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The need of waste treatment from fish processing plant in Vietnam

Vietnam the rank of fifth largest producer of fishery products globally, after China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, and accounted 19.3 percent of agriculture, fish and forest products contribution in 2006 [1]. Vietnam produced a total of 3,695.9 thousand metric tons (TMT) of aquatic products in 2006. Of this amount, 2,001.7 TMT or 54.2% was wild-caught (marine and inland) and 1,694.3 TMT or 45.8% was farm-raised [1,3,5,6].

Fig. 1. Fishery production and export turnover in 1991 2006 [7].

In 2008, the total production of both capture fisheries and aquaculture in Vietnam was 4.85 million tons, with exports valuing about 4.51 billion USD. Through the fish processing plant, fish products are ready for domestic and oversea markets. To make the goods, fish wastes are generated, which include the blood (running out with the drain) and viscera, heads, tails and bones. Sources of effluent from fish processing include the handling and storage of raw fish prior to processing, fluming of fish and product around the plant, defrosting, gutting, scaling, portioning and filleting of fish and the washing of fish products. Effluent streams generated from seafood processing contain high loads of organic matter due to the presence of oils, proteins and suspended solids. They can also contain high levels of phosphates and nitrates.

Some of them can be reutilized for fishmeal, and others, which have not been utilized efficiently, as untreated fish waste is directly disposed to the river or land field. If the effluent streams are discharged without treatment into water bodies, the pollutants they contain can cause eutrophication and oxygen depletion. In addition, fish processing industries have been known to pollute nearby beaches and shores by releasing wastewater containing oils. Since oil floats on water, it can end up on the surrounding coastline. Wastewater from seafood-processing operations can be very high in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), fat, oil and grease (FOG), and nitrogen content. Literature data for seafood processing operations showed a BOD production of 172.5 kg of BOD per ton of product. White fish filleting processes typically produce 12.537.5 kg of BOD for every ton of product [4].

Table 1. Wastewater characteristics of various species [4].

According to the research of Khanh et al (2010), there are 568 processing seafood plants in Vietnam; many of them produce products (Shrimp, Pangasius, Tuna, Mollusk, Crab, Tilapia, etc). Chemical concentrations (mainly organic matters) from the processing are higher than that of Vietnam technical regulation on water quality (with maximum of 88% of T-P exceeding the standard) (Table 2).

Table 2. Characteristics of water generated from seafood plants in Vietnam [2]. Parameters Temperature (oC) pH TSS (mg/l) T-N (mg/l) T-P (mg/l) COD (mg/l) BOD5(mg/l) Average 17.30 29.80 5.69 9.06 4 2,684.20 13.40 300 3,735 64 2,365.20 Exceed the Vietnam technical regulation on water quality (%) 3.85 12 87 88 73 83

Environmental survey at 52 water samples of 26 plants.

In 2005, Vietnam published the environmental law (such as National technical regulation on water quality) that enforces the treatment of sewage before discharging into environment. Decision No. 64/2003/Q-TTg of Prime Minister about the plan of polluted plants treatment, requires seafood companies to reduce the generation of large amounts of fish waste. Therefore, there is an urgent requirement for efficient treatment to remove the organic load from the fish waste. Conclusion Vietnam is a big country for fisheries sector and fish products. Although this field can contribute the huge amount of money for nations development, fish waste is generated and has bad affect to the received environment. Some regulation have been in action in order to force the fish processing companies to treat waste before discharging, otherwise, these companies have to close. Thus, the need of finding effective way to solve fish waste generated from processing. Recently, biological treatment is one of the most widely used methods for partial or complete mineralization of biologically degradable substances in both wastewaters and wastes. Biodegradation is considered to be the most suitable alternative to treat fisheries waste and realize a market for such a waste as fertilizer. Email:

1. Huong, N.T., Quan, T.Q., 2007. Fishery Products Annual Report. USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. 2. Khanh, T.L. et al., 2010. Support for the seafood processing enterprises for environmental protection, to meet the requirements of international economic integration. Research Institute for Marine fisheries, Vietnam (in Vietnamese). 3. Luan, T.V., 2012. Unsustainability of Fisheries Management in Developing Countries: Vietnam case. KOICA-PKNU International Graduate Program of Fisheries Science. 4. Seafood processing. Asian Institute of Technology. Available at: b&cd=1&ved=0CCYQFjAA& ustrialWasteAbatement-Seafood.pdf&ei=uSdmT7naOurmAXZ1LznCA&usg=AFQjCNHinP4IKRGg8QJKjfysySbxAwmKrA 5. University of Copenhagen and ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam, 2010. The fisheries sector in Vietnam: A strategic economic analysis. 6. UNEP, 2009. Fisheries subsidies, supply chain and certification in Vietnam. 7. Yen, P.T., 2007. Vietnam fisheries development. Available at: %20turnover%20in%201991%20%E2%80%93%202006&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CF QQFjAA& es%2F5_Fisheries%26AquacultureinVietnam_MARD.ppt&ei=_I_HTLhMcigmQXHxPinCw&usg=AFQjCNHuCGoFz1APgTwSqN-AyMBFkpNCJQ

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