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Visual communication Visual communication is the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon.

In this age of multimedia and mass communication a picture may really worth a thousand words. Recent research supports the idea that visual communication can be more powerful than verbal communication, suggesting in many instances that people learn and retain information that is presented to them visually much better than that which is only provided verbally. Methods:
Speakers body Objects Photographs Drawings- Diagrams, sketches, maps Graphs Power Point Video footage

Impact of Visual Communication People only remember 10% of what they hear 20% of what they read about 80 percent of what they see and do.

It is also under stood that retention of information 3 days after a meeting is six times greater when information is presented by visual and oral means than when the information is presented by the spoken word alone and educational researchers suggesting that 83% of human learning occurs visually. Methods

Diagrams:- Diagram is a two-dimensional geometric symbolic representation of informati on according to some visualization technique. Sometimes, the technique uses a threedimensional visualization which is then projected onto the two-dimensional surface. There are various types Diagrams:

Tree diagrams: The term tree diagram refers to a specific type of diagram that has a unique network topology. It can be seen as a specific type of network diagram, which in turn can be seen as a special kind of cluster diagram. Flow Chart: A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. This diagrammatic representation can give a step-by-step solution to a given problem. Process operations are represented in

these boxes, and arrows connecting them represent flow of control. Data flows are not typically represented in a flowchart, in contrast with data flow diagrams; rather, they are implied by the sequencing of operations. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.

Venn diagrams: Venn diagrams or set diagrams are diagrams that show all hypothetically possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets (aggregation of things). Venn diagrams were conceived around 1880 by John Venn. They are used to teach elementary set theory, as well as illustrate simple set relationships in probability, logic, statistics, linguistics and computer science (see logical connectives).

Charts A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which "the data is represented by symbols,

such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart". Features of a chart Typically a chart containing very little text, is graphical,

are often displayed on axes. If a horizontal and a vertical axis are used, they are usually referred to as the x-axis and yaxis respectively. Each axis will typically also have a label displayed outside or beside it, briefly describing the dimension represented. When the data appearing in a chart contains multiple variables, the chart may include a legend. This information allows the data from each variable to be identified in the chart. There are different types of charts Bar Chart Pie Chart

Line Graph Strengths and Weaknesses of various Charts Bar Chart

Streangths Comparisons easily shown. Main titles and subtitles can be easily added. Oral presentation possible. Colour add to the visual appeal.

Weaknesses Including too much information may require lettering too small to read. Precise distinction between variables harder to see. Visual impact may overwhelm content.

Pie Chart Strengths

Including too much information may require lettering too small to read. Precise distinction between variables harder to see. Visual impact may overwhelm content.

Weaknesses Use of too distinctions. many parts may blur

Distortion may occur if similar patterns are close to each other. Line Graph Strengths
Trends over time permits comparison. Symbols on line aid clarity.

Weaknesses Too many variables and data clutter information. Precise determine. distinctions are difficult to

Images An image shall express and communicate something which cannot be presented in textual form or for which graphical presentation is superior to textual.An image shall be associated with related text, both in layout and in contents. Types of Images used Indispensable image o Plan of a house Supportive image. Eye-catching image Image against boredom Decorative image Guidelines for Preparation Prepare in advance.

Keep them simpleshould be straightforward, clear, and uncluttered Make sure enough visual aids are large

Use Fonts that are easy to read Font size should be 36 pt for titles 24 pt for subtitles Use color effectively Use colour effectively Studies show that color can have a tremendous effect.According to researchers, color visuals increase the willingness to read 80% and can positively affect motivation and participation to the same degree. Display neither more nor less than what is relevant

Dont make people wade through meaningless visual content in your display to find what really matters. Avoid using such things like cute pictures in the background or the addition of a third dimension to bars. visual content of this sort is something that peoples eyes must scan and brains must process, without any payback Extraneous content not only wastes peoples time, it makes it harder for them to get at the message. Dont make people wade through meaningless visual content in your display to find what really matters. Avoid using such things like cute pictures in the background or the addition of a third dimension to bars. visual content of this sort is something that peoples eyes must scan and brains must process, without any payback

Extraneous content not only wastes peoples time, it makes it harder for them to get at the message.

Advantages of Visual Aids Strengthen the clarity of the speakers message Increase the interest of the speakers information Make a speakers message easier for listeners to retain Enhance the speakers credibility Can improve the speakers persuasion Helps combat stage fright Transcends language barriers

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