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The Science of Urban Farming with Mr.


Lman Manhattan Preps

Avoiding Senior Stress Beijing Bound

Navigating New The Writers Yorks Farmers Block Markets Defining the Word on Sesame Street
BullHorn June 2012

Letter from the Head of School


4 8-9

Urban Framing


Teacher Uses YouTube for Unique Educational Approach

12 page18

Avoiding Senior Stress Trends in #EdTech Athletics

26 20 10 25 18


6-7 21 27 22

Tips for selecting a Summer Camp The Writers Block International Boarding Sesame Street 26 Uniforms

22 17

June 2012

2012-13 Calendar


ation of the Afghan war and the end of the Iraqi war. Its quite probable, however, that our Lman Manhattan Prep shared experiences have had an even greater, and a more enduring and personal impact on who we are today and our future. The BullHorn magnificently captures these in photo and copy. As is the case with all Lman Manhattan Prep events, the involvement of the entire community has been instrumental in the successes being highlighted and celebrated. A key ingredient to Lman Manhattan Preps current and future successes is the positive partnerships existing between teachers and staff, parents, and students. And because of this partnership, LMP is poised to continue

its mission of providing educational excellence, supporting community partnerships and promoting global citizenship and stewardship for years to come. We have all shared the same space for the last ten months and are greatly enriched for it. Considering the years world and school events, may we all exit this year more of as thinkers, more as caregivers, more as friends, more as contributors, and more as humanitarians due to the LMPS experience. Thank you for making Lman Manhattan Preparatory School a dynamic, challenging, caring, and compassionate community. For all, have a safe and renewing summer. In eager anticipation of the 2012-2013 school year, please be reminded that Open House is set for Wednesday, September 5 with classes beginning on Thursday, September 6. Its obvious we are setting the stage for another year of learning and celebration!

Beijing Bound


This first edition of the BullHorn reflects on an incredible year in the life of Lman Manhattan Preparatory School. World events that occurred throughout the days, weeks, and months have, to some extent, shaped and possibly altered our lives: Hurricane Irene, the end of Kaddafis rule in Libya, the Occupy Wall Street movement, the 2012 U. S. Presidential campaign, the U. S. and EU debt crises, the continu-

Yours in partnership and celebration, Drew Alexander, Head of School

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012

Tribeca Family Film Festival

Lman Manhattan Renaming Ceremony 2011 Spring Benefit

Baking for the Brownbag Lunch Program

Academic Hunger Games Book Fair

Frost Valley

Immigration Day Touchpoints Debate Junior Olympians Earth Day Lman Celebration

International Day Pirates of Lman Carnival

Little Shop of Horrors

Great Gatsby Celebration

International Festival

3rd and 4th Grade Musical Upper School Art Show Students in China Ellis Island 4

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012

Trends in #EdTech
In the age of Facebook, iPhones, YouTube and tablets, schools and faculty around the country are looking for ways to better engage an ever-connected student body while ensuring that the focus remains on top notch education. - Michelle Murray, IT Director
2)Theyre up to date eBooks are easy to update with the most current facts and figures with a simple upgrade or download, in lieu of purchasing an entire new edition of hard copy books. 3)Theyre much lighter! Textbooks across subjects can fit into one tablet device, cutting back on lugging and schlepping a big backpack.

Trend Watch

Our own Josh Isaacs, a 10th grade Chemistry teacher, posts YouTube tutorials to help his students out with homework. Teachers are also using social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to remind students of assignment due dates and link to relevant articles and current events that compliment course work.

technology. People are using Skype and other platforms to connect with friends and family all over the globe. In the business world, people use video conferencing

microblog platforms like Tumblr, its harder to keep the attention of young minds. SMART board technology helps teachers keep students engaged in the classroom. This 21st century answer to the age old chalk board allows teachers to not only write notes for all to see but to also play video, audio, and utilize the functionality of a large scale computer.

Students are used to interactive, digital, and visually stimulating content in all other aspects of their lives. Why shouldnt that be the case with their textbooks as well? Digital textbooks are generally tablet-based applications that allow classrooms to go paperless. Some of the worlds biggest textbook publishers like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, McGraw-Hill, and Pearson are beginning to publish their textbooks in digital formats bringing on a new era of classroom learning. Going digital with teaching materials has a lot of benefits when it comes to reaching students: 1)Theyre interactive Digital textbooks integrate moveable and useable charts and graphs, on demand video and audio, as well as more visually captivating graphics and photos.

Why not meet them where they already are? Teachers are finding ways to use the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to reach students with course content and current events. For instance, teachers can post subject specific tutorials to help students with homework and during study sessions for test prep.

Weve already begun doing this with our Touchpoints program by using Wiki technology to foster collaboration among students at Lman and other Meritas schools in the U.S. and abroad. Students update their class individual Wiki site with knowledge theyve learned from teachers, guest speakers, and research and then share and compare with the learnings of fellow Meritas students.

technology to connect with colleagues in other offices and clients in other cities, and students are now using the same technology to connect in the classroom. Currently, Lman students are using video conferencing to discuss, engage, and debate with other students from around the world as a part of our Touchpoints program. The experience is interactive and incredibly eye-opening for students who get to experience other walks of life in real-time.

Students at Lman are plugged in and really enjoying this cutting edge technology in the classroom! Be sure to check out to see how the students are using wiki technology to share art projects and other class work!

This allows for collaboration, debate, and peer-to-peer learning among students from around the world, which is a really unique way to promote critical thinking skills.

A Lman Manhattan student engages in a class debate with fellow students in Florida using Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

SMART Board Technology

With communication becoming more and more condensed into 140 characters or less by sites like Twitter and

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012

In early April Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, announced that all U.S. schools should transition to digital textbooks within the next 5 years, challenging schools to provide the most advanced learning tools while teaching students in a way that is already familiar.

Top 5 Trends in Classroom Technology:

Digital Textbooks

The vast majority of students these days are using social media in some capacity 95% of all teens ages 12-17 are now online, and 80% of those teens online are users of social media sites according to a study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Social Media

Theres lots of debate over whether students should be using user-generated sites like Wikipedia when gathering research and writing term papers, but schools are now harnessing Wiki technology for use in the classroom.

Wiki Technology

Currently, Lman students are using video conferencing to discuss, engage, and debate with other students from around the world as a part of our Touchpoints program. The experience is interactive and incredibly eye-opening for students who get to experience other walks of life in real-time.

Unlike the chalk boards of the past, teachers notes and instructions arent erased at the end of every class. SMART Board technology allows teachers to save, e-mail, and print content created during class to give to students for study and out of school instruction.

Trend Watch

Science Teacher Uses YouTube for Unique Educational Approach

Josh Isaacs, Science Department Chair, shares his latest innovation in teaching Science.
By Josh Isaacs, Science Department Chair

So you decided to do something about it.

Exactly. Since the students had already been exposed to the idea of doing homework tutorials and then applying that knowledge in class, I decided that I would make my own lessons and put them online. Even though I got the idea in last years biology class, I decided to try out my selfmade videos in my tenth grade chemistry class this year.

video it takes me about two hours between planning it, recording it, editing it and posting it.

How many tutorial videos have you posted so far?

I posted my first chemistry video on YouTube in July, but my students

How do you incorporate the tutorials into your classes?

I give students a calendar of assignments that tells them which video to watch each night. Then whatever we do in class is directly connected to the video they watched the night before. This enables me to make sure they are able to review the notes they took from the video and apply it to problems they see in front of them, and I now have more time in class to walk around and help individual students.

How did the idea come about to do this talked about series of YouTube videos?
The idea actually originated last year during my biology class. I

Did you try out your idea right away?

I instituted that flipped-around model at the end of last year. I

used materials that already existed on the Internet, including different media options, biology tutorials and various websites. I found that I was very limited in scope by the way the information was presented online. When I had great online resources on topics, the class interaction was really good. When the resources werent that great, the interaction wasnt either.

BullHorn June 2012

Have you heard about standing an idea on its head to create something new and innovative? Thats exactly what Josh Isaacs, who teaches ninth grade biology and tenth grade chemistry at Lman Manhattan Preparatory School, a New York City private school, has done. We recently spoke with Josh about starring in a series of YouTube videos with titles such as Electrons and Real vs. Ideal Gas. Heres what he had to say:

became very interested in looking at the methodologies in teaching that sparked students to be more active thinkers. I came across the idea of students doing work at home and then bringing it into class. Instead of delivering lessons in class, new material would be introduced at home through a tutorial. Then I could use that recovered class time for more student-centered work, whether that be labs, small group work or entire projects.

Since the students had already been exposed to the idea of doing homework tutorials and then applying that knowledge in class, I decided that I would make my own lessons and put them online.

Did you have to go through a learning process of your own to make the tutorials?

What has been the reaction of your students to the tutorial series?
Student reaction has been very positive. They really enjoy being able to pause and rewind the video to re-watch a certain point for clarification or to stop the video so that they can take notes. It really gives them a comfort zone, where they have their own time and space to go over a lesson again without having to wait until the next morning to ask me about it. Having that kind of information available at any time, literally at their fingertips is, I think, really powerful.

didnt see them until school started. I was already getting feedback on the videos during the summer months from people all over the world. Some I had never posted any video on people wrote messages telling me YouTube before I started creating how much they appreciated the tutothe chemistry videos. In making rials and some would ask me questhose tutorials I had to restructure tions. That feedback has been an the way I think about the class time incredible delight for me. I now have and how I present the lesson maposted 70 videos, which will take my terials. I also had to figure how to class through February or March. distill the lesson down into a really I plan to create and post 50 or so short time frame. Also, I try to make additional tutorials to carry the class the tutorials enjoyable by coupling until the end of the school year. great information with some really awful jokes. To create a 7-minute

BullHorn June 2012

The Writers Block

Childrens author Jon Scieszka visited Ms. Bessie Leveson and Ms. Lenae Madonnas first grade classes on Tuesday. Mr. Scieszka shared his path (which also happens to be the meaning of his name in Polish) to becoming a writer with the enthralled students. His story began with medical school where, according to Mr. Scieszka, he was subjected to dissecting cats, pigs, and the final straw cows eyes. As he described each new dissection the ew and gross exclamations from students grew louder. One student surprised Mr. Scieszka with the little known factoid that cows eyes are so big because they were once nocturnal. Ms. Leveson jokingly suggested he research it for his next book. Mr. Scieszka left medical school to be a first grade teacher. He recounted his career as a teacher, which spanned from

First Graders Learn the True Story from Author Jon Scieszka
By Brylee Maxfield

Zot, Knucklehead: Tall Tales and Almost True Stories of Growing up Scieszka, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The Frog Prince Continued, and many more. Said Ms. Leveson, Our classes have been writing an anthology of realistic fiction stories that are being bound into a published book. We invited Mr. Scieszka to speak with the class about the editing and publishing process and what it feels like to be a true author. From the minute he entered 515 he captivated the children with his stories of becoming an author and where many of his ideas come from. The kids loved his sense of humor, and so did the teachers! It was a pleasure having him visit. We thank him very much for taking time out of his busy life to help us better understand the life of being an author!

Ji-li Jiang Author of Red Scarf Girl Visits

by Brylee Maxfield World renowned author of the Red Scarf Girl, Ji-li Jiang visited Lman Manhattan Prep for a discussion with students about her book and personal story of triumph.

Jack Gantos
On Wednesday, May 9, Lman Manhattan Preparatory students and parents were treated to a day filled with storytelling and laughter from Newbery Medal winning author Jack Gantos.

By Brylee Maxfield

Newbery Award Winning Author

Noted for his childrens books such as the The Joey Pigza Series, The Jack Henry Adventures, and The Rotten Ralph Rotten Readers, Mr. Gantos is also a writer for all ages with such works to his credit as Hole In My Life, Desire Lines, Filling the Morris Street Library, Mr. and The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs. Gantos began the day with a coffee and reception with parents and faculty. Most recently he was awarded the Most widely known for his multitude of Newbery Medal and Scott ODell Award for Dead End in Norvelt, the story of an award winning childrens, adolescents, incredible two months for a boy named and adult fiction and nonfiction books, he was also a highly acclaimed professor Jack Gantos, whose plans for vacation of creative writing at Emerson College in adventure are suddenly ruined when he is grounded by his feuding parents for Boston, Mass. where he resides. what seems like forever. I really appreciated the opportunity Facilitated by Head of School Drew to speak with parentsand to underscore that writing books requires a vast Alexander and Middle and High School Librarian Laura Bishop, the visit from educationa lifelong educationand Mr. Gantos offers students and parents an education which allows a student unprecedented access to a nationally to grow into a curious adult who can renowned author and the opportunity pursue any subject of his or her choosto learn about his storytelling and writing. Plus, I can make them laugh a bit, ing process. said Mr. Gantos. 10

The Red Scarf Girl is an autobiography in which Jiang wrote about her hard childhood in Shanghai, China. For more than twenty years, she nursed her childhood memories of surviving the Cultural Revolution in China, and finally brought them to life in her first book. Students at Lman Manhattan Prep each year read Jiangs book Red Scarf Girl as part of the 6th grade curriculum. Ms. Jiang is living historya human link to an important and profound era of history. Her unique memoir Red Scarf Girl and discussions today provide our students with an insight into the politics and culture of China that is unmatched and indispensable. We are very fortunate indeed to be granted the opportunity to learn from her and experience and see a piece of history through her eyes, said, Librarian Laura Bishop, who was instrumental in securing the visit from Jiang. It is a particularly timely visit with nine High School students recently returning from two weeks in Chengdu, China.

first to eighth grade. Finally, he left teaching to write childrens books. Mr. Scieszka, who resides in New York, is an award winning author. His works most recently include: Robot

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Health and Science

Project Based Learning

The farm at Battery Park is the first of its kind in Lower Manhattan since the Dutch settlements of the 1620s! Were really lucky to have our students be a part of it not just for the opportunity to get down and dirty in the outdoors, but to be able to bring what theyve learned and experienced back into the classroom. In the spring, urban farming is complimented by a full unit in science class on plants and agriculture. In addition to our work in Battery Park, we experiment with plant growth in class. Students watch the growth of sprouts and roots from seeds, and then dissect the grown plant to study its structure. Students then create their own experiment by changing one factor of plant maturation, water, sunlight, soil, etc. observing the differences between the plant subjects as they grow. The combined in-class experiments and hands-on outdoor farming give young students a full look at how science plays a major role in how food comes to our tables.

RBAN farming
At Lman, two things we aim to do with every project and initiative are to help students develop a global perspective and to create ways for our small community to serve the greater local and global communities. Visiting the Battery Park Urban Farm provides an opportunity to accomplish both of these goals.
by Paul Schmitz, Science Teacher

Most city kids dont get the opportunity to explore agriculture One of the great things about this project we get to the rewards of our efhands on by participating in the is thatIn June, wetastebe bringing harvested forts! will planting, care, and harvesting of food back from the farm, and with the help plants. Getting their hands dirty of Chef Tim, well include them in school lunches and at our cafs salad bar. The kids helps our students understand are very excited to get to eat some of the where their food comes from and great things theyve been cultivating over the amount of care, knowledge, and the past few months. time that goes into its producIn addition to our own cafeteria, food from the Battery Park Urban Farm goes to a few tion.
area and is sold to patrons at a local farmers market to enjoy. other school cafeterias in the downtown Giving our 3rd graders the experience of working on a farm, cultivating fruit and vegetables, and learning about how food reaches our kitchens has proven to be invaluable to their growth, not only for class, but for long term health as well. We hope that the students take with them the dedication, patience, and attention to detail it takes to produce a harvest, as well as the understanding of a healthful diet and lifestyle.

From Farm to Table

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Health and Science

A Favorite Healthy Spring Recipe

From Chef Jenny Gensterblum Asparagus and Pea Salad with Poached Egg
Serves 4 Ingredients Procedure 1. For the Dressing: Combine lemon juice, zest, shallots, and mustard in a small bowl. Slowly whisk in olive oil until well combined. Stir in the chives and season to taste with salt. Set aside. 2. For the eggs: Bring a large saucepan of water to a very gentle, barely bubbling, simmer there should be about 3-4 inches of water in the pan. Add vinegar and 1 teaspoon salt. Break one egg into a small bowl. Swirl water in pot with a spoon and carefully lower egg into the water. Repeat until all eggs are in the water. Cook the eggs, gently turning the eggs occasionally, for about 2-3 minutes (the whites should be set and the yolks should still be runny). Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove eggs and transfer to a bowl filled with warm tap water. Set aside. 3. For the Asparagus & Peas: Preheat a grill to medium-high heat. On the stovetop, bring a large pot of water to a boil and add a good amount of salt. Spread asparagus out on a plate or tray and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and toss to combine. Carefully place on the preheated grill and cook for approximately 5 minutes, turning every minute or so. Return to plate or tray. When cool enough to handle, cut asparagus into bite size pieces. Cook peas in boiling water until just tender, about 1 minute. Drain peas from the hot water and place into a bath of cold water and ice. Remove from the ice bath once completely cool and set aside. INGREDIENTS FOR THE SALAD 1 cup fresh shelled peas 1 pound asparagus, stalks trimmed 2 cups pea shoots, cleaned 4 large, farm-fresh eggs 1 tablespoon vinegar Coarse salt Freshly cracked black pepper 2 tablespoons vegetable oil INGREDIENTS FOR THE DRESSING Juice from 2 large lemons Zest of 2 large lemons 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/3 cup olive oil 1 small shallot, minced

Confronting Childhood Obesity

The latest CDC data say that nearly 17% of U.S. children and adolescents aged 219 years are obese. At our school, we put a strong focus on the health of our students (both through athletics and physical and health education) and our partnership with the Battery Park Urban Farm helps us fur14

ther that focus. Teaching students where our food comes from and how its produced helps them to make healthier more knowledgeable meal choices. Exposure to the many varieties of fruits and vegetables leads them to try food they wouldnt normally reach for. Helping guide students to make

smart dietary decisions at a young age makes for easier independent choices as they grow up. Through this type of community service students develop a sense of responsibility for their school community, their surrounding neighborhood and the entire world.

2 tablespoons chives, finely chopped 4. To assemble: Toss pea shoots, asparagus, and peas in the dressing, seasoning with salt & pepper if necessary. Divide the salad among four Coarse salt plates. Carefully remove an egg from the warm water with a slotted spoon, blot on a paper towel, and place on top of the salad. Repeat with remaining eggs. Crack black pepper on top of each egg and serve immediately.

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Health and Science

Chef Jenny Gensterblum's Reasons for Buying Local

By Jenny Gensterblum, Chef
To begin with, foods grown locally simply taste better. Conventionally grown produce comes from places like California or Mexico, and is shipped long distances to arrive at your grocery store. Varieties planted on these farms are selected for characteristics having to do with longer shelf life and their ability to hold up to a lot of handling. They are also picked before they have ripened. When the produce finally arrives, its chemically treated with a ripening agent. This all adds up to a piece of fruit or a vegetable that looks nice, but probably is rather tasteless. Local produce is not only rich in variety when it is ripe and delicious, and travels a very short distance to arrive in NYC. And no chemicals necessary! There are also many environmental reasons to consider when we think about where our food is grown. Think of all the fuel it takes to ship food from California to New York. On average, our food travels 1,500 miles to get to our plates. All of those trucks emit greenhouse gases that are damaging to the environment. The large industrial farms that produce most conventional produce are also a danger to the environment. These large farms require massive irrigation systems and use synthetic fertilizers that damage the soil and the aquifers that carry fresh water under the soil. All of the farmers at the Greenmarkets use methods of production that minimize damage to the environment and are sustainable in the long term. Finally, buying locally supports the local economy and instills a sense of community. Money spent with local

Navigating New Yorks Farmers Markets

by Tim Mangun, Chef
Spring means warmer weather, sunny days, and delicious food! Farmers markets in the spring are such a joy to simply walk through with all the colors and smells that typically are lacking during the winter. I usually keep an eye out for the more rare spring jewels like spring garlic, ramps, morels, nettles, fava beans, and rhubarb. There are a wide variety of criteria you can follow when picking out quality food. For me, the trusting of your senses is key to procuring the freshest ingredients. See it, touch it, smell it, and most importantly, taste it.

Spring offers copious amounts of foods that are vibrant in color. My rule of thumb is the more vibrant the color, the fresher the ingredient.

The firmness or softness of a tomato that is perfectly ripe can mean all the difference if you want to make the tastiest marinara sauce.

farmers and purveyors helps to build our local economy, instead of being handed over to a corporation in another state or country. Food moves through fewer hands, so a greater share of your dollars goes directly to the farmers responsible for growing the food. Personally, I like to see the face of the person who grows my food. I have a greater respect for food because I know how much it took to get it in my hands. Its also fun to see your food producers have a personal connection to what they are growing and get excited when they have something new to share with you.

Buying locally supports the local economy and instills a sense of community.
there are more varieties of tomato available locally than I could ever list here: Brandywine, Early Girl, Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, Russian, Roman Candle.... but it is also picked

If you are able, taste a bit of the food you are buying before you buy it. For instance, the difference in sweetness between a day old green pea and a week old green pea is quite remarkable. Try it sometime, and youll see what I mean.

I smell just about everything I buy at the market. Let your nose dive in and take a big whiff.

The sound of freshly baked bread makes when you break into it is so uplifting to me. It tells me: the bread you are about to eat is crunchy on the outside, soft and warm in the inside, and is ready for devouring.


BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Can you tell me how to to get to Sesame Street...

3 4 5

Students Define the Word on Sesame Street

By Brylee Maxfield
Students from Ms. Mann and Ms. Schembri's second grade classes had the rare opportunity to be interviewed by Murray the Muppet for the "Word on the Street" segment on Sesame Street on Friday, May 18. The segments will air in September and October. Sesame Street was conceived in 1966 during discussions between television producer Joan Ganz Cooney and Carnegie Foundation vice president Lloyd Morrisett. Their goal was to create a childrens television show that would master the addictive qualities of television and do something good with them, such as helping young children prepare for school. Sesame Street was built around a single, breakthrough insight: that if you can hold the attention of children, you can educate them.

And the WORD is...


BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


And do they have the proper experience to work with your child and others his/her age? How large is the program in general, and will it be too overwhelming for your child? Do the logistics make sense for your family (hours, location, costs)? Will your child know other children there? is the program co-ed and what do I want for my child? Price This is a very tricky question, as there is a broad range of pricing for camps. In New York City and the surrounding areas, day camps can cost anywhere from $3001000 per week. This may include transportation and/or lunch. Hours can also vary, which affects the price. Sleep away camps likely range from $500-1500/week. You want to know that you are getting a good value, but more importantly, you want to ensure that youre getting a high quality program for your money. Day vs. Sleep Away Sleep away camp can be an incredible growing experience for a child and their parents! Letting go is often harder for you than for your child. I usually tell parents that if their child is talking about sleep away camp, its an indication of how independent they feel. If you are not quite sure about sleep away camp, there is a new trend you may like, shorter session lengths. You can find trial sleep away sessions of 1, 2 or 3 weeks that may be great for a first time camper. Final Thoughts Remember this is a fun experience for your child! Camp is an opportunity for your child to explore their interests, build on their skills, express their independence, meet new children, and have experiences they will remember for a lifetime.


proud and the boys on the team should be congratulated: Billy Byrne, Daniel Blatto, Jordan Henry, Jordan Wright, Najee Hall, Leo Gitleman, Harrison Ceruto, and Coach: Paris Francis Recap from this incredible run: Eight consecutive wins coming into the semi-final game Harrison Ceruto averaging over 15 points a game Jordan Wright average over 14 rebounds a game Final record 15-5 last year 5-14

Lman Manhattan is now Running with the Bulls!

After much discussion and a student vote in all divisions, the official mascot for the Lman Manhattan Preparatory School is now the Bulls. Mondays (5/21) citywide finals. The kids have consistently risen to meet challenges throughout the year, and their coaching staff could not be prouder of their accomplishments. As you scan the list below, keep in mind that, even though were a small team, its all about the percentages. For every event that Lman runners entered, were sending qualifiers to the Games, and almost every athlete on the team qualified in something (most in multiple events). Pretty awesomemajor congratulations to all the runners!

For todays blog-reading, websearching, two-working parent families, deciding where to send your child to summer camp can be like walking down the cereal aisle in a suburban supermarket. The choices seem endless. Director of Summer Programs at Lman Manhattan, Steve Levin offers tips to help narrow down the search and find the right camp for your child. Picking a Location Word of mouth is the tried-and-true method. Consult with neighbors or your childs classmates parents, particularly those with older children. The web is a terrific source.

Choosing the Right Summer Camp

Tips to help narrow down the search and find the right camp for your child
By Steve Levin, Director of AfterSchool and Camp

Bulls Make Playoffs for the first time ever!

The Boys' JV Basketball team lost 46-40, in what was an inspiring and incredible run by our Spectacular Seven. The Bulls took on #2 seeded Packer at Packer on Saturday, February 25. Despite a determined comeback, they couldnt recover from the deficit before the final buzzer. With home court advantage on their side, Packer was confident and dominated three out of four quarters. Our students never gave up and showed their character in the fourth quarter. Down by fourteen points in the fourth and with captain Billy Byrne in serious foul trouble the team was reduced to one sub, the Bulls slowly and methodically chipped away at Packers lead. With less than two minutes left they were within six points. Unfortunately, Packer seemed to muster up what little determination they had left and prevented the Bulls from getting any closer. Great finish to an incredible year the entire Bulls Community should be

Knowing its Reputation Its always best to go with a camp that is run by a school, community center, or other childrens recreation site that you are familiar with, keep in mind summer camps can be run by additional staff. The Right Fit I cannot answer that for you, but here are some questions to ask yourself and your child: What are your childs interests and passions? How much physical activity does your child need to thrive, and is this in sync with the camps program? What is the camper-tostaff ratio? Who is on the staff?

Lman Track Qualifies for Gotham Games

The qualifying meets for the Gotham Games (the championship meet for our MS/9th Grade track league) were held over two days (Wednesday May 16 and Wednesday May 9) at Icahn Stadium at Randalls Island. Lman runners, as they have all year, posted fantastic results and ensured that the school will be well represented at

9th grade boys qualifiers (in our league, 9th grade boys can qualify in selected events at the Gotham Games): Osiris Vanible (400m, 800m, 4x100m relay) James Dinh (shot put) Nathaniel Pearson (400m, 800m, 4x100m relay)

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Beijing Bound
Nine Lman Students Travel to China for Spring Break
By Brylee Maxfield

We saw private fireworks produced by the Samuels family. It was one of the most amazing things Ive ever seen. The next day we got up and went to the US Embassy, and learned a lot about working internationally from a Foreign Service Officer. Leo Gitelman - Junior
March 18, 2012

On Friday, March 16, while many students headed home for Spring Break, Lman Manhattans High School Mandarin class flew halfway across the world to Chengdu, China home of its sister school Lman International School. According to chaperones Mandarin Teacher Claire Maccabee and Social Studies Teacher Ben Cope-Kasten, students had the experience of a lifetime. While traveling from places

like Chengdu to Beijing to the Forbidden City, students were encouraged to practice Mandarin and immerse themselves in the culture. The kids did great and learned a lot while having a lot of fun, said CopeKasten. I think one of the best memories was when the students went to number seven middle school in Chengdu and interacted with the Chinese students. They exchanged emails, contacts with

the students, Said Maccabee. The Chinese students prepared gifts, cards, and notes to give to our students as mementos. One girl gave one of our student s felt -sewed lotus flower. While on the trip a select group of students kept blogs, which they sent back to the United States to be posted on Lman Manhattan s Tumblr blog.

We visited the Great Wall of China which was originally constructed for defensive purposes (by the Mongolians). We were able to get to the Great Wall itself by a gondola, and we easily came down riding a toboggan which everybody enjoyed very much.

Kevin Kim - Junior March 20, 2012

I cant wait to go to China! I find it amazing that something that started as just a discussion in Mandarin class has actually turned into such a great opportunity for all of us. Mikayla Barnett - Junior
March 15, 2012

We keep eating great meals on this trip. Last night we had roast duck you eat it in a wrap with onions and sauce and it tasted even better than I expected it to taste. Its a special food of Beijing and it is hen hao chi (delicious). Cant wait for tomorrow and the day after that!
Nyree Addison - Junior March 20, 2012


BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


Avoiding Senior Stress

A recent New York Times article focusing on college counseling at New York Citys independent schools raised the question How soon is too soon to start planning for the college search and application process? At Lman Manhattan, we believe it is in the best interest of students and parents to start the process early. By speaking with students early about the choices that lie ahead and creating a collaborative environment that involves teachers, parents, and peers, we can give students the knowledge needed to make good choices about educational and career possibilities beyond high school. Of course students are constantly growing and evolving, so our college counseling program is designed to meet students where they are and empower them to take an active role in this process. Our early conversations encourage students to engage in a process of self-discovery in the yearly years of high school which can help mitigate the stress and anxiety often associated with the college admissions process in Junior and Senior years.

By Hillary Hewins, College Counselor

International Boarding
Downtown school will be the first in New York City to house students from around the world

experience during the school year that you might not have time to fit into your busy schedule. Choose something that sends an authentic message about your interests and values, dont choose an activity because you think it will look good for college. Start your research now. When youre able to take a break for your academic and co-curricular activities, spend that time perusing college websites and guidebooks. Think about how all of the qualities you are looking for in your college and start to keep some notes about what colleges feel like they might be good matches. Attend some college fairs and start to plan some visits. You have about six months until you need to finalize your college list, but the sooner you start the sooner youll be able to identify colleges that would be the best match for your personal and academic needs. Use your trusted sources. There are many, many people and organizations who will try and share or sell their opinions and services surrounding this process. When you have questions about this process, seek information directly from the source: either your college counselor who speaks with college admissions officers on a regular basis or the college itself. College admission

Five Tasks Juniors Can Take On Now to Lessen Senior Stress:

Keep your coursework the top priority. The most important predictors of future college success are the grades that students earn in high school. Think about it: you spend the vast majority of your time focused on your high school academic coursework. Its no surprise that this holds the most weight in the college admissions process. Make the most of summer. The summer before senior year is an important time to pursue an experience that will help you grow personally and intellectually. Think about your genuine interests and then try to identify a way to pursue one of them that is meaningful to you. Think about all those sparks of interest that you 24

officers want to hear from you to answer your questions about their colleges and are often willing to put you in touch with current students who can provide even greater insight. As your college counselor, my door is nearly always open. Bring your questions, concerns, and goals to me and Ill support you throughout every step of this process. College guidebooks such as The Fiske Guide to Colleges, The Insiders Guide to the Colleges, and The Best 376 Colleges are wonderful resources, as are websites such as and which aggregate comments, ratings, images, and videos from students at colleges across the country.

Lman Manhattan Prep will become the first school in New York City to provide full boarding services for international students beginning in the fall of 2012. Students from around the world will live in the heart of vibrant lower Manhattan, a short walk to Lmans two campuses. New York City is such a tremendous destination, has such an international flavor and is such a highly sought-after location, said Head of School Drew Alexander in an article for the Wall Street Journal. The dormitory-style housing facility will be located at 37 Wall Street. Boarding will be offered for students from grade 9 - grade 12, and in the initial year students will come from Brazil, China and Europe. Two full-time house parents will live in the facilities with the students, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment. Lman Manhattan is an international learning community that serves students from early childhood through 12th grade. Having boarding students from around the world will build on the schools

international focus by allowing students to study and learn in a truly global setting. As an educator who has headed schools throughout the world, I have seen firsthand the benefits for students who are able to study side-by-side with peers from different countries and cultures, said Drew Alexander, Head of School at Lman Manhattan Preparatory School. By welcoming international boarding students to Lman, we will provide our students with a truly unique academic environment that offers extraordinary opportunities to learn about different cultures and understand new perspectives. The world is becoming smaller and more globalized every day, and it is essential for tomorrows leaders to have the international insight and the academic skills to work with their peers around the world. Part of the Meritas international network of schools, Lmans curriculum places a great emphasis on global collaboration and the development of critical thinking. Lman Manhattan has already begun the IBO World School candidacy process that will result in offering the coursework necessary for students to graduate with the prestigious International Baccalaureate Degree (IB).

The IB program will begin in the fall of 2013, with graduates of the class of 2015 being fully certified with the degree. The boarding program is a natural fit for Lman Manhattan. As part of the Meritas network of schools, students at Lman Manhattan already engage in transnational projects and cross-border learning opportunities. The 10 Meritas schools together educate more than 11,500 students in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and North America. Lman Manhattan is a sister school of Collge du Lman, a school with a 50 year history of graduates that is located in Geneva, Switzerland. Located in two state-of-the-art campuses on Broad Street and Morris Street, Lman Manhattan is a vital part of Lower Manhattan. With the offering of the IB degree, the school will continue to draw a diverse student body from New York City, while also attracting international students who recognize the value of studying at a top school in the heart of one of the worlds most dynamic cities.

Make a month by month plan for now until December (when your applications are due!). Spend some time with me to plan which college search and application tasks you want to accomplish each month between now and the time your applications are due. This plan will include standardized testing, the various pieces of the application such as essays and letters of recommendation, and meeting admission and financial aid deadlines. This is a highly individualized process, so every student plan is going to be unique.

BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


School Uniforms for All Students

Thank you for all you brought to Lman and best wishes for your future
Lorraine Briggs Kindergarten Teacher Faran Cohen Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Rob Cousins Head of Lower School Helen Graziosa School Nurse Maurice Jones Cafe Staff

23, 24 New Hire Orientation 3 Labor Day School Closed


School Year 2012-2013 Calendar

September October
8 Columbus Day School Closed

4 Full Faculty In-Service 27, 31 Full Faculty In-Service 5 OPEN HOUSE Lower & Upper Schools 6 Opening Day of School 17 - 18 Rosh Hashanah School Closed 26 Yom Kippur School Closed



January 2013

School uniforms will be required in the High School beginning next school year. School uniforms are being required as they create a sense of ambassadorship and loyalty to Lman Manhattan Prep High School; Equalize student dress so students will not be known by what they wear but by who they are; De-stress the daily routine of choosing the appropriate attire;

Build a sense of community spirit in the students; and Encourage a sense of proprietary and discipline.

Christopher Joyce 3rd Grade Teacher Roger Legendre Facilities Manager Phyllis Lemkowitz Enrichment Teacher Monica Margolis Kindergarten Teacher Christopher J. Mateer Woodworking Teacher Michelle Murray Director of Academic Technology Steven Pi Math Teacher Elaine Winters Director of Middle and High School Admissions Ashley Yelverton Physical Education Teacher

12 Full Faculty In-Service No Student Attendance

21 Winter Vacation Begins @ 7 Classes resume 12:00 PM 21 Martin Luther King Day 21-23 Thanksgiving Break School Closed School Closed

We are pleased to continue our partnership with Lands End to provide school uniforms. To view the approved uniforms, please visit Lands End at:

18, 19 Presidents DaysSchool Closed



15 Spring Vacation Begins @ 1 Classes resume 12:00 PM 29 Full Faculty In-Service No Student Attendance

27 Memorial Day School Closed

11 Students Last Day of School @ 12:00 PM 12,13 Full Faculty In-Service 13 Facultys Last Day @ 12:00 PM

School Closed for Summer Vacation!


BullHorn June 2012

BullHorn June 2012


41 Broad Street 1 Morris Street New York, NY 10004 Tel: 212.232.0266 Fox: 646.770.9577 @lemanmanhattan

BullHorn June 2012

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