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My Friends and Family travel this highway, and we need to feel safe when heading to our acreage or to Edmonton

for a quick shopping trip. My Parents back east shouldnt be sitting by the phone waiting for that call when we travel it monthly. (Kathy Gillard) We need a safer Highway 63 so when my family drives that road for sports or visits, I wont have to worry until I hear from them that they have arrived safely. (Bev.) I need a safer Highway 63 because when Im driving the highway I shouldnt have to phone my family at Grasslands and Edmonton (or McMurray) to let them know Im safe. (Robin Elson) I need a safer 63 because Im a daughter, sister, friend and most importantly, Im a mother a single mother who works too hard for her three-year-old son. (Shelby Quesseth) I need a safer Highway 63 because I

wanna see my kids grow up! (Kayla)

voIces For

a safe means of travel to and from our city. (Hugh Noze)

I need a safer 63 because I love We love Fort family. (Sharon and want to stay but we travel my McMurray Kelly) need a I need a safer Highway out of this townwould like to 63 to Ibecausesafer Highway 63 countless times for our four boys I dont want to die. because I go (Brian Frazer). Calgary and visit bless teams each year and Imy family myself and say lived there for a prayer I need a safer Highway 63 without being scared. We dont My brother has because I and the people of myand every timeangels! each want anymore 63 we leave inover 25ayears, he isfour-yearfear of what married, may community deserve the added (Amber Rowe) he has beautiful safety factors resulting from old daughter and one on happen and not wantwesay goodsee please, please hear I do what to may bye a twinned highway and we the way I need them safe. to tomorrow I want to live for shouldnt have to lose anymore the future and see that no have change. our desperation to (Bernadette) lives in order to justify this I need a safer Highway 63 because I have family and friends who travel that stretch and deserve to not have to bury them. (Nicole Hampton) need. (P. Croteau) I need a safer 63 because of the three people I call my brothers and sister, I need a safer 63 for all of my friends. (Beth-Ann Cheney) one else has to say goodbye (Tammy Stanley) to their loved ones like many people have had to do. (Sam Rosenkranz) I need a safer Highway 63 because my children need their daddy (Kendra Lee Flynn) I need a safer Highway 63 because I cannot imagine the pain and devastation that would be my horror to find out tonight, tomorrow or a month from now that (my husband and child) have been killed and taken from this earth and from all who love them because once again, a head-on collision occurred while they were innocently driving My husband travels it daily to work, my sons school bus travels on it to get to school, my friends and neighbours are volunteer fire fighters and I depend on it daily to get to work. (Jennifer Batiuk, Wandering River) I need a safer Highway 63 because we dont want one more avoidable tragedy. (Achnes Smith)

down a highway, singing, laughing, and eagerly awaiting a reunion at the other end. (Paula Senft)

I need a safer Highway 63 husband commutes because Im terrified one day weekly between it will be someone I care about, and ImAlbertthe anxiety I St. tired of and Fort feel every time we drive to visit McMurray and (Katie friends in Edmonton.our 15MacSween)son still needs year-old I dont want to feel like I am him to come baby boy risking the life of my home when alivehim to well. I take and visit his family in Edmonton. (Laura (Beverly Plamondon) Norman)

I need a safer Highway 63 because my parents deserve to visit their grandkids without I need a safer Highway fear of it being our last. (Jennifer Toutant) my 63 because

who all travel this road. (Kim I need a Bateman)safer Highway 63

Ibecause I want to travel need a safer Highway 63 safely its show my sons becauseandthe best possible way to save the lives of our we the beauty of the town friends, family, and everyone live in, for my young who travels Highway 63. sons to grow up to Soper) (Sylvia and Jodybecome

proud young men have no My family and friendsto call choice but to drivehome and Fort McMurray Highway 63 andon to for their safety to go I fear accomplish as well as my own. (Lesley wonderful things in life Abbott) and take pride of where

I need a safer Highway 63 because I fear for the life of my family and my three- and sixfile photos year-old children every time we travel it. (Susan Harrison) We need a safer Highway 63 because it is ludicrous with the amount of spending this province has done in the last seven years that we dont have

I dont ever want to experience burying my child and I pity the parents who have had to do this because of Highway 63.
Although I retired to Kelowna, BC, my son, my daughter and their families still reside in Fort McMurray, thus I drive there often to visit please finish the twinning for our safety. (Helene Wilson) Highway 63 is a cemetery and this isnt where I want my children or family or friends. (Monique Houston)

I need a safer Highway 63 because the next life that could be saved might by my childs. (Nancy Gauthier) My my 10-year-old son, my 13year-old daughter and I need their dad to arrive home safely to us when it is required of him to drive on Highway 63 for his employment. (The Rumbolt family) We need our family and friends to come home safe and alive after a hard work. How many more lives do we need to lose to make a change? (Zunny Kinley)

I need a safer highway so that they came from. no other family or friend has to feel the lifelong devastation of (Todd, Claudia, Sammy and losing a Nicky one especially loved Sopczak) from a preventable incident. (Charlene Ruby) I would like to make Highway 63 safer because my kids deserve to get home safe. (Miranda Klein)

We need a safer highway 63 so that we can travel at ease when going to see loved ones on the Murphy) a mom who wants to I am (Jennifer other side of this deadly scary watch my son grow up. (Cindy highway. Pardoe) I need a safer Highway 63 because my children travel that highway they are my life! (Tammy Plowman)

I want a safer Highway 63 because I I dont want any63 want a safer highway child because there to the sky looking are too many crosses on the side of the road. (Alma Chan) (like little Timmy, I need a safe Highway 63 God love him) and because I want to be here for my children and someday my asking why mom and grandchildren. (Bunny Houle) I dadaleft him behind. need safer Highway 63 because I hate feeling sick to
my stomach with stress, hence (Marjorie Campbell) why Ive driven this highway less than five times in five years. (Meg Johnson) I need a safer Highway 63 Iso I can feelHighway 63 need a safer safe when because my 23-year-old I travel and not anxious daughter travels that highway, and is a to my stomach and itsickscary ride for to come home. (Cherry herMark Penney is a good Pidruchny)mine, and what friend of

more connected to the rest of the province and not think about the daunting highway of death that links us. (Lisa) Its a shame that 63 is a highway of tears, and I fear to (Brittany years. (Len) drive on it after 40 Quasy).

I need a safer Highway 63 I need a safer Highway 63 because my family andbecause I friends drive this highway all the time, want everyone and I want to visit to arrive home safe. my mother (Sandra Young) I want a safer Highway more, but am 63 because I want to feel

I need a safer Highway 63 so my husband and I need a safer Highway 63 sister important for me because itswho patrol that my family and friends can those streets can travel out of town without fear of witnessing or becoming come home safe.
involved in an accident. (Sue (Kelly Power). Anderson) I need a safer 63 because Fort McMurray is my home. (Kristin Burhoe) We need a safer 63 because our young future should be building their lives, not losing it. (Vanessa I.)

Ihas happened to him and need a safer highway so my friends and family involved is all the families can be at ease whenever I decide to such a Edmonton, Calgary, travel to tragedy we dont want to see happen etc. (Danielle Collins) again. We need a safer highway (Chris H.) because I dont want to have to worry every time my sister, her husband and their two little girls travel to Edmonton and back, nor do I like planning my trips to Fort McMurray for midweek, the safest times to use that road. (Francie)

scared to drive
up there.

Even though I left Fort McMurray years ago, the family and friends I care so dearly about need to travel that highway and I am sick I and a safer Highway sinking feeling I feel all day need tired of that 63 because I have three I need a safer the people grandchildrenthey are travelling 63 Highway 63 anytime and their because I want to grow old with parents, two teenage children my husband. (Allison of Fort sets of McMurray deserve better.Drake) both driving, three
parents, one school age(Laurie McIntosh) safer Hwy 63 so that I need a child, and my husband and I I can feel safe enough to bring

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