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The Life Saving force

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011

oUr CreST
the international Civil Defence triangle features prominently in the crest. the equilateral blue triangle symbolises the three main areas of Civil Defence fire safety, first aid, and rescue and evacuation. our state shield is set on the triangle, which is garlanded by a laurel of leaves, signifying the formal status of the SCDF as a national organisation. the green laurel, with a red ribbon, represents the honour of service in the Civil Defence. these are supported by a blue banner with the white inscriptions Civil Defence Singapore. Blue, the colour of the SCDF, stands for loyalty and dedication to the nation and citizens.

4 Mission & Vision / Core Values 6 organisation Structure 7 SCDF establishments 8 Senior Management 10 Commissioners Foreword 12 operational excellence 18 effective public protection 22 engaging our Community 28 organisational excellence 34 Year In Statistics 52 Highlights of Workyear 2010/2011 60 Directory of Facilities

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011

MiSSion & viSion

to protect And Save lives And property For A Safe And Secure Singapore

to Be A World Class organisation providing Fire Fighting, Rescue, And emergency Ambulance Services through professionalism, operational excellence And Service Quality.

core vaLueS

We take pride in Saving lives And property.

We Care For our people And those We Serve.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011

organiSaTion STrucTure

oRGAnISAtIonAl StRuCtuRe oRGAnISAtIon StRuCtuRe

CoMMiSSioner & DepUTY CoMMiSSioner

Senior DireCTor (eMergenCY ServiCeS)

Senior DireCTor (CorporaTe ServiCeS)

opeRAtIonS Dept

FIRe SAFetY & SHelteR Dept

loGIStICS Dept

plAnnInG & CoRpoRAte Dept





teCHnoloGY Dept

MAnpoWeR Dept

pRoVoSt unIt

MeDICAl Dept

tRAInInG Dept

FInAnCe Dept

nS peRSonnel Dept

CentRAl enFoRCeMent Dept

SeRVICe eXCellenCe Dept



BASIC ReSCue tRAInInG CentRe / CD 6tH DIVISIon SeRVICe SuppoRt unIt, HQ SCDF

SeRVICe SuppoRt unIt, CDA CoMpleX

FIRe StAtIon X 16/ IMMeDIAte ReSCue CoMpAnY X 17

ReSCue BAttAlIon X8


tRAnSpoRt BAttAlIon

MRt SHelteR CoMpAnY X 33


FIRe InVeStIGAtIon unIt

SpeCIAl ReSCue BAttAlIon

puBlIC SHelteR unItS X 33 CluSteRS

Staff Supervisory link Central units nS unit (staffed by operationally Ready nSmen)

1ST CD DiviSion
1 HQ 1st Division 11 Central Fire Station 12 Alexandra Fire Station 13 Clementi Fire Station 14 Jurong Island Fire Station 15 Bishan Fire Station 16 Banyan Fire Station 1A Boon Keng Fire post 1B Cairnhill Fire post 1C Sentosa Fire post 1D Bukit Merah View Fire post 1e telok Blangah Fire post 1F Clementi West Fire post 1G toa payoh Fire post

2nD CD DiviSion
2 HQ 2nd Division 21 paya lebar Fire Station 22 Changi Fire Station 23 tampines Fire Station 2A eunos Fire post 2B Mountbatten Fire post 2C Marine parade Fire post 2D Geylang east Fire post 2e pasir Ris Fire post 2F Chai Chee Fire post 2G loyang Fire post

HQ SCDF HQ Division / BRtC Civil Defence Academy Fire Station Fire post

HQ 3RD Div Yishun FS Woodlands Fp Woodlands FS nee Soon Sg Kadut Fp Central Fp

punggol north Fp SengKang FS


HQ 4tH Div Choa Chu Kang Fp Bt panjang Fp Bt Batok FS CDA

Ang Mo Kio FS HQ 2nD Div Bishan FS teck Ghee Fp tampines FS

loyang Fp pasir Ris Fp

Jurong east Fp Jurong West Fp tuas Checkpoint Fp Jurong FS tuas FS

Bt timah Fp toa payoh Fp Boon Keng Fp Cairnhill Fp

HQ SCDF paya lebar FS Geylang east Fp Marine parade Fp eunos Fp Changi FS

Clementi FS Clementi West Fp HQ 1St Div Alexandra FS Jurong Island FS

Mountbatten Fp Central FS

Bt Merah View Fp telok Blangah Fp Sentosa Fp

Banyan FS

3rD CD DiviSion
3 HQ 3rd Division 31 Yishun Fire Station 32 Ang Mo Kio Fire Station 33 Sengkang Fire Station 3A nee Soon Central Fire post 3B teck Ghee Fire post 3C Braddell Heights Fire post 3D punggol north Fire Station

4Th CD DiviSion
4 HQ 4th Division 41 Jurong Fire Station 42 tuas Fire Station 43 Woodlands Fire Station 44 Bukit Batok Fire Station 4A Jurong east Fire post 4B Jurong West Fire post 4C tuas Checkpoint Fire post 4D Woodlands Fire post 4e Sungei Kadut Fire post 4F Bukit timah Fire post 4G Bukit panjang Fire post 4H Choa Chu Kang Fire post

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Scdf eSTaBLiShMenTS

Senior ManageMenT
1 2 3



1. 2.

Comr peter lim

Commissioner, SCDF


Col anwar abdullah

Director, operations Department


Col Chin lai fong

Director, logistics Department

aC eric Yap
Senior Director (emergency Services)


Mr Boo geok Kwang

Director, Fire Safety and Shelter Deparment


Col Yazid abdullah

Director, public Affairs Department


Col Chong hoi hung

Senior Director (Corporate Services)


Col Christopher Tan

Director, Civil Defence Academy

10. Mr r Jeganathan
Director, technology Department


Ms Wong puy Mun

Director, Manpower Department

11. lTC lian Wee Teck

Director, Hazardous Materials Deparment



14 10

15 9 SenIoR MAnAGeMent








12. Mr ivan Chua

Director, Finance Department

16. lTC Sakhubai ramanathan

Director, Central enforcement Department

20. lTC a. razak

Commander, 3rd CD Division

13. lTC lee Bee hong

Director, national Service personnel Deparment

17. lTC ng Chee Kiang

Director, Basic Rescue training Centre

21. lTC ling Kok Yong

Commander, 1st CD Division

14. lTC lee Yam Ming

Director, training Department

18. lTC francis ng

Commander, 4th CD Division

22. lTC ong Yu leong

Covering Director, Service excellence Department

15. lTC Yong Meng Wah

Director, planning and Corporate Department

19. lTC Kadir Maideen

Commander, 2nd CD Division

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Disasters have a way of reminding us that life is fragile; they also force us to re-assess our current state of emergency preparedness. this is especially true in the wake of the catastrophic magnitude 9 earthquake which hit Japan on 11 March 2011, unleashing the deadly tsunami and the specter of radioactive fallout due to damaged nuclear reactors. this painful episode is a sobering reminder that disasters can happen anytime, anywhere. But if we are well-prepared beforehand, we can preserve our wellbeing and increase our chances of survival in some instances. It is with this in mind that SCDF proactively engages the community to be prepared for any eventualities. In April 2011, with the support of the peoples Association (pA), an island-wide initiative known as the SCDF-pA CD (Civil Defence) Ready Homes programme will be launched. the programme revolves around a checklist for home dwellers to assess their emergency preparedness level as a family unit. the checklist asks if they have participated in any CD-related training, if their houses meet the fire safety requirements, and whether they know their respective Community emergency Response teams. only a trained and prepared community is ready and able to offer an effective first response capability to emergencies, before the arrival of SCDF responders. this will strengthen community self-help, so crucial in the face of any disasters. And to ensure that the individuals in the community have the most updated information on emergency preparedness skills, we had launched the Fire Safety iphone Application in December 2010 to allow the masses to access such information on-the-go. Both the iphone App and CD Ready Homes programme represent constant evolutions of our extensive community outreach framework, which includes the 48 emergency preparedness Days held annually in the residential heartlands and the modular Community emergency preparedness programme offered at no cost in our SCDF premises. A high state of readiness also pervades the daily operations in SCDF. Besides having personnel on duty round-the-clock to respond to any emergency in Singapore, we also have our operation lionheart Contingent on standby for search and rescue operations to countries struck by natural or man-made calamities. this allowed us, in both the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 and the 2011 off the pacific Coast of tohoku earthquake that hit Japan on 11 March, to immediately deploy the contingent to the respective countries on the following day. the lionheart mission to Christchuch saw the inaugural deployment of trauma paramedics in the contingent a select group of SCDF paramedics trained to render effective medical aid under difficult circumstances like collapsed buildings and contaminated zones. to ensure our operational readiness, we constantly revisit our training doctrines to enhance our capability. For example, on 1 April 2011, the current Basic Rescue training Centre (BRtC) will take over the unit training Centre from Civil Defence Academy to form the national Service training Institute (nStI). nStI will be SCDFs dedicated nS training institution offering one-stop holistic

training facilities for both Fulltime national Servicemen (nSF) recruits and operationally-Ready national Service (oRnSmen). the increased space and dedicated facilities will allow for the conduct of mobilisation exercises under a single command structure. With the nSFs progressing through their nS phase and later returning to the institute for training as oRnSmen, nStI will also foster a strong sense of identity and cohesiveness. the formation of nStI involves the optimal deployment of manpower and resources to suit different needs, which is crucial to the SCDF mission to protect and save lives and property for a safe and secure Singapore. the Special Rescue Battalion (SRB), previously housed in BRtC, will be de-centralised into 12 platoons and assigned to the four Divisional Headquarters. When activated, they will conduct specific hazardous materials, fire fighting or search and rescue operations in support of the Division or its fire stations. this strengthens the SCDF response capability for emergencies island-wide, thus signifying a higher level of public service provided by the Force. Internationally, apart from our operation lionheart Contingent which provides international assistance in search and rescue operation and had already been activated this year, SCDF also provides training consultancy services for our overseas counterparts. our premier training institution, the Civil Defence Academy (CDA), conducted its 125th international course with the International Disaster Management Course held in May 2010. Among the participants were four pioneer participants from their respective countries, allowing CDA to achieve the milestone of 100 countries on its CDA World Map. the map includes some of our strategic partners in different regions of the world. For example, we conducted a customised International Fire Fighting Course for the united Arab emirates from January to February 2011, while offering our disaster assessment expertise through conducting the Induction Course for the ASeAn emergency Response Assessment team (eRAt), with participants from ASeAn members. the ASeAn-eRAt is deployed for swift assessments of disasters within the region. While sharing our operational knowledge with our counterparts, SCDF spares no effort to simultaneously bolster our operational readiness, capability and efficiency. We also implement new community outreach strategies in keeping with the latest societal trends to inculcate in the population the importance of staying prepared. Because being ready at all times as a nation is our best insurance and protection against any unforeseen events.

CoMr peTer liM CoMMISSIoneR SInGApoRe CIVIl DeFenCe FoRCe

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011



coMMiSSionerS foreword

rising to the occasion


Serving with utmost Passion

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


oPeraTionaL eXceLLence
SingaporeS involveMenT in Yog 2010
Singapore successfully hosted the inaugural Youth olympic Games (YoG) from 14 to 26 August 2010 which saw the participation of about 5,000 athletes and officials from the world over. leading up to the YoG were the two-year-long preparatory and planning stages which involved multiple ministries, agencies and organisations, including SCDF. As the regulatory authority for the Fire Safety Act, SCDF assisted the YoG organising Committee in getting the temporary YoG competition venues to comply with fire safety measures in addition to the requirements laid down by the International olympic Council. Additionally, SCDF conducted safety inspections on more than 6,000 public entertainment outlets and other popular tourist spots, to prepare for anticipated visits by the foreign patrons. During the 23-day YoG event, SCDF provided emergency coverage for all the young athletes and 320,000 spectators. SCDF forces were deployed in three main sectors the Float@Marina Bay, the 18 competition venues and the Youth olympic Village (YoV). the latter, comprising 10 Residential Halls within the nanyang technological university campus, housed the athletes and team officials. the overall SCDF ground deployment of more than 600 personnel and 62 appliances during YoG contributed to the safety and success of this inaugural event.

UpgraDing of The paraMeDiC SKillS SeT

A review of the existing Basic paramedic Specialist Course identified the need to enhance our paramedics skills in trauma management and treatment to enable them to render effective medical aid in difficult environments. these include additional topics on uSAR (urban Search and Rescue) and CBRe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and explosives) rescue incidents. topics like on-site pain management, management of crush injuries and amputations now form part of the curriculum. the paramedics put on the Chemical Agent suit to undergo endurance training and scenario exercises, which acclimatise them to operate in a contaminated environment. they are also trained to execute medical intervention during confined space rescue and height rescue operations, which will enhance the quality of medical care provided to trapped victims to boost their survivability in critical cases. paramedics who successfully complete the training are awarded the trauma paramedic tabs to be worn on their uniforms. With an upgraded competency to perform a more direct role during on-site rescue operations, these trauma paramedics will bolster the SCDF operation lionheart Contingent in its international disaster relief missions. Consequently, the contingents medical element is strengthened, as the trauma paramedics are trained to operate under the conditions which they can expect to face at the disaster sites.

operaTion lionhearT DeploYMenT To ChriSTChUrCh earThqUaKe

on 22 February 2011, a devastating 6.3 magnitude tremblor hit Christchurch, the second largest city in new Zealand. In response, a 55-strong SCDF rescue contingent codenamed operation lionheart was immediately deployed to Christchurch the next day to assist in the search and rescue operations. the contingent, which


included a medical team of two medical doctors and four trauma paramedics, conducted operations at more than 60 sites such as collapsed buildings. these rescue missions saw the deployment of four search dogs and the use of sophisticated heavy rescue equipment. the SCDF contingent also collaborated with the new Zealand Fire Service and international rescuers in joint missions. on 6 March 2011, with the completion of the rescue missions, the first batch of contingent members and four search dogs returned to Singapore. the second batch remained at Christchurch at the request of the new Zealand government to assist in recovery operations and returned a week later on 13 March.

SCDf aSSiSTanCe To The 2011 off The paCifiC CoaST of TohoKU earThqUaKe
A massive 9 magnitude earthquake rocked Japan on 11 March 2011, the most powerful quake ever recorded in Japan, triggering deadly tsunamis and huge aftershocks measuring magnitude 6 or greater. the disaster also damaged nuclear reactors, causing explosions several days later. on 12 March, SCDF sent five Search Specialists with five Search Dogs to assist local authorities in the search efforts. of these five specialists, four were part of the operation lionheart Contingent that had just returned to Singapore on 6 March from the Christchurch deployment. the assistance rendered to Japan represents the 13th overseas operation to be undertaken by the contingent since 1990 and the fourth since it attained the International Search and Rescue Group (InSARAG) Heavy urban Search and Rescue (uSAR) team status in January 2008.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


opeRAtIonAl eXCellenCe

3-Wheeler BiKeS, anD The DeploYMenT of The CoMpreSSeD air foaM

on 27 September 2010, two 3-wheeler Fire Bikes and two Fast Response paramedic (FRp) Bikes became operational in SCDF. they will replace the 2-wheeler bikes currently used by our Fire Bikers for incipient and minor fires and Fast Response paramedics for collapse, trauma and other medical cases. Compared to the traditional 2-wheeler bikes, the 3-wheelers provide enhanced safety and stability, especially during wet weather. Similar to a car, the 3-wheeler bike is able to stop and park without using a motorcycle stand. It can also park on uneven terrain due to a unique patented suspension system, allowing responders to immediately mitigate the incidents when they arrive at the incident site. the 3-wheeler FRp Bike carries an Automatic external Defibrillator for cardiac cases, allowing the Fast Response paramedics to perform critical on-site medical intervention on the patient where necessary. the 3-wheeler Fire Bike on the other hand is equipped with a Backpack Compressed Air Foam (CAF) system which produces and propels a high quality mixture of foam and water mist up to 18m; this not only effectively extinguishes the fire, but also uses less water. this also marks the SCDF foray into CAF system, which is a breakthrough for our fire fighting equipment. Going forward, the CAF system will be fitted unto our future fire engines (known as pump ladders) for a quicker break-down of fires.

reD rhino 2.0

First introduced in 2000, the innovative light Fire Attack Vehicle (lFAV), or Red Rhino, was specially designed to be more compact than a traditional fire engine, allowing it to be more agile and be deployed closer to any fire or rescue incident site. In 2009, the Red Rhino underwent a re-design to enhance its accessibility to even tighter and narrower spaces, while improving its overall safety and environment efficiency. the result was the Red Rhino 2.0 that is 10% smaller and 40% lighter than the earlier version. Although smaller and lighter, this fire vehicle is more than able to deliver the same performance. the engine performance and vehicle handling are further improved, while it also meets the euro IV emission standards for lower pollution standard, and is thus more environmentally friendly. the Red Rhino 2.0 became operational on 15 April 2010.

SeCUriTY SenSiTive MaTerialS DaTa hUB

the Security Sensitive Materials (SSM) Data Hub provides a consolidated platform with specific SSM information on the licensees, storage locations, inspection reports and maximum allowable storage quantities in Singapore. this information, previously kept by the respective national Authorities [or nAs, for example the Health Sciences Authority, national environment Agency (neA), and Singapore police Force (SpF)], is now consolidated under a single SSM Data Hub which became operational in workyear 2010/2011. this is useful to SCDF as we regulate the import, storage and transportation of

petroleum and flammable materials. Information in the Data Hub harvested from the other nAs provide valuable inputs to SCDF when processing applications for licenses to store flammable materials. the SSM Data Hub assists SCDF to identify high-risk licensees for additional enforcement checks on their premises to ensure strict compliance with fire safety regulations. Additionally, during an incident, the map interface of the Data Hub informs SCDF responders of the risks surrounding the affected areas, thus facilitating a safe operation. With so much rich information stored in the Data Hub, it can facilitate more usage permutations by all the nAs in the future, in order to ensure a safer and more secure Singapore.

fUll Troop DeploYMenT exerCiSe for DirTY BoMB SCenario

A Full troop Deployment exercise (FtX) was successfully conducted on 30 March 2010 at the Changi exhibition Centre (CeC), based on a dirty bomb scenario. Besides SCDF responders, the FtX also involved personnel from the related agencies such as the Ministry of Home Affairs HQ, Ministry of Health, SpF and neA (both its pollution Control Department and the Centre for Radiation protection and nuclear Science). the exercise allowed the participating agencies to validate and assess the effectiveness of the national Dirty Bomb response plan for radiological incidents. the observations and learning points surfaced during the exercise were developed upon to enhance the current action plans and Standing operating procedures amongst the respective key related agencies; this was also timely to keep abreast with the latest trends in radiological threats. the FtX served to ensure the operational readiness of all the agencies involved in radiological response and mitigation, monitoring, forensics investigations and on-site decontamination.

iMpleMenTaTion of iSave The MeDiCal DigiTal pen proJeCT

under the project title of iSAVe, SCDF has developed the Digipen concept to capture patient information. under the previous system, the paramedics had to manually record the patients information while attending to an ambulance case, before transferring the records to the main system after they have returned to their respective fire stations or fire posts. However, with iSAVe, a patients details are captured and recorded real-time in the system, eliminating the need for double entry. this has shortened the process from the current 20 minutes to just five minutes. on 2 December 2010, all SCDF ambulances, Fast Response paramedic Bikes and private Ambulance operators engaged by SCDF were equipped with the Digipen. this project bagged two awards in 2010. It won the Home team product Innovation of the Year (Gold Award) at the Home team InnoFest (Innovative Festival) held at Ite College West on 29 october 2010. It also received a Certificate of Recognition for the Best pS21 project, at the pS21 exCel Convention held at the School of the Arts from 2 - 3 november 2010.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


opeRAtIonAl eXCellenCe

effective Public Protection


comes with dedication and determination

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


effecTive PuBLic ProTecTion

fire SafeTY reqUireMenTS for perSonS WiTh DiSaBiliTieS
to formulate requirements for effective fire safety features and emergency evacuation for persons with Disabilities (pWDs), SCDF established a committee comprising representatives from the Building and Construction Authority, Singapore Institute of Architects, Institution of engineers, Singapore and land transport Authority. After the committee drafted the provisions, feedback was sought from the relevant stakeholders such as the Real estate Developers Association of Singapore, the Society for the physically Disabled and the Handicaps Welfare Association. on 21 January 2011, SCDF issued new guidelines to the industry detailing the new Fire Safety Requirements for pWDs. these include continuous handrails within a protected staircase, location of the evacuation lift, proper evacuation plans for pWDs and unobstructed escape routes for pWDs, among others. the relevant type of pWD Holding point, which is a temporary safe spot for pWDs awaiting evacuation assistance, is also a must for buildings. After a 10-month period, the new guidelines take effect on 1 november 2011, and will apply to all building projects that have obtained formal planning permission from the urban Redevelopment Authority on or after the effective date.

fire lift


pWD holding fire fighting lobby Minimum 500mm point

Minimum 1200mm

An example of a PWD Holding Point.

proCUring of paSS DeTeCTorS for effeCTive enforCeMenT

to enhance detection of tankers and other modes of transportation which infringe the regulations on petroleum and Flammable Materials (p & FM), SCDF procured two sets of the pASS (product Acoustics Signature System) Detector. this equipment assists SCDF officers to detect unknown chemicals within the storage device. Calibrated based on the principle that fluids have different viscosities at different temperatures and that sound travels at different speeds through each fluid, the pASS Detector accurately identifies the contents within the sealed container.

Since 1 october 2010, SCDF officers have been deploying the pASS Detector when they attend to cases of possible p & FM violations. the detector is a useful complement to the other enforcement methods currently being used, which includes storage manifests declared by p & FM licence holders. SCDF is now enhancing the library of detectable liquids in the detector to bolster its operational capability.

annUal enforCeMenT BliTz DUring feSTive SeaSonS

SCDF and the Singapore police Force conducted the annual joint enforcement blitz on 10 December 2010, targeting buildings island-wide such as hotels, shopping complexes and entertainment outlets. the operation sought to heighten fire safety awareness amongst both the building owners and the public prior to the year-end festive shopping season. Civil Defence Auxiliary unit enforcement officers were deployed for the first time alongside regular SCDF officers during the raids; they are volunteers vested with the same power of enforcement, and effectively augmented the regulars. During the operation, 30 Fire Hazard Abatement notices (FHAn) and five notices of Fire Safety offence (nFSo) were issued to building owners for flouting fire safety regulations. these included shopping centres which converted their car parks into storage areas without prior approval from SCDF. SCDF also conducted enforcement checks in the month leading to the Chinese new Year, at the night bazaars and shop front extensions where temporary permits had been issued to the operators for the festive period. Special attention was paid to popular belts such as Chinatown, where the narrow streets were temporarily converted to accommodate stalls selling festive wares and food stuff. SCDF officers conducted checks twice a day to ensure that the bazaar strictly upheld fire safety standards, for adequate protection of the festive crowd.

SUCCeSSfUl enforCeMenT regiMe againST fire SafeTY offenDer

on 5 January 2010, SCDF applied for a Fire Hazard order (Abatement order) from the Magistrates Court against the management of Mustafa Centre, with specific instructions to eradicate the fire hazards and comply with fire safety regulations. For the previous three years, the management had been fined a total of SGD6,600 for 37 counts of fire safety violations in their premises. However, it was observed that the violations continued. In an unprecedented move, SCDF applied for a Fire Hazard order (prohibition order) against the management of Mustafa Centre, which was granted by the Court. For a 40-hour period from 1600hrs on 8 April to 0800hrs on 10 April 2010, no retail activities were allowed on the first floor of the shopping centre. this also represented the first time that such a prohibition order had been issued. the order effectively deterred the management from repeating the fire safety violations; they also implemented effective crowd measures to curb overcrowding on the first storey, for effective public protection of shoppers.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


eFFeCtIVe puBlIC pRoteCtIon

evolving outreach Platforms


for effective Public education

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


engaging our coMMuniTY

ChilDrenS Big BooK The angrY olD WoMan
SCDF collaborated with the Ministry of education (Moe) and national Fire and Civil emergency preparedness Council in 2010 to produce a new Childrens Big Book on fire safety. It was launched on 1 March 2011 at Anchor Green primary School by Minister of State for education and Home Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad. Incorporated into the existing primary two english curriculum in 2011, the big book comprises two parts. the first part entitled the Angry old Woman is adapted from a popular supplementary reader with a fire scene storyline; the second part contains visual illustrations of emergency preparedness advisories on topics like fire safety awareness and evacuation procedures. to reinforce the message, childrens firemen bunker gears and helmets were distributed to the schools for follow-up activity, while teachers were provided with visual slides on fire appliances and firemans gear as supplementary teaching materials. Moe also developed guidelines for the teachers to facilitate the use of the Angry old Woman in classroom teaching.

2011 will cover cardiopulmonary resuscitation, peacetime emergencies and handling the terrorist threat. to download the apps, search for SCDF fire safety in the itunes store. oS 4.0 is required to run the apps. SCDF also collaborated with a group of final-year students from the School of Interactive and Digital Media in nanyang polytechnic, to produce an animated video on fire safety. the cartoon is available on the SCDF Youtube channel targeted at primary school students, the cartoon will be screened in all the local primary schools in 2011.

2010 eDiTion of The Civil DefenCe eMergenCY hanDBooK

the seventh edition of the Civil Defence (CD) emergency Handbook was launched by Associate professor Ho peng Kee, Senior Minister of State for law and Home Affairs, on 4 December 2010 at nee Soon east Community Club, in conjunction with the handbooks 20th anniversary in print. this 2010 edition features new topics such as basic first aid for sprains, stroke and fits, fighting car fires, as well as advisories on earthquakes and typhoons for those travelling overseas. like the previous editions, this edition is available in all the four official languages. Members of the public can pick up copies of the emergency Handbook from all Civil Defence establishments, neighbourhood police Centres and police posts, Community Clubs and Hometeam nS Clubhouses.

SCDf preSenCe on The neW MeDia

the fire safety apps represent the latest SCDF outreach strategy on the new media to reach out effectively to the tech-savvy new generation. Since the SCDF Youtube Channel was established in December 2008, we had also set up corporate accounts in Facebook, twitter, Wordpress Blog and linkedIn, with the SCDF linkedIn Group created in June 2010. this new media outreach allows SCDF alternative avenues for public education, recruitment drives and sending alerts during crises to provide crucial information updates, besides facilitating meaningful discussions between SCDF officers and the community. Collectively, they represent a powerful tool for SCDF messages to reach a large audience within a very short time frame. All these SCDF social media websites are linked to the SCDF website at As of February 2011, SCDF tweeted 2,400 tweets to our 3,000 followers, some of whom then retweeted our messages to their own followers. We have 5,000 Facebook fans, while we received more than 60,000 views on our Wordpress Blog. our Youtube videos were viewed 127,000 times.

fire SafeTY appS for iphone anD ipaD

A new series of applications for both the iphone and ipad was produced by SCDF, which allows the mobile masses to conveniently access important emergency preparedness knowledge on-the-go. these apps will demonstrate emergency procedures via interactive and step-by-step animation and videos. the first of the four-part series of iphone apps was launched on 4 December 2010 in tandem with the launch of the CD emergency Handbook; it featured topics ranging from operating fire extinguishers to evacuation from smokelogged rooms. the second app on basic first aid was launched in February 2011. the subsequent apps to be launched in


Civil DefenCe lionhearTer ClUB aT iTe College eaST

the Civil Defence (CD) lionhearter Club was a project launched by SCDF in 2009 to engage tertiary students in emergency preparedness (ep) skills and knowledge, and thereafter to involve them in the SCDF ep Days and community involvement programmes. they will also serve as Community engagement Ambassadors to mitigate campus communal tensions, or be attached to non-Government organisations for overseas humanitarian relief missions. the project saw fruition with the establishment of the inaugural CD lionhearter Club at Singapore polytechnic (Sp) on 27 october 2009. Its success laid the foundation for the expansion of the project. on 13 october 2010, the second CD lionhearter Club was officially launched at the Institute of technical education (Ite) College east. the new Ite-CD lionhearters assisted in the ep Days at Marine terrace and parkway parade Shopping Centre in the latter part of 2010.

a neW looK for The SCDf inTerneT

on 5 July 2010, SCDF launched its revamped corporate website. the design layout underwent a complete change, incorporating new and useful features. this includes a tabbed layout at the homepage feature to enable users to access popular pages on the website with a single click. It also features a text-size editor to facilitate surfing by the visually handicapped via a screen-reader software. Furthermore, it now packs more social media features such as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) bookmarking and social bookmarking tools. RSS subscriptions alert our readers of updates to the website, while social bookmarking allows them to share the website with their family and friends over Facebook, Wordpress Blog, twitter and Youtube. Visit the SCDF website at to discover more.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


enGAGInG ouR CoMMunItY

Civil DefenCe DaY 2010 anD The inaUgUral inTernaTional eliTe reSCUerS exChange WorKShop
on 15 September 2010, SCDF celebrated the Civil Defence (CD) Day with a parade at the Basic Rescue training Centre; an annual event during which SCDF personnel gather to reaffirm their pledge of allegiance and dedication to both the Force and nation. CD Day also serves to remind the population of the importance of civil defence. Mr K Shanmugam, then Minister for law and Second Minister for Home Affairs, was the Guest of Honour for the event. He announced the launch of the inaugural pA-SCDF CeRt (Community emergency Response team) Award to acknowledge CeRts for their effective community work, and gave out the awards to the deserving winners. the Civil Defence Academy also conducted the inaugural International elite Rescuers exchange Workshop from 13 to 16 September 2010 in conjunction with CD Day. 35 international participants from the fire and rescue departments of Brunei, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), Macau SAR, Malaysia, the philippines and thailand, attended the workshop which facilitated sharing, the exchange of ideas and best practices. topics of discussion included response to major transportation accidents, confined space rescue incidents and natural disasters. the participants also pitted their rescue efforts against one another at the 16th Civil Defence Skills Competition held on 17 September, an annual event where international and local rescuers, including operationallyReady national Servicemen, compete in different types of rescue scenarios.

inaUgUral pa-SCDf CerT aWarD

SCDF collaborates closely with the peoples Association (pA) to educate the population in emergency preparedness. pA has Community emergency Response teams (CeRts) in all the constituencies for effective, localised outreach. the inaugural pA-SCDF CeRt Award was launched on 15 September 2010 to recognise the CeRts which had rendered effective assistance during fire and other incidents, thus making good use of their life-saving skills taught by SCDF and displaying true community self-help. the following eight CeRts received their awards during the Civil Defence Day parade 2010 held at the Basic Rescue training Centre on 15 September 2010: Haig Road Market CeRt Joo Seng (Geylang Serai) CeRt Aljunied Hougang Zone 5 RC CeRt Aljunied Hougang Zone 1 RC CeRt Rivervale Court RC CeRt toa payoh Central C2e CeRt toa payoh east C2e CeRt toa payoh Central Zone 3 RC CeRt


The CoMMUniTY reSponSe anD oUTreaCh vehiCle

the Community Response and outreach (CRo) Vehicle is a collaboration by SCDF, Singapore police Force and the peoples Association which leveraged on an initiative by the CeRt (Community emergency Response team) in the Aljunied-Hougang Constituency. the concept revolves around pre-identified vehicles belonging to CeRt members, with pre-determined items and equipment stored at the Ci Yuan Community Centre located at Block 662 Hougang Avenue 4. During activation, these vehicles will be converted to CRo Vehicles to provide basic immediate response to incidents prior to the arrival of SCDF personnel, which may involve first-aid coverage or fighting incipient fires. they may also be deployed within the constituency for public education campaigns or community events to spread fire safety measures. this project is an invaluable contribution to the constituencys emergency preparedness. It was launched by the Member of parliament for Aljunied Group Representative Constituency, Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, on 10 october 2010 at the Multi-purpose Hall along Hougang Street 61.

was reviewed in 2010 to foster a stronger sense of partnership between SCDF and our CDAu members. the enhancements are broad-based. CDAu members can look forward to operational standbys for high-key events as well as deployments for emergency preparedness Days. new CDAu vocations such as enforcement officers for fire safety inspections and CD Heritage Gallery Guides broaden their level of involvement. participation in station drills with firefighters ensures their competence, while the CARe (Caring Action in Response to emergency) training will be extended to all members who hold secondary appointments as CARe officers and paracounsellors. Visit the SCDF website at do to find out more.

inaUgUral aCCorD viSiT To Civil DefenCe aCaDeMY

Members of the Advisory Council for Community Relations in Defence (ACCoRD) made their inaugural visit to the Civil Defence Academy on 7 July 2010. led by ACCoRD chairman Associate professor Koo tsai Kee, Minister of State for Defence, the group comprised Members of parliament, operationally-Ready national Servicemen, employers and members from the private sector. they were hosted by both Associate professor Ho peng Kee, Senior Minister of State for law and Home Affairs, and Comr peter lim. the ACCoRD members held their quarterly meeting, while the oRnSmen employers were briefed on operational readiness in SCDF. they then went on a tour of the CDA facilities to experience how the modern training simulators were used to inject realism into our fire fighting and rescue training.

enhanCeMenTS To The CDaU SCheMe

the Civil Defence Auxiliary unit (CDAu) is a voluntary uniformed unit that provides an avenue for ex-SCDF personnel and members of the public to volunteer their time for the noble cause of saving lives and making Singapore a safer place to live in. these volunteers are trained and appointed in one of these fields, namely fire fighting and rescue, emergency ambulance services, public education and community involvement. the scheme

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


enGAGInG ouR CoMMunItY

discipline and drive


Make for a Progressive organisation

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


organiSaTionaL eXceLLence

SCDf reCogniSeD for volUnTeeriSM

the annual national Volunteerism and philanthropy Awards is presented by the national Volunteer and philanthropy Centre (nVpC) in recognition of the best practices in community involvement such as employee volunteering and corporate philanthropy, to encourage the spirit of giving in Singapore. In 2010, nVpC expanded the awards categories to recognise outstanding individuals and public sector organisations for their efforts. SCDF was the first recipient of the new award the public Sector Volunteer of the Year Award under the Corporate and public Sector Category. Comr peter lim received the award from president S R nathan at the awards ceremony held on 3 December 2010 at the Istana. SCDF initiated its community involvement activities in 1998 by adopting a group of identified charities, among which are the Spastic Childrens Association of Singapore and the Darul Ihsan lilbanin and lilbanat orphanages. Apart from regular visits and assistance to these beneficiaries, SCDF also conducts special programmes for them including hosting visits to our fire stations. A total of 6,493 man-hours were committed to community work from April to December 2010. Additionally, there is the our Waters programme where SCDF personnel periodically clean up our adopted waterways like Kallang River and MacRitchie Reservoir. SCDF conducts internal and external fundraising activities for charities that support the underprivileged and disabled. For the presidents Challenge 2010 fund-raising drive, SCDF managed to raise SGD160,200. this adds to the SGD65,400 raised from April to December 2010 to support other charities.

aTTaining The pUBliC ServiCe preMier aWarD

SCDF was awarded the public Service (pS) premier Award 2010 on 21 May 2010 at the excellence in public Service Awards Ceremony, held at the Sheraton towers Hotel, Grand Ballroom. SCDF met the qualifying criteria by attaining the Singapore Quality Award and four Class-level standards the people Developer Standard, Singapore Service Class, Singapore Innovation Class and ISo 9001 certification for six core departments. the award recognises public organisations for achieving business excellence standards administered by SpRInG Singapore. then-Director Service Quality Department, Col Yazid Abdullah received the award from the Guest of Honour, Deputy prime Minister and Minister in-charge-of Civil Service, Mr teo Chee Hean. At the same ceremony, SSG Md Ambari Bin Ghazali from Sengkang Fire Station was conferred the prestigious pS21 Star Service Award which recognises and rewards public officers who have consistently demonstrated service excellence.

ConTinUoUS SCDf qUeST for exCellenCe

SCDF first achieved the Service Quality Award (SQA) 2005 for excellence in service quality. In 2010, SCDF successfully renewed the SQA certification for another five years, signifying our quest for excellence. on 9 november 2010 at the Business excellence Gala Dinner held at the St. Regis Singapore, the Guest of Honour Mrs lim Hwee Hua, Minister in the prime Ministers office and Second Minister for Finance and transport presented the award to Col Chong Hoi Hung, Senior Director (Corporate Services). Singapore Innovation Class (I-Class) is the certification for the business excellence standard for innovation. the I-Class programme provides organisations with a standard that covers the management systems required to develop and sustain innovation, and is based on broad categories like


leadership, planning and processes. In 2007, SCDF attained the I-Class. In october 2010, the I-Class was successfully renewed for another three years.

hq SCDf aTTainS The eCo-offiCe laBel

the eco-office label is a certification that is administered by the Singapore environment Council and awarded to organisations that demonstrate their commitment toward environmental protection. In 2009 HQ SCDF embarked on the eco-office project with focus on the 3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. A three-pronged approach was adopted, which included ensuring energy and water efficiency, promoting effective recycling and waste management, and supporting environmentallysustainable programmes. HQ SCDF succeeded in meeting the certification criteria. on 16 February 2011, at the presentation ceremony at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, the Guest of Honour Dr John Keung, Chief executive officer of the Building and Construction Authority, presented the eco-office label Certificate to MAJ ng Soo Beng, Commander Service Support unit, HQ SCDF.

The exCellenT ServiCe aWarD 2010 anD The MiniSTrY of hoMe affairS STar ServiCe aWarD 2010
the excellent Service Award (eXSA) is an annual award administered by SpRInG Singapore that recognises outstanding individuals who have delivered exemplary customer service. For 2010, SCDF won 97 eXSA Awards, with 21 Star Award winners, 14 Gold Award winners and 62 Silver Award winners. this is a 60% increase in the number of SCDF winners compared to 2009. the Ministry of Home Affairs Star Service Award is a separate annual award that recognises Home team officers who provided a quality service to delight their customers. In 2010, seven SCDF officers won the award. they were Cpt lee Chui leng, Cpt Mohamed Yusof Bin Ismail, Wo1 tay Ai Meng Joey, Wo2 Soh Hoe Hin, SSG Mohamed Hidier Bin Mohamed Yasin, SSG Shahiar Bin Mohamed Salleh and SGt Muhammad Kamil Bin Mohamed Yasin.

SCDf WorKplan SeMinar anD CoMMUniTY BonDing DaY 2010

the SCDF Workplan Seminar was held at the Civil Defence Academy (CDA) on 9 April 2010 with the theme Service and excellence through Innovation and Collaboration. 700 invited guests attended the event, which was graced by then Minister for law and Second Minister for Home Affairs, Mr K Shanmugam. A live video feed was also beamed to SCDF staff at the Basic Rescue training Centre. In his opening address, which was also his inaugural one as Commissioner SCDF, Comr peter lim warmly welcomed all the guests to the event. He briefly reviewed SCDFs achievements in the past year such as the opening of Banyan Fire Station before giving the audience a glimpse into the future, highlighting upcoming projects. In his speech, Mr K Shanmugam built on the momentum by announcing the key SCDF projects in

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


oRGAnISAtIonAl eXCellenCe

the pipeline, including the use of simulators which closely resemble ground conditions, providing a realistic yet safe training environment for officers. An interactive exhibition segment was also assembled in the CDA parade Square to showcase SCDFs innovations and developments, like the 3-wheeler Bike and the unmanned Surface Vessel. this exhibition received more than 9,000 visitors on 10 April 2010, which was the SCDF Community Bonding Day an annual event for the public to learn emergency preparedness knowledge and skills.

laUnCh of CDtv
the Civil Defence television (CDtv) is a new internal communications platform that was launched on 30 July 2010 to broadcast information to all SCDF personnel; it complements the other existing platforms which include newsletters and email broadcasts. CDtv leverages on the Digital Signage System a media broadcast network system that allows us to disseminate information electronically and simultaneously to all SCDF workplaces to maximise the outreach and viewership. Content for the CDtv programme is generated via a bottom-up approach, in which every division produces newsworthy information. these range from official news, upcoming events to lifestyle issues like sporting activities. Apart from encouraging ownership of CDtv, this approach also ensures a constant creative stream of information to strengthen the bond within the Force.

priDe anD Care 2010

the SCDF pride and Care Dining-In 2010 was held on 15 April 2010 at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and exhibition Centre, with Care for the Community as the theme. the Guest of Honour, Associate professor Ho peng Kee, Senior Minister of State for law and Home Affairs, presented the awards to the recipients in several categories. the 2010 winners of the SCDF pride and Care Star Awards which are awarded to individuals who are worthy role models, were Cpt Mohamed Yusof Bin Ismail, SSG Shahiar Bin Mohamed Salleh, SSG Mohamed Hidier Bin Mohamed Yasin, SGt Muhammad Kamil Bin Mohamed Yasin, and lCp Mohd Saifullah Bin Hanafi tay. 1st CD Division won the unit pride and Care Star Award for achieving the highest number of pride and Care Award winners. Yishun Fire Station topped the My Station, My pride Competition organised in the previous workyear to entrench the values of pride and Care in fire stations; it revamped its lecture Room with 3D illustration of its operational highlights and station activities to foster bonding within its ranks.

SCDf anD ngee ann polYTeChniC offer JoinT DiploMa

on 25 March 2011, Comr peter lim and the principal of ngee Ann polytechnic Mr Chia Mia Chiang graced the launch of the part-time Joint-Diploma in technology (Building Services and Fire Safety), held at the polytechnic premises. this is the first diploma that SCDF is jointly offering with a local educational institution, and is therefore a significant SCDF milestone. the new course is the result of changes introduced to the previous Diploma in technology (Building Services) offered by ngee Ann polytechnic. For the joint diploma, SCDF conducts and manages four specialised fire safety modules, namely fire science, fire safety legislation and regulation, fire operations and investigation as well as performance-based fire safety design. this partnership seeks to enhance the professionalism and competence of the local fire safety practitioners. Classes will commence in April 2011.


regional SeMinar for ManageMenT of CBrne ThreaTS

the terrorist threat is transnational in nature. to enhance regional safety, there is a need for a continued, concerted effort amongst the ASeAn (Association of Southeast Asian nations) members to work closely to handle the terrorist peril. to this end, SCDF collaborated with the International police Co-operation Service of the French embassy in Singapore to organise a regional seminar on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRne) threats. Held from 25 to 27 May 2010 at Civil Defence Academy, the theme was Working together to Manage the CBRne threat for a Safer Southeast Asian Region. Speakers from SCDF and the various French agencies shared the two countries experiences in dealing with CBRne consequence management issues. By stressing the importance of being properly equipped, the seminar served to heighten the regions operational readiness to unconventional CBRne incidents.

co-operation in establishing staff exchange as well as exchange of scientific and technical information on equipment and doctrine development. Arising from the Memorandum of understanding signed by SCDF and the Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD) on 15 December 2009 to facilitate sharing of expertise and training collaboration, an attachment programme was effected. From 22 november to 3 December 2010, four SCDF firefighters and four paramedics were attached to HKFSD. Apart from study visits to the training schools, marine division and hospitals, they were also attached to the fire stations for operational response. In return, SCDF hosted four HKFSD officers in March 2011 for a one-week attachment to the Fire Investigation unit (FIu). they were briefed on the FIu setup and toured the laboratory, before joining the Field Investigation team for on-site fire investigation during incidents.

forging CloSer CollaBoraTion WiTh STraTegiC parTnerS

SCDF inked formal agreements with strategic international partners in 2010 to further strengthen bilateral collaboration and networking. During his trip to Vietnam from 5 to 7 April 2010, Comr peter lim signed a letter of Co-operation with the Hanoi Fire Division which facilitates the exchange of information and best practices in fire fighting and urban search and rescue. exchange programmes and the development of public education campaigns are also in the pipeline. the signing ceremony was witnessed by Deputy prime Minister and then Minister for Home Affairs Mr Wong Kan Seng. to buttress this symbiotic relationship, Comr peter lim presented the Superbounce gift to Maj-Gen nguyen Duc nhanh, Director of the Hanoi police Department which oversees Hanoi Fire Division. the Superbounce gift aids the fire division in its school outreach programme to raise awareness for fire safety and prevention. on 26 May 2010, SCDF and the French Department of Civil Security (Direction de la Securite Civiles) signed a Document of Co-operation which expressed a willingness to improve

WorlD firefighTer gaMeS 2010 in DaegU, SoUTh Korea

SCDF participated in the biennial World Firefighters Games (WFG) 2010 held in Daegu, South Korea from 21 to 29 August 2010. eight SCDF personnel were selected to represent SCDF for this WFG team leader Cpt ellena Quek, Cpt Mohamad Faizal Bin Mansa, SWo Mohammad Zainuddin Bin Ahlip, SSG nur nadiah Binte norman, SGt Muhammad Zahid Bin Rosli, SGt Francis tan, SGt Avinash Reddy and Cpl Kelvin Ho. Competing in 24 team and individual events ranging from track and field to triathlon, badminton, cycling, squash and treasure hunt, the SCDF team managed to win 20 medals eight golds, five silvers and seven bronzes. the medal haul bettered the three silvers and two bronzes from the previous WFG 2006 held in Hong Kong.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


oRGAnISAtIonAl eXCellenCe


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Year in STaTiSTicS
fire inCiDenT STaTiSTiCS
(JanUarY DeCeMBer 2010)

leSS fire oUTBreaKS in reSiDenTial preMiSeS

3. Fire outbreaks in residential premises decreased by 8% from 3,549 in 2009 to 3,267 in 2010. please see table 1 for the three main types of residential fires.

rUBBiSh ChUTe fireS reMainS largeST CoMponenT of reSiDenTial fireS

4. As shown in table 1, the number of rubbish chute fires in HDB residential estates fell by 3% from 1,285 to 1,241. Although rubbish chute fires have decreased, it continues to form the main bulk of residential fires, constituting 38% of the total number of residential fires. Rubbish chute fires are usually caused by the poor social habits of some residents who indiscriminately dispose lighted materials such as embers from charcoal, cigarette butts and lighted incense materials into rubbish chutes. the public is urged to be more fire safety conscious when throwing rubbish into chutes. For instance, lighted cigarettes must be extinguished before disposal, charcoal embers must be doused with water before disposal and flammable substances like paint, oil and kerosene must not be thrown down the chute. Although rubbish chute fires do not pose a serious threat to the life of residents or cause significant damage to property, the resultant smoke emitted can be a source of irritation to other residents. the high percentage of such fires also places unnecessary strain on emergency resources.

enCoUraging Drop in nUMBer of fireS

SCDF responded to a total of 4,600 fires in 2010, a decrease of 12% from the 5,236 fires in 2009. this is the lowest number of incidents in the last 10 years, except for 2003 which registered 4,540 cases. 2. the overall downward slide in the number of fires over the years can be attributed to greater public awareness on fire safety and the concerted public education efforts by SCDF and its community partners. this includes the national Fire and Civil emergency preparedness Council (nFeC), Community emergency and engagement Committees (C2e), grassroots leaders, and the community at large. nationwide programmes such as Community emergency preparedness programmes (Cepp), emergency preparedness (ep) Days, outreach programmes in schools, commercial and industrial sectors have been useful in forging a more fire safety conscious community 5.


Table 1: fires in residential premises (top three types) Types of residential fires Rubbish Chute Fires Discarded Items Fires (at common spaces) total JanDec 2009 1,285 644 517 JanDec 2010 1,241 801 474 absolute Change -44 157 -43 % Change -3% 24% -8%

refUSe ChUTe WaTer SpraY SYSTeM To BeTTer Manage rUBBiSh ChUTe fireS (a piloT proJeCT)
7. presently, all rubbish chutes in HDB high-rise blocks are equipped with a flushing system for cleaning purposes. the flushing system generally consists of valves and a control panel to control the water supply to the chutes. there is a push button at the 1st storey that can only be accessed by the refuse collector. to better manage rubbish chute fires in residential premises, SCDF, the tanjong pagar town Council, 9.

HDB and nFeC carried out a joint project to explore how the existing flushing system in rubbish chutes can be used to extinguish incipient fires. the results of the study showed that with a push button installed at the common area accompanied with clear instructions, residents will be able to activate the flushing system in case of fire in one of the chutes. pressing the button will activate the flushing system and cause water to flow down the chute and put out the fire. Since rubbish fire is often the smouldering type, large amount of smoke will be generated before the fire is fully developed. With



inCreaSe in fireS involving DiSCarDeD iTeMS

10. Another area of concern is fires involving discarded items at common spaces in public housing estates such as corridors, lift lobbies, staircases and void decks. As shown in table 1, the number of fires for this category increased from 644 to 801. Fires involving discarded items form the second biggest component of residential fires, accounting for 25% of the total number of residential fires. Such fires have the potential to be more serious in nature due to the high fire load present. Besides, such fires can hinder the smooth evacuation of occupants.

UnaTTenDeD CooKing fireS plUngeD To 10-Year loW

12. the number of unattended cooking fires declined by 8% from 517 in 2009 to 474 in 2010. In fact, the number of unattended cooking fires in 2010 plunged to a 10-year low as shown in table 2 below. 13. the drop in the number of unattended cooking fires is encouraging and indicates that households are increasingly more cautious when preparing meals. they are now more aware of the dangers and that leaving cooking unattended even for a short while can result in fire outbreaks that cause significant damages to the house or even compromise the safety of the occupants.

Table 2: Unattended Cooking fires in residential premises Description unattended Cooking Fires










2010 474

SpreaDing The fire SafeTY MeSSage ThroUgh BannerS

14. From February 2011, fire safety banners highlighting the number of fires for January to December 2010 for the three main categories of fires in residential premises (rubbish chute fires, fires involving discarded items and unattended cooking fires), will be displayed at prominent locations within the housing estates. 15. the display of the fire safety banners at the residential heartlands which was implemented since 2009, is a joint effort by SCDF, nFeC and the town Councils to help residents identify potential fire hazards in their homes.

of fire safety and emergency preparedness, which is very encouraging. For example, three additional Fire Safety Manager (FSM) briefing sessions were organised last year due to the overwhelming demand by FSMs. 17. In September last year, 32 commercial premises in Singapore worked closely with nFeC and SCDF in conducting mass evacuation drills and engaging the public on fire safety awareness. About 1,200 tenants and 3,500 people participated in the mass evacuation drills. Table 3: fires in Commercial premises Description Commercial premises Fires 331

loWer nUMBer of fire inCiDenTS aT CoMMerCial preMiSeS

16. the number of fires at commercial premises (including offices, hotels, shopping complexes, places of public recreation/entertainment) fell by 7% from 331 to 309 cases, as shown in table 3. the decrease can be attributed to the untiring efforts of building owners and fire safety managers in ensuring a high level of fire safety standards to keep their buildings safe from the threats of fires. Companies are now taking a greater interest and attention in the areas

JanDec 2009

JanDec 2010


absolute Change


% Change


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011



this system, residents can activate the system once they spot the smoke and the fire may be easily put out at an early stage, hence reducing any damages and saving emergency resources from SCDF and the police. Information about the pilot project will be released in due course.

11. Residents are advised not to discard items outside their homes or at the common areas such as corridors and lift lobbies as these can fuel fires when lighted materials are indiscriminately thrown onto them. Residents should make arrangements with the town Councils for removal of bulky items.

SignifiCanT Drop in vegeTaTion fireS

18. the number of non-building fires plunged by 28% from 1,036 cases in 2009 to 743 cases in 2010. the marked decrease can be attributed to the significant drop in vegetation fires from 518 cases to 314 cases, as shown in table 4. 19. SCDF which chairs the Wildfire task Force Committee1 has been working closely with the related agencies to adopt preventive measures at the respective lands under their jurisdiction. other measures include increasing the frequencies in trimming the vegetation; keeping the land moist as well as to create sufficient fire break buffers and barriers to prevent fire spread. SCDF crews also patrolled fire hot spot areas during the dry spell between January to March 2010. Table 4: vegetation fires Description Vegetation Fires JanDec 2009 518

inDiSCriMinaTe DiSpoSal of lighTeD MaTerialS reMainS Main CaUSe of fireS

20. Dropped light remains the highest contributing cause of fires at 55%. Dropped light includes un-extinguished cigarette butts, embers from charcoal, lit incense sticks and lighted matchsticks. the next highest contributing cause of fire is the overheating of food at 12%. However, it is encouraging to note that the figures for both these categories for 2010 decreased when compared to 2009. please see table 5 for the breakdown.

the Wildfire task Force Committee comprises representatives from SCDF, MInDeF/DStA, HDB, SlA, puB, neA and nparks.

JanDec 2010 314

absolute Change -204

% Change -39%

Table 5: Causes of fires (top 2 causes) Description Dropped light overheating of Food JanDec 2009 3,395 632 JanDec 2010 2,550 543 absolute Change -845 -89 % Change -25% -14%

no fire faTaliTieS for laST Three YearS

21. Similar to last year, there were no fatalities due to fire incidents in 2010. In fact, there have been no fire fatalities for the last three years since 2008. However, the number of fire injuries for 2010 increased from 127 to 143 people. See table 6. Table 6: number of fire Casualties Description number of Fire Injuries Table 6: number of fire Casualties Fatalities JanDec 2009 127 0 JanDec 2010 143 0 absolute Change 16 0 % Change 13% -


general fire SafeTY TipS

CooKInG 1. never leave cooking unattended as it can result in fires. turn off the gas supply and cooking appliances whenever they are not in use. 2. petrol or kerosene should not be used to start a barbeque (BBQ) fire they can flare up unexpectedly. use fire-starters instead. During a BBQ, keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case of emergencies. never leave the BBQ fire unattended. Charcoal should be doused with water when cooking is done. Smouldering charcoal and embers should not be thrown into rubbish chutes/bins which may lead to rubbish fires.

the Consumer protection (Safety Requirements) Registration Scheme, which is administered by SpRInG Singapore.


Decorations made of light tissue paper or cardboard burn easily. Do not attach them to lights or other heat sources, and always keep them away from candles. lit candles should be placed in stable holders on heat-resistant surfaces, so that they will not fall over. lit candles should also be kept away from Christmas trees, paper or cardboard decorations, foliage, curtains and furnishings. It is also not advisable to leave candles burning in a room unattended.




pReVentInG CHIlDRen FRoM StARtInG FIReS 1. Keep matches, lighters and candles out of childrens reach. 2. 3. educate children on the dangers and hazards of fires. Children playing with sparklers must be supervised by parents/adults.

eleCtRICAl ApplIAnCeS 1. never overload electrical outlets with electrical appliances. Always unplug the appliances when they are not in use. 2. Do not run wires under carpets or mats run them behind furniture instead. Keep wires away from hot surfaces. Check the condition of wires regularly. Frayed or cracked cords should be replaced or repaired by licensed electricians.

HAnDlInG SpARKleRS 1. Sparklers should be kept in a closed box and away from flames. 2. 3. 4. When being used, it should be lit at arms length and only one at a time. lighted sparklers should never be thrown at combustible materials. When a sparkler goes out, do not immediately touch the hot end for it could still burn. Ideally, put the hot end in a bucket of water to fully cool it down before disposing it safely. Follow the safety instructions as stated by the manufacturer.


HouSeKeepInG 1. Keep cooking appliances including the stove-top, cooker hoods and ovens clean and free of grease. never store combustibles near heat sources. 2. After parties or gatherings, check for smouldering cigarette butts around and under the sofa, chair cushions and carpets. ensure that cigarettes and cigars are fully put out in ashtrays before they are discarded. ensure that all unwanted furniture and items which are combustible in nature, are discarded properly. Contact your local town Councils or Management office if you require assistance in the disposal of unwanted bulky items.


3. 4.

fire SafeTY TipS CoMMerCial BUilDingS

1. escape passageways should be free of obstruction and fire exit doors should be kept unlocked for use during emergencies. It is also important to observe other fire safety requirements, including the approved occupancy load for premises (to avoid overcrowding), so as to enhance fire safety standards in buildings. If you are in any public premises, ensure that you look out for the nearest exit door or staircase, in the event that you need to evacuate during an emergency.


DeCoRAtIonS AnD lIGHtInGS 1. Check decorative lighting fixtures before use and regularly afterwards. If there are wear and tear problems, such as blown bulbs and frayed wires, replace them with new ones immediately, using the service of licensed electricians for repairs if necessary. 2. Do not leave decorative lighting fixtures, including the lit Christmas trees, switched on when leaving home or when going to bed. Indoor lighting fixtures should only be used indoors to avoid electric shocks and short circuits. use decorative lighting fixtures which carry the SAFetY Mark. like other electrical appliances and accessories such as fans and adaptors, decorative lighting fixture is also a Controlled Goods under


fire SafeTY TipS on-line

1. the following websites provide fire safety tips: a. b. 2. Members of public can also download SCDFs iphone app SCDF Fire Safety, which teaches users important life-saving skills in fire prevention and safety.


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011



Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Year in STaTiSTicS
fire SafeTY enforCeMenT STaTiSTiCS
(JanUarY DeCeMBer 2010)


the most common fire hazard resulting in FHAns was the poor maintenance of hose reels and fire extinguishers. During fire outbreaks, poorly maintained fire extinguishers and hose reels can affect early mitigation of fires by occupants. Although the number of FHAns for this offence continues to be high, it is encouraging to note that there is a drop of 17% from the number of FHAns issued in 2009, as shown in table 1.

Table 1: fire hazard abatement notice

fire hazarD aBaTeMenT noTiCe (fhan)

SCDF conducts enforcement checks on a regular basis to ensure that fire hazards are detected and rectified. enforcement actions are also taken when feedback is received from the public, for example, through e-mails, letters and hotline calls. Such public feedback shows the fire safety consciousness of our community and more importantly helps to keep offenders on their toes, enhancing our fire safety environment. 2. last year, SCDF conducted 11,570 enforcement checks, a decrease of 1,682 from the 13,252 checks conducted in 2009. Arising from the 11,570 enforcement checks in 2010, SCDF issued 3,017 Fire Hazard Abatement notices (FHAn). this is a decrease of 8% from the 3,288 FHAns issued in 2009. the Fire Hazard Abatement notice (FHAn) is a warning given to building owners and management to remove the fire hazard. the types of enforcement actions taken against fire safety offenders are shown in Annex A. Description

non-maintenance of fire fighting equipment (Hose reel/Fire extinguisher) 733

JanDec 2009

JanDec 2010


absolute Change


% Change


UnaUThoriSeD Change of USe reMainS Main ConTriBUTing faCTor for noTiCe of fire SafeTY offenCe (nfSo)
4. A notice of Fire Safety offence (nFSo) is issued when there is direct contravention of the Act, for example, when unauthorised fire safety works are carried out. It carries with it a composition fine of between $300 and $500. A total of 2,183 nFSos were issued in 2010, an increase of 31% from the 1,661 nFSos issued in 2009. the main contributing offence for the increase in nFSo was unauthorised change of use, which saw a slight increase of 4% in 2010. of the 1,177 nFSos issued for unauthorised change of use, a large proportion was due to the conversion of carpark areas at multi tenanted industrial premises for storage and processing of goods, detected during our inspections. Such fire safety violations may have serious consequences, affecting the early mitigation of fires and impeding evacuation in case of fires.

Table 2: notice of fire Safety offence Description unauthorised change of use 1,134

JanDec 2009

JanDec 2010



absolute Change


% Change



SCDf TaKeS firM aCTion on fire SafeTY violaTionS

6. SCDF takes violations of fire safety requirements seriously and will not hesitate to take firm actions against building management who do not promptly take action to rectify fire safety violations despite warnings and fines. Court action will be taken for serious cases. For general fire safety violations, the maximum penalty can be up to $10,000 and/ or jail term not exceeding 6 months. For carrying out unauthorised fire safety works, the building management can be fined up to $50,000 and/or jailed for a term not exceeding 12 months. Between January to December 2010, 149 charges were filed for court actions against fire safety offenders. Majority of the charges were for unauthorised change of use. of the 149 court actions, 68% (102 cases) were for unauthorised change of use.


on 22 June 2010, M/S Grand City Investment, the carpark operator of peoples park Complex was fined a total of $60,000 for two counts of fire safety infringements: a) carrying out unauthorised fire safety works; and b) change of use without approval. part of the fifth storey of the peoples park Complex multi storey carpark had been illegally converted into storage areas. the illegal structures rendered existing fire safety provisions inadequate and also hindered containment and fire extinguishment efforts by our fire fighters during the fire on 21 April 2010.

Table 3: Court action Type of offence unauthorised change of use JanDec 2009 16 JanDec 2010 102 absolute Change 81


annex a enforcement action

under the Fire Safety Act, the FHAn is a warning given to building owners and management to remove the fire hazard. Most common fire hazards spotted resulting in FHAns are poor maintenance of hose reels and fire extinguishers and obstructed exits. offenders who fail to rectify the violations after being issued with FHAns will then be served with a fine termed noC of between $300 and $500. When the offence is of a more serious nature, for example carrying out unauthorised fire safety works, a nFSo is issued. the nFSo carries with it a composition fine of between $300 and $500. Court action will be taken for serious cases. For general fire safety violations, the maximum penalty can be up to $10,000 and/or jail term not exceeding 6 months. For carrying out unauthorised fire safety works, the building management can be fined up to $50,000 and/or jailed for a term not exceeding 12 months. In extreme cases, SCDF is empowered to effect temporary closure of premises.

Fire Hazard Abatement notice (FHAn)

notice of Composition (noC) notice of Fire Safety offence (nFSo)

Court Action

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011




Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Year in STaTiSTicS
eMergenCY aMBUlanCe ServiCe STaTiSTiCS
(JanUarY DeCeMBer 2010)

Table 1: number and Type of ambulance Calls Description JanDec 2009 JanDec 2010 absolute Change % Change emergency Calls 113,284 120,474 7,190 6% non-emergency Calls 2,316 2,131 -185 -8% False Alarms 3,312 -2,998 -314 -9% Total 118,912 125,603 6,691 6%

Table 2: Breakdown on emergency ambulance Calls Description 2009 2010 absolute Change % Change trauma-Road traffic Accidents 11,551 12,432 881 8% other trauma 20,821 21,720 899 -4% Medical (emergency) 80,912 86,322 5,410 7% Total 113,284 120,474 7,190 6%

eMergenCY aMBUlanCe ServiCe (eaS) CallS ConTinUe To riSe

SCDFs emergency Ambulance Service (eAS) responded to 125,603 calls in 2010. this is an increase of 6% from the 118,912 calls in 2009. emergency calls made up 95.9% of the total calls responded. the remaining 1.7% were non-emergency situations and another 2.4% were false alarms. Both the non-emergency calls and false alarms saw a significant drop from last year. See table 1 for the breakdown on type of calls: 2. emergency calls rose by 6% from 113,284 cases in 2009 to 120,474 cases in 2010. the breakdown for emergency cases is shown in table 2 above. Medical cases (e.g. cases involving chest pain, breathlessness, unconsciousness and cardiac arrest) constituted 72% of the total emergency calls.

perCenTage of non-eMergenCY CallS hiT all-TiMe loW

3. the number of non-emergency calls registered a heartening drop of 8% from 2,316 in 2009 to 2,131 in 2010. the percentage of non-emergency calls in 2010 hit an all-time low, constituting only 1.8% of the total ambulance calls that SCDF responded to. the SCDF has constantly been working with its community partners in educating the public on the use of its eAS through various means such as exhibitions, distribution of posters/leaflets, media briefings, etc. We are glad that the public has been cooperative in this aspect and we hope that the public will continue to call 1777 for non-emergency cases, where the service of non-emergency ambulance operators can be engaged. this will allow more emergency resources to be channelled to handle lifethreatening cases.



Table 3: number of non-emergency ambulance Calls (2001 to 2010) Description number of Calls % of Calls

8,260 11.4%

7,485 11.5%

5,841 7.8%

6,233 8.4%

6,046 7.6%

5,462 6.2%

4,281 3.9%

2,482 2.1%

2,316 1.9%


2,131 1.7%

UpDaTe on privaTe aMBUlanCe operaTorS

5. to meet the increasing demand for the emergency ambulance service, SCDF engaged two private ambulance operators [lentor Ambulance pte ltd and unistrong technology (S) pte ltd] to augment our pool of emergency ambulances in June 2009. each pAo has five operational ambulances. the 10 pAo ambulances are stationed at 10 different Fire Stations from 8am to 8pm from Monday to Saturday, inclusive of public Holidays. Since the pAos came on board, there has been an improvement in our 11-minute response time from 80.9% in 2008 to 85.1% in 2010.

UpDaTe on MeDiCal proCoTol SYSTeM

6. the Medical protocol System (MpS) was introduced in March 2009 to further improve SCDFs call-taking framework for its eAS. With the MpS, the call-taker is supported by a template of pre-approved medical questions pertaining to the chief complaints of the caller. this allows the call-taker to systematically diagnose the patients conditions and provide useful pre-arrival instructions to aid the caller prior to the arrival of the ambulance. the patient information captured is also given to the paramedic enroute to the incident site, thus better preparing him to manage the patient. SCDF has been gathering feedback on the MpS through the conduct of a random survey of 20 cases per day. Feedback is sought from the callers on the quality of the instructions provided by the operators over the phone. Based on the findings, about 90% of the respondents gave positive feedback and have no difficulties carrying out the instructions provided by the call-taker.


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011



Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


Year in STaTiSTicS
eMergenCY applianCeS
(aS aT 31 DeCeMBer 2010)

fire fighting Aerial ladder (52m) Breathing Apparatus tender Chemical tender Combined platform ladder (32m) Combined platform ladder (52m) Damage Control tender Fire Bike Foam tender Hose laying truck large Monitor Vehicle light Fire Attack Vehicle pump ladder tracked Fire fighting Vehicle Ventilation Vehicle Water tanker 1 3 2 15 2 4 37 4 2 3 56 39 4 2 2

Medical Ambulance Fast Response paramedic Bike Station With Immediate First-Aid treatment (SWIFt) 54 20 7

hazMat Foam pod HazMat Decontamination pod HazMat pod HazMat Support Vehicle HazMat Chemical Agent pod HazMat Control Vehicle personnel Decontamination Vehicle Special Decontamination Vehicle 16 4 4 4 2 2 13 6

Support Command Vehicle rescue Heavy Rescue tender Rescue Dog tender Rescue tender Skid loader Special Rescue tender 1 3 4 2 1 Forward Command Vehicle HazMat enforcement Vehicle lighting tender Rescue Vehicle Fire Investigation Vehicle Fast Response Vehicle Sports utility Vehicle pod Carrier 5 6 4 2 1 2 18 6 18


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011



Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


highLighTS of worKYear 2010/2011

5 7 april 2010
During his Vietnam trip, Comr peter lim signed a letter of Co-operation with the Hanoi Fire Division to facilitate exchange of information and best practices. Commissioner also presented the Superbounce gift to his counterpart. Deputy prime Minster and then Minister for Home Affairs Mr Wong Kan Seng witnessed both events.

15 april 2010
the Red Rhino 2.0, also known as the light Fire Attack Vehicle (lFAV) 2.0, became operational. An improvement on the earlier version introduced in 2000, Red Rhino 2.0 is 10% smaller and 40% lighter than the earlier version, but delivers the same performance, is more environmentallyfriendly and can access even tighter and narrower spaces during operations.

8 10 april 2010
SCDF applied for and was granted by the court to enforce a Fire Hazard order (prohibition order) against the management of Mustafa Centre, for their repeated fire safety violation. For 40 hours from 1600hrs on 8 April to 0800hrs on 10 April 2010, no retail activities were allowed on the first floor of the shopping centre.

20 april 2010
nine officers from tuas Fire Station were presented the ICA (Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) Commissioners Commendation Silver Award for their excellent teamwork with ICA counterparts on 12 June 2008 in foiling an attempted smuggling of 375 cartons of duty-unpaid cigarettes into Singapore at the tuas Checkpoint.

9 april 2010
the SCDF Workplan Seminar was held at the Civil Defence Academy, graced by then Minister for law and Second Minister for Home Affairs, Mr K Shanmugam. After the keynote speeches, the CDA parade Square held an exhibition to showcase SCDFs innovations and developments. this exhibition attracted more than 9,000 visitors on 10 April, which was the occasion for the SCDF Community Bonding Day.

3 14 MaY 2010
CDA hosted the International Disaster Management Course with 24 international participants. the addition of pioneer participants from Cameroon, Grenada, Saint lucia and trinidad and tobago enabled CDA to reach the milestone of 100 countries on its CDA World Map.


14 MaY 2010
SCDF was awarded the Institute of public Relations Singapore pRISM Award for Best Crisis and Issues Management at the pRISM Awards 2010 ceremony, held at the Sands expo and Convention Centre within Marina Bay Sands.

26 MaY 2010
SCDF signed a Document of Co-operation with the French Department of Civil Security (Direction de la Securite Civiles) which expressed willingness for staff exchange and sharing of relevant scientific and technical information.

21 MaY 2010
SCDF was awarded the public Service premier Award 2010 on 21 May 2010 at the excellence in public Service Awards Ceremony held at the Sheraton towers Hotel. the award recognises public organisations for achieving business excellence standards administered by SpRInG Singapore.

5 JUlY 2010
SCDF launched a revamped corporate website, featuring new features like social bookmarking tools and a tabbed layout to facilitate quick surfing within a single click.

9 JUlY 2010
SCDF welcomed the inaugural visit by members of the Advisory Council for Community Relations in Defence (ACCoRD) to the Civil Defence Academy.

24 MaY 2010
At the ntuC Business Centre, president S R nathan conferred the Healthcare Humanity Award 2010 on paramedic SSG Md Iskandar Bin Md Ibrahim from Bukit Batok Fire Station, for his service to his patients and the community which demonstrated a noble healthcare workers selflessness and compassion for humanity.

30 JUlY 2010
A new internal communications platform, the CDtv (Civil Defence television) was launched. It leverages on a media broadcast network system the Digital Signage System to disseminate information electronically and simultaneously to SCDF workplaces to maximise the outreach and viewership.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


HIGHlIGHtS oF WoRKYeAR 2010/2011

highLighTS of worKYear 2010/2011

9 aUgUST 2010
SCDF took part in the national Day parade 2010 Mobile Column.

13 16 SepTeMBer 2010
In conjunction with Civil Defence Day, CDA conducted the inaugural International elite Rescuers exchange Workshop where 35 international participants from regional fire and rescue departments shared and exchanged information and best practices on mitigating major accidents and disasters.

14 26 aUgUST 2010
SCDF deployed more than 600 personnel and 62 appliances at various venues to support the inaugural Youth olympic Games (YoG); SCDF also conducted fire safety inspections of public entertainment outlets leading up to the event.

15 SepTeMBer 2010
SCDF celebrated the Civil Defence Day with a parade at Basic Rescue training Centre. Mr K Shanmugam, then Minister for law and Second Minister for Home Affairs, graced the occasion and launched the inaugural pA-SCDF CeRt (Community emergency Response teams) Award to recognise the CeRts which had rendered effective assistance during fire and other emergencies.

21 29 aUgUST 2010
the SCDF team returned from the biennial World Firefighter Games 2010 held in Daegu, South Korea, with a record haul of eight golds, five silvers and seven bronzes.

7 SepTeMBer 2010
SCDF partnered the national library Board to launch the emergency preparedness Awareness training programme at Jurong West public library. Deploying a fire extinguisher simulator, this initiative aims at equipping heartland residents with basic emergency preparedness skills.

16 SepTeMBer 2010
Comr peter lim hosted a visit by the Defence Minister of the Republic of Finland, H.e. Mr Jyri Jukka Hkmies, and his delegation to HQ SCDF.


27 SepTeMBer 2010
two 3-wheeler Fire Bikes and two Fast Response paramedic (FRp) Bikes became operational in SCDF. they will replace the 2-wheeler bikes currently used by our Fire Bikers and FRps. the 3-wheeler Fire Bike is equipped with a Backpack Compressed Air Foam (CAF) system that effectively extinguishes fires using less water, while the 3-wheeler FRp Bike carries an Automatic external Defibrillator for cardiac cases. this marked the SCDF foray into the CAF system, a breakthrough in our fire fighting technology.

7 oCToBer 2010
At the national Infocomm Award gala ceremony at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, SCDF won a merit award for the Most Innovative use of Infocomm technology (public Sector) Category for our HazMat Incident Management System (HIMS).

18 22 oCToBer 2010
CDA conducted the inaugural Induction Course for the ASeAn emergency Response Assessment team (eRAt), with 17 participants from eight ASeAn members. the ASeAn-eRAt responds to disasters within the region by conducting rapid on-site disaster assessment and providing humanitarian assistance.

1 oCToBer 2010
SCDF officers started deploying the pASS (product Acoustics Signature System) Detector when they attend to cases of possible violations of petroleum and Flammable Materials regulations. the detector accurately identifies unknown chemicals contents within sealed containers.

29 oCToBer 2010
At the MHA InnoFest (Innovative Festival) held at Ite College West, SCDF won the Home team product Innovation of the Year (Gold Award) for its Digipen system, under its project title iSAVe. iSAVe also received a Certificate of Commendation for the Best pS21 project.

5 oCToBer 2010
Comr peter lim delivered the opening-speech-cumkeynote-address as the Guest of Honour at the two-day IAeM (International Association of emergency Managers) Asia-oceania Resilience 2010 Conference, which was held at the pARKRoYAl on Kitchener Road Hotel.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


HIGHlIGHtS oF WoRKYeAR 2010/2011

highLighTS of worKYear 2010/2011

1 noveMBer 2010
Col Chong Hoi Hung, Senior Director (Corporate Services), hosted Hon. Job pomat, Minister for Inter Government Relations of the Independent State of papua new Guinea, and his delegation when they visited both CDA and Bukit Batok Fire Station.

2 DeCeMBer 2010
All SCDF ambulances, Fast Response paramedic Bikes and private Ambulance operators engaged by SCDF were equipped with the Digipen, which is a real-time, electronic patient data system used by the paramedics, eliminating the previous manual data entry system.

20 noveMBer 2010
ltC Yong Meng Wah handed over the command of 1st CD Division to ltC ling Kok Yong.

3 DeCeMBer 2010
Comr peter lim received the public Sector Volunteer of the Year Award from president S R nathan at the national Volunteerism and philanthropy Awards ceremony held at the Istana. SCDF was the first recipient of this new award which recognises the best practices in community involvement to encourage the spirit of giving, such as corporate philanthropy.

22 noveMBer 3 DeCeMBer 2010

Four SCDF firefighters and four paramedics were attached to Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD), based on the Memorandum of understanding signed between SCDF and the HKFSD on 15 December 2009 to foster closer collaboration. In return, SCDF hosted four HKFSD officers in March 2011 for a one-week attachment.

4 DeCeMBer 2010
Associate professor Ho peng Kee, Senior Minister of State for law and Home Affairs, launched the seventh edition of the Civil Defence emergency Handbook at nee Soon east Community Club. this was also the handbooks 20th anniversary in print. A new series of both iphone and ipad Applications produced by SCDF was simultaneously launched to facilitate easy access to emergency preparedness information via mobile phones.

9 noveMBer 2010
SCDF successfully renewed and was awarded the Service Quality Award (SQA) certification for five years, at the Business excellence Gala Dinner held at the St. Regis Singapore.

10 DeCeMBer 2010
SCDF and the Singapore police Force conducted the annual joint enforcement blitz during the festive season to heighten fire safety awareness. Civil Defence Auxiliary unit enforcement officers were deployed for the first time alongside regular SCDF officers during the raids.


21 JanUarY 2011
on 21 January 2011, SCDF issued new guidelines to the industry detailing the new Fire Safety Requirements for persons with Disabilities (pWDs). these new guidelines take effect on 1 november 2011.

1 MarCh 2011
Minister of State for education and Home Affairs Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad launched a new Childrens Big Book on fire safety for primary two students, entitled the Angry old Woman, at Anchor Green primary School. the project was a collaboration between SCDF, the Ministry of education (Moe) and national Fire and Civil emergency preparedness Council.

16 feBrUarY 2011
Dr John Keung, Chief executive officer of the Building and Construction Authority, presented the eco-office label Certificate to MAJ ng Soo Beng, Commander Service Support unit, HQ SCDF. Administered by the Singapore environment Council, the certification is awarded to organisations that demonstrate a commitment toward environmental protection.

12 17 MarCh 2011
A devastating 9 magnitude temblor hit Japan on 11 March, unleashing a wave of deadly tsunami and triggering a radioactive crisis due to damaged nuclear reactors. SCDF deployed five Search Specialists and five Search Dogs to Japan the next day. this represented the 13th overseas operation to be undertaken by the operation lionheart Contingent since 1990.

23 feBrUarY 13 MarCh 2011

In the aftermath of a 6.3 magnitude earthquake which jolted Christchurch, new Zealand on 22 February, SCDF deployed a 55-man operation lionheart Contingent the following day to assist in search and rescue operations; it was the inaugural deployment of trauma paramedics trained to operate under different environments.

25 MarCh 2011
Comr peter lim and the principal of ngee Ann polytechnic Mr Chia Mia Chiang launched the part-time Joint Diploma in technology (Building Services and Fire Safety) at the polytechnic premises.

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


HIGHlIGHtS oF WoRKYeAR 2010/2011

direcTorY of faciLiTieS

hq Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe 91 ubi Avenue 4 Singapore 408827 tel: 6280 0000 Fax: 6848 1738

Civil DefenCe aCaDeMY 101 Jalan Bahar Singapore 649734 tel: 6794 5503/4 Fax: 6794 5505

BaSiC reSCUe Training CenTre 1 Jalan Bahar Singapore 649735 (CDA Complex) tel: 6794 5723/4 Fax: 6794 5725

hq 1ST CD DiviSion 3 Queensway Singapore 149073 tel: 6471 7421/2 Fax: 6471 7492

CenTral fire STaTion 62 Hill Street Singapore 179367 tel: 6332 3000/9 Fax: 6339 4589 Boon Keng fire poST Blk 4 Boon Keng Road #01-98 Singapore 330004 tel: 6391 1078/9 Cairnhill fire poST 1 Anthony Road (Cairnhill Community Club) Singapore 229944 tel: 6732 2104

alexanDra fire STaTion 3 Queensway Singapore 149073 tel: 6471 7481/2 Fax: 6471 7487 SenToSa fire poST 37 Artillery Avenue Singapore 099957 tel: 6274 8951 Fax: 6274 8950 BUKiT Merah vieW fire poST Blk 121 Bukit Merah View Singapore 151121 tel: 6377 7210/2 Fax: 6377 7211 TeloK Blangah fire poST Blk 75 telok Blangah Heights Singapore 100075 tel: 6377 7200/1/3

CleMenTi fire STaTion Commonwealth Ave West (off Clementi Service Road) Singapore 129557 tel: 6341 1100/9 Fax: 6776 4480 CleMenTi WeST fire poST Blk 715 Clementi West St 2 #01-165 Singapore 120712 tel: 6874 7627/8

BiShan fire STaTion 1 Marymount lane Singapore 574029 tel: 6355 5031/2 Fax: 6252 3294 Toa paYoh fire poST Blk 46 toa payoh lorong 5 Singapore 310046 tel: 6478 2657/9

JUrong iSlanD fire STaTion 70 Jurong Island Highway Jurong Island Singapore 627880 tel: 6276 4712/3 Fax: 6267 4717

BanYan fire STaTion 15 Banyan Road Jurong Island Singapore 627642 tel: 6515 8616/7 Fax: 6515 8614

hq 2nD CD DiviSion 1 tampines Industrial Avenue 3 #01-01 Singapore 528777 tel: 6587 8347/8 Fax: 6587 4536

TaMpineS fire STaTion 1 tampines Industrial Avenue 3 #01-01 Singapore 528777 tel: 6587 8344/5 Fax: 6587 8346

paYa leBar fire STaTion 91 ubi Avenue 4 Singapore 408827 tel: 6848 1850/1 Fax: 6848 1860 paSir riS fire poST Blk 105 pasir Ris Street 11 Singapore 510105 tel: 6582 2170 MoUnTBaTTen fire poST Blk 12 Kampong Arang Road #01-01 Singapore 431012 tel: 6346 2176

Marine paraDe fire poST Blk 15 Marine terrace #01-34 Singapore 440015 tel: 6446 7031 geYlang eaST fire poST Blk 133 Geylang east Avenue 1 Singapore 380133 tel: 6848 3215 eUnoS fire poST Blk 842 Sims Avenue Singapore 400842 tel: 6848 3721

Changi fire STaTion 491 upper Changi Road Singapore 486965 tel: 6543 3900/6542 4988 Fax: 6545 2011 Chai Chee fire poST Blk 45 Chai Chee Street Singapore 461045 tel: 6446 7061 loYang fire poST 5 tanah Merah Besar Road Singapore 498836 (next to Changi Womens prison DRC) tel: 6546 7378


hq 3rD CD DiviSion 533 Yishun Industrial park A #01-01 Singapore 768774 tel: 6852 2888/588 Fax: 6852 2988

YiShUn fire STaTion 533 Yishun Industrial park A #01-01 Singapore 768774 tel: 6852 7995/8995 Fax: 6852 8895 nee Soon CenTral fire poST Blk 635 Yishun Street 61 #01-72 Singapore 760635 tel: 6257 2271 Fax: 6257 2276

ang Mo Kio fire STaTion 2874 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Singapore 569783 tel: 6484 3101/2 Fax: 6484 0277 TeCK ghee fire poST Blk 463 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 #01-1132 Singapore 560463 tel: 6553 5010 Fax: 6553 5012

SengKang fire STaTion 50 Buangkok Drive Singapore 545064 tel: 6312 7002/3 Fax: 6312 7012 pUnggol norTh fire poST Blk 176A edgefield plains #01-158 Singapore 821176 tel: 6315 8650 Fax: 6315 8651

BraDDell heighTS fire poST Blk 203 Serangoon Central #01-70/72 Singapore 550203 tel: 6382 2148 Fax: 6382 2149

hq 4Th CD DiviSion 80 Bukit Batok Road Singapore 658072 tel: 6314 6906/7 Fax: 6314 6937/8

JUrong fire STaTion 25 Boon lay Drive Singapore 649922 tel: 6267 4700/1 Fax: 6261 5614 JUrong eaST fire poST Blk 318A Jurong east Ave 1 #01-308 Singapore 600318 tel: 6665 5133/4 JUrong WeST fire poST Blk 712 Jurong West Street 71 Singapore 640712 tel: 6792 5129/30

TUaS fire STaTion 7 tuas Road Singapore 638482 tel: 6865 4180/1 Fax: 6862 2344 TUaS CheCKpoinT fire poST 501 Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Singapore 639937 (tuas Checkpoint 2nd link) tel: 6865 4723

WooDlanDS fire STaTion 1 Woodlands Industrial park D Street 2 Singapore 738799 tel: 6884 1350/1 Fax: 6269 3626 SUngei KaDUT fire poST no. 8 Sungei Kadut Street 3 Singapore 729154 tel: 6884 1771/2 Fax: 6884 1766 WooDlanDS fire poST Blk 855 Woodlands St 83 #01-72 Singapore 730855 tel: 6365 1172/3 Fax: 6365 1135

BUKiT BaToK fire STaTion 80 Bukit Batok Road Singapore 658072 tel: 6314 6931/2 Fax: 6314 6941 BUKiT panJang fire poST Blk 126 pending Road #01-306 Singapore 670126 tel: 6767 1045/6 Fax: 6767 1048 BUKiT TiMah fire poST 20 toh Yi Drive Singapore 596569 (Bukit timah Community Club) tel: 6464 5291/2 Choa ChU Kang fire poST Blk 281 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3 Singapore 680281 tel: 6767 1042/4

naTional Civil DefenCe CaDeT Corp Blk 12B #02-95 Home team Academy 501 old Chua Chu Kang Road Singapore 698928

homeTeamnS @ BUKiT BaToK 2 Bukit Batok West Avenue 7 Singapore 659003 tel: 6665 4600 Fax: 6569 4453 homeTeamnS-JoM @ BaleSTier 31 Ah Hood Road Singapore 329979 tel: 6353 3131 Fax: 6256 7005

homeTeamnS @ ChinaToWn 31-35 Smith Street Singapore 058945 tel: 6325 9248 Fax: 6536 6056 homeTeamnS @ Ue SqUare 81 Clemenceau Avenue #03-17/18 ue Square Shopping Mall Singapore 239917 tel: 6835 8250 Fax: 6235 7209

homeTeamnS @ SeMBaWang 301 Canberra Road Singapore 759774 tel: 6757 7100 Fax: 6754 0411 homeTeamnS @ paSir riS 125A-125H pasir Ris Road Singapore 519121 tel: 6581 9149 Fax: 6581 9149

Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe AnnuAl RepoRt 2011


ediToriaL coMMiTTee

Comr peter lim

Col Yazid Abdullah

MAJ leslie Williams

Mr lam Sin How

ltC ong Yu leong MAJ Brandon ong MAJ Hairi Zainal MAJ tan teck Ming Cpt Roger Koh Cpt Mark Choo Cpt tan Weisheng, Andy ltA Carolyn low ltA Goh Kim leng ltA Christopher ooi Mr Isaac Yong Ms Charlotte loh Mr tan Chek Hwang, Zach Mr David Zhang

DeSigneD anD proDUCeD BY

Siliconplus Communications


Singapore Civil DefenCe forCe

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