Mapping Method of SCL and CIM Model Based On The Semantic Network of

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Mapping Method of SCL and CIM Model Based on the Semantic Network of Knowledge Representation


Computer Science and Technical Tnstitute North China Electric Power University BaoDing,China e-mail:







costs, reduce integration and data exchange cost. So we must construct the unified information model to realize the goal. This paper introduces IEC61850 SCL model and IEC61 970 CIM model, and introduces a kind of artificial intelligent knowledge representation method -- semantic network .This paper presents semantic network to denote each model internal and external relationships, and put forward new ideas about mapping rules between SCL and CIM. It can make for the communication and data sharing between substation and control center, and make more development for intelligent network. II.

automation of the transformer substations and control center. Information sharing and real-time communication is currently and urgently needed to research and solve the question. SCL is substation configuration language in IEC61850 standard, while CIM is the information model in IEC61970 standard which is used by control center. Their connection is very important for information sharing between substation and control center. Semantic network is a new concept and is a kind of knowledge representation method for artificial intelligence. It can show models internal connection and the connection between SCL and CIM. This paper uses semantic network to represent SCL, points out their similarities and differences, and puts forward mapping method for SCL and CIM. It will make the two models more convenient to share data and communication.



SCL Substation special configuration description language is which is to language adopted

Keywords--SCL; CIM; semantic network;61850; 61970;

substation I.


IEC61 850.SCL uses extensible markup language (XML)

describe equipment configuration information, and to realize information sharing in among different devices. In SCL, it describes the first system structure, communication system, lED, LN and other object models. These object models contain three basic classes: substation, products, communication.

Along with the rapid development of intelligent power, real-time communication and information sharing also have become a hot issue. Under this condition, control center wants to make real-time communication with substation, so as to get the whole power network's data, analyzing network state, timely and correctly deciding and realizing condition assessment, fault detection and between maintenance. and Therefore, substation, communication substation

between substation and control center becomes a question which is needed to research and solve it. In the practical application, the existing research of electrical network also mainly stresses in taking the single equipment as a goal. Various device types, function and interface each are not identical, isolated operation, upgrade and maintenance is more difficult, data hardly be Shared and has not been fully used, which cannot be to various equipment operational status of the overall analysis, can not make more effective and more economical maintenance decision. These apparently unable to achieve the future intelligent power on panoramic data analysis and decision requirements. The key to solve the above problem is using technology system's standards which is applied to intelligent power grid needed to satisfY, open, unity between different manufacturers device and can ensure interoperability. Only these can reduce equipment access and protocol conversion

The data model of IEC 61 970 and 61 968 is defined as a [ll common information model (CIM) . In IEC 61970 protocol, the CIM model is foundation of IEC 61970 protocol whole framework. It is a model which describes logical structure and relationship of all objects about the power system. CIM as an abstract model based on object-oriented technology, unified power entity models, and used object-oriented unified modeling language UML to describe it. CIM divided into a group of packages. CIM package includes class, relationship among classes and attributes of classes. The relationships include generalization, relevance, aggregation.

Semantic Network


Semantic network definition

s knowledge. A semantic

Semantic network is a kind of method using the form of network to represent human' network is a directed digraph with logo. These nodes with logo can represent object, concept, event, action or situation in certain domain. Nodes generally are classified as example

978-1-61284-486-2/111$26.00 2011 IEEE


node and class node. The directed arc with logo between two nodes represents their semantic relationship. It is key to organizing knowledge for semantic network.


semantic network notation a) Instance contact

It is used to denote the relationship between class node

and its instance node, usually is presented by "[SA" (is a),As shown in figurel.

Figl. Instance contact

b) Generalization contact
It is used to denote the relationship between class node

Fig 4.Attribute contact

usually is presented by III.

and more abstract class node,

"AKO" (a kind of),as shown figure 2.


The main advantage using semantic network is that the important relevant performance is clear to express and is easy to deduce an inheritance hierarchy, can use signs of a few basic concepts to create the description state and action.


Semantic network nation of SCL model

SCL model adopted level structure, divided substation [21 . model describes the first system structure,

into three levels: substation level, bay level, process level SCL

Fig2. Generalization contact

communication system, [ED, LN etc object model, as shown figure 5.

c) Aggregation contact
It is used to denote the relationship of one individual and





presented based on


part s

of "

. Aggregation


concept '

decomposability divides top concept into several bottom concepts' collection, as shown figure 3.

Fig Fig3. Aggregation contact


Semantic network nation ofobjects ofSCL model

d) Attribute contact
It is used to denote the relationship among individual,

The abstract logic node class mentioned in SCL model inherits the structure as shown figure 6.

attribute and its value. The directed arc usually presents the attribute, and the node pointed by the arc presents itself value, as shown figure 4.


The SCL main purpose is the permission that different factory's configuration tool and the system configuration tool may exchange communication system's configuration data. SCL and CIM have many similar places. But IEC61 850 mainly describes and defines communication protocol. IEC 61970 defines all objects in the whole power system. SCL and CIM are the two standards' core models. While the two models' methods. In the whole, both SCL and CIM describe information model based on the objected-oriented technology, while their actual content are different. behind. By both compare, we can know that in SCL main transformer just belongs to substation level. This is a little different from CIM modeling. But this problem may be solved by the adjustment and coordination of CIM and SCL. There will be introduction keys are different somewhat on their system structures, description's tools, languages, communication

Fig 6 Semantic network nation oflogic nodes ofSCL model .


Overall, the way to expression of both, but for substation model, there are many similarities. IEC61850 and IEC61970 series standards modeling method have distinguishing feature each and are different. In IEC61850 standard, the main contents of data modeling contain the substation model, lED model, communication model, thereinto lED model includes internal logical device and logical node.IEC61970 standard use the way of CIM modeling and between each package exists various relevant relationship. SCL is a hierarchy, uses the expression of the shape of tree and describe its configuration documents by XML; CIM's structure is the shape of the web, uses UML tool to modeling. IEC61 850 worked out a detailed specification about secondary equipment , but for first

Semantic network nation ofCIM model

CIM is divided into a group of packages. Package is a

common way in which package divided into a group related model components and no special semantic meaning. CIM consists of a set of complete package. Entity can have many connections across packages' border. Every application will use and information attributes of of classes. The multiple relationships packages. include CIM package includes class, relationship among classes generalization, relevance, aggregation. These relationships are similar to semantic network in many places.

equipment modeling is deficient in somewhat. IEC61 970 stipulates the detail information of substation's all first equipment and second equipment and other information.

Mapping method between SCL and ClM 1)

We can make some adjustment of substation model

of SCL according to CIM topological package. For example, SCL model considers a power transformer to a bay and considers power transformer winding to a device, not a sub device. The main transformer belongs to the substation in SCL. While a transformer as a device container contains voltage levels and bays in CIM. Because the main substation has its corresponding accessorial equipment, In CIM modeling, the main transformer usually is looked as the main transformer bay. It has a direct connect with substation. Overall, the way to expression of both, but for

Fig7. contact of veral packages of"ciivi"T"ii- .


substation model, there are many similarities.










equipments.IED belongs to a kind of RemoteUnit in CIM,


Compare of SCL and ClM

The CIM main purpose is that making between

but RemoteUnit don' t exist in SCL. This is a main reason causing the two inconsistent models differently to coordinate. According to lED model in SCL, we may adjust CIM structure and add lED model, including server class,

application and system realize interoperability and inserted compatibility, but it has nothing to do with any concrete realization. Both them produced for the need of exchanging information.


logical equipment, logical node class etc. Maybe we add class missing in CIM to PowerSystemResource. 3) CIM allows multi-inheritance, but SCL only allows

sharing between substation and control center, and make more development for intelligent network. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
w. thanks the grant of the National Natural Science

single-inheritance. So we change the multi-inherit in CIM to single-inherit or contact.


Foundation of China under Grant (No.61 0740780). This topic is subsidized by national natural science fund (61074078).
REFERENCES [I] [2] IEC61970 :EMSAPI Part-30 1 Common Information Model (CIM) Base[S].2004. IEC61850-6Comunication Networks and System in Subtation-Part 6:Configuration description language for communication in electrical substation related to IEOs[S].2000. [3] IEC61970 EMSAPI Part-303Common Information Model(CIM) SCAOA[S].2004.

Under the urgent need for the intelligent power network, the information sharing between substation and control center has became a question to be solved. This paper introduces IEC61850 SCL model and IEC61970 CIM model, and describes a kind of artificial intelligent knowledge representation method -- semantic network. The paper puts forward internal and mutual relationships between substation and control center, and finds new ideas and methods to map the two models. It can make for the communication and data


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