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Account Executive (closer) Hello Mr/Mrs _________ my name is _________ and Im a senior consultant hear at Ilearning Foundation.

Now Im showing you have an over all credit card debt of $_____ correct? And your highest rate is ____% correct? Okay now based on that information we are going to be able to save you approx. $______ on a monthly basis (for every 10k they owe we save approx. $200 a month) Now how we do this is by working with your current lenders. So keep in mind it will be your current lenders lower your interest rate not me. I will just be bringing to their attention what you are eligible for. Now with that being said. You are still required to make your payments to your lenders and you can continue to use the same cards if you choose too, the only thing that will be changing is the interest rates your currently paying as well as lower monthly payments. Okay? Now whats going to happen next is you will be receiving a phone call from your personal financial consultant within 24 hours. At that time the two of you will break down your accounts individually. When your consultant calls you will want to have all of your interest bearing accounts available. Rather it be major credit cards, loans, lines of credit, gas cards, dept store cards, anything your paying interest on, simply because why we have you up for review it gives us more leverage to get you the interest rates you deserve. Makes sense right? Now client first name we do have to commit to do 3 different things for you on this call today. Our first Guarantee is to save you a minimum of $2,500 over. Now the only way we can save you this kind of money is if we reduce your interest rates by 50% Our second guarantee is to get you debt free in half the time with your currnt payment practices. Now ofcourse with a lower rate, your minimum payments will also be lower freeing up a lot of your money on a monthly basis but most importantly we will be applying more money directly towards the principle of your accounts. Which will get you debt free. And our third Guarantee is if we fail to show you a minimum savings of $2,500 we make absolutely nothing. Now Mr/Mrs______________________ you havnt asked me yet but Im sure your wandering how it is we get paid right? Well you can take a deep breathe because theres never an out of pocket expense to you for our services because you do qualify. What we do for clients like your self is absorb our fee of $____________ into the $2,500 we guaranteed to save you. Now the only way we can do this to where not one penny comes out of your pocket is by applying the $_________ (fee) to your over all credit card debt while your paying a high rate on it because by the following month one of two things would have happened. Either we were able to go in and lower your interest rates a significant amount showing you that min savings of $2,500 or we have to refund the $_______ (fee) in full immediately with no questions asked.

So Basically client first name your worse case scenario would be this Lets say we go in and work with your lenders but can only save you $2,400. This is not the $2,500 we guaranteed you now is it? So not only would you keep the $2,400 dollars we did save you, you would also keep al the lower rates we got you, you would also keep our service for free, but most importantly you would receive a full refund immediately without any questions asked. Seems like a pretty fair deal right? Great, now what we do for your protection is something called a federal recorded verification. On this recording we will clearly state your guarantees and briefly review the program just to make sure everything is clear. Now on this recording we will also be asking your permission to apply the $_____ (fee) to your _______ account so make sure you keep it available. Please hold for one moment while I transfer you to a verification officer. Now I do ask if you have any questions you hold them till the end and I will be right back on the line to assist you Okay? It has certainly been a pleasure speaking with you today and please enjoy your savings.


. Stating specific Interest Rates CAN NOT be quoted. This means interest rates
such as 6.9%, 10%

. Stating that I Learning Foundation is endorsed by any entity CAN NOT be said
Marketing Representatives Obiections & Rebuttals
1. Not Interested (10 seconds): I understand you may think our program wouldn't benefit you. We are very confident we can save you a large sum of money and allow you to invest in (your/your family's) future. 2. General Response: That's a great question! However, I am not a trained consultant. Let's get you qualified first and then I will get a consultant on the line to explain how our program will benefit you. 3. Refuses Credit Card Information: I can appreciate that, I am an account holder myself but are you familiar with the consumer protection act? The Consumer Protection Act clearly states that nobody can make any fraudgalent charges on any of your accounts without your signature or your voice, If the try to your Lender cannot accept this purchase and that is a Federal law. That has to make you feel more comfortable right? Great go ahead with that account number beginning with a ____ (stay silent until client responds even if it takes 10 min,) 4. Who are you? I represent I LEARNING FOUNDATION A NON PROFIT 5013C; we assist consumers like yourself to become debt free 3-5 times faster, WITHOUT PAYING A PENNY MORE. 5. I don't like to do business over the phone: You know, I used to feel the same way. However, in this day in age, ALL business is done over the telephone. Once we get you set up today, you will receive everything in writing from this point on. 6. How do I Know this is Legitimate: I LEARNING FOUNDATION has been in business for over four years and has helped thousands of people get out of debt quickly. We are endorsed by the Registered Financial Planners of North America and the Financial Standards council of Canada. We are also bonded & licensed in all states that require it. Doesnt get more credible than that. Dont you agree?

7. How much does this cost? Through your potential interest savings that you will see should you qualify today, any costs would simply get absorbed in the savings we guarantee to show you. 8. Speak to spouse: It's always important to include your (husband/wife) in financial decisions. However, no one is going to object to being out of debt and on the road to financial freedom. We guarantee that if we cannot save you at least $2,500 in interest after your initial consultation and debt elimination plan are completed, your enrollment would be refunded. In about a week, you will receive some paperwork with your debt profile information. Not only would you be in a better position to talk it over then, you will already be taking steps to secure your family's financial future. 9. Think it Over: What concerns do you still have? (Allow for response and go to appropriate answer or rebuttal) 10. I Don't UnderstandIHow Does This Work: We work to get you out of debt quickly. We develop the mathematically fastest way possible to get you out of debt with your current resources. The factors we consider are prioritizing the target debt with the highest adjusted percentage rate, the highest remaining balance, the highest monthly finance charge, the highest monthly payment and the fastest payoff per creditor. Our program gets you out of debt much faster just using your current resources. 11. I Can Do This On Mv Own: If you've been in your current debt situation for long them I'm sure you realize how easy it is to continue making your monthly payments without taking control. Something to consider is that we are going to work closely to get you debt free 3-5 times faster than you currently are. We develop the mathematically fastest way possible to get you out of debt with your current resources. The factors we consider are prioritizing the target debt with the highest adjusted percentage rate, the highest remaining balance, the highest monthly finance charge, the highest monthly payment and the fastest payoff per creditor. Our program gets you out of debt much faster just using your current resources. Fortunitly we know your terms and conditions and what you deserve. Remember your Credit Card companies are in business to make money off of you.

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