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Accommodation Assessment & Rating System

Qualmark Apartment Accommodation April 2012 Copyright Qualmark New Zealand Limited 2012

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The Apartment Assessment System

Your eligibility to use tourisms official quality mark and star grades is based on the assessment of your property using the quality standards and criteria contained in this document. The Qualmark quality mark demonstrates to travellers that your business has undergone Qualmarks rigorous quality assessment and has been found to be professional and trustworthy. The category and star grade provides the traveller with additional information about the type of accommodation you provide, and the range and quality of facilities and services offered.

Glossary of terms and definitions

Following are some words and phrases used in relation to this assessment system that should help you understand the process and/or interpretation of the criteria. Adequate Sufficient Ample Fit for purpose Passable, barely sufficient Enough to go around Plentiful, more than enough, abundant The degree to which your facilities or services are suited to your target market and/or the type of experience you aim to deliver. However, it does not mean anything goes. Features or aspects of your property or services that exceed your guests expectations, surprising or delighting them to create a memorable or distinctive experience. Aspects of your service that must be in place in order to meet travellers fundamental requirements and hence ensure your eligibility for a star grade.


The assessment criteria are the result of extensive input from, and consultation with the Apartment sector. They use up-to-date quality assessment methodology and are market driven, representing the needs and expectations that travellers have of Apartment accommodation today.

Minimum entry requirements

Preparing for your assessment

In order to receive a star grade you must meet all Minimum Entry Requirements in every area of the assessment. As soon as possible, check that you meet all these Minimum Entry Requirements. If there are any you do not currently meet, please rectify them prior to your assessment. You may also wish to scan the Quality Score criteria on each page to fully understand the aspects of your business that will be assessed. You may even identify areas where you can undertake improvements prior to the assessment, or at some future time. Your assessor will contact you closer to the time of your assessment to advise additional preparations you should undertake immediately prior to the on-site visit. Note, on the day of the assessment the assessor needs to see a minimum of one of each room or apartment type. Please dont hesitate to call us if you have any queries - 0800 Qualmark (782 562).

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How does the scoring work?

The Qualmark assessment looks at various different quality areas of your business: The minimum entry requirements are part of our Pre-Assessment questionnaire which must be completed online prior to your Qualmark on-site assessment. Your star rating indicates your level of achievement against our quality criteria for each assessment section, an example of this is shown below. 1 2 3 4
All criteria in the left and middle columns and some (not all) of the criteria in the right column are met.

All criteria in the left, middle and right columns are met

All criteria in All criteria in the All criteria in the the left column left column and left and middle are met some (not all) of columns are met the criteria in the middle column are met.

You will receive scores for each of the different quality areas. These scores are weighted to reflect the relative importance of the different quality areas the weightings are shown on the contents page. The weighted scores are then added together to determine your overall percentage score and star grade.

IMPORTANT: Four Star Plus and Five Star properties must score at least 3 in each assessment area (this includes an average score of 3 in the bedroom and bathroom sections where a range of rooms are assessed. Some room scores may be lower than 3 provided other scores result in a weighted average score of 3 or more).

5 Star Apartment: Further to a score of 84% or more, it is imperative that any Apartment business
also meet all of the following minimum requirements to be classed as a 5 Star Qualmark. Onsite manager available 24 hours per day Daily servicing of the guest rooms on request At least 7 recreational facilities available to guests see full list of options in section 1.4 Real time online booking facilities

How does this translate into a star grade?

Score 20-27% 28-35% 36-43% 44-51% 52-59% 60-67% 68-75% 76-83% 84-100% Stars plus plus plus plus Description Acceptable. Meets customers minimum requirements. Basic, clean, and comfortable accommodation Good. Exceeds customers minimum requirements with some additional facilities and services Very good. Provides a range of facilities and services and achieves good to very good quality standards Excellent. Consistently achieves high quality levels with a wide range of facilities and services Exceptional. Among the best available in New Zealand

The range into which your overall percentage score fits, determines your star grade. Your eligibility for a Qualmark licence and your star grade will be confirmed by the Qualmark office following your assessment.
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Apartment Table of Contents

Area 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 5.0 5.1 6.0 7.0 Overall Aspect and Appearance External Buildings, Grounds and Gardens Parking General Corridors, Elevators, Stairs and Walkways Extra facilities including recreational facilities Cleanliness Cleanliness / Servicing Service and Hospitality Guest Care Reservations Safety and Security Reception Guest Arrival and Departure Guest Services Apartments / Rooms Overall Apartment Internal Decor Overall Apartment Size, Space and Comfort Overall Apartment Heating / Cooling Overall Apartment Lighting Beds and Bedding Size and Quality Bedroom Furniture and Fittings Bathrooms Kitchen Lounge Area Dining Facilities Laundry and Drying Facilities General Requirements General Business Practices Responsible Tourism Operations Enviro Award Total Page Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Total Weighting 4% 4% 3% 4% 12% 5% 5% 4% 3% 5% 5% 3% 3% 5% 4% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 7% 100%

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1.0 Overall Aspect and Appearance

1.1 External - Buildings, Grounds and Gardens
Minimum Entry Requirements
Buildings, their fixtures, furnishings, fittings and exterior dcor are maintained in a sound, clean condition and are fit for the purpose intended Management can provide clear documentation of a long term maintenance plan and / or refurbishment plan for the apartment complex

No prominent unsightly aspects all buildings, signage grounds and outdoor equipment are in good repair eg. broken external fittings, rusty nails etc Buildings, signage and grounds are tidy and clean giving good first impression eg. gardens are weeded, no rubbish Safe pathways with no large pot holes or trip hazards No untidy / unsightly areas with exposed equipment or materials. All equipment is stored out of sight.

Evidence that property and buildings are maintained and tidy eg. no prominent evidence of mould lichen, moss and cobwebs and damage Building is aesthetically pleasing and in keeping with some redeeming design elements Effective signage that is well lit and maintained in good condition, eg. no evidence of cracks, chips or other damage Driveways, and footpaths are drained and maintained eg. no prominent cracks and other damage Grounds are maintained with evidence of seasonal pruning and are free of extraordinary leaf litter, long term weeds etc

Evidence of high standards of external maintenance, including all buildings and signs. Minimal evidence of flaking paint, dirt, water stains, lichen, moss etc. Landscaping is designed and co-ordinated to a high standard including drive ways, furniture, architectural or heritage features of the property Building architecture and design enhances the surrounds Well tended gardens and grounds. Pathways and edges, lawns in good condition and well cut etc and overall evidence in maintaining an attractive appearance throughout the year. Situation delight factors: eg. attractive surrounds, exceptional location, superb views etc


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Overall Aspect and Appearance, continued


Minimum Entry Requirements

Some form of off road car parking is provided on site or nearby meeting council minimum requirements Accessible parking identified (subject to Building Act 1991 and New Zealand Standard 4121 and prevailing local laws)

Parking area is maintained free of potholes and trip hazards Limited attempt to control parking eg. marked carparks or signs Adequate information provided to guests regarding car parking options

Sufficient parking available to meet the needs of the customer mix. Parking maybe offsite but must be nearby. Easy access to carpark spaces Well maintained and attractive surfaces in keeping with the style of the property Clear definition of parking area Some consideration given to the security of guests cars eg. lighting Clear definition of parking area Some visitor car parks are provided

Parking onsite with generous access and turning space for one car for each apartment Some additional car parks available on site 10% of apartment numbers Evidence of excellent security provisions for guests cars. eg. security cameras, locked gates, key card entry Undercover car park area Internal access to apartments from carpark Additional parking for boats or bulky storage etc


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Overall Aspect and Appearance, continued

General Corridors, Elevators, Stairs and Walkways

Minimum Entry Requirements

All areas should be in good repair and free from obstructions All common / public areas are cleaned and serviced daily Adequate levels of lighting for safety and comfort in all public areas, including landings and steps at night Where appropriate, clear signage on where facilities are located

Some wear and tear acceptable on furniture and fittings Some wear and tear acceptable on floors, walls and ceilings Basic directional signage to apartments, reception area etc (if required) All wall, door, window frame, floor and ceiling surfaces clean, non-soiled and free from dust build up All areas free of offensive odours

Co-ordinated decor Floors, walls and ceilings and furniture have minimal wear and tear Guest elevator(s) offer coordinated dcor in keeping with the theme of the property At least one dedicated guest elevator to all levels available if, in order to reach the apartment from the ground floor, a guest must ascend or descend more than one inter-floor stairway Clear, accurate and well presented directional signage to apartments and facilities All areas clean, neat and tidy in terms of presentation may show minor wear and tear Ventilation ducts and grids are free from long term dust and grime Furnishings and carpets cleaned as required

Outstanding dcor that is very well co-ordinated High quality materials are used in decor Floors, walls and ceiling and furniture coverings in excellent condition Generous corridor width Guest elevators offer excellent quality dcor and high quality materials in keeping with the theme of the property Furnished elevator landings (if available) in recessed area away from corridors offering comfortable seating Overall excellent quality ambience combining appropriate design, lighting, artwork, music etc reflecting the theme of the apartment block Evidence of excellent attention to detail in cleanliness of all areas, including high and low level dusting, soft furnishings and carpets free of marks and stains (with documented cleaning schedule in place) No significant evidence of wear and tear on all surfaces including furniture and fittings


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Overall Aspect and Appearance, continued

1.4 Extra facilities including recreational facilities

Minimum Entry Requirements
Note: These are facilities and services that should be provided on-site and either free of charge or as optional paid extras. If they are off site then a clear relationship between the licence holder and the facility need to be evident. Gym, tour information service, spa, sauna, playground, pool, library reading room, shops, internet kiosk, bikes, kayaks, BBQ areas, designated outside recreational area, charge back to local restaurants, charge back to local bars, mini bar, guest laundry or laundry service Equipment maintenance schedules in place for all equipment All recreational facilities provided are clearly communicated and hours of availability of all extra facilities and recreation areas clearly posted All equipment is safe and in good operating condition with instructions available as required Sufficient procedures are in place to prevent equipment failure or malfunction (i.e. preventative maintenance) this includes appropriate storage, use and maintenance

Very limited range of recreational facilities (min 2) All facilities must be in full working order and can show wear and tear

Good range of recreational facilities (min 4) All facilities must be in full working order and can show minimal wear and tear

Excellent range of recreational equipment (min 6) All facilities must be in full working order and are in excellent condition Procedures for equipment maintenance and inspection are well documented and their effectiveness / efficiency monitored


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Cleanliness / Servicing

Minimum Entry Requirements

All bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and items involving direct contact for guests, such as bedding, linen, baths, showers, wash basins, WCs, flooring, seating, crockery, cutlery and glassware are cleaned (with no evidence of prior occupation or use) Provision is made for all apartments to be serviced daily unless otherwise agreed with the guest at time of booking (documented evidence to be provided) All common areas are cleaned daily Servicing of apartments includes rubbish removal, amenity and towel replacement, cleaning of bathroom, shower and toilet

All hard surfaces cleaned and sanitised using accepted systems eg. disinfecting or sterilizing Measures taken to ensure no offensive odours Public areas vacuumed / swept daily All rooms of a neat and tidy appearance

All surfaces including furnishings and carpets clean and non-soiled Room servicing includes making of beds and doing of dishes with the option of linen change every 3 days, unless otherwise arranged with the guest All areas smelling fresh and clean. Evidence of odour control procedures and equipment in place. Furnishings and carpets cleaned as required with some documented evidence available

Evidence of attention to detail of cleanliness in all areas, including high and low level dusting Evidence of furnishings and carpets cleaned effectively on regular basis and maintained in non-soiled condition: eg. documented long term cleaning schedules Evidence that all occupied bedrooms / apartments vacuumed / swept daily as part of a daily servicing: eg. documented daily service procedure


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Service and Hospitality Guest Care


Minimum Entry Requirements

To make clear to guests exactly what is included in the price quoted for accommodation, including GST and other chargeable activities / amenities To describe fairly to all guests and prospective guests the amenities, facilities and services provided by the property, whether by advertisement on the web, in brochures, or any other means Details of any relevant in-house rules / restrictions are communicated at time of reservation Deposit, pre-payment and cancellation policy clearly defined and explained at time of a guaranteed reservation

Reservations are responded to within 24 hours Basic reservation details recorded including name, date, rate and room-type Guest credit card details are held securely and disposed of responsibly Identification of self and property when answering the phone

A professional approach to reservation handling with some documented evidence Evidence of an organised approach for all administration (whether computerized or manual) for dealing with guest enquiries, reservations, correspondence, filing systems etc: eg. systems and forms, 0800 number Confirmation letter and directions sent if time and circumstances allows

Evidence of excellent attention to detail in handling of reservations (whether computerized or manual) and guest enquiries; clear and concise recording of all details including eg. special needs, arrival time, room preference, dietary requirements etc. Real time confirmation of bookings available and are effectively managed eg. to avoid double booking Documented evidence that at the time of reservation the cancellation policy is clearly explained


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Service and Hospitality Guest Care, continued

Safety and Security

Minimum Entry Requirements

Entrances clearly identified with lighting to doorways Adequate fire precautions and displayed evacuation procedures for guests A high degree of general safety and security maintained, appropriate to location. Guests feel safe they and their belongings are secure at all times All equipment is safely maintained and in good working order Adequate measures provided for the security of guests and their property. There should be means of securing apartment / room doors from inside and out, and a key available Particular attention given to the safety and security of guests occupying ground floor or other apartments / rooms which may be easily entered, as well as Accessible apartments Adequate levels of lighting for safety and comfort in all public areas, including sufficient light on any stairways and walkways at night Some safe storage facilities available for small to medium size valuable items and guest informed of this facility in compendium: eg. lockable cupboard, safe, filing cabinet etc Keys / key cards are not identifiable by property name / room number

Short term, secure, baggage storage available After hours emergency contact clearly identifiable for guests: eg. night-bell, intercom, freephone (should they lock themselves out of their apartment for example) Relevant safety features communicated to guests: eg. emergency information, pool safety, safe operation of recreational equipment

Some added security features for apartments: eg. one window with security stays per bedroom (where fire safety will not be compromised), smoke detectors, peep holes etc Guests can be contacted 24hrs (for emergency purposes) Property is adequately enclosed for the location: eg. secure fencing

Security includes the provision of additional security features such as eg. recorded security cameras, monitored smoke / heat detectors, direct notification to security / fire service, key card room entry system etc Excellent levels of lighting to all areas of the property so as not to spoil the establishments atmosphere or guest comfort: eg. day / night sensors automatically dimming later at night or other form of effective 24 hour lighting All areas of the property are lit in keeping with the design of the property eg. use of sensors, dimmers and timers


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3.0 Service and Hospitality Guest Care, continued

3.3 Reception: Guest Arrival and Departure
Minimum Entry Requirements
Some form of Reception area is available and clearly identifiable Clear and concise arrival instructions are provided to guests Staff on duty during guests principle arrival and departure periods; reception signage clearly states reception hours Staff deal promptly with all enquiries, requests, reservations, correspondence and complaints from guests Once guests have registered, they have access to the property and to their apartments at all times unless restrictions were previously notified. It is acceptable that the entrance may be locked and the guests may have to ring or knock for access or be given a key. Guests made aware of any restrictions at the time of reservation / check-in A GST receipt is available on request

Guests made to feel welcome on arrival No undue delays during checkin or check-out Guests directed to their rooms

Efficient and complete registration procedures, capturing all key information: eg. name, address / id, room, intended length of stay, payments made / due, etc Well presented staff

All personnel smartly presented and identifiable On site managers available at all times Reception area gives an excellent first impression, with good quality dcor and a number of added features for guest comfort: eg. ample comfortable seating, water cooler, magazines etc Reception area is appropriate to the size and scale of the business Reception is staffed 24 hours per day

Provision made for guests arriving outside opening hours All necessary information offered to guests including relevant safety and security procedures Room inspection is welcome, if requested Credit card and EFTPOS payment facilities available

Polite staff, with helpful attitude, promoting a good first and last impression Welcoming and well maintained reception facilities with layout appropriate to property Evidence that room inspection is welcomed A documented complaint handling procedure is in place that all staff are trained on


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3.0 Service and Hospitality Guest Care, continued

3.4 Guest Services
Minimum Entry Requirements 24 hour on-site access to a phone and local telephone book 24 hour on-site access to a first aid kit Clearly defined smoking policy All services clearly stated in the compendium or other communication material in the apartment / room

All apartments have a designated landline Staff knowledgeable about surrounding activities and attractions Limited local information brochure display rack / board Internet / modem connection or access available on-site with sufficient phone lines and instructions for use

Direct phone access to apartments from outside the complex (i.e. enabling inward / outward faxes and receipt of calls outside apartment office hours) Excellent information provided in public areas / lobby on local attractions and information Phone and computer can be used simultaneously and there are instructions for use eg. how to connect to internet services Some added services provided: (minimum 3) eg. pre packaged breakfasts, newspapers, umbrellas, infant facilities, message service, room to room dialling, facsimile / computer for guest use etc Information of facilities and services provided in the apartment in the form of a guest compendium Daily Continental breakfast options are provided

At least 5 added services which are well communicated to guests in compendium: eg. pick up / drop off service, laundry / dry-clean service, evening meals, breakfast facility, charge back from local restaurants, activity / restaurant booking service, in room mini bar or snack bar, voice messaging, high speed internet connection etc A comprehensive compendium detailing a wide range of well presented information and facilities available within the complex Comprehensive and detailed information of off-site facilities, including, community services, local attractions, shops, restaurants etc The quality and presentation of the compendium or information medium is excellent


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Apartments / Rooms

Apartment Number Assessed: Apartment Type: Number of Apartments of this Type:


Overall Apartment Internal Dcor:

Minimum Entry Requirements

Internal dcor is maintained in a safe and sound condition Well secured fittings: eg. door knobs, lamp shades, towel rails, etc

Functional dcor with limited co-ordination Some decorative items in the room Furniture and fittings are in a satisfactory condition i.e. functioning, clean and in good repair Some signs of normal wear and tear

Well co-ordinated dcor Well finished, good quality ceilings, wall coverings and paintwork Well fitted, good quality flooring with minimal wear and tear, in sound condition and comfortable under foot Good use of pictures, prints or other decorative relief, particularly on plain walls Minimal signs of wear and tear visible to dcor, furniture and fittings

Evidence of a co-ordinated interior design, with excellent attention to detail High quality wall ceiling and window covering that provide a high standard of professional dcor Use of high quality pictures, prints, soft furnishings or other decorative relief to provide a sense of luxury and top end design High quality carpeting and flooring providing a high level of comfort and a luxurious atmosphere Little to no evidence of wear and tear visible to dcor, furniture and fittings


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Overall Apartment Size, Space and Comfort

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements

All rooms have sufficient space to allow freedom of movement to guests and uninhibited access at all times to emergency exits Sufficient useable space around furnishings and fittings Fully open-able entry doors Accessible apartment has room to manoeuvre wheel chair or walking frame

Apartment provides sufficient living space for all designated guests Apartment provides comfortable surrounds for the designated number of guests

Apartment provides ample living space for all designated guests and visitors Apartment provides a high degree of comfort for the designated number of guests Good sound insulation between apartments and externally with minimal intrusive noise from road, plumbing, rail lines, adjacent apartments

Apartment provides excessive living space for all designated guests and visitors to move and interact easily Apartment provides a high degree of comfort and luxury for the designated number of guests Provision of enough furnishings to provide a high level of comfort for all guests eg. comfortable seats, coffee table, side tables, work space etc No intrusive noise: eg. as a result of double glazing, sound proofing, hush glass, curtains of substantial fabric with heavy linings, location


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Overall Apartment Heating / Cooling

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements

Adequate, safe, in-room heating provided at no extra cost


Quiet heating is provided with individual thermostatic controls Temperature control is provided by air conditioning, heat pumps, etc All areas within apartment are able to be heated simultaneously No restrictions on use of heating and cooling

Heaters are provided to heat the room and maintain a constant temperature when occupied Cooling or ventilation options are provided to maintain a constant temperature when occupied

Heating is provided which can be thermostatically controlled by guests to provide an overall uniform temperature No restriction on use of heating Some form of additional cooling (eg. fan) is available on site on request



Overall Apartment Lighting

Minimum Entry Requirements Apartments well lit with electric lighting All bulbs, unless decorative or a tube or downlights, have a shade or cover

Minimum one efficient bedside light with easy use switch Lighting offers good distribution of light to all areas of the room. A shade is provided.

Lights are positioned to distribute light to enable tasks to be completed in all areas of the apartment eg. able to read in bed, desk lamps etc Good quality light fittings and shades with minimal signs of wear and tear eg. peeling coating or chipped coating Some natural light to main living areas

A variety of lighting choices is available, with excellent distribution, well positioned and suitable for all purposes: eg. non obtrusive reading lights, moveable lamps, controllable from bedside etc Controllable lighting, giving variable levels of light High quality light fittings and shades co-ordinated with interior design Natural light to all living and sleeping areas


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Beds and Bedding Size and Quality

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements All beds have sound base and mattress protectors All bed linen is provided and is changed at least weekly and for each new guest All bedding is clean and in sufficient quantity, according to season and guests needs Spare pillows and blankets available on request Accessible apartment is able to accommodate caregiver

Bed provides support to spine i.e. shows no sign of sag Bed mattress, protector, linen and covers are clean and show minimal sign of wear and tear A range of bedding, including sufficient blankets / duvets is supplied Limited attempt to coordinate bedding with rest of decor Some extra bedding provisions are available in the apartment all year round: eg. hot water bottles, extra blankets, electric blankets Extra beds are provided by way of roll-aways or better Some form of pillow protection and cleaned regularly

Beds have firm mattresses with edge support and a coordinated matching base Tidy presentation of bed with freshly laundered linen and bedding (including pillows) Some coordination of bedding with rest of dcor eg. use of one fabric and pattern only for good quality bedspread Bed sizes are above standard: eg. Doubles are Queen / King etc Additional beds must be of a foldout variety or better

Excellent quality beds: eg. high quality mattress and base offering a high degree of comfort All bedding is expertly coordinated with bedroom dcor and other soft furnishings Bed is presented with some additional features eg. a throw, cushions, pillows, valances, comfort layers etc All pillows fitted with pillow protectors with evidence that they are replaced and cleaned at regularly scheduled intervals Additional beds are of the same quality at those above All beds fitted with mattress protectors with evidence that they are replaced and cleaned at regularly scheduled intervals


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Bedroom Furniture and Fittings

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements

At least one window with clear glass providing natural light Opaque glass, curtains, blinds or shutters provided on all windows, including glass panels to doors, fanlights and skylight windows to afford both privacy and exclusion appropriate to type and location of property A wardrobe or clothes hanging space with 3 hangers per person Central lighting is available

Window coverings draw completely across the window At least one bedside table and reading light Limited attempt to coordination Visible wear and tear acceptable

All window coverings fit correctly to ensure some light exclusion eg. some form of lining One bedside table and reading light for each sleeping position or at least one table between 2 singles Furniture and fittings are coordinated Range of additional furniture and fittings (min 3): eg. strong clothes hangers, mirror, luggage rack, basic iron and ironing board, drawers, power sockets etc Minimal wear and tear to furnishings and fittings

Window coverings in substantial fabrics are coordinated with the overall dcor and have blackout or similar linings to retain heat and keep out light Extra lighting and power points are available adjacent to bed and mirror Furniture is of sound construction, fits the style of dcor, is of high quality and is well maintained At least 5 items of additional furniture and fittings for guest comfort eg. full length mirror, additional phone by bed, additional TV and DVD player, multifunction iron and full size ironing board etc Televisions provided in all bedrooms


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Apartments / Rooms, continued


Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements

Shower and / or bath and washbasin with plug available with hot and cold running water Shower head in sound working condition Soap dish located in each bath / shower cubicle; soap is provided Some form of ventilation, either mechanical or outside opening window Windows have opaque glass, curtain or blinds where necessary for guest privacy Means are provided for a non-slip environment: eg. bath mat, non-slip mat or rail Flush toilet with seat, lid, toilet paper, holder, spare rolls, toilet brush provided Clothes hooks or towel rail, mirror, waste bin provided Bath mat, hand towel and at least one bath towel per guest are provided Bathrooms in Accessible apartments have required wet area shower, grab rails etc QUALITY SCORE 3 Well maintained fixtures and fittings Floor, walls and ceilings all in good condition with minimal wear and tear showing no sign of moisture damage Bench space, drawer or cupboard space allows for storage of toiletries to cater for guest numbers Sufficient towel rails and / or hooks to hang one towel per guest Sufficient floor space to allow guest to use a towel freely Shower and / or bath has good pressure that is adjustable Some added fixtures, fittings and amenities for guest convenience are provided (min 3): eg. tissues, air freshener, power point, shaving socket, basic hairdryer etc Hot water capacity is able to meet guest demand at all times: eg. continuous / instant hot water systems A good range of amenities is provided Bath linen fits the dcor is stain free and shows minimal wear

1 Flooring, walls and ceilings and fittings may show some wear and tear Bench space provides for basic toiletries i.e. toilet bag A towel rail and hook is provided Floor space allows for a guest to use a towel without significant restriction Shower and / or bath has good pressure Hot water capacity meets demand at most times Washbasin and toilet may show wear and discolouration A range of basic amenities are provided Bath linen may show some signs of wear Bathroom has ample space to allow freedom of movement

5 Bathroom is in as new condition Shelves, drawer and cupboard space allows for toiletries to be stored off the bench. Bench space allows for ease of use of toiletries and grooming products. Bathroom has considerable space to allow freedom of movement Interior design and decor elements are prevalent throughout the bathroom, enhances the luxury feel and look An additional range of added fixtures, fittings and amenities for guest convenience that enhance the WOW factor (min 5): eg. massage showers, high quality fittings, high quality surfaces, adjustable water pressure on shower heads, heated mirror, spa bath, separate toilet from bathroom, bathrobe, ensuite, heater / heated lamps, underfloor heating Extensive range of quality amenities is provided Bath linen is thick, soft and larger than the standard bath towel Bathroom has a WOW Factor in its overall design and specification

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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Kitchen Facilities

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements

Kettles, fridges and any other equipment supplied and maintained in a safe working order Sufficient cooking utensils, pots, pans for size of apartment: eg. cooking spoon, tongs, grater, peeler, masher, strainer, chopping board, sharp / serrated knives, can, bottle / wine openers, salt, pepper etc Sink with plug, hot and cold water, adequate bench space of a hard impervious surface Sink in Accessible apartment is accessible for washing up, filling jugs etc Washing liquid, dish brush, dish cloth, drying cloth and draining rack / area provided in a clean and well maintained condition Rubbish bin, dustpan and brush provided Adequate light distribution; all bulbs unless decorative or a tube have a shade / cover Some form of ventilation, either mechanical or outside opening window; spare power point available At least 80% of the rooms within the complex have cooking facilities

Fridge with ice box available A safe cooking appliance is provided eg. microwave, hotplate Sink and bench top may show some wear and tear Floors, walls and ceilings may show some wear and tear Storage space is provided for food supplies Ventilation is provided either by vent or opening window

Good range and quality of cooking utensils A good size fridge with freezer space Microwave oven and / or hotplates with a range of microwaveable dishes / pots and pans with lids or covers Good food storage space is provided for by closing cupboards or drawers Bench, floor and storage space allows guest to prepare basic meal with ease Added amenities are provided for guest convenience (min 2): eg. teapot, coffee plunger, biscuits etc some items are replaced daily with others available on request or for purchase Amenities are replenished regularly Fixtures, fittings and joinery show minimal signs of wear eg. handles not chipped or broken, draws running smoothly, cupboard doors fit etc

Excellent range of quality cooking utensils, pots and pans / microwave dishes enabling a full dinner to be prepared Full size fridge / freezer typical of a family home Interior design and decor elements are prevalent throughout the kitchen, enhances the luxury feel and look Kitchen is in as new condition Sufficient floor and bench space is available to allow for preparation of a full meal Ample food storage available for enough food to cater for extended periods and is in cupboards and drawers A number of added amenities are provided for guest convenience (min 4) eg. salt + pepper, cooking oil, food wraps, tinfoil, espresso coffee machine, additional teas, fresh milk daily, fresh fruit etc Good ventilation is provided eg. range hood or fan vented outside Full kitchen facilities are available including full size oven, dishwasher, fridge, freezer Kitchen has a WOW Factor in its overall design and specification

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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Lounge Area

Apartment Number Assessed:

Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum of two seats provided Window coverings provided Television provided Heating available in room Natural light and ventilation provided Spare power point provided

Limited seating arrangements, mixed style acceptable Seating available other than bed Floors and walls maintained, some wear and tear acceptable Window coverings draw completely across the window Limited free floor space available to allow movement without restriction

Enough seating is available for each sleeping position. Well maintained and matching seats available (may be a mix of lounge and dining furniture) Floor coverings, walls and ceilings all in good condition with minimal wear and tear Floor space and furniture placement allow for designated number of guests to move freely Functional dcor with walls, ceilings and skirting boards all in good condition Television with remote at least up to 21 inch CRT, or any size flat screen. Location is appropriate to room Some added furnishings / facilities (min 3) for guest convenience: eg. coffee table, outdoor seating area, artwork, additional TV channels etc

Interior design and decor elements are prevalent throughout the lounge, enhances the luxury feel and look Lounge has a WOW Factor in its overall design and specification Lounge is in as new condition Lounge seating options are available for all guests and a number of visitors High grade carpeting or flooring providing a high level of comfort and luxury Window coverings in substantial fabrics are co-ordinated with the overall dcor and have blackout or similar linings to retain heat and keep out light Ample floor space and furniture placement allows freedom of movement for all guests and a number of visitors At least one flat screen television with remote in a location that is appropriate to the room Provision of a number of added facilities / furnishings for guest convenience:(min 5) eg. large flat screen television, multi-media, private outdoor area with furniture, BBQ, stereo, in-house videos, additional TV channels via free view or in room sky decoder, desk with lighting, preprogrammed phones etc


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Apartment Number Assessed:

4.10 Dining Facilities

Minimum Entry Requirements
Sufficient crockery, cutlery and glassware provided for size of apartment A separate dining table and chairs are provided

Crockery, cutlery and glassware sufficient for number of guests. Items may be mismatched and showing signs of wear eg. marks and discolouration. Dining table and chairs are provided to cater for all guests

Matching crockery, cutlery and glassware including wine glasses are sufficient in number for guests and one visitor Dining table and chairs are provided to cater for all guests and some visitors Good quality dining setting that is complimentary to the overall design of the apartment Added amenities are provided for guest convenience

High quality crockery, cutlery and glassware sufficient in number to serve a full dinner party / family of over 4 people Dining table and chairs are provided to cater for all guests and some visitors Excellent quality dining setting that enhances the overall design of the apartment Co-ordinated dcor; floor, wall, ceiling, and furniture which retain their as new appearance A number of added amenities are provided for guest convenience (min 4) Candelabras, serving dishes, serving cutlery, carving knives, coffee and teapots, placemats, coasters, salt + pepper, cloth napkins etc


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Apartments / Rooms, continued

Apartment Number Assessed:

4.11 Laundry and Drying Facilities

Minimum Entry Requirements
Washing machines, clothes drying facilities and iron / ironing board are available in clean working condition Hand washing and soaking facility provided Waste bin provided Washing powder available Adequate form of ventilation, such as an extractor fan or opening window Note: In scoring this quality area the Assessor will consider whether the laundry is fit for purpose taking into account the markets being targeted by the property (eg. families on holiday v short stay commercial reps)

Laundry is provided as a shared space within the apartment complex A clean, well maintained washing machine is provided Drying facilities and a clothes dryer are provided Basic light fittings with adequate light distribution Floors, walls and ceilings may show some wear and tear Detergents, cleaners, mops, buckets, dust pans are available

Laundry is provided within the apartment eg. in cupboard or close to main living space Ventilation by way of ducting or window is provided Bench space or washing basket is provided Multi function iron and ironing board are of good quality Floors and walls surrounding the laundry space are well maintained with minimal sign of wear and tear

Laundry is provided as a separate space within the apartment away from main living space eg. in kitchen or bathroom Ample bench space provided Well maintained with coordinated dcor with floors, walls and ceilings retaining their as new appearance Top quality appliances are available including washer, dryer Washing tub has hot and cold water supplied


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General Requirements

5.1 General Business Practices

Minimum Entry Requirements
Adequate public liability insurance cover of at least $1 million including punitive and exemplary damages Clear written standards for customer service i.e. Suggest: Industry or Qualmark template Clear written procedure for handling of complaints i.e. Suggest: Industry or Qualmark template Acknowledgement of all written complaints Evidence of Compliance with Qualmarks Code of Ethics Commitment to good staff training and management practices 5 Star Minimum Requirements Onsite manager available 24 hours per day Daily servicing of the guest rooms on request At least 7 recreational facilities available to guests See section 1.4 for full list of options Real time online booking facilities

Written evidence of every day business practices eg. how to deal with reservations, meet & greet procedures etc Some form of staff training is provided eg. buddiessystem Some documentation on key aspects of the businesss operations: eg. key contacts, emergency procedures

Written evidence of good documentation of key business aspects eg. job descriptions, minders manual, cleaning schedules, maintenance plan, policies and procedures Documented staff induction process in place, including some training in customer service eg. checklists, service standards Documented complaint process in place including staff delegation guidelines and the ability for staff to fix the issue Appropriate monitoring of service standards: eg. through analysing complaints, comments, guest feedback etc Membership of a relevant industry / business association (does not include marketing groups) TECNZ, MANZ, TIA, Chamber of Commerce Business has a written repairs and maintenance plan that all key staff members are aware of

Evidence of strong focus on customer service and continual improvement Comprehensive documentation of all key policies and procedures, proactive approach to quality management presented in an indexed operations manual Emphasis placed on ongoing staff training, especially in customer service and safety aspects: eg. first aid training Proprietor takes a strategic outlook with evidence of marketing and / or business planning The repairs and maintenance plan is fully up to date and demonstrates that it is an active document within the business


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Responsible Tourism Operations

Responsible Tourism Operations

Minimum Entry Requirements

Any past environmental / community problems have been effectively overcome All necessary statutory licences, permits and / or consents have been obtained and are current. This includes concessions and / or consents for operating on land other than owned or leased. Where applicable, an operators land use complies with all regional, district and conservation management plans in place for the area. This is particularly relevant where the area is a national park, reserve and / or marine reserve. In regions which offer recycling (whether kerbside or transfer stations at dumps), facilities are in place for staff and customers / guests to collect and separate waste for recycling Evidence that a checklist or similar tool has been used to review the environmental impact of the business Any environmental claims made in promotional materials (including website communications) can be substantiated Evidence of 3 key initiatives in place that reduce waste, energy or water consumption Where applicable, effective air, water, noise and / or light pollution management is in place


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Enviro Award Assessment

Enviro Award Assessment

Note: This section is optional and has no effect on the overall score for the assessment

Minimum Entry Requirements

Any past environmental / community problems have been effectively overcome All necessary statutory licences, permits and / or consents have been obtained and are current. This includes concessions and / or consents for operating on land other than owned or leased. Where applicable, an operators land use complies with all regional, district and conservation management plans in place for the area. This is particularly relevant where the area is a national park, reserve and / or marine reserve. In regions which offer recycling (whether kerbside or transfer stations at dumps), facilities are in place for staff and customers / guests to collect and separate waste for recycling Evidence that a checklist or similar tool has been used to review the environmental impact of the business Any environmental claims made in promotional materials (including website communications) can be substantiated Evidence of 3 key initiatives in place that reduce waste, energy or water consumption Where applicable, effective air, water, noise and / or light pollution management is in place

Evidence that an action plan is reviewed at least every 2 years and that improvement opportunities are identified

Documented evidence of monitoring at least 1 key aspect relevant to the major resource usages of the business Evidence that an Environmental & Social Responsibility Tourism Statement is publicly displayed to encourage customer engagement Evidence of 12 key initiatives that mitigate the major resource impact in waste, energy and water consumption are in place Evidence of significant contribution towards at least 1 community or conservation activity relevant to business size An individual or team within the business has formal responsibility for implementation of the plan and possible improvements

Documented evidence of using the Qualmark ECG or other monitoring tool for the two major resource uses of your business Evidence that staff are trained and follow the Responsible Tourism plan of action and can communicate it Evidence of 25 key initiatives in place including those that mitigate the major environmental impacts of the business under a do no harm principle Evidence of significant contribution towards at least 1 community and 1 conservation activity, relevant to business size Evidence that the business is taking a proactive role and is an exemplary advocate of responsible tourism

Evidence of 9 key initiatives that mitigate the major resource impact in waste, energy and water consumption are in place


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