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Mid-Year Performance and Development Discussion Plan

Reviewing Performance to date/Coaching for the second half

Employee Name bu Position Line Manager Date

1. Review of performance against objectives/expectations for half: What should have been delivered this half? Is this reasonable in the circumstances? Any surprises in the Performance Plan Document? Agree any changes to objectives, measures or performance standards.
During in October - April, performaces have been delivered are : ANZ REWARD 53.776 account, 161.298.250 Point, IDR ; SOP AND REDEEM 2.226 account, 39.301.889 Point, IDR 2.185.512.282 ; MILLIAGE 2.568 account, 44.931.701 Point, IDR 3.747.843.615 ; ANNUAL FEE 10.328 account, 53.754.382 Point, IDR 4.300.350.558 ; TELESHOPPING 1049 acount, IDR 5.606.316.356

2. What went well in the half? ( Top three successes, ANZ competencies that were demonstrated )
There is no any complain from the vendor. From 53.776 account Sending Reward only 191 return and all of this account (157) have been resent. Payment to vendor do faster

3. What challenges were faced/what could you have done better? (include any ANZ competencies that were not demonstrated and may be development areas)
If there are new programs from produtcs or department, it should be prepare better system and better UAT.

4. Were there any risk, compliance, behaviour issues during the period? Any flags required?
The risk is missing reward during sending the reward. but if it happened, the responsible is in vendor/courrier.

5. Has the employee lived the ANZ Values? Role modelled, consistently demonstrated, not consistently demonstrated?

5. What should be the focus for the next half in order to deliver on objectives? (Focus on top three things that can be done to ensure delivery)
* Making new product - combine teleshopping and redeem point. * Preparing everything to redeem reward program through merchant * Trying to deliver reward faster


Reviewing the status of / updating the individual development plan

Section 1 Short-term development
This section relates to short-term development activities identified during the performance mid-year discussion which may have been documented earlier in your Individual Development Plan and need for more focus or a re-focus. Development in these areas should impact current performance in the job. 1. What development activities did you undertake in the previous 12 months? List. Of these, which ones were the most successful? Why?
Managing inventory voucher, make the voucher always ready and sending faster to customer ; Collaborate with vendor, giving the good service to customer ; Managing return reward well.

2. What support/development is required to deliver in the next half and improve your performance?
Better Collaborate with another department. Building better collaborate with the vendor. Develop system with IT

Area for Development

Competency (refer to the ANZ Competencies)



Estimated Cost (if applicable)

Section 2 Long-term development

This section relates to longer-term development you need to undertake to match your career aspirations. 3. Identify the skills, experiences and competencies required to build capability for your future career plan. Refer to ANZ competencies and any relevant technical competencies
Following and understanding all of product programs which will be made by product department. Join with Human Resources to join in training which have relevant to job description.

4. List the development areas below and complete the table. Area for development Competency Activity Timing Estimated cost (if applicable)



Please note: Both the line manager and employee must acknowledge the mid-year performance and development discussion occurred in the employees annualPerformance Plan. * Please note that use of this form for mid-year performance discussion is optional.


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