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Questionnaire On The impact of electronic banking on the development of retail banking in Ghana; case study of The Trust Bank

Limited (TTB)

QUESTIONS DESIGNED FOR CUSTOMERS This study serves in partial fulfillment for the award of masters degree in Finance and Control under Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Pan African Programs from Amity University, India . All information provided by the respondent will be used for academic purpose and their confidentiality is highly guaranteed. Kindly provide the researcher with the needed information.

INSTRUCTION: Please tick () in the box and write where necessary.


1. Sex : 2. Age: 3.

Male 20-30

Female 31-40 above 50 Degree Post

Educational Background: Polytechnic

graduate Others (Please Specify)...... Married

4. Marital status: single

Occupation. 5. Type of retail account held in the bank...........................................................

BENEFIT OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS TO RETAIL CUSTOMERS 1.Do you utilize IT innovations in your bank? a.Yes b. No b. Telephone Banking c.

If yes please tick the type you use; a. ATMS PC Banking d.others 2.How often do you use it in a month. a.Once b. Twice

c. three or more times

3. How often do you visit your bank in a month after the introduction of IT to retail banking? a.Once b.twice c.three or more times

4.What transactions do you usually engage in when you visit the bank? save b.withdrawals transfer d.others

5.ATM has made banking convenient for you. a.Agree b.Disagree

6.IT innovations has made your bank service delivery efficient. a.Agree b.Disagree

7.The quality of retail product of my bank have improve because of technology innovations. a.Agree b. Disagree

8. I am willing to continue saving with my bank because it delivers superior service. a.Agree b.Disagree

9.The performance of this bank as far as retail banking is concern is superior to that of competitors.



if disagree why?...................................................................................................................... ..

10. When you have a problem in using IT products in your, the bank shows sincere interest in solving it. If No why?........................................................................................................................... ................ a.Yes b. No

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