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30th May 2012


Bahrain activist released from prison
Bahraini authorities have released the activist Zainab Al Khawaja after she served a one-month jail sentence for attacking a policewoman at a protest, her lawyer said yesterday. Ms Al Khawaja, the daughter of prominent jailed Shiite opponent, Abdulhadi Al Khawaja, is still on trial in two other cases, including taking part in an illegal gathering and obstructing traffic during a sit-in. Read More AFP. She also paid a 200 dinars ($530) fine for having insulted a police officer.

Bahrain Releases Shiite Female Protester

Bahraini authorities have released activist Zainab alKhawaja after she served a one-month jail sentence for attacking a policewoman at a protest, her lawyer Mohammed al-Jishi told Agence France Presse on Wednesday. "Zainab was released on Tuesday after she served her one-month jail term," Jishi told

The daughter of prominent jailed Shiite opponent, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, who ended a 110-day hunger strike on Monday, was convicted of attacking a policewoman and taking part in an illegal rally. She is still on trial over two other cases, including taking part in another illegal gathering and obstructing traffic by sitting in the middle of a main road in Manama, said Jishi. Read More Alkhawaja has been released from prison after a month behind bars. Alkhawaja was jailed in April protesting the imprisonment of her father, Abdulhadi Alkhawaja. Zainabs release comes one day after the elder Alkhawaja ended a more than three-month hunger strike. Read More The daughter of prominent jailed activist Abdulhadi alKhawaja, who ended a 110day hunger strike on Monday, Zainab was detained on April 21 while sitting in the middle of a main road leading to the Bahrain International Circuit, a day before the Formula 1 Grand Prix,the BBC reports. Read More

Daughter of Bahraini activist freed

A pro-reform activist protesting the detention of her father, a human rights activist in Bahrain, was released from prison after paying a ne, ofcials said. Pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja was given a one-month prison term last week. She was

arrested April 21 after calling for cancellation of the Formula 1 race in Bahrain in protest of the detention of her father, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja. Khawaja was freed this week after paying a $530 ne, the BBC reports. Her father ended a hunger strike Monday after 110 days. His wife, Khadija alMousawi, told the British broadcaster he ended his campaign in part because he was routinely force-fed. Read More Zainab al-Khawaja was sentenced last week to one month in prison for taking part in an illegal gathering but was freed because of time served on remand. She was detained after demanding the end of the crackdown on dissent and the release of her father, Abdulhadi. Read More

Bahrain Activist Zainab Alkhawaja Released from Prison

In news from Bahrain, the prodemocracy activist Zainab

Leading Bahrain Activist Zainab AlKhawaja Released

A pro-democracy activist in Bahrain who was arrested last month after staging a lone protest on a main road has been released from jail after paying a fine.

Bahrain pro-democracy activist Zainab alKhawaja freed from jail

Pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been released from prison in Bahrain after being arrested last month while staging a lone protest on a main road.

people martyred in the revolution since February, 2011. I was told many times that he was a very beloved and respected man in the community. I was invited to his familys house to meet two of his three children; Fatima, twenty-five years old, and Zahra, fourteen. Big chandeliers of crystal hung from the ceiling and the girls told me that Karim patiently placed every crystal piece with his own hands. They showed me his big collection of antique books that he, as a bookstore owner and publisher, had edited himself. Read More

If you show pictures of his body to anyone, you wont see another daylight. Interview with Karim Fakhrawis daughters
My father was a very religious man, and very open minded, Fatima said, calmly keeping the eye contact with me longer than people you meet for the first time normally dare. She is Karim Fakhrawis oldest daughter, born in 1986. Karim, who grew up in Manama but has Persian roots, is one of the 90


10 Bangladeshis were killed in a re that struck an illegal make-shift labor camp designed to hold less than half that number. The lodgings were never inspected by the government because the workers who leased the space were illegals migrants who remained in the country after

their work contracts expired. Illegal migrants across the Gulf avoid contact with government establishments, forgoing administrative safeguards in order to maintain employment. Bahraini authorities obviated responsibility for the incident, blaming the migrants for subjecting themselves to these conditions. A spokesperson claimed the deaths should not have occurred because they never should have been there. Read More

Al Jazeera English wins Amnesty award

Al Jazeera English has taken the prize for International Television and Radio at Amnesty International's UK Media Awards. The accolade was awarded to the Qatar-based broadcaster for a third time, this year for its documentary Shouting in the Darkwhich detailed the uprising and subsequent crackdown on Bahraini antigovernment protesters. Shouting in the Dark directorMay Ying Welsh went undercover in the island nation for three months last

year to write and lm the documentary. "Last year was a year of revolution across the Middle East, with signicant media focus on uprisings in Egypt and Libya. Protests in Bahrain risked being forgotten when the government expelled all foreign media," she said. "We were determined to not let this happen and we continued to lm undercover to show what was happening on the ground.We would like to thank Amnesty International for this recognition and accept it on behalf of everyone whose stories were featured in the lm." Read More

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