The Color of Poop What Our Poop Is Tel - Allen, Kate

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The Color of Poop What Our Poop is Telling Us By Kate Allen

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Copyright 2012 by Kate Allen All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. Unauthorized duplication or distribution of this material in any form is strictly prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author/publisher. The Author of this product assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product, or for any physical or mental injury, damage and/or financial loss sustained to persons or property as a result of using this book. The liability, negligence, use, misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies,

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Table of Contents

Introduction Baby Poop Baby Poop Colors Toddler Poop Adult Poop Adult Poop Colors Conclusion

Poop tells a story. The color can reassure you that you are basically healthy or it can alert you to potential health or dietary issues. Parents with infants and toddlers are often faced with confusing and sometime alarming baby poop. And adults may notice that their poop is an unusual color and wonder whats going on with their bodies. The purpose of this book is to help clarify what the color of poop is telling us. Im not a physician. Im a Mom who has seen some pretty

Im not a physician. Im a Mom who has seen some pretty scary looking baby poop and some confusing human poop. What Ive collected in this book is information about the color of poop that I hope is helpful for others. If you have any concerns at all about your babys poop or your own poop, please consult a medical doctor.

Baby Poop
At some point in a new Moms life shell open her babys diaper, look at the poop sitting there and wonder if her babys poop is normal. It most likely is. The color and consistency of baby poop can be frightening. My son-in-law once commented that his babys poop could be used as a military secret weapon and would scare the enemy to death! What exactly is in baby poop? Well of course you have whats left of any food thats passed though the babys system and hasnt been absorbed for nutrients. You also have protein, bile and other cells from the intestines. Eventually the baby starts producing normal bacteria and some of that is also expelled in the poop. The color of poop is affected by bile and components of

bilirubin, a pigment. The bilirubin components result from the normal break down of the bodys red blood cells. New born babies and babies who are breast fed dont produce a lot of bilirubin. After passing initial dark poop called the meconium from their bodies, young babies usually have poop that is yellow or yellow-green. Baby poop color and consistency is also affected by the food the baby eats. Finally poop color is dependent on whether the baby is breast fed, bottle fed or eating more solid baby foods. Dont be surprised if one day your babys poop is yellow and the next day its green and then it returns to yet another color. Baby poop has a lot of variations in color. But if your baby has the best looking poop in the world but is acting cranking and ill, call your pediatrician or emergency room right away.

Baby Poop Colors

Greenish Black Babys first poop will be greenish-black and sticky. Its called the meconium and is entirely normal. It contains the remnants of amniotic fluid. This black poop is very short-lived. Breast milk helps to clear the meconium out of the babys system.

Black Some babies receiving an iron supplement may also have black poop. Black poop can also be a sign of an internal bleeding problem. So if your newborn passes black poop for two or three days its usually normal. If an older infant passes black poop and is on an iron supplement its probably normal. If you have any concerns you can call your doctor to confirm. If an older infant passes black poop and isnt on an iron supplement call your doctor to get his opinion. Mustard Yellow This is the color of the poop of a formula fed baby although some Moms who breast feed their babies describe the poop as mustard yellow too. Its a normal color. Yellow-Brown This is a normal color especially if youre bottle feeding your baby formula. Its also often the color of the poop of babies who have just started breast feeding. Light Yellow This is a normal color for the poop of a baby who is being

breast-fed. Yellow-Green This is another normal poop color for a breast fed baby in particular. Brown This is the normal color of poop for a baby who has started on solid foods. Tan Some breast fed babies will have tan poop. However it would be good to check with your doctor to see if he wants to see the baby for a check-up. Very Pale Yellow If your babys poop is pale yellow call your doctor and let him know. It could be a sign of liver issues. Green Green poop can be a sign of certain illnesses like jaundice or allergies. But it also can be the color of poop for a new born baby who has just started breast feeding. Babies who have started eating foods like spinach can also have green poop.

Bright Green This is a normal poop color for a breast fed baby. Red If your babys poop is any shade of red call your doctor to get his opinion. It could be due to minor anal bleeding because of constipation. There are also other conditions that can cause red poop in babies. Poop with Multi-Colored Food Bits Sometimes babies who are eating baby food end up passing undigested food. So you are treated to the sight of poop decorated with bits of carrots or spinach. If it happens on occasion thats one thing. But if your baby always has undigested food in his poop then call your doctor and get his opinion.

What Colors of Baby Poop Should Worry Me? 1. Black. After your new-born passes the green-black meconium you should report any black or dark poop to your pediatrician. While things like iron supplements can darken babys poop, its still a good idea to call your

doctor. 2. Red. If your babys poop has any shade of red in it call your doctor and get his advice. There are some minor conditions that can result in red poop. But its better to be safe than sorry. 3. White. If you see white poop its good to call your doctor. It can indicate a lack of bile which should be checked out. 4. Green. There are some normal causes for green poop. But if your baby is acting sick or fussy and also has green poop its worth it to call your doctor.

Toddler Poop
Your toddlers diet will be more varied and will include a wider variety of protein. Toddlers poop is normally brown, orange, yellow or green. As with babies and adults, what your toddler eats can also affect the color of his poop. If he eats food like popsicles or cake frosting with food coloring in it, you can expect his poop to be

darker. Again if you see certain poop colors you should call your doctor. This is even more important if your toddler is acting sick. 1. Black poop. This could be the result of an iron supplement or even certain foods. But its worth a quick call to the doctor to get his opinion. 2. White or clay colored poop. If your toddler has taken any medicine for diarrhea this can cause white or clay-colored poop. Again its good to run this by your doctor. 3. Red poop. If you see any blood in your toddlers poop call your doctor to get his opinion. There are some easily treatable conditions that can cause red poop. But its good to contact your doctor.

Adult Poop
Normal adult poop ranges in color from light brown to medium brown. As with babies and toddlers, the food you eat and the

brown. As with babies and toddlers, the food you eat and the medicines you take can affect the color of your poop. Also various physical illnesses can change the color of your poop. A note about corn: Most adults have noticed that after they eat corn they see remnants of the kernels in their poop. This is entirely normal but does make for some festive looking poop! The outer hull of corn is high in cellulose and human beings dont have the enzyme needed to break down cellulose. However, the body can digest the starch and nutrients from the heart of the corn kernel. The cellulose in corn and other vegetables and fruits does serve as valuable fiber to help keep us healthy.

Adult Poop Colors

Light Brown to Medium Brown This is the normal color of an adults poop. Very Light Brown This can be a sign of constipation. Liver issues can also result in lighter colored poop. It could also be a sign of fat that was not digested. If your poop remains very light brown for a number of days consult your doctor. Orange

Orange There are a lot of things that can cause orange poop. If the food you ate passed through your body too quickly that can result in orange poop. This is because the food hasnt been exposed to bile. Liver problems can also cause orange poop. Some other things that can cause orange poop are: 1. Taking medications containing aluminum hydroxide or beta-carotene 2. Eating carrots, tomato sauce 3. Eating anything with a lot of orange artificial food coloring

Yellow There are a number of medical conditions that can cause yellow poop in adults: Malabsorption, Pancreatic cancer, Gilberts Syndrome are just a few. Theres also a parasitic infection called giardia that can result in yellow diarrhea. Yellow poop can also be greasy and smelly which could indicate a problem with the pancreas. Eating some foods like carrots or foods with yellow food

coloring can also cause yellow poop. If your poop remains yellow for several days and you havent eaten anything that might cause the color change, consult your doctor. Black Black poop can be a sign of bleeding in the upper gastro intestinal tract. If the black poop is sticky or tarry and accompanied by a very strong odor you should go see your doctor as soon as you can. However there are other things that can cause black poop. This type of black poop wont be tarry and smelly. If you consume any of the following drugs or foods your poop may turn black for a short amount of time. 1. Bismuth Subsalicylate Kaopectate) (e.g. Pepto Bismol,

2. NSAIDS and aspirin (which can cause bleeding) 3. Iron supplements 4. Dark foods such as black licorice and blueberries 5. Large amounts of spinach or other greens

5. Large amounts of spinach or other greens 6. Other foods dark in color If your poop remains black for several days and you havent taken any medication or eaten any of the foods that would cause black poop, go see your doctor.

Dark Green If youve eaten green vegetables like spinach or lettuce it can cause green poop. Also if youve eaten anything with a high concentration of green food coloring it can cause green poop. Certain vitamin supplements can also cause green poop. Some diseases that can cause green poop include ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome celiac disease, malabsorption, Crohns disease. Some other things that can cause green poop: 1. If you take too much iron and your body doesnt absorb it you can end up with green poop. 2. If you have diarrhea and food goes through your body too quickly your poop may be green.

too quickly your poop may be green. 3. Taking laxatives. 4. Certain medicines. If your poop remains green for several days and you havent eaten any food or taken any medications that might have caused the color change, call your doctor. Red Red poop can be a sign of bleeding in the lower gastro intestinal tract. It can also be due to hemorrhoids, ulcers, polyps or other diseases. It can also be caused by: 1. Eating foods with a high concentration of red food dye. 2. Eating beets, radishes, rhubarb 3. Eating red vegetables and fruits 4. Drinking tomato juice 5. Eating red gelatin or popsicles 6. Eating red JELL-O or Kool-Aid

6. Eating red JELL-O or Kool-Aid If your poop is red for several days or you see any type of blood in your poop, go see your doctor.

Maroon Maroon poop can be a sign of internal bleeding in the lower gastro intestinal tract, hemorrhoids, polyps and other diseases. Some of the other conditions that can cause maroon poop are: diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ulcers, gastritis, colon cancer and others. Its also possible that eating certain foods might cause the poop to be maroon-colored. Depending on the individual these foods might cause poop that looks maroon and not red. 1. Eating foods with a high concentration of red food dye. 2. Eating beets, radishes, rhubarb 3. Eating red vegetables and fruits 4. Eating red gelatin, popsicles 5. Eating red JELL-O or Kool-Aid

If your poop is red for several days or you see any type of blood in your poop, go see your doctor. Clay or Tan Poop that lacks color can indicate a problem with malabsorption, the gall bladder, hepatitis, parasitic infections, pancreatitis and other illnesses. Some other things that can cause light-colored poop: 1. Antacids containing aluminum hydroxide 2. Barium from a recent barium enema 3. If you take large amounts of Kaopectate or Pepto Bismol and it can result in pale poop. Ironically it can also cause black poop. If your poop is clay-colored or tan for several days, go see your doctor.

White White poop can indicate gallbladder disease. White poop can also be caused by a biliary obstruction. Other things that cause white poop: 1. antacids containing aluminum hydroxide 2. barium from a recent barium enema test If your poop is white for several days, go see your doctor.

Poop is pretty amazing! It reflects our general health, the foods we eat and the medications we take. For new parents a babys poop can be a major shock. Understanding the color differences for a baby thats being breast fed or bottle fed can be a real stress reliever. Recognizing problem poop colors also allows parents to call their doctor sooner to resolve any possible problems. As their child grows and becomes a toddler they can continue to watch for the problem poop colors and take action. As adults we all have times when we wonder if the color of our

poop is a problem. When we see colors different from the healthy color were used to, it can raise a lot of concerns. Its helpful to understand that food and medicine can affect the color of our poop. And its even more helpful to understand the problem poop colors that may be alerting us to a health issue. I hope this little book brings you peace of mind. But if you see anything worrisome in the color of your poop or the poop of your child, please contact your doctor.

Table of Contents
Introduction Baby Poop Baby Poop Colors Toddler Poop Adult Poop Adult Poop Colors Conclusion

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