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Uso de frases hechas para encabezados y desarrollo de cartas formales y laborales. 1. Dear Sr./Madam/ Mr./ Mrs. 2.

To whom it may concern 3. We are writing to you regarding 4. We are writing in connection with... 5. With reference to 6. I am writing to enquire about 7. I am writing to you on behalf of... 8. Would you be so kind as to 9. I would be grateful if you could... 10. Would you please send me 11. We are interested in obtaining/receiving 12. What is your current list price for 13. We carefully considered your proposal and 14. We are sorry to inform you that Uso de frases hechas para cierre de cartas formales. 15. If you need any additional assistance, please contact me. 16. If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know. 17. Please reply as soon as possible because 18. I look forward to the possibility of working together. 19. If you require more information ... 20. Yours faithfully, 21. Regards, 22. Kind/Best regards, 23. Respectfully yours, Uso de frases hechas de introduccin para cartas de solicitud de empleo. 1. I wish to apply for the post ofwhich you advertised inon 2. I am writing in response to your advertisement posted on 3. I refer to your advertisement indated 4. I read your advertisement for an experienced in the issue of with great interest. 5. I have the pleasure in applying for the advertised position, as 6. I would like to apply for the position of Uso de frases hechas de argumentos para cartas de solicitud de empleo. 7. I am particularly interested in this job, as 8. I would like to work for you, in order to 9. My strengths are 10. I would say that my only weakness weaknesses are . 11. I am looking to improve 12. I would be well suited to the position because 13. My professional qualifications include 14. My area of expertise is 15. I have a lively interest in and would appreciate the opportunity to 16. I have a working knowledge of 17. I am an experienced user of Uso de frases hechas para cierre de para cartas de solicitud de empleo. 1. I welcome the challenge of this position which I look forward to. 2. I can supply references fromif required. 3. References can be requested from 4. I am available for interview on 5. Please contact me via B. Redaccin de documentos relacionados con compra-venta. Uso de frases hechas relacionadas con facturas. 1. Please find enclosed invoice no. for 2. The pro forma invoice will be faxed 3. The total amount payable is 4. This is to remind you that the invoice no. is still unpaid. 5. We would appreciate if you cleared 6. your account within the next few days 7. Please send your payment promptly Uso de frases hechas para realizar pedidos. 1. We are considering the purchase of

2. We would like to place an order 3. Enclosed is our firm order for 4. We intend to buyfrom you 5. Would you be able to accept and order for at a price of per? Uso de frases hechas para confirmacin de pedidos. 1. Could you please confirm the dispatch and price by fax? 2. Your order will be processed as quickly as possible 3. In accordance with our verbal agreement, we are sending you 4. Enclosed you will find copies 5. We hereby confirm your order 6. Your goods will be dispatched within days/weeks Uso de frases hechas para cambios de pedidos. 1. Would it be possible to reduce/increase our order fromto 2. Would it be possible to delay the order until 3. We regret to inform you that this order will not be ready for dispatch tomorrow as Uso de frases hechas para cancelacin de pedidos. 1. We are sorry to inform you that we have to place our order elsewhere due to 2. We are forced to cancel your order due to 3. We are not able to accept your offer due to 4. We see no other alternative but to cancel our order for

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