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ETST 001: Intro to Race and Ethnicity, Spring 2012 Sections 26; 27; 38 Arifa Raza Office Hours:

Tue, 11-1pm Office: INTN 4009 Email: Section is meant to aid in clarifying and discussing key concepts from lecture and from the readings. We will accomplish this by working collectively to ensure the most effective use of our time. This requires that all of us have the assigned readings completed prior to our meeting, and be prepared to discuss them. Section will be broken down as followed: 5 minutes: Answering any bureaucratic questions concerning the class and assignments. Clarifying anything from lecture. 30 minutes: Groups will discuss the reading and create reading notes which will be uploaded online. The reading notes will answer the following questions: 1. What is the authors thesis? (the main point of the article/excerpt) 2. How does the author prove his/her case? What evidence is used to support the central thesis? 3. How does the author conclude? (ex. call to action, suggestions for future research etc.) 4. How does the reading relate (and add) to the weeks lecture and theme? 15 minutes: Groups will report back on their readings. We will come back together and discuss the readings as a class. Highlighting the major concepts. Reading Notes Notes created during class will be posted on the section ilearn. One person per group is responsible for uploading the notes online. Discussion Questions Students are required to post one discussion question and respond to one question weekly. The question must come from the readings. Responses must be at least 3-5 sentences. Attendance Students will be required to sign in to every section meeting. No unexcused absences are acceptable. Each absence will result in a one point markdown off your total participation grade. Assignments I reserve the right to create assignments and quizzes throughout the quarter to ensure accountability of the course materials.

Class Etiquette No texting or face-booking during section. Electronics may be used for accessing pdf/e-books. Emails If emailing me, please include your section # in the subject heading. I will not respond to email otherwise. Also, please use proper writing etiquette- this means addressing me by my name, not using texting style writing, etc (use commonsense here). Lastly, I will not discuss grades via email. If you have a concern please see me during my office hours. If you want to dispute a grade, please type one page explaining your reasoning prior to meeting with me.

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