Newsletter 15 310512

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high wires, canoeing on Derwent Water and visiting Keswick, including the world famous Pencil Museum which proved to be one of the highlights of the week, despite many raised eyebrows when I first mentioned it! The children were a credit to themselves and to you as parents; proving to be responsible, sensible and independent young people who were just a delight to be with. I really hope that they will remember the experience for many years - I know how much I valued the residential visit when I was in Year 6 - memories such as this live on for a long time! My thanks go to Mrs Skelley, Mrs Burton, Mr and Mrs Pattinson and to Mr Burton from Huxley CE Primary School. Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and the theatre) in October time. The Year 3 and Year 4 children are having a visit being organised for them to York (Jorvik Centre, York Minster, an archaeological dig centre, the Railway Museum and another museum) and the Year 1 and Year 2 children will have a one-night residential organised for them in the local area. I know I have the vast majority of parent support for these residential visits. As a school, the staff and governors highly value these experiences not just for academia, but for the children to socialise and to increase their independence and enjoyment. I will give more details in the coming weeks regard to costs etc. As I hope you will be aware, I do my utmost to keep the costs of these visits to a minimum by getting the best value deals I can!


What a wonderful time we had in the Lake District with the Year 5 and Year 6 children! We were blessed with the most fantastic weather which really made a


I am now at the planning stage for our next residential visits for the children in school. We are planning to take next years Year 5 and Year 6 to London (Houses of Parliament, London Eye, River Cruise, Science Museum,


Tickets have been selling well for the camp over, due to be held on the School field on Saturday 24th June (afternoon and night). We are asking for a donation of just 10 to pitch your tent, to enjoy your tea (most people brought a BBQ last year), play some games into the evening and enjoy (!) a night under the stars. Bacon rolls will be available for breakfast as part of this donation.

difference to the activities we did. The children had an amazing time walking, climbing, working their way across the

JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS This weekend brings many celebrations for the Queens Diamond Jubilee to the Village. There will be a family service in Church from 10.30am - all are welcome! From 12.30pm, the celebrations continue on the Villages Recreation Ground. Please see the poster overleaf for more details. Please also see details of the Gardening Clubs competitions and entry classes.

There is also a CROWN Competition - entries to be brought to playing playing eld by 10.30am. Yvette Owen will be on hand to take family photographs to mark the occasion; again, details overleaf. Today in school, the children will be presented with a Diamond Jubilee New Testament Bible. The presentation will be done in our assembly and will be conducted by Rev David Lamb. In addition, the school

and PTFA have funded further commemorative gifts. I hope that all these gifts will be treasured for many years by the children to mark these very special celebrations. I hope to see many families on Sunday, enjoying the fun which has been kindly organised by many different members of the Village Community. On behalf of the School, I would like to thank all these people for all the work that has gone in the events.

Please see Mrs Stubbs in the School Office for more details.


Thank you to all the parents who have helped us keep the children safe in the sun by applying sun tan lotion before school and making sure that the children have a cap/hat to wear. You may have seen a BBC News report regarding the use of suntan lotion in schools; it is worth a read! I hope you feel that our common sense view is more than acceptable to keep your children safe. As I have previously said in an email to parents, we have some Boots own-brand SPF30 lotion in school, which we will be quite happy for children to use to top up the layer that you have applied. Please let us know if you are NOT happy for your child to use this. We ask that the children apply this themselves, although we will supervise them doing this. In addition, we are very careful to limit the children's exposure to the sun during the day.The new canopy provides a good area of shade which children can also use. I hope that this item in the newsletter doesnt mean that the sunshine will now end we are looking forward to many more sunny days after half term! Please ensure that the children have a named water bottle in school everyday and that this is washed out on a regular basis. The water cooler near the front door provides lovely chilled water and every cold tap in classroom areas is safe to drink from.

Please note that the end of term is TODAY (Thursday 31st May), as the teachers have an allocated INSET day tomorrow.

I hope that some of you were lucky enough to watch the Olympic torch relay take place in Chester and to attend the events on the Racecourse on Tuesday evening. If you were there, you may have seen The Moment When... performed later in the evening. This was a dance organised by Cheshire Dance and by Olivia McCormicks mum (Jacqueline McCormick). Please see below for two other events in the near future which I recommend to you... More information at:

I was approached by a company a couple of weeks ago who offer materials suitable for home tuition/reinforcing skills and knowledge taught in the school. The materials consist of booklets and CDs (with video clips) with short activities to work through. I am sure that you feel that the work in school and the homework provides a very good level of education for your children, however, these materials do look useful (although there is obviously a cost to these). I am in no way suggesting that you should buy them, however, the school receives a small amount of money to distribute leaflets to advertise the materials and if I get more than 60% of the reply slips back, the commission is doubled...even if all the returns are signed to say no further information is required. These will be distributed in the week we return after the half term break - can I urge you to return the slips, even if you want no further information - I can think of a lot of fun things to spend the money on in school! Thank you!


Organized by Ashton Hayes 0 TO 4S

Application forms accepted from May 25th to June 8th Welcome to the Ashton Hayes and Mouldsworth Scarecrow Trail! The Annual School Hey Day Summer Fair has a theme of The Olympics this year you can either link your scarecrow to this or create your own masterpiece! Scarecrows on display: Saturday 16th June to Saturday 30th June
Your scarecrow must be displayed by: 9.00am on Saturday 16th June. Trophy for favourite scarecrow voted for by trailers. Awarded at Ashton Hayes School, Hey Day Summer fair, 30th June 12-3pm.

Display a Scarecrow Application Form

Please join in this wonderful community event.

This year, profits will benefit Ashton Hayes 0 to4s playgroup.

To display a scarecrow, please complete this form and return in an envelope marked Scarecrow Trail to one of the following places by Friday June 8th: Ashton Hayes Post Office, Primary School Office or to Nicole Wright or Amanda Hampton.

Name :

Address :

Telephone Number :

Title of Entry :

Please note: Your scarecrows number will be delivered on Thursday June 14th. If your number does not arrive, please phone Nicole on 07976 905946 on Friday June 15th. Please attach numbers firmly and where they can be seen easily!

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