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INTEGRATED COMMAND, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL CENTER (IC3) Executive Summary Public Safety Officers on the field are

typically the first responders to incidents and events in their respective Areas of Responsibility (AOR). However, these first responders lack the necessary information in dealing with various situations that they may encounter. The opportunity of communicating to and from the

headquarters/command center to the areas of incident, in order to receive commands from the top management, is limited due to lack of needed technologies. With the advent and advancement of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT); The Philippine National Police (PNP) has come to realize that transforming its current systems to a paradigm of ubiquitous and versatile Integrated Command, Communications and Control center (IC3) that could serve both fixed and mobile systems is really necessary to achieve the PNPs mission and vision to serve and protect the public. It is in this premise that the PNPs innovative programs are anchored on ICT network and applications in police administration and operational functions in support to its organizational reforms. At the heart of the development of different Information System for the PNP Offices is the PNP IC3. PNP envisions piloting IC3 at the PNP National Headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City, Philippines. PNP IC3 shall be replicated and extended to cover PNP regional, provincial and city offices as well as municipal and city police stations including mobile patrols cars after thorough tests in the pilot site (PNP Headquarters). Moreover, PNP IC3 will serve as the main monitoring facility of the PNP on all events affecting the peace and order situation. It shall be the


main coordinating center of all police regional offices that could provide national operational and administrative support. . Critical security issues will be given top priority in the deployment of PNP IC3; since PNP is handling highly sensitive information that traverses the network. The PNP IC3 should be safe and secure to internal and external threats because of the nature of information on its mission critical frontline systems that are handled by the different police administrative and operational units within the integrated network. Additional security features on different layers of the network like authentication and encryption should also be considered as there are levels of authorities to be determined when accessing the PNP IC3 from the ground. Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD), Automatic Vehicle Location, Resource Management and Control, Call Management and Geographical Information Systems are just many of the key technologies that will comprise the envisioned PNP IC3. Further, 4th Generation Wireless Broadband Technologys with its nomadic applications are the key technologies that the PNP have studied that could support the PNP IC3 integrated networking solutions. It is expected to create ubiquitous networking systems that could be used by the PNP and its support agencies to deter crimes and terrorism while they are moving from one location to the other. This vision is aim to give the Philippine National Police, the necessary tools in the analysis and decision making in order to serve and protect the public with confidence and efficiency.


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