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Vita forSteven Robbins

January 2010

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Steven Robbins
Department of Computer Science College of Sciences The University of Texas at San Antonio One UTSA Circle Computer Science SB 4.01.23 San Antonio, TX 78249 Work Phone : (210)458-5544 Work Email :

Year 1973 1969 1969 Degree Doctor of Philosophy Master of Science Bachelor of Science Major Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Institution Mass Institute of Technology Mass Institute of Technology Mass Institute of Technology


Year 1996 - Present 1979 - 1996 1975 - 1979 1973 - 1975 1973 - 1975 1969 - 1973 Institution UTSA UTSA Role Description Professor with Tenure Associate Professor with Tenure UTSA Assistant Professor Massachusetts Institute of Instructor Technology Massachusetts Institute of Instructor in Project Technology Interphase Massachusetts Institute of Teaching Assistant Technology


Operating Systems Introduction to Programming Systems Programming Parallel Programming


Visualization and animation Parallel architectures and algorithms Distributed computing 1/19/2010

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Mathematical modeling Computer Science Education


UNIX Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and Threads, with K. Robbins, Prentice Hall, 2003. Practical Unix Programming: A Guide to Concurrency, Communication, and Multithreading, with K. Robbins, Prentice Hall, 1996. The Cray X-MP: A Case Study in Pipelined Architecture and Vector Processing, with K. Robbins, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science #374, (1989).


Robbins, S., "A three pronged approach to teaching undergraduate operating systems,'' ACM Operating Systems Review, vol. 42, no. 6, October, 2008, pp. 93-100. Robbins, S., "A Java execution Simulator,'' Proc. 38-th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2007), pp. 536--540. Robbins, S., "A UNIX concurrent I/O simulator,'' Proc. 37-th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2006), pp. 303-307. Robbins, S., "An address translation simulator,'' Proc. 36-th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2005), pp. 515--519. Robbins, S., "A disk head scheduling simulator,'' Proc. 35-rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2004), pp 325--329. Robbins, S., "Using remote logging for teaching concurrency," Proc. 34-rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2003), pp. 177-181. Robbins, S., "Using remote logging for teaching concurrency," Proc. 34-rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2003), pp. 177-181. Robbins, S., "Exploration of process interaction in operating systems: A pipe-fork simulator," Proc. 33-rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2002), pp. 351-355. Robbins, S., "Starving philosophers: Experimentation with monitor synchronization," Proc. 32-nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2001), pp. 317-321. Robbins, K. A., Jeffery, C. and Robbins, S., "Visualization of splitting and merging processes," J. Visual Languages and Computing, vol 11(6), (2000) pp. 593-614. Robbins, S.,"Experimentation with bounded buffer synchronization," Proc. 31-st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2000), pp. 330-334. Robbins, S., "Remote logging in Java using Jeli: a facility to enhance development of accessible educational software," Proc. 31-st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (2000), pp. 114-118. Robbins, S. and Robbins, K. A., "Empirical exploration in undergraduate operating systems," Proc. 30-th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (1999) pp. 311-315. Robbins, S. and Robbins, K. A., "A microprogramming animation," IEEE Transactions on Education, vol 41, No. 4, November 1998, pp. 293-300. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Web-based dynamic information visualization using exact-time animation," Proc. 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1998) pp. 744-751. Robbins, S., "The JOTSA animation environment," 31st Hawaii Intl. Conf. on Systems Science, (1998) pp. 655-664. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Buffered banks in multiprocessor systems," IEEE Trans on Computers, vol. 44(4) (1995) pp. 518-530. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Relationship between average and real memory behavior," J. Supercomputing, vol. 8 (1994) pp. 209-232. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Blackboards for cooperative problem-solving," Proc. ASEE DELOS Conference, (1993), pp. 1/19/2010

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459-465. Rybacki, R., Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Ethercom: A study of audio processes and synchronization," Proc. 24-th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (1993) pp. 218-222. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Dynamic behavior of memory reference streams for the Perfect Club benchmarks," Proc. 1992 Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, (1992) pp. 48-52. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Bus conflicts for logical memory banks on a Cray Y-MP type processor system," Proc. 1991 Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, (1991) pp. 21-24. Robbins, S. and Robbins, K. A., "Electing a leader on a hypercube," Proc. PARABASE-90, Intl. Conf. on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and Their Applications, (1990) pp. 469-471. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "Logical memory banks for the Cray Y-MP," Proc. of MIDCON-90, (1990) pp. 262-265. Robbins, K. A. and Robbins, S., "XMPSIM: a tool for detailed timing and conflict analysis for the Cray X-MP," Proc. of the Third Intl. Conf. on Supercomputing, (1988) pp. 298-304. Robbins, S., "Statistics with number operator CC*," J. Math. Physics, vol. 23, (1982) pp. 55-63. Robbins, S., "A generalization of the canonical commutation and anticommutation relations," Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 71, (1978) pp. 85-88. Robbins, S., "A uniform approach to field quantization," J. of Functional Analysis, vol. 29, (1978) pp. 23-36. Robbins, S., "Paraboson uniqueness for infinitely many degrees of freedom," J. Math. Physics, vol. 18, (1977) pp. 997-1005. Robbins, S., "Uniqueness of the one-dimensional paraboson field," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, vol. 209, (1975) pp. 389-397. Robbins, S., "Uniqueness of the positive energy parafermion field," Com. Math. Physics, vol. 38, (1974) pp. 111-118.


Year Funding Source 06/2001 - 05/2004 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum and Development Program (CCD) 09/1998 - 08/2001 National Science Foundation Course Curriculum and Development Program (CCD) 09/1997 - 08/1999 National Science Foundation Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Laboratory Leadership Development Program (ILI-LLD) 1996 UTSA Faculty Research Award 1994 Cray Research 1993 Cray Research 1992 Cray Research 1992 1991 1990 - 1992 1990 1989 UTSA Faculty Research Award Cray Research National Science Foundation Cray Research Cray Research PI/Co-PI Principal Investigator Grant Title A course in experimental techniques for computer science majors, DUE-0088769

Principal Investigator

A Web-Based Electronic Laboratory for Operating Systems and Computer Networks, DUE-9752165

Principal Investigator

An Electronic Laboratory for Operating Systems and Computer Networks, DUE-9750953

Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Principal Investigator Principal Investigator

Using Sound To Enhance Visualization

Models of Optimized Memory Performance Effect of Optimization on Memory Reference Patterns Analysis of Memory Reference Streams in Vectorized Code Principal Investigator Analysis of Memory Reference Patterns on a Supercomputer Principal Investigator Assessment of Memory Designs for the Cray Y-MP Co-Principal Investigator Concurrency Experiments in a UNIX Environment (with K. A. Robbins and N. R. Wagner) Co-Principal Investigator Efficient Shared Memory Designs for Vector Multiprocessors (with K. A. Robbins) Co-Principal Investigator Models of Shared Memory Access in Multiprocessor 1/19/2010

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1987 1986

Cray Research Cray Research

Systems (with K. A. Robbins) A Pipelined Machine Simulator (with K. A. Robbins) Co-Principal Investigator Vector Processing on the Cray (with K. A. Robbins)

Year 2009 - Present 2009 - Present 2009 - Present 2007 - Present 2007 - Present 2005 - Present 2005 - Present 2000 - Present 1979 - Present 2009 Role Institution Name of Committee CD Department Curriculum Committee, member College Downtown Campus Committee (COS-DTC) College Best Practices Teaching Committee CS Department Course Scheduling CS Department Programming Sequence Coordinator CS Department Executive Committee, chair CS Department Laboratory Committee, chair CS Department PhD. Operating Systems Exam Committee Computer Science Department Faculty Review and Advisory Committee UTSA IT-CIO Search Committee


Year 2007 - Present 1999 - Present 1999 - Present Role Member Society/Association Description MIT Educational Council Members of the council interview local high school students. Our interview reports are used in the admission process. We also represent MIT at various functions used to recuit local high school students. Reviewer for the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Reviewer for the ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE)


Year 1997 - Present 1980 - Present Role Society/Association Description Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member


Year 05/2009 Description Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teaching Award, UTSA

Year 05/2009 Degree Institution UTSA Description Provost's Critical Thinking Academy, May 27-30, 2009 This was a 4-day workshop concentrating on enhancing critical thinking of students. In addition to attending all four days of the workshop, I gave a presentation, "Beyond the clicker, active participation in the classroom." 1/19/2010

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1975 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Introduction to Computer Science Data Structures I and II Introductory Computer Programming for Scientific Applications Advanced Programming Computer Organization Operating Systems Computer Architecture Computer Networks Analysis of Algorithms Object Oriented Programming Experimental Techniques for Computer Science Majors Concurrency and Communication Digital Circuits Design I and II Digital Circuits Design I and II Laboratory Data Acquisition Data Communications Real Time Digital Control Microprocessor Laboratory Computer Interfaces 8080 Assembly Language Programming Small Systems Architecture and Interfacing Calculus I, II, and III Linear Algebra Complex Variables Calculus for Applications Differential Equations I and II Numerical Analysis I Foundations of Analysis Real Analysis I and II Probability and Statistics GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT Modern Computer Architecture Operating Systems Formal Languages and Automata Analysis of Algorithms Performance Evaluation Mathematical Methods of Process Control Theory of Functions of a Real Variable I and II Differential Equations I and II 1/19/2010

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