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Preference adalah ungkapan perasaan yang menyatakan lebih suka daripada yang lainnya 1. Prefer Rumus:

Subject + Prefer + to infinitive Subject + Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + Gerund


They prefer to go now My mother prefers lemon to orange She prefers watching TV to listening to the radio

2. Would Rather Rumus:

Subject + would rather + Kata kerja bentuk I (tanpa to- Infinitives) Subject + would rather + Infinitives + than + Infinitives Subject + would rather + Infinitives + Noun + than + Inf + Noun Subject + would rather + someone + Bentuk II


I would rather study now She would rather stay home than go shopping Wed rather play card than play ball Id rather you went now

3. Would Prefer to Rumus:

Subject + Would Prefer to + infinitive +rather than + inf Subject + would Prefer to + infinitives + Nouns + rather than + infinitives + Nouns


They would prefer to sing rather than dance Youd prefer to play ball rather than take a sleep

4. Like Rumus:

Subject + Like + Nouns/Gerunds Subject + like +gerunds + better than + gerund Subject + like + noun + better than + noun


I like singing a song She likes singing a song better than playing a guitar They like coffee better than tea

5. Had Better Rumus:

Subject + had better + infinitive Subject + had better + not + infinitive


You had better study hard You had better not work on Sundays

6. Its time Rumus:

Its time + to infinitives Its time + Subject + Bentuk past


Its time to get up Its time you went away

7. Instead of Instead of kita gunakan sebagai pengganti dari: to, than, better than, rather than Rumus:

Instead of + Gerund/Nouns


I prefer staying home instead of going out They would rather eat their lunch instead of work I woud prefer to invite them instead of him He likes me instead of him

Like ~> Better Than

Like (gerund + noun + adjective) ~> better than (gerund + noun + adjective) Example: * I like dancing better than singing. * Franky likes a glass of wine better than a bottle of coca cola. * Jovanka likes pink better than red.

Prefer ~> To
Prefer (gerund / noun / adjective) ~> to (gerund / noun / adjective) Example: * I prefer dancing to singing. * Franky prefers a glass of wine to a bottle of coca cola. * Jovanka prefers pink to red.

Would Rather ~> Than

Would rather (bare inf. / have + noun / have + adjective) ~> than (bare inf. / noun / adjective) Example: * I would rather dance than sing. * Franky would rather have a glass of wine than a bottle of coca cola. * Jovanka would rather have pink than red.

Would Prefer ~> Rather Than

Would prefer (to + inf. / noun / adjective) ~> rather than (to + inf. / noun / adjective) Example: * I would prefer to dance rather than to sing. * Franky would prefer a glass of wine rather than a bottle of coca cola. * Jovanka would prefer pink rather than red.

PREFERENCES (pilihan/kesukaan)
oleh Belajar Bahasa Inggris Online Yuk..! pada 25 Oktober 2011 pukul 20:46 Secara umum, ada 4 cara untuk menyatakan kesukaan dalam bahasa inggris, berikut ini adalah ulasan singkat di sertai contoh penggunaanya:

1. Prefer(s) S + prefer + noun/V-ing + to + noun/V-ing Contoh: - I prefer dancing to singing. (saya lebih menyukai menari ketiumbang menyanyi) - Andi prefers meat ball to fried rice. (andi lebih menyukai bakso ketimbang nasi goreng)

2. like ... better than ... S + like + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing Contoh: - I like T.V better than radio. - wahyu likes reading better than watching T.V.

3. Would rather ... than ... S + would rather + V1 + than + V1 Contoh: - Dita would rather watch T.V . than plays a video game.

(Dita lebih menyukai nonton T.V ketimbang main video game)

4. Would prefer ... rather than ... S + would prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1 Contoh: - Ayu would prefer to phone me rather than send SMS. (Ayu lebih menyukai menelpon saya ketimbang mengirim SMS)Semoga bermanfaat :)

the usage of preferences (like...better than, prefer,and would rather)

Posted by Nashihul Umam Posted on April - 29 - undefined 0 komentar friends, in this chance i would like to present and share about the usage of preferences, before explaining them, let's look these sentences below: 1). i like writing better than reading 2). i like apple better than banana 3). i prefer writing to reading 4). i prefer apple to banana 5). i would rather have an apple than have banana explanation: preferences are used for comparing something that offer by someone at us or some option that is offered at us; for further explaining let's look these rules below: a). if you look at the examples above; in the first and the second, there are preferences by using like...better for the first one is example of the verb form, and the pattern is like this: S+like+V(ing) +better than+ V(ing) and the second is example of the noun form, and the pattern is like this: S+like+noun+better than+noun. actually both of the forms above,haven't much difference. Because, V-ing is called by gerund that has same position with noun. b). as same as the explanation above, for the third and also the forth. They also have the verb and the noun form, for the verb form, the pattern is S+prefer+V(ing)+to+V(ing), and for the noun form the pattern is like this S+noun+to+noun. In this shape, after prefer they also use V1+ ing (look at the 3th example) and noun after prefer (look at the 4th example). c). for the fifth the pattern is like this, S+would rather+V1+than+V1. there is an exception for this one, because in this pattern, after would rather there is a simple verb form v1 (you can look at the last example). you also can use would rather in polite request by adding to; for example: would you rather have an apple to blackberry? okay..friends i hope you can get much advantages.

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