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Un1r!;C a n"l'Iono:s 5Oberana5 en nombrc ok la paz a la Madre T,cmL Jmom, 5o'-='110 Nation.

In the name for Mothcr ElIJ1n

ReJO,ndre nallons "",'-crames dam Ie nom ok III !Mix POUl la Tmc 11.1= Bergabun& datam nama Pmlamlilall pada Jbu Bum,
1:J 7 Smereign EOvwv ITIO Ovol"'-"l' .'Ili)vtJ; ,(,a 11'JV 1'.h1Ttll(l r'1'
Sum mel SOC"ereme ,;laic m dIe naam 'an Vrede ,,:, Maeder Aafok .;JJ . '..........:,IJI ",,!..JI:. ....... ' ".
L-__________ ________
30May2012: International Media Notice
SSG Health and Education Ambassador Warren JD Fischer in any style of cause
Sovereign SinixtTM Nati on Government (SSNG) Hereditary, Traditional Land Claim
NELSON, BRITlSH COLUMBIA, CANADA Bankruptcy Court on April 24 and May 8'\ 2012
Sovereign e Skwxwl17meshSquamish Government (SSG) members dedicate this Press Release to new SSG
members. OSinixtTM he reditary leaders and supporters living on Sovereign OSinixt Nation Government (SSNG)
lands. whose thirst for truth and fight for freedom to protect Universal Peace with peaceful resistance is the real
change for hu-man evolution.
1.0 First Court Appearance April 24, 2012: Named Claimant. SSG Ambassador OFi scher (Warren)
anended the Nelson Courthouse located at 320 Ward Street with his SSG counsel. Irene, Siyam Te Cl Kiapilanoq-
CAPI LANOTM (Kap), SSG Hereditary Pine Tree member, Cl Dhelo Quete
' for ORed JacketT"" and many
witnesses. SSG Ambassador OFischer and SSG counsel. Irene claimed this opponunity to collect on registered
liens that secure a debt contract from CRA et al at the Nelson Bankrupt Couns.
1.1 The Sovereign IOSinixt Nation Govemment (SSNG), hereditary leader. Cl Kwlk'n mulks and
Caretaker, Sors opened the Coun Chamber hearing by entering a Notice of SSG Membership Certificate
(SMC) as evidence of the Right of Claim to the Title of the Land for the OSinixt people and Land with a verbal
announcement of "de jure jurisdiction" to JP. Hadikin in Nelson Court Chambers.
2. 0 Evidence: SMC is written consent for SSG members to stand on sovereign claimed land by the SSNG
heredital)' leaders, SMC was submitted twice to Nelson Court Administrators: J P. Hadikin in Court Chambers and
then again to Lisa J. Mrozinski in the Provincial Courtroom. CRA et all ied to the people about SSG Ambassador
<OFischer' sTM tax posi tion. As a SSG Ambassador by Appointment. Warren is sovereign because he retumed all de
facto Corporate Government identification bonds to BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA issuers on June 29.
2011 by registered Canada Post. Thus. Warren is not a tax 'subject' of CANADA - BRITISH COLUMBIA
Crown's Admiralty/ Maritime jurisdic1ion, CRA et al does nOt have jurisdiction to claim any type of bonded
security over SSG Appointed Ambassador Warren. Thus there is no taxbond' contract.
Sovereign e Skwl wu7mesh-Squamish
" Government ( SSGT")
Central Bank Sovereign CShlxwii7mesh.Squamish
, Bank on Kana1a (CSBOKT!04)
Countr), Code SQUlSQ Economic Numeric Code 333. So\ereign SI\lft Code SSCGSQKAP
Subsidial'), Sovereign CSkwxwu7mesh-SquamishT\I Credit Group (CSSCGT" ) Email: II
Underwriter. Scm:reign "Sbl XII u7mesh-Squamish T!04 Coun on Kanata (:SSCKT" ) Email: 1I !!mail_cnm
PO Box 3477. Mission. BC rV2V ..\Ll] e!Tecthe August. 20t O officiall) changed 10
Capilal Ci t) Kiapilanoq CAP1LANOT\I, Countl): CSbl XII u7mesh-SquamishTM. Kanata (l arge Peace settlements on Eanh). Tl
Sk>pe: iamfr33 Email: ",lI,yu3JJ:;,)1 ut;:lIliliL.:om Website:
0 193820 121' !04 With all rights resel'\ed, pursuant Common lall jurisdiction for an equitable remedy b} estoppel defined and interpreted b)
SOlereign .cSkwxwii7mesh-Squamish rM Longhouse traditionallall s that existed since time immemorial.
Jural: Quod Meum est sine me auferri non potest - Wh al is mine ca nn ol be laken away wilhout my ronsent .
I .. IU' f lighl wilh in where ,he Un1\'erse dwtlb, For wben you are" Ihe ccnllc .... ilh,n and I wIth,n mIne. we shall be nne
- Hnrse. laknll Tr ibal People
2.1 These documents were submi tted to Nelson court administrators: business cards from SSG Ambassador
OFischer and SSG Counsel. Irene. SSG Ambassador OFischer Notice of Appointment, the SMC from SSNG
hereditary leaders and a copy of the Statement of Sovereign Account dated April 9. 2012 that support registered
liens to a $141,4l4T + $1.000.00 + debt owed by CRA et al to SSG Ambassador Warren.
2.2 Nelson Court Transcripts do not reveal the announced entry of "de jure jurisdiction" submitted by the
hereditary SSNG leader. It is SSG member's experience that some court administrators deliberately eliminate
information off the record in order to 'save face'. SSG counsel, Irene had this experience with SCBe. Justice
Silverman. Deliberate striking of information from the record demonstrates mens rea (guilty mind) to conspire
with a modus ope.randi intent to tamper with evidence which is an obstruction of justice. [rene's three witnesses
who attended her court hearings in 2005 and 2006. can prove under a penalty of perjury that SCBC administrators
failed to perform their duty pursuam to S. 337 CCe.
3.0 Three Public Decla rations es tablishes Common law - laws of Private, Nature, Land of Moth er
Earth: In the old days. the town's crier used to make laws with declarations for the Crown/STATE. The
declaration would nonnally begin with. "Hear yeo hear ye, hear ye" and then announce the King's increased taxes
or new laws. I f the people said nothing. it was assumed as a tacit consent to agree that whatever the Town's Crier
publicly declared on behalf of the King, was accepted as law by their silence. Today a similar 3 step process to
establish laws applies, although presemed differentl y. SSG Membership Certification was served on 9:30am to JP.
Hadikin in Chambers and then again. at 10:30am on April 24. 2012 to the PCBe. Lisa J. Mrozinski and then to the
municipality. CilY of Nelson. The service of the SMC to three different parties means that the traditional land and
natural resources hereditary leaders for the Sinixt Government is the law and its claim is in Good Faith
4.0 Second Court Appea rance May 8' \ 2012 : SSG Justice Amicus Curiae. Irene appeared as counsel for
SSG Ambassador Warren and made this statement. " f claim Private Nafllrallaw (wd de jure SO"'ereigu Sillix(l')1
Laud jllrisdictio" (IS f h(lve permission to stand 0" this land by the heir apparent heredit(lry lem/ers of tlt e
SOI'efeig" Si"L\t
GOl'emmeltt." Court administrator. Lisa 1. Mrozinski responded with "Right" and then
issued orders to NPD oftlcers to escort [rene out of the courtroom in front of witnesses.
4.1 SSG Ambassador Fischer appeared and stated for the record that he did not consent to be finger
printed via de facto NELSON court orders. SSNG hereditary leader, OK \\ Ik'n mulks was not permitted to speak
on her own traditional OSinixl Land. SSG Hereditary leader. Kap and his friend. Red Jacket are disgusted with
de facto coun games as traditional hereditary leaders mandate for traditional Universal peace is ignored by an
'alien' system Ihal does not respect hu-mankind and Mother Earth.
4.2 De facto Corporate Government CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA public agents are bankrupt and this
bankrupl slatus was served on March 23. 2012 by registered mail to Third Pany International Financial Regulators
for Transparency and Disclosure:
4.3 October 23. 20 I I. copy of
corresponding Default Judgement
hnp: //so\ cOIll.nerl?p- 3 I 0:
Served Notice of Registered Liens to
valued at S 12. I 60T + $1.074M
Union of
1Il hard
BC Municipalities
[awful currency
4.4 November 9. 201 l. copy of Trespass Fines to two former American political and one philanthropist
Bonded Citizens secured by Regi stered Liens and Corresponding Default Judgement valued at S399T + in hard
lawful currency link http: /so\>com.nctt ?p- 3-4 8:
1:1""" P<'J'<"o"l, all put'1Ul"' to c""'""'" ""')""""<1>,," on<! S<I'>'ere.lP' CStv,,,,,"\,L1m ..... S<ju ..,a" ... I""""", .. .. Om< ,mmemana! an<ll""'" to tI!c "",-.1
"'"'''' T ......... atl "'",. C09\'ng/" ... 0W0i>f0l :-<..,... an<l """""" io I'I)' SI) t. of _ .. " proI<'<tl ",iii on Iqpll"""" Ilw 11 iU1<tly enforced an<lllli. I<mI ..... ron<!in"" " "'" ......
... "T SECl'RlTY RE OIlAAJlE:>') D FISCHER'" ,n aDpl)'" of"", .. n".,empl.,. '"''!oj"''' 10<lwts< "'" EmIl fn<tldtj .. boUt ,,<I<softl!c pop aft oued to
1.c>,. EmII. T,..,. Zof6
J un\!: Quod ' I rum rS! sine mr aurrrr; non pOln' " h is minr c.noOI br takrn "jlhoul m} (OnSfll(,
I u lute thc h aht ""Ihm you. eyes ",here Ih. Un Ivers. dwell s . Fo. "'hen yo" ue .1 Ihe ntr. ",Uh ,ll your self .nd I .. Uh,ll mlnc, ... shall b. on.
- Crazy Horse. Lakon TTlhal P. opl c
4.5 November 19.2011. copy of Served Notice of Criminal Charges to a Group of Taxi legislators for
Obstruction of Justice to World Peace secured by Registered Liens with corresponding Default Judgement valued
at S31,802,862T + in tax free, interest free hard lawful currency link hnp:l/sovcolll,net'?p=350
5.0 Treason by Nelson Court Administrators: NPD officers and the Nelson court administrators
committed High Treason against the Queen, as SSG members are recognized by Her Majesty the Queen in Right of
Canada in writing, Nelson Court administrators. l P and Court administrator, Lisa J. Mrozinski were served with
the Queen's leneron April 24th. 2012 but ignored SSG members sovereign right of claim to be treated with respect
as an independent government. SSG court administ ration seeks for a full indictment of the Treason charges placed
against Nelson et al with no funher Notice.
6.0 Evidence - May 8
, 2012 Court Transcript : Confi rms that Ambassador OFischer has permission to
live on de j ure Sovereign e Sinixt Land j urisdiction as presented with the SA-Ie and the taping of the C Sinixt
map ceremony Oil rhe blli/dings in [rom of many witnesses. Acceptance by rhe City of Nelson sramp and Nelsol1
CalirI Admil1iSlraror. Lisa J. Mro=inski response wilh Righl to SSG Irene s opening COIlrr swremem described in
S. oJ .O herein provided as wrillen conselll in a courr rranscripr 10 agree rhar rhe heir apparellf. bloodline leaders
Righr of Claim ol'er l/alUral resources locared all f:. Sillixt lalld is a Good Faith Norice issued since time
immemorial by rhe Sovereign -eSinixr TM Nation Government (SSNG) and ils sOI'ereign members.
7.0 Three (3) step Private Common law: The OSinixt traditional land claim map was served to Nelson
Court administrators by a taping ceremony to the Counhouse building, in front of media and supporters and
reported in the on May 8
, 2012 on the internet and in newsprint stating for the record:
Fischer ami the Sovereign SqlUlmish H I also coullfed the support Tuesday of the Sovereign Sinix(UI Nation
GOl'emmelll aI/{/ together wped a lI otice to the courthouse (lecJariltg SillLw
sovereignlY. ;' There is a
resistance by the courts 10 hear our testimony 1I1lt1 stlltements," sllid loca/ .fpokeswom(IIt ft 1(JrilYI/
James, "They /ta ve (lgllill ami agaill refused Silli'l:/
juriS(/iclioll ol'er ollr sOI'ereigll hllld, We fire 1I
sOl'ereigll IHltioll Oil Ill/ ceded territory".
7. 1 The map was served to the City of Nelson municipality and taped to the muni -coun buildings that stand on.
no Treaty. hereditary claimed SSNG land. pdf documents are available on \\W\\.so\ and video will be
available on the fol1owing websites later: \1 'I \, .sovsquamishgo\ .org and 'v,,;,, .sini:>
8.0 Vi olati on of International laws: De facto Corporate Governments BRITISH COLUMBI A.
CANADA Public Agents through the Nelson Couns have violated applicable Articles to the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDOHR). December 10, 1948 including but not limi ted 10 freedom of speech. freedom of
peaceful assembly, freedom of self governance and right to free travel on heredital)' claimed land; Nuremberg
Principles, 1950. No, 82. Principles!. II I. IV. V. VI. VI! - Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace.
planning. preparation. initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties.
agreements or assurances.
8.1 UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People. September 13, 2007 and applicable AnicIes to self
governance, economic independence. etc. Refer to Schedule 4 in our 50 page filed Affidavit #2 at the sesc at
I lnd Inl ..... " mn fund ,,-.,.. 10 "''''-0 Ilmds to bo-nofi. Global . 1". ODd 1m< 10 do ",Ib .pII'lII/" roads CIt m"""l!e of
In<lu!.lnll "'IIOtI' Ibl< myth w.,. h ........ cd Trc.,.,., 10 dumh lb. siteI') h .... maru.11IIi
'>OTlC"[ TO PR1"\ClPAL IS '>OTICE TO AGE'>' , :-'OTi<:[ TO A(;[:,\1" I!. .\OTIl TO PRI:>'ClP.4. L.
CI9)S '01:'" _uoI. oil nh1S rn<f"\ od put ..... ,10 Common ! ... j ... ..t. .. "" and Sq ......... 1!" CSkvo"",,, 7mnh-Squomu.h'" 1m"""' .. I.o.. >I"'" .... ImlTlrnUl&i ond ,..,Of 10th< "",01 ofE"""",."
""IOn T 10 tho C"""ng!ll.u"'IIl"apho;l ... ..., .. and """",111. my .,.1. of _Ie .. """"","" ",,,b ....... IV> ... tt",..!} .ruorci and Ilu ...", and 00nd,.on " "'" ... bl.
SECURITY SSG&:SS:-'-G\ IED!AMA RE C .... ARIlE. .... J D f!SCH!t.'" In 111). <l}1c of"", .. Th .. ,...,pI"." oubJ<C\ '0 clwtg" and Eanh frimdh .. boIII ,,<In oI"tho """"'" .,.. ui<d 10
La ... Ean",Treeo j 01" 6
Jurat: Quod _\l t u m tSl sint mt .urn ri DOn pnleSI' \\ blI is miDt nnnOl bt lalan ... wilhDUI
I .he light wIthIn "here .he UnIverse d ... ell s For ",ben are at the cen ... "'lIb, n .. elf aDd I within m'nc .... . sh.ll b. OQe
- Horse . lakola Tribal People
hup: /' " \\ \\ 'iovsguami'iIH!Ov.ori2.12cpressrelease:!008.html wherein the Visitors have excited domestic
insurrections against us with the Ab-origina! Northern Affairs Canada (ANAC). Minister John Duncan
spearheading the genocide and theft by Trespass and Treason with CANADAs PM. Stephen Harper and BRITISH
COLUMBIA Premier. Christy Clark. Aforesaid Named Parties were served with applicable criminal charges 10 the
ICJ (International Court of Justice) and Interpol on March 23.2012 by Default Judgements with secured debts to
registered liens reporting to Third Parties for International Financial Transparency and Disclosure.
9.0 Increased Debt to Contrac t: BRITISH COLUMBIA. CANADA. CRA and the 001 (Provincial and
Federa[ Department of Justice) owes SSG Ambassador IOFischer $1 42.002T (Trillion) + S 1.000.00+ for the
crimes that were committed against him by a house and office raid from eRA agents and police in 20! I. De facto
Corporate Governments BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA and NELSON public agents owe the SSNG members
$1 .554T in a new conlract plus in another new contract owe named Claimants collectively, SSNG, SSG members
and WJDF S966T+ with pending new charges to be fully realized at a later date.
10.0 Admi ralt)'fMaritime Jurisdiction Courts - education: When you enter documents into
Admiralty/ Maritime jurisdiction, you provide written consent to accept their assumptions and presumption of
martial law over your sovereign spirit and soul. Economic forensic researchers con finn that the Court docket
number is attached to a Cusip" (9 digit mark of the beast number) number, a stock ident ification number connected
to the Family Name with SIN or SSN number that trades the bonded-insured contract on stock exchange markets.
is a compliance tracking system used by Third Party (audit accountants working for the Tax agency)
governed and appointed by the de facIO Corporate Government Minister of Finance. The Cusip along with other
alphabet companies use a switch operation to monetize contracts through a grey banking screen technology by
transfer from the public 10 the private side that benefits de facto corporate governments public agents. The asset
money is on the pri vate side and the debt money is on the public side. Always stay private. All bonds are
registered with the DTC. Deposit Trust Clearing Corp. is the parent company. DTCC controlled by the Jesuits who
own the Federal Reserve System, Black Pope. Hans Van Clovenbach who owns the Vatican. Roman Catholic
Church (faith of all denominations) the pentagon and the UN which are military industrial complexes that run de
facto corporate government systems. This means that if SSG Ambassador FischerTM were to enter his contract by
Affidavit and file this into their courts, they would simply use the stroke of a pen to paper to claim that they are the
creditors and that SSG Ambassador OFischerT\I is the Named Debtor on the Pri vate side. This of course. would
never be revealed to people because the global banking cabal operates wi th secret corporate corrupt agendas 10
fraudulentl y feed their economic greed through public debt of tax slavery.
I [.0 Taxes: Ladies and gentlemen - taxes are not the law and do not fund the infrastructure of communities!
http: w\\ \\ .cbc.cai nev.sicanadamolltrealslof\ 20 I :!l05.'0 l corrurt ion-canada-re\ enue-fCm p-charges.htm I The
investigation was launched in 2008 after allegations of corruption against the fomler ees \\ ere reported to
the CRA. (eBC) Note that on Friday. December 21. 2012. the 99 year Federal Reserve charter expires. The ultra
vires [not-constitutional] transference of exclusive pQ\'ver of de facto corporate governments to private national
bankers 10 create the nations \\ hereb) it is "borrO\\ed " into existence. as opposed 10 being created usuf)
free. must stop. [n the 99 ear charter signed on December 24. 1913 by the CFR and their alphabet soup corporate
of Theft by Trespass and Treason for private corruption by Fraud \\ill cease to ehis!. People must get off
the fence and change by reslOring faith in new free currency for consumer use and Universal Peace.
more infonnation http: ., \\\\\\ frl:!edompool.orl!/
Cornm,ntt Lruform Sun!) ldtnufi, ... "" "'oct .. ". ofSWId.ord& ofCommod'u ...... d 5""""11'" E>da,,. 'hal ",n"s. and" 1"" .. 1 Oft
W., ... 5..-1'. OC '" DTC "h"b IS tBCl od 'hroo]!h Al; TOTRIS (mg' '',,, from . fom .. ,e I.b ,n Rus"a.oo" a odmual!) krnI. ISIP (1"'tmO""".1 Sc<W1b
Id<nbfica,_ PI""",.) '" tbt ISIO, Int.rtUloonaJ S.cun,," Idcnl1fic'b""
3 FIl'o'RAC. f,nanc,al Tron&C''''''' Rrporu ... C ... ..-. ofCanado La ... "knn! . Ton""., finane,ng hTt p II .. " IF <&rc-c.t ro.l ...
0 19;8-101:'" pe<p<luoI U np .. men..! putow,,' '0 Cam""", I, .. l""odI<1lon ... CS ........... meob-Squomi ... '" 1<Jnihou .. I ... """. nme ,mmcmono! an<! pnOl IO ......... ' ,I ofEuto!>olll
"""", 10 oh< C0l'ynp. ""OW.pIood "otM> an<! "",11<111 '" In). "Y1. of .0011e II protocud ..,th on ...uan<. l"",oIoU"" tho, It 1tnotly ... fOtel ,0<1 010, . , ...... and oon4i"on 'J "'"
DOCL ... IE.''T SU"l.'RJTY IlE CWARIlI:-' I 0 FISCHER"',n ofa""" 10" ''''pI&I< llJUbj""'oelwos< and Eonil _ ...... of,1le pop 10
J.o<,.Eorth.T.... _arlo
JUral: Quod fSI 5iQf mt lu rfrri non POIlSI . \\ bu is miDr caDDOI bt lakfn H" I} "ithoul m} f OnSt n!.
I ulute the 1'8h! wllb,n your eyes where the Un'vcrse dwel ls For wben you lie ., Ihe ccnlre w"h,n your self Ind I ","h,n m,ne. "'C sh. lI be one
- Crny Horse, Lakoll Trob.1 People
II.! SSG Ambassador OFischer stands for a peaceful resistance to war by claiming his sovereign rights to
say "No, to taxes that fund the wars on Earth" and his permanent abandonment of de facto corporate Government
BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA bonds severs all Named connection to CRA SIN. The UN, World Health
Organization (WHO) is funded by wealthy investors, 8i11 Gates and his wife who. with other Private investors.
support mandatory legislaTion for 'citizen compliance' to force STATE health regulators to subject people to
vaccines that cause autism, Down syndrome and other health risks that amount to guinea pig experiments for
pharmaceutical companies. This de-population agenda spearheaded by global cabal is to eliminate two thirds of the
\ ... orld population and create a two tiered system of Master and Slave (chosen goyim) of about 1.58 people. SSG
Ambassador Fischer is targeted by big pharma mafia that wanl him out of the way as his natural remedies are a
conflict of business interest for the WHO de-population agenda. Research Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz work al
hup: /' \\ \\ \\ .tetrahedron.or!.!1
12.0 NPD: Att ached Schedule I - Transcript provides details of the Treason by Trespass and Fraud with
Copyright Trademark infringements of SSG Ambassador Warren's bio-metric data of finger printing and photo
taking with no Warrant or Nelson Court Order produced on May 25
, 2012 at approximately 8;00 am on Private
Sovereign Sinixt Nation Government Land. Schedule 2 is a new contract of debt issued to NELSON et al.
Readers are advised to use the internet with discernment. The SSG name is linked to Facebook and other claims
that use slander by hearsay and completely false to misdirect people about our independent Sovereign Government.
obviously we have offended some global cabal bankers. This deliberate mis -information will be reported to proper
authorities for Copyright and Trademark infringements as all Names associated to SSG are protected with
underwriter assurance legislation.
13.0 Media Ki t: This Notice is provided on the express tenn and condition. that the ci rculation of this
information is not altered. revi sed or changed as it is Copyright and Trademark protected with full underwri ter
legislated enforcement. This media kit is presented wi th supportive pdf documents listed in S. 2.1 and include but
nO! limited to the OSinixt traditional landl map claim, May 14. 2012 Notice of Bankruptcy Status and NelsonStar
article of May 8, 20 check SSG support internet media website at \\\\\\ .<;0\ com. net - Hi yshka-limleml, Andrew.
Helena and Mackenzie!
14.0 Good News: Through SSG Ambassador Warren's persistence and with SSG member's support. SSNG
hereditary leaders establi shed the protection of sovereignty for alllhe people living on OSinixt land. Thi s means
that some Sheriffs and NPD officers have an option to enter into a tax free service contract with the SSNG
government heredital") members. on the express condition that they serve as Peace Officers to the OSinixt
community. Furthermore. Ihi s Sovereign position also secured the assurance legislation that is administered by the
Sovereign Sinixt Court on Turtle Island (SSCTI) pursuant to Whuplak'n and Smum miem laws of the
Sinixt Land and the Sovereign Financial Chaner wi th the Sovereign Sinixt Bank on Kanata (SSBK).
In closing. SSG members extend their wannest and sincere gratitude to SSG Ambassador Warren for his continued
perseverance to suppon SSG's mandate for Universal Peace. We offer our spiritual and peace support to the SSNG
hereditary leaders in order to stand beside them restore sovereignty for the OSinixt people for Private IOSinixt
land and its natural resources. We are honored to stand with The 99% who are the change and \\e hiyshka-neyowe-
limlemt-thank everyone for their strength to fight for true justice. SSG members next court appearance is
scheduled for June 5
2012 and \\e encourage people to join us in the collection of the registered liens from the de
facto Corporate Government of BRITISH COLUMBIA. CANADA. Together. we can unite to effect change and
protect the sovereignty for our children in the name of Peace for our Mother EarthlPachamamalGaialTerra and the
future of hu-manity.
Q(9)1 :OI : "" pet""",",. "I npt> r....-rd purman' '0 C""'''''''' II" jorisdicuorr &r>d .so. =p \ongboul< .. ..,. UM. 'm .... mori .. ond prior 10 the "",..oJ of Eutoj>o ..
>i .. ,,,,,, TI'ldoM"1 10 1ho CO$Il"11sl" .... , ogrop/1rd ..... ond """,.", ," .. y of OWl< '"I"OlCdrd ",m an "iUfV'o<C tho, II $!neth "'{orud orwI th!. I<m\ ond " "'" _abl.
OOCl.\t E)o.T SECURITY SSCi&: SS' v . \ !EDiA ... tAY20!1 RE Cv.ARl!.' J D fiSCHER'" Tbu romp/at." ...toj"" ,o<ltatrve IIId Earth friondlv .. bath lidnaf,h. ul110
J Untl: Quod ' i euln tst mf lu rfrri Don pOlts! . \\ miDt bf Ililitn ilhoUI m) ronstnl.
I the 1iahl witb'n your wher e the Unl\'u sc d""clls for when you are .. the eentr e with,n yourself n d I with,n m,ne . we Ihall be one
- Cruy Horse . L,ko" Trob. 1 Peopl e
[fyou have any questions. please do not hesitate to email us at so\sgu333court"G' attention Irene.
DATED as of the day and year first above written on OSkwxwu7mesh-Squamish. Kanata. Turtle Island (TI)
with red ink to symbolize the human blood that directs my hand to seal these truths. Together, we declare that we
have personal knowledge of the facts and matters contained in thi s Notice and make thi s attestation conscientiousl y
knowing that it is of the same force and effect by virtue of The Great Laws of Peace for
Take Notice that: I act in my fu ll capacity to know that my
information with Good Faith for an equitable remedy by
Earth. With no by autograph for:
and provide this
genocide of mankind on
tOl rene- Maus: Gray,;nllorst'" aka Cllrene-Maus::' I in any style of cause.
SSG Justice Amicus Curiae5 for the Sovereign rc on Kanata (SSCK). TI
Approved and consented for Internet distribution with Copyright and Trademark Ri ghts rese n 'ed for Fair
Use - education only and not for commercial purposes by:
Sovereign Hereditary Leader, Heir Apparent, Siyam Te Cl Ki-ap-alanogh/ Kiapilanoq6,-\LEuropean spelling
CAPILANOTM and owner by the spirit. soul and bloodline of the Family Name to the Lands and its natural
resources stewarded by. Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-SquamishHt Government (SSG)
Legislator for the Underwriter. Sovereign . Coun (SSCK) on Kanata. TI
President for the Central Bank. ish Bank on Kanata (SBOK).
Chair and CEO for the Credit Group (SSCG)
L ndcn,ood !h. C""ada E,.,den<. A", (.)
SO'Heigo .. "7muhSqURmishT" Ban I.; on
Ka nata (SBOr-.:), Turtle Island (Earthl
Central . Fiducial) Trust ee hol der of Secured
Credn 10 Liens agamst Darned Corporate
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