Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey, Abergavenny. Archaeological Evaluation

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A.P.A.C. Ltd.

Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy


Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey

Monmouthshire County Council


A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley



This report records a program of evaluation work carried out at a site identified as having potential archaeological resources that may be impacted by any development. The proposed development of concern is the construction of a new building on a site adjacent to a church of documented antiquity. A planning application was submitted to Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) and as part of the planning process, Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised the planning department that the proposed work at the site could likely impact on archaeological resources. MCC in accordance with the guidance from GGAT imposed a condition requiring a program of archaeological work. The evaluation consisted of two evaluation trenches; one excavated adjacent to the church wall and a second at 90 from the mid point of the first. The evaluation revealed no significant archaeological resources but did uncover previous drainage and service works.

Copyright Notice: A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


CONTENTS Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 4 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE EVALUATION AREAS ........................... 4 BRIEF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ........................... 4 RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT............................................................................... 5 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................... 5 SCOPE OF THE WORK............................................................................................. 5 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 6 SURVEY ..................................................................................................................... 6 DOCUMENTARY RESEARCH .................................................................................. 6 RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 7 FINDS......................................................................................................................... 7 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................... 7 PREDICTED IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL ON KNOWN ARCHAEOLOGY ........ 8 PROPOSED AVOIDANCE OR MITIGATION MEASURES ....................................... 8 ARCHIVE ................................................................................................................... 8 COPYRIGHT .............................................................................................................. 8 HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 10

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


FIGURES 01 02 03 Location plan Site & trench plan Map progressions


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

General view before excavation South end of T1 on to natural at300mm South end of T1 on to natural at300mm View along T2 to N wall of T1 showing foil pipe Mid section and BT cable T1 complete view along east end of T1 Drainage pipe mid back section 1m depth section, east end of T1 T1/T2 interface. Stratigraphy concrete, rubble, natural Section at n west wall of south end of T2 View of water logging in Tr2 after 30 minutes

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley




Dr N Phillips of A.P.A.C. Ltd was contacted on the 5th of April 2012 by Rob Huntly, of technical solutions Ltd, in response to a proposed programme of works, to construct a Building Granny Annex within the curtilage of the existing property; Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholey. NP7 6NU. NGR 331091 216510, figs 01 & 02. The proposed construction work involving excavation of trenches for footings and services was recognised as having a potential to impact on any archaeological resources present. The client, Ms E Lewis, having submitted a planning application to Monmouthshire County Council; ( DC/2007/00778), was granted Approval of Planning Permission, with conditions; one of which, (condition 2) required that: No development shall take place until the applicant or his agent or successor in title has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. DC/2007/00778. 01/04/2009 A Written Scheme of Investigation WSI/EV/GLA/12 was compiled, based on information provided by the clients agent (Mr R. Huntly) and discussion with Mr N. Maylan, GGAT. WSI/EV/GLA/12 suggested an archaeological evaluation of the site as a preliminary to any further work. A Project design brief for an archaeological evaluation, PD/EV/GLA/12 was compiled and approved. The evaluation took place on 28th of May 2012. 2. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE EVALUATION AREAS

The location of the site can be gained from the A465, Abergavenny-Hereford Rd, fig 01. Approximately 1 mile after leaving Abergavenny and passing through the village of Mardy, turn right at a crossroads and the entrance is just after the church and before the railway underpass. The area of land to be investigated lies within the curtilage of Glebe Cottage Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny. Glebe Cottage; formerly two cottages, is a detached 19th century development period house with landscaped gardens and grounds covering approx 1.5 acres. The northern boundary of the property; where the development is to be placed, adjoins the churchyard of St Teilos, mentioned in a 7th century document in the Libre Llandervensis, (MON1534/CNM). Prior to the current work, the site of the proposed building was hard standing for a static caravan, Plate 01. 3. BRIEF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

The site to be developed lies adjacent to the graveyard of the church of St Teilos; it self a legally protected site PRN 08213g. Close to the wall, within the churchyard, is a medieval cross socket stone, again protected but this time as a listed building, PRN 01481g. St Teilos Church, 08310g & 01480g is thought to be early Medieval in origin and it is assumed that the remains of a pre-Norman settlement may lie close by.

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


Within the garden of Glebe cottage, a thin, Neolithic axe blade was recovered during excavation of a pipe trench, (Burns E-K, 40 1995). The location is not stated with any precision. A general graphic history of the site over the last 165 years can be seen in the map progressions shown in fig 03. The large base map is the relevant portion of the 1847 tithe map of Llantilio Pertholey (GRO D.2205). It clearly shows the position of the church, the adjoining churchyard wall and the two adjacent properties now known as Glebe Cottage. Interestingly, there is a building along the church wall roughly where the proposed development is sited. There used to be a stable block in the vicinity (pers com Mr Lewis). There would seem to have been little change between 1847 and the post 1853 plan with the exception of the Hereford/Newport railway line to the right. The map was supplied by Mr Lewis and its a poor copy with no provenance. The 1881 Ordnance survey map, however, does record change in that the two cottages have now become one building, the stable block has gone and trees have been planted. On the last map consulted, changes recorded are in the appearance of a boundary wall enclosing Glebe Cottage; then known as Parsonage Farm. 4. RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT

The proposed development is for the construction of 1 detached building; close and parallel to the northern edge of the garden/graveyard wall. There is a distinct possibility that the work may impact upon archaeological resources within the development area. 5. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES

In accordance with the Project design for an archaeological evaluation, the aim will be to: Elucidate the character, distribution, extent and importance of any potential archaeological remains, extant in the development area; allowing for the production of a sufficiently detailed report to be used to inform and mitigate any associated development. This will be realized through the following objectives: The evaluation report will provide sufficiently detailed information to allow informed decisions to safeguard the archaeological resource, to be taken on the basis of its contents. The evaluation will attempt to; specifically, establish the presence and extent of potential significant archaeological deposits, features and structures, which may be identified in the fieldwork. The evaluation will attempt to recover enough information to enable assessment of the archaeological implications of the study area. Resulting from the evaluation, a report on the results will be produced, which will include a detailed summary of the methodology, site history, deposits/features/ structures/artefacts uncovered and interpretation of the results. 6. SCOPE OF THE WORK

The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, was considered, although the evaluation was confined to those areas which were directly affected by the development or some aspect of it. All remains of potential interest were considered, whatever their date.

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley




The trenching strategy was drawn up in PD/EV/GLA/12 and adhered to throughout the fieldwork Two trenches T1, 19m x 1m and T2, 10 x 1m, were excavated within the designated parcel of land; fig 02. Both trenches were excavated mechanically with a tracked digger fitted with a 600mm toothless bucket. Mechanical excavation took place to the limit of the required depth of the building work, 0.75m. It was understood that mechanical excavation would have stopped at any archaeological horizon, allowing for the character, distribution, extent and importance of at least the minimum number of archaeological features to be understood. A topographical survey was undertaken of the trenches to locate them within the boundary of the property thereby allowing for any future work to be accurately placed. Sufficient documentary research was undertaken to place the results of the evaluation in their historic context. Assessment and analysis of all data collected or compiled was undertaken and the results thereof compiled into report form. A complete archive of the work undertaken will be deposited with Abergavenny Museum, with the original documentary archive kept with A.P.A.C. and copies sent to GGAT and Gwent Record Office. 8. SURVEY

A survey of the trenches was undertaken at the end of the evaluation using a Topcon GPT 3007 REDM, Reflectorless Electronic Distance Measurement, Total Station. Surveyed data was processed in Civilcad 6 and corrected to ground Ornance Survey mapping in AutoCad. Final processing was done at the end of the work with all data being transferred into Adobe Illustrator for publication. 9. DOCUMENTARY RESEARCH

Research undertaken to complete the background history of the site was completed from the following sources A.P.A.C. Ltd Library. Archaeological Data Service. ( Current site data from the landowner Glamorgan Gwent Historic Environment Record ( Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments Wales ( Gwent Record Office, Ebbw Vale

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


10. Trench 1


Excavation of T1 began at the western end where the machines bucket exposed 100/150mm deposit dark brown sandy silt, [101] under the lawn [100], Plate 02. [101] lay over [102] a light brown silty clay deposit of about 300mm depth, which itself overlay a deposit of brown/orange sandy silt, [103] at the depth of 0.75m. A test pit was cut through [103] using the mechanical digger to a depth of 1m; at which point a natural deposit of river silt with rounded boulders was reached [104]. The simple stratigraphy above gives the background of T1 at the extreme western end. Unfortunately, 800m from the western end the trench encountered the first service trench denoted by the angular chippings [108] and the 120mm plastic foul pipe [109], Plate 03, (orange pipe, left of plate above the concrete flagstone). Pipe [109] ran some 3m along the south of the trench before crossing it; over a distance of 4.5m, to the northern edge, Plate 04. It then extended another 5.5m to the up-bend which would have connected to the caravan recently removed. Along the last 5.5m length of [109], it shares the trench with a BT cable [112] Plate 5, and a black plastic water pipe [115], not shown, but bearing the BS code 1972. It was not possible to distinguish either cut or fill for the service trenches and the centre section were [109] crossed was actually left in place. The section that was left can be seen in Plate 06; the orange pipe [109] crosses the trench around about level with the digger. The mechanical digger then tracked east to excavate the next clear section and removed the unwanted BT [112] and water pipe [115] under which lay an old 19th c clay land drain [121] and a white electric cable [118]. The land drain [121] can be seen in the end section of Plate 07, as a black circle at the 600mm mark on the ranging rod. The section also shows [121]s position on top of [102] at the depth limit of the trench. The reason that the trench is deeper is that another test pit was dug to 1m to check the sequence which turned out to agree with that of the western end, Plate 08. T2 was excavated at 90 from T1 from a point 7.25m from the western end of T1. As it was designed to investigate along the position of one of the foundation trenches of an internal partition wall, T1 only needed to be shallow. After the capping of the caravans hard-standing [105] was removed and the 300mm of rubble fill [106], beneath it, the diggers bucket scraped a very clean deposit of light brown silty clay [102], Plate 09. There was a change to the stratigraphy in the last 4m of the trench where there was a deposit of building rubble, bricks, plaster [123] under [102] which had cut [103] plate 10. The trench was deepened at this point but at about 900mm started to fill with water and so was abandoned Plate 11. 3065. 11. FINDS

One sherd of 19/20th c stoneware preserves jar was collected from [101] along the centre section of T1 along the north wall. Other finds not collected was a foil chocolate bar wrapper and a 4 hole plastic ring holder for drinks cans 12. CONCLUSIONS

A lack of finds is itself quite surprising but the only conclusion that can be made is that the site would appear to be free of any significant archaeological resources.

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


However, this result should be treated with caution for the majority of the trench was unfortunately directly along a series of service trenches which extended to the limit of the excavation. The only archaeological resource that may be present could result from the building that was removed after 1853, see fig 03; the presumed stable block. 13. PREDICTED IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL ON KNOWN ARCHAEOLOGY The results of the evaluation have not shown any archaeological resources present in the evaluation area but the evaluation area was not a representative location.



It would be a prudent measure to conduct a watching brief on any further excavation at the site because the location of the majority of the evaluation trench was not representative of the site as a whole.



The original archive will remain with A.P.A.C. Ltd. A copy of the archive will be deposited with Abergavenny Museum Service The project has been designated a project code EV/GLA/12: all significant documents and packaging carry this code number. The project archive will consist of all original records, artefacts, ecofacts/samples and all documentation that relates to the evaluation. Copies of the Design Brief and any relevant correspondence will be included. The Archaeological Contractor will endeavour to persuade the legal owner of any artefacts, to transfer them to Abergavenny Museum. The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, Second Edition, (1991) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The archive will comply with the United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term Storage (1990) the Society of Museum Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995) and to the reasonable requirements of Monmouth Museum. The archive will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the evaluation and with the agreement of the landowner. A synopsis of the archive will be lodged with the Historic Environment Record. 16. COPYRIGHT

A.P.A.C. Ltd retains full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved. A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the project as described in the Project Design PD/EV/MDX/12 following a period of 12 months after the evaluation is completed. 17. HEALTH AND SAFETY

The Project Team operated in accordance with the health and safety procedures as set out in:-

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Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley


The Health and Safety Work Act (1974) and related legislation. The Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers Health and Safety Manual 2002). The Council for British Archaeology Handbook no. 6, Safety in Archaeological Fieldwork (1989).

All necessary protective clothing and equipment was used.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley 18. BIBLIOGRAPHY NA post 1853 A.P.A.C. Ltd. 2012. Survey map of Llantilio Petholey, (Mr Lewis Glebe Cottage). Project Design for an Archaeological Evaluation: I Old Dixton Rd, Monmouth.


Burns, E-K., 1995.

The Prehistory cCollection at Abergavenny Museum: A Catalogue. Gwent Local History. 79. 1995. MON1534/CNM Proposed Dwelling: Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey. Pl. App.No.:DC/2007/00778. Management of Archaeological Projects (1991). Llantillio Pertholley, 08310g, 01471g, 01481g, 08213g Tithe Map 1847, Llantilio Pertholey, D.2205

Maylan, N. 2007

English Heritage GGAT HER Gwent Record Office Institute of Field Archaeologists.

Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2001. Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2002. Standard and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and research of archaeological materials. 2001. A Guide to Theory and Practice of Methods of Sampling and Recovery to Post Excavation, 2002. Guidelines for the Treatment of Finds from Archaeological Sites

Monmouthshire County Council;

08/06/2007 01/04/2009

( DC/2007/00778). Approval of Planning Permission DC/2007/00778

Technical solutions Ltd

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholey Location Plan. LP/01 A. Feb 2009. Proposed Block Plan. PBP/01. D. Jan 2008. Proposed Foundation plan and Slab Edges A(0)0001 A. June 2011.

The Society of Museum Archaeologists United Kingdom Institute for Conservation. (Archaeology Section)

Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term Storage (1990) 1881, Monmouthshire 1:2.500. Llantilio Pertholey. 1965-70, Monmouthshire 1:2.500. Llantilio Pertholey.

Ordnance Survey

A.P.A.C. Ltd, Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. NP7 7RG . 07734962919. Email: Company Registration No 5041541. VAT Reg No 826 3628 19. Director: Dr N. Phillips. D.Phil. BA (Hons). Cert Ed/FE. AIFA. AAI&S

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Site: Glebe Cottage Llantillio Petholey CONTEXT AREA TR1 100 101

Appendix 1

Context Sheet Index

Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: NGR 331091 216510 EV/GLA/12 FEATURE DESCRIPTION FINDS lawn 10 mm on dark brown sandy silt Sub soil Dark brown sandy silt 10mm to 20mm depth Light brown 30mm to 60mm depth 1



Silty clay

103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123


Sandy silt boulders concrete Rubble Cut Fill Pipe Cut Fill Pipe Cut Fill Pipe Cut Fill Cable Cut Fill Pipe Cut Fill

Brown/orange 60mm to 1 mm Sandy silt large boulders at 1m E 800m S Concrete base Small stone rubble under base Dark grey Not visible Angular chippings 120mm plastic foul ? Not visible ? Grey plastic. BT ? Not visible ? Water Black BS1972 Not visible White electric Not visible ? 19th c land drain Not visible Stones bricks lime plaster

PHOTOGRAPHS 3053, 3054, 3055, 3056, 3062, 3054, 3055, 3056, 3057, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3064 3054, 3055, 3057, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3064 3054, 3055, 3057, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3060, 3061, 3056, 3057, 3058, 3063 3057, 3058, 3063, 3064 3055, 3062, 3055, 3056, 3064 3056 3056


3061 3058, 3059, 3063, 3065

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Site: Glebe Cottage Llantillio Petholey FINDS AREA TR1 1

Appendix 2
Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No: NGR 331091 216510 EV/GLA/12 CONTEXT DESCRIPTION 101 1 sherd grey stoneware preserve jar 1

Finds Sheet Index

Period 19th/20th c

Glebe Cottage, llantillio Pertholey EV/GLA/12

Appendix 3 Digital Photographic Record

A.P.A.C. Ltd

Photo No Date
DSC03053 DSC03054 DSC03055 DSC03056 DSC03057 DSC03058 DSC03059 DSC03060 DSC03061 DSC03062 DSC03063 DSC03064 DSC03065

Camera Size
3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448 3264x2448

Site T1 T1 T1 T2/T1 T2 T2 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2/T1 T2

View Description
W S S W S N W S E W N N W General view before excavation South end of T1 on to natural at300mm Depth of modern plastic foul pipe 250mm Mid section and BT cable T1/T2 interface. Stratigraphy concrete, rubble, natural View along T2 Rubble plaster fill to a depth of 90mm and water table. Section at n west wall of south end of T2 1m depth section, east end of T1 view along east end of T1 Drainage pipe mid back section T1 complete T2 complete View along T2 to N wall of T1 showing foil pipe View of waterlogging in Tr2 after 30 minutes

1 2 3 5 9 10 8 7 6 4 11

28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828 28/05/2012 DSC-F828

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholley, Abergavenny

Llantillio Pertholley

Fig 01: Location

A.P.A.C. Ltd /EV/AGLA/12

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny

Proposed dwelling

Inset not to scale

Evaluation trenches

The site backs and runs parallel to the church boundary wall, therefore, the back wall of the proposed house was an obvious spot to evaluate: T1 Length 19m width 1 m xdepth 1m Running a 90 degree trench from Ti would give an idea of the spread of archaeological resources over the site: T2 length 10m x 1m x 1m

10 metres



Adapted from technical solutions ltd A(0)001 2011 & LP/01 2008

Fig 02. Location of proposed evaluation trenches

A.P.A.C. Ltd /EV/GLA/12

Glebe Cottage, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny

Post 1853 OS 1881 OS 1965

1847 D.2205

Figure 03: Map progressions

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/GLA/12

Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey



Plate 01: General view before excavation

Plate 02: South end of T1 on to natural at 300mm



Plate 03: Depth of modern plastic foul pipe 250mm

Plate 04: View along T2 to N wall of T1 showing foil pipe

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/GLA/12

Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey



Plate 05: Mid section and BT cable

Plate 06: T1 complete

Plate 07: view along east end of T1 Drainage pipe mid back section



Plate 08: 1m depth section, east end of T1

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/GLA/12

Glebe Cottage, Llantilio Pertholey



Plate 09: Mid section and BT cable

Plate 10: Section at n west wall of south end of T2


Plate 11: View of waterlogging in Tr2 after 30 minuitrs

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/GLA/12

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