Presentation Document: I. The North American Forum On Integration (NAFI)

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I. The North American Forum on Integration (NAFI)

I) WHO ARE WE?...................................................................................................2 II) OUR OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................2 III) OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS.......................................................................3 IV) OUR SPONSORS AND COLLABORATORS..............................................4

II. The Conference Beyond Free Trade: Strengthening North America...........................................................5 III. The next NAFI Conference ITESM April 2004...............6


I) WHO ARE WE? The North American Forum on Integration (NAFI) is a non-profit organization devoted to developing North American dialogue and networks. Created in 2002, NAFI aims to build awareness on the issues raised by North American integration and to focus the attention of decision-makers on the importance of the challenges at hand. In this perspective, NAFI intends to periodically bring together principal decision-makers from political, private, labour and academic sectors from Canada, the United States and Mexico. The first conference organized by NAFI, entitled Beyond Free Trade: Strengthening North America was held in Montreal on March 27 and 28, 2003 and was attended by 280 people. NAFIs Secretariat is based in Montreal. A team of six persons work on a permanent basis, and two other persons serve as representatives of NAFI in Washington D.C. and Mexico City.

II) OUR OBJECTIVES On a general basis, the objectives of NAFI are: - making the public and decision-makers aware of the challenges of economic and political integration between the three NAFTA countries; - identifying new ideas and strategies to reinforce the North American region; - establishing a new tradition of North American multi-disciplinary meetings and alternating in the three countries; - favouring the creation of North American networks to set the basis for a trilateral dialogue; - identifying elements of a North American agenda to put forward integration beyond the reduction of tariffs; - putting on the political agenda the idea of creating a North American Investment Fund that would stimulate Mexican economic growth and gaining the support of public opinion and decision-makers regarding the advantages of such a fund.

III) OUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Our Board of Directors is composed of influential personalities from all three countries of NAFTA, who share the same wish to develop economic and political links between the three partners by promoting a pragmatic North American agenda. In the near future, we wish to add to our Board of Directors, representatives from the industrial and financial sectors, as well as from trade unions.

CHAIRMAN Dr. Robert A. Pastor, Ph.D. (United States) Vice-president of International Affairs Profesor and Director of the Center for North American Studies, American University DIRECTORS Ambassador Andrs Rozental (Mexico) President of Rozental & Associates President, Mexican Council of International Affairs Dr. Tarcisio Navarrete Montes de Oca, Ph. D. (Mexico) President International Business with Social Sense Dr. Stephen Blank, Ph. D. (United States.) Director, Center for International Business Development, Lubin School of Business, Pace University (New York) Dr. Victor Lpez, Ph.D. (Mexico) Director, Center for North American Studies, Monterrey TEC Mr. Pablo Rodriguez (Canada) Deputy Vice-president, GGA Communications President, Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec) Dr. Franois Duchesneau, Ph. D. (Canada) Vice-rector, Planning and International Relations Universit de Montral Ms. Christine Frchette (Canada) President and Executive Director of NAFI SECRETARY Ms. Vicky Trpanier (Canada) Lawyer, Brouillette Charpentier Fortin GP

PARTNERSHIP The activities of the North American Forum on Integration are made possible thanks to the financial support of Fonds Jeunesse Qubec and the Ministre des Affaires municipales, du Sport et du Loisir du Qubec. For its next conference entitled "Forging North American Energy Security " that will be held on April 1 st and 2 nd in Monterrey (Mexico) NAFI benefits from the support of the following organizations:

Gigawatt Support

Kilowatt Support Gigawatt Support


Centre Hlios Office Qubec-Amriques pour la jeunesse Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud


Montreal, March 27 and 28, 2003 Htel Delta Centre-Ville

NAFIs 2003 Conference brought together: - 280 participants from the three NAFTA countries; - More than 40 high-level speakers coming from Canada, the United States and Mexico; - More than 30 organizations, partners and sponsors; - A dozen representatives from print and televised Media; - Many influential people involved in North American integration. Our slate of guest speakers included:
Lunch conference, Marc 27th 2003

- The Honorable Pierre Pettigrew, Minister for International Trade, Canada; - Ms. Pauline Marois, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Economy and Research, Qubec ; - Her Excellency Maria Teresa de Madero, Mexican Ambassador in Canada; - Lic. Geronimo Gutierrez, Deputy Minister for North America, Department of Foreign Relations of Mexico; - Mr. Thomas DAquino, President and Chief Executive, Canadian Council of Chief Executives; - Mr. Michael Gadbaw, Vice-President and Senior Counsel, International Law and Policy, General Electric Company; - Many members of parliament/deputies and senators; - Leaders of the three national manufacturers associations; - And many more Themes of the 2003 Conference - The creation of a North American Investment Fund; - The impact of NAFTA on business; - North American development challenges; - The effectiveness of North American borders; - The role of Parliaments in North America; - The manufacturers point of view on North American integration; - NAFTAs consequences on federalism. The quality of our participants, the diversity of sectors represented, as well as the shared will to ensure a follow-up of the conference have convinced us of the success of this first experience. During the conference, Dr. Victor Lopez, Director of the Centre for North American Studies of the ITESM has officially announced that his institution will be hosting NAFIs next North American Conference in 2004.

Distribution of participants by their organisation's activity sector 5% 15% 30%

50% Politics Academics Business Trade Unions

III. Forging a North American Energy Security Organized in collaboration with ITESM Monterrey (Mexico) April 1st and 2nd 2004

The next NAFI conference, which will take place in Monterrey (Mexico) on April 1st and 2nd 2004, in collaboration with the Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, will be devoted to the theme of North American energy issues related to oil, natural gas and electricity. Energy supply is vital for economic growth in North America. In the current context of global uncertainty, we find ourselves in a vulnerable position in relation to foreign producers. Moreover, the growing interconnections of North American energy networks also increase our interdependence in this area, making collaboration on a continental scale all the more essential. How can it be assured that the tremendous energy resources of our region will better fulfill the needs of the populations and businesses, in a context of respect of the environment and of local communities? More specifically, the conference workshops will deal with the following themes: - The energy situation in North America; - The lack of investment in energy infrastructures; - The role of the provinces and states in the energy sector; - The mandate of the North American Energy Working Group (NAEWG); - Improving the energy efficiency of the region; - Energy from renewable sources; - Control of energy resources; - The role of aboriginal communities in energy projects.


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