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Ind iv id ual Sk ill Build ing Mo dul es that Shar e the S ame O bj ect iv e: RE SULT S

Tr a i n i n g S e r ie s





Business Etiquette Covers the most cur rent etiquette guidelines for day-to-day situations to help participants avoid making inappropriate etiquette decisions. Participants learn to make appropriate introductions, describe the impact of personal appearance, recognize his/her behavior in a close work environment, and describe how common behaviors in the United States may be interpreted by different cultures. Covers the different social behavioral styles and how these styles affect communication among co-workers. Participants learn how to identify their own behavioral style, what behaviors creates challenges for each behavioral style and strategies and guidelines for dealing with difficult co-workers and the resulting conflict. Bank personnel in the branch and administrative office environments. 3 hours SP

Dealing Effectively with Co-Workers

Bank personnel at all levels.

8 hours SP

Ethical Issues for Bankers

Prepares participants to meet the ethical standards expected of financial services professionals. Covers the general guidelines that determine banking ethics, the knowledge and skills needed to perform ethical decision-making, reviews of items typically included in an institutions code of conduct, and the relationship of ethics and law. Exercises will demonstrate ethical dilemmas that can arise in financial institutions, and how to determine the appropriate action in situations that could raise ethical issues. Teaches participants how to effectively manage their time to be more productive during the workday. Covers the creation of a daily work plan, managing phone calls, and other daily activities that take valuable time, organizing the workspace, and other techniques for using time effectively.

Bank personnel at all levels.

4 hours SP

Managing Time at Work

Bank personnel who are not currently using an organized method to plan and manage their time or who want a refresher. This includes any bank employees who are responsible for completing varied tasks in a typical day. Any bank employee who delivers presentations to schools, community groups, business prospects, staff, senior management.

4 hours SP

Presentation Skills

Covers the basics of planning an organized, audience-focused oral presentation; the physical aspects of presenting, such as body language, voice and gestures, handling nervousness; and dealing with disruptive audience members. Students design and deliver a presentation during the workshop and receive feed back from peers. Covers fundamental skills and techniques for using the telephone effectively on the job. Participants learn to prepare for typical calls, set up their work area, use appropriate language and use effectively questioning and listening skills. Provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate in writing with peers and managers within their bank, and with their clients. Covers the use of a written document as a tool for achieving a specific goal, how to create such documents through a four-step process: planning, drafting, revising, and polishing, and choosing the appropriate format for written documents.

9 hours

Telephone Etiquette

Branch and administrative office staff who answer and make calls to customers and other bank staff. Also, call center staff as an introduction to telephone skills. Anyone who writes business correspondence such as letters to customers, memos, faxes, or e-mail messages.

3 hours

Writing Bank Correspondence

6 hours SP

Bank Secrecy Act Introduces employees of financial institutions to the Bank Secrecy Act and the reporting responsibilities that come with it. Covers how to complete and submit required Bank Secrecy Act reports, explain the timeframes and procedures for maintaining Bank Secrecy Act reports, and how to explain to clients why Bank Secrecy Act reports are required. Teaches the purpose and coverage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and reviews what a bank and its employees must do regarding the taking and processing of loan applications, including acceptable factors. Covers prohibited bases for evaluating an application and required notifications, plus other bank compliance issues, including the requirements for reporting credit information, record keeping, and the consequences of noncompliance. Reviews the purpose of the FCRA and reviews the types of transactions and exemptions covered under it. Addresses the requirements; responsibilities and rights outlined under the Act, including special guidlines for the sharing of consumer information between affiliates, as well as the actions students must take to help ensure compliance with the FCRA. Covers the background required to interact successfully with customers while maintaining compliance with Fair Lending laws and regulations. Examines fair treatment of customers and distinguishes the three types of discrimination as defined in the federal Joint Policy Statement on Discrimination in Lending. Provides activities, disclosures and specific job responsibilities that are required by the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), one of the many consumer protection laws that govern financial institutions and mortgage lenders. Identifies the eight RESPA disclosures required at different stages of the home buying process and provides examples of each form. Any bank personnel involved in the deposit/operations or lending functions of a banking office or department. 4 hours SP

Equal Credit Opportunity Act Regulation B

Any bank personnel involved in promoting loans, or gathering or processing information during the lending process.

4 hours SP

Fair Credit Reporting Act

Any bank personnel involved in processing requests for consumer credit.

4 hours SP

Fair Lending

Bank personnel who have customer contact and deal with consumer and real estate credit transactions or sales; processing, underwriting, and compliance personnel. Any front line staff in organizations that are subject to RESPA requirements.

4 hours SP 4 hours SP

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

Truth in Lending Act Regulation Z

Covers the conditions that led to the enactment of Regulation Z, and how to properly disclose the terms of various loan types, advertise loan rates, disclose the cost of credit, and calculate and disclose a loans rescission period. Addresses the technical requirements of Regulation Z, including how to present required documentation and explain terms in a way that clients will understand.

Any bank personnel who are involved in the consumer lending process.

4 hours SP

For more information, call Virginia Bankers Association, your Local ABA Training Provider at 804-643-7469 or visit

All titles are available for classroom delivery. Those noted with SP are self-paced.





Coaching for Success Provides managers, supervisors, team leads and mentors with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess, plan, and carry out a performance coaching dialogue with an employee. Covers recognizing a coaching opportunity, preparing a plan for a coaching session, techniques for ongoing performance feedback, and undertaking a coaching dialogue. Covers when and how to apply corrective action, describes an employees performance or behavior gap specifically and objectively, and reviews strategies for motivating employees to improve. Participants learn to use a range of corrective modes in a balanced and objective manner including the progressive disciplinary model, documenting corrective action through a standard documentation template, and counseling employees towards improvement in a professional manner. Presents participants with a structured process for identifying, evaluating and hiring the best candidate for a job. Covers identification of job requirements, measuring and rating skills, preparing interview questions and conducting an interview that is legal and useful. Any employee responsible for coaching others with or without a reporting relationship. This could include managers, supervisors, team leads and mentors. 3 hours SP

Corrective Action

Any supervisor or manager who has responsibility for evaluating and documenting employee performance.

3 hours

Hiring the Best

Any supervisor or manager who participates in the position analysis and selection and hiring of employees.

6 hours SP

Improving Productivity

Teaches participants how to evaluate and improve productivity in the workplace. Provides a carefully structured process to resolve productivity problems in the work environment. Covers the managers role in improving productivity, the key elements of productivity, common productivity problems, obstacles to improving productivity , techniques for evaluating productivity solutions, and implementation of these solutions. Provides participants with the skills to lead change in their organization. Covers the typical effects that change events can have on individuals and organizations, the four-step change communication process, and effective and ineffective change communication techniques. Focuses on the four key components of effective employee relationscompliance with legislation, managing diversity, handling work and personal issues, and fostering open communication. Covers effective practices and guidelines for handling workplace situations that threaten positive employee relations, the supervisors role in establishing and maintaining sound employee relations, formal problem resolution processes, and supervisory practices that facilitate open communication. Learn to effectively lead meetings and use them as productive methods to communicate, solve problems and make decisions. Covers appropriate reasons for holding meetings, characteristics and typical structure of meetings, principles and tools for planning, leading and participating in meetings, and how to handle distracting problem behaviors. Provides supervisors and managers with a proactive approach to performance management through a process called the Performance Management Cycle. Covers the setting and communication of clear expectations with employees, monitoring employee progress, and delivering fair and effective performance feedback and objective evaluations through the three stages of the Performance Management Cycle: Planning, Feedback, and Evaluation. Presents the ten basic customer service skills that clients expect from any business interaction. Covers key methods for communicating with clients, effective listening, understanding and helping angry customers, and dealing with stress arising from customer interaction. Provides participants with techniques for using non-monetary and small dollar value awards to recognize, reward and motivate employees toward continued and improved performance. Covers the diagnosis of motivational problems, incentives for performance improvement, effective and ineffective forms of recognition, and the consequences of failing to recognize people. Helps participants identify sales coaching opportunities and use basic techniques to help their staff improve sales effectiveness. Covers the role of the sales coach, setting goals and encouraging team members to achieve them. Reviews the most effective coaching techniques for the sales environment.

Any employee that leads a work team on a full or part-time basis.

6 hours SP

Managing Change

Any employee who is leading a group in a changing environment.

3 hours SP

Managing Employee Relations

Any manager or team leader with one or more reporting relationships.

6 hours SP

Meetings That Work

Anyone who leads or participates in meetings within or outside their organization.

6 hours

Performance Management

Any supervisor or manager who has responsibility for directing, documenting and evaluating employee performance.

6 hours SP

Revitalizing Customer Service Rewards & Recognition

All levels of employees.

6 hours SP

Bank personnel responsible for motivating staff regardless of the specific reporting relationships. This could include managers, supervisors, team leaders and mentors.

6 hours SP

Sales Coaching in the Bank

Any person responsible for leading a banks sales team or sales campaign.

6 hours SP

Alternative Delivery Systems: Trends and Issues Building & Retaining Customer Relationships Consumer Credit Products Learn why banks are increasingly offering alternative delivery systems to their customers. Covers which features and benefits have the most appeal, the advantages and disadvantages of each delivery system regarding profitability and marketing issues. Any banking professional, including customer service personnel and entry-level marketing staff, who needs to understand how technology and other factors are changing the way banks service their customers. Sales staff who want to implement a systematic approach to manage a portfolio of clients or book of business. 6 hours

Teaches participants the knowledge and skills needed to manage a portfolio of clients for sales results. Participants will establish portfolio criteria that support institutions business goals. Covers how to select customers for a sales portfolio, prepare an action plan and track activity.

3 hours SP

Provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to discuss and sell consumer loan products, match products to consumer needs, identify bank regulations that impact consumer credit and identify products to cross-sell.

Any branch personnel who will be discussing or selling consumer credit products.

9 hours SP

Individual Skill-Building Modules that share the Same Objective: RESULTS

Tr a i n i n g S e r i e s






Cross-Selling Deposit Products Effective Referrals Teaches participants how to sell deposit products effectively. Covers identification of client needs, matching deposit products to client needs, how to describe deposit product features and benefits, responding to questions and objections from clients, and closing the sale or referring the client. Provides branch and operations personnel with the skills to make confident and effective referrals. Covers identification of financial need, making referrals appropriate to the financial need, successful referral techniques, and how to follow up with the customer when needed. Focuses on using group events as a marketing tool to promote sales. Participants learn how to target their market, plan group events, and use networking techniques to increase the number of business contacts made at group events. Covers the basics of the consumer lending process including the application process, credit operations, credit evolution including credit scoring, pricing, loan profitability, and regulations. Any bank personnel in a position to discuss deposit products and services with customers. 6 hours SP Bank/operations personnel who service client transactions and are in a position to identify referral opportunities. 3 hours SP Bankers who attend, participate in, or host community-based group events. 3 hours

Event-Based Selling

Fundamentals of Consumer Lending Fundamentals of Mortgage Lending Identifying and Leveraging Target Markets

Any bank personnel with little or no experience in consumer lending.

6 hours SP

Provides an understanding of basic terminology, regulations, and the secondary market of mortgage lending. Participants learn how credit decisions are made.

Bank personnel involved in the mortgage lending process, with less than a year of mortgage lending experience.

6 hours SP

Explores how to use Marketing Customer Information Files (MCIF) to group or segment a banks accounts. Participants will learn how a bank can market the appropriate products and services to their most profitable customers as well as to non-customers who share the same characteristics.

Banking professionals such as entry-level marketing, branch, and operations managers, or other bank representatives who need to identify the target markets for bank products and services. Bank personnel such as personal bankers, retail bankers and call center employees who need to know about financial planning products offered by banks.

6 hours SP

Introduction to Financial Planning Products Introduction to Relationship Selling

Provides an understanding of financial planning products and how they can fit into a specific clients financial planning strategy. Participants will learn the key elements used to evaluate financial products and discuss regulatory issues.

6 hours SP

Introduces participants to the relationship selling process, and the skills and techniques that support a client needs-focused sales approach. Covers how to prepare for and conduct an effective sales interaction with clients, each step in the relationship selling process, responding to client objections, selling against the competition, following-up with a client, and asking for referrals. Covers the basics of analyzing tax returns. Includes analysis of income sources, including wages, taxable and non-taxable interest and dividends, capitol gains and losses, and rental income. Participants learn to identify income trends and non-recurring income, and use tax returns to identify sales opportunities.

Personnel involved in sales activities in a retail-banking environment.

9 hours SP

Personal Tax Return Analysis

Bank personnel who are in a position to use personal tax returns from clients for lending analysis.

9 hours SP

Profiling Mortgage Prospects

Learn to profile prospective clients and recommend the mortgage product that would best fit their needs. Covers a variety of conventional, FHA and VA loan products to provide an understanding of products available internally as well as by the competition. Discusses the elements of a successful hand-off of a prospect to a mortgage specialist.

Personnel who will or currently sell mortgage loans.

6 hours

Profitable Accounts

Explains the importance of determining account profitability, the profitability of each product/service a bank offers, and shows participants how to calculate it. Participants examine the profitability of their various customer relationships and gather data for cross-selling/up-selling the best ones.

All Product Managers, Office Managers, Head Customer Service Representatives, and Personal Bankers who need to be familiar with MCIF systems.

6 hours

Referring Insurance and Annuities Customers Referring Mutual Funds and Securities Customers

Introduces participants to the features and benefits of various insurance and annuity products. Reviews life, health, property and casualty, disability, and liability insurance, as well as annuities; identifying client need for each type of product; the responsibilities of unlicensed employees and referral to a licensed representative.

Any employee who has the opportunity to refer customers to designated, licensed insurance sellers in a bank.

6 hours SP

Teaches participants a professional and effective process for referring clients to a licensed securities specialist. Includes an overview of securities products, identifying a clients financial needs and matching those needs to a product, making an effective referral to a licensed securities specialist, and ways to gather the information needed by the licensed specialist.

Bank personnel who manage client relationships and/or who are in a position to identify referral opportunities to licensed specialists.

6 hours SP

Referring Trust Customers

Teaches participants how to identify and refer potential trust clients. Includes terminology, the basic elements of a trust, common trust products, identifying customer needs and matching them with trust products, and making an effective referral to a trust professional.

Bank personnel who manage client relationships and/or who are in a position to identify referral opportunities to trust specialists.

3 hours SP

For more information, call Virginia Bankers Association, your Local ABA Training Provider at 804-643-7469 or visit

All titles are available for classroom delivery. Those noted with SP are self-paced.






Successful Sales Campaigns Participants will learn to run an effective sales campaign using step-by-step techniques for involving each staff member in various aspects of the sales campaign. Covers how to set campaign objectives, use of demographic information to target clients, development of effective of sales campaigns, managing simultaneous campaigns, shopping competitive banks to help shape the campaign, and preparing bank personnel for campaigns. Retail bank personnel who lead or participate in sales campaigns. 3 hours SP


Learn to use the telephone as a strategic tool to enhance service and sales performance. Learn the unique challenges of telephone sales and techniques to overcome the common success obstacles and maximize advantages.

Banking professionals who need to make outbound telephone service and sales contact with an assigned customer portfolio.

6 hours

Understanding Financial Planning

Introduces participants to the importance of financial planning. Participants will gain general knowledge of various financial products, and learn to assess a clients financial needs by evaluating their current financial situation using net worth, rate of savings, and cash flow. Participants will also examine how personal factors such as risk tolerance, goals, and time frame, affect a clients investment decisions.

Any employee who wants to understand the basics of financial planning and what financial planners do.

6 hours SP


Calling on Small Business Customers Helps participants prepare and execute the perfect sales call. Covers the different call purposes including Introductory, Profiling, Presentation, and Follow-up. Helps participants plan a sale and relationship building strategy for conducting face-to-face calls built on an understanding of business types, life stages, and their own local market. Covers borrowing causes, loan purposes, and repayment sources, features and benefits of small business credit products, and matching of small business credit products to client needs. Reviews communicating the credit decision effectively including approvals, counter-offers, and declines, and regulations relating to small business credit products. Learn general banking needs, and recognize potential non-credit needs. Covers common deposit and non-credit products by focusing on the benefits to the small business customer; and how to connect the needs of different bank products with the life cycle of the business. Bank personnel responsible for face-to-face small business customer calls. 3 hours SP

Credit Products for Small Businesses

Bank personnel responsible for selling credit products to the small business customer and/or responsible for identifying sales opportunities and referring small business lending prospects to the appropriate bank contacts. Bank personnel new to the small business market who are responsible for servicing small business customers.

9 hours SP

Deposit Products & Services for Small Businesses Fundamentals of Small Business Banking Introduction to Analyzing Financial Statements

6 hours

Teaches participants to build successful relationships with small business clients by gaining knowledge of the small business market. Covers the operating and business cycles of small businesses, characteristics of small business markets, business legal structures, life stages of businesses, and matching business products and services to client needs. Provides participants the tools needed to analyze financial statements. Covers terminology, the steps associated with analyzing different financial statements, including the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. Students review calculation and interpretation of key ratios, and how to perform a cash flow analysis.

Bank personnel who have had limited exposure to the small business market but are responsible for servicing or selling to small business customers.

9 hours SP

Bank personnel responsible for reviewing financial statements for the purpose of assisting in making lending decisions, monitoring the ongoing health of the business, or conducting the initial financial analysis.

9 hours SP

Overview of Financial Statements

Introduces participants to the different types of financial statements used by small businesses. Provides a basic introduction to balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and tax return forms and how these are used in the lending process to reach meaningful conclusions about the health and stability of the business.

Bank personnel who are involved in any aspect of the small business lending process but who have little experience with financial statements.

6 hours SP

Relationship Selling to Small Business Customers

Covers a complete sales cycle. Learn the unique needs of small business customers; the operating cycle and life stages to evaluate needs and present solutions. Learn about a profiling tool that addresses the specific needs of the different business types.

Bank personnel who are new to the small business market and are responsible for selling bank products and services to small business customers.

6 hours SP

Retirement Products for Small Businesses Servicing and Growing Small Business Relationships

Teaches participants how to successfully refer small business clients to retirement product specialists. Covers the characteristics of different retirement products, identification of small business owners retirement needs, and matching owners needs with retirement products. Learn when to refer to a retirement product specialist.

Bank personnel responsible for managing small business relationships or with responsibility for referring and/or selling retirement services and products.

3 hours SP

Provides participants with techniques to extend the small business relationship beyond the initial sale. Covers the different legal structures of small businesses; types of small businesses and their needs and expectations; information used to monitor a relationship with a small business including financial information, client records, and the value of site visits for uncovering additional information.

Bank personnel responsible for managing and growing a portfolio of small business customers.

3 hours SP

Individual Skill-Building Modules that share the Same Objective: RESULTS

700 East Main Street, Suite 1411 Richmond, VA 23219 804-643-7469

Your Local ABA Training Provider

1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 1-800-BANKERS

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