Eco Part 2 Final Paper

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Joaquin C. Toral Arvin G. Sim Macroeconomics 1 (TF 9:30-11:30)

April 10, 2012 Final Term Paper Word Count: 1607

I. A Brief Synopsis of the Film HOTEL RWANDA is a very spectacular 2004 American drama film. It was based on real life event about what happened during the spring of 1994. It brings you back to the years when Tutsi and Hutu tribes were having a conflict about which of the two parties is the rightful leader of the settlement. The film covers the life of PAUL RUSESABAGINA during the wars most striking events that has occurred back then. It is when he attempted to rescue thousands of his fellow citizens, including his family from the ravages of the Rwandan Genocide by letting them stay the Hotel des Mille Cllines despite of it not having much room for more refugees. HOTEL RWANDA explores the days during the genocide, political corruption, and the occurrence of violence from little to extreme in Rwanda. The more people PAUL takes in hotel, the more attention theyre gathering from the militias. Despite that, PAUL RUSESABAGINA never ceased to take refugees in to Hotel des Mille Clines. There have been attempts to take the refugees away from Rwanda from the Hotel, but it has failed due to the spy that has been dwelling around the hotel speaking out the plans of the UN. Until the day when they discovered who the spy is, that is when they were able to escape Rwanda with the assistance of the military. HOTEL RWANDA is a film that consists of human weakness, political corruption, violence and romance. Its is a spectacular film, which covers one mans struggles to be able to protect as many people as he can from harm that has become fortunately possible due to his faithful efforts. II. Major Areas of the Movie for Consideration There are a lots of scenes in this film that relates to our analysis such as the trading of goods with George Rutaganda, which relates to demand and supply wherein George trades supplies with Paul for money to support the rebellion such as buying guns, ammos, and any other necessities that the rebellion needs. On Pauls side, he needs supplies from George to satisfy the demands of the inhabitants of the Hotel. The only difference that this makes is that Paul does this for free since he has a good heart. Another point of the film that can be related to the analysis is when Paul chose to help his family, friends and any other families that is in need of help from being killed by the militias by giving up almost all of his valuable assets such as his wedding ring, money


and even the diplomats money just for them to survive. He did this without asking for any payments just for them to survive, making survival as their opportunity cost. There was also a scene wherein they have nothing to get their resources from especially the water supply. They had no choice but to get water from the pool as it is the only resource depot for water to come from that is safe from militias. There were no other sources of income in Rwanda except for tourism. It has become the only possible source of income in Rwanda and have played a major role in their society since they have no proper trading system during those times due to the unrest that has been going on, making the tourists as the only source of inflow of the state. Other parts of the film that can be considered in the analysis are the beginning of the war or the breaking of the peace agreement between the country and the rebels, the interference of the UN and the removal of tourist and any other white people that lives within the vicinities of the Hotel. III. Analysis & Discussion a. In our opinion, based upon what I've seen in the movie, Rwanda started off as a free market economy where in real life, it actually is. Though as the tension rose between the two parties, Hutu and Tutsi, the government became useless in a way that it cannot control it's people, and the overall governance of the entire place. The way I see it, it's market became Anarcho-capitalism during the periods of war. The rule of the state became futile and individualism emerged. The rebels took over the government and in itself created it's own policies, and appointed officials. b. Paul Rusesabagina sacrificed a lot in order for him to keep his family, to maintain the hotel's facilities, and to sustain the people with him. One of which was money, which in times of war, had no real value but the general accepted as a bribe to spare his family from death. Another was to be with his family when they were transported to the refugee camp. He chose to stay in the hotel so that he could still manage it, and maintain what was left of the people's lifestyle. c. There wasn't much activity in terms of inflows and outflows during the war in the Rwanda economy. In the early periods, there was an inflow of tourists coming in to the hotel and money was fast because it was the only decent place wherein visitors could check-in. At the later part of the movie, money became an outflow due to the opportunity costs that Paul stumbled upon, and especially due to the shortage of resources. Food, water, and supplies where at a minimum consumption because passage to the city was restricted to the point that even UN officials were seized and attacked. d. Keeping things simple, the major determinants of demand are the people sheltered in the hotel while on the other hand, the major determinants of supply are the people who try to uplift the situation like the UN, Paul, and Red Cross.


The dwindling supply of food and water, tagged along with the increasing population of refugees, became the cause of major shifts on the S&D curve. Expensive alcohol, tobaccos, and money were heavily demanded due to bribes to the general and the capacity of foreigners in the hotel. The rebellion also played an important role in the shifting because supplies of resources like food and water could not enter the hotel's premises, and the hotel's pantry and pool became the only source of proper nutrition to the guests. e. A major determinant of consumption during the war was the scarcity of resources. There wasn't much food to go around, hence consumption was at a limit wherein there will be enough for everybody. Hotel Rwanda practically invested in luxury goods like liquor and cigars which played an important role in keeping the state of livelihood of the hotel's guests. To ask for determinants in savings is like asking food from a beggar. Of course there were no savings because how could one save at a time of civil unrest where little to none supplies came in, and even money was spent to a maximum. Commercial establishments were closed down and business was at a halt. The only business cycle that existed was the continuous inflow of goods from Paul to General Bizmungu. f. No monetary, fiscal, and trade policies governed the state of Rwanda during the civil war. There were in fact regulations which were imposed by the Hutu rebels themselves. At a time of unrest, everything stops and the one which controls the economic flow is the only one that matters. Because that person dictates what happens, and how he/she wants it to happen. The government itself cannot impose any policy on the people because first of all, they don't follow. They have their own set of rules, and accordingly, rebel against the present government whether it be a dictatorship or any for that matter. IV. General Reflections/Insights The film has evoked strong emotional fear towards amongst us and the other viewers because of the fact that this kind of event can happen to any country at any time. It tells the viewers what could possibly happen when a war broke out for those who have not experienced it, revealing their senses to the emotional truth. It made us think that the occurrence of war should always be not tolerated since it can bring a country in to ruins. We also learned that in case of a rebellion, one of the best alternatives that a country can go for is by tracking their suppliers and supporters. Once the suppliers/supporters are gone, the rebellion will atrophy on its own, making it a war behind the scenes against rebels. V. Conclusion and Recommendation The film deserves all the rewards that it has received from award ceremonies around the world due to its excellent footage, the exposure of Africa towards other nations


and of course for covering the events that has occurred in PAUL RUSESABAGINA and his familys life that has made a huge impact towards not only their own people but to every other nations out there. This film could have also been much better with proper funds and support from huge organizations. We recommend making a remake of this film with a much better and urbanized technology in order to satisfy the desires of this generation and also the generations that follow. Ultimately, we conclude that it is clear to the people of Rwanda that war itself is very dangerous to a countrys perseverance as it can definitely not only devastate a countries economic stability but it can change a society that can last a lifetime or even centuries. With the current war technologies that our world possesses, it is definitely possible to have something more devasting than what happened to Rwanda. That is why we should prevent it at all cost.

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