The Dog Rambler E-Diary 30 May 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 30
May 2012
Walk Saltoun Wood, East Lothian Length 6.25 miles Dogs on walk Archie, Cyrano, Dylan, Finn, Jolie, Phoebe, Otis, Teela

Still no sun under the blanket of low cloud. Still warm, however. Shorts and t-shirt again even with the occasional slight dampening drizzle. Having stayed optimistic all this week and planned for glorious sun we had another woodland walk lined up. This time in Saltoun Wood. We swerved down the access track avoiding the potholes on the way to the small car park tucked under some trees. The dogs getting more excited as we approached. The odd eager whimper, much agitated shuffling and noses poked in my direction. But they had to wait until my boots were on and the camera readied. Then we were off. All names called as I brought the disparate bunch back together from all four corners of the car park and more. Shepherded through a gate and onto the track leading along the eastern edge of the wood. All going swimmingly, Phoebe, Jolie and Finn in a noisy tussle. Archie looking on but not risking his nose or ears just yet. Cyrano and Dylan off into the deep vegetation, taking on the depth, thickness and colour associated with the nearness of summer. Last Otis plodding his way along behind, in no great hurry, just enjoying the air. And then I tripped over Teela. Well, she was not pleased. She gave me quite a disdainful look, turned on her heels and headed straight back to the car. Now this was no short distance. A good few hundred yards around a couple of bends. I thought she would get over her huff and reappear at the corner of a bend. But oh no. So we all had to turn on our heels too and go after her. Finding her walking around the car

to the amusement of a couple in the car park. Poor Teela spent the next two miles on the lead until she was settled again. I did let her of once sooner but she tried to turn back again. Eventually she was happy and was able to join the rest again, walking amongst them. Now getting barged by the still lively Finn, Jolie and Phoebe but without getting huffy this time. We wended along some of the myriad of paths, some more distinct than others. The trees thickening and then thinning to cast different hues of light and darker bowls shade. Then we left the wood. The dogs jumping over a low and bowed wire fence. Into the patchwork of fields. Innumerable, many sized squares of greens and yellows. A network of paths running by them. We followed them. The dogs doing well to keep out the fields, for the most part. Tender crops, stretching on slim stalks into the light. Back into the woods and we picked up a narrow path. Hard to follow at first as debris of branches and twigs from felled trees covered its early part. Archie now teasing Phoebe and Finn with a stick. They chased him between the unfelled trees, as we headed back into covered wood. Rejoining a main track on the western side of the wood and beginning to walk back toward the car park. A noise made my head turn right. There was a young deer in a patch of small trees. Completely missed by all the dogs even though it was only thirty feet or so away. Phoebe seriously letting her breed down. Deerhound no more. Undisturbed it slowly walked into the trees. We continued on and wound back to the car in then now empty car park.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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