Speech Topics

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110 Speech Topics to Ponder

1. My favorite restaurant 2. The Year of the __________ 3. My favorite world capital city 4. If I were president 5. My next vacation 6. The 8th Wonder of the World 7. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real? 8. The meaning of life 9. My favorite mode of transportation 10. There ought to be a law 11. Whos Mans best friend? 12. A recent book that moved you 13. How you are (un)like your parents? 14. The biggest impact on your life? 15. The soundtrack of your life 16. Who inspires you? 17. Your favorite sport and why 18. A birthday to remember 19. An art form I appreciate 20. A statesman or woman I admire 21. A historical event that interests me 22. The Power of One 23. The history of my hometown 24. The one that got away 25. Golf. A good walk spoiled? 26. Gender differences 27. Generational differences 28. My favorite planet 29. If I reincarnated as an animal 30. Why I play the Lottery 31. A day in my life Ill never forget 32. What matters most 33. The history of the VW 34. Abacus, slide rule, calculatorwhats next? 35. The origins of a lesser known holiday 36. Punctuation: useful or overrated? 37. Boxers, Briefs, Bikinis, Daisy Dukes 38. Who is famous for being famous? 39. The best TV show ever 40. The greatest Opera singer 41. The Butterfly Effect 42. The Peter Principle 43. Murphys Law 44. Self Fulfilling Prophecies 45. Spelunking 46. How to make a Souffl 47. My favorite year 48. An idea whose time has come 49. Ranked-Choice Voting 50. Gun Control 51. Charter Schools 52. Occupy Movement 53. Tea Party Movement 54. Global warming 55. Air pollution / Water Pollution 56. The most romantic movie 57. A great city to visit 58. Fashion trends 59. Piercings and Tattoos 60. How to teach peace 61. Origami 62. When you are King/Queen for the day 63. Whither customer service? 64. Why I love Zappos/Amazon/____ 65. Clichs 66. How to throw a great party 67. The art of packing a suitcase 68. Forms of humor 69. Poetry appreciation 70. Unsung heroes 71. Contents of your time capsule 72. Taking Tests 73. Greatest lesson ever learned 74. Foreign custom you admire 75. Pledges of Allegiance 76. Allergies 77. The (un)fairness of life 78. The Didgeridoo 79. Pearls 80. The Chaise Lounge 81. Unicycles 82. Unicorns 83. Your favorite bridge 84. Are cruise ships safe? 85. The origins of Spaghetti 86. The Holy City of Jerusalem 87. How to tie a bow tie 88. Table manners 89. Time management 90. E-Mail etiquette 91. Tobacco, Coffee & other drugs 92. Extreme Sports 93. Slow food movement 94. My favorite meal 95. Your favorite island 96. My favorite entertainer ever 97. My favorite charity 98. Blind Dates 99. Periodic Table of Element 100. The Simpsons 101. Soap Operas 102. Romance Novels 103. Comic Strips & Cartoons 104. The Stock Market 105. Hats 106. How to love vegetables 107. How to Segway 108. Romance in 2012 109. Prime Numbers 110. The letter Z

Craig Harrison DTM, PDG www.ExpressionsOfExcellence.com 510/547-0664

Professional Speaker Craig Harrison DTM PDG teaches you how to

Hosted at Pro-Toasties in San Mateo

Go For Your Goals!

with Toastmasters as your Co-Pilot

A Special One-Night Interactive Program for All Toastmasters

Tues Apr 24th

Identify, Declare and Map Out Your Goals Leverage Toastmasters to Accelerate Professional & Personal Aspirations!
Youve conquered your fear of public speaking. You can now lead a meeting with aplomb. But what about bigger goals? What do you aspire to do professionally? What are your personal goals? Are you ready to achieve your bucket list of goals? With Toastmasters as your co-pilot theres nothing you cant do! Form a company Run for public office Become a professional speaker Start a non-profit Form a congregation Break into TV or Radio Become a Trainer Write a Book But HOW? About Your Workshop Facilitator Craig Harrison Youve read his magazine cover stories, heard his speeches and bought his books. Now, benefit from Craig Harrisons expert coaching! Craig Harrison is a 20-year veteran of Toastmasters International who has started clubs, re-branded clubs, won contests, writes prolifically for Toastmaster magazine and was responsible for the formation of NSA/NCs Pro-Track program. A Past District Governor and professional speaker, Craig has spoken to tens of thousands, coached hundreds and commands a worldwide following as a Distinguished Toastmaster. Go For Your Goals Attend Craig Harrisons special April 24th session of Pro-Toasties and receive a roadmap to success to apply to your own goals. Learn how to leverage the various resources Toastmasters International, District 4, the Bay Area and virtual world offer to help you pursue your dreams. Hear how to turn your aspirations into achievements in record time with the support of Toastmasters programs and curricula. Bring your goals and get coaching from Craig. Hear success stories of other Toastmasters whove formed non-profits, launched speaking careers and changed the world with Toastmasters as their co-pilot. Craigs articles 3 Books Mindmap

Cost: $10 for non-ProToasties members Date: Tuesday, April 24 Time: 7:30-9:00 pm Location: Pro-Toasties, San Mateo Community College District Office, 2nd Floor 3401 CSM Drive, San Mateo, 94402 Questions: (510) 547-0664
Web: http://protoastiescom/meeting-info/special-event-with-craig-harrison/ Free parking. Wheelchair accessible. All are welcome.

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