Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features: User's Guide

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Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Users Guide

Version 3.3 for Release 11.0.3

September 1999 Part No. A75075-01

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide, Version 3.3 for Release 11.0.3 Part No. A75075-01 Copyright 1998, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Authors: Ann Kuchins, Carol Ann Lapeyrouse, Julianna Litwin

Contributors: Frank Bishop, Steve Dudiak, Paula Harper, William Hollowsky, Robin Inglis-Arkell, David Irwin, Ben Lee, Tultul Majumder, Rajesh Menon, Nancy Raabe, Carl Vadnais The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you nd any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation. If the Programs are delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing or using the programs on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: Restricted Rights Notice Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are "commercial computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are "restricted computer software" and use, duplication, and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June, 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle Corporation disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. All other company or product names mentioned are used for identication purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Send Us Your Comments .................................................................................................................. xi Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... xiii
Audience................................................................................................................................................ Related Publications ........................................................................................................................... Document Conventions....................................................................................................................... Customer Support................................................................................................................................ Documentation Sales and Client Relations.................................................................................... xiv xiv xv xvi xvi

Introduction to Advanced Features................................................................................................. Enhanced Transaction Codes...................................................................................................... Multiple Receivable Lines .......................................................................................................... Overview .............................................................................................................................................. Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials............................................................................... Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features .............................................................. Using Oracle Public Sector Payables ......................................................................................... Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables .................................................................................... Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing ..................................................................................... Using Oracle Public Sector General Ledger.............................................................................. Topical Essays ............................................................................................................................... Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials................................................................................... System Administration Setup..................................................................................................... General Ledger Setup .................................................................................................................. 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6


Payables Setup............................................................................................................................... Receivables Setup ......................................................................................................................... Purchasing Setup .......................................................................................................................... Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features ................................................................... Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist...................................................... Enhanced Transactions Setup ..................................................................................................... Multiple Receivable Lines Setup ................................................................................................ Using Oracle Public Sector Payables .............................................................................................. Enhanced Transaction Codes...................................................................................................... Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables....................................................................................... Enhanced Transaction Codes.................................................................................................... Multiple Receivable Lines ......................................................................................................... Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing ........................................................................................ Enhanced Transaction Codes.................................................................................................... Topical Essays .................................................................................................................................... Multiple Receivable Lines Process ........................................................................................... New Features in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.......................................................

1-6 1-6 1-6 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-11 1-11 1-12 1-12 1-13

Part I 2

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

Oracle Applications System Administration Setup

Overview............................................................................................................................................... System Administration Setup Checklist ........................................................................................ System Administration Setup Steps ............................................................................................... Step 2. Create New Responsibilities........................................................................................... Step 3. Implement Function Security ......................................................................................... Step 4. Create Additional Users.................................................................................................. Step 6. Specify Site-Level and Application-Level Profile Options ........................................ 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup

Overview............................................................................................................................................... Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist ................................................................ Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps ....................................................................... Step 1-F. Define Set of Books....................................................................................................... 3-2 3-3 3-5 3-5


Step 7. Define Transaction Codes............................................................................................... 3-5

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 4-2 Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist ............................................................................ 4-3

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. Scope of Functionality.................................................................................................................. Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist ...................................................................... Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Steps.............................................................................. Step 5. Define Territory Flexfield ............................................................................................... Step 20. Define Transaction Types ............................................................................................. Step 53. Define Finance Charges ................................................................................................ 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 6-2 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist........................................................................ 6-3

Part II 7

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist ........................................................ Multiple Receivable Lines Setup ................................................................................................ Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps................................................................. Step 1. Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Receivables............ Step 2. Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Payables and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing................................................................................................. 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 7-4

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup

Denition ............................................................................................................................................. 8-2 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 8-2

Process ............................................................................................................................................ Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Receivables Procedure ........................................ Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Receivables ................................................................. Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables .......................................... Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables and Purchasing Procedure................. Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables and Purchasing ....................................... Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing.................

8-3 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-9 8-10 8-12

Part III Using Oracle Public Sector Payables 9 Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables
Denition.............................................................................................................................................. Overview............................................................................................................................................... Process ............................................................................................................................................ Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Matched and Unmatched Invoices Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payment Batches Procedure ...................................... Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payments Procedure.................................................... Enter Transaction Events Window................................................................................................... Enter Transaction Events Window Description ............................................................................ 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8

Part IV

Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables

10 Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Denition............................................................................................................................................ 10-2 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 10-2 Process .......................................................................................................................................... 10-2 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Transactions in Receivables Procedure ................. 10-5 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Adjustments in Receivables Procedure ................ 10-6 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receipts Matched to Invoices Procedure .............. 10-7 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure ........................ 10-8 Enter Transaction Events Window................................................................................................. 10-9 Enter Transaction Events Window Description ........................................................................ 10-10



Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures

Denition ........................................................................................................................................... Overview ............................................................................................................................................ Example........................................................................................................................................ Entering Transactions Procedure ................................................................................................... Transactions Window....................................................................................................................... Entering Transaction Lines Procedure .......................................................................................... Lines Window.................................................................................................................................... Viewing and Distributing Transaction Lines Distributions Procedure................................. Accounting Window....................................................................................................................... Accounting Window Description ................................................................................................ Viewing Transaction Balances Procedure .................................................................................. Balances Window............................................................................................................................ Balances Window Description ..................................................................................................... Viewing Transaction Balances Distributions Procedure......................................................... Balances Distributions Window .................................................................................................. Balances Distributions Window Description ........................................................................... Crediting Transactions Procedure ............................................................................................... 11-3 11-3 11-3 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 11-11 11-12 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21


Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures

Denition ........................................................................................................................................... Overview ............................................................................................................................................ Example........................................................................................................................................ Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure ............................................................................ Cash Receipts Window .................................................................................................................... Cash Receipts Window Description ............................................................................................. Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure........................................................................... Cash Applications Window .......................................................................................................... Cash Applications Window Description ................................................................................... Viewing and Distributing Cash Receipt Distributions Procedure ....................................... Cash Applications Distributions Window ................................................................................ Cash Applications Distributions Window Description.......................................................... Reversing Cash Receipts Procedure............................................................................................ Reverse Window ............................................................................................................................. Reverse Window Description....................................................................................................... 12-3 12-3 12-3 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-9 12-11 12-13 12-15 12-16 12-18 12-20 12-21 12-22


Entering Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure ............................................................................. Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region................................................................. Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Description .......................................... Distributing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure ...................................................................... Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window.............................................................................. Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Description ....................................................... Reversing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure...........................................................................

12-23 12-24 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29


Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures

Denition............................................................................................................................................ Overview............................................................................................................................................. Example........................................................................................................................................ Entering an Adjustment Procedure ............................................................................................... Adjustments Window ...................................................................................................................... Adjustments Window Description................................................................................................ Viewing and Distributing Adjustments Procedure ................................................................... Adjustment Distributions Window .............................................................................................. Adjustment Distributions Window Description........................................................................ 13-2 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-7 13-8 13-9

Part V

Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

14 Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

Denition............................................................................................................................................ 14-2 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 14-2 Process .......................................................................................................................................... 14-2 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Requisitions Procedure ............................................ 14-6 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for AutoCreate Purchase Order Procedure ................. 14-7 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 14-8 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases Procedure ............................................................................................................ 14-9 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Matched Receipts Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 14-10


Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Unmatched Receipts Procedure............................ 14-11 Enter Transaction Events Window............................................................................................... 14-12 Enter Transaction Events Window Description ........................................................................ 14-13

Part VI A

Topical Essays

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process

Denition ............................................................................................................................................. Overview .............................................................................................................................................. Standard Receivables Accounting Model ................................................................................. Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model ......................................................................... Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Example ......................................................................... Cash Receipts in Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model.............................................. Cash Receipts Example................................................................................................................ Implementing Multiple Receivable Lines..................................................................................... References ............................................................................................................................................ A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-7 A-9

Part VII B


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Window Reference

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. Oracle Public Sector Receivables .................................................................................................... Activities Window........................................................................................................................ Copy Transactions Window ....................................................................................................... Credit Transactions Window...................................................................................................... Dispute Window........................................................................................................................... Dunning History Window .......................................................................................................... Freight Window ............................................................................................................................ Installments Window................................................................................................................... Lines Window ............................................................................................................................... Run General Ledger Interface Window .................................................................................... Sales Credits Window.................................................................................................................. Tax Window .................................................................................................................................. Transaction Overview Window ................................................................................................. B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3 B-3


Transactions Window .................................................................................................................. B-3 Transactions Summary Window ................................................................................................ B-4

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Navigation Paths

Navigation ........................................................................................................................................... C-2

Glossary Index

Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide, Version 3.3 for Release 11.0.3
Part No. A75075-01

Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
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The Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide provides information on how to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following topics are included in this preface:

Audience Related Publications Document Conventions Customer Support Documentation Sales and Client Relations


The Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide provides information about Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features, describes how to use each feature, provides illustrations of windows and reports, and includes detailed process diagrams and descriptions. It is designed to assist the following:

accountants accounting managers controllers data entry clerks auditors

This guide assumes users have a basic familiarity with Oracle Public Sector Financials.

Related Publications
This guide contains references to the following Oracle publications:

Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide Oracle Public Sector Applications Installation and Upgrade Guide Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Payables Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Users Guide


Document Conventions
The following conventions are observed:

special conventions references

Special Conventions
The following special conventions are observed: bold Bold type denotes buttons or menu paths, as in the following example: Submit and File - New - Open Uppercase text denotes Oracle keywords, statements, and statuses, as in the following example: CONFIRMED Courier font denotes a mathematical formula, as in the following example: 2%/(100%-2%) x 360/((30-(10-0)) = 0.367 Angle brackets denote a user-selected value, as in the following example: < 1> Square brackets denote a description that assists the user, but is not actually a part of the application, as in the following example: [eld not available] Warnings alert users to the following type of information in this guide: WARNING: Warnings highlight text that warns of actions that could result in loss of data or incorrect processing.






All references to specic chapters refer to chapters in this guide unless otherwise noted.


Customer Support
Oracle Support Services can be reached 24 hours a day. To obtain assistance, please call one of the following numbers: In the USA: 1.650.506.1500 In Europe: +44 1344.860160 You will be asked a series of questions that help direct you to the correct Oracle product support group. Be prepared to supply the following information:

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Documentation Sales and Client Relations

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This chapter is an introduction to advanced features in Oracle Public Sector Financials. The following sections are in this chapter:

Introduction to Advanced Features Overview Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Using Oracle Public Sector Payables Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Topical Essays New Features in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Introduction 1-1

Introduction to Advanced Features

Introduction to Advanced Features

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features enhances the overall exibility of Oracle Public Sector Financials. The advanced features are as follows:

Enhanced Transaction Codes Multiple Receivable Lines

Enhanced Transaction Codes

Enhanced transaction codes are an optional feature in Oracle Public Sector Financials providing a set of enhancements that improves the ability of Oracle Public Sector Financials to put accounting and transaction processing logic complexity in the background. This feature allows the user to enact certain transactions without having to make judgements on accounting transactions that might take place. Public sector entities use transaction codes to perform extra accounting events during purchasing and receiving activities. These extra accounting events are often budgetary in nature, but they can also be used with proprietary accounts. Transaction codes and the associated accounting events are created in Oracle Public Sector General Ledger. A transaction event denes the properties of transaction codes. These properties control the meaning and use of transaction codes in the context of purchasing and receiving activities.

Enhanced transaction codes allow the user to perform the following tasks:

derive the appropriate transaction code or charge account based on certain parameters to prevent data entry mistakes set up the appropriate accounting events at setup so that during data entry, the user does not have to enter the same information for every transaction specify some transaction codes as mandatory

1-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Introduction to Advanced Features

Multiple Receivable Lines

Multiple receivable lines is an optional feature that is available in Oracle Public Sector Financials that allows the user to post receivable invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries to multiple balancing segment values or funds. This is known as multiple receivable lines accounting. Public sector entities typically have multiple funds. A fund is a source of money. Examples of typical public sector funds include a general operating fund, an endowment fund, and a gift fund. Each of these funds have different purposes or uses and different reporting requirements. Many public sector entities must report the amount of cash that has been deposited and disbursed by fund. To assist public sector organizations in meeting their reporting requirements, Oracle Public Sector Receivables provides the optional multiple receivable lines feature. Multiple receivable lines accounting allows agencies to track receivables, receipts, and adjustments by fund.

Multiple receivable lines allows users to do the following:

enter multiple receivable lines, multiple cash lines on receipts, and multiple adjustment lines in the Oracle Public Sector General Ledger establish receipts, adjusting entries, debit memos, and credit memos using accounting codes based on the receivable invoice

Note: When the multiple receivable lines feature is enabled, specic Receivables functionality is not currently available. For information on scope of functionality, see Overview, Chapter 5, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup.

Introduction 1-3


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features enhances the functionality in Oracle Public Sector Financials.

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

Implementation of Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features requires setup of System Administration, General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, and Purchasing. The Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide provides complete checklists for setup of Oracle Public Sector Financials and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following books must be used with the Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide to set up Oracle Public Sector Financials:

Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Payables Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Complete setup checklists and detailed descriptions of setup steps required for the implementation of Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features are included in this guide. Setup should be reviewed annually or as needed to update system security, reect changes in the organizations structure, or accommodate new requirements. The following setup features are provided:

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features setup checklist Enhanced Transactions Setup

Using Oracle Public Sector Payables

The following advanced feature is provided in Payables:

enhanced transaction codes

1-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables

The following advanced features are provided in Receivables:

enhanced transaction codes multiple receivable lines

Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

The following advanced feature is provided in Purchasing:

enhanced transaction codes

Using Oracle Public Sector General Ledger

The following advanced feature is provided in General Ledger:

dene enhanced transaction codes

Topical Essays
The following topical essay is provided in this section:

multiple receivable lines process

Introduction 1-5

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

This section describes the setup procedures in Oracle Public Sector Financials that are required for implementation of Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.

System Administration Setup

Setup of System Administration is required to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. For information on setting up System Administration, see the following chapter:

Chapter 2, Oracle Applications System Administration Setup

General Ledger Setup

Setup of General Ledger is required to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. For information on setting up General Ledger, see the following chapter:

Chapter 3, Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup

Payables Setup
Setup of Payables is required to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. For information on setting up Payables, see the following chapter:

Chapter 4, Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup

Receivables Setup
Setup of Receivables is required to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. For information on setting up Receivables, see the following chapter:

Chapter 5, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup

Purchasing Setup
Setup of Purchasing is required to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.

1-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

For information on setting up Purchasing, see the following chapter:


Chapter 6, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup

Introduction 1-7

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

This section describes the setup procedures in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist

The Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features setup checklist is used as a guide for the setup of advanced features in Oracle Public Sector Financials. For information on setting up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features, see the following chapter:

Chapter 7, Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup

Enhanced Transactions Setup

Enhanced transaction codes setup allows the user to use enhanced transaction codes in Receivables, Payables, and Purchasing. The setup window is in Oracle Public Sector General Ledger. For information on enhanced transaction codes setup, see the following chapter:

Chapter 8, Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup

Multiple Receivable Lines Setup

Multiple receivable lines allow the user to use multiple receivable lines to track receivables, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries by fund or prot center. No additional setup is required to implement multiple receivable lines. For information on setting up Receivables, see the following chapter:

Chapter 5, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup

1-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Oracle Public Sector Payables

Using Oracle Public Sector Payables

This section describes advanced features used in Payables.

Enhanced Transaction Codes

The Enhanced Transaction Codes feature is used in Payables for matched invoices, unmatched invoices, payment batches, and payments. For information on using enhanced transaction codes in Payables, see the following chapter:

Chapter 9, Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables

Introduction 1-9

Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables

This section describes advanced features used in Receivables.

Enhanced Transaction Codes

The Enhanced Transaction Codes feature is used in Receivables for invoices, credit and debit memos, commitments, credit transactions, invoice collections, miscellaneous collections, adjustments, and tax and freight. For information on enhanced transaction codes, see the following chapter:

Chapter 10, Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Multiple Receivable Lines

Multiple receivable lines is used in Receivables to track receivable invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries by fund or prot center. For information on multiple receivable lines, see the following chapters:

Chapter 11, Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures Chapter 12, Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures Chapter 13, Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures

1-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

This section describes advanced features used in Purchasing.

Enhanced Transaction Codes

The Enhanced Transaction Codes feature is used in Purchasing for requisitions, standard and planned purchase orders, autocreate purchase orders, purchase order releases, purchase order matched receipts, and other receipts. For information on enhanced transactions in Purchasing, see the following chapter:

Chapter 14, Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

Introduction 1-11

Topical Essays

Topical Essays
This section describes the topical essays in this users guide.

Multiple Receivable Lines Process

The multiple receivable lines process allows users to post receivable invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries to multiple balancing segment values or funds. Details on the multiple receivable lines process are provided in the following chapter:

Appendix A, Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process

1-12 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

New Features in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

New Features in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features incorporates the following new features:

new Enable Enhanced Transaction prole option enhanced discussion of the multiple receivable lines functionality

Introduction 1-13

New Features in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

1-14 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part I
Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Financials

Oracle Applications System Administration Setup
This chapter describes Oracle Applications System Administration setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview System Administration Setup Checklist System Administration Setup Steps

Oracle Applications System Administration Setup 2-1


This chapter provides a checklist of System Administration setup in Oracle Applications and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. All System Administration setup steps designated as required in the checklist must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide with this guide to complete or modify System Administration setup.

2-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

System Administration Setup Checklist

System Administration Setup Checklist

Table 21 shows the System Administration setup checklist. All required setup steps in this checklist must be completed. Setup steps that need specic settings or additional information to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features are shown in bold italic and described in the following section, System Administration Setup Steps.
Table 21 System Administration Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Step Number Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11.

Setup Step Create an Oracle Applications User Create New Responsibilities Implement Function Security Create Additional Users Set Up Printers Specify Site-Level and Application-Level Prole Options Dene Concurrent Managers Dene Request Sets Set Up AuditTrail Modify Language Prompts Modify Territory LOV Values

Oracle Applications Required Optional Optional Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Oracle Applications System Administration Setup 2-3

System Administration Setup Steps

System Administration Setup Steps

All required System Administration setup steps for Oracle Applications must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide to complete all required setup steps that are not described in this section.

Step 2. Create New Responsibilities

Create new responsibilities. Note: The MF Receivables Manager responsibility is predened for multiple receivable lines.

In System Administration, navigate to the Responsibilities window as follows: Security - Responsibility - Dene


To create new responsibilities, see Dening a Responsibility, Responsibilities Window, and Users Window, Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide

Step 3. Implement Function Security

Implement function security to control access to windows and functionality in windows. The System Administrator excludes functions and menus to restrict access for a responsibility.

In System Administration, navigate to the Responsibilities window as follows: Security - Responsibility - Dene


Responsibilities must be assigned to a menu that has the PSAC_PSACENTE function to access the Enter Transaction Event window. Note: Do not enter a value in the Navigator Prompt eld of the Menu window for this function. Users do not navigate to the window using the menu.


General Ledger responsibilities must be assigned to a menu that has the PSAC_ PSACSTTE function to access the Dene Enhanced Transaction Codes window.

2-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

System Administration Setup Steps


The following Oracle Applications menus are updated during installation to include the PSAC_PSACENTE and PSAC_PSACSTTE functions:



To implement function security, see Overview of Function Security, Responsibilities Window, and Menus Window, Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide.

Step 4. Create Additional Users

Create new users that have access to Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features or assign existing users access to Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.

In System Administration, navigate to the Users window as follows: Security - User - Dene


Assign users to one or more responsibilities. Access to Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features is required for all features. Note: Users must be assigned to the MF Receivables Manager responsibility to use multiple receivable lines. If multiple receivable lines is enabled, do not use the Receivables Manager responsibility. Note: Use of multiple receivable lines is a post-installation option. For information on enabling this option, see Oracle Public Sector Applications Installation and Upgrade Guide.


To create new users or assign access to Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features for existing users, see Overview of Oracle Applications Security and Users Window, Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide.

Oracle Applications System Administration Setup 2-5

System Administration Setup Steps

Step 6. Specify Site-Level and Application-Level Prole Options

Set the Enable Enhanced Transaction prole option to Yes to use enhanced transaction codes. The Enable Enhanced Transaction prole option can be set at the Site, Application, and Responsibility levels, but not at the User level.

In System Administration, navigate to the System Prole Values window as follows: Prole - System


Set the system prole option as described in Table 22.

Table 22 System Prole Values Setup
System Prole Value Enable Enhanced Transaction Set to Yes enhanced transaction codes are enabled Set to No enhanced transaction codes are disabled

The default setting for the Enable Enhanced Transaction prole option is shown in Table 23.
Table 23 Default Prole Option Setting
Prole Option Enable Enhanced Transaction Site No Application list of values Responsibility list of values User


To set prole options, see Overview of Setting User Proles and System Prole Values Window, Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide.

Note: To set the prole option for select responsibilities, set the prole option to Yes at the Site level and to No for individual responsibilities.

2-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup
This chapter describes Oracle Public Sector General Ledger setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup 3-1


This chapter provides a checklist of General Ledger setup in Oracle Public Sector Financials and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. All General Ledger setup steps designated as required in the checklist must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide with this guide to complete or modify General Ledger setup.

3-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist

Table 31 shows the General Ledger setup checklist. All required setup steps in this checklist must be completed. Setup steps that need specic settings or additional information to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features are shown in bold italic and described in the following section, Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps.
Table 31 Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Required Required Optional Required with Defaults Required Required with Defaults Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Optional Required with Defaults Required Required with Defaults Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Required

Step Number Step 1.

Setup Step Create Set of Books A. Dene Chart of Accounts B. Dene Account Combinations C. Dene Calendar Period Types D. Dene Calendar Periods E. Dene Currencies F. Dene Set of Books G. Assign Set of Books to a Responsibility H. Dene Daily Conversion Rate Types I. Dene Rates

Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7.

Dene Journal Entry Sources Dene Journal Entry Categories Dene Suspense Accounts Dene Interfund Accounts Dene Summary Accounts Dene Transaction Codes

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup 3-3

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist

Table 31 Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required with Defaults Optional Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required with Defaults Optional Required Required

Step Number Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11. Step 12. Step 13. Step 14. Step 15. Step 16.

Setup Step Dene Statistical Units of Measure Dene Historical Rates Dene Document Sequences Set Up Automatic Posting Dene Additional Encumbrance Types Dene System Controls Dene Budgetary Control Groups Set Prole Options Open and Close Accounting Periods

3-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps

All required General Ledger setup steps for Oracle Public Sector Financials must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide to complete all required setup steps that are not described in this section.

Step 1-F. Dene Set of Books

Enable budgetary control. Budgetary control is required to use enhanced transaction codes.

In General Ledger, navigate to the Set of Books window as follows: Setup - Financials - Books

2. 3. 4.

Select the Enable Budgetary Control check box in the Budgetary Control Options region. To enable budgetary control, see Dening Sets of Books, Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide. To change or enable budgetary control after the set of books has been dened and transactions have been entered, see Enabling and Disabling Budgetary Control, Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide.

Step 7. Dene Transaction Codes

Dene transaction codes. Transaction codes must be dened to use enhanced transaction codes.

In General Ledger, navigate to the Transaction Codes window as follows: Setup - Accounts -Transaction Codes


To dene transaction codes, see Overview of Transaction Codes and Dening Government Transaction Codes, Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup 3-5

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Setup Steps

3-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup
This chapter describes Oracle Public Sector Payables setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup 4-1


This chapter provides a checklist of Oracle Public Sector Payables setup in Oracle Public Sector Financials and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. All Oracle Public Sector Payables setup steps designated as required in the checklist must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector Payables Users Guide with this guide to complete or modify Oracle Public Sector Payables setup.

4-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Table 41 shows the Oracle Public Sector Payables setup checklist. All required setup steps in this checklist must be completed.
Table 41 Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector Payables Required Required Required Required Optional Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Optional Conditionally Required Optional Required with Defaults Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Required Required Optional Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Optional Conditionally Required Optional Required with Defaults Optional

Step Number Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11. Step12. Step 13. Step 14. Step 15. Step 16. Step 17.

Setup Step Install Oracle Public Sector Payables Create Application Users and Passwords Dene Chart of Accounts Dene Accounting Period Types and Accounting Calendar Periods Enable Currencies Dene a Set of Books Assign Set of Books to a Responsibility Dene Additional Rate Types and Enter Daily Rates Select Primary Set of Books Set GL Set of Books ID Prole Option to Updateable Set the GL Set of Books Name Prole Option Dene Payment Terms Dene Purchase Order Matching Tolerances Dene Tax Authority Type Suppliers Dene Tax Names and Groups Dene Invoice Approval Codes Dene Distribution Sets

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup 4-3

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Table 41 Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Payables Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Required Conditionally Required Conditionally Required Conditionally Required with Defaults Conditionally Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Required Conditionally Required Conditionally Required Conditionally Required with Defaults Conditionally Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional

Step Number Step 18. Step 19. Step 20. Step 21. Step 22. Step 23. Step 24. Step 25.

Setup Step Dene Payables QuickCodes Dene Payment Interest Rates Create Templates for Entering Expense Reports Dene Employee QuickCodes Enter Locations Enter Employees Dene Reporting Entities for Income Tax Reporting Dene Income Tax Regions

Step 26. Step 27. Step 28. Step 29. Step 30. Step 31.

Dene at Least One Inventory Organization Dene Financial Options Dene Oracle Public Sector Payables Options Dene Payment Programs Dene Additional Payment Formats Update Country and Territory Information and Assign Flexible Address Formats Dene Bank Accounts Open Accounting Periods Dene Request Sets Dene the Format for the Expense Distribution Detail Report and the Invoice Aging Report

Step 32. Step 33. Step 34. Step 35.

Required Required Optional Optional

Required Required Optional Optional

4-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Table 41 Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Payables Required Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Optional

Step Number Step 36. Step 37.

Setup Step Set Up Print Styles and Drivers for the Supplier Mailing Labels Report Dene Special Calendars for Key Indicators, Recurring Invoices, and Withholding Tax Implement Budgetary Control in General Ledger Implement Sequential Voucher Numbering Dene Descriptive Flexelds Set Prole Options

Step 38. Step 39. Step 40. Step 41.

Optional Optional Optional Optional

Optional Optional Optional Optional

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup 4-5

Oracle Public Sector Payables Setup Checklist

4-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup
This chapter describes Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup 5-1


This chapter provides a checklist of Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup in Oracle Public Sector Financials and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. All Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup steps designated as required in the checklist must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide with this guide to complete or modify Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup.

Scope of Functionality
Note: When the multiple receivable lines feature is enabled, the following functionality is not currently available:

entering a receipt and combining it with an adjustment chargebacks in conjunction with a receipt debit memos used to reverse receipts deposits and guarantees autoinvoicing lockboxes mass applications of receipts copying invoices correcting account codes for invoices in which a collection has been applied receipt batches batches summary receipts summary remittances remittance summary clear/risk eliminate

5-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Table 51 shows the Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup checklist. All required setup steps in this checklist must be completed. Setup steps that need specic settings or additional information to implement Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features are shown in bold italic and described in the following section, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Steps.
Table 51 Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector Receivables Required Required Required Required Optional Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Required with Defaults Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Optional Optional Required Required with Defaults Optional

Step Number Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11. Step 12. Step 13. Step 14. Step 15. Step 16.

Setup Step Dene Set of Books Decide How to Use the Account Generator Dene System Item Flexeld Structure Dene Organizations Dene Territory Flexeld Dene Sales Tax Location Flexeld Structure Dene Flexible Address Formats Maintain Countries and Territories Dene Transaction Flexeld Structure Dene AutoCash Rule Sets Dene QuickCodes Dene AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules Dene AutoInvoice Grouping Rules Dene System Options Dene Payment Terms Dene Accounting Rules

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup 5-3

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Table 51 Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Required Required Optional Required with Defaults Required Required with Defaults Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required with Defaults Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Optional Required with Defaults Required Required with Defaults Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Optional Optional Required Optional Optional Required with Defaults Required Required

Step Number Step 17. Step 18. Step 19. Step 20. Step 21. Step 22. Step 23. Step 24. Step 25. Step 26. Step 27. Step 28. Step 29. Step 30. Step 31. Step 32. Step 33. Step 34. Step 35. Step 36. Step 37. Step 38.

Setup Step Open Accounting Periods Dene AutoAccounting Setup Cash Basis Accounting Dene Transaction Types Dene Transaction Sources Dene Collectors Dene Adjustment Approval Limits Dene Remittance Banks Dene Distribution Sets Dene Receivables Activities Dene Receipt Classes Dene Payment Methods Dene Receipt Sources Dene Aging Buckets Dene Statement Cycles Dene Statement Messages Dene Dunning Letters Dene Dunning Letter Sets Dene Territories Dene Agents Dene Prole Options Dene Tax Codes and Rates

5-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Table 51 Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Required with Defaults Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Not Applicable Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required with Defaults Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Required if Using Oracle U.S. Federal Financials

Step Number Step 39. Step 40. Step 41. Step 42. Step 43. Step 44. Step 45. Step 46. Step 47. Step 48. Step 49. Step 50. Step 51. Step 52. Step 53.

Setup Step Dene Customer Prole Classes Dene Customers Dene Remit-To Addresses Dene Customer Relationships Dene Customer Banks Dene Lockboxes Dene Transmission Format Dene Receipt Programs Dene Units of Measure Classes Dene Units of Measure Dene Standard Memo Lines Dene Item Tax Rate Exceptions Dene Tax Exemptions Dene Document Sequences Dene Finance Charges

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup 5-5

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup Steps

All required Oracle Public Sector Receivables setup steps for Oracle Public Sector Financials must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide to complete all required setup steps that are not described in this section.

Step 5. Dene Territory Flexeld

Dene a territory exeld. This is required to use Oracle Public Sector Receivables. To dene a territory exeld, see Territory Flexeld, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Step 20. Dene Transaction Types

Dene transaction types. Transaction types are required to use enhanced transaction codes.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Transaction Types window as follows: Set Up - Transactions - Transaction Types


To dene transaction types, see Transaction Types, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Step 53. Dene Finance Charges

Dene nance charges to use federal multiple receivable lines accounting. This is only required if Oracle U.S. Federal Financials is used. To dene nance charges, see the Oracle U.S. Federal Financials Users Guide.

5-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup
This chapter describes Oracle Public Sector Purchasing setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup 6-1


This chapter provides a checklist of Oracle Public Sector Purchasing setup in Oracle Public Sector Financials and describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. All Oracle Public Sector Purchasing setup steps designated as required in the checklist must be completed to use Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Use the Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide with this guide to complete or modify Oracle Public Sector Purchasing setup.

6-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Table 61 shows the Oracle Public Sector Purchasing setup checklist. All required setup steps in this checklist must be completed.
Table 61 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist
Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required

Step Number Step 1.

Setup Step Set Up System Administrator A. Set Up Security B. Set Up Printers

Step 2.

Set Up Key Flexelds A. Set Up Accounting Key Flexelds B. Set Up Human Resources Key Flexelds C. Set Up Inventory Key Flexelds

Step 3.

Set Up Calendars, Currencies, and Set of Books A. Set Up Calendars B. Dene Currencies C. Dene Conversion Rate Types D. Assign Responsibility to a Set of Books E. Set Up Currency Rates F. Open and Close Periods

Step 4.

Set Up Organizations A. Dene Organization QuickCodes B. Dene Organizations C. Dene Business Groups D. Dene Human Resources Organizations

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup 6-3

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Table 61 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Optional Optional Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Required with Defaults Optional Optional

Step Number

Setup Step E. Dene Legal Entities Organizations F. Dene Oracle Users for Operating-Unit Organizations G. Assign Operating Units to Legal Entities H. Set Up Inventory Organizations I. Dene Organization Hierarchies J. Assign Business Groups and Operating Units to Responsibilities

Step 5.

Set Up Units of Measure A. Dene Units of Measure Classes B. Dene Units of Measure C. Dene Units of Measure Conversions D. Dene Inter-class Unit of Measure Conversions

Step 6.

Set Up Items A. Dene Item Attribute Controls B. Dene Container Type QuickCodes C. Dene Status D. Dene Item Type QuickCodes E. Dene Customer Item Commodity Codes F. Dene Item Template

6-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Table 61 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Required Required with Defaults Required Required Required Optional Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Required Required with Defaults Required Required Required Optional Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Required Required

Step Number Step 7.

Setup Step Set Up Personnel A. Dene Employee QuickCodes B. Dene Supplier and Employee Numbering C. Dene Employees D. Dene Jobs E. Dene Positions F. Dene Position Hierarchies

Step 8. Step 9. Step 10. Step 11.

Set Up Oracle Workow Decide How to Use the Account Generator Dene Manufacturing System and User Proles Open Inventory and Purchasing Accounting Periods A. Open Inventory Accounting Period B. Open Purchasing Accounting Period

Step 12. Step 13.

Dene Subinventory Locations Set Up Cross Reference Types, Tax Names, and Location Associations A. Dene Cross Reference Types B. Dene Tax Names C. Dene Location Associations

Step 14.

Set Up Approval Information A. Dene Approval Groups B. Assign Approval Groups

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup 6-5

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Table 61 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Optional Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Optional Required with Defaults Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Required Required

Step Number

Setup Step C. Fill Employee Hierarchy D. Dene Document Types

Step 15.

Set Up Lookups and Classes A. Dene Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Lookups B. Dene Inspection Codes C. Dene Hazard Classes D. Dene United Nations (UN) Numbers

Step 16. Step 17.

Dene Standard Attachments Set Up Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Flexelds A. Dene Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Category Flexeld Structure B. Dene Value Sets C. Dene Flexeld Segments D. Dene Flexeld Segment Values E. Dene Security Rules F. Assign Security Rules G. Dene Account Aliases Flexeld H. Dene Cross Validation Rules

Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional Optional

Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional Optional

Step 18. Step 19. Step 20.

Dene Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Options Dene Buyers Dene Items A. Dene Items at the Master Level

6-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Table 61 Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Optional Optional Required with Defaults Required Required Required Required Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Optional Optional Required with Defaults Required Required Required Required

Step Number

Setup Step B. Dene Items at the Organization Level C. Dene Item Relationships

Step 21. Step 22. Step 23. Step 24.

Set Up Document Controls Set Up Financial Options Set Up Receiving Options Set Up Transaction Managers and Resubmission Intervals A. Start the Receiving Transaction Manager and the Document Approval Manager B. Dene Resubmission Intervals for Concurrent Processes

Optional Required Required

Optional Required Required

Step 25. Step 26.

Dene Suppliers Start the Send Notications for Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Documents Process Set Up Document Creation Options Set Up Approval Timeout Feature Modify Change Order Workow Options

Step 27. Step 28. Step 29.

Required with Defaults Optional Optional

Required with Defaults Optional Optional

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup 6-7

Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Setup Checklist

6-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part II
Setting Up Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup
This chapter describes the setup steps that are required for Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following sections are in this chapter:

Overview Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup 7-1


This chapter provides a checklist of setup steps in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. Complete all required setup steps for the following applications before beginning the Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features setup steps:

Oracle Applications System Administration Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Oracle Public Sector Payables Oracle Public Sector Receivables Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

7-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist

Table 71 shows the Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features setup checklist. Perform the following steps in the order listed.
Table 71 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Checklist
Step Number Setup Step Type

Enhanced Transaction Codes Step 1. Step 2. Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Receivables Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Payables and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Required Required

Multiple Receivable Lines Setup

No additional setup steps are required to implement the multiple receivable lines feature. Use of multiple receivable lines is a post-installation option. For information on enabling this option, see Oracle Public Sector Applications Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup 7-3

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Setup Steps

Perform the following setup steps in the order listed.

Step 1. Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Receivables
Set up enhanced transaction codes for Oracle Public Sector Receivables. To set up enhanced transaction codes, see Chapter 8, Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup.

Step 2. Set Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Oracle Public Sector Payables and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing
Set up enhanced transaction codes for Oracle Public Sector Payables and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing. To set up enhanced transaction codes, see Chapter 8, Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup.

7-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup
This chapter describes how to set up enhanced transaction codes. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Receivables Procedure Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Receivables Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables and Purchasing Procedure Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables and Purchasing Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-1


Enhanced transaction codes are set up and dened in Oracle Public Sector General Ledger and used in Oracle Public Sector Receivables, Oracle Public Sector Payables, and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing for various transactions. The setup for Payables and Purchasing is identical, whereas the setup for Receivables is different.

The setup of enhanced transaction codes allows the user to dene accounting rules based on a combination of parameters that are linked to different transactions and transaction events. The user begins by dening the form activity. This activity refers to one of several business activities that can be processed in a window. The following activities are predened for enhanced transaction codes in Receivables:

transactions including invoices, debit memos, credit memos, credit transactions, and commitments miscellaneous collections and receipts invoice collections adjustments and chargebacks tax and freight

The following activities are predened for enhanced transaction codes in Payables:

matched invoices unmatched invoices payment batches payments

The following activities are predened for enhanced transaction codes in Purchasing:

requisitions autocreate purchase orders standard and planned purchase order purchase order releases

8-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


purchase order matched receipts other receipts

The enhanced transaction codes setup process includes setting up the following in Oracle Public Sector General Ledger:

setting up enhanced transactions for Receivables setting up enhanced transactions for Payables and Purchasing

Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receivables

In setting up enhanced transaction codes for Receivables, the user begins by selecting the activity in the Dene Enhanced Transactions window. The Dene Enhanced Transactions window is slightly different depending on the activity selected. When entering transactions in the Transactions window, transaction types are used to determine the transaction event. The user can assign several transaction events to one transaction type. Each transaction event can have its own receivable account, revenue account, and one or more transaction codes. This allows the user to select a different transaction event for each line item in the Transactions window. In addition, the user can specify the following properties for transaction codes:

default transaction code updateable required show transaction code list

When setting up transaction events for credit transactions, the user selects Transactions in the Activity Name eld and leaves the Transaction Type and Revenue Account elds blank. If the user wants to dene default accounts for transaction events, the following rules apply:

If using enhanced transaction codes only, the user sets up the revenue account in the Revenue Account eld and leaves the Receivable Account eld blank. The receivable account defaults from the transaction type. If using multiple receivable lines and enhanced transaction codes, the user sets up the receivable and revenues accounts or the revenue account only.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-3


Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payables and Purchasing

In setting up enhanced transaction codes for Payables and Purchasing, the user begins by selecting the activity in the Dene Enhanced Transactions window. The Dene Enhanced Transactions window is slightly different depending on the activity selected. The user then species the Responsibility and User using one of the following combinations:

The Responsibility and User combination can be used together to specify a tighter restriction on the use of a transaction event. The Responsibility and User can be used individually to specify only the Responsibility or the User for which a transaction event is available for use. The Responsibility and User elds can be left blank to make a transaction event available to all users.

Some activities allow a charge account to be specied for a transaction event. Each transaction event can have one or more transaction codes assigned to it. The user can also specify the following properties for transaction codes:

default transaction code updateable required show transaction code list

8-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Receivables Procedure

Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Receivables Procedure

To set up enhanced transaction codes in Receivables, perform the following steps.

In General Ledger, navigate to the Dene Enhanced Transactions window as follows: Setup Accounts Dene Enhanced Transactions

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Dene Enhanced Transactions window as described in Table 81. Save or save and continue as follows: Action Save or Save and Proceed

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-5

Define Enhanced Transactions Window, Receivables

Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Receivables

Figure 81 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Receivables

8-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Define Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables

Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables

Table 81 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables
Field Name Application Activity Name Transaction Type Events Region Transaction Event required user-dened event based on accounting events in organization; associated with a transaction type or form activity describes transaction event list of values: accounting exeld pop-up window default receivable account for transaction event; eld appears when Transactions is selected in Activity Name eld Type required required optional Features list of values list of values list of values Description Oracle application name business activity transaction type; eld appears when Transactions is selected in Activity Name eld

Description Receivable Account

optional optional

Note: Leave blank if multiple receivable lines is not used. Field is optional if multiple receivable lines is used. Revenue Account optional list of values: accounting exeld pop-up window list of values check box default revenue account for a transaction event; eld appears when Transactions is selected in Activity Name eld

Default Transaction Code Required

optional optional

default transaction code for transaction event indicates that a default transaction code is required for a transaction event Note: If required, the Default Transaction Code eld must be entered to save the record.



check box

indicates that the default transaction code can be updated for a transaction event in other windows

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-7

Define Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables

Table 81 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Receivables

Field Name Transaction Code List Type optional Features check box Description indicates if additional transaction codes other than the default transaction code can be assigned to a transaction event Note: If the Transaction Code List is selected, Oracle Corporation recommends that the user select updateable as well so that the Transaction Code list can be updated. However, this is not required. Transaction Code List Region Transaction Code Description optional display only list of values lists all transactions codes assigned to a transaction event General Ledger transaction code description

8-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables and Purchasing Procedure

Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables and Purchasing Procedure

To set up enhanced transaction codes in Payables and Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In General Ledger, navigate to the Dene Enhanced Transactions window as follows: Setup Accounts Dene Enhanced Transactions

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Dene Enhanced Transactions window as described in Table 82. Save or save and continue as follows: Action Save or Save and Proceed

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-9

Define Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables and Purchasing

Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables and Purchasing

Figure 82 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables

8-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Define Enhanced Transactions Window, Payables and Purchasing

Figure 83 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window, Purchasing

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-11

Define Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

Table 82 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing
Field Name Application Activity Name User Name Responsibility Name Type required required optional optional Features list of values list of values list of values list of values Description Oracle application name business activity user name; eld appears after activity selected in Activity Name eld responsibility dened in Oracle Applications System Administration; eld appears after activity selected in Activity Name eld

Events Region Transaction Event Description Charge Account required optional optional list of values: accounting exeld pop-up window list of values check box user-dened event based on accounting events in organization; associated with a form activity describes transaction event charge account; appears in Purchasing when the following activities are selected: Requisitions, Standard/Planned Purchase Orders, and Releases

Default Transaction Code Required

optional optional

default transaction code for transaction event indicates that a default transaction code is required for a transaction event Note: If required, the Default Transaction Code eld must be entered to save the record.

Updateable Transaction Code List

optional optional

check box check box

indicates that the default transaction code can be updated for a transaction event in other windows indicates if additional transaction codes other than the default transaction code can be assigned to a transaction event

8-12 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Define Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

Table 82 Dene Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

Field Name Type Features Description

Transaction Code List Region Transaction Code Description optional display only list of values lists all the transactions codes assigned to a transaction event General Ledger transaction code description

Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup 8-13

Define Enhanced Transactions Window Description, Payables and Purchasing

8-14 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part III
Using Oracle Public Sector Payables

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables
This chapter describes how to use enhanced transaction codes in Oracle Public Sector Payables. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Matched and Unmatched Invoices Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payment Batches Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payments Procedure Enter Transaction Events Window Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables 9-1


In Payables, enhanced transaction codes are used when entering invoices and payments.

This section describes the business processes in Payables that use enhanced transaction codes.

In Payables, enhanced transaction codes are used to enhance the following business processes:

Matched and Unmatched Invoices Payment Batches Payments

Matched and Unmatched Invoices

The parameters used to derive the transaction code for matched and unmatched invoices are as follows:

form activity, matched invoices, or unmatched invoices transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Invoices window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Invoices window. Each time the user adds a new invoice in the Invoices window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values. If an invoice is matched to a purchase order, the proprietary charge account is copied from the purchase order distributions. The proprietary liability account is created along with the charge account.

9-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Payment Batches
The parameters used to derive the transaction code for payment batches are as follows:

form activity, payment batches transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Payment Batches window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Payment Batches window. The proprietary accounting entries for liabilities and payments are based on the users system setup.

The parameters used to derive the transaction code for payments are as follows:

form activity, payments transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Payments window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Payments window. The proprietary accounting entries for liabilities and payments are based on the users system setup.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables 9-3

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Matched and Unmatched Invoices Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Matched and Unmatched Invoices Procedure
To enter enhanced transaction codes for matched or unmatched invoices in Payables, perform the following steps.

In Payables, navigate to the Invoices window as follows: Invoices - Entry - Invoices The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.


In the Form Activity eld, select one of the following from the list of values:

Matched Invoice Unmatched Invoice

3. 4.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 91 and Table 92. Click OK. The Invoices window appears, and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.

For information on the Invoices window, see Entering Invoices, Oracle Public Sector Payables.

9-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payment Batches Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payment Batches Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for payment batches in Payables, perform the following steps.

In Payables, navigate to the Payment Batches window as follows: Payments - Entry - Payment Batches The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 91 and Table 92. Click OK. The Payment Batches window appears, and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.

For information on the Payment Batches window, see Paying Invoices in Payment Batches, Oracle Public Sector Payables.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables 9-5

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payments Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payments Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for payments in Payables, perform the following steps.

In Payables, navigate to the Payments window as follows: Payments - Entry - Payments The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 91 and Table 92. Click OK. The Payments window appears, and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.

For information on the Payments window, see Creating Single Payments, Oracle Public Sector Payables.

9-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enter Transaction Events Window

Enter Transaction Events Window

Figure 91 Enter Transaction Events Window

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables 9-7

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 91 Enter Transaction Events Window Description
Field Name Form Activity Transaction Event Type required required Features default or list of values list of values Description business activity user-dened events Note: If no transaction event is dened for a form activity, a message is displayed that the enhanced transaction codes feature will be disabled and that the Enter Transaction Events window will not be displayed for the remainder of the current transaction for that form activity. Transaction Code Do not display this window again Cancel OK required optional list of values check box button button transaction codes dened for each accounting event See Table 92 for a description of options. See Table 92 for a description of options. See Table 92 for a description of options.

9-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 92 describes the result of setting transaction code options in the Enter Transaction Events window.
Table 92 Transaction Code Options in Payables
Do not display this window again check box selected Option 1

Cancel button selected

OK button selected X

Result The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window appears for each line item in the selected invoice, payment batch, or payment. Users can assign a different transaction code for each line. Transaction codes are not used for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions.

Option 2

Option 3

The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The same transaction code defaults to all other line items in the invoice, payment batch, or payment. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions. same result as Option 2

Option 4

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Payables 9-9

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

9-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part IV
Using Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables
This chapter describes how to use enhanced transaction codes in Oracle Public Sector Receivables. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Transactions in Receivables Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Adjustments in Receivables Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receipts Matched to Invoices Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure Enter Transaction Events Window Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables 10-1


In Receivables, enhanced transaction codes are used with invoices and receipts.

This section describes the business processes in Receivables that use enhanced transaction codes.

In Receivables, enhanced transaction codes are used with the following business processes:

Transactions Adjustments Receipts Matched to Invoices Miscellaneous Receipts

Transactions include invoices, credit memos, debit memos, and commitments such as deposits and guarantees. The parameters used to derive the receivable account, revenue line account, and transaction code for transactions are as follows:

form activity, transactions transaction event Receivables transaction type

In the Transactions window, the user navigates through the header region and selects one of the following in the Class drop-down list:

credit memo debit memo deposit guarantee invoice

10-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


After selecting a transaction type, the Enter Transaction Events window appears and allows the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Transactions window with the properties set. The proprietary accounts for the rst line of the invoice are generated when the user selects the Transaction Type. Each time the user adds an invoice line, the Enter Transaction Events window appears allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values.

The parameters used to derive the transaction code for adjustments are as follows:

form activity, adjustment, or chargeback transaction event

When the user selects the Credit Transactions window and selects More from the drop-down list, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Credit Transactions window.

Receipts Matched to Invoices

The parameter used to derive the transaction code for receipts matched to invoices is as follows:

form activity, invoice collections

When the user selects the Receipts window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the Receipts window. All proprietary entries are made based on system setup.

Miscellaneous Receipts
The parameters used to derive the transaction code for miscellaneous receipts are as follows:

form activity, miscellaneous collections transaction event

When the Enter Transaction Events window rst appears, the user disables the enhanced transaction codes feature. In the Receipts window, when the user selects Misc in the Receipt Type drop-down list, the Enter Transaction Events window

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables 10-3


appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and a transaction code for Miscellaneous Collection. If there are no defaults for an invoice, the user disables the enhanced transaction codes feature and selects a receivable activity and payment method to generate the proprietary entries. The transaction code is entered manually.

10-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Transactions in Receivables Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Transactions in Receivables Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for transactions in Receivables, perform the following steps.

In Receivables, navigate to the Transactions window as follows: Transactions - Transactions The Transactions window appears.

2. 3. 4.

In the Class drop-down list, select a class. In the Type eld, select a transaction type from the list of values. Press Tab. The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the list of values for Transaction Events, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

5. 6.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 101 and Table 102. Click OK. The Transaction Code eld, Default Tax eld, and the Receivable and Revenue lines are automatically populated.

For information on the Transactions window, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables 10-5

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Adjustments in Receivables Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Adjustments in Receivables Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for adjustments in Receivables, perform the following steps.

In Receivables, navigate to the Transactions Summary window as follows: Transactions - Transactions Summary

2. 3. 4.

Query and select a transaction. Click Adjust. The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the list of values for Transaction Events, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity. Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 101 and Table 102. Click OK. The Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.

5. 6.

For information on the Credit Transactions window, see Crediting Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

10-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receipts Matched to Invoices Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receipts Matched to Invoices Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for receipts matched to invoices, perform the following steps.

Navigate to the Receipts window as follows: Receipts - Receipts The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the list of values for Transaction Events, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 101 and Table 102. Click OK. The Trans Code eld is automatically populated with the transactions code.

For information on the Receipts window, see Entering Receipts, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables 10-7

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for miscellaneous receipts, perform the following steps.

Navigate to the Receipts window as follows: Receipts - Receipts The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the list of values for Transaction Events, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

To disable the Enhanced Transaction Codes, click Cancel. To conrm disabling the enhanced transaction codes feature, click OK. The Receipts window appears.


In the Receipt Type eld drop-down list, select Misc. The Enter Transaction Events window appears.

5. 6.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 101 and Table 102. Click OK. The Trans Code eld is automatically populated with the transactions code.

For information on the Receipts window, see Entering Receipts, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

10-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enter Transaction Events Window

Enter Transaction Events Window

Figure 101 Enter Transaction Events Window

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables 10-9

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 101 Enter Transaction Events Window Description
Field Name Form Activity Transaction Event Type required required Features default; list of values list of values Description business activity user-dened events Note: If no transaction event is dened for a form activity, a message is displayed that the enhanced transaction codes feature will be disabled and that the Enter Transaction Events window will not be displayed for the remainder of the current transaction for that form activity. Transaction Code Do not display this window again Cancel OK required optional list of values check box button button transaction codes dened for each accounting event See Table 102 for a description of options. See Table 102 for a description of options. See Table 102 for a description of options.

10-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 102 describes the result of setting transaction code options in the Enter Transaction Events window.
Table 102 Transaction Code Options in Receivables
Do not display this window again check box selected Option 1

Cancel button selected

OK button selected X

Result The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window appears for each line item in the invoice or receipt. Users can assign a different transaction code for each line. Transaction codes are not used for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions.

Option 2

Option 3

The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The same transaction code defaults to all other line items in the invoice or receipt. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions. same result as Option 2

Option 4

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Receivables


Enter Transaction Events Window Description

10-12 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures
This chapter describes how to enter transactions, enter transaction lines, view and distribute transaction lines distributions, view transaction balances, view transaction balances distributions, and view credit transactions using the multiple receivable lines feature. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Entering Transactions Procedure Transactions Window Entering Transaction Lines Procedure Lines Window Viewing and Distributing Transaction Lines Distributions Procedure Accounting Window Accounting Window Description Viewing Transaction Balances Procedure Balances Window Balances Window Description Viewing Transaction Balances Distributions Procedure Balances Distributions Window Balances Distributions Window Description

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 11-1

Crediting Transactions Procedure

11-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


A transaction is an accounting activity entered with an Oracle Public Sector General Ledger date that is between the beginning and ending dates of an open General Ledger period. Oracle Public Sector Receivables transactions are entered in the Transactions window and include invoices, credit and debit memos, deposits, and guarantees. An invoice is the source document created in Receivables that lists amounts owed by the customer for the purchase of goods or services. This document also lists any tax, freight charges, and payment terms.

Although different types of transactions can be performed in the Transactions window, this chapter describes the process of an invoice from initial entry through viewing the invoice balances distributions. This process consists of the following:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

entering transactions entering transaction lines viewing and distributing transaction lines distributions viewing transaction balances viewing transaction balances distributions crediting transactions

In Receivables, with the multiple receivable lines feature disabled, users enter general invoice information and invoice lines, and view and distribute invoice lines distributions to the General Ledger. The entire balance of the invoice debits only one receivable account, regardless of the number of lines in the invoice. Additionally, users can view invoice balances. With the multiple receivable lines accounting feature enabled, Receivables defaults a revenue and a receivable accounting line for each invoice line item. For every revenue line entered, a corresponding receivable line is generated. For example, with the multiple receivable lines accounting feature enabled, an invoice is generated for two line items of $50 each. The accounting is as follows:

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 11-3


Dr. Receivable Dr. Receivable Cr. Revenue Cr. Revenue

$50 Account - $50 Account - 01.33.444.1310 $50 - Account - $50 - Account - 01.33.444.5200

Additionally, with the multiple receivable lines feature enabled, users can view invoice balances and invoice balances distributions. Multiple receivable lines accounting also enables users to split an invoice line item into multiple distributions. For example, if quantities of one item are sold, two funds or prot centers can receive a percentage of the revenue. The conclusion of the invoice side of the multiple receivable lines feature occurs when users view the receipts, credits, adjustments, and discounts applied to an invoice and the distribution of the invoice line items to the Revenue account in General Ledger by fund or prot center.

11-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Entering Transactions Procedure

Entering Transactions Procedure

Entering a receivable invoice in the Transactions window is the rst step in the multiple receivable lines process. Basic invoice information is entered, which includes invoice number, invoice date, ship-to and bill-to addresses, terms, due date, and salesperson. For information on entering invoices, credit memos, and debit memos, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 11-5

Transactions Window

Transactions Window
Figure 111 Transactions Window

11-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Entering Transaction Lines Procedure

Entering Transaction Lines Procedure

Entering invoice lines in the Lines window is the second step in the multiple receivable lines process. The user enters descriptions of the invoice goods or services, as well as the item numbers, quantities, unit price, and tax code. Receivables automatically calculates the total amount for each invoice line. For information on entering invoices lines, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 11-7

Lines Window

Lines Window
Figure 112 Lines Window

11-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Viewing and Distributing Transaction Lines Distributions Procedure

Viewing and Distributing Transaction Lines Distributions Procedure

Viewing and distributing invoices lines to the Revenue and Receivable accounts in General Ledger is the third step in the multiple receivable lines process. To view and distribute invoice lines to the Revenue and Receivable accounts in General Ledger, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Transactions window as follows: Transactions - Transactions

2. 3. 4.

Click Line Items. Click Accounting. In the Accounting window, select the Accounts For All Lines region. Note: The accounting for all invoices lines appear.


To divide an invoice line item between two or more cost centers, select the appropriate Transaction Line eld, and then select the Accounts For This Line region. Select the Transaction Line eld. The appropriate values default in the Transaction Line and Class elds.



In the Rev GL Acct eld, enter a Revenue account number. The Accounting Flexeld pop-up window appears.


Enter appropriate values for the exeld segments. Note: When the user enters the revenue accounting exeld segments in the Accounting Flexeld pop-up window, the receivable accounting exeld is automatically generated. If the user changes any segment of the revenue accounting exeld, the modications are reected in the receivable accounting exeld.


Click OK.

10. In the Rec GL Acct. eld, enter a Receivable account number.

Note: The user can only modify the natural account segment of the receivable accounting exeld. This ensures that the receivable and revenue accounting exelds are balanced at all levels. The Accounting Flexeld pop-up window appears.

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 11-9

Viewing and Distributing Transaction Lines Distributions Procedure

11. In the natural account eld, enter the appropriate segment. 12. Click OK. 13. In the % eld, enter the appropriate percentage of the invoice line item. 14. In the % eld of other appropriate invoice line items, change the percentages so

the total percentage is 100.

15. Save or save and continue as follows:

Action - Save or Save and Proceed

16. Close the Accounting window. 17. Close the Lines window. 18. In the Transactions window, click Complete.

The invoice is entered in the system.

11-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Accounting Window

Accounting Window
Figure 113 Accounting Window

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Accounting Window Description

Accounting Window Description

Table 111 Accounting Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description

Accounts For All Lines Region Transaction Line Detail Line Number Class display only display only display only invoice line item numerical identier that links to Transaction Line identier account types; options include Revenue, Freight, Tax, Auto Invoice Clearing, Unbilled Receivable, Unearned Revenue, and Charges revenue General Ledger account number; can edit any segments receivable General Ledger account number; can only edit natural account segment date that account posts to the General Ledger. The default is the date entered in the GL Date eld for the invoice in the Transactions window. The date cannot be changed. percentage of the invoice line item assigned to Revenue and Receivable General Ledger accounts; can distribute to multiple lines invoice line item amount eld for user customization total percentage of invoice lines Note: displays only if multiple invoice line items are divided between cost centers Total GL Posted Date display only display only total amount of invoice lines date invoice lines are posted to the General Ledger. If the transaction has not been posted to the General Ledger, no date appears.

Rev GL Acct Rec GL Acct. GL Date

default default display only


Amount Descriptive Flexeld Total %

default optional display only

11-12 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Accounting Window Description

Table 111 Accounting Window Description

Field Name Comments Revenue Acct Description Receivable Acct. Description Type optional display only display only Features Description descriptive text regarding transaction describes Revenue account selected; information corresponds to exeld segments describes Receivable account selected; information corresponds to exeld segments

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Viewing Transaction Balances Procedure

Viewing Transaction Balances Procedure

Viewing invoice balances is the fourth step in the multiple receivable lines process. Receivables allows the user to view complete information for a specic transaction in the Balances window. The Balances window displays the original invoice amount, as well as the total amount of receipts, credits, adjustments, and discounts applied to the invoice. To view invoice balances, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Transactions window as follows: Transactions - Transactions

2. 3.

Query the invoice. Click Balances. The Balances window appears.

4. 5.

To view the invoice balances in the currency in which they were entered, select the Entered Currency radio button. To view the invoice balances in the functional currency if it is different from the entered currency, select the Functional Currency radio button.

11-14 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Balances Window

Balances Window
Figure 114 Balances Window

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Balances Window Description

Balances Window Description

Table 112 Balances Window Description
Field Name Entered Currency Type default Features radio button Description the currency used to enter the transaction. By default, invoice balances are displayed in the currency in which they are entered. For example, the user can enter the invoice in a foreign currency. Receivables automatically converts the foreign currency into functional currency based on the user-dened exchange rate. the principle currency used to record transactions and maintain accounting data for the users set of books. Users dene the functional currency for each set of books maintained within the organization. If the Functional Currency button is selected, the user can view amounts in the functional currency if it is different from the entered currency. displays the currency selected in the Balances window: Entered Currency or Functional Currency original line invoice amount for goods or services tax amount on original line invoice amount freight amount on original line invoice amount total amount of original invoice line receipts for goods or services entered against invoice amount tax receipts entered against invoice amount freight receipts entered against invoice amount nance charges entered against invoice amount total amount of receipts entered against invoice amount a line credit amount applied to line invoice amount, which reduces balance due a tax amount applied to tax on an invoice, which reduces balance due a freight amount applied to freight on an invoice, which reduces balance due

Functional Currency


radio button

Currency Line Original Tax Original Freight Original Total Original Line Receipts Tax Receipts Freight Receipts Charges Receipts Total Receipts Line Credits Tax Credits Freight Credits

display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only

11-16 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Balances Window Description

Table 112 Balances Window Description

Field Name Total Credits Line Adjustments Type display only display only Features Description total amount of credits applied to an invoice, which reduces balance due an increase or decrease to line amount of invoice for goods or services. A write-off is an example of an adjustment. an increase or decrease to invoice tax amount an increase or decrease to invoice freight amount an increase or decrease to invoice nance charges net increase or decrease of adjustments applied to invoice amount of decrease to invoice line amount for goods or services amount of decrease to invoice tax amount amount of decrease to invoice freight amount total amount of decrease to invoice total line amount due by customer for goods or services total tax amount due by customer total freight amount due by customer total nance charges amount due by customer total amount due by customer

Tax Adjustments Freight Adjustments Charges Adjustments Total Adjustments Line Discount Tax Discount Freight Discount Total Discount Line Balance Tax Balance Freight Balance Charges Balance Total Balance

display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Viewing Transaction Balances Distributions Procedure

Viewing Transaction Balances Distributions Procedure

Viewing invoice balances distributions is the nal step on the invoice side of the multiple receivable lines process. The Balances Distributions window displays the distribution of the invoice lines to the Revenue account in General Ledger. To view invoice balances distributions to the Revenue account, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Balances window as follows: Transactions - Transactions

2. 3. 4.

Query the invoice. Click Balances. Click Distributions. The Balances Distributions window appears.

11-18 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Balances Distributions Window

Balances Distributions Window

Figure 115 Balances Distributions Window

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Balances Distributions Window Description

Balances Distributions Window Description

Table 113 Balances Distributions Window Description
Field Name Invoice Number Currency Line Number Line Revenue Accounting Flex Original Receipts Credits Adjustments Discounts Balances Total Original Total Receipts Total Credits Total Adjustments Total Discounts Total Balances Account Description Type display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only Features Description invoice number displays entered currency species invoice line item number species type of invoice line item revenue account number in General Ledger original invoice line item amount amount of receipts applied to invoice line item amount of credits applied to invoice line item amount of adjustments applied to invoice line item amount of discounts applied to invoice line item total line item amount due total original amount of invoice line items total receipts of invoice line items total credits of invoice line items total adjustments of invoice line items total discounts of invoice line items total invoice amount due by customer describes the Revenue account selected. The information corresponds to the segments of the exeld, which includes Company, Department, Account, Sub-account, and Product.

11-20 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Crediting Transactions Procedure

Crediting Transactions Procedure

Crediting a transaction is synonymous with creating a credit memo. A credit memo is a document that partially or fully reverses an original invoice. Receivables allows users to credit an entire invoice or all or part of specic invoice lines. To credit an entire invoice, the user begins in the Transactions Summary window and concludes in the Credit Transactions window. To credit all or part of specic invoice lines, the user begins in the Transactions Summary window, goes to the Credit Transactions window, and concludes in the Lines window. In the Lines window, the user can credit part or all of specic invoice lines. The Credited Transaction Line region of the Lines window summarizes the credited transaction for each invoice line. From the Lines window, the user can access the Accounting window to view the distributions. For information on viewing distributions in the Accounting window, see Accounting Window Description. For information on creating a credit memo against a transaction, see Crediting Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures


Crediting Transactions Procedure

11-22 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures
This chapter describes how to enter cash receipts, apply cash receipt lines, view and distribute cash receipt distributions, reverse cash receipts, enter miscellaneous receipts, distribute miscellaneous receipts, and reverse miscellaneous receipts using the multiple receivable lines feature. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure Cash Receipts Window Cash Receipts Window Description Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure Cash Applications Window Cash Applications Window Description Viewing and Distributing Cash Receipt Distributions Procedure Cash Applications Distributions Window Cash Applications Distributions Window Description Reversing Cash Receipts Procedure Reverse Window Reverse Window Description Entering Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-1

Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Description Distributing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Description Reversing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

12-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


A receipt is a payment received in exchange for goods or services. Payments include applied and unapplied receipts entered within the specied Oracle Public Sector General Ledger date range.

The process of a receipt from initial entry through viewing and distributing cash receipt distributions consists of the following:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

entering a cash receipt manually applying a cash receipt manually viewing and distributing cash receipt distributions reversing cash receipts entering miscellaneous receipts distributing miscellaneous receipts reversing miscellaneous receipts

With the multiple receivable lines feature disabled, the accounting for a $75 receipt shows a single receivable line as follows: Dr. Cash Cr. Receivable $75 Account - $75 - Account -

With the multiple receivable lines accounting feature enabled, users can post against multiple receivable lines and generate multiple cash entries. For example, a $75.00 receipt is recorded against a receivable as follows: Dr. Cash Dr. Cash Cr. Receivable Cr. Receivable $50 Account - $25 Account - 01.33.444.1010 $50 - Account - $25 - Account - 01.33.444.1310

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-3


Multiple receivable lines accounting also enables users to split a receipt line item into multiple lines. For example, quantities of one item are sold, but two funds or prot centers receive a percentage of the revenue. Users can view the distribution of the receipt line items by fund or prot center.

12-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure

Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure

Entering cash receipts is the rst step on the receipt side of the multiple receivable lines process. To enter a cash receipt manually, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In the Receipt Number eld, enter the receipt number. In the Receipt Type eld, select Cash from the drop-down list. In the Receipt Amount eld, enter the receipt amount. In the GL Date eld, select a date from the list of values if the GL date is different than the current date. In the Payment Method eld, select the method of payment from the list of values. Note: Receivables uses the payment method to determine the accounting and remittance bank accounts for this receipt.


In the Document Number eld, enter a unique document number. Note: Depending on the users setup, the document number can be automatically generated.

8. 9.

Select the Customer Details region from the drop-down list. In the Transaction Number eld, optionally select a corresponding invoice number from the list of values. eld, enter customer data in the Customer Name, Customer Number, and Location elds.

10. If the user does not enter a Transaction Number in the Transaction Number

11. Save or save and continue as follows:

Action - Save or Save and Proceed

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-5

Cash Receipts Window

Cash Receipts Window

Figure 121 Cash Receipts Window

12-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Receipts Window Description

Cash Receipts Window Description

Table 121 Cash Receipts Window Description
Field Name Receipt Number Receipt Type Type required required Features Description receipt number that user assigns to payment; can be automatic or manual numbering drop-down list receipt type: Cash or Misc. Cash if checks or currency. Miscellaneous receipts are revenue earned from investments, interest, refunds, or stock sales. list of values species entered currency of receipt receipt amount list of values: pop-up calendar list of values: pop-up calendar receipt date; default date is current date

Currency Receipt Amount Receipt Date

required required required

GL Date


date that this account posts to the General Ledger; the default date is the current date. The default GL Date is the same as the batch GL Date. If there is no batch information, the GL Date is the current date. If the current date is not in an open period, the default GL Date is the last date of the most recent open period. payment method receipt status: Cleared or Reversed. Cleared indicates the payment of this receipt was transferred to a bank account and the bank statement has been reconciled. This status is valid for both automatic and manually entered receipts. Reversed indicates that the receipt has been reversed. Both cash receipts and miscellaneous transactions can be reversed. unique number that identies the transaction. If the user is employing manual document numbering, a unique document number is entered. For automatic document numbering, Receivables assigns the transaction a unique number when the user saves. receipt amount times foreign currency exchange rate for a foreign currency receipt; receipt amount that defaults from Receipt Amount eld eld for user customization

Payment Method State

required display only

list of values

Document Number


Functional Amount

display only

Descriptive Flexeld


Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-7

Cash Receipts Window Description

Table 121 Cash Receipts Window Description

Field Name Transaction Code Type optional Features list of values Description identier that generates additional debit and credit pairs, when needed, for a transaction. This eld is enabled if the prole option, Enable Transaction Code, is enabled. When the enhanced transactions feature is enabled, users dene transaction codes for each accounting event. The transaction code defaults from the value in the Enter Transaction Events window.

Customer Details Region Transaction Number Customer Name Customer Number Location Taxpayer Id Reference Comments optional required required required display only optional optional list of values list of values list of values list of values invoice number associated with this receipt customer name identier that user assigns to a customer customer bill-to location customer taxpayer identication; established during setup customer receipt reference number descriptive text describing the transaction

12-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure

Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure

Applying the receipts is the second step on the receipt side of the multiple receivable lines process. Receivables allows the user to apply receipts against the receivables invoice in the Cash Applications window. To apply receipts, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts

2. 3. 4.

Enter or query the receipt to apply as described in Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure. If the receipt is unidentied, enter the customer name or number in the Customer Name or Customer Number eld. Click Applications. The Cash Applications window appears.

5. 6. 7. 8.

In the Trans Number eld, select the invoice number from the list of values to which the user wants to apply the receipt. In the Installment eld, specify the installment number. The default value is one. To apply the receipt to the invoice, select the Apply check box. To save the application of the receipt to the invoice, select the Saved check box. A pop-up window appears, which informs the user that the record has been applied and saved.


Select the More region. applied to the invoice by selecting another date from the list of values.

10. In the Apply Date eld, optionally modify the date to which the receipt is 11. In the GL Date eld, optionally modify the date to which the account posts to

the General Ledger by selecting another date from the list of values.
12. In the Reversal GL Date eld, optionally modify the date on which the

unapplied transaction is recorded in the General Ledger by selecting another date from the list of values.

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-9

Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure

13. Save or save and continue as follows:

Action - Save or Save and Proceed

12-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Applications Window

Cash Applications Window

Figure 122 Cash Applications Window, Cash Applications Region

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-11

Cash Applications Window

Figure 123 Cash Applications Window, More Region

12-12 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Applications Window Description

Cash Applications Window Description

Table 122 Cash Applications Window Description
Field Name Customer Name Customer Number Location Receipt Amount [Currency] Unapplied On Account Type display only display only display only display only display only display only Features Description customer name that defaults from Cash Receipts window, Customer Details region customer number that defaults from Cash Receipts window, Customer Details region customer bill-to location that defaults from Cash Receipts window receipt amount payment amount that is not applied to receivables invoice or placed on account payment amount that is partially or completely applied to a receivables invoice without reference to a debit item. On account examples include prepayments and deposits. entire payment amount is recorded as settlement for one or more debit items


display only

Cash Applications Region Apply Saved Trans Number Installment optional optional optional required check box check box list of values if selected, applies receipt to invoice specied by transaction number if selected, saves application of the receipt to invoice invoice number associated with this receipt one of several successive payments of a debt; default is 1

Cash Application Region Amount Applied Discount Balance Due required display only display only receipt amount applied to invoice earned discount amount for this invoice balance amount owed by customer

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-13

Cash Applications Window Description

Table 122 Cash Applications Window Description

Field Name More Region Apply Date required list of values: pop-up calendar list of values: pop-up calendar list of values: pop-up calendar date receipt is applied to invoice; default is current date date that this account posts to General Ledger; default date is current date date on which unapplied transaction is recorded in General Ledger; default date is current date original amount due for receivable invoice Type Features Description

GL Date


Reversal GL Date


Amount Due Original

display only

12-14 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Viewing and Distributing Cash Receipt Distributions Procedure

Viewing and Distributing Cash Receipt Distributions Procedure

Viewing and distributing cash receipt distributions is the nal step on the receipt side of the multiple receivable lines process. The Cash Applications Distributions window displays the distribution of the receipt lines to the Receivable and Cash accounts in General Ledger. To view and distribute cash receipt distributions, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts

2. 3.

Click Applications. In the Cash Applications window, apply the cash receipt to the invoice. For information on applying a cash receipt, see Applying a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure.


Click Distributions. The Cash Applications Distributions window appears. Note: The tool bar options are not available in the Cash Applications Distributions window. Use the menus to navigate in the window. For example, to use the list of values, navigate as follows: Edit - List of Values

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In the Cash GL Account eld, optionally modify the Cash account number. In the Amount Applied eld, optionally modify the amount applied. Select the More region. In the Comments eld, optionally enter descriptive text regarding the transaction. In the Trans Code eld, optionally modify the Trans Code by selecting another transaction event from the Enter Transactions Events window. The selection defaults to the Trans Code eld.

10. Save or save and continue as follows:

Action - Save or Save and Proceed

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-15

Cash Applications Distributions Window

Cash Applications Distributions Window

Figure 124 Cash Applications Distributions Window, Amount Applied Details Region

12-16 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Applications Distributions Window

Figure 125 Cash Applications Distributions Window, More Details Region

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-17

Cash Applications Distributions Window Description

Cash Applications Distributions Window Description

Table 123 Cash Applications Distributions Window Description
Field Name Customer Name Customer Number Location Trans Number [Currency] Receipt Amount Unapplied On Account Type display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only Features Description customer name that defaults from Cash Applications window customer number that defaults from Cash Applications window customer bill-to location that defaults from Cash Applications window invoice number associated with this receipt species entered currency of receipt receipt amount that defaults from Cash Applications window payment amount that is not applied to receivables invoice payment amount that is partially or completely applied to a receivables invoice without reference to a debit item. On account examples include prepayments and deposits. Entire payment amount is recorded as settlement for one or more debit items.


display only

Applications Distributions Region Apply Saved Line Account Class Receivable GL Account optional optional display only display only display only check box check box if selected, applies receipt to invoice specied by transaction number if selected, saves application of receipt to invoice invoice line item species line category such as Line, Tax, and Freight receivable account number

Amount Applied Details Region Cash GL Account Amount Applied Discount required required display only cash account number receipt amount applied to invoice earned discount amount for this invoice

12-18 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Applications Distributions Window Description

Table 123 Cash Applications Distributions Window Description

Field Name Balance Due Description More Details Region Comments Trans Code optional optional list of values descriptive text regarding transaction an identier that generates additional debit and credit pairs when needed for a transaction. The transaction code defaults from the Transaction Code eld in the header portion of the Cash Receipts window. number of days payment on invoice is overdue original amount due for receivable invoice Type display only optional Features Description balance amount owed by customer descriptive text regarding receipt distributions

Days Late Amount Due Original

display only display only

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-19

Reversing Cash Receipts Procedure

Reversing Cash Receipts Procedure

Users can reverse standard, invoice-related receipts. A reversal is necessary, for example, when a customer stops payment on a receipt or if a receipt comes from an account with insufcient funds. A receipt can also be reversed if the user wants to re-enter and reapply it in Receivables. To reverse a cash receipt, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts

2. 3.

Query the receipt to reverse. Click Reverse. The Reverse window appears.

4. 5.

Enter data in each eld of the Reverse window as described in Table 124. Click Reverse. The Cash Receipts window appears with Reversed displayed in the State eld.

12-20 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Reverse Window

Reverse Window
Figure 126 Reverse Window

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-21

Reverse Window Description

Reverse Window Description

Table 124 Reverse Window Description
Field Name Reversal Date Type required Features list of values: pop-up calendar list of values: pop-up calendar list of values list of values Description default date is current date; date of cash receipt reversal default date is current date; date that this account posts cash receipt reversal to General Ledger category of cash receipt reversal: Non-Sufcient Funds, Reverse Payment, or Stop Payment reason for cash receipt reversal, which includes Insufcient funds, Account Closed, Incorrect Amount, Incorrect Customer, and Uncollectable descriptive text for cash receipt reversal

GL Date


Category Reason Code

required required



12-22 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Entering Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Entering Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Miscellaneous receipts are revenue or reimbursements earned from investments, interest, refunds, and stock sales. Miscellaneous receipts do not have invoices associated with them. To enter a miscellaneous receipt, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts

2. 3. 4.

In the Receipt Number eld, enter a user-assigned miscellaneous receipt number. In the Receipt Type eld, select Misc from the drop-down list. Continue completing the header information in the Cash Receipts window. For information on how to complete the header information, see Entering a Cash Receipt Manually Procedure.

5. 6. 7.

Select the Misc Transactions region from the drop-down list. Enter data in each eld of the Misc Transactions region as described in Table 125. Save or save and continue as follows: Action - Save or Save and Proceed

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-23

Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region

Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region

Figure 127 Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region

12-24 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Description

Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Description

Table 125 Cash Receipts Window, Misc. Transactions Region Description
Field Name Type Features Description

Misc Transactions Region Activity required list of values categories of miscellaneous cash Note: If a distribution set is associated with the activity, the distribution set appears in the Distribution Set eld. Distribution Set display only list of values identier that is usually text, which species percentage distribution of miscellaneous receipts to General Ledger; distribution set associated with activity payment source name predened tax code with type of sales or value added tax bank account to which remittance is made Note: payment method selected from list of values in Payment Method eld provides the default bank account number; user can change this number Deposit Date optional list of values: pop-up calendar list of values default date entered at batch level. If there is no batch information, it is the receipt date. This date can be changed, but it cannot be earlier than the receipt date. identies the miscellaneous payment type; options include Payment, Payment Batch, Receipt, and Remittance reference number associated with reference type; required if reference type is entered. Check Number is associated with Payment, Payment Batch Name is associated with Payment Batch, Receipt Number is associated with Receipt, and Remittance Number is associated with Remittance. descriptive text about the transaction

Paid From Tax Code Bank Account

optional optional optional

Reference Type


Reference Number


list of values



Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-25

Distributing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Distributing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

The Miscellaneous Cash Distributions displays the distributions of the miscellaneous receipt to the Receivables and Cash accounts in General Ledger. To distribute miscellaneous receipts to the Receivables and Cash accounts in General Ledger, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts


Enter a miscellaneous receipt. For information on entering a miscellaneous receipt, see Entering Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure.


Click Distributions. The Miscellaneous Cash Distributions window appears. Note: The tool bar options are not available in the Miscellaneous Cash Distributions window. Use the menus to navigate in the window. For example, to use the list of values, navigate as follows: Edit - List of Values

4. 5.

Click OK. The Cash Receipts window appears.

12-26 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window

Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window

Figure 128 Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-27

Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Description

Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Description

Table 126 Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Window Description
Field Name Receipt Amount Activity Currency Distribution Set Type display only display only display only display only Features Description receipt amount; defaults from Cash Receipts window categories of miscellaneous cash that defaults from Cash Receipts window, Misc Transactions region species the entered currency of receipt that defaults from Cash Receipts window accounts specied for distributions that defaults from the Cash Receipts window, Misc Transactions region

Distributions Region % Amount GL Account Cash GL Account Comments Descriptive Flexeld Total % Total Amount required required required required optional optional display only display only percentage of line amount distributed to General Ledger accounts line amount of miscellaneous receipt distributed to General Ledger accounts receivables General Ledger account number cash General Ledger account number descriptive text regarding this miscellaneous cash distribution eld for user customization total percentage of line amounts distributed total amount distributed to Receivables and Cash General Ledger accounts

Additional Information Region Description display only describes General Ledger account selected. The information corresponds to the segments of the exeld, which includes Company, Department, Account, Sub-account, and Product. date transaction is posted to General Ledger after General Ledger Transfer program is run

Posted Date

display only

12-28 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Reversing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Reversing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

Users can reverse miscellaneous or non-invoice related receipts in addition to cash invoice related receipts. To reverse miscellaneous receipts, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Cash Receipts window as follows: Receipts - MF Receipts


Select Misc from the Receipt Type drop-down list. The Customer Details region changes to the Misc Transactions region.

3. 4.

Query the miscellaneous receipt to reverse. Click Reverse. The Reverse window appears. For information on the Reverse window, see Reverse Window Description.

5. 6.

Enter data in each eld of the Reverse window as described in Table 124. Click Reverse. The Cash Receipts window appears with Reversed displayed in the State eld.

Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 12-29

Reversing Miscellaneous Receipts Procedure

12-30 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures
This chapter describes how to enter a write-off and view and distribute the write-off. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Entering an Adjustment Procedure Adjustments Window Adjustments Window Description Viewing and Distributing Adjustments Procedure Adjustment Distributions Window Adjustment Distributions Window Description

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 13-1


An adjustment is an increase or decrease of the amount due on an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, deposit, or guarantee. An example of an adjustment is a write-off. Adjustments can be created manually or automatically.

Receivable adjustment entries are used to write off receivables that are considered uncollectable. The write-off is generally entered against an allowance for doubtful accounts. Receivable adjustments can be done at either the invoice or the line level. When an adjustment is made at the invoice level, it decreases the entire remaining balance. If an adjustment is entered at the line level, it can decrease any portion of the transaction.

With the multiple receivable lines accounting feature enabled, each write-off line has a corresponding receivable line. For example, the accounting entry is as follows: Dr. Write-off Dr. Write-off Cr. Receivable Cr. Receivable $50 Account - $25 Account - 01.33.444.1319 $50 - Account - $25 - Account - 01.33.444.1310

13-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Entering an Adjustment Procedure

Entering an Adjustment Procedure

Write-offs are entered in the Adjustments window. When an activity is assigned to the adjustment, Receivables automatically uses the accounts assigned to that activity for the adjustment. To enter a write-off, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Transactions Summary window as follows: Transactions - Transactions Summary

2. 3. 4.

Query the transaction to adjust. Select the transaction or, if the transaction has multiple installments, select the installment to adjust. Click Adjust. The Adjustments window appears.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

In the Activity Name eld, select an activity name from the list of values. In the Type eld, select an adjustment type from the drop-down list. In the Amount eld, enter the write-off amount. In the GL Date eld, modify the current date, if necessary, by selecting from the list of values. In the Adjustment Date eld, modify the current date, if necessary, by selecting from the list of values.

10. Save or save and continue as follows:

Action - Save or Save and Proceed

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 13-3

Adjustments Window

Adjustments Window
Figure 131 Adjustments Window

13-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Adjustments Window Description

Adjustments Window Description

Table 131 Adjustments Window Description
Field Name Installment Region Original Line Original Tax Original Freight Original Total Line Balance Tax Balance Freight Balance Charges Balance Total Balance Adjustments Pending Adjustments Adjustments Region Number Main Region Activity Name Type Amount required required required list of values species adjustment category display only adjustment identier; auto-generated by system display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only display only original line amount of transaction or installment to be adjusted original tax amount of transaction or installment to be adjusted original freight amount of transaction or installment to be adjusted original total amount of transaction or installment to be adjusted line balance of transaction or installment to be adjusted tax balance of transaction or installment to be adjusted freight balance of transaction or installment to be adjusted nance charges balance of transaction or installment to be adjusted total amount due by customer adjustment amount amount of adjustments requiring approval by someone other than person entering adjustments Type Features Description

drop-down list species adjustment type; default is Invoice. Options include Invoice, Line, Charges, Freight, and Tax. species entire transaction amount by default

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 13-5

Adjustments Window Description

Table 131 Adjustments Window Description

Field Name GL Date Type required Features list of values: pop-up calendar list of values: pop-up calendar Description default date is current date; date that this account posts adjustment to General Ledger date adjustment is entered

Adjustment Date


Descriptive Flexeld Description

optional display only

eld for user customization describes General Ledger account selected. The information corresponds to the segments of the exeld, which includes Company, Department, Account, Sub-account, and Product.

13-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Viewing and Distributing Adjustments Procedure

Viewing and Distributing Adjustments Procedure

To view and distribute a write-off, perform the following steps.

In Oracle Public Sector Receivables, navigate to the Transactions Summary window as follows: Transactions - Transactions Summary

2. 3. 4.

Query the transaction to adjust. Select the transaction or, if the transaction has multiple installments, select the installment to adjust. Click Adjust. The Adjustments window appears.

5. 6.

Enter the write-off. See Entering an Adjustment Procedure. Click Adjustment Distributions. The Adjustment Distributions window appears.

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 13-7

Adjustment Distributions Window

Adjustment Distributions Window

Figure 132 Adjustment Distributions Window

13-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Adjustment Distributions Window Description

Adjustment Distributions Window Description

Table 132 Adjustment Distributions Window Description
Field Name Adjustment Amount Activity Distributions Region % Amount GL Account Recv. GL Account Comments Descriptive Flexeld Total % Total Amount default default default default optional optional display only display only percentage of line amount distributed to General Ledger accounts line amount of adjustment distributed to General Ledger accounts account number for allowance for doubtful accounts in General Ledger Receivables account number in General Ledger descriptive text regarding this adjustment eld for user customization total percentage of line amounts distributed total amount distributed to Receivables and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts accounts in General Ledger Type display only display only Features Description adjustment amount; defaults from Adjustments window adjustment category; defaults from Adjustments window

Additional Information Region Adj. Acc. Description display only descriptive information that corresponds to exeld segments, which includes Company, Department, Account, Sub-account, and Product descriptive information that corresponds to exeld segments, which includes Company, Department, Account, Sub-account, and Product. date adjustment is posted to General Ledger after General Ledger Transfer program is run

Recv. Acc. Description

display only

Posted Date

display only

Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures 13-9

Adjustment Distributions Window Description

13-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part V
Using Oracle Public Sector Purchasing

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing
This chapter describes how to use enhanced transaction codes in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing. The following sections are in this chapter:

Denition Overview Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Requisitions Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for AutoCreate Purchase Order Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Matched Receipts Procedure Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Unmatched Receipts Procedure Enter Transaction Events Window Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-1


In Purchasing, enhanced transaction codes are used primarily when entering requisitions and purchase orders.

This section describes the business processes in Purchasing that use enhanced transaction codes.

In Purchasing, enhanced transaction codes are used with the following business processes:

Requisitions AutoCreate Purchase Orders Standard and Planned Purchase Orders Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases Purchase Order Matched Receipts Unmatched Receipts

The parameters used to derive the transaction code and proprietary charge account for requisitions are as follows:

form activity, requisition transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Requistions window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction event and transaction code default to the values in the Requistions window. If a charge account is set up for a transaction event, the charge account defaults to the value in the Requistions window with the transaction code properties.

14-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Each time the user adds a new requisition in the Requistions window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values. If a predened item is selected, the proprietary charge account defaults to the Requistions window.

AutoCreate Purchase Orders

Most purchase orders are automatically created from requisitions in which proprietary charge accounts are copied from the requisition lines. The parameters used to derive the transaction code are as follows:

form activity, AutoCreate Purchase Orders transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects one or more lines in the AutoCreate Documents window, the Enter Transactions window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction code defaults to the value in the New Document window. Each time the user selects a new requisition line to copy in the AutoCreate Documents window, the Enter Transactions window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values.

Standard and Planned Purchase Orders

The parameters used to derive the transaction code and proprietary charge account for standard and planned purchase orders are as follows:

form activity, Standard/Planned Purchase Orders transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Purchase Orders window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction event and transaction code default to the values in the Purchase Orders window. If a charge account is set up for a transaction event, the charge account defaults to the value in the Purchase Orders window with the transaction code properties.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-3


Each time the user adds a new purchase order in the Purchase Orders window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values.

Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases

The parameters used to derive the transaction code and proprietary charge account for planned purchase order releases and blanket releases are as follows:

form activity, Purchase Order Releases transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Releases window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction event, transaction code, and charge account default to the values in the Releases window. Each time the user adds a new planned purchase order release and blanket release in the Releases window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values. If a predened item is selected, the proprietary charge account defaults to the value in the Releases window.

Purchase Order Matched Receipts

The parameters used to derive the transaction code for purchase order matched receipts are as follows:

form activity, Purchase Order Matched Receipts transaction event responsibility user name

When the user selects the Receipts window and clicks on the rst line in the Lines region, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. The transaction event and transaction code default to the values in the Receipts window.

14-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Each time the user adds a new planned receipt in the Receipts window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values.

Unmatched Receipts
The parameters used to derive the transaction code for unmatched receipts are as follows:

form activity, Other Receipts transaction event responsibility user name

When the user enters the Receipts window and clicks on the rst line in the Lines region, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a transaction event and transaction code. Each time the user adds a new receipt in the Receipts window, the Enter Transaction Events window appears, allowing the user to select a new transaction event and transaction code from the list of values.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-5

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Requisitions Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Requisitions Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for requisitions in Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the Requistions window as follows: Requisitions - Requisitions The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The Requistions window appears, and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.


In the Items drop-down region of the Requistions window, click the rst line. The charge account and transaction code appear in the appropriate columns.


To change a transaction event or transaction code, click in the appropriate column and select an item from the list of values. If an item is selected, the charge account dened in the Enter Transaction Events window is overwritten by the proprietary charge account.

For information on the Requistions window, see Finding Requisitions, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.

14-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for AutoCreate Purchase Order Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for AutoCreate Purchase Order Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for an autocreate purchase order, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the AutoCreate Documents window as follows: AutoCreate The Find Requisition Lines window appears.

2. 3.

Before clicking Find, clear any default information in the Buyer eld or Ship-To eld. Click Find. The AutoCreate Documents window appears.


Place the cursor in the rst line and perform one of the following tasks:

To select one line, use Control-click. To select multiple lines, use Shift-click.


Click Automatic. The Enter Transactions window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

6. 7.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The New Document window appears. For information on the Find Requisition Lines window, see Finding Requisitions for AutoCreate, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide. For information on the New Document window, see Entering Document Information and Completing AutoCreate, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-7

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders Procedure
To enter enhanced transaction codes for standard and planned purchase orders in Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the Purchase Orders window as follows: Purchase Orders - Purchase Orders The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The Purchase Orders window appears, and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.


In the Items region of the Purchase Orders window, click the rst line. The charge account and transaction code appear in the appropriate columns.


To change a transaction event or transaction code, click in the appropriate column and select an item from the list of values. If an item is selected, the charge account dened in the Enter Transaction Events window is overwritten by the proprietary charge account.

For information on the Purchase Orders window, see Entering Purchase Order Lines, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.

14-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Planned Purchase Order Releases and Blanket Releases Procedure
To enter enhanced transaction codes for planned purchase order releases and blanket releases in Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the Releases window as follows: Purchase Orders - Releases The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

2. 3.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The Releases window appears and the Transaction Code eld is automatically populated with the transaction code.

4. 5.

In the PO, Rev eld, select a PO from the list of values. In the Shipments drop-down region of the Releases window, click the rst line. The transaction event and transaction code appear in the appropriate columns.


To change a transaction event or transaction code, click in the appropriate column and select an item from the list of values.

For information on the Releases window, see Entering Release Headers, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-9

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Matched Receipts Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Matched Receipts Procedure
To enter enhanced transaction codes for purchase order matched receipts in Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the Receipts window as follows: Receiving - Receipts The Organizations window appears.

2. 3.

Select an organization. Click OK. The Find Expected Receipts window appears.


Navigate through the Find Expected Receipts window and click Find. The Receipt Header window appears.

5. 6. 7.

Navigate through the Receipt Header window. Click on the Receipts window to bring it to the foreground. In the Lines drop-down region, click the rst line. The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

8. 9.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The Transaction Code column is automatically populated with the transaction code.

10. To change the transaction code, click in the appropriate column and select an

item from the list of values. For information on the Receipt Header window, see Entering Receipt Header Information, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide. For information on the Receipts window, see Entering Receipt Lines, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Unmatched Receipts Procedure

Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Unmatched Receipts Procedure

To enter enhanced transaction codes for unmatched receipts in Purchasing, perform the following steps.

In Purchasing, navigate to the Receipts window as follows: Receiving - Receipts The Organizations window appears.

2. 3.

Select an organization. Click OK. The Find Expected Receipts window appears.


Click Unordered. The Receipt Header window appears.

5. 6. 7.

Navigate through the Receipt Header window. Click on the Receipts window to bring it to the foreground. In the Lines region of the Receipts window, click the rst line. The Enter Transaction Events window appears. In the Transaction Events list of values, the user sees only those transaction events dened for the selected activity.

8. 9.

Enter data in each eld of the Enter Transaction Events window as described in Table 141 and Table 142. Click OK. The Transaction Code column is automatically populated with the transaction code.

10. To change the transaction code, click in the appropriate column and select an

item from the list of values. For information on the Receipt Header window, see Entering Receipt Header Information, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide. For information on the Receipts window, see Entering Receipt Lines, Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Users Guide.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-11

Enter Transaction Events Window

Enter Transaction Events Window

Figure 141 Enter Transaction Events Window


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 141 Enter Transaction Events Window Description
Field Name Form Activity Transaction Event Type required required Features default or list of values list of values Description business activity user-dened events Note: If no transaction event is dened for a form activity, a message is displayed that the enhanced transaction codes feature will be disabled and that the Enter Transaction Events window will not be displayed for the remainder of the current transaction for that form activity. Transaction Code Do not display this window again Cancel OK required optional list of values check box button button transaction codes dened for each accounting event See Table 142 for a description of options. See Table 142 for a description of options. See Table 142 for a description of options.

Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Oracle Public Sector Purchasing 14-13

Enter Transaction Events Window Description

Table 142 describes the result of setting transaction code options in the Enter Transaction Events window.
Table 142 Transaction Code Options in Purchasing
Do not display this window again check box selected Option 1

Cancel button selected

OK button selected X

Result The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window appears for each line item in the requisition, purchase order, or receipt. Users can assign a different transaction code for each line. Transaction codes are not used for this transaction. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions.

Option 2

Option 3

The transaction code is entered for this transaction. The same transaction code defaults to all other line items in the requisition, purchase order, or receipt. The Enter Transaction Events window does not appear again for the current batch of transactions. same result as Option 2

Option 4


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part VI
Topical Essays

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process
This appendix describes the multiple receivable lines process. The following sections are in this appendix:

Denition Overview Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Example Cash Receipts in Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model Implementing Multiple Receivable Lines References

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process A-1


The multiple receivable lines feature is an alteration of the standard invoice transaction accounting model. Multiple receivable lines accounting allows public sector organizations to post receivable invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries to multiple balancing segment values or funds.

Multiple receivable lines facilitate Fund Accounting invoices in the public sector market. Public sector organizations typically use Fund as their balancing segment in the Accounting Flexeld. These organizations dene hundreds or thousands of values for their Fund segments. Consequently, one invoice usually has many lines, each of which credit different Fund segments. If an invoice has multiple lines and each line credits a different Fund segment value, then this invoice cannot generate a balanced journal entry. This is because the Receivables debit side of the journal entry can debit one and only one Fund segment. The multiple receivable lines feature resolves this problem by doing the following for each revenue distribution:

creates a Receivables entry segment that matches the Revenue distribution segment substitutes the Revenue natural account segment value with a Receivables natural account segment value

Standard Receivables Accounting Model

In the standard Receivables accounting model, the accounting entry occurs as follows:

The Receivables account exists at the invoice header level. Only one Receivables account is debited per invoice, regardless of how many Revenue accounts are credited.

A-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Table A1 Standard Receivables Accounting Model

Line/Distribution Receivable Line Invoice Line 1 Invoice Line 2 Revenue Distribution Line 1 Revenue Distribution Line 1 Revenue Distribution Line 2 Revenue Distribution Line 3 Invoice Line 3 Revenue Distribution Line 1 Revenue Distribution Line 2 $100 $250 $50 $25 $425 $150 Credit Debit $1000

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model

In the multiple receivable lines accounting model, the accounting entry occurs as follows:

The Receivables account is moved and distributed to the Revenue distribution account levels. For each Revenue credit to an Accounting Flexeld segment combination, there is also a Receivables debit. Receivables receipts are applied at the line item level and relieve specic Receivables accounts that fall within specic Funds.
Line/Distribution Invoice Line 1 Invoice Line 2 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 1 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 1 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 2 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 3 Invoice Line 3 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 1 Revenue/Receivable Distribution Line 1 Credit $100 $250 $50 $25 $425 $150 Debit $100 $250 $50 $25 $425 $150

Table A2 Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process A-3

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Example

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Example

A non-prot research group called the Big Think Tank institute must issue approximately 30 invoices per week to various foundations, endowments, and government agency grants for funding of its continued operations. Typically, one funding agency such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) provides money for several operational Funds operated by Big Think Tank. The following conditions exist in this example:

NSF provides funding for the General Fund, Operating Fund, and Trust Fund of Big Think Tank. In the General Ledger set of books for Big Think Tank Institute, the General, Operating, and Trust Funds are represented by the Balancing Fund Segment values 100, 200, and 300. NSF wants to receive the invoice for their funding dollars in a single invoice.

The invoice for NSF appears as shown in Table A3.

Table A3 Invoice with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting
BILL TO: TRANSACTION TYPE: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NSF FUNDING Revenue Account (Fund-Cost Center-Natural $ Amount Account) 1,000 100 - 35 - 5500 2,500 200 - 35 - 5600 3,000 300 - 35 - 5700 Receivable Account (Fund-Cost Center-Natural Account) 100 - 35 - 1210 200 - 35 - 1220 300 - 35 - 1230

Line 1 2 3

Description General Funds Operating Funds Trust Funds

With multiple receivable lines enabled, Big Think Tank can credit the natural revenue accounts, 5500-5700, for all three funds: 100, 200, and 300. Big Think Tank can now track the outstanding receivable for each Fund.

A-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Cash Receipts in Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model

Cash Receipts in Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model

Multiple receivable lines accounting provides the ability to track separate cash balances within multiple Fund segments. If an agency must maintain separate Receivables balances within each separate Fund, it is most likely required to maintain separate cash balances within each Fund. In the standard accounting model, when a cash receipt is entered, the credit entry is against the Receivables account and the debit entry to cash is against a single Accounting Flexeld combination associated with the Bank Account. Since a single Accounting Flexeld combination can only contain one possible Fund value, the standard Receipts accounting model can only track cash balances in one Fund. The multiple receivable lines feature allows users to track cash balances in specic Funds. When the user applies a receipt against an invoice with more than one Receivables line, the multiple receivable lines feature generates one debit cash entry for each Receivables line in the invoice.

Cash Receipts Example

In the previous example, Big Think Tank issued an invoice using multiple receivable lines accounting. The invoice has three Receivables lines and three Receivables balances in Funds 100, 200, and 300 as shown in Table A4.
Table A4 Invoice with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting
BILL TO: TRANSACTION TYPE: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NSF FUNDING Revenue Account (Fund-Cost Center-Natural $ Amount Account) 1,000 100 - 35 - 5500 2,500 200 - 35 - 5600 3,000 300 - 35 - 5700 Receivable Account (Fund-Cost Center-Natural Account) 100 - 35 - 1210 200 - 35 - 1220 300 - 35 - 1230

Line 1 2 3

Description General Funds Operating Funds Trust Funds

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process A-5

Cash Receipts in Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Model

Big Think Tank uses the Natural Account segment value 1100 for the Cash Balance account and a receipt of $6,500 is applied to this invoice. The cash receipts journal entry appears as shown in Table A5.
Table A5 Cash Receipts Journal Entry
CHECK # 12345 Line 1 2 3 $ Amount Applied Receivable Account 1,000 100 - 35 - 1210 2,500 200 - 35 - 1220 3,000 300 - 35 - 1230 Cash Balance Account 100 - 35 - 1100 200 - 35 - 1100 300 - 35 - 1100

The multiple receivable lines feature allows users to perform line-level cash receipt applications to invoices and to track cash balances in separate Funds.

A-6 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Implementing Multiple Receivable Lines

Implementing Multiple Receivable Lines

Multiple receivable lines is implemented as a post-installation server-side conguration that is performed by the database administrator, not the functional user or the system administrator. The decision to enable multiple receivable lines must be made carefully because once multiple receivable lines is enabled, it cannot be disabled. The only way to disable multiple receivable lines is to completely re-install and re-implement Oracle Public Sector Receivables. Public sector organizations should carefully consider the following questions when deciding whether to implement multiple receivable lines:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Is Fund Accounting used? Are hundreds or thousands of values for the Fund or balancing segment regularly used? In the Receivables invoicing process, are multiple line items entered for each invoice? Are revenue natural accounts credited in multiple Funds per invoice? Does the organization need to track a separate Receivables balance for each Fund segment value? Are payments received that must be applied to a specic line item or Fund within a single invoice? Are the volume of transactions low enough so that the organization can process all invoices by manual entry? Note: The autoinvoicing and transaction API open interface functionality in Receivables is not available when multiple receivable lines is enabled.


Are the volume of receipts low enough so that the organization can process and apply all payments by manual entry? Note: The receipts lockboxes and mass applications of receipts functionality in Receivables is not available when multiple receivable lines is enabled.


Is there absolutely no possibility that the organization would want to disable the multiple receivable lines feature in the future?

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process A-7

Implementing Multiple Receivable Lines

If the public sector organization answers Yes to all of these questions, then the multiple receivable lines feature is a good potential solution to the organizations business needs. WARNING: When the multiple receivable lines feature is enabled, certain functionality in Receivables is not available. For a complete list of the functional limitations, see Scope of Functionality, Chapter 5, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Setup.

A-8 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


For information on enabling multiple receivable lines during post-installation, see the Oracle Public Sector Applications Installation and Upgrade Guide. For information on creating invoices with multiple receivable lines accounting, see Chapter 11, Invoices with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures. For information on using cash receipts with multiple receivable lines accounting, see Chapter 12, Receipts with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures. For information on entering adjustments with multiple receivable lines accounting, see Chapter 13, Adjustments with Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Procedures.

Multiple Receivable Lines Accounting Process A-9


A-10 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Part VII

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Window Reference
This appendix lists windows referenced by Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following topics are in this appendix:

Overview Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Window Reference B-1


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features uses windows in the following products:

Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Oracle Public Sector Receivables

The following sections list Oracle Public Sector Receivables windows that are used by Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. For information about these windows, see the Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Activities Window
For information on the Activities window, see Entering Transactions and Viewing Items in Dispute, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Copy Transactions Window

For information on the Copy Transactions window, see Copying Invoices, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Credit Transactions Window

For information on the Credit Transactions window, see Crediting Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Dispute Window
For information on the Dispute window, see Entering Transactions and Viewing Items in Dispute, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Dunning History Window

For information on the Dunning History window, see Entering Transactions and Viewing Dunning History, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

B-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Freight Window
For information on the Freight window, see Entering Freight Information, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Installments Window
For information on the Installments window, see Entering Invoices with Installments, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Lines Window
For information on the Lines window, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Run General Ledger Interface Window

For information on running the GL Interface program, see Running GL Interface, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Sales Credits Window

For information on the Sales Credits window, see Entering Revenue Credits, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Tax Window
For information on the Tax window, see Entering Tax Information, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Transaction Overview Window

For information on the Transaction Overview window, see Entering Transactions and Viewing Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Transactions Window
For information on the Transactions window, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Window Reference B-3

Oracle Public Sector Receivables

Transactions Summary Window

For information on the Transactions Summary window, see Entering Transactions, Oracle Public Sector Receivables Users Guide.

B-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Navigation Paths
This appendix lists navigation paths for windows in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features. The following topic is in this appendix:


Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Navigation Paths C-1


Table C1 shows the navigation path for each window in Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features.
Table C1 Navigation Paths
Window Navigation Path

Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Dene Enhanced Transaction Codes [Oracle Public Sector Receivables] Dene Enhanced Transaction Codes [Oracle Public Sector Payables and Oracle Public Sector Purchasing] Oracle Public Sector Payables Enter Transaction Events Invoices - Entry - Invoices or Payments - Entry - Payment Batches or Payments - Entry - Payments Oracle Public Sector Receivables Accounting Transactions - Transactions Click Line Items Click Accounting Adjustment Distributions Transactions - Transactions Summary Click Adjust Click Adjustment Distributions Adjustments Transactions - Transactions Summary Click Adjust Balances Transactions - Transactions Click Balances Setup - Accounts - Dene Enhanced Transactions Setup - Accounts - Dene Enhanced Transactions

C-2 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide


Table C1 Navigation Paths

Window Balances Distributions Navigation Path Transactions - Transactions Click Balances Click Distributions Cash Applications Receipts - MF Receipts Click Applications Cash Applications Distributions Receipts - MF Receipts Click Applications Click Distributions Cash Receipts Enter Transaction Events Receipts - MF Receipts Transactions - Transactions Select a class Enter a transaction type Navigate through header region or Transactions - Transactions Summary Query and select a transaction Click Adjust or Receipts - Receipts Miscellaneous Cash Distributions Receipts - MF Receipts Click Distributions Reverse Receipts - MF Receipts Click Reverse Run General Ledger Interface Transactions Transactions Summary Interfaces - General Ledger Transactions - Transactions Transactions - Transactions Summary

Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Navigation Paths C-3


Table C1 Navigation Paths

Window Oracle Public Sector Purchasing Enter Transaction Events Requisitions - Requisitions or AutoCreate Click Find Select one or more lines Click Automatic or Purchase Orders - Purchase Orders or Purchase Orders - Releases or Receiving - Receipts Select an organization Click OK Click Find Click the rst line in the Lines region or Receiving - Receipts Click Unordered Click the rst line in the Lines region Navigation Path

C-4 Oracle Public Sector Advanced Features Users Guide

adjustment An increase or decrease of the amount due on an invoice, debit memo, chargebacks, deposit, or guarantee. Adjustments can be created manually or automatically. credit memo A document that partially or fully reverses an original invoice. enhanced transaction codes An optional feature in Oracle Public Sector Financials that allows users to enact certain transactions without having to make judgements regarding accounting transactions that might take place. Oracle Public Sector General Ledger Interface program A concurrent process that transfers receivables transactions to Oracle Public Sector General Ledger. invoice A source document created in Oracle Public Sector Receivables that lists amounts owed by the customer for the purchase of goods or services. The document also lists any tax, freight charges, or payment terms. miscellaneous receipt Revenue earned from investments, interest, refunds, and stock sales. Miscellaneous receipts do not have invoices associated with them.


multiple receivable lines An optional feature in Oracle Public Sector Financials that allows users to post receivables invoices, receipts, debit memos, credit memos, and adjusting entries to multiple balancing segment values or funds. receipt A payment received in exchange for goods or services. receivable adjustment Entries used to write off receivables that are considered uncollectable. transaction An accounting activity entered with a General Ledger date that is between the beginning and ending General Ledger dates. transaction codes A feature used to assign additional debit and credit pairs to a single transaction automatically. Transaction codes can be used to assist with budget execution or to customize the accounting effects of one transaction. transaction event A transaction event is used to dene the properties of transaction codes. These properties are used to control the meaning and use of transaction codes in the context of purchasing and receiving activities. transaction type An invoice control feature in Receivables that is used to specify default values for invoice printing, posting to the general ledger, and updating open receivable balances.


adjustments Adjustment Distributions window, 13-8 description, 13-9 Adjustments window, 13-4 description, 13-5 definition, 13-2 entering an adjustment procedure, 13-3 overview, 13-2 viewing and distributing adjustments procedure, 13-7 Advanced Features setup checklist, 7-3 overview, 7-2 steps, 7-4 Receivables description, 8-7 example, 8-6

Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables Procedures Enter Transaction Events window description, 9-8 example, 9-7 overview, 9-2 process, 9-2 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Matched and Unmatched Invoices procedure, 9-4 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payment Batches procedure, 9-5 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Payments procedure, 9-6 Enhanced Transaction Codes in Purchasing Procedures Enter Transaction Events window description, 14-13 example, 14-12 overview, 14-2 process, 14-2 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for AutoCreate Purchase Orders procedure, 14-7 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Planned Purchase Orders and Blanket Releases procedure, 14-9 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Matched Receipts procedure, 14-10

conventions angle brackets, xv bold, xv Courier font, xv references, xv special, xv uppercase, xv warning symbol, xv

Define Enhanced Transaction Codes window Payables description, 8-12 example, 8-10


Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Standard and Planned Purchase Orders procedure, 14-8 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Unmatched Receipts procedure, 14-11 Using Transaction Codes for Requisitions procedure, 14-6 Enhanced Transaction Codes Procedures in Receivables Enter Transaction Events window description, 10-10 example, 10-9 overview, 10-2 process, 10-2 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Credit Transactions procedure, 10-6 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Miscellaneous Receipts procedure, 10-8 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Receipts Matched to Invoices procedure, 10-7 Using Enhanced Transaction Codes for Transactions procedure, 10-5 Enhanced Transaction Codes Setup Define Enhanced Transaction Codes window, Payables description, 8-12 example, 8-10 Define Enhanced Transaction Codes window, Receivables description, 8-7 example, 8-6 overview, 8-2 process, 8-3 Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Payables and Purchasing procedure, 8-9 Setting Up Enhanced Transaction Codes in Receivables procedure, 8-5 Enter Transaction Events window Payables description, 9-8 example, 9-7 Purchasing description, 14-13 example, 14-12 Receivables

description, 10-10 example, 10-9

finance charges Receivables setup, 5-6

General Ledger setup checklist, 3-3 overview, 3-2 set of books, 3-5 steps, 3-5 transaction codes, 3-5

invoices Accounting window, 11-11 description, 11-12 Balances Distributions window, 11-19 description, 11-20 Balances window, 11-15 description, 11-16 crediting transactions procedure, 11-21 definition, 11-3 entering transaction lines procedure, 11-7 entering transactions procedure, 11-5 Lines window, 11-8 overview, 11-3 Transaction window, 11-6 viewing and distributing transaction lines distributions procedure, 11-9 viewing transaction balances distributions procedure, 11-18 viewing transaction balances procedure, 11-14

multiple receivable lines process cash receipts, A-5 example, A-5 definition, A-2


example, A-4 implementation, A-7 overview, A-2 references, A-9

navigation, C-2

Payables setup checklist, 4-3 overview, 4-2 profile options System Administration setup, Purchasing setup checklist, 6-3 overview, 6-2


Reverse window, 12-21 description, 12-22 reversing cash receipts procedure, 12-20 reversing miscellaneous receipts procedure, 12-29 viewing and distributing cash receipt distributions procedure, 12-15 Receivables window references, B-2 Receivables setup checklist, 5-3 finance charges, 5-6 overview, 5-2 steps, 5-6 territory flexfield, 5-6 transaction types, 5-6 responsibilities System Administration setup, 2-4

receipts applying a cash receipt manually procedure, 12-9 Cash Applications Distributions window, 12-16 description, 12-18 Cash Applications window, 12-11 description, 12-13 Cash Receipts window, 12-6 description, 12-7 Cash Receipts window, Misc. Transactions region, 12-24 description, 12-25 definition, 12-3 distributing miscellaneous receipts procedure, 12-26 entering a cash receipt manually procedure, 12-5 entering miscellaneous receipts procedure, 12-23 Miscellaneous Cash Distributions window, 12-27 description, 12-28 overview, 12-3

set of books General Ledger setup, 3-5 special conventions, xv System Administration setup checklist, 2-3 overview, 2-2 profile options, 2-4 responsibilities, 2-4 steps, 2-4 users, 2-4

territory flexfield Receivables setup, 5-6 transaction codes General Ledger setup, 3-5 transaction types Receivables setup, 5-6

users System Administration setup, 2-4


window references overview, B-2 Receivables, B-2 windows Accounting, 11-11 Adjustment Distributions, 13-8 Adjustments, 13-4 Balances, 11-15 Balances Distributions, 11-19 Cash Applications, 12-11 Cash Applications Distributions, 12-16 Cash Receipts, 12-6 Cash Receipts, Misc. Transactions region, 12-24 Define Enhanced Transaction Codes Payables, 8-10 Receivables, 8-6 Enter Transaction Events Payables, 9-7 Purchasing, 14-12 Receivables, 10-9 Lines, 11-8 Miscellaneous Cash Distributions, 12-27 Reverse, 12-21 Transactions, 11-6


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