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New Life News

Ou r M i ss io n : T o in t r o du c e in div i du al s t o C h r i st , t o e qu i p t h em t o b e fo l lo w er s o f C h r ist ; an d t o im p act o u r co m m u n it y wit h Go d' s lo v e . Issue 3 June 1, 2012

M&M Project and Sanctuary Dedication Service

Inside this issue:
M&M Project and Sanctuary Dedication Inner City Kids Camp is fast approaching.

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Backwards Sanctuary Sunday!

We were running out of room in the old sanctuary. Not only that but the door to the Sanctuary was in the front to the left of the platform, and anytime anybody would enter or leave during the sermon they had to walk in front of Pastor Bob and it was a big distraction. The windows were patched together in places and the Easter Sunday

The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start
frames were warped and leaked badly. Not much room for a band.

rebuilding, Ne

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New Life News

Pastor Bob went to Rev. Roger Lutze and said to him. I would like to turn the Sanctuary 90 degrees. They had no idea how they would pay for it but Roger agreed to the project. Not long afterward somebody contacted Roger about the M&M Project, which ended up covering most of the expenses for this wonderful project.

There were three small rooms off the sanctuary behind this wall. One was an office, on a makeshift nursery and one was for storage mostly. We tore down this wall and took out the drop ceiling that was in the rooms.

More people than it is possible to mention came along side and helped with this project that actually started in February. Drywall and insulation were installed, windows were covered. Walls were painted, a new platform was built carpeted along with a new kneeler and stairs to get up to the platform. The sound system, PowerPoint projector and screen were moved. The old platform was taken down and new flooring put in. Track lighting was also installed. All in all it looks and feels like a whole new place.

Volume 1, Issue 1

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Now the door is in the back where it belongs! The eye doctors office will eventually move downstairs and that room may become a nursery, or possibly a tutoring and literacy center. Well see where He leads.

We were blessed to have Dr. Stephen Anthony, our District Superintendent come and share Gods Word with us at our Dedication Service on May 6th, 2012. There were also many other special Guests that made the day very special for us, including Bill and Barb Burdine, Rev. Roger Lutze, Pastor Eric Slade and his family, as well as several other Pastors, and congregants from some of our sister churches in the Flint area. Thanks to all who made this day so memorable.

Church Staff Rev. Robert Cattane ~ Senior Pastor ~ 810-309-4710 Tanya Cox ~ Assoc. Pastor/Public Relations ~ 810-656-9861 Lynn Yantz ~ Lay Minister ~248-669-2428 Tina Cattane ~ Womens Ministries ~ 810-701-4205

Contact us Flint New Life Church of the Nazarene 1829 Delaware Ave Flint Mi. 48506 Mailing address: 3934 Herrick St. Flint Mi. 48532 Phone: 810-309-4710 Fax: Available upon request

Childrens church staff

Kayla Ann Cox ~ Club 10-27 Cliff Yantz ~ J-squad Jerry McClane ~ Teen boys Tanya Cox ~ Teen Girls Jo Anne Kroll ~ Teen Girls
Were on the Web

Inner City Kids Camp is fast approaching!

We are once again taking a group of kids from Flints Inner City to Waters Edge campground for Inner City Kids Camp The camp this year will be from August 21st to the 23rd. This is an awesome opportunity for us to get these kids out of the stress and violence of the inner city into the country and pour into them the Love of Jesus. Many of these kids will never get this kind of opportunity anywhere else. Last year was awesome in so many ways. If you are wondering how you can get involved there are several areas that we are in need of help. We need counselors who would be willing to come and spend a few days with these kids. We need an RN to be our nurse. We need some supplies for the kids such as towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, mosquito spray, and combs. We are also accepting monetary donations to help pay for the cost of each kid to attend camp. Above all else please pray for these kids and that God will show up in a big way for them while they are here. Thanks you in advance for all of your support of this very important ministry.

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14

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