Newsletter 19

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25th May 2012

No. 19

Dear Parents and Children

What a lovely way to end a happy and busy half term. Our Jubilee celebrations have been embraced by all classes and promise much fun. Thank you to FOSTA for paying for Mr. Randinnis Puppet Show visit and the wonderful tea towels to commemorate the Jubilee. Drying up will be a delight now! (Additional tea towels will also be available to buy 3 each, perfect for presents.) Thank you parents for your kind contributions to the Phil the Bag. We will let you know how much you have raised. Our First Holy Communion children went with Mrs Reading to the annual Good Shepherd Mass this week in Portsmouth Cathedral celebrated by Bishop Crispian. We wish all our families have a wonderful half term. Mrs. M Sanderson


O God, bless our home, our family, friends and neighbours; and give us thankful hearts for all Your kindness. .Amen.

Benjamin Y4; Ben Y3; Megan Y2; Grace and Harry Y1; Adam YR. Well done everyone!

Stars of the Week:

Vanessa Y6; Kian Y5;

School dinners: Monday: Sausages Tuesday: Roast Pork Wednesday: Chicken Minibus - What a bonus it has been having our minibus this term.

Curry; Thursday: Roast Gammon; Friday: Fish.

Thank you to parents for their 2 contributions when we use the minibus. This is a fixed price on the Island so no matter where we go on the Island it will be 2. Across the time your children spend in school the short and the long trips will balance themselves out. Thanks to FOSTA for helping fund the continued running costs of the minibus.

Pabulum and our wonderful cook Emma have joined together to offer a chance for all our children to experience cooking their own lunches. This is a special menu at the cost of 1. Thank you for your donations. Children who have free school meals will automatically be paid for when it is their turn.

Cooking lunches

Free School Meals In the present climate the help that free school meals can offer is great. Ask at the school office for a form if you would like to apply. The school also receives extra funding for children who have free school meals.

In the morning KS1 children will participate in a variety of events as they have in previous years. In the afternoon KS2 have been invited to use the athletics track on Christ the King College (Upper site) grounds. The PE department and some students from the College will also be help with a selection of events. More details will follow but put the date in your diary and pray for dry weather.

Sports day 26th June We will have a split sports day this year.

Walk the Wight

Dont forget to bring in your sponsor money so we have a cheque to hand over

during a Walk the Wight Assembly. Watch this space for the final figure. Well done everyone concerned.

Parish Links Ansel D'Mello, our seminarian, who is spending the next three weeks with Fr.
Gerard, will be joining us for a day to experience school life as he trains for priesthood. We will welcome him on June 14th.

Fabric and Coffee tables over half term many of you may be taking the opportunity for a
late spring clean. The school would be very grateful for any donations of fabric such as curtains (especially red, gold, green and purple) and coffee tables. We use fabric to help with our displays and the coffee tables for our prayer areas. Any donations would be gratefully received.

Water bottles and Sun Cream Please could all children have water bottles in school. Hair There has been an outbreak of head lice in the school.

The weather is wonderful but children need extra hydration as you know and so bottles are essential. Please make sure that your children have sun cream applied at home if you wish. Whilst there are lots of different suppliers, Boots presently has a promotion on the sun cream that lasts eight hours. Do please check your childs hair this

half term. Many thanks for your support with this. FOSTA NEWS: AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE NEWSLETTER THERE IS A LOT OF WAYS THAT FOSTA HAS SUPPORTED THE SCHOOL. CAN YOU SPARE AN HOUR TO HELP THEM HELP US.. Bag Packing FOSTA have been lucky enough to secure this fund raising opportunity at the Co-op in Cowes on 16th June between 12-4pm. Parents and older children, who have an hour to spare on this day, please let any of the committee know. Phil the Bag Many thanks for all the support and thank you to the Eight Bells. School Disco - Friday 1st June. Junior Disco (Years Reception, 1, 2 & 3) 5.30pm-7pm. All children attending the Junior Disco must be accompanied by a parent. Senior Disco (Years 4, 5 & 6) 7.30pm-9pm. Entrance will be 1 per pupil and there will be a Tuck Shop available. Saturday 14th July School Fayre 12-2pm. Do come and join us for a wonderful afternoon and be in place to see the torch go past the school on its way around the island. As we get closer to the event there will be muftis for donations (e.g. chocolate, toiletries etc.). As well as these items, families are being asked to keep good quality bric-a-brac, books etc. for us to sell on the day. Any green fingered gardeners that have spare plants are encouraged to bring them to school on the morning of 13th July. If you or a family member own a business and are able to share voucher for a raffle prize, this is a great fund raiser for us.

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 12th June Parents drop-in 2-2.30pm 21st June - Mass at St Thomass Church Monday 25th June - Sharing worship Tuesday 26th June Sports Day 5th July - Mass at School Saturday 14th July Summer Fayre 12-2pm

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