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Foundations of Group Behaviour

Groups: It conssts of one or two individuals working together to achieve a common goal. Types of groups: 1.Formal group: those groups which ar formed byorganisation with the designated work assignments for group members. The behaviour of the group members is directed towords the organizational goals. E.g crew of an airplane is the formal group. 2.Informal groups: those groups which r formed naturally in an organization work envirement. E.g 3 employees frm different depatmnts form drink coffe regularly r informal grup. Categories of forma; grup: 1.Command Group: the grup which is formed by irganization chart. It is composed of individuals who report direcctly to mngers e.g studets of a school reports to teacher whr as 18 techermay reports to a single teacher 2.Task grp: task grup is also formed by the orgnization but its members are not limited to report to a single manager only but to any other superior or any other mnger who can concern to the task given to the grup members. Task grups may also b called as command grups but task grups ca cut across the organization so they ar not always command grup e.g student commiting crime in campus may get the punish ment from the teacher or dean or principal 3.teams:? Categories of Informal group: 1.Interest Group: groups which are formed on the basis of any objective that concerns with the individuals who form the group with eachother e.g 3 students form the group with 4rth one just because of the reason that he is a book worm and he can do all the work we donta have to. In organization one person goes to others wdding eaven though he is not a a gud frnd of him just because tht person is the key to his promotion in the organization 2.Freindship goup: thes grups are also caled social groups as they ar formed outside the work envirement of the organization on the basis of religion, common interests, age ethinic heritage etc. e.g prople go to bars an clubs they fnd many other people there and they talk to each other find out about the likes and dislikes about each other n common interest to form a frndship.

Theories of grup formation: 1.Propinquity Theory: this theory states that the groups are formed on the basis of same background or geographical proximity. For example workers who were working in an organisation live in a same area and thus they form groups on this compatibility. Another example is that the members of the group belonged to a same background and share common traits. 2.Homans Theory: this theory based on three principles namely, activities, interactions and sentiments. More activities person she, and the morning will be the interactions and the stronger will be their shared activities and sentiments. The more sentiments person have for one another the more will be shared activities and interactions with one another not just because of physical nearness, but also to achieve group codes 3.Balance Theory: this theory contains the elements of both propinquity theory and humans theory. In an organization the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as have a bond with the colleagues to balance things up. This is important for the employee because in this way he can work efficiently and effectively. Example if an employee is Freinds with the group member or colleague he will be able to share his problems with the colleague 4.Exchange Theory: The Five Stage Model: 1.Forming: At this sstage the behaviour of the employees is tested and seen if they are acceptable to b in the group or not. This stage completes when the members think of themselves as as part of a group. 2.Storming stage: At this stage conflicts arises as the group members tries to resist the constraints imposed on them. Another conflict which arises at this stage is the control of the group that who will control the group, who will b the leader of the grup. This staage is complete when there is a clear hirarchy of the leadership in the group. 3.Norming stage: At this stage the members of the groups become closer to eachother and have a relationship among them. The members respect their comrades and there is the sence of identity among the grup. This stage is complete when

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