contest in 1989. The goal of the contest is to provide a positive activity for
Wisconsin's youth and encourage interaction between our youth and law enforcement officials. The contest is
open to students in grades Kindergarten through 12
h grade and this year's theme is "Discover the hidden
treasures." The WTA chooses 53 winners from around Wisconsin. In prior years, attendance at the ceremony
has been over 300 people.
The Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center
in Wisconsin Dells. The WT A would be honored if the First Lady could attend to greet the winners and pose with
them for photos at noon and give short remarks at the start of the Awards Ceremony, which starts at 1 pm. We
understand that she has a very busy schedule, so if she is able to attend for a short period of time, it would be
wonderful if she could give brief remarks at the Ceremony of support for the kids and the goals of the contest.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Marina Dupler
Marina Dupler
Martin Schreiber & Associates
Tel. 608-259-1212 ext.?
- --- --- ----
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Tonette
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:20AM
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: Fw: Expedia travel confirmation -American Lung Association -Apr 02, 2011 - (ltin# 136344611189)
When I booked this is said it was a double suite sleeps 5 can you confitm that there are 5 of us.
---On Wed, 3/30/11, Expedia Travel Services <usmail@expediamail.com> wrote:
From: Expedia Travel Services <usmail@expediamail.com>
Expe:d'iatravel confirmation- American Lung Association- Apr 02, 2011 -(!tin# 136344611189)
1, 5:14AM
Travel Confirmation
Thank you for booking your trip with Expedia. This email is your receipt for the travel item(s) you just
Remember that you can always view vour itinerarv online for the most up-to-date information.
Hotel: The Pfister Hotel
Room reservation: Tonette Walker- 2 adults
Total room cost
Taxes & Service
$26.13 /night
The Pfister Hotel
424 E Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Check In: Sat 04/02/11 Check out: Sun 04/03/11 Nights: 1
Hotel Rules and Reoulatlons.
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Lodging total:
We will forward your requests to the travel vendor, but as these are subject to availability we can not guarantee that
they will be honored. Some special requests (e.g., ski racks, rollaway beds) may incur additional charges from the
Hotel: The Pfister Hotel
Room: Salon Double Suite
Non-smoking/Smoking: Non-Smoking
Room type: 2 DOUBLE BEDS
@View your itinerarv for complete and up-to-date trip details, or to make changes online.
Customer Support
Itinerary number: 136344611189
If you have questions about your reservation, fill out our itinerarv assistance form. We'll respond within
24 hours. For immediate assistance call Expedia.com at 1-800-EXPEDIA (1-800-397-3342) or 1-404-
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Page 1 of3
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Tony Tarantino
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 10:25 PM
To: Alex Tarr; Nolan, Annie- GOV; Anthony Pochowski; Audrey Russo; Ben Davidson; bill cetera;
charlie sykes; Chris Wiken; Dave Westlake; debra hecker; delmingo; dorthy moore; Eileen
Holloway; Esther Pochowski; fred oelke; jean tarantino; jeannie morgan; jeff samp; Jill Tomczak
Gilbert; jim morrin; joe; joe; Joseph Piscione; Kate Wagner; Kim Simac; Lisa Bell; Kulow, Lisa -
GOV; Mark Honadel; Marsha Heise; Mike Strautmann; Nathan Sass; Pat
Kujawa; Peggy Cavataio; Peter DiGaudio; Phil Tarantino; Reince Priebus; robert dennik; Robert
Radtke; Rose Castagnola; sal tarantino; sarah; skip twitter; Steve Stabenow; Suzann Tarantino;
Ted Terri McCormick; Tim Nolan; tonette walker; Toni Landerman; tony tarantino;
Vince Schmuki; Vincenzo Valenti
Subject: Fw: Unions vs. the Right to Work
--- On Mon; 2/28/11, Dan Sebring J>wrote:
From: Dan Sebring
Subject: Unions vs.
11,7:25 PM
Collective bargaining on a broad scale is more similar to an
antitrust violation than to a civil liberty.
How ironic that Wisconsin has become ground zero for the battle between taxpayers and public-
employee labor unions. Wisconsin was the first state to allow collective bargaining for
government workers (in 1959), following a tradition where it was the first to introduce a
personal income tax (in 1911, before the introduction of the current form of individual income
tax in 1913 by the federal government).
Labor unions like to portray collective bargaining as a basic civil liberty, akin to the freedoms of
speech, press, assembly and religion. For a teachers union, collective bargaining means that
suppliers of teacher services to all public school systems in a state--or even across states--can
collude with regard to acceptable wages, benefits and working conditions. An analogy for
business would be for all providers of airline transportation to assemble to fix ticket prices,
capacity and so on. From this perspective, collective bargaining on a broad scale is more similar
to an antitrust violation than to a civil liberty.
In fact, labor unions were subject to U.S. antitrust laws in the She1man Antitrust Act of 1890,
which was first applied in 1894 to the American Railway Union. However, organized labor
managed to obtain exemption from federal antitmst laws in subsequent legislation, notably the
Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 and the National Labor Relations Act of 1935.
Remarkably, labor unions are not only immune fiom antitrust laws but can also negotiate a
Page 2 of3
"union shop," which requires nonunion employees to join the union or pay nearly equivalent
dues. Somehow, despite many attempts, organized labor has lacked the political power to repeal
the key portion of the 1947 Taft Hartley Act that allowed states to pass right-to-work laws,
which now prohibit the union shop in 22 states. From the standpoint of civil liberties, the
individual right to work-without being forced to join a union or pay dues-has a much better
claim than collective bargaining. (Not to mention that "right to work" has a much more pleasant,
liberal sound than "collective bargaining.") The push for right-to-work laws, which haven't been
enacted anywhere but Oklahoma over the last 20 years, seems about to take off.
View Full ~ : : ' o "
Associated Press
The current pushback against labor-union power stems from the collision between overly
generous benefits for public employees- notably for pensions and health care-and the fiscal
crises of state and local governments. Teachers and other public-employee unions went too far in
convincing weak or complicit state and local governments to agree to obligations, particularly
defined-benefit pension plans, that created excessive burdens on taxpayers.
In recognition of this fiscal reality, even the unions and their Democratic allies in Wisconsin
have agreed to Gov. Scott Walker's proposed cutbacks of benefits, as long as he drops the
restrictions on collective bargaining. The problem is that this "compromise" leaves intact the
structure of strong public-employee unions that helped to create the unsustainable fiscal
situation; after all, the next governor may have less fiscal discipline. A long-run solution
requires a change in structure, for example, by restricting collective bargaining for public
employees and, to go further, by introducing a right-to-work law.
There is evidence that right-to-work laws---or, more broadly, the pro-business policies offered
by right-to-work states-matter for economic growth. In research published in 2000, economist
Thomas Holmes of the University of Minnesota compared counties close to the border between
states with and without right-to-work laws (thereby holding constant an array of factors related
to geography and climate). He found that the cumulative growth of employment in
manufacturing (the traditional area of union strength prior to the rise of public-employee unions)
in the right-to-work states was 26 percentage points greater than that in the non-right-to-work
Beyond Wisconsin, a key issue is which states are likely to be the next political battlegrounds on
labor issues. In fact, one can interpret the extreme reactions by union demonstrators and absent
Democratic legislators in Wisconsin not so much as attempts to influence that state-which may
be a lost cause-but rather to deter politicians in other states from taking similar actions. This
strategy may be working in Michigan, where Gov. Rick Snyder recently asserted that he would
not "pick fights" with labor unions.
In general, the most likely arenas are states in which the governor and both houses of the state
legislature are Republican (often because of the 20 I 0 elections), and in which substantial rights
for collective bargaining by public employees currently exist. This group includes Indiana,
Page 3 of3
which has recently been as active as Wisconsin on labor issues; ironically, Indiana enacted a
right-to-work law in 1957 but repealed it in 1965. Otherwise, my tentative list includes
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maine, Florida, Tennessee, Nebraska (with a nominally nonpmiisan
legislature), Kansas, Idaho, North Dakota and South Dakota.
The national fiscal crisis and recession that began in 2008 had many ill effects, including the
ongoing crises of pension and health-care obligations in many states. But at least one positive
consequence is that the required retum to fiscal discipline has caused reexamination of the
growth in economic and political power of public-employee unions. Hopefully, embattled
politicians like Gov. Walker in Wisconsin will maintain their resolve and achieve a more
sensible long-term structure for the taxpayers in their states.
Mr. Barra is a professor of economics at Harvard and a senior fellow at Stanford University's
Hoover Institution.
Page 1 of 1
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Marcia 11
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 8:08 PM
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: RE: address inquiry
Email is wonderful except when I forget to reply ... but while watching Wisconsin dislodge Ohio State yesterday
I remembered!!!
rlaHahtfor me. I am easily reached by email (which you have), buy snail mail
or by My husband Frank and I are members of the
Executive Roundtable which is part of the GOP Governors Association but in checking, I find that I am going to be
out of the country when they come to Washington later this month. But I do hope that our paths cross; soon
and often.
Again, thank you for your inquiry and I am so so sorry for the delay in responding.
Marcia Carlucci
From: Nolan, Annie - GOV [mailto:Annie.Nolan@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 6:06 PM

Subject: address inquiry
Ms. Carlucci:
Mrs. Walker had a wonderful time with you in Washington, D.C., and would like to send a note. Could you please
let me know what address you would prefer she use?
Thank you in advance,
Annie M. Nolan
Assistant to the First Lady
Executive Residence
office: (608} 246-5501
Nolan, Annie- GOV
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 12:28 PM
To: Esser, Eric- GOV; Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: Read this Eric/ Annie
Their plan is to start with 8 Republican senators in the so-called "Save our Kids" campaign.
Forwarding: - FYI -Senate Recall Organizing
This is a FYI to ALERT you on what the LEFT- is planning.
The UAW- WI AFL-CIO Statewide Political Steering Committee is the umachine" promoting the protests,
and is the main organizer AGAINST Walkers Budget Repair Bill.
Page 1 of4
NOTE: The Madison protests are being organized by HEADQUARTERS located in the state of ILLINOIS.
Brad Schwanda is the Political Director of UAW Region 4
UAW Headquarters: http://region4uaw.org/reglonal-offices
680 Barclay Blvd.
lincolnshire, ILLINOIS 60069
Hours: M-F 8:30a.m.- 4:00p.m.
Bradley Schwanda, Community Service, Education, & Retirees
UAW CAP Coordinator
(0) 847-4593888,
(F) 847-459-5680
http://reglon4uaw.orgf (Daily articles on the Wisconsin Protests)
Forwarding: - FYI- Senate Recall Organizing
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Bradley Schwanda
Sent: Feb 20,2011 6:19AM
Subject: Senate Recall Organizing Meeting Tomorrow Sunday
From: Buzz Davis, Save Our Kids (SOK) Recall Campaign, 608-239-5354
Would you please consider sending the attached invitation out to your lists today.
There will be an initial organizing meeting tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 20th, in Madison at the AFT-W
headquarters at 1 PM. Persons who are interested in asking the group they belong to if that group would
like to become a member of this coalition are invited to join us. Individuals who are interested in donating
a good amount of time to this effort are also invited.
Those who are willing to help a little bit will be contacted later. This meeting is to organize.
If you wish to attend in person or by teleconference do this. Send Buzz Davis an email at
dbuzzdavis@aol.com and give your name, tel.#, email, city and what group you are in and he will
send back an email with conference call numbers. His cell#
If you will help collect signatures and do other jobs in the future, send Davis and email and say you will
not joining the meeting but want to be placed on the contact list for future action. Name, tel.#, email and
larger city you live near.
Thank you!
Proposal: Save Our Kids
Buzz Davis, AFT-W Retirees
1. PURPOSE: To remove over the next year members of the legislature and the governor because
they are harming the present and future lives of the people of WI -economically, educationally, and
physically (health care)
2. PHASE I: Start Immediately. Recall 8 Republican State Senators by conducting recall petition
Page 2 of4
drives in their senate district (one district at a time). These are the ONLY legislators who can be
recalled at this time. The entire assembly and the governor have to be in office for one full year
before any can be recalled (Jan. 2012 is the earliest any such a recall effort can start.) The Senate
currently has 19 Republicans and 14 Democrats.
Robert Cowles* (R) 2nd Senate District -15960 signatures required, Alberta Darling (R) won with
50% in 2008 sth SD- 20343, Sheila Harsdorf (R) 56% 10th SD-15744, Glenn Grothman* (R) 20th
SD- 20061, Randy Hopper (R) 50% 18th SD -15269, Dan Kapanke 51% (R) 32nd SD- 15588,
Mary Lazich* (R) 28th SD- 20973, and Luther Olsen* (R) 14th SD -14733. *Ran unopposed in
2008. Members of Joint Committee on Finance and voted for the budget repair bill are: Darling
(co-chair), Hopper and Harsdorf.
3. PHASE II: Start in January 2012. Recall appropriate assembly and senate members and the
4. PROPOSAL FOR PHASE 1: Conduct a two prong effort in a target state senate district as soon
as possible.
First trained volunteers, going door to door and tabling at certain viable locations in the district, collect
signatures of district voters on a petition. We need to gather, probably, at least 10% to 15% more
signatures than required. If we have resources then we gather many more signatures.
Secondly, at the same time, volunteers collect signatures to place two referendum questions on the ballot.
The first questions will be along this line: Should the state of WI raise taxes on wealthy families and larger
business to make up for the billions of dollars in tax cuts they have received by Republican and Democratic
legislators and governors? Yes or no. Note: This question has to be refined and reviewed by the planning
team and by certain state experts at the state Government Accountability Board (GAB).
The second question relates to K-12 school funding: Should the state of WI, as soon as possible, raise the
sales tax a penny on the dollar/or 1 cent/or from the present 5% to 6%, to increase state aids to local school
districts to reduce the financial crisis that most school districts face? yes or no Again, this draft question
has to be refined.
5. CONCEPT: To "break the back" of the idea that citizens in no way will stand for higher taxes.
With two yes votes citizens would be saying to the legislature and the governor that we know why
we have revenue short falls it is because of all the tax breaks you have given the rich and
corporations. We want them taxed fairly and we also accept an immediate one "Penny for Kids"
increase in the sales tax on ourselves.
6. ACTION: This Sunday, Feb. 20th, the organizing committee for the Save Our Kids recall campaign
will meet at 1 PM in the American Federation of Teacher- WI headquarters located at 6602
Normandy Lane Madison. Directions: ExitS. Beltline at Gammon {West Town}, drive north toward
West Town, at stop light turn right (east) onto Odana, drive to next stop light, turn left (north} onto
Yellowstone, at next corner turn right onto Normandy, and the AFT-W HQ is second bldg. on left.
Conference call will also be conducted for those outside Madison. Contact Buzz Davis at
dbuzzdavis@aol.com for number.
If you are involved in a community group, faith group, coalitions, peace and justice groups, unions,
veterans groups, retire groups, etc. that you think you can get to join the SOK campaign, then please
join us Sunday and provide your contact info. The wider the base of the coalition we form -the better
off and faster we will be able to work.
If you are a person who now wants to donate many hours to the effort over the coming months, then
please join us Sunday and provide your contact info.
If you want to be briefed later on what is going on and how you can help then provide your contact
info and we will contact you later after things are organized.
A. Petitions must be gathered in 60 days and the number of signatures needed is 25% of the total votes cast
in that specific district in the 2010 governor's race.
B. Recalls election are filed at state level (GAB). Referenda are filed at city and village clerk level and
Page 3 of4
cannot be done statewide or at county or township levels.
C. After state and clerks put recall and referenda on ballot then a campaign finance committee must be
registered in order to spend money for or against candidates or referendums.
D. The name of the person recalled is automatically on the ballot unless the person withdraws within the
first few days.
E. Primaries by party are held if necessary and then the final election.
F. The election is set for 6 weeks from the date the state approves the recall petitions.
G. Money spent prior to turning in the signatures and prior to the election date does not have to be
recorded with the state or local clerk.
H. Circulators of petitions do NOT have to live in the district but they must be valid electors 18 and over.
I. It would be best if the referenda, which will drive up voters turn out, and the recall election are at the
same time.
J. It is estimated that a volunteer going door to door may gather approximately 10 signatures per hour.
Thus 50 volunteers working 5 hrs. could gather 2,500 signatures, 500 volunteers at 5 hrs. = 25,000. Thus
1,000 volunteers working 5 hrs. = 50,000. Conceivably a well organized campaign could do one senate
district a weekend!
K. Important sites are: http://electious.state.wi.us/subcategory.asp?
linksubcatid=2154&liukcatid=2154&Jiukid=155&locid=47 Recalls are described in Article XIII, section 12
of the Wisconsin Constitution, and Statute 9.10. Government Accountability Board Manual on Recall:
http:/ /gab. wi.gov /publications/manuals/recall
8. PUBLIC INFORMATION. A public information plan needs to be developed to prepare a senate
district for the recall effort. This would include press releases, press conferences, town meetings,
radio and maybe TV ads, speakers at community groups, etc. Campaign flyers need to be developed
for each district outlining how the incumbent has violated his oath of office to protect the people of
the state, etc. explain the tax cuts/breaks for the rich and corporations, which taxes should be raised
on those groups, the financial crisis the schools in that senate district are in, shortage of money, how
much a Penny for Kids would bring in per year for the schools (about $800 million/yr.), etc. The
pamphlet would be given to each person talked to and left at the door of those not home. It would
tell them who to call and where to come to sign the petitions, etc. The public information campaign
would run a week or so prior to the start of the weekend of signature collection.
9. DATA BASES. All signatures collected would be entered into data bases for each district so the
signers can be activated to vote in the Get Out the Vote (GOTV) drive after the recall and referenda
are placed on the ballot.
10. PETITION DRIVE DAYS. People may drive for an hour or two to get to their assigned
community or if local people get to the training sight at 9:30AM or so. All volunteers are trained on
what to do and not to do, practice what to say at the doors, are broken into small teams, each team
has a map with instructions, petitions, pens, clip boards, water, snacks, etc. By 11AM they are onsite
doing doors, come back about 1:30 for lite lunch and drop off petitions, go out again until 5:30 or 6,
come back for bean feed, totaling and debriefing, thank yous and description of the plan for the next
day. Some volunteers might go to high person traffic areas and circulate petitions there.
People can talk and collect signatures only so long each day. It is very tiring to do it day after day. About
half the homes have someone home, and maybe half of those or Jess might sign. Therefore if a volunteer got
10 or 15 signatures per hour that would be good.
11. ADJUSTING THE PLAN. To do this campaign fast we would need to do something like this.
Attack only one district first and complete the job. Raise money so we can feed volunteers, mileage
to the cities, maybe overnights, brochures to leave at each home, radio ads, team leaders, etc. We
need to adjust the plan as we go along based on what is working. We cannot depend on only local
volunteers to do this. We would mass our forces from the region of the state we were working in
and probably also bring in people from across the state to work for two days at a time. We want to
spend only a few days in each district rather than the maximum 60 days.
Page 4 of4
It all sounds like a great deal of work but NOT removing these folks is getting more dangerous by
the day. Thanks for reading this.
Forwarding: - FYI - Tues-Friday Busses
This is a FYI to ALERT you on what the LEFT -Is planning.
The U A W ~ WI AFI.-C/0 Statewide Political Steering Committee is the "machine" promoting the protests,
and is the main organizer AGAINST Walkers Budget Repair Bill.
NOTE: The Madison protests are being organized by HEADQUARTERS located in the state of ILLINOIS.
Brad Schwanda is the Political Director of UAW Region 4
UAW Headquarters: http://region4uaw.org/regiona!-offices
680 Barclay Blvd.
lincolnshire, ILLINOIS 60069
Hours: M-F 8:30a.m.- 4:00p.m.
Bradley Schwanda, Community Service, Education, & Retirees
UAW CAP Coordinator
[0) 847-459-3888,
(F) 847-459-5680
http://region4uaw.org/ (Daily articles on the Wisconsin Protests)
Forwarding: - FYI- Tues-Friday Busses
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Bradley Schwanda
Sent: Feb 20, 2011 6:54 PM
Subject: Buses from UAW Local 9 (96th and Greenfield Ave, West Allis) Tues-Friday
The Nurses Union will have short buses leaving from Local 9 Tues-Friday every morning at 9 am with a 3 p.m.
return time scheduled. Seats will be given to UAW as available.
Also, Brewery workers tentatively planning to leave from Local 9 after 1st shift on Wednesday by car pool.
This would be a good time for those 1st shift workers from all UAW shops who can't take off work to get
to Madison.
Assembly will be in session on Tuesday with Democrats planning debate and amendments that should last a few
days. Protests will go on as long as it takes.
Please distribute this to your lists of activists.
J Drew
Page I of 4
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Tony Tarantino
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 4:49PM
To: Aaron; Alan Lovato; Alex Tarr; Alex Walker; Nolan, Annie- GOV; Anthony Pochowski; Audrey
Russo; Ben Davidson; bill cetera; charlie sykes; Chris Wiken; dan@sebringgarage.com; Dave
Westlake; debra hecker; delmingo; dorthy moore; Eileen Holloway; Esther Pochowski; jean
tarantino; jeannie morgan; jeff samp; Jill Tomczak Gilbert; jim morrin; joe; joe; joe fadden; Joseph
Piscione; Kate Wagner; Kim Simac; Lisa Bell; Kulow, Lisa - GOV; Mark Honadel; Marsha Heise;
Mike Strautmann; Nathan Sass; ' , Pat Kujawa; Peggy Cavataio; Peter
DiGaudio; Phil Tarantino; 1 , Radtke; sal tarantino; sarah; skip
twitter; Steve Stabenow; Suzann Tarantino; Ted Story; Terri McCormick; Tim Nolan; tom tarantino;
tonette walker; Toni Landerman; tony tarantino; vicki wolf; Vince Schmuki;
Vincenzo Valenti; W SITTER
Subject: Fw: Scott Walker Explodes Union Lies, Share This
---On Mon, 2/28/11, Newsmax.com <newsmax@reply.newsmax.com> wrote:
From: N ewsmax.com <newsmax@reply .newsmax.com>
Subject: Scott Walker Explodes Union Lies, Share This
T o : ~ ~ ! ~ ! ! ! ~ ! - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -
Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 12:24 PM
Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please read our report on Gov. Scott Walker and what he said on 'Meet
the Press' Sunday. His comments demolish claims that he is out to
destroy public unions and other fabrications.
Also please make sure you read Dick Morris' Urgent Letter to find
out how you can help Gov. Walker- Go Here Now.
Please forward and share this email with friends and family.
Walker Explodes Union Lies on 'Meet the Press'
By Newsmax Wires
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he won't cave in to union and
Democratic demands that he compromise on his effort to curb employee
benefit programs. He also vows he won't "kick the can down the street"
when it comes to dealing with his state's fiscal woes.
Appearing Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" with David Gregory,
Walker laid out his plan to save his state from fiscal bankruptcy while
destroying several false claims about his legislation, which Senate
Democrats are delaying by refusing to appear for a final vote.
Among the significant issues covered during his "Meet the Press"
interview, Walker:
Denied he is destroying public employee unions.
His proposed law still allows public employee unions to exist and engage
in collective bargaining for their wages. The state denies the unions the
use of collective bargaining to seek pension and health benefits.
Claimed that unions are not acting in good faith.
Public employee unions have been claiming they will accept cutbacks in
their benefits, but Walker says they can't be trusted and have been
rushing through contracts that give their members extravagant benefit
Walker told Gregory: "We [have] seen that actions speak louder than
words. For us to balance the $3.6 billion deficit we have- but not only
now, but to ensure we can continue to do that in the future so our kids
don't inherit these same dire consequences - we've got to have
assurances. And over the past two weeks, even after they made those
promises, we've seen local union after local union rush to their school
boards, their city councils, their technical school boards and rush through
contracts in the past two weeks that had no contributions to the pension
and no contribution to health care. And, in fact, in one case in Janesville,
they actually were pushing through a pay increase. Actions do speak
louder than words."
Explained that the law helps local governments curb union
Walker said: "This bill precisely helps local govermnents, and it's
effective once it passes. In fact, we're, we're facing a $3.6 billion deficit.
Like nearly every other state across the country, we're going to have to
cut more than a billion dollars from our schools and local governments.
You know, in New York and California, where there are Democrats for
governors, they're doing that. The difference here is, with this budget
repair bill, we give those schools and local governments more- almost
a billion and a half dollars worth of savings. So the savings they get from
our budget repair bill exceed the amount."
Said public employee unions are making unusual demands on
Walker said: "In Wisconsin, a great example of that is, we have, in many
of our school districts, a requirement through collective bargaining
contracts that they have to buy their health insurance from a company
that's owned by our state teacher's union, W A Trust. Because of that, it
Page 2 of4
costs them up to $68 million more than if they could just buy it from the
state employee healthcare plan. Those are real costs about putting real
money in the classroom instead of into these collective bargaining
Pointed out his new plan is consistent with how the federal
government handles many employees.
Walker explained: "Well, our proposal is less restrictive than the federal
government is today. Under Barack Obama, he presides over a federal
government where most federal employees do not have collective
bargaining for, for benefits, nor for pay. So what we're asking for is
something less restrictive than what the federal government has."
Explained why police and firemen are exempt from his new
Walker said: "We saw two weeks ago, when this debate first started,
teachers here in Madison walked off the job for three days. Now, that
was an inconvenience for a lot of parents. I know I've got two public-
kids in public school. Anytime you have a disturbance like that, it's an
inconvenience. But that, contrasted to the fact that even if there was one
jurisdiction across the state where firefighters or police officers weren't
on the job in full force, I can't afford to have a fire or crime committed
where there's a gap in service. And it ultimately just boils down to public
Walker concluded by telling Gregory that he stands by his statement,
"This is our moment, this is our time to change the course of history."
Walker told Gregory: "It's one of those where, for year after year after
year, not just the last governor, but governors before, legislatures before,
have kicked the can. They've taken one-time fixes to push the budget
problems off into the future. We can't do that. We're broke. Lil(e nearly
every other state across the country, we're broke. And it's about time
somebody stood up and told the truth in this state and said, 'Here's our
problem. Here's the solution,' and acted on it. Because, if we don't, we
fail to make a commitment to the future. Our children will face even
more dire consequences than what we face today."
IMPORTANT: Please read Dick Morris' Urgent Letter on how you
can help Gov. Scott Walker- Go Here Now
Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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Page 4 of4
Nolan, Annie - GOV
From: Julie PearJtl
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 10:48 AM
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Whichever she is most comfortable with.

From: Nolan, Annie - GOV [mailto:Annie.Nolan@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 10:48 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
By home, do you mean Tosa or Madison?
From: Julie Pearl
Sent: Thursday, June
To: Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
It would be taped. Would like to do it in home setting with Susan Kim from our morning show.
Timing- when it's good for Tonette.
Thanks so much for getting back to me.
From: Nolan, Annie - GOV [mailto:Annie.Nolan@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 10:36 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Page 1 of6
I think she would welcome that, but a few questions first. Taped or live? In-studio or at home? What kind of
timing were you thinking? Would there be room if there is something she wants to promote- perhaps an
initiative or upcoming walk? Please let me know, and I'll run it by her. Thanks,
}lnnie !Nofan
Assistant to the First Lady
Executive Residence
main: (608) 246-5501
(608) 246-3245
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 6:13AM
To: '; Nolan, Annie - GOV
Subject: Re: Thursday AM
Possibly, I'm going to hook you up with Annie Nolan, who helps out Tonette.
Ill have Annie get in touch with you to let you know what may work.
From: Julie Pearl --.. ~
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 06:04AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Thanks again for letting us know about this opportunity.
Page 2 of6
Cullen- didn't know ifTonette would be interested in doing a sit down sometime this summer about how things
are going for her- how she's dealing with things- dealing with attacks on her family re the collective bargaining
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 6:04 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: Re: Thursday AM
Thanks for having the guv on this am.
From: Julie Pear1tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 01:06PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Photog contact: John Drilling
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:52AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Can you get me the contact info for one of the people who will be there in the AM, just so if anything happens
we have someone to reach?
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@ WI. Gov
www. walker. wi. qov
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:49 AM
To: 'Julie Pearl'
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
OK, thanks. Here are the details. He will have the torch with him.
Page 3 of6
Governor Scott Walker will be the keynote speaker and will participate in the 25th Law Enforcement
Torch Run for the Special Olympics of Wisconsin tomorrow in Waukesha.
When: Thursday, June 9
Torch Run/Program Start: Waukesha County Court House
515 West Moreland Boulevard
Waukesha, WI 53188
Torch Run End: Waukesha Police Department
1901 Delafield Street
Waukesha, WI 53188
Note: The governor will give brief remarks shortly after 6:00AM and will participate in
the torch run. The torch run begins at the Waukesha County Courthouse
moving west on Moreland Boulevard and turning north on Delafield Street,
ending at the Waukesha Police Department.
Just want to give you a heads up that he will also be on one other morning MKE TV station.
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608} 267-7303
www. walker. wi. qov
From: Julie Pearl [mailto...-.
Sent: Wednesday,
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Sure. Will just need particulars- and where the Gov. will be- will he have torch with him? Will this be separate
from law enforcement torch run
From: Werwie, Cullen J- GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:16 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Can you guys do a 5:50 hit instead of 5:457
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608) 267-7303
www. walker. wi. qov
From: Julie Pearl rm,,iltr'''
Sent: Tuesday, June 07,
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Re: Thursday AM
Let's do 545 hit. Where at, will Gov have torch whim? How did walk go?
Julie Pearl
Morning Executive Producer
Page 4 of6
On Jun 7, 2011, at 3:15PM, "Werwie, Cullen J- GOV" <Cul1en.Werwie@wisconsin.gov> wrote:
Hope all is well, let me know what you guys would like to do on Thursday AM. Either a phoner or a
quick 5 minute hit right at 5:45 works on our end at the location.
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@WI.Gov
www. walker. wi. qov
From: Julie Pearl I[III!JII!!-
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 201110:35 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Thursday AM
Cullen -I'll touch base at lpm- got some breaking news going on
Definitely want this
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 201110:30 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: Thursday AM
Hey Julie-
Page 5 of6
Tomorrow Governor Walker is going to the kickoff for the Special Olympics and on Thursday AM
(6am) he is going to be carrying the torch for the Special Olympics in Waukesha. Any interest in
talking to him on Thursday prior to the run about the Special Olympics? If you send a crew out we
could get him there at 5:45 to do an interview otherwise we could do a phoner too. Let me know
either way, as we're trying to figure out how early he is going to have to wake up
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@WI.Gov
www. walker. wi. qov
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Page 6 of6
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Hellenbrand, Angie- GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:30PM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: FW: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
Angie Hel/enbraml
Sclletlullng Director
....... OJ' Scott Walker
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:36 PM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV; Hellenbrand, Angie- GOV
Subject: FW: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
Updated with suggested points from policy.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 201112:17 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
My suggestions below.
Ryan Murray I Office of the Governor
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
(o) 608-266-1212 I (e) rvan.murrav@wisconsin.gov
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 201112:05 PM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
Page 1 of2
Ryan and Eric - Below are the topics that Gousha will be covering with the Governor tomorrow. Would
appreciate any talking points you and your teams want him to hit on these.
Expansion of vouchers and school choice
o In any area of life, there's no incentive to innovate and improve when there's a monopoly on
Page 2of2
o Having a choice, and offering that choice to as many students and parents as possible, creates an
incentive to innovate and improve.
o Extending the choice program to all students and parents will strengthen the program and
strengthen our public schools by making them more accountable to parents.
UW Madison separation from UW System
o (***NOTE- Don't hint at a compromise on this issue yet. Say you're willing to talk, but that
you still want your original plan to pass. This will strengthen our hand in negotiations with
the committee to ensure Madison gets as much independence as possible, even if it's not
separated from System)
o A strong economy requires a strong education system, so you support giving all campuses as much
flexibility as possible to manage the necessary budget reductions that are being made to balance
the budget.
o UW-Madison is unique within our system of higher education. It receives more than $1 billion in
research grants and needs to be able to compete on a global scale.
o That's why you still support granting UW-Madison more independence and autonomy to manage its
affairs with less interference from state government bureaucrats.
o Your plan ensures that all seniors continue to receive the same level of benefits as they did before.
o You're willing to work with the legislature to find a reasonable compromise on this issue.
o The DNR has been in talks with the Legislature on a compromise proposal that encourages
consolidation and efficiency, without eliminating the program entirely.
Response of local officials to proposed cuts in state aid
o Disappointed with the response from many local officials, though certainly not all, that they seem
unwilling to fully utilize the tools granted under the budget repair bill.
o Many of them are failing to explore options like less expensive insurance plans, more efficient work
schedules, or even higher employee contribution amounts.
o That's why we're seeing a discrepancy between our numbers.
o Fixing budgets without raising taxes requires tough decisions. Local leaders who are willing to
make those tough decisions will find that we have provided plenty of tools to avoid major service
Legislative work on budget
o In any budget, the governor makes proposals and then works with the Legislature to alter or
improve upon them. The same thing is happening here.
Updates on collective bargaining
o It's my hope that we can conclude this process quickly to ensure that both the state and local
governments can begin to implement the tools as quickly as possible to begin balancing our
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
Page 1 ofl
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 9:36AM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Evenson, Tom- GOV
Subject: RE: John Stossellnterview
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the
Governor will be prepared to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle
on Wisconsin's budget issues? Why did he include collective bargaining? How is this going to change
Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it important for our leaders to be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why
we can't continue doing what we've BEEN doing)?
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell: - and Alex Martin, cell:
location (they're also cc'd ~ - P l e a s e don't hesitate
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Govemor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: cltris.scltrimpj@wisconsin.gov
From: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:31 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV; Evenson, Tom - GOV
Subject: John Stossel Interview
will be our staff on
or me if you need anything.
Please get a topic and any additional information to me by Noon tomorrow for the John Stossel
jennifer Grinder
Scheduling Assistant
Office of the Governor
Fax 608.267.8983
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:16AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Hellenbrand, Angie- GOV; Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: RE: Paul Ryan Comment
Take the time right after from 10:30-11:00 this morning. Will that work?
Dorothy J. Moore
Executive Assistant to Governor Scott Walker
115 East State Capitol
~ 3 7 0 2
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:11AM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV; Hellenbrand, Angie - GOV; Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: FW: Paul Ryan Comment
Page 1 of2
Can I grab another 5-10 minutes this afternoon? Gov was going to call this reporter about Paul Ryan yesterday
but wasn't able to squeeze the call in.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 20111:26 PM
To: Black, Lisa
Subject: RE: Paul Ryan Comment
Lisa- The Gov's going to call you this "ft'>rnrlnn on his way to the airport, sometime between 4:30 and 5:30
eastern. Is this the best number:
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Black, Lisa [mailto:lblack@tribune.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 201112:52 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: Paul Ryan Comment
I think that will be ok. I haven't heard back from the lead reporter but we will take what we can get.
Thank you.
Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April14, 201111:55 AM
To: Black, Lisa
Subject: Paul Ryan Comment
Page 2 of2
Lisa- The Governor was testifying for much of the day before Congress. If it's not too late I could probably have
him call you tomorrow and speak with you directly.
CJuis Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 8:39AM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: FW: STOSSEL intv request
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@ WU'i.ox

www. walker. wi.qov
____________________ _
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:25 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim; Ricci, Michael; Martin, Alexandra
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Sorry I'm so late on this-- Jewish holidays are messing with my schedule.
Page 1 of5
We worked on the questions today and I don't think it's going to be anything outside of what the Governor will be
prepared to address: why did he propose these particular spending cuts to get a handle on Wisconsin's budget
issues? Why did he include collective bargaining? How is this going to change Wisconsin's fiscal future? Why is it
important for our leaders to be addressing the fiscal situation (ie: why we can't continue doing what we've BEEN
I don't think there will be any surprise questions.
We will be sure to let you know if there's anything else.
Producer Mike Ricci, cell: --and Alex Martin, cell:
(they're also cc'd on this don't hesitate to contact
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV <Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov>
will be our staff on location
you need anything.
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov>
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV <Tom.Evenson@wisconsin.gov>; Lott, Maxim
Sent: Tue Apr 19 18:31:56 2011
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Wanted to circle up on this
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2:01 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Yes. Definitely. We'll get you something by tomorrow afternoon.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:59 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Page 2 of5
Yes. Can you also send over anything in particular he wants to discuss with Governor Walker? We want him to
get the most informed answers possible during his trip.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
- - - - ~ ~ l i l i l i l i i i l i l
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April18, 20111:56 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris -.GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Sounds perfect. Can we get the crews into the office at 6:30AM to set-up?
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 2:54 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
You're set for 8:30am Thursday in the Governor's Office
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 201111:51 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Page 3 of5
I definitely need to book it by tomorrow morning. Thursday morning at his office in Madison would probably be
our first choice (we'll be doing interviews with some other folks there as well). Although, Thursday afternoon in
Milwaukee would be fine, too, because there are many more direct flights.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
When do you need to book your flights? The Governor may be in Milwaukee for part of Thursday, which I would
think would be easier for you to fly into. But I should have an answer this afternoon on when and where.
Thursday morning in Madison is looking like a possibility as well.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:37 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
There is only one direct flight a day between Madison and New York-so we're planning to book Stossel on the
following flights and are hoping you can work with us to schedule the interview within this timeframe. Thanks!
Wednesday, April20, 2011
2:50PM Depart LGA
Delta Flight 6533
4:41PM Arrive MSN
Thursday, April21, 2011
5:27PM Depart MSN
Delta Flight 6533
9:00 PM Arrive LGA
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 10:29 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Definitely thursday, but don't have a time locked in yet. Sorry
----- -- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ --- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -------- --------------- -----------"------ ------------------
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 09:27AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim <Maxim.lott@FOXNEWS.COM>
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Hi all-do you have a time/date set for the STOSSEL intv?
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201112:22 PM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: Re: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday should work. We are working on the schedule for next week today
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom- GOV; Lott, Maxim <Maxim.lott@FOXNEWS.COM>
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
We could also do Tuesday or Wednesday if that would work for the Governor.
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 201110:41 AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
In either his office or conference room
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
From: Kendall,
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:37AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Thursday (April 21st) would definitely work for us.
Page 4 of5
Please let me know what time. Would we do the intv in the governor's office? We'll have two camera crews.
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 9:55AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom - GOV; Lott, Maxim
Page 5 of5
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
Kristina- We are checking on this Friday, but it's Good Friday so we're not certain of the Gov's schedule yet.
Thursday we could probably make work if it was okay for you guys.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Dbector
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 8:47AM
To: Kendall, Kristina; Werwie, Cullen J GOV; Schrimpf, Chris GOV
Cc: Evenson, Tom GOV; Lott, Maxim
Subject: RE: STOSSEL intv request
I'm checking in regarding this interview request. Please see below. We'd like to do something next week (Wed, Thurs, or
Fri), and would set the rest of our schedule around it.
Please let me know.
From: Kendall, Kristina
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:50 PM
To: 'Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov'; 'chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov'
Cc: 'tom.evenson@wisconsin.gov'; Lott, Maxim
Subject: STOSSEL intv request
I just wanted to clarify our interview request:
The STOSSEL team at Fox News is working on a documentary that will air in mid-June that we've tentatively titled: "The
Money Hole" -we'll look at how dire our fiscal situation in this country is. [The last STOSSEL documentary, FREELOADERS,
broadcast 20 times and had over 12 million viewers.] We're wrapping up shooting at the end of this month.
John Stossel is interested in coming to Madison to do interviews about the budget battle in Wisconsin and would like to sit
down for an interview with the Governor. We can schedule this trip around the Governor's schedule. Days that look good
on John's schedule to make the trip include next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (April 20, 21, 22) as well as Tuesday, April
h and Friday, April 29
Please let me know if we can set this up at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Kristina Kendall
Executive Producer for John Stossel
Fox News and Fox Business
1211 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Page 1 of2
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
------- - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ------------
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV
Sent: Friday, April15, 2011 9:11AM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV; Hellenbrand, Angie- GOV; Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: FW: Paul Ryan Comment
Can I grab another 5-10 minutes this afternoon? Gov was going to call this reporter about Paul Ryan yesterday
but wasn't able to squeeze the call in.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April14, 20111:26 PM
To: Black, Lisa
Subject: RE: Paul Ryan Comment
Lisa - The Gov's going to call
eastern. Is this the best number:
afternoon on his way to the airport, sometime between 4:30 and 5:30
C1uis Sc1uimpf
Communications Dilector
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
From: Black, Lisa [mailto:lblack@tribune.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:52 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: Paul Ryan Comment
I think that will be ole I haven't heard back from the lead reporter but we will take what we can get.
Thank you.
Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV [mailto:Chris.Schrimpf@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Thursday, April14, 201111:55 AM
To: Black, Lisa
Subject: Paul Ryan Comment
Lisa- The Governor was testifying for much of the day before Congress. If it's not too late I could probably have
him call you tomorrow and speak with you directly.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsin.gov
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Schrimpf, Chris- GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:30 PM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: Fw: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:35 PM
To: Dorothy.Moore@wi.gov <Dorothy.Moore@wi.gov>; Angie.Hellenbrand@wi.gov
Subject: FW: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
Updated with suggested points from policy.
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April28, 201112:17 PM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Schutt, Eric - GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
My suggestions below.
Ryan Murray I Office of the Governor
Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
(o) 608-266-1212 1 (e) ryan.murrav@wisconsin.gov
From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:05 PM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Schutt, Eric- GOV
Cc: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Prep for Gousha Interview Tomorrow
Page 1 of2
Ryan and Eric- Below are the topics that Gousha will be covering with the Governor tomorrow. Would
appreciate any talking points you and your teams want him to hit on these.
Expansion of vouchers and school choice
o In any area of life, there's no incentive to innovate and improve when there's a monopoly on
o Having a choice, and offering that choice to as many students and parents as possible, creates an
incentive to innovate and improve.
o Extending the choice program to all students and parents will strengthen the program and
Page 2 of2
strengthen our public schools by making them more accountable to parents.
UW Madison separation from UW System
o (***NOTE- Don't hint at a compromise on this issue yet. Say you're willing to talk, but that
you still want your original plan to pass. This will strengthen our hand in negotiations with
the committee to ensure Madison gets as much independence as possible, even if it's not
separated from System)
o A strong economy requires a strong education system, so you support giving all campuses as much
flexibility as possible to manage the necessary budget reductions that are being made to balance
the budget.
o UW-Madison is unique within our system of higher education. It receives more than $1 billion in
research grants and needs to be able to compete on a global scale.
o That's why you still support granting UW-Madison more independence and autonomy to manage its
affairs with less interference from state government bureaucrats.
o Your plan ensures that all seniors continue to receive the same level of benefits as they did before.
o You're willing to work with the legislature to find a reasonable compromise on this issue.
o The DNR has been in talks with the Legislature on a compromise proposal that encourages
consolidation and efficiency, without eliminating the program entirely.
Response of local officials to proposed cuts in state aid
o Disappointed with the response from many local officials, though certainly not all, that they seem
unwilling to fully utilize the tools.granted under the budget repair bill.
o Many of them are failing to explore options like less expensive insurance plans, more efficient work
schedules, or even higher employee contribution amounts.
o That's why we're seeing a discrepancy between our numbers.
o Fixing budgets without raising taxes requires tough decisions. Local leaders who are willing to
make those tough decisions will find that we have provided plenty of tools to avoid major service
Legislative work on budget
o In any budget, the governor makes proposals and then works with the Legislature to alter or
improve upon them. The same thing is happening here.
Updates on collective bargaining
o It's my hope that we can conclude this process quickly to ensure that both the state and local
governments can begin to implement the tools as quickly as possible to begin balancing our
Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office of the Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpf@wisconsin.gov
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 4:59PM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV; i
(Rick); McMahon, Jack- GOV;
GOV; Schutt, Eric- GOV; Murray, Ryan
GOV; Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; Werwie, Cullen J -
Subject: FW: TENATIVE Governor Schedule for Monday, January 17, 2011
MONDAY, January 17,2011
SECURITY: Rick Fitzgerald
STAFF: Scott Matejov
Page 1 of 1
7:15am-7:30am-DEPART Tosa Residence for 400 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203
7:30am-9:00am-Frontier Airlines Center: 14
h Annual MLK Breakfast/YMCA of Milwaukee
9:00am-10:30am-DEPART Frontier Airlines Center for Governor's Office
10:30am-11:30am-GOVERNOR's Office: Work Time
11 :30am-11 :50am-GOVERNOR's Office: Meeting with Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz with Jeremey
Shepherd. Topics: High Speed Rail, Governor not responding to the Mayor in the past, how the two can
work together.
11 :50am-12:00pm-MEDIA in Governor's Conference Room: Video Taping for department of tourism
website with Jim Dick of Discover Wisconsin.
12:00pm-1:30pm-Captiol Rotunda: State Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr
1:30pm-2:00pm-GOVERNOR's Office: Work Time
2:00pm-4:00pm-GOVERNOR's Office: BUDGET Meetings Topics: Employee Compensation/Collective
Bargaining/WRS/Health Insurance
4:00pm-5:15pm-DEPART Governor's Office for Tosa Residence
Jennifer Grinder
Scheduling Department
Office of the Governor
Fax 608.267.8983
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 11:56 AM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV; Erwin
(Rick); McMahon, Jack- GOV;
GOV; Schutt, Eric- GOV; Mu
GOV; Schrimpf, Chris- GOV; We>rwie.
Subject: TENATIVE Governor Schedule for Monday, January 17, 2011
MONDAY, January 17,2011
SECURITY: Jack McMahon __.
STAFF: Scott Matejov
Page 1 of 1
7:15am-7:30am-DEPART Tosa Residence for 400 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wl53203
7:30am-9:00am-Frontier Airlines Center: 14
h Annual MLK Breakfast/YMCA of Milwaukee
9:00am-10:30am-DEPART Frontier Airlines Center for Governor's Office
1 0:30am-11 :30am-GOVERNOR's Office: Work Time
11 :30am-11 :50am-GOVERNOR's Office: Meeting with Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz with Jeremey
Shepherd. Topics: High Speed Rail, Governor not responding to the Mayor in the past, how the two can
work together.
11 :50am-12:00pm-MEDIA in Governor's Conference Room: Video Taping for department of tourism
website with Jim Dick of Discover Wisconsin.
12:00pm-1 :30pm-CAPITOL: State Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr
1:30pm-2:00pm-GOVERNOR's Office: Work Time
2:00pm-4:00pm-GOVERNOR's Office: BUDGET Meetings Topics: Employee Compensation/Collective
Bargaining/WRS/Health Insurance
4:00pm-5:15pm-DEPART Governor's Office for Tosa Residence
jennifer Grinder
Scheduling Department
Office of the Governor
Fax 608.267.8983
Page 1 of3
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 8:02AM
To: Grinder, Jennifer-
Subject: Media call for tomorrow AM
7:55-S:lOam Wednesday February 2
nie Trottman reporter for the Wall Street Journal wants to talk to the Governor about public sector
unions. She wants to know what role public sector unions should play in state government. Her questions will
be along the line of:
Do you think public sector unions should have the ability to collectively bargain?
What role should unions play in our society?
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@ WI. Gov
[ ~ l i ~ J I
www. walker. wi. qov
From: Trottman, Melanie [mailto:Melanie.Trottman@wsj.com]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:04 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Info on Public Sector Unions
From: Werwie, Cullen J- GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:44 PM
'To: Trottman, Melanie
Subject: RE: Info on Public Sector Unions
Hey Melanie-
Can you do a phone call Wednesday from 7:55-8:10am our time, so probably 8:55-9:10am your time?
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608} 267-7303
Email: Cullen. Werwie@WI.Gov

www. walker. wi. qov
From: Trottman, Melanie [mailto:Melanie.Trottman@wsj.com]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 4:45 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Info on Public Sector Unions
Page 2 of3
Got it. Thank You. I'll look over all this and look forward to hearing from you about when the governor is available
next week. Best, Melanie
From: Werwie, Cullen J- GOV [mailto:Cullen.Werwie@wisconsin.gov]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 S:36 PM
To: Trottman, Melanie
Subject: Info on Public Sector Unions
Per our phone conversation here's the info we discussed. Governor-elect Walker was able to convince a lame-
duck, complete democrat controlled Legislature to reject union contracts.
It started by Governor-elect Walker sending a letter to legislative leadership (attached).
Then the unions approved the contracts.
!ill.R;LLwww.weau.com/news/headlinesLWis state union approves contract
Lame-duck legislature calls itself into extraordinary session to take up contracts
Democrats bring down a republican-turned-independent state rep who was in jail for his 3rd drunk driving (along
with one marijuana possession charge as well) to cast the deciding vote for passage in the State Assembly. State
Senate Democrat majority leader votes no on the contracts, arguing they should have been passed prior to the
election. AFSCME head calls the democrat leader "a whore."
http ://host. mad is on. co m/wsi/ n ews/1 oca 1/govt -and-politics/ article e83 6d c 7 6-0862 -11e0-a4 76-
In addition to this, along the way major state newspapers editorialized in favor of Walker's position on public
sector beneiit reform, in part because of information we disseminated:
)illQ;ilhost. madison .com/wsi/ news/opinion/ ed itoria 1/ article c3ff9072 -03f4-11e0-a66a-001cc4c03286. htm I
http :1/www .sheboygan press. com/ a rticle/20 101214/SH E06/12140352/Ed ito ria 1-G ive-Wa I ker -a-shot -at -union-
Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: {608} 267-7303

Page 3 of3
Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Jennifer Grinder [jennifer.grinder@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:13AM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: Fwd: SAMPLE: Governor-Elect Schedule for Monday December 20, 2010
From: Dorothy
Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at
Subject: SAMPLE: Governor-Elect Schedule for Monday December 20, 2010
--. Angela Hellenbrand
Dorothy J. Moore
Scheduler I Executive Assistant
Governor-Elect Scott Walker
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: John Hiller
To: Dorothy Moore
Sent: Mon, December
Subject: Re: Governor-Elect Schedule for Monday December 20, 2010
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: Dorothy Moore
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 20
To: David Erwir1<
Subject: Governor-Elect
MONDAY, December 20, 2010
Page 1 of3
SECURITY: Rick Fitzgerald
STAFF: Tom Nardelli: & John Hi
7:30am-8:00am-DEPART Residence for County Courthouse
Page 2 of3
8:00am-8:30am-UPDATE with DHHS Director Geri Lyday & County Board Staff in CEX Office
8:30am-9:00am-BHD Candidate Interview with William Hogan, Anchorage Alaska-Chairman
Holloway will be attending this interview as well.
9:00am-9:30am-BHD BHD Candidate Interview with Bob Johnson, Farmington Hills, MN-
Chairman Holloway will be attending this interview as well.
9:30am-10:00am-CEX Office I Overflow from previous meetings.
10:00am-10:15am-DEPART Courthouse for Serb Hall, 5101 W. Oklahoma Avenue,
Milwaukee, WI
10: 15am-1 0:45am-Milwaukee Police Association Christmas Party-President Michael Crivello
will meet you at the south entrance and escort you in. Tom Nardelli will meet you there and
1 0:45am-12:00pm-DEPART Serb Hall for Transition Office
11 :30am-11:45am-PHONE Call in car: Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin to congratulate your
win. She will call the office and the call will be directed to your private line.
12:00pm-1:15pm-TRANSITION Office STAFF Meetings
1:15pm-1:45pm-TRANSITION Office STAFF Keith: Meeting with Mayor Tom Barrett & COS
Patrick Curley- Agenda attached: Local Aids, Education, Economic Development & Collective
1:45pm-3:45pm-TRANSITION Office- Possible Interviews I Office
3:45pm-5:00pm-DEPART Transition Office for University Club, 924 E. Wells Street,
Milwaukee, WI
Page 3 of3
5:00pm-5:35pm-STAFF John Hiller: Capital Midwest Fund Investor Meeting@ U Club. Karen
Davis will meet you at the front door and escort you. Steve Einhorn is you POC. Agenda and
List of attendees is in briefing book.
5:35pm-5:55pm-DEPART University Club for Residence
Dorothy J. Moore
Scheduler I Executive Assistant
Governor-Elect Scott Walker
Page 1 of 1
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Donovan, Paul
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:34 PM
To: Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: Very important question regarding the Budget Repair Bill in relation to local schools
Is it true that the reason a quorum is needed is because the bill came in a special session?
Meaning, once the regular session starts a quorum is not needed and the bill can be voted on and
passed with a simple majority?
If yes, does the regular session start April 1?
We are entering teacher contract negotiations this week and the answer to the above is critical to how
we proceed.
Thanks for your help.
I await your response.
Paul F. Donovan
Brodhead School Board member
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Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
From: Gilkes, Keith - GOV
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 11:03 PM
To: Gilkes, Keith - GOV
Subject: Capitol Access Tomorrow
Starting tomorrow, there will be a new policy on public access to the Capitol Building. You should continue to
access the building through the staff entrance at the MLK Street entrance.
The public will be accessing the North and South Hamilton Entrances (North and South Wings of the Capitol).
I ask that you maintain a respectful demeanor as we have protestors in the building and respect the cleaning crew
who will be working over the next several days in the building.
Also- I want to alert everyone that we should be touching any signs that are hanging anywhere. The people that
manage the building are concerned about properly removing the tape that is attached to walls. Let the
professionals do it as well as not inflaming issues with demonstrators.
Grinder, Jennifer - GOV
From: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:33AM
To: Hellenbrand, Angie- GOV; Grinder, Jennifer- GOV
Subject: FW: Proposed Briefing Schedule for 113 through 117
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOV
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 7:46 PM
To: Moore, Dorothy J - GOV
Cc: Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Schutt, Eric- GOV
Subject: FW: Proposed Briefing Schedule for 1/3 through 1/7
FYI from Friday regarding the governor's briefing schedule.
From: Schmiedicke, David P - DOA
Sent: Frid.ay, December 31, 2010 1:50 PM
To: Murray, Ryan M - GOT
Cc:---; Hayes, Brian - DOA; Kraus, Jennifer- DOA; Nelson, Linda S - DOA
S u b ~ n g Schedule for 1/3 through 1/7 .
Page 1 of3
Ryan: Below is the proposed briefing schedule for the week of January 3rd. I have assumed that
topics that have already been discussed at the transition staff level will not be discussed again prior to
Governor's briefings (e.g., IT, debt, DHS- Long-term care). Let me know if I need to change that
assumption. Linda Nelson will work with Dorothy Moore to put these on to the calendar.
If we maintain this schedule, DHS- Medical Assistance will be the only remaining item to discuss with
the Governor before starting comeback briefings (the UW I HEAB budget requests are also
outstanding, but will be folded into a comeback briefing on that topic). While we are still pulling together
the list of comebacks, we estimate a need for approximately 20 to 30 hours with the Governor before
January 28th to complete all comebacks. Assuming three hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays for
January 1oth through the 28th, we should be in relatively good shape. However, if more analysis and
review arises out of the comeback briefings, we may need to schedule more time.
At some point toward the middle I end of January, we should review all budget decisions again with the
Governor. We will also have to revisit certain decisions as new revenue estimates are finalized in late
January I early February.
Keep in mind that we also need to finalize an approach on the FY11 situation.
Let rne know if you have any questions.
January 4th (Tuesday) -
Briefings at DOA --8:30 to 11:30
Collective Bargaining /ETF/WERC/OSER
Governor /Lt Governor/Legislature
Briefings with Governor- 2pm to 4pm
DHS- Long-term Care
January 5th (Wednesday)-
Briefings at DOA -- 8:30 to 11 :30
UW/HEAB budget request
January 6th (Thursday)-
Briefings at DOA -- 8:30 to 11 :30
CutsNacancies for all agencies
Fuel and Utilities
Program Supplements I Misc. Appropriations
Compensation Reserve
Briefings with Governor- 2pm to 4pm
January 7th (Friday)-
Briefings at DOA -- 8:30 to 11:30
DHS-Medical Assistance
Briefings with Governor -12:30 pm to 4:30pm
IT Briefing
DPI agency request I school aid formula changes
From: Murray, Ryan M - GOT
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2010 7:21 AM
To: Schmiedicke, David P - DOA
Page 2 of3
The governor will be available from 2pm-4pm on Tuesday and Thursday and from 12:30-4:30 on
For staff briefings next week, we can be available Tuesday-Friday from 8:30 to 11:30.
Let me know what we'll need to be briefing on during those times.
After next week, we're trying to get the governor into a schedule of 2-3 hours for budget meetings every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Ryan Murray
Deputy Transition Director- Policy
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