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Message from the Dean/Campus Principal

Welcome to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree Program at Acsenda (ASM)! With inputs from business practitioners and employers, the different courses and specializations in Accounting, Human Resources Management, International Business Management, and Marketing have been designed to provide students with theoretical foundations matched with practical business applications. The BBA program of ASM prepares students to meet the challenges of globalization and the demand for innovation and competitiveness which are impacting businesses today. At ASM, you will pursue a business program that is both relevant and responsive to the needs of industries. You will be exposed to case analyses, team work, and strategic planning processes. Upon the completion of your BBA program, you will have the business competencies, leadership skills, and global perspectives to succeed in the real world of 21st century business. Sincerely Teresita Ireneo-Manalo, Ph.D.

College Strategies for Success- SSKL099

This course is mandatory for all incoming students to Acsenda. The course is scheduled for 3.5 hours per week for 12 weeks. While this course is not awarded any credit towards the BBA Degree Program it will appear on students transcripts as a Pass / Fail completion. This course consists of three parts: Strategies for Success, Computer Basics and Library Research Skills. Students are required to complete all assignments and attend all classes. Part 1: Strategies for Success This part of this course provides students with important information in order to succeed in college. This course will introduce the concept of active learning and discuss about college tasks that require self-motivation, selfmanagement, reading strategies, note-taking and other success skills and strategies. This part of the course discusses how students could learn actively and how they could think critically. Part 2: Computer Basics This part of this course focuses on reviewing basic computer skills for which a separate module outline will be provided. Students will be exposed to applications used in business for solving problems, communicating, and making informed decisions, including word processors, presentation software, electronic spreadsheets, and databases. Part 3: Library Research Skills This part of this course is the Library course for which a separate module outline will be provided. Information Literacy skills will be discussed so that students will be able to research, select, understand, evaluate and make effective use of information.


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS English for Academic Purposes

Program Scope
The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program is for students who want to study at Acsenda but do not yet meet the English proficiency requirement. The program helps you improve your academic English skillsincluding reading, writing, listening, and speaking. If you complete EAP successfully, you are guaranteed admission into your choice of the Bachelor of Business Administration program or Advanced Diploma in Business Administration program.

Program Length
Depending on the level of English on entry, the EAP could be completed in 3 12 months. The programs involve up to 14 hours of class/contact time each week which include a lecture and lab component. Students must put at least 2 hours of outside the classroom studies for every hour of class time. Leads to: BBA program or ADBA program Program length: Three to twelve months Number of Levels: Four levels Intakes: Four times per year Note: All students are required to complete the College Strategies for Success Skills (SKLL099) course during their first term of registration. See the Table of Contents.

Entrance Requirements
You must meet one of the following English requirements:


Acsendas English Placement Test





Level 1

4.5 (With no band lower than 4.0)

400-413 32-34


Level 2


(No band lower than 4.5)

417-451 35-45


Level 3


(No band lower than 5.0)

452-497 46-59


Level 4


(No band lower than 5.5)

500-547 60-78


IntermediateEPE Program with minimum of 80% coursework & 60% on exit test ESL Level 5 or EPE Program with minimum of 80% coursework & 65% on the exit test

Successful completion of the General English Upper Intermediate program


You must also meet either the domestic or international general admission requirements for ADBA and BBA programs.

Level 1 (12 Weeks)

EAPP092 Reading and Writing 1: Focuses on writing properly structured sentences. Students will write longer paragraphs and build mid-level vocabulary. They summarize short non-authentic and authentic written materials. EAPP093 Listening and Speaking 1: Emphasis on providing students opportunity to a variety of listening input: broadcast, conversations, short speeches. Students develop their skills in taking turns in discussions and in learning to ask questions based on what they have listened to. EAPS093 Seminar / Lab: A seminar and lab which provides students an environment to practice and implement what they have they cumulatively learned throughout level 1.

Exit Requirements
Minimum of a C average (60%-63%) on the two components with no component lower than a C- (55%-59%).

Level 2 (12 Weeks)

EAPP094 Reading and Writing 2: Tracking skills in structuring sentences. Students write short compositions that reflect wellorganized ideas. They learn to understand topics of general interest and of academic in nature and to express themselves clearly on these topics. They paraphrase passages from authentic and non-authentic materials. EAPP095 Listening and Speaking 2: Students actively listen to interviews and short lectures. They do a presentation using PowerPoint about a person whom they consider successful. The presentation includes the persons background family and education, achievements, and reasons why they think such person is successful. EAPS095 Seminar / Lab: A seminar and lab which provides students an environment to practice and implement what they have they cumulatively learned throughout level 2.

Exit Requirements
Minimum of a C average (60%-63%) on the two components with no component lower than a C- (55%-59%).

Level 3 (12 Weeks)

EAPP096 Reading and Writing 3: Developing skills in note-taking using adapted and authentic readings. Students recognize the evidence or support materials in academic lectures and texts. Students will write essays with a thought -provoking thesis statement and effective introduction and conclusion. Students apply new vocabulary learned through these writing tasks. EAPP097 Listening and Speaking 3: In pairs, students do an oral presentation using visuals: charts, diagrams, posters on a topic assigned by the instructor. The listeners practice formulating questions and asking these questions. The presenters practice answering these questions with accuracy. EAPS097 Seminar / Lab: A seminar and lab which provides students an environment to practice and implement what they have they cumulatively learned throughout level 3. Academic Courses: Students are eligible to complete 1 academic course while completing EAP Level 3.


Exit Requirements
Minimum of a C average (60%-63%) on the two components with no component lower than a C- (55%-59%).

Level 4 (12 Weeks)

EAPP098 Reading and Writing 4: Focuses on research skills using the Internet and College online databases. Students paraphrase, summarize and synthesize research sources, and organize their information. They learn to utilize the data they have gathered to write an academic paper which can be transformed in an oral presentation. EAPP099 Listening and Speaking 3: Students learn to do interviews using their structures questionnaires. They present to a large group, use audio-visual support materials effectively, and lead small-group discussions based on the oral presentations they have watched. They also develop their skills in preparing for a 30-minute debate, the components of which are the sections of argument, question period, rebuttal, and summary. EAPS099 Seminar / Lab: A seminar and lab which provides students an environment to practice and implement what they have they cumulatively learned throughout level 4. Academic Courses: Students are eligible to complete 2 academic courses while completing EAP Level 4.

Exit Requirements
Minimum of a C+ average (64%-67%) on the two components with no component lower than a C (60%-63%).

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

The Acsenda BBA degree program is designed to prepare students fully for careers in todays complex global organizations. The emphasis is on combining theory with practical applications. Faculty are selected both for their strong academic credentials (all faculty members have completed a Masters or doctoral degree in the field in which they are teaching) and their experience as st practicing managers. The result is graduates who understand the latest in research and are also well prepared to meet 21 century job requirements in their chosen fields of specialization.

Program Scope
BBA students study all of the functional areas of business, including accounting, finance, production, marketing, industrial relations, law, business ethics, business strategy, and human resources management. Students become job ready and better prepared academically by taking additional 15-21 upper level credit hours in one of four concentrations: Human Resources Management, Marketing, Accounting, or International Business Management. A Generalist Option is also available.

Program Length
The BBA degree program is a 120-credit, four-year degree program. Each course is three credits for a total of 40 courses required for graduation. Classes are offered year-round and normally students take four courses per term. It is therefore possible to complete the degree in 2.5 years, by taking courses every term without a break. Students who wish to take a break are recommended to take a break during the first term starting in January.

Note: All students are required to complete the College Strategies for Success Skills (SKLL099) course during their first term of registration. See the Table of Contents.


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Course Requirements - Generalist Option, Human Resources Management, Marketing
or International Business Management Concentrations

Lower Division (100-200 level) - Students enrolled in these Concentrations

are required to complete 24 courses (72 credits) of Lower Division (100-200 level) courses to be selected as prescribed from the following three tables.

English and Communications Courses


University Writing Intro. To the Essay



Critical Thinking Public Speaking and Presentations




All 4 courses (12 credits) are required

Lower Division Business Required Courses

ACCT101a ACCT201a BADM110 BADM120 BADM130 BADM201 BADM202

Financial Accounting I Managerial Accounting I Business Communications College Business Math Management Information Systems Managerial Skills Production Management


BADM221 BHRM231 BIBM101 BMRK231 ECON121 ECON122 FINC101a

Fundamentals of Economic & Business Stats Intro to Human Resource Management Intro to International Business Principles of Marketing Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Financial Management I


All 14 courses (42 credits) listed above are required

Lower Division Electives


Introduction to Business Management Science Urban Geography Canada in the 21st Century World Civilization I



World Civilization II Intro to Political Science Intro to International Organizations Intro to Psychology Intro to Sociology




Select a minimum of 6 courses (18 credits) listed above


Upper Division (300-400 level)
- to complete the Upper Division courses listed under the three

categories entered below and as prescribed in each table. All students must enroll in an additional seven courses (21 credits) selected, as specified, from the areas of concentration, which are described on the following pages. A list of courses for each area of concentration is entered below each description. Selection of required and elective concentration courses must be made in consultation with the Dean or the Registrar.

Upper Division Required Courses


Title Business Law Organizational Behaviour Business Society and Ethics



Title Business Research Business Strategy

BADM221 Graduating Students

All 5 courses (15 credits) are required

Upper Division Skills Courses (Choose 2)


Title Negotiation Project Management



Title Conflict Management


Select a minimum of 2 courses (6 credits)

Upper Division Electives


Title Environmental Law and Policy Organization Theory



Title Industrial Relations Corporate Governance

BADM302 BIBM101 & BHRM231

Select a minimum of 2 courses (6 credits) listed above


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Human Resources Management Concentration

Recognising the critical role of Human Resource Managers to the success of any business, the graduates of Human Resources Management (HRM) concentrations continue to be in great demand. The field of human resources management offers a rich set of potential career options including Recruiting and Placement jobs such as recruiters, interviewers, head hunters, test administrators, and employment managers. HRM graduates may also land jobs in Development and Training where they perform functions as counselors, career planners, training specialists, technical recruitment specialists or orientation specialists. As the ability to satisfy and keep valued employees becomes challenging, more and more companies are now hiring for Compensation Specialists, Benefits Specialists, and Health, Safety, and Security Specialists. The existence of strong labour unions also gives HRM graduates the career option of becoming Employee and Labor Relations Supervisors. The Acsenda BBA in Human Resources Management program supports the learning requirements of the Canadian Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation in areas relating to HR planning and staffing, recruitment and selection, employee training and development, compensation management, employee and labour relations, health and safety and organizational development and change.

Subject BHRM331 BHRM332 BHRM431 BHRM432 BHRM433 BHRM434 BHRM435

Title Human Resource Planning and Staffing Recruitment and Selection Employee Training and Development Compensation Management Organizational Development and Change Cultural Sensitivity and International Human Resources Mgmt Human Resource Management Strategies

Prerequisites BHRM231 BHRM231 BHRM231 BHRM331 BHRM302 BIBM101 & BHRM231 18 CREDITS OF HRM

Students must select a minimum of 5 courses (including BHRM435) from the above list. The remaining 2 courses may be selected from the Marketing Concentration table, International Business Concentration table or from the Human Resources Concentration table above.


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS International Business Management Concentration

Since globalization has become an inevitable force in any business operation, graduates of the BBA-International Business Management program may search for jobs available in internationally-oriented organizations ranging from local businesses engaged in international trade, licensing or financial agreements, multinational enterprises, banks and other international financial institutions, various governmental organizations and companies having subsidiaries in other countries. Most of the companies offer handsome salary packages along with other lucrative facilities. Career options for graduates in International Business Management include jobs in the following areas: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Entrepreneurship and Consulting, International Finance and Accounting, International Marketing and Sales, and Sustainable Business. Acsenda is a FITT Accredited Educational Partner and graduates of our BBA- International Business Management (IBM) Program now have advanced standing towards the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) education requirements by allowing students to transfer their credits to FITT. Students must also successfully pass the Professional Examination given by FITT. The CITP designation is an internationally recognized designation that signifies professionals who have competencies in international trade that are of the highest standard. For more detailed information, please visit

Subject BIBM101 BIBM331 BMRK331 BIBM332 BIBM431 BIBM432 BMRK433 BHRM434 BIBM435

Title Introduction to International Business Macroeconomics and the Global Business Environment Marketing Research International Finance Legal Aspects of International Business Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics International Marketing Management Cultural Sensitivity and International Human Resources Mgmt. Global Business Strategy


FITT skills Equivalent Global Business Environment

ECON122 BMRK231 & BADM221 FINC101a BADM301 BADM202 BIBM101 & BMRK231 BIBM101 & BHRM231 18 Concentration Credits

International Trade Management International Trade Research International Trade Finance Legal Aspects of International Trade Global Supply Chain Management International Marketing

International Market Entry Strategies

Students must take all of the courses listed above in order to be eligible to request transfer credits with FITT and be allowed to take the Professional Examination for the CITP designation.


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Marketing Concentration

Marketing has always been an interesting field of specialization as the demand for graduates in this field continues to dominate job postings. Students specializing in the marketing concentration could expect to find work opportunities in the areas of: brand manager, marketing manager, sales manager, advertising agency client services, sales, franchising, entrepreneurial ventures launching new products or services, public relations manager, social media specialist, TV/radio/print/outdoor media representative and marketing research. Career options in this exciting field of marketing include jobs in Advertising and Public Relations, Market Research, Product and Brand Management, Retailing, and in the non-profit sector including jobs in the arts, government, religious organizations, public health and museums. The Acsenda BBA in Marketing integrates real business examples into learning. Students can therefore expect to be introduced to business leaders in the marketing field through guest lectures and class visits to local businesses. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of skills learned through case analysis, individual and team work as well as oral and written presentations, to ensure students are career ready.

Subject BMRK331 BMRK332 BMRK340 BMRK431 BMRK432 BMRK433 BMRK434 BMRK435

Title Introduction to Marketing Research Consumer Behaviour Marketing Cases Marketing Communication Business to Business Marketing International Marketing Management Sales Management & E-Marketing Marketing Strategy

Prerequisites BMRK231 & BADM221 BMRK231 BMRK231 & Marketing Major declared BMRK231 BMRK231 BIBM101 & BMRK231 BMRK231 18 credits of Marketing

Students must select a minimum of 5 courses (including BMRK435) from the above list. The remaining 2 courses may be selected from the Human Resources Concentration table, International Business Concentration table or from the Marketing Concentration table above.



The Generalist option is available to those students who are pursuing a broader perspective of the business world, without focusing specifically upon any one area of administration. While these students will not develop an in-depth understanding of one of the four areas of concentration, they are expected to have an acceptable understanding of Marketing and Human Resources Management. The Generalist Option consists of the standard Lower Level and Upper Level course requirements. It also requires students to complete no less than two courses from both Marketing and Human Resources Management plus an additional 3 courses from any area of concentration. However, students in the Generalist Option may not take any more than three courses from any one concentration.

Acsendas location is in one of the most prestigious areas in downtown Vancouver right beside all the professional businesses and stores. Vancouver is a multicultural city with diverse landscapes and luxury settings with almost every cultures cuisines and I would encourage everybody to experience the Vancouver life style and what it has to offer. Our learning experience at ASM was one for the history books because I enjoyed it very much and I was given the opportunity to be the President of the Alumni Student Society and that helped me in shaping my personality by becoming a successful student. ASM gave me the opportunity to complete my BBA in 3 years and I was lucky to find a College of that calibre and determination to provide face to face assistance for their students. I have enriched my own personal global contacts by befriending so many different students from around the world and that will assist us in the future career wise. Hard work and determination is the key to success and I believe any student can obtain a Degree if they have a clear vision, the will to never give up, and be the best of what they do. Hietham (Nathan) Atyat, BBA and ASM Valedictorian


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Course Requirements Accounting Concentration

Lower Division (100-200 level) - Students enrolled in the Accounting Concentration are required to complete
24 courses (72 credits) of Lower Division (100-200 level) courses to be selected as prescribed from the following three tables.

English and Communications Courses


University Writing Intro. To the Essay



Critical Thinking Public Speaking and Presentations




All 4 courses (12 credits) are required

Lower Division Business Required Courses

ACCT101a ACCT101b ACCT201a ACCT201b BADM110 BADM120 BADM130 BADM201 BADM202

Financial Accounting I Financial Accounting II Managerial Accounting I Managerial Accounting II Business Communications College Business Math Management Information Systems Managerial Skills Production Management


BADM221 BADM222 BHRM231 BIBM101 BMRK231 ECON121 ECON122 FINC101a FINC101b

Fundamentals of Economic & Business Stats Management Science Intro to Human Resource Management Intro to International Business Principles of Marketing Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics Financial Management I Financial Management II


All 18 courses (54 credits) listed above are required

Lower Division Electives


Introduction to Business Urban Geography Canada in the 21st Century World Civilization I World Civilization II



Intro to Political Science Intro to International Organizations Intro to Psychology Intro to Sociology




Select a minimum of 2 courses (6 credits) listed above


Upper Division (300-400 level)
- to complete the Upper Division courses listed under the three categories

entered below and as prescribed in each table. All students must enroll in an additional seven courses (21 credits) from the areas of concentration for Accounting, which are described on the following pages. Selection of required and elective concentration courses must be made in consultation with the Dean or the Registrar.

Upper Division Required Courses


Title Business Law Organizational Behaviour Business Society and Ethics



Title Business Research Business Strategy Taxation

BADM221 Graduating Students ACCT332


All 6 courses (18 credits) are required

Upper Division Skills Courses (Choose 2)


Title Negotiation Project Management



Title Conflict Management


Select a minimum of 2 courses (6 credits)

Upper Division Electives


Title Environmental Law and Policy Organization Theory



Title Industrial Relations Corporate Governance

BADM302 BIBM101 & BHRM231



Select a minimum of 1 course (3 credits) listed above


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Accounting Concentration

One of the career options that continue to create great demand for graduates is accounting. Accounting offers excellent career opportunities in three broad areas: auditing, financial/tax and management accounting. With an accounting specialization, graduates may find themselves as auditors or budget analysts involved in the checking of accounting ledgers and financial statements within corporations and government. Some accounting graduates work as management accountants, whose responsibilities often involve the analysis of the structure of organizations, or as tax accountants, who prepare corporate and personal income tax statements and formulate tax strategies. Other accounting graduates can be employed as public accountants who may work in partnerships which provide accounting services to individuals, businesses and governments, or as government accountants who may be employed at the local/state level or the federal level and administer and formulate budgets, track costs and analyze programs. Accounting graduates may start with entry-level careers but have high potential to be promoted into leadership positions. We are certainly proud to say that the Acsenda BBA program in Accounting has maintained a quality and up-to-date curriculum based on the new accounting standards. Its highly qualified pool of faculty has extensive and vital industry experience. Acsenda has signed an agreement with CGA-BC that allows Acsenda BBA graduates to receive transfer credits for up to four levels of the CGA program. The list of courses articulated so far can be visited at:


Intermediate Financial Accounting I: Assets Intermediate Financial Accounting II: Liabilities & Equity Advanced Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Topics Advanced Managerial Accounting External Auditing I External Auditing II Accounting Theory and Practice

ACCT101b ACCT331 ACCT332 BADM221 & ACCT201b ACCT332 ACCT432 FINC101a & ACCT332

All 7 courses (21 credits) in this table are required

After one year of computer science at Simon Fraser University and two years of retail experience, I was looking for something new. A friend referred me to Acsenda (ASM) in downtown Vancouver. They offered me a very appealing opportunity. At ASM, I could complete a business degree in less than three years without any prior university education. This is at least one year less than the degree programs offered at other institutions. I was amazed at the speed of the accelerated program. Even more appealing is the transfer agreement between Acsenda and CGA-BC. This means that I could achieve a CGA designation in about five years. So, I enrolled in the accounting program at ASM and started to work towards a Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) degree in accounting. It has been six months since then and I have definitely made the right decision. The classes are fun and informative at the same time. The teachers have work experience in the subject that they are teaching. Most teachers are still working outside of the classroom. The class sizes are quite small, so the teachers can take time to answer questions and provide help whenever needed. On top of that, the administration is excellent and extremely helpful. I am proud to be an ASM student and I always will be. Ketan S. ASM Student Society President



The Diploma in Business Administration has been developed to serve students who want an academic level business diploma for the purposes of application to business and a professional program. It is also designed to serve students who are interested in laddering into a degree program. Entry into the program is the same as for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (BBA) program. Program length is 20 courses. Substitution of courses for the specified courses requires recommendation from the Department Head and approval by the Dean. Minimum certified English language competency equivalent to Grade 12 with a grade of C+ or 560 TOEFL or equivalent. o Some students who do not have a 560 TOEFL or equivalent will be given "Provisional Acceptance" and will be placed into an English Bridging program. o Students with a TOEFL score of less than 500 should take an ESL program and reapply when their TOEFL score reaches 560. o o High School diploma or mature student standing. Math 11 or equivalent.

A minimum of 10 courses [30 credits] must be taken at Acsenda to meet the residency requirement. Articulation agreements with certain schools such as Royal Roads University and Devry have been arranged. Please speak with an advisor for more details.

Diploma in Business Administration Course Requirements

Subject ACCT101a ACCT201a BADM110 BADM120 BADM130 BADM201 BADM202 BADM221 BADM222 BHRM231 BIBM101 BMRK231 COMM110 Title Financial Accounting I Managerial Accounting I Business Communications College Business Math Management Information Systems Managerial Skills Production Management Fundamentals of Economic & Business Stats Management Science Intro to Human Resource Management Intro to International Business Principles of Marketing Critical Thinking Prerequisites BADM120 ACCT101a NONE NONE NONE NONE BADM221 BADM120 BADM221 NONE NONE NONE ENGL102 BADM101 GEOG210 HIST201 HIST202 HIST203 PSYC101 Subject COMM120 ECON121 ECON122 ENGL101 ENGL102 FINC101a Title Public Speaking and Presentations Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics University Writing Intro. To the Essay Financial Management I Choice of one Elective Introduction to Business Urban Geography Canada in the 21st Century World Civilization I World Civilization II Intro to Psychology COMM110 Prerequisites ENGL102 NONE NONE NONE ENGL101 ACCT101A


ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Course Descriptions

The courses offered by Acsenda are entered below in alphabetical order according to subject code. The course notations are: subject codes, course number, credit, course title and prerequisite, which are defined in the following example: ACCT101a (3): Financial Accounting I: ACCT represents the subject code for accounting; 101 is the course number; (a) indicates a course to be taken as a prerequisite to a specified corresponding course; (3) indicates course credits. The course name or Title is entered to the upper right of the course d escription. Prerequisites are shown directly below the subject code and number.

Subject Codes: ACCT BADM BHRM BIBM BMRK COMM ECON Accounting Business Administration Human Resources Management International Business Marketing Communication Economics ENGL FINC GEOG HIST POLI PSYC SOCI TAXN English Financial Management Geography History Political Science Psychology Sociology Corporate Taxation

ACCT101a (3) Financial Accounting I Prerequisites: BADM120 An introduction to basic financial accounting for proprietorships in service and merchandising businesses; this includes the recording of financial transactions and preparation of basic financial statements. Accounting for assets is also discussed in detail. ACCT101b (3) Financial Accounting II Prerequisites: ACCT101a A continuation of ACCT 101a. Key topics include corporation and partnership accounting, current and long term liabilities, short and long term investments, statement of cash flows, and financial statement analysis. ACCT201a (3) Managerial Accounting Prerequisites: ACCT101a The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with both traditional and modern approaches to cost and managerial accounting concepts. Key topics include job-order costing; activity based costing; cost-volume-profit analysis; master budgeting; flexible budgeting; variance analysis; inventory costing and relevant cost analysis. ACCT201b (3) Managerial Accounting II Prerequisites: ACCT201A A continuation of ACCT 201a. The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to alternative systems and analytical techniques used in managing and controlling business operations. Key topics include pricing decisions, balanced scorecard and strategic profitability analysis, cost allocation, process costing, inventory management and capital budgeting.

ACCT331 (3) Intermediate Financial Accounting I: Assets Prerequisites: ACCT101b This course covers an in-depth study of assets and revenues. Key topics include the conceptual framework for financial reporting, the measurement of revenue and the accounting for changes in accounting policies and estimates. Students cover financial reporting and accounting concepts, income statement and balance sheet presentation, the cash flow statement, and revenue and expense recognition. The valuation of notes receivable, investment in debt securities, and leases are also studied. Students also cover current monetary balances, inventory and cost of goods sold, temporary and long-term investments, and capital assets. Computer software is used to demonstrate accounting concepts and procedures and to give students valuable hands-on experience. ACCT332 (3) Intermediate Financial Accounting II: Liabilities & Equity Prerequisites: ACCT331 A continuation of ACCT331. This course covers an in-depth study of liabilities and equities. Key topics include legal and financial aspects of partnerships and corporations; current and long-term liabilities; shareholders equity; complex debt and equity instruments; leases; accounting for income taxes; pension and other post-employment benefits; accounting changes; cash flow statement; and the analysis of financial statements. Computer software is used to illustrate concepts and give students valuable hands-on experience


ACCT431 (3) Advanced Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Topics other assurance and non-audit engagements as well as current issues and future directions in auditing. ACCT435 (3) Accounting Theory and Practice Prerequisites: FINC 101b & ACCT 332 This advanced course looks at current issues and problems in the field of financial accounting. Topics covered include the contributions of economics, finance, and other disciplines to accounting theory; the practical and theoretical problems of the present value model; foreign exchange accounting; hedging; the process and issues of standard setting; agency theory; and other topics related to specific industries or sectors of the economy. BADM101 (3) Introduction to Business Prerequisites: None The course provides an overview of the Canadian business environment, forms of organizations, the management function, and an introduction to the functional areas of business management. The course includes the challenges and opportunities facing small business. BADM110 (3) Business Communications Prerequisites: None In the increasingly global business economy, effective communication skills are one of the most important determinants of career success. This course introduces students to a wide range of concepts essential to communicating effectively in business settings. Coverage includes all of the important written message formats, as well as oral communication (presentations), critical thinking, nonverbal communication, the use of new communications technologies, and successful job application and interview techniques. Homework includes opportunities to practice all of the important written message formats, as well as a formal report and oral presentation prepared as part of a team comprising other class members. BADM120 (3) College Business Mathematics Prerequisites: None The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to business math, and prepare the student for statistics, management science, and other business courses that require mathematics. The student will learn to calculate mortgages and loans, annuities, bonds and sinking funds, the net present value of multi-period investments and the internal rate of return of a series of payments. BADM130 (3) Management Information Systems Prerequisites: None This course assumes a degree of computer literacy, accounting knowledge, and problem solving ability. The course builds on these student strengths to develop a managerial appreciation for information systems and their uses in business and other organizations in the areas of financial control, marketing, production, and customer service.

Prerequisites: ACCT332 This financial accounting course offers students an in-depth look at six principal areas of advanced financial accounting: standard setting in Canada and internationally, financial instruments and income tax allocation, long-term intercorporate investments, consolidation, foreign currency translation and the translation and consolidation of foreign subsidiaries, and not-for-profit and public sector accounting. Computer spreadsheets are used to demonstrate concepts and give students practice in advanced financial accounting. ACCT432 (3) Advanced Managerial Accounting Prerequisites: ACCT201b & BADM221 This course equips students with a conceptual understanding of the design and use of management accounting information and the role of the management accountant. Students learn to perform analyses to support managerial decisions, design and implement effective management control systems, and develop an awareness of the moral responsibilities of management accountants. Topics include: strategic decision making, customer profitability analysis, capital budgeting, time drivers, supplychain analysis, agency theory, responsibility accounting & transfer pricing, performance measures, and emerging issues. The importance of understanding ethical issues in management accounting is stressed. Computer spreadsheets are used to illustrate concepts and provide practical, hands-on experience. ACCT433 (3) External Auditing I Prerequisites: ACCT332 This introductory course offers students thorough coverage of the auditing concepts and procedures of external auditing. After completing this course, students will be familiar with key topics including reporting; professional standards and ethics; legal liability; audit objectives, evidence, and documentation; planning and analysis; materiality and risk; internal control; audit sampling; and computer auditing. The functions and procedures related to the revenue and collection cycle, acquisition and expenditure cycle, inventory and capital asset balances, production and payroll cycle, and finance and investment cycle are studied. Completion of the audit, including evaluation and communication of findings, is also studied. ACCT434 (3) External Auditing II Prerequisites: ACCT433 This course offers in-depth coverage of the concepts and procedures of external auditing. Topics include the professional, legal, and ethical environment of auditing in the post-Enron era; the assurance process; engagement planning; control environment and risk assessment process, and assessing and evaluating internal controls in IT environments; statistical audit sampling; computer-assisted auditing techniques; substantive testing and evidence; as well as reporting issues. This course also covers audits for special circumstances such as consolidated financial statements, not-for-profit and public sector audits, and


BADM201 (3) Managerial Skills Prerequisites: None The course is designed so that students self-assess their skill level, learn correct behavioural principles from course materials and real life experiences, practice the skill in the classroom, and transfer their learning to the real world through behavioural assignments. The specific skills the student should learn include self-awareness, personal stress and time management, supportive communication, and oral and written presentations in the personal category; coaching, counseling, supportive communication; gaining power and influence; motivating others; managing conflict; and conducting interviews in the interpersonal category; and empowering and delegating; building effective teams and teamwork; and conducting meetings in the group category BADM202 (3) Production Management Prerequisites: BADM221 This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of the latest theories and practices of operations management employed by world class manufacturing organizations. Topics include Total Quality Management, Material Requirements Planning, Just-In-Time inventory and supply chain management, synchronous manufacturing, theory of constraints, work simplification, and operations research. Lean manufacturing concepts will be stressed. BADM221 (3) Fundamentals of Economic and Business Statistics BADM302 (3) Organizational Behaviour Prerequisites: BHRM231 This course surveys the field of organizational behaviour and provides frameworks for analyzing people and their attitudes and behaviour in organizations. The course covers individual (e.g. motivation, decision making, values, attitudes), interpersonal, and group phenomena (e.g. leadership, norms, power and influence). These psychological constructs are related to such concerns as job design, reward systems, decision making, and productivity. BADM303 (3) Organization Theory and Design Prerequisites: None The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of organizational theory and structural design. Parts of the course cover specific organizational material such as organizational interactions with environments, organizational life cycles, departmentalization, and organizational effectiveness. Other parts of the course add organizational dimensions and context to behavioural topics such as power and influence, decision making, culture, and change management. BADM304 (3) Business Society and Ethics Prerequisites: ENGL101 This course allows the student to explore decision-making in the midst of moral ambiguity and environmental uncertainty. Moral reasoning in an organizational milieu is explored within a postmodernist context. BADM321 (3) Business Research Methods Prerequisites: BADM221 The business research course covers the basic elements of experimental and observational research and introduces the student to fields of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The course covers how to design experiments or observational studies, explains the threats to internal and external validity inherent in the design; and helps students understand which hypotheses can and cannot be tested with a particular design. The course further explains what kinds of quantitative analysis could be used to analyze the data from the study and demonstrates how the results could be used in making a business decision. BADM401 (3) Industrial Relations Prerequisites: BADM302 The course covers the impetus for collective action and the basis for union management relations and follows a logical flow: collective bargaining, collective agreement, grievances, and arbitration, followed by the alternatives strikes and lockouts. The modern issues globalization, free trade, deregulation, privatization, reduction of public debt, and industrial reorganization are woven into each topic area. The course poses an alternative framework to Human Resources Management for the manager.

Prerequisites: BADM120 The purpose of this course is to provide a rudimentary introduction to hypothesis testing using parametric and nonparametric probability distributions. The course will assist the student in classifying and analyzing research and economic data and in testing assumptions about the underlying nature of the data provided before testing hypotheses. BADM222 (3) Management Science Prerequisites: BADM221 The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to applied modeling and business problems including linear and non-linear programming, goal programming, decision making under uncertainty, queuing models, inventory management, and time series analysis. BADM301 (3) Business Law Prerequisites: ENGL101 & ENGL102 The course emphasizes the development and application of legal principles and concepts and their application to Canadian Businesses. The general areas covered are: law of torts, contract law, forms of business, special contractual law (employment, labour, bailment, sale of goods, restrictive trade, and insurance), real property, and debtor-creditor relationships.


BADM402 (3) Corporate Governance Prerequisites: BIBM101, BADM301 This course introduces students to the principles of corporate governance & corporate social responsibility, the manner in which corporations are regulated and managed, in Canada, the UK and the US as well as various other jurisdictions. As the dominance of the corporation as the central agent of the market economy increases, the concepts, issues, and problems will be developed and identified within the broader economic and legal context. The course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to understand and critically assess the changing approach to governance issues and the rules and principles that regulate corporate behaviour. While the aim of the module is to extract and evaluate the core principles of this subject area, it also seeks to provide an analysis of the wider moral and policy considerations underpinning corporate governance today. BADM410 (3) Business Strategy Prerequisites: Graduating Students This is a capstone course designed to help students integrate their learning in marketing, organizational behavior, accounting, and finance by developing and analyzing corporate strategy using real cases. The student is placed in the position of general manager, owner, or consultant and asked to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and to devise an action plan for the company. BADM431 (3) Negotiation Prerequisites: None The purpose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of negotiation as it is practiced in a variety of settings. It is designed to be relevant to the broad spectrum of negotiation problems that are faced by managers and professionals including sales and purchasing negotiations as well industrial relations negotiations. BADM432 (3) Project Management Prerequisites: BADM202 This course covers the management of projects and the managerial techniques utilized by successful project managers. The following subjects are included in this course: project operations, planning and quality assurance, mission statements, objectives and goals, project budgeting, funding and control, feasibility analysis, manpower planning, negotiation and contract procurement, project plans and their relationship to business plans. BADM433 (3) Conflict Management Prerequisites: None This course focuses on the nature and causes of conflict and the process of conflict resolution. Theories of conflict, the structure of conflict and the content of conflict will be stressed. Intervention strategies for conflict resolution will also be examined. BHRM231 (3) Introduction to Human Resources Management Prerequisites: None This course surveys the personnel function and introduces managers to the functions and practices of personnel. These functions include personnel and succession planning, recruitment, selection, job design and analysis, training and development, compensation, health and safety, performance appraisal, collective bargaining, and union contract administration. BHRM331 (3) Human Resources Planning and Staffing Prerequisites: BHRM231 This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the staffing function including internal and external hiring and training and development planning based on an HR plan for a firm that is tied to its corporate strategy. The student should be able to understand the relationship between business strategy and human resource planning and staffing; apply relevant employment law to staffing situations; understand the principles of measurement and know how they apply to the staffing equation.; use job analysis to solve these staffing issues; apply a variety of techniques to planning for a stable and productive workforce; apply various selection techniques to achieve a desirable person/job match; and develop a coherent staffing strategy and management approach. BHRM332 (3) Recruitment and Selection Prerequisites: BHRM231 The course provides an up-to-date review of current issues and methods that are used to recruit and select employees for Canadian organizations that meet scientific, professional, and legal standards. The course includes contemporary developments related to competencies, cognitive abilities, team membership, and organizational fit parameters as well as the challenges inherent in securing scarce employee skills. BHRM431 (3) Employee Training and Development Prerequisites: BHRM231 At the end of the course, students should have increased their knowledge and skill in applying training processes, in training in organizations; strategic planning of training and development; learning, motivation and performance; needs analysis; training design; evaluation of training; and training methods, development and implementation. BHRM432 (3) Compensation Management Prerequisites: BHRM231 This course is designed to provide students with an overview of compensation management. The course examines compensation practices from a strategic perspective. Topics include forms of pay, alignment of compensation programs with strategic objectives, job evaluation, development of pay structures, creating externally competitive pay systems, salary surveys, using pay to motivate and reward job performance, performance appraisal, benefits, compensation for special groups, and legal considerations.


BHRM433 (3) Organizational Development and Change globalization, fiscal policy and the role of the government, business cycles, current economic crises and exchange rate systems. BIBM332 (3) International Finance Prerequisites: BIBM101 & FINC101a This course develops basic models of exchange rates and international capital flows. Topics include: Purchasing Power Parity, Uncovered Interest Parity, Exchange Rate Overshooting, International Policy Coordination, Currency Crises, and Monetary Unions. In addition, there will be some discussion of the history and evolution of the international financial system, and some discussion of recent proposals to reform it. BIBM431 (3) Legal Aspects of International Business Prerequisites: BIBM101 & BADM301 This course includes the exploration of the legal content of multinational business operations, comparative law and regulation as established in the U.S., Canada, and other selected Asian and European nations, and the legal liability in global commerce. BIBM432 (3) Global Supply Chain Management and Logistics Prerequisites: BIBM101 & BADM202 This course explores the practical applications of contracts, dispute resolution, pricing terms, negotiation terms and communications, transportation, documentation, insurance, information resources, government regulations and international trade regulations. Students will explore logistics, including transportation, inventory management, purchasing, warehousing and customer service and the complexities of these functions in the international marketplace. BIBM435 (3) Global Business Strategy Prerequisites: 18 credits of International Business courses This course assesses the turbulent environment in which international businesses operate and the approaches to strategy formulation and implementation for global and transnational businesses. It examines the barriers to market entry, the different market entry strategies, and possible international partnership agreements. Students address the functional and operational management of companies and fuse together the theoretical and empirical aspects of international management, business finance, growth and management issues and problems, viewing them from the global perspective. BMRK231 (3) Principles of Marketing Prerequisites: None This introductory survey course covers the basic components of a marketing system including marketing analysis and research, product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions for both consumer and business markets. The course has been developed to emphasize the changing role of the internet in shaping the marketing tasks.

Prerequisites BADM302 The course provides students with the disciplines defining conceptual frameworks and the technologies used in the practice of organization development. A major emphasis is on understanding the relationship between the OD practitioners role and key players in the client system as the OD cycle unfolds. The practitioners mind set is experienced as students are challenged to frame organizational issues and identify how to enter and intervene in dynamic organizational settings. BHRM434 (3) Cultural Sensitivity & International Human Resources Management Prerequisites: BHRM231 & BIBM101 The course focuses on the process of internationalization and how to operate in an interconnected world where people are the source of sustainable competitive advantage. The central concerns include transferring knowledge from the parent company to the developing world and between subsidiaries in an international network, the localization of management, international coordination, global leadership development, cultural due diligence, and integration in cross border acquisitions. A dominant concern is global knowledge management and the role of HR in sustaining competitive advantage in a smaller world community of competitors. BHRM435 (3) Human Resources Management Strategies Prerequisites: 18 credits in HRM This is a capstone course in Human Resources (HR) designed to help students apply their HR knowledge to real situations. The student is placed in the position of HR Manager and asked to make strategic HR decisions for the company. The student should be able to identify the salient components of the HR system that need to be addressed in a real situation; to develop alternative approaches based on a companys business plan, and provide benchmarks for evaluating a successful HR strategy. The student would be expected to integrate the recruitment, selection, training, management development, planning, compensation, and organizational development issues and identify the key components that need to be changed or developed. BIBM101 (3) Introduction to International Business Prerequisites: None This course examines the forces that encourage businesses to globalize their operations. Topics include: the legal, business and cultural environments with emphasis to a managerial approach that keeps an emphasis on skills development, emerging markets, and geographical literacy. BIBM331 (3) Macroeconomics and the Global Business Environment Prerequisites: BIBM101& ECON122 This course explores the language of macroeconomics and the wealth of nations. This includes topics that explore capital accumulation and economic growth, international trade and


BMRK331 (3) Marketing Research Prerequisites: BADM221 & BMRK231 The marketing research course is based on a six-step process that includes: problem definition; nature and scope of research objectives; research design and statistical analysis; field work procedures; data preparation and analysis; and the development of formal reports. BMRK332 (3) Consumer Behaviour Prerequisites: BMRK231 This course is intended to focus the students attention on what it means to be a consumer in a market-oriented society and to develop skills as a marketer in meeting consumer needs and developing marketing strategy. BMRK340 (3) Marketing Cases Prerequisites: BMRK231 Understanding marketing strategies through case analysis simulation is an essential skill for those who plan to work in the marketing field. This course offers an opportunity to develop and fine tune assessment skills both as an individual and as a group member of a management team. Students will be expected to utilize professional writing, presentation and public speaking in this course. Emphasis is on a practical application of skills. Students who demonstrate success in this course may be selected as members of the Sprott Shaw BBA team to compete at the annual Vanier Case Challenge. Final selection for the team will be at the discretion of the team coach. BMRK431 (3) Marketing Communications Prerequisites: BMRK231 The marketing communications process includes developing a corporate image as well as messages and images of consumer and business products and services. The course has been developed to emphasize the changing role of the Internet in shaping the marketing communication tasks. BMRK432 (3) Business-to-Business Marketing Prerequisites: BMRK 231 Business-to-business marketing differs from consumer marketing in that demand analysis is typically easier and the purchaser is typically more rational. The course focuses on developing and marketing value to other organizations by strategically aligning the organizations resources and the resources of other channel members to deliver value solutions to customers. BMRK433 (3) International Marketing Management Prerequisites: BIBM101 & BMRK231 This course allows students to explore one of the main activities of successful Canadian firms. International marketing (exporting) requires a more comprehensive and cross-cultural view of research, pricing, and communication processes. International marketing provides different entry strategies and positioning problems for business firms; and challenges students to think about international financing, methods of payment, and distribution. BMRK434 (3) Sales Management & E-Marketing Prerequisites: BMRK231 An in-depth study of the sales function including the role of salespeople, sales agents, distributors, and other marketing channel members involved in supporting the sales process. Covers the skills and innovations needed to successfully develop, implement and manage E-Marketing activities in an on-line business environment. Political, legal and ethical issues are explored. BMRK435 (3) Marketing Strategy Prerequisites: 18 credits in Marketing This is a capstone course in marketing designed to help students apply their marketing knowledge to real situations. Superior marketing strategies are essential for business success as the worlds economies continue to change. The market and the customers that comprise the market are the starting point in marketing strategy formulation. Students will have the opportunity to develop strategy analysis, planning, and control skills by applying marketing strategy concepts and methods in class discussions, through case analysis and through creating a marketing plan for a product or service. COMM110 (3) Critical Thinking Prerequisites: ENGL102 This course is designed to help students improve their analytical thinking skills in business settings. The theory and practice of critical thinking will be presented, with an emphasis on its application to business decision making. Topics include benefits of and obstacles to effective thinking, structuring arguments to avoid logical fallacies, and the use of the scientific method to make business decisions. Exercises in analyzing business problems and formal presentations will be used to help students develop practical skills. COMM120 (3) Public Speaking & Presentations Prerequisites: ENGL102 This course aims to provide the training and skills to speak with confidence and to deliver compelling messages through speeches and presentations. It provides the student with opportunities to learn from the experts and practice in a safe environment with instructor and peer feedback. ECON121 (3) Principles of Microeconomics Prerequisites: BADM120 This course provides an introduction to the principles of microeconomics in the context of what is happening in Canada and the world. The focus is on the market economy and its operation and on the appropriate role of government and the market in organizing economic activity. Such issues as market successes and market failures, income redistribution, environment, and health care are analyzed throughout the course.


ECON122 (3) Principles of Macroeconomics Prerequisites: BADM120 The main points included in macroeconomic theory include national income and fiscal policy; money; banking; monetary policy; inflation, unemployment, international economics and trade. This course focuses on the Canadian economy and the governments and the Bank of Canadas policies. ENGL100 (3) The Basics of English Prerequisites: English Diagnostic Test This course consists of three sections: (1) Grammar, Structure, and Mechanics, (2) Vocabulary Building, and (3) Active Reading. Students will gain knowledge about the nine common errors when using the English language. Through this knowledge, students will be able to spot grammatical and structural errors in sentences, employ correct punctuations in sentences, and use the English language effectively. The section on Vocabulary Building will enable students to expand their word power through the best method possible, the intentional method. The Active Reading section is designed with the end-goal of helping students enhance their reading comprehension skills. Students, then, will be able to respond to context and discussion questions effectively. Moreover, they will be trained to summarize the general idea(s) presented in the prose passages and to develop their skills in paraphrasing. ENGL101 (3) University Writing Prerequisites: English Diagnostic Test This course is designed to help students develop university-level writing skills. Students will learn strategies for mastering lengthy and often complex scholarly materials. Students will also develop their abilities to construct scholarly arguments including rhetoric, style and arrangement of ideas. In written assignments, students will apply the principles of scholarly argument to organize and explain their ideas and persuade the reader. ENGL102 (3) Introduction to the Essay Prerequisites: ENGL101 This course is designed to help students to extend their critical and analytical skills. Students will use their critical reading skills to develop an awareness of the relationship between style and meaning. Students will be required to read a selection of texts in order to explore some of the forms of the essay and the ways in which different writers use this form to explore a theme and influence the reader. FINC101a (3) Financial Management I Prerequisites: ACCT101a This introductory course in Finance builds on the students accounting and economics knowledge and develops skills in financial analysis, financial forecasting, capital budgeting, as well as knowledge in such financial instruments as stocks, bonds, leases, derivatives, convertibles, and warrants as they are used in the financial markets of Canada. FINC101b (3) Financial Management II Prerequisites: FINC101a The general purpose of this course is to provide the business student with an understanding of the financial system, inflation, capital markets and the role of banks and other financial institutions as well as the role of monetary policy and its effect on businesses through interest and exchange rates. GEOG210 (3) Canadian Urban Geography Prerequisites: COMM110 This course is designed to help students extend their critical thinking, analytical and research skills and apply them to the study of urban regions in Canada and the world. Given that most students will be international students who arrive in Vancouver and experience primarily the environment of the lower mainland (GRVD), this course is also a means to create an understanding of Canadas transformation from a French/British colony to a vital, dynamic highly urbanized country. The students will explore the growth and changes in Canadian cities over time and their place in the global context. Canada with its small populations and huge geographic extent presents unique challenges to the growth of its urban regions. The study of the transformation of Canadian cities can help students come to understand the wider issues that cities around the world face. Case studies will be examined in depth to gain further insight into the processes of growth and changes within an urban environment. In-class readings will further extend the knowledge about the growth of urban centers around the world. HIST201 (3) Canada in the 21 Century Prerequisites: None This course covers the whole of Canadian History and its peoples from pre-contact times to the Present, integrating the social, cultural, political, and economic history into a coherent overarching narrative. Particular emphasis is put on the precontact inhabitants of the Canadian land-mass and the FrenchEnglish struggle for mastery of Canada. The course covers Canadas post-1945 experience, including its policies of bilingualism and multiculturalism and human rights, and the challenges that the Canadian model faces today. HIST202 (3) World Civilization I Prerequisites: None This course covers the historical experience and the moral, political and religious values of the different world civilizations and helps students to develop a keen knowledge of, and sensitivity to, various global traditions, experiences, and customs. This course focuses on the modern era, from the Discovery of the New World to the post 9/11 world.


HIST203 (3) World Civilization II Prerequisites: None This course covers the historical experience and the moral, political and religious values of the different world civilizations and helps students to develop a keen knowledge of and sensitivity to, various global traditions, experiences, and customs. This course focuses on the rise of civilizations across the world from their Prehistoric origins to the End of the Renaissance. POLI101 (3) Introduction to Political Science Prerequisites: None This course is a basic primer on Canadian government designed to inform students about the mechanisms of all three levels of government, about the fundamental changes underway in the role of government and the key areas of public policy. The course draws attention to the constraints under which governments operate the economic limits of government action, and the role of participation and influence in the governance process. POLI201 (3) Introduction to International Organizations Prerequisites: None Introduction to International Organizations is designed to integrate major concepts that the learner needs to study to acquire basic knowledge of world bodies in todays global village context. It provides an opportunity for the student to integrate specialized knowledge and skills and to apply this knowledge to expanded education in all areas of future employment. This course is structured to build a student-centered learning while emphasizing active learning and individual participation in class activities and presentations. Each class includes, inter alia, activities such as small group discussions, debates, presentations on organizations of choice and problem-based learning, which may entail questions regarding the viability and usefulness of a particular institution. This course is also designed to explore non-governmental, intergovernmental and financial institutions as well as select foundations such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, OPEC, and the Asia Development Bank. It will emphasize, in particular, their raison-detre, and the key challenges they face. Special emphasis would be placed on their alliances such as NAFTA, MERCOSUR, and the EU. POLI301 (3) Environmental Law and Policy Prerequisites: ECON121 & ECON122 This course covers a broad range of environmental problems from an economic point of view with strong emphasis on public policy. The student will learn to understand the behavioural sources of environmental problems and to visualize the foundation for the solutions. At the core of this course is the concept of externalities costs and benefits that occur outside the market. PSYC101 (3) Introduction to Psychology Prerequisites: None This course is an introduction of the basic concepts of human behaviour. The study will include, but not be limited to: abnormal psychology; applied psychology; concepts of learning; human development; and major personality theories. An emphasis will be placed on: abnormal psychology; human sexuality; intelligence; social psychology and states of consciousness. SOCI101 (3) Introduction to Sociology Prerequisites: None This course explains the major classic and contemporary sociological perspectives to understand the tools of sociology. This course enables the students to describe sociology, the development of sociology, and the four dimensions of culture, symbolic interactionism & stratification, the concepts of racial and ethnic minorities, family and marriage, religion, power and authority within a Canadian context. TAXN401 (3) Taxation Prerequisites: ACCT 332 This course provides students with an introduction to the Canadian income tax system. It offers a good understanding of the general concepts of the Canadian Income Tax Act (ITA) as encountered by most individual and corporate taxpayers; it develops professional skills in the application of the ITA principles and concepts to solve tax problems of individuals and corporations; it introduces basic principles of income tax planning and international taxation.


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