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Put your name down, and resist violence Not In Our Name

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Not In Our Name

Against religious extremism in Sri Lanka 26Apr / 2012

Put your name down, and resist violence

What happened A week ago, a violent a mob of about 2,000 Sinhalese, including a group of Buddhist monks led by the Mahanayaka of the Rangiri Dambulu chapter Inamaluwe Sumangala thero, stormed and vandalised a mosque in Dambulla. The mosque was declared an illegal structure, but it is unclear how this far this is accurate ( Several videos (, broadcast on national TV in Sri Lanka and now circulating globally on YouTube capturing the violence beggars belief. There are members of the sangha engaged in physical violence and verbal abuse. There is a member of the sangha who disrobes and exposes himself, in public, in front of the mosque. In one video, Ven. Inamaluwe Sumangala thero suggests that the maniacal mob is actually a shramadaanaya, and that destroying the mosque is something that they should in fact be helped by the government. Aside from the physical violence, which includes scuffles with Army and Police personnel, the derogatory and racist language ( employed by Ven. Inamaluwe Sumangala thero and other Buddhist monks during the attack against the mosque, and a nearby Hindu kovil, is appalling. Though the violence of the Sinhala idiom employed loses much in translation, Groundviews ( put into English the most disquieting comments for a wider appreciation. More startling are anti-Muslim, Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist Facebook groups ( that have thousands of active members and with content too inflammatory to even translate. A week after this violence,it has not received the condemnation it deserves from the President, government or mainstream media. Ven. Inamaluwe Sumangala thero, perhaps reacting to the Page 1 of 196

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indelible record of violence captured in film, attempted to suggest to the BBC that the footage of the mob broadcast on TV was doctored. Ironically, his own media websites showcase the same violence, in greater detail ( A Press Release issued on 25th April from the Government Information Department, only in Sinhala (, strangely referred to the violence as a minor misunderstanding, yet reiterated that Sri Lanka is ( a multi-religious, multiethnic society and that in addition to respecting their constitutional obligations, as well as the policies and principles of the government, all Sri Lankans have a long standing tradition of being respectful of each other. What is the fall-out? The photographs, audio and video recordings of the violence in Dambulla have gone global. They cannot be erased. Incensed by this incident and those who led it, there are now growing threats of violence by sections of the Muslim community, though there are many voices, including the Muslim Council (, who are calling for calm, and a more reasoned approach to the transformation of this conflict, noting that the actions of a few are not indicative of the nature of the majority. There is a real danger that unaddressed or if simply glossed over, this militant religious extremism can very quickly and very seriously undermine Sri Lankas post-war reconciliation, and contribute to new, more geographically dispersed violent conflict. Extremists from both the Sinhala-Buddhist community and the Muslim community can also use this incendiary incident in Dambulla to stoke up communal tensions, leading to heightened fear and anxiety. What can we do? The shameful behaviour and expression employed by the Mahanayaka of the Rangiri Dambulu chapter, along with the monks he led and the crowd of thugs is not remotely associated with or reflective of the philosophy of the Dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha, or the way in which a Buddhist monk is supposed to behave and speak. Many online have already expressed their dismay and deep concern over the actions of a few (, placing Sri Lanka in the media spotlight again for all the wrong reasons. We have a choice, but time is running out. Speak up. Put your name in a comment below, in English, Sinhala or Tamil. Say that last weeks violence was not in your name. Renounce a fringe lunacy and resist extremism. By putting your name below, oppose mob violence and bigotry as ways to resolve disputes. If we have to fight, lets fight to keep Sri Lanka free of extremists who threaten not only what they seek to destroy, but also who and what they claim to represent. Add your name below, and please pass the message on. What will be done? Page 2 of 196

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After a month, the names and comments of those who signed up will be printed out and sent to the Presidential Secretariat, the Prime Ministers Office and the Ministry of Religious Affairs & Moral Upliftment (, along with the Department of Buddhist Affairs, Department of Christian Religious Affairs, Department of Hindu Religious and Cultural Affairs and the Department of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs. How to sign up? Join hundreds of others by adding your name as a comment to this blog post. This is the preferred mode of input, and scrolling through the other comments can help to frame your own thoughts. For those who find this difficult, send us your comment and name using the form below, which we will as quickly as possible, add to the site. As a final resort, you can always email the comment to Bear in mind however that human resources curating this site are limited, so it may take a while for your comment to appear. Please bear with us. Posted in English Permalink 1,261 Comments

1,261 responses to Put your name down, and resist violence

1. Sanjana April 26, 2012 at 1:46 pm (Edit) I am Sanjana Hattotuwa. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Adahas Ada April 27, 2012 at 11:31 am (Edit) I say No and you should too! Violence against any race or religion for whatever reason is against religious, social and moral principles in a decent society. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Siddhrtha Gautama Buddha Those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs are the doers of excellence. Prophet Muhammad (!"# )+"* ( '"&% Charmaine April 27, 2012 at 2:42 pm (Edit) Charmaine This is so ridiculous. All blame should be pointed straight to the Sri Lankan Page 3 of 196

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This is so ridiculous. All blame should be pointed straight to the Sri Lankan politicians who have taken over and ruining everything for every noble person who wants to live a peaceful life. . Asif April 28, 2012 at 1:06 pm (Edit) Absolutely,All Sri Lankan Want Peace,All religion seek peace and seek peace through Patience and perseverance.Few Misguided people do not represent the Community as a whole.May Almighty Guide All people. Walter April 28, 2012 at 1:14 pm (Edit) Absolutely correct. The action of Buddhist monks in Dambulla was a disgrace to Lord Buddha. If they have a conscious they should give up robes without damaging Buddhism, the most peaceful and sensible philosophy in the world. Dr. Aleem Moulana April 28, 2012 at 11:08 pm (Edit) I totally agree with those great teachers, but the fanatics and extremists dishonour their great teachings and philosophys..why? eshani ruwanpura April 27, 2012 at 9:07 pm (Edit) I am Eshani Ruwanpura. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Sameera Rajage April 28, 2012 at 12:58 am (Edit) My name is Sameera. I am True Buddhist and Sri Lankan. This Violence was organized by some people who dont like srilanka is living with peace. This violence is not in my name nor in Lord Buddhas name. We cant accept this in Sri Lanka.Violaters must be Prosecuted. God Bless Sri Lanka. sajath April 28, 2012 at 10:45 pm (Edit) This violence was organized to destroy the Law and orders of our country and religious morals. The government should take proper action stop such a violence organizing by the name of religion in future.. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 2:55 am (Edit) I denounce violence against any ethnic community in Sri Lanka. Suvendrini Perera April 29, 2012 at 10:28 am (Edit) Last night I dreamt Buddha was shot dead Page 4 of 196

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by the police, guardians of the law. His body drenched in blood On the steps Of the Jaffna Library. Under cover of darkness Came the ministers, His name is not on our list, why did you kill him? they ask angrily. No sirs, no there was no mistake. Without killing him It was impossible to harm a fly- M.A. Nuhman, on the buring of the library in Jaffna. Who did the mob at Dambulla have to kill before they could perpetrate such despicable violence in the name of Buddhism? 2. Mohamed Hisham April 26, 2012 at 2:29 pm (Edit) I am Mohamed Hisham, I am a Sri Lankan and a Muslim. This violence we are seeing makes me concerned as a Sri Lankan, as a Muslim; and of course this violence, is not in my name, please 3. nagulan nesiah April 26, 2012 at 3:02 pm (Edit) Not In My Name Nagulan Nesiah, a Sri Lankan. 4. Thanu April 26, 2012 at 3:04 pm (Edit) My name is Thanu Yakupitiyage. I am Sri Lankan, of Sinhala and Buddhist background. This violence is not in my name and is absolutely shameful. 5. Thanu April 26, 2012 at 3:07 pm (Edit) My name is Thanu Yakupitiyage. I am Sri Lankan, of Sinhala and Buddhist origin. This violence is not in my name and is absolutely shameful. As Sri Lankans of multiple ethnic and religious backgrounds, we need to seriously consider what kind of a culture we want to create- not a culture of violence, nationalism, and racism, but a culture of pride in a multicultural, multiethnic, and multireligious Sri Lanka. Dr. Aleem Moulana Page 5 of 196

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April 26, 2012 at 5:47 pm (Edit) You are absolutely right Thanu. Am a srilankan malay muslim, a medical doctor by profession. I abhor violence, especially, communal or religious violence. Certainly no religion or the prime teachers of any religion has promoted or taught violence as a protest, lord Buddha, Prophet mohamed, jesus christ etc, they promoted the civilised triangle of peace , tolerance and patience towards human problems . This culture of such mob violence to settle a religious constraint is sad, unprecedented, shameful and should never be exercised in our land of multi communo-ethnic situation. As we move on in the new millenium, our civilised values must be enhanced with pride, nationally and internationally. Such a form of religious mob violence should never be repeated by any ethno-religious community in this fair land as a reprisal certainly not in my name or sake. Dr. Aleem Moulana. 6. Shaad Hamid April 26, 2012 at 3:13 pm (Edit) I am Shaad Hamid. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. 7. Deborah Philip April 26, 2012 at 3:15 pm (Edit) Deborah Philip. Sri Lankan. This country is not only for the Sinhala-Buddhists. Learn to share. Poornima April 30, 2012 at 8:54 am (Edit) Totally agreed sister. 8. Balachandran Gowthaman April 26, 2012 at 3:18 pm (Edit) I am Gowthaman, named after you know who. And I am disgusted at the behavior of the monks and certainly not in my name!! 9. shehara jayasinghe April 26, 2012 at 3:18 pm (Edit) The Budhist extremist monks give flash mob a whole new meaning.. However I firmly believe that everyone needs to be protected in this sacred land, not just the violent ones.. VRKA Muragedera April 27, 2012 at 1:38 am (Edit) This comment has to take the comment of the year prize! 10. howiviewit April 26, 2012 at 3:20 pm (Edit) Despicable Acts and heinous crimes carried out against an innocent and defenceless minority all in the name of Buddhism. Sorry but I will not allow these vile, terrorising elements of the so Dhamma and the sangha carry out these actions in the name of all Buddhists. Page 6 of 196

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Kindly see to their arrest and disrobing for their hateful actions carried out against innocent beings. The Mosque has been there since the 60"s, when our country, under the SLFP, was developing and cannot be removed or relocated today. So kindly think carefully before making such rash, ignorant decisions in order to merely pander to the requests of a minority in the government. 11. howiviewit April 26, 2012 at 3:29 pm (Edit) I am Samath Gammampila. This criminal acts carried out by a minority, extremist organisation in our country does not represent Buddhism or Buddhists such as myself who want to live in peaceful co-existence with all inhabitants of our country. The mosque cannot be removed or relocated from its original place, where it has been standing for over 60 years. Kindly think twice and choose the middle path when considering your actions instead of deluding yourself with the ideals of an extremist minority politicoreligious organisation which continues to exist in our country. Sharm May 3, 2012 at 10:52 am (Edit) I am amazed. I have studied Buddhism and it is an exercise in tolerance of all things. This incident has everything to do with politics and little to do with religion. It is time, people stopped manipulating religion for politics for the greater good of this nation, and unity in diversity of race, religion, caste, creed etc 12. Arosha Bandara (@arosha) April 26, 2012 at 3:32 pm (Edit) My name is Arosha Bandara and I am a Sri Lankan Buddhist. I too say that the behaviour of the monks and mob at Dambulla should not be in my name. 13. Malalthi de Alwis April 26, 2012 at 3:32 pm (Edit) Let us not make the same mistakes Hindu fundamentalists have made in Ayodhya, India. 14. Erfan Ismeer April 26, 2012 at 3:33 pm (Edit) I am Erfan Ismeer. I am Muslim. I am also a proud Sri Lankan and will always be a proud Sri Lankan. 15. howiviewit April 26, 2012 at 3:33 pm (Edit) I am Samath Gammampila. These acts of violence do not represent me nor the Buddhism I practice 16. Dhanushka Kottegoda April 26, 2012 at 3:44 pm (Edit) I am Dhanushka Kottegoda. Im a Sinhalese Buddhist but most of all Im a Sri Lankan. This Page 7 of 196

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was not done in my name or the name of Lord Buddha. What they say is Buddhism is not Buddhism. What they say is Sinhalese is not Sinhalese. They are not Sinhalese nor Buddhists, They are terrorists and what they say is terrorism. Lets pray for those misguided souls. Lets promote Peace and Unity. 17. Pasangi April 26, 2012 at 3:47 pm (Edit) Pasangi Weerasinghe. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 18. Hana Ibrahim April 26, 2012 at 3:53 pm (Edit) I am Hana Ibrahim. I am a Sri Lankan. This country doesnt belong to one belongs to all of us. 19. Subha Wijesiriwardena April 26, 2012 at 3:57 pm (Edit) I am Subha Wijesiriwardena. I am Sinhalese and an atheist. I was raised in a Buddhist family. My grandmother still lights a lamp every evening, goes to temple when she feels like it and gives alms often to those who need it. This act of hatred and violence in Dambulla is horrifying, saddening and regressive. The fact that it is being carried out in the name of a wise and respected philosophy is a disgrace; in the name of my grandmother, and countless others like herself who are compassionate, intelligent and strong human beings. I know this is not Buddhism. We all know this is not Buddhism. Those very monks instigating this protest knows it is not Buddhism. If they think we are fools to believe them, lets show them we are not. They are fools not us. 20. Sajitha De Alwis April 26, 2012 at 3:58 pm (Edit) Im a buddhist Sri Lankan. I believe such shameful acts cannot be tolerated. The responsible individuals should be brought to justice if we are to establish the multi-ethnic society pronounced by the government! Such violence will never be in my name. -Sajitha De Alwis 21. Pingback: Not In Our Name: Against Religious Extremism In Sri Lanka | Colombo Telegraph(Edit) 22. Thaha Muzammil April 26, 2012 at 4:03 pm (Edit) I am Thaha Muzammil. I am a Sri Lankan. I condemn what took place in Dambulla and affirm that this violence is not in my name. 23. R.M.B Senanayake April 26, 2012 at 4:03 pm (Edit) This is the result of extreme religious nationalism. Its a crying shame that the name of the Buddha is being brought into disrepute by his followers in Sri Lanka. But all right thinking persons of all religions including the Buddhists should stand up and protest against the Page 8 of 196

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extremist monks. During the days of the Sinhalese kings the Sangha was controlled and disciplined by the King. This duty now falls on the State but our politicians who are behind all these vile incidents cant be expected to fulfill this traditional role of the King. We are a doomed country unless the right thinking Buddhists come forward and protest against these monks and demand that the Rule of Law be implemented by the ruler. The President must in his own interest discipline these errant monks instead of bending backwards to please them. The Prime Minister has shown that he has no principles although he pays lip service to the ideals of tolerance. If this intolerance is not checked through the Rule of Law our future is indeed bleak. nirmalan May 4, 2012 at 12:23 pm (Edit) Thank you for standing up for the rule of law. 24. Pradeep Jeganathan April 26, 2012 at 4:06 pm (Edit) Pradeep Jeganathan. Not in my name. 25. Ruha April 26, 2012 at 4:06 pm (Edit) I am Ruha Devanesan. I am a Tamil Christian of Sri Lankan descent. This violence and all other acts of violence committed in Sri Lanka are not in my name. If Buddha were here today, I am quite certain he would stand up against last weeks violence. Since he is not, we have his words to guide those who purport to follow his way of life: Hatred will not cease by hatred, but by love alone. This is the ancient law. 26. Sheila April 26, 2012 at 4:13 pm (Edit) I am Sheila Richards. I am a Sri Lankan. The violence in Dhambulla was certainly NOT in my name. I do not condone or approve of it. 27. Jayanta de S wijeratne April 26, 2012 at 4:17 pm (Edit) I am Jayanta de S Wijeratne.I am a Sri Lankan.I totally condemn all acts of violance and the breakdown of law and order in our country. Mala Liyanage April 27, 2012 at 3:54 pm (Edit) mala liyanage Me too! 28. Alhaj M H M Uwain April 26, 2012 at 4:19 pm (Edit) I am M H M Uwain, a proud Sri Lankan and a Muslim. I have worked for years as coordinating secretary of former Minister of Religious Affairs late Hon. Lakshman Jayakody. This country is all of ours and we cant allow a small group of extremists to challenge Page 9 of 196

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peaceful co-existence. This violence is not in my name. 29. Daniel Alphonsus April 26, 2012 at 4:22 pm (Edit) I am Daniel Alphonsus. Not in my name, my familys name or my friends names. 30. Iromi Perera April 26, 2012 at 4:24 pm (Edit) My name is Iromi Perera and I am Sri Lankan. The acts of these monks in the name of Buddhism is truly horrific and far from the basic principles of Buddhism. As a Buddhist it disturbs me that these acts are supposedly also carried out on behalf of me too. These acts of violence is not in my name. They undo all the work towards reconciliation and peace that this country have been working towards. 31. Preveen Rodrigo April 26, 2012 at 4:30 pm (Edit) I am Preveen Rodrigo. I am Sinhalese and an atheist. I was raised in a Buddhist family. It is because of the failings of people like this that I am atheist. Certainly not in my name. 32. Rameez Aboobacker April 26, 2012 at 4:31 pm (Edit) This is Rameez Aboobacker representing the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. I am proud to be a Sri Lankan and strongly condemn what it took place in Dambulla by a tiny minority extremists who dont represent the whole pure Buddhists n the country. 33. Mohamed Irshad April 26, 2012 at 4:31 pm (Edit) I am Mohamed Irshad. I am a Sri Lankan Muslim. The violence in Dhambulla was certainly NOT in my name. I do not condone or approve of it 34. verlore April 26, 2012 at 4:39 pm (Edit) I am Rushda Mohuindeen. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. 35. Dejan de Zoysa April 26, 2012 at 4:39 pm (Edit) Name : Dejan de Zoysa Sila / samadhi / panna May no hindrance effect the outcome of these basic precepts. May we all become wise, and stray away from this violence that serves to undermine our being. 36. raja April 26, 2012 at 4:40 pm (Edit) Its sad sad sad , reap and you shall show Jesus said if this happens , A religious war will be far worse than any war . lf a sacred site of a another religion is found in Buddagaya , how we we feel if it is bombed . The Violence in a sacred area is an insult to buddhists all over the world. Page 10 of 196

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37. Rushda Mohinudeen April 26, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) I am Rushda Mohinudeen. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. 38. Mohamed Fairooz April 26, 2012 at 4:46 pm (Edit) Im Mohamed Fairooz. Violence not in my name! 39. Lohan G (@lohang) April 26, 2012 at 4:47 pm (Edit) I am Lohan Gunaweera. This violence is not in my name. 40. Nimisha April 26, 2012 at 4:52 pm (Edit) My name is Nimisha Muttiah and I am Sri Lankan. It is long over due that Sri Lankans stand up and condemn such atrocious acts such as these. 41. Dimitri Samaratunga April 26, 2012 at 5:00 pm (Edit) I am Dimitri Samaratunga and I am appalled by the racist and raucous mobs led by violent monks, who are supposed to set an example for the rest of society and adhere to buddhist teachings of compassion and tolerance. If the mosque is illegal, settle the issue judicially like reasonable human beings, not by mob rule. I am also shocked at how many young Sri Lankans, who are around my age, are supporting vile, inflammatory and hateful facebook groups. I thought my generation would learn from what led to the horrible civil war that we all grew up with. Now that we have a chance for peace, reconciliation and prosperity these idiots want to go back to the bad old days for the sake of misguided racial and nationalist pride. Pride comes before the fall. Diversity and multiethnicity makes our countrys rich heritage even richer. These acts of violence and intolerance are not in my name. 42. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 5:01 pm (Edit) I am Harith de Mel. This violence is not in my name. Kumar Sangakkara said it well, we are Sri Lankan above all. 43. Alex F April 26, 2012 at 5:02 pm (Edit) Neither the monks abhorrent and disgusting actions nor the Sri Lankan govts connivance with this Chauvinism in supporting the monks nor the support from the Sri Lankas legal system by ordering the Mosque moved is in my name. Time to end the pervasive bigotry in Sri Lanka starting from the very top. 44. Emil van der Poorten April 26, 2012 at 5:10 pm (Edit) The conduct of those responsible for this outrage is beyond description as is the response of a government that seeks to conceal what happened and does not seem to want to do anything about an obscene state of affairs. I am a 74 year old Sri Lankan and I NEVER Page 11 of 196

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anything about an obscene state of affairs. I am a 74 year old Sri Lankan and I NEVER thought Id see this happening in my country. EVERYONE needs to speak up against this outrage NOW! 45. Danukh Amerasinghe April 26, 2012 at 5:12 pm (Edit) I am Danukh Amerasinghe. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 46. SUNELA JAYEWARDENE April 26, 2012 at 5:12 pm (Edit) I am Sunela Jayewardene. Im a Sinhala Buddhist who feels the Dhamma has been hijacked to achieve personal goals of men masquerading as monks. Ideally, the Sangha should be cleansed by the senior prelates of the various Buddhist Orders; a Sanghayanawa for the Sri Lankan Sangha is long overdue! This violence is certainly not in my name! Sona Barnes April 26, 2012 at 10:56 pm (Edit) Agree. Hasanthi April 27, 2012 at 6:33 pm (Edit) Agree a 100% ravana April 30, 2012 at 12:10 am (Edit) Agree. 47. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 5:14 pm (Edit) My name is Chathuranga Meewaddana. I condemn these violent acts. All violence should be abandoned. 48. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 5:18 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Radhika Hettiarachchi. 49. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 5:33 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Denver Peterson 50. Marisa Wikramanayake (@mwikramanayake) April 26, 2012 at 5:36 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. I am part Burgher, part Sinhalese. My friends are of all ethnicities and religions. We condemn this violence. This was not done in my name. My name is Marisa Wikramanayake. 51. janakie April 26, 2012 at 5:38 pm (Edit) Page 12 of 196

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April 26, 2012 at 5:38 pm (Edit) I am a SrI Lankan and I respect religious,cultural and ethnic diversity of people and do not believe in violence of any form. 52. Mohamed Dawood April 26, 2012 at 5:43 pm (Edit) Sunil And his gang of Srilankans got it RIGHT! This Land belongs to you This land belongs to me This land belongs to all of us To live in HARMONY! 53. Senani Ellepola April 26, 2012 at 5:45 pm (Edit) I am Senani Ellepola and I was sickened by the footage. Thia blatant incitement to violence by those who should be promoting compassion, tolerance and detachment from material things is beyond belief. If a buddhist priest could publicly threaten a young woman (who had done nothing to offend him) in foul language saying he will not only smash her kovil but her home as well, and then get away with it without any condemnation from the President, the Mayanayakas, the main stream media or the law, then this is not a civilised country leave alone a Buddhist country any more. Emil van der Poorten April 26, 2012 at 5:55 pm (Edit) Well said, Senani! This horror is, obviously, supported by our government and its minions. What an international disgrace! 54. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 5:56 pm (Edit) V. Kailasapillai I am a proud Sri Lankan and would place on record my view that such violence would certainly disintegrate the multi ethnic society. Let us respect the religious practices of all the religions in our country and live in peace and harmony in mother Lanka. This violence is mot in my name. 55. Sanjaya Wijeratne April 26, 2012 at 5:56 pm (Edit) I am Sanjaya Wijeratne. I am a sinhala and a follower of Buddhas Teachings and not a Buddhist! This violence is not in my name. 56. Shifani Reffai April 26, 2012 at 5:57 pm (Edit) Not just me, but my family and my friends, of all races and religion, are against any acts of violence. I also trust that Inshallah the majority of Sri Lankans, regardless of background, will understand that this horrific event has nothing to do with/ is not representative of any Page 13 of 196

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will understand that this horrific event has nothing to do with/ is not representative of any one community or one religion it is only the act of some very misguided individuals. We need to open up forums, and so does the President, that foster mutual love, inclusion and understanding between our different communities. This thread is hopefully the beginning of that. 57. Yazir Arafath April 26, 2012 at 6:02 pm (Edit) Yazir Arafath If Buddha was here to see this, then he would have been totally disgraced by the action of his followers. I am proud to be a Sri Lankan! 58. Vishan Wickremasinghe April 26, 2012 at 6:04 pm (Edit) Vishan Wickremasinghe Dr. Ruvani Ranasinha April 26, 2012 at 7:33 pm (Edit) Not in my name, Ruvani Ranasinha. 59. sacw April 26, 2012 at 6:08 pm (Edit) Harsh Kapoor, from France 60. Vasuki April 26, 2012 at 6:21 pm (Edit) Vasuki Nesiah 61. Riyaz Ikram April 26, 2012 at 6:23 pm (Edit) Not in my Name.! I Love my Country, pearl of the Indian Ocean..! Land of Serendipity! Love every bit of this paradise Island! Lets not make these HOOLIGANS heros in this Paradise, I pray to the Almighty Allah that he guides everyone in the right path and opens up their minds and hearts so the peace prevails..! 62. Mahesan Niranjan April 26, 2012 at 6:25 pm (Edit) I am Mahesan Niranjan, and I was very disturbed by this violence. The monks and the mob sounded just like what made me run away from Sri Lanka 29 years ago. That this was all in Dambulla is particularly painful because when my kids were young and were learning about the Roman civilization at their school in the UK, I took them to the wonderful rock temple to show them that our ancestors also had a well advanced civilization. I am ashamed to think my kids might see the recent videos and figure out how far we have progressed in the 2000+ years. Not in my name NO, none of the violence of the last 30 years. 63. Shakeeb Page 14 of 196

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63. Shakeeb April 26, 2012 at 6:29 pm (Edit) I am Muhammed SHAKEEB. I am Sri Lankan Muslim. This violence is not in my name. 64. Buwaneka April 26, 2012 at 6:32 pm (Edit) Buwaneka Galpoththawela, I am a Sri Lankan. A believer in Religion. This violence is not it my name 65. Sohan M Fernando April 26, 2012 at 6:39 pm (Edit) Sohan M Fernando I am Sohan M Fernando; Sinhala Christian and a Sri Lankan: I say this disgusting behavior and attitudes are not in my name. Moreover, this appalling incident (and similar inflammatory attitudes of some of the populace, e.g., the facebook groups mentioned), are all also not in the name of the true Mother Lanka; not representative of her because they deeply contradict her true nature. So this incident and such people are, perhaps, deserving of being branded unpatriotic and un-Sri-Lankan yet, in recent years it is mainly against innocent people (such as HR defenders and journalists), not against those who deserve it, that such terms as unpatriotic or traitor have wrongly been bandied about. So now it is high time for our leadership(s) to stop doing that; and, instead, get some backbone and change direction and start unambiguously teaching and preaching what it REALLY means to be Sri Lankan and stop this overemphasis on things like, for example, the Sinhala identity or the Buddhist identity. Not only the countrys leadership but also all religious leadership must do this. Moreover, even to non Buddhists it should be clear that the Buddha would have protected or grown Buddhism ONLY in ways that arent harmful to or at the inconvenience of other people. Probably this recent incident and hateful attitudes are in themselves far more disrespectful and harmful to the Buddhas intentions and to Buddhist principles, than anything else. 66. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 6:53 pm (Edit) tuan dilshan, srilankan, sad & sickened by the Dambulla violence. NOT IN MY NAME, most certainly! 67. Rory Winter April 26, 2012 at 6:58 pm (Edit) Who is behind these disgraceful attacks on Christian churches and Muslim mosques? They look as if they are orchestrated to me. And why does the Sangha permit its monks to indulge in such violence? Why does the President not condemn them? It seems that, in Sri Lanka, Buddhism is used as a weapon of racism and nationalism. Shame, shame! In the name of my Sinhala ancestors I denounce these attacks. They are not only an attack on other religions; Page 15 of 196

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Sinhala ancestors I denounce these attacks. They are not only an attack on other religions; they are an attack on the Dhammapada itself. 68. A.R.M. Imtiyaz April 26, 2012 at 7:10 pm (Edit) I am A.R.M. Imtiyaz, not only the past weeks brutal violent act against Masjid, but also all forms of violence including wars against the Tamils were not in my name. The island of Sri Lanka may face similar acts of violence against non-sinhala-Buddhists as long as there is a space for politicization of Buddhism to win power. 69. Rida Marikkar April 26, 2012 at 7:13 pm (Edit) I am Rida Marikkar, I am Sri Lankan Muslim, I live in America and its sad to see this happening, my best friends and family are devout buddhists, tamils and christians, i celebrate all the religious holidays because thats what my friends invite me to, and i love it, please dont start another war, i want to come back to Sri Lanka one day and live in the beautiful Island!! 70. shehan madawela April 26, 2012 at 7:15 pm (Edit) shehan madawela painter shocking and disgraceful . 71. Nare Bandaranayake April 26, 2012 at 7:15 pm (Edit) I am Nare Bandaranayake. Sri Lankan. This violence should definitely not be in my name. 72. Gamini Jayamaha April 26, 2012 at 7:21 pm (Edit) I denounce violence by monks also I denounce Muslims building mosques in Buddhist sacred grounds. 73. Lahiru Nuwan Pilapitiya April 26, 2012 at 7:29 pm (Edit) this is not Buddha`s vision. Please stop this all stupid. 74. Vasantha Raja April 26, 2012 at 8:02 pm (Edit) I totally condemn the attack on the mosque led by some monks and laymen. Vasantha Raja 75. waruna padmasiri April 26, 2012 at 8:02 pm (Edit) I am Waruna Padmasiri. I am a Sri Lankan and a Buddhist. Tough I feel that the above statement is too long and in places a too aggressive, hence I cannot agree with every word of it. BUT I can say that one hundred percent, this violence was not in My name. Page 16 of 196

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76. Gini Appu April 26, 2012 at 8:07 pm (Edit) I am Geneva 2012 and this was certainly not in my name, but I like it! My raison detre 77. Heba Husain April 26, 2012 at 8:11 pm (Edit) I am Heba Husain. This was not done in my name. 78. Nuwan Liyanage April 26, 2012 at 8:36 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 79. Pamuditha Zen Anjana April 26, 2012 at 8:40 pm (Edit) I am Pamuditha Anjana. I am a Sri Lankan, a Sinhalese with a deep Buddhist background. I follow Buddhas teachings by heart and I am really sick and tired of all the racism that is spreading fast throughout the country. These acts of the monks in the name of Buddhism is truly horrifying and they are far from the basic principles of Buddhism.This violence is not in my name. 80. kolamba April 26, 2012 at 8:40 pm (Edit) Not in my name, a few foolish individuals are only making such a mockery of themselves and hurting a noble philosophy preached by a compassionate human being more than 2,500 years ago on this planet. They must be subjected to the law of the land! 81. kolamba April 26, 2012 at 8:42 pm (Edit) Not in my name, those who break the law must face the law, irrespective of what color clothing they choose robe or disrobe 82. Chandra April 26, 2012 at 8:46 pm (Edit) Iam Chandra and a proud Sri Lankan loving my country. This incident was not in the name of Sri Lankans. Shameful! President please take note before its too late. 83. Thayalan Pirapakaran April 26, 2012 at 8:49 pm (Edit) Im proud of our vibrant culture, sports and people but this is off the charts and needs to be publicly condemned by any right minded Sri Lankan or human being for that matter. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere MLK Jr 84. Roshan April 26, 2012 at 8:53 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan and love this nation. But this kind of behaviour cannot be condoned, EVER! Page 17 of 196

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I am Sri Lankan and love this nation. But this kind of behaviour cannot be condoned, EVER! the actions and words of the monks is shameful to say the least and will only serve to incite another form of violence in our society. When will we ever learn?!. This is by no means in my name! 85. Raashid Riza (@aufidius) April 26, 2012 at 8:53 pm (Edit) My name is Raashid Riza, most certainly not i my name. 86. Buddhika Thambugala April 26, 2012 at 8:55 pm (Edit) Im speaking on behalf of Sri Lankan Pastafarian communion, and anyone who practices the faith of Flying Spaghetti Monster in this country. I can assure you that non of our members will practice, assist or uphold any form of violence, hatred or discrimination against any person or group of people.. They will never glorify of approve such acts committed by others. Fellow Pastafarians, please testify. NOT in the name of His Noodle Lord or the Holy Prophet or the Holy Gospel. RAmen!! morquendi May 5, 2012 at 5:58 pm (Edit) May all beings be touched by the noodly appendage! RAmen! 87. Raashid Riza (@aufidius) April 26, 2012 at 8:55 pm (Edit) My name is Raashid Riza, I am Sri Lankan, most certainly not in my name. 88. Lalith Gunaratne April 26, 2012 at 9:01 pm (Edit) I am Lalith Gunaratne and I am for maitrie, karuna, muditha and upeksha ! 89. Anonymous April 26, 2012 at 9:05 pm (Edit) Liven Jansen 90. Lukman Harees April 26, 2012 at 9:09 pm (Edit) I am really pleased to see growing number of Sri Lankan brethren disowning the vicious &,atrocious language and violent acts of those in robes who were a disgrace to the tenets of Buddhism . Lord Buddha said hatred ceases not with hatred but with love. Wetath Niyarath Goyama kanawanam Kaata Kiyamuda Aye Amaaruwa- When the fence and the bund eat the crop, then to whom can we complain? One advocating violence do not belong to any religion as making people live with dignity is the basis of the religion. Let the history disown those vicious characters as well? Not in the name of any religion ,humanity or race. They do not deserve to be called humans . They are beasts and robots without human feelings 91. S V Kasynathan April 26, 2012 at 9:29 pm (Edit) Page 18 of 196

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April 26, 2012 at 9:29 pm (Edit) I am a Tamil also. Evidently this was not done in my name but against me. It was really done against all of us, for everyone of us belongs to one minority or another. They did not do it as Buddhists or in the name of the Buddha. They did it as members of a majority that is getting used to seeing itself as no other. And let us not pretend that this happened only at Dambulla the other day. It happens every day and all of us know it. Channa Wickremesekera April 28, 2012 at 7:10 am (Edit) I agree, this is simply the majority running amuck, drunk with the power of having the whole island to itself after a long time. The Buddha is being used as a weapon all over the island, especialy in the north and the east where Tamils and Muslims are being forced to accept Sri Lanka as the land of the Buddha. The Dambulla incident is a more violent expression of that same triumphalist attitude which also, to a great extent, informs the intimidation of traitors. The majority in Sri Lanka has always had this attitude towards the mnorities in Sri Lanka but they have never felt this powerful and untouchable. This petition is cute. While I suport the sentiments expressed by many people here I would also like to point out that a petition of this sort also has the potential to strengthen the hands of the regime that condones and promotes chauvinistic triumphalism. If there are many signatures, the president may relent and allow the mosque to continue, thereby demonstrating his generosity and magnanimity and his willingness to listen to the voices of dissent. While those who signed this cute petition celebrate their victory and while some even praise the regime for its magnanimity the chauvinists will move somewhere else. Let us oppose all acts of extremism, not just those committed in our name. And let us also understand where this extremism is coming from and focus our energies more on dealing with that. S.R.Sivasubramaniam April 30, 2012 at 4:01 am (Edit) I am a Tamil and a Saivaite by birth. Like to live in this world peacefully with all humans and other creatures. Most people belong to a particular religion because of their birth and up-bringing. You do not need a religion to love or respect others or to be a good citizen of the world. Why do we need a state religion? States should not promote any particular religion. Why do we need Buddhism as a state religion if this cause division and hatred among its citizens? Why do not we unite together to repel the state religion and make SriLanka as a secular country? Only the self interested people will oppose this. All public officers serving the country , including, the President, should not be seen as promoting or practicing any religion in the course of their duties. I do not see any purpose of belonging to any religion if one cannot love and respect Page 19 of 196

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I do not see any purpose of belonging to any religion if one cannot love and respect another human. 92. Frances Evans April 26, 2012 at 9:36 pm (Edit) My name is Frances Evans. I am Australian. My sons are half Sri Lankan and we want peace for Sri Lanka our home. 93. Nikita Tissera April 26, 2012 at 9:39 pm (Edit) My name is Nikita Tissera, a Sinhalese Buddhist. The Dambulla attacks were a clear low point for being one. These robed, territorial hate mongers are a disgraceful representation of Buddhism. I apologize sincerely from everyone who has been hurt or bullied by those who claim to represent my race or religion. Never in my name! 94. Nishan April 26, 2012 at 9:56 pm (Edit) I am Nishan Ratnayake. I am against this violant act. Violant demontration is totally against the core value of Buddhism. 95. Sona Barnes April 26, 2012 at 10:52 pm (Edit) Hi, Im Sona. I embraced Islam on my own accord 24 years ago, Allahu Akbar! I love and respect Gautama Buddha. I know his teachings and continue to employ them in numerous areas of my life without finding any contradiction with Islam.Indeed, I am inclined to believe the Buddha to be one of the unmentioned Messengers of Allah. This violence is definitely NOT in MY name. May Allah Guide all of us. 96. Malisha April 26, 2012 at 11:01 pm (Edit) This is such shameful behavior and true Buddhists would never support such violence! Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 1:08 am (Edit) Masha Amal Musaffer Not in My Name 97. pory ushan April 26, 2012 at 11:19 pm (Edit) im porty ushan and what happened last week is not in my name. 98. asankabrendon April 26, 2012 at 11:57 pm (Edit) Im Asanka Brendon Ratnayake, an Australian born Sinhala Buddhist & this violence is not in my name, im embarrassed & appalled by these actions. 99. VRKA Muragedera April 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm (Edit) I am VRKA Muragedera. I WAS a Sri Lankan but gave my citizenship away as it has been Page 20 of 196

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I am VRKA Muragedera. I WAS a Sri Lankan but gave my citizenship away as it has been obvious for many years that it would get even worse. They came for the Tamils, I didnt speak, they came for the muslims, I kept quiet, and then they came for me. 100. Randika Goonatilleke April 27, 2012 at 12:16 am (Edit) As a Sri Lankan brought up on Buddhist values, I find the monks actions completely hypocritical to traditional Buddhist teachings which emphasize the importance of tolerance of other religious practices. Also, protecting sacred sites is contrary to the Buddhas fundamental teaching of anicca or impermanence. Tanha or desire/attachment is the root of all kilesa or defilement. I mean,..thats why you become a monk-to rid yourself of attachment! The violence last week is an embarrassment to every Buddhist person in Sri Lanka and I strongly condemn these actions 101. halwis April 27, 2012 at 12:35 am (Edit) I am Harendra Alwis. I find this violence shameful and stupid because it destroys that which it was called to build, desecrates that which we are called to venerate and defiles that which is holy to all Sri Lankans. 102. Anukshi Jayasinha (@anukshi) April 27, 2012 at 12:52 am (Edit) Anukshi Jayasinha. Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 103. Mahisha Warusavitharana April 27, 2012 at 12:54 am (Edit) These monks nor those that were there speak in my name. I will also not offer any alms to these monks unless they correct their ways. Certainly, not in my name, and not in what Master Gautama taught, and certainly not a thing a civilized person / group would do. May all being, be at peace. 104. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 1:06 am (Edit) Masha Amal Musaffer : No, Not in My Name. I have learnt Buddhism throughout my whole life in primary, secondary and high school. My mother tongue is Sinhalese. As much as these radical monks claim their love to the country, history, culture and religious places, I too love them, take pride in them as a Sri Lankan. I am sure my ancestors going back to thousands of years too lived here, So it belongs to me as much as it belongs to you. I respect all the religions and ethnic groups in Sri Lanka. Hope everything will calm down, and the hate that seems to be politically motivated will be abolished. Peace be upon all of you! 105. Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda April 27, 2012 at 1:10 am (Edit) Certainly these acts have been committed not in the name of Dhamma but in their own Page 21 of 196

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Certainly these acts have been committed not in the name of Dhamma but in their own personal and selfish interests: thanha. Time has come to re-examine what it means to be a patriot or nationalist, or Buddhist, or Muslim, or Christian or Hindu. We may belong to any of this cultural group but the most important thing is the values that we uphold in our personal and social life? M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 11:00 am (Edit) Well said. 106. tariwicks April 27, 2012 at 1:17 am (Edit) No religion that I know of promotes violence to those with different beliefs. Those who interpret it as such should not call themselves followers of that religion, let alone leaders and preachers of that religion. It is shameful and certainly not in my name. Being a monk, priest or clergyman should not exempt you from punishment rather it should doubt and triple both your responsibility and your accountability. The same goes for the government and law enforcement authorities who now need to take action and make sure this grievous wrong is somehow set right. 107. Maria Chanmugam April 27, 2012 at 1:18 am (Edit) Maria Chanmugam. I am a New Zealander and the mother of 4 Sri Lankan childrenthis violence is NOT in their name. We believe in a peaceful, harmonious and tolerant Sri Lanka for all Sri Lankans of any ethnicity and religion. 108. Delon Weerasinghe April 27, 2012 at 1:18 am (Edit) While for years they spread their poison about how this country belongs to Sinhala Buddhists I kept my mouth shut. Because I thought they were children in a sandbox throwing a tantrum. But this is a small sandbox and I am sick of their tantrums. Keep your mouths shut or we will open ours. Not in my name. 109. Samanmalee Unanthenna April 27, 2012 at 1:30 am (Edit) Not in my name. 110. Amaya Weerasinghe April 27, 2012 at 1:31 am (Edit) Amaya Weerasinghe violence is NOT IN MY NAME . I am ashamed to associate myself with the broader definition of a Sinhalese Bhuddist. Violence in any form is so far from the teachings of the Buddha. 111. Channa Jayasekera April 27, 2012 at 1:32 am (Edit) Once again we see the venom of the robed cult that has, for so long, hijacked the promise of Sri Lanka and the freedom of her people. May they not divide us again. Page 22 of 196

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112. Asha Abeyasekera April 27, 2012 at 1:59 am (Edit) Asha Abeyasekera Such violence is not in my name. 113. Kumaravadivel Guruparan April 27, 2012 at 2:05 am (Edit) I do not agree with the part of the statement that asserts that the actions of a few are not indicative of the nature of the majority. I think the actions in Dambulla are reflective of the dominant ideology of the Sri Lankan state which a majority of the majority community in Sri Lanka subscribe to. Many in the majority might not agree with what the Bhikkus did the other day but many do believe that this country is Sinhala Budhdhist. I also dont agree that this militant religious extremism can very quickly and very seriously undermine Sri Lankas post-war reconciliation because i actually think that there is no such reconciliation process underway in Sri Lanka. Despite all of the above and despite being deeply uncomfortable in identifying myself as a Sri Lankan within the existing framework, i use this space to register my protest. Never in my name. Kumaravadivel Guruparan, University of Jaffna. Deborah Philip April 27, 2012 at 10:14 am (Edit) Guru I completely agree with you on the fact that what happened in Dambulla reflects the dominant ideology of the Sri Lankan state. In fact religious persecution against religious minorities in Sri Lanka is an extremely common occurrence. The only difference is this time it has made national headlines. Nimalka Fernando April 27, 2012 at 2:19 pm (Edit) I also agree with Guru. This is the state ideology and the forces that MR unleashed. There is no attempt made towards reconciliation. I condemn this act and say Not in my name Anberiya May 3, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) Yes- I agree that volence against minorities is a common occurance. It can be at a football match at Kalutara, or non payment of a hotel bill at Mawanella.This is one of many incidents. Even if actual violence does not happen, minorities particularly Muslims living in Sinhala majority areas live in fear of voilence. It is as if fuel had been poured by extremistts and waiting to be lit by a matchstick. Prof. N. Shanmugaratnam April 28, 2012 at 2:40 am (Edit) Well said Guruparan. I agree with you and join you and the others in condemning this act of intolerance. Prof. N. Shanmugaratnam Norway Sona Barnes Page 23 of 196

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Sona Barnes April 30, 2012 at 12:09 am (Edit) I salute you Guruparan! Well said 114. Dr M L Najimudeen April 27, 2012 at 2:06 am (Edit) Dr M L Najimudeen Most of the Budhists in Sri Lanka are very tolerant and respect other religions. Only few extremists with vested interests creat unnecessary problems and unrest time to time. It is sad that the government is not intervening. This problem could have been solved very easily and amigably 115. nelun harasgama April 27, 2012 at 2:09 am (Edit) nelun harasgama. iam so ashamed. not in my name. 116. Kumar David (Professor) April 27, 2012 at 2:09 am (Edit) Kindly include my name down as a signitory to the statement. 117. javajones April 27, 2012 at 2:14 am (Edit) Buddhism as practiced by these thugs in robes is frightening and one dreads to think of where it will end. What is worse is the state patronage and all the hypocritical bowing and scraping by the politicians who pander to this travesty of a wonderful philosophy. Certainly not in my name. javajones April 30, 2012 at 4:44 pm (Edit) Java echos my thoughts. Not in my name Cedric de Silva 118. sarah sukumaran (@ssukumaran) April 27, 2012 at 2:15 am (Edit) Sarah Sukumaran. Tamil Sri Lankan and this violence is certainly not in my name. 119. Lal Wickrematunge April 27, 2012 at 2:15 am (Edit) Not in my name.never 120. Harini Amarasuriya April 27, 2012 at 2:27 am (Edit) This is not in my name. 121. Shanaka Jayawardana April 27, 2012 at 2:31 am (Edit) My name is Shanaka Jayawardana And this violence is NOT in my name or in the name of Buddhism. These thugs in robes and the idiots that follow them blindly should be stopped, at the very least.!!! Page 24 of 196

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stopped, at the very least.!!! The Buddhas preaching has nothing to do with what these hooligans practise May all Sri Lankans live as one, always. 122. Jeevani Fernando April 27, 2012 at 2:32 am (Edit) I am Jeevani Fernando. I am a Sri Lankan. This, and every other form of violence, is NOT IN MY NAME. 123. Kshama Ranawana April 27, 2012 at 2:33 am (Edit) Certainly NOT IN MY NAME! A small group of people commit these acts of violence and an even smaller group always speaks up to condemn the violence. The vast majority of Sri Lankans prefer to remain silent. It is time that every Sri Lankan has the courage to publicly condem violence and intolerance, and hold the perpetrators and lawmakers accountable. Only then will true peace prevail in Sri Lanka. 124. Graeme Overlunde. April 27, 2012 at 2:43 am (Edit) Graeme Overlunde. Sri Lankan. Not in my name. This abomination is not part of our culture or our nation that so many gave their lives to save. The brave young men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect the sovereignty of this nation and the freedom of all races and religions. This is not in their name either. 125. Florine April 27, 2012 at 2:44 am (Edit) Violence is not a part of any religion or philosophy thugs have no place in Sri Lankan society even if they wear saffron robes. It is gratifying to know that 30 years of civil strife has taught us the value of peace & harmony and to realize that civil society has to take the lead to preserve ethnic harmony. As a Sri Lankan I denounce this act of violence! 126. Fazrin Farook April 27, 2012 at 2:49 am (Edit) My name is Fazrin Farook, Im a Srilankan and certainly not in my name. 127. Mrinali April 27, 2012 at 2:50 am (Edit) I do not condone violence in any form whatsoever, or for any reason in thought, word or deed. I am ONLY Sri Lankan. Buddhism is practised in the way you live and breathe EVERYDAY. It is not diminished or enhanced by external aspects. 128. nazreen April 27, 2012 at 2:51 am (Edit) Nazreen Sansoni. Violence of any form. Never ever in my name. Shocking and disgraceful and, very very sad. Page 25 of 196

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129. Dylan Fernando April 27, 2012 at 2:53 am (Edit) I am Dylan Fernando and this violence is appalling and is not in my name. 130. Anoma Rajakaruna April 27, 2012 at 2:53 am (Edit) I am Anoma Rajakaruna. This violence is not in my name. 131. Pradeep Peiris April 27, 2012 at 2:54 am (Edit) I am Pradeep Peiris and this violence in NOT in my name. 132. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 2:59 am (Edit) I am Shanghini Shanmugananthan and violence is most certainly not in my name. Such acts should be condemned, whether its buddhist, hindu, muslim or christian. I do not think religion has violence in its name. The act was disgraceful! 133. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 3:00 am (Edit) That shit was not in my name. Sona Barnes April 30, 2012 at 12:11 am (Edit) Well said 134. Sabira Deen April 27, 2012 at 3:02 am (Edit) May peace reign over our beloved country!! The actions of a few bigots should not be allowed to mar our love for our fellow countrymen !!! My name is Sabira and violence is NOT in my name. 135. Prof. Jayantha Seneviratne April 27, 2012 at 3:03 am (Edit) I am Prof. Jayantha Seneviratne. I am totally against this violence. Sri Lanka Should be multi religious and multi cuthnic country . M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 10:58 am (Edit) Hats off for you sir. 136. Hans Billimoria April 27, 2012 at 3:09 am (Edit) Hans Billimoria Sri Lankan; not Parsi, not Burgher, not Eurasian, not Sinhalese, all to which I have claim. Not in our name. 137. Azzam Ameen Page 26 of 196

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137. Azzam Ameen April 27, 2012 at 3:10 am (Edit) I am Azzam Ameen. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 138. iamjaffna April 27, 2012 at 3:10 am (Edit) Kannan Arunasalam. Not in my name. 139. tubelight April 27, 2012 at 3:11 am (Edit) My name is Jude Gayantha Perera and this violence is NOT in my name. 140. V.V. Ganeshananthan April 27, 2012 at 3:15 am (Edit) In solidarity. V.V. Ganeshananthan April 28, 2012 at 3:00 am (Edit) Id like to note that I am also a member of Lanka Solidarity, which signed with a longer comment further down, here: 141. Andrew Samarasinha April 27, 2012 at 3:18 am (Edit) I am Andrew Samarasinha and this violence is not in my name. 142. Thilini Perera April 27, 2012 at 3:20 am (Edit) Thilini Perera. This violence is not in my name. 143. Ameena Hussein April 27, 2012 at 3:22 am (Edit) Overcome anger by non-anger, overcome the wicked by goodness, overcome the miser by generosity, overcome the liar by truth Dammapada, Verse 223. My name is Ameena Hussein. I am Sri Lankan. Not in my name. The Buddhist monks should take a leaf out of their great teachers book. Our great Buddhist country should follow the great teachers principles. Our citizens should speak out against violence, against injustice, against oppression. 144. Camena Guneratne April 27, 2012 at 8:56 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 145. Mike Gabriel April 27, 2012 at 8:58 am (Edit) My name is Mike Gabriel, I am a Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 146. Hisham April 27, 2012 at 8:59 am (Edit) Page 27 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 8:59 am (Edit) We are going back again demarking the our land and area and throwing people out. with this kind of attitude peace will be a far fetch reality. Hope all parties can sit together and solve this peacefully. As we say always all communities should have the right to practice their beliefs peacefully. 147. kadambarijewels April 27, 2012 at 8:59 am (Edit) I am Rashantha, i am of Sri Lankan descent and i love the country of my birth. THIS IS NOT IN MY NAME 148. Sanshia April 27, 2012 at 9:08 am (Edit) Im Sanshia Dabrera , a Sri Lankan . I feel no one should be defined by religion , race or caste . The footage I viewed was nothing short of disgraceful . The BIG question is , how and who will resolve this . Surely the monks cant be given any special treatment in the matter as they didnt quite behave like monks did they ? This violence is not in my name . 149. Niran Wirasinha April 27, 2012 at 9:10 am (Edit) Disputes ought to be settled by discussion and failing that through legal means in any civilized society. Mob violence is not the way. It is sad that the good name of this country which held so much promise at the time of independence is besmirched time and again by violent acts such as this. Religious leaders, are expected to lead and guide lay people by their teaching and lives. Not to instigate violence against others and to speak with hatred. 150. Anush Wijesinha (@anushwij) April 27, 2012 at 9:13 am (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan, a Sinhalese, and a Buddhist. I just returned from temple this morning and couldnt help reflect on how far Buddhism in Sri Lanka has strayed from what Lord Buddha preached it to be. Tolerance, compassion, empathy, among others, are key precepts of Buddhism. The incidents at Dambulla are grossly opposite to this. The of the monks at Dambulla and the monks around the country who have failed to come out in any significant number and denounce their fellow monks un-Buddhist actions, have left real Buddhism in this country vulnerable vulnerable to highjacking by fringe groups. This violence, bigotry, and intolerance not in my name. M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 10:55 am (Edit) My hats off Nelum gamage April 28, 2012 at 8:23 pm (Edit) Nelum Gamage Page 28 of 196

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Nelum Gamage I am in total agreement to what is stated by Anush Wijesinha. I am thankful to Groundviews for giving us this space to express our views and let the world know that what has happened is NOT tolerated by the majority of the majority community- the Sinhala people. As much as what happened in 1983 was not condoned by the majority of the Sinhala community.. Yes, whether the structure put up is illegal or not is the crucial point here. But how the whole problem was tackled by the so called Buddhist monks. The State should have been more alert and arrested the problem before it erupted in this magnitude. Definitely NOT IN MY NAME! 151. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 9:20 am (Edit) 1. Whosoever is angry, harbors hatred, and is reluctant to speak well of others, perverted in views, deceitful know him as a vasala. 21. Not by birth is one a vasala; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes a vasala, by deed one becomes a brahman. Vasala Sutra: Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera. The gentle philosophy of loving kindness preached by the prince of Peace has indeed been hijacked, but NOT in my name. Sam Perera Thilini K May 1, 2012 at 7:25 am (Edit) I agree wholeheartedly. This violence was most certainly not in my name. 152. Ashini Fernando April 27, 2012 at 9:24 am (Edit) My name is Ashini Fernando. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 153. Ishak Ahamed April 27, 2012 at 9:24 am (Edit) Proud to be Sri Lankan, seeing the above replies is a proof this is a nation with a conscious heart and will never give in for oppression. if you are neutral in situations of injustice , you have chosen the side of the oppressor Desmond Tutu Sona Barnes April 29, 2012 at 11:52 pm (Edit) Way to go Ishak! I totally agree 154. Vidarshi Wijeyeratne April 27, 2012 at 9:28 am (Edit) I am Vidarshi Rodrigo-Wijeyeratne Probably the greatest insult one can do to his religion is Page 29 of 196

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to disobey its teachings A pathetic insult to a glorious religion. Not in the name of anyone who respects Buddhism and finds peace in its teachings. 155. Nihad April 27, 2012 at 9:30 am (Edit) I born in Sri Lanka. I schooled in Sri Lanka and i am sri Lankan. my Religion only ISLAM.We love peace and harmony . Why we r treated according to our Religion??? Why this much of Racist all around in Sri lanka?? . in case, if Jihad is declared against this violence against those Racist i will be in Front row definitely. 156. Perera K (@Cokroach) April 27, 2012 at 9:31 am (Edit) NOT in any ones name, but in the name of the Rajapaksa regime, for sure.The issue nevertheless is, how do we stop these dastardly acts ? Two days ago, another sacred place of the Muslims in Kattankudi, Batticoloa was set on fire in the night. I SUGGEST, of course to all GOOD Sinhala Buddhists, mob your local Buddhist temple and Buddhist monks and demand they publicly condemn these acts of violence against other religions and ethnic communities. As Sinhala Buddhists we have a RIGHT to meet in OUR temple to condemn these insulting and dangerous anti social acts by robe wearing men and goons. Kusal Perera. 157. Altaf Hussein April 27, 2012 at 9:37 am (Edit) My name is Altaf Hussein. I love my motherland. Let us not start anything that will be detrimental to our country. We have peace after 30 years. Lets keep it that way! 158. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 9:38 am (Edit) My name is Nivari Jayasinghe. I am ashamed of the recent events in Dambulla. The violence and the disrespect do not represent me nor the Buddhist religion to which I also also belong to. 159. Bunty April 27, 2012 at 9:40 am (Edit) My name is Rumuz Noordeen i am a Srilankan violence is not in my name 160. daya April 27, 2012 at 9:40 am (Edit) Not in Our Name. G. Dayaratne 161. Jananthan Thavarajah April 27, 2012 at 9:41 am (Edit) Im a Sri Lankan for A Secular Sri Lanka! Fight to amend the Constitution where Privileges and Special consideration given to a Religion! Jananthan Thavarajah Page 30 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 9:44 am (Edit) Here the Facebook group for A Secular Sri Lanka (freedom for, and freedom from, religion) 162. Chandi Jayawickrama April 27, 2012 at 9:45 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan and Buddhist, and this is appalling, horrifying and embarrassing behaviour from the very people who are supposed to represent peace, tolerance, forgiveness. Absolutely not in my name. 163. fathima rizvia moulana April 27, 2012 at 9:46 am (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan. My name is Fathima Rizvia Moulana. This violence is not in my name. I love my motherland and let the peace prevail in it forever. M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 10:45 am (Edit) Aameen.. 164. prabu deepan April 27, 2012 at 9:46 am (Edit) Im Prabu Deepan, Im Sri Lankan, this kind of treatment of minorities is unacceptable then, now and will never be! Lets not jst address the manisfestations, but also the flaws of the system that continues to allow these kind of incidents and more! Never in my name! 165. Mahasen Bandara April 27, 2012 at 9:47 am (Edit) In the name of His Noodliness, His Savoriness, the Noodle in the Sky, our Saucy Master, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, I, Mahasen Bandara, attest that this violence is not in my name. RAmen! 166. Dr. Ranil Guneratne April 27, 2012 at 9:47 am (Edit) Dr. Ranil Guneratne. As a Sri Lankan, I strongly condemn this and other acts of violence against minorities and demand restoration of the rule of law. 167. Priya Thangarajah April 27, 2012 at 9:49 am (Edit) Priya Thangarajah. Sri Lankan. No act of violence is ever in my name. 168. U K Zahid April 27, 2012 at 9:50 am (Edit) Incident is really sad when we are facing a bigger issue on war crime and human rights. It is the Muslim countries that supported Sri Lanka. Besides why only the Mosque and Kovil what about the cricket grounds, hotels etc etc. At least the mosques and Kovils are a place of Page 31 of 196

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what about the cricket grounds, hotels etc etc. At least the mosques and Kovils are a place of worship. Do we need all this at this time of the hour. Just to mention a few other incidents; Last year a destroyed Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura, Military took over Ashraf Nagar which belongs to 69 Muslim families also the land that was allotted for a Muslim burial ground. In Illangaithurai Muhathuwaram (now renamed Lanka Patuna) a Shivan shrine was removed and a Buddhist statue was built in its place. A group of Buddhist monks and people attacked the four Square Gospel Church in Kaluthara North last year and the Police have prevented the church from functioning claiming that it would lead to a breach peace. In Ambalangoda the Assembly of God church was attacked in February this year. A pastor in Kalutara was attacked and a house belonging to a Christian was vandalized by Buddhist monks alleging that the church was engaged in conversions. The police failed to frame charges against Buddhist monks. Recently the government has also tried to pass the Town and Country Planning bill which allows for religious land to also been acquired in municipal and urban areas for economic, social, historical, environmental or religious purposes. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY AND RIGHTS OF THE MINORITY COMMUNITY: Definitely violence is not in my name 169. Paba Deshapriya April 27, 2012 at 9:51 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 170. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 9:51 am (Edit) I am Kanishka Ratnapriya. A citizen of Sri Lanka. This was not done in my name. 171. Zaid Mohamed April 27, 2012 at 9:51 am (Edit) I am Zaid Mohamed, a Sri Lankan and a Muslim. This violence is not in my name. In addition i would like to suggest an iportnat matter. We need a massive campaign throughout the Island to connect the hearts of the people of the all faiths. We have so many projects and programs initiated by the Government, and/or NGO to promote peace and reconciliation but unfortunately there is no any such intuitive have been made to bring the Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils to a common ground and pave the way to understand each other. My humble suggestion to Grounview, please initiate such a move connecting the YOUTH of these community and forming a NATIONAL YOUTH MOVEMENT AGAINST THE RACISM. 172. MG April 27, 2012 at 9:52 am (Edit) I dont like it that safron robes get away with stirring trouble. Buddhists monks should promote and follow religious tolerance. If the different religious sects can find common ground in the Holy Land, cant understand why it cant be replicated here 173. RuviniBuddhika April 27, 2012 at 9:52 am (Edit) Not in my name! Nor in any Buddhists, I believe. Page 32 of 196

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Not in my name! Nor in any Buddhists, I believe. 174. Faisal April 27, 2012 at 9:53 am (Edit) i am Faisal, this is shameful violence against Islam this is not in my name we all Srilankan resist these violences 175. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 9:54 am (Edit) I am Vanessa Sridharan, I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 176. Surovi Salgado April 27, 2012 at 9:55 am (Edit) I am Surovi Salgado and I am Sri Lankan this violence is not in my name 177. chandula kumbukage April 27, 2012 at 9:57 am (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan Buddhist! I condemn this! Not in my name! 178. Jovita Arulanantham April 27, 2012 at 9:58 am (Edit) Im Jovita Arulanantham, a Sri Lankan Tamil. Any form of religious extremism that takes place is not in my name-that which took place in Dambulla and that which continues to take place across the North and East, insensitive to the rights of the Tamil-Hindu and Christian majority in those parts. 179. Kumari April 27, 2012 at 9:58 am (Edit) Not in my name 180. Gehan Dias (@gehandias) April 27, 2012 at 9:59 am (Edit) My name is Gehan Dias and I think the only thing more disgraceful than the monks behavior in Dambulla is the governments unwillingness to stand up for the most basic religious rights. I am a Buddhist and the attacks on non-Buddhist places of worship in Dambulla are certainly not in my name. 181. Asha April 27, 2012 at 10:00 am (Edit) I am a proud Sri Lankan doing what I can to bring Sri Lanka to the world in a positive light. I believe in giving her a chance. This undermines all the hard work many of us do. The day we realise that Sri Lanka is a melting hotpot of cultures (thanks to its situation on trading routes) and proudly accept this we will prosper. Segregation is outdated. No violence, verbal or otherwise, is EVER in my name. 182. Ashmath Azoor Page 33 of 196

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182. Ashmath Azoor April 27, 2012 at 10:01 am (Edit) Not a nother bloody war please!! Pull your self to gether and learn to live in harmony for Gods sake !! 183. Abdush Shakoor April 27, 2012 at 10:01 am (Edit) Im Abdush Shakoor. Im a Sri Lankan citizen by law. 184. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:05 am (Edit) My name is Karthiga Ganapathy and this violence is not in my name. 185. Karthiga Ganapathy April 27, 2012 at 10:07 am (Edit) My name is Karthiga Ganapathy and this violence is NOT in my name!! 186. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:08 am (Edit) I am Ajmeer. I am a Sri Lankan and against violence under the guise of religion. Life and dignity are sacred than the land. 187. M Aslam Jiffry April 27, 2012 at 10:10 am (Edit) When i saw this incident in the T.V. i was shocked that monks came and tried to demolish. If a religious dignitary should be behave in well manner and they should control the situation. rather than controlling they should not fire up this issue. 188. Ramya Chamalie Jirasinghe April 27, 2012 at 10:11 am (Edit) Never in my name. 189. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:13 am (Edit) My name is Priyangi Jayasinghe. This violence is not in my name. 190. Damith Senanayake April 27, 2012 at 10:13 am (Edit) Im Damith Senanayake. This violence is not in my name! I am utterly ashamed and afraid of where this country is headed. A few bad eggs in the basket who have no friends can ruin the country. Just like Prabhakaran did This violence is only done by people who have never even talked to a Muslim person, or a person from another race! M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 10:40 am (Edit) 100% liked this. by heart 191. Arshad Wazhar April 27, 2012 at 10:18 am (Edit) Page 34 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 10:18 am (Edit) I am Arshad wazhar. I am a Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly NOT in my name. We love the religion more the our soul. and we respect other religions as well. Allah says in the Holy Quran not to slander what other people worship beside Allah. we should not forget the fact that majority of the Buddhist people are peace loving, rational and fair minded people and that they do not approve such acts. We are expecting this wont happen again. thank you 192. pererahussein April 27, 2012 at 10:20 am (Edit) 1. Whosoever is angry, harbors hatred, and is reluctant to speak well of others (discredits the good of others), perverted in views, deceitful know him as a vasala. 21. Not by birth is one a vasala; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes a vasala, by deed one becomes a brahman. Vasala Sutta: Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera The gentle philosophy of loving kindeness preached by the Prince of Peace, has indeed been hijacked but NOT in my name. Sam Perera 193. pererahussein April 27, 2012 at 10:24 am (Edit) 1. Whosoever is angry, harbors hatred, and is reluctant to speak well of others (discredits the good of others), perverted in views, deceitful know him as a vasala. 21. Not by birth is one a vasala; not by birth is one a brahman. By deed one becomes a vasala, by deed one becomes a brahman. Vasala Sutta: Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera The gentle philosophy of loving kindness preached by the Prince of Peace, has indeed been hijacked but NOT in my name. Sam Perera 194. Naomi Wijemanne April 27, 2012 at 10:27 am (Edit) If you cant respect another human being for who he is, or what he believes in then whatever religion you practice is redundant. Naomi Wijemanne April 27, 2012 at 10:27 am (Edit) ps. My name is Naomi Wijemanne, and this violence is not in my name. 195. Harshi Hewage April 27, 2012 at 10:27 am (Edit) I am Harshi Hewage. I am Sinhala. I am a Buddhist. This violence is not in my name. 196. Roel Raymond (@kataclysmichaos) April 27, 2012 at 10:30 am (Edit) Page 35 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 10:30 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. This, and any other act of violence on any living being, is most definitely not and will never ever be in my name. 197. Renford M Flamer Caldera April 27, 2012 at 10:33 am (Edit) I was shocked and appalled at the the video after many years of war I would have thought that we would love the thought that as different communities and ethnicities we would live in peaceTHIS VIOLENCE IS is NOT IN MY NAME! 198. renuka April 27, 2012 at 10:37 am (Edit) compassion. sharing. peace. not violence ever. Renuka Mendis 199. Mohamed Shafraz April 27, 2012 at 10:38 am (Edit) It is very sad to hear this and it really hurts being a muslim, I pray that we live united and Allah grant us peace within our nation. NO VIOLENCE,PEACE ONLY. 200. M. Abdul Cader April 27, 2012 at 10:39 am (Edit) My Name is M. Abdul Cader. Im a Sri Lankan Muslim. I studied in Sinhala language from LKG till A/L. Presently work as a Quantity Surveyor. All in my life, studied, worked, played with my Sinhala friends. They are not like this extremist Buddhists. Finally I need to say that this violence is not in my name. Im there to prevent any violence not only against for Muslims, but also to Sinhala, Tamil, or any race. I think its my duty to prevent/dislike any violence on behalf of the Human. 201. Sanjayan Rajasingham April 27, 2012 at 10:40 am (Edit) Sanjayan Rajasingham not in my name. 202. Aarthi Dharmadasa April 27, 2012 at 10:45 am (Edit) The deafening silence that has followed such blatant acts of extremism is shocking. They are not bhuddist monks, they are puppets in robes. What is horrifying is the power that the robes represent to those who ignorantly follow in the name of their religion. Because that is how it is preached to them, not because it is how they choose to interpret the teachings of a great philosophy that is meant to guide and shape how one lives their life. This is not in my name. 203. Bethune naina marikar April 27, 2012 at 10:45 am (Edit) I am perplexed at how our fellow country men would treat another religion;i love this Page 36 of 196

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country and the progress;but the poeple also must be work together in harmony;anger is disliked by Allah;and we shall ask Allah to protect;guide and help alll of to solve problems in a cultured and proper manner 204. nooranie April 27, 2012 at 10:48 am (Edit) I am Nooranie Muthaliph Sri Lankan. Forget about the religion and faith which I practice, but violance is certainly not the answer! 205. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:49 am (Edit) I am Azra Abdul Cader and this violence is certainly not in my name!! It is speared on by political entities for political gain. I demand a response from my so called representatives in government. This is an opportunity for Muslim leaders in this country to prove they care for and are aware that they have a responsibility towards the community they have been elected to represent. It is an opportunity for the rest of the government to implement the rhetoric of non-violence and tolerance. 206. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:52 am (Edit) My Name is Mika Tennekoon, I am Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 207. selyna April 27, 2012 at 10:54 am (Edit) I am Selyna Peiris. I am Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. If there is a time for moderates to talk it is NOW. We do not believe in a divided Sri Lanka. We do not advocate discriminatory treatment. We should not let the extremists be proven right. This petition also needs to travel into the hands of the masses, the sinhala and tamil speaking majority of the country. Another form of exclusivity is not what this country needs right now. People need to know why its wrong that Dambulla happened. People need to know why its wrong to be silent. People need to know to its not acceptable to indulge this kind of behavior. Mostly importantly, people need to understand that one cannot fight fire with fire. Terrorism is the easy way out. Its time we Sri Lankans started thinking of a long term strategy for a peaceful Sri Lanka. This includes giving constructive criticism and being able to work with a system that is flawed. Being anti is often counter-productive. Throwing stones from outside doesnt always help, in fact experience shows us that is usually boils down into pointless violence. While we take a stand for what is wrong, let us also think together as a country what we realistically need to do to get it right. 208. Rizvi Hameed April 27, 2012 at 10:57 am (Edit) Fokls,, Im Rizvi Hameed, Im a Muslim and im a very proud Sri lankan, This violence is not in my name. Page 37 of 196

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209. Sarah Arumugam April 27, 2012 at 11:05 am (Edit) I am Sarah Arumugam, I strongly condemn this and any other acts of violence against minorities, I urge the government to restore the rule of law in this country. Violence is not in my name. 210. Abdul Baazir April 27, 2012 at 11:05 am (Edit) Praying Allaah to peace in Sri Lanka 211. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu April 27, 2012 at 11:10 am (Edit) Never in my name. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu 212. dunkinlankan April 27, 2012 at 11:12 am (Edit) I am Farthab Feisal. Any act of violence is not in my name especially for religious grievance. These acts are committed by a futile few who have no sense of apathy. I detest extremism and the use of religion as a tool to divide humanity. Live and let live. 213. David Blacker April 27, 2012 at 11:12 am (Edit) Some of us fought, killed, died, were crippled, and watched our friends die beside us so that this country would remain united and free. We did not do it so that another bunch of violent extremists could divide our country again in the name of religion; nor for you, the government, to support it. David Blacker Sathananthan Bremnath April 27, 2012 at 2:20 pm (Edit) Dear David, Fighting the LTTE was relatively easy as they were deemed as terrorists by most of the world, but fighting state sponsored majority chauvinism is much harder. I am glad you see the woods from the trees! I, Sathananthan Bremnath, am with you on this that religious bigotry should be tackled head on; only the Sinhala Buddhist can do this and am not sure how long will be before they realise this; when that time comes it will be too late! David Blacker April 28, 2012 at 10:42 pm (Edit) A little less condescension on your part might be helpful too. 214. Imjad Iyaz April 27, 2012 at 11:16 am (Edit) I am Imjad Iyaz from Galle. Dont involve in any kind of violence, including which may Page 38 of 196

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I am Imjad Iyaz from Galle. Dont involve in any kind of violence, including which may make conflict between ethnics. We all are Sri Lankan. One Nation 215. Chaths Dissanayake (@ChathsD) April 27, 2012 at 11:22 am (Edit) Chathuri Dissanayake, Sri Lankan of Sinhala buddhist origin. This violence is not in my name. 216. Muhammad Nasir (@m_nasir13) April 27, 2012 at 11:23 am (Edit) My name is Muhammad Nasir and I am not a terrorist/extremist or what ever they may tag me as. I am a Sri Lankan Moor Muslim and this violence is not in my name. I pray that this ends!!! 217. Chamila Priyanka April 27, 2012 at 11:24 am (Edit) The People who are empty within do so many things to fill their emptiness.They dont know history, They dont have any idea about future. Then why i should engaged with them. Therefor this violence is not in my name. 218. sureshi jayawardene April 27, 2012 at 11:25 am (Edit) my name is sureshi jayawardene, i am sri lankan. this violence is not in my name. 219. Dilan Bastiampillai April 27, 2012 at 11:25 am (Edit) I am Dilan Bastiampillai a SRI LANKAN! and violence is NOT in my name. 220. Malathy Knight April 27, 2012 at 11:26 am (Edit) We are Sri Lankan. Proud to be Sri Lankan. Proud to be a part of a multi-ethnic, multireligious, multi-cultural society. This incident totally undermines the essence of the Buddhas precepts. Such violence is NOT in our name. Malathy Knight & Fr. Sydney Knight 221. Zainul Mahas April 27, 2012 at 11:31 am (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan & a Muslim and have all my life had more Sinhalese friends than Moslim. Now I am worried, for myself, my family and our future as Sri Lankans! This violence is not in my name! Zainul Mahas 222. Paul Blacker April 27, 2012 at 11:31 am (Edit) Im Paul Blacker. Im Sri Lankan. The violence and religious bigotry is certainly not in my name. Nor is it in my 3 year old sons name, who is the future of this country! Page 39 of 196

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name. Nor is it in my 3 year old sons name, who is the future of this country! 223. Mrs Hussainiya Hussain April 27, 2012 at 11:33 am (Edit) I have seen how Tamil community had to suffer in 1983 due to actions by extremists and 30 years from now, we cant afford to have same forces to do more harm to this multi-ethnic, multi-religious country of ours in the name of relegion or race, again! Not in may name 224. vipula April 27, 2012 at 11:36 am (Edit) Vipula Wijayaratne not in my name 225. Chhimi Tenduf-La April 27, 2012 at 11:41 am (Edit) My name is Chhimi Tenduf-La. I am not Sri Lankan but I am embarrassed. I am proud to live in this amazing country and, for the most part, I think you would be hard pressed to find nicer people than Sri Lankans anywhere in the world. Most foreigners would say this (except, to be honest, when driving). The actions of this mob, and the official response which as good as sanctioned it, is very sad indeed. We can only be proud of the brave woman in the video who stood up to these bullies. She is a Sri Lankan. Not really sure what the other people are. Ruzaiq Badurdeen April 29, 2012 at 3:59 am (Edit) I am Ruzaiq Badurdeen and this violence is not in my name. 226. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 11:42 am (Edit) Violence is not in my name. never never never. Hania Mariam Luthufi. 227. Atheist April 27, 2012 at 11:42 am (Edit) ASHAMED to be a Sri Lankan! Identity based purely on ethnicity and religion promotes a hollow sense of self with no room for morality. There is too much public display of religious fervour in this country, and we can see where it leads to, not moral upliftment but MORAL DECAY. I hold you, the President and Cabinet of Ministers personally responsible for the quagmire of thuggery and violence this country is descending into. Sona Barnes April 30, 2012 at 12:20 am (Edit) I am sure ALL of us forgive you for remaining anonymous, Atheist. You hit the nail on the head spot on!!! Page 40 of 196

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228. Asif Ansar April 27, 2012 at 11:45 am (Edit) Say no to violence, say no to idiots. 229. nadyatissera April 27, 2012 at 11:50 am (Edit) Nadya Tissera. Not in my name 230. Avisha de Saram April 27, 2012 at 11:50 am (Edit) Hypocrisy in religion should not be tolerated under any circumstance. For us to sit back and watch representatives of Buddhism so blatantly tarnish the beliefs and practices of such a sacred philosophy is unacceptable. The beauty of Sri Lanka lies with the diversity and culture of our heritage, lets not sit back and allow a few privileged people to commit acts of heinous disregard just because they can. 231. Riyas Izzedeen April 27, 2012 at 11:54 am (Edit) Disgusted 232. Nizamuden April 27, 2012 at 11:56 am (Edit) I am Muslim. I am also a proud Sri Lankan and will always be a proud Sri Lankan. Violence is not in my name. 233. lankantraveler April 27, 2012 at 12:01 pm (Edit) This behavior is so far removed from true Buddhism. Its a disgrace. My name is Sarinda Perera and I am Sri Lankan. This hooliganism will never be in my name! 234. sachinip April 27, 2012 at 12:04 pm (Edit) My name is Sachini Perera, I am Sri Lankan, and this violence is not in my name. 235. Vindi April 27, 2012 at 12:04 pm (Edit) Vindhya Buthpitiya. This violence is not in my name. 236. Elijah Hoole April 27, 2012 at 12:06 pm (Edit) Elijah Hoole, Sri Lankan Tamil. This violence was not in my name. Protect the rights of all citizens and bring justice to those who were affected. 237. Mufais April 27, 2012 at 12:09 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name.Absolutely shameful Page 41 of 196

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238. rifkhan April 27, 2012 at 12:11 pm (Edit) Not In My Name 239. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 12:14 pm (Edit) I am Oshani Sembukuttiarachchi, a Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name! 240. Aniita Nesiah April 27, 2012 at 12:17 pm (Edit) Anita Nesiah Let there be peace.. 241. Hania Mariam Luthufi. April 27, 2012 at 12:18 pm (Edit) May all beings be happy, May all beings be free of illness and disease, May all beings see the goodness and auspiciousness in everything, May none be unhappy or distressed Violence is not in my name. 242. tariq mohinudeen April 27, 2012 at 12:18 pm (Edit) i am tariq Mohinudeen. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. 243. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 12:19 pm (Edit) My name is Shemani Jayasinghe and I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 244. Rimaz Rizvi April 27, 2012 at 12:24 pm (Edit) I am Rimaz Rizvi. I sadly convey this to everyone that the Violence has nothing to do with me. May Peace and prosperity prevail in this Country. 245. Azmy Shariff April 27, 2012 at 12:24 pm (Edit) I am Azmy Shariff,Sri Lankan living in Saudi Arabia.Not in my name. Hatred does not cease by hatred,but only by love. 246. Ruth Dunuwille April 27, 2012 at 12:24 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan, and a Christian. I would not change my country for any other because I love it dearly. I want to give back whatever I can to Sri Lanka and my countrymen in return for all that I have gained from this beautiful land of my birth. Today I weep for what is happening here and appeal to all Sri Lankans to turn from violence and learn to live in Page 42 of 196

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happening here and appeal to all Sri Lankans to turn from violence and learn to live in harmony. Resist violence and injustice, but do it in a peaceful manner. Let us overcome evil with good. I am deeply shocked and disturbed by the Dambulla incident and it is certainly not in my name. 247. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 12:26 pm (Edit) They will come to understand, they will come to feel the pain, and they will come to regret before their time is done. And may we be ready to forgive. Not in my name Shankar Kasynathan, Melbourne Victoria. Channa Wickremesekera April 28, 2012 at 5:22 am (Edit) Sadhu! Sadhu!! Sadhu!!! Gandhi will be proud of you Mohandas! 248. Candice April 27, 2012 at 12:30 pm (Edit) Im Candice Getui. Im Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name! 249. Tamara Cornell April 27, 2012 at 12:30 pm (Edit) Shameful & absolute disgrace! This violence is not in my name. 250. Lasantha Pethiyagoda April 27, 2012 at 12:32 pm (Edit) Sri Lankans, being ill-equipped to challenge the vilifying assumptions against an enemy of choice, will be inclined to embrace or tolerate a rationale for prejudice and unfair decisions. Fear and ignorance, not countered by a rational presentation of historical fact, become the basis of any future attitude, if not quickly countered by better sense. Disinformation and deception can be cleverly used to frame the publics attitudes. These sorts of claims, even if later disproved, can effectively set up targets for attack. One must become cognizant of facts before allowing oneself to be influenced by innuendo, deception or campaigns for vilification. Popular sentiment against a minority can be instigated at the will of a party with a variety of political interests. As in the case of geopolitical manipulation of sectarian differences and the fomenting of violence, to cause instability within an otherwise independent nation, forces within a community can also act with similar motivations in order to use the ensuing mayhem to their own nefarious advantage. Sri Lankans must learn from their past. The horror of ethnic strife is still fresh for many whose lives were indelibly marked by events over the last several decades. Rumourmongering, incitement to violence, desecration of places of worship, the cult of paranoia induced by ignorance and emotion, belligerence, hubris from victory, lack of humility and empathy for the victim, demonising of victims in order to oppress, are all antithetical to all religious philosphies. So, let all communities come together as brothers and sisters, and denounce racism, bigotry and ethnocentric profiling Page 43 of 196

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251. Shevan Weerasinghe April 27, 2012 at 12:32 pm (Edit) Not in my name!!!! 252. Nimesha de Silva April 27, 2012 at 12:33 pm (Edit) This violence is NOT in my name.. 253. Kanchana N. Ruwanpura April 27, 2012 at 12:33 pm (Edit) One who refrains from causing harm by way of body, speech or mind, can be called a worthy being says the Dhammapada (V 391). Do the shameful actions of these priests square with the teachings of the Buddha? I fear not. So not in my name; this act of violence and all acts of hatred and violence that Sri Lanka seems to got enmeshed in the past 30 years! 254. Sharni Jayawardena April 27, 2012 at 12:34 pm (Edit) Not in the name of Buddhism. Not in the name of this country. Not in my name. 255. Lionel Bopage April 27, 2012 at 12:38 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. I live in Australia though my heart and soul remain in Sri Lanka where I was born. I am a Sinhalese with a Buddhist background. Compassion, tolerance and coexistence were taught as Buddhist core values. Since the military defeat of the LTTE in 2009, many attempts have been made to create a new conflict paradigm. The aim being to divert the attention of the working people from the intensely growing social and economic issues of the day. It is in our best interest to totally disassociate ourselves from such diversionary actions aimed at fragmenting the Sri Lankan society and its people along racial, religious, linguistic and caste lines. 256. Mohamed Ali April 27, 2012 at 12:43 pm (Edit) I am Mohamed Ali, Proud to be a SrI Lankan Muslim, I respect all Religious,Cultural & Ethnic Diversity of the People of the Land, and do not believe in violence of any form. Mohamed Ali May 3, 2012 at 1:21 am (Edit) slowly getting respone method=home.regcon&contentID=20120502123201 257. saadiqa April 27, 2012 at 12:45 pm (Edit) Saadiqa Fauz -proud to be a Muslim and Lankan!!! Why oh why do the leaders have to do Page 44 of 196

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Saadiqa Fauz -proud to be a Muslim and Lankan!!! Why oh why do the leaders have to do such rash acts in the name of a particular religion certainly buffles every Lankans mind! We Lankans are unique our smiles are renknownedand violence is not our natureno violence in my name please!!!!!! 258. Mohamed Ramees April 27, 2012 at 12:47 pm (Edit) As most Sri Lankan thinks, the incident was planned/carried out by regime and was done with the help of minority of Buddhist. The silent of regime leader is the very good evidence for this. I believe, simple way is to resolve the problem is to bring people government. 259. naoshaad April 27, 2012 at 12:49 pm (Edit) Have these monks forgotten the teaching of the Buddha.shame.these extremist acts are not in my name Hilmy Ahamed April 27, 2012 at 2:20 pm (Edit) They are only wearing robes Buddhism I know is different 260. Manjula April 27, 2012 at 12:54 pm (Edit) Violence is not the answer! - Manjula Dissanayake 261. Asanka Perera April 27, 2012 at 1:00 pm (Edit) I am an atheist with a Buddhist background and cannot comprehend this madness. This is downright shameful and the authorities must intervene to preserve the social fabric of Sri Lanka. 262. dvsvos April 27, 2012 at 1:02 pm (Edit) This is a watershed moment. We either stand for unity or we stand for nothing. I am Ashvin de Vos and I am Sri Lankan. This was not in my name. 263. Uda Deshapriya April 27, 2012 at 1:07 pm (Edit) Im Uda Deshapriya. This violence is not in my name! 264. Cham Buddhika April 27, 2012 at 1:26 pm (Edit) Im Cham Buddhika.This behavior is unacceptable. This extremism is not in my name! 265. Eashwaran Sinnaiah April 27, 2012 at 1:31 pm (Edit) I am Eashwaran Sinnaiah and a thamil hindu by birth. This violence is not in my name. Page 45 of 196

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266. E M Bandara Menike April 27, 2012 at 1:32 pm (Edit) The behavior was degrading. It was not in my name! 267. P. Silva April 27, 2012 at 1:33 pm (Edit) This kind of behaviour is disgraceful and brings shame on the country! The deafening silence that has followed such blatant acts of extremism is inexcusable.. 268. Dr Laksiri Fernando April 27, 2012 at 1:34 pm (Edit) The behaviour of the Buddhist monks involved and the high priest is shameful. The government should appologise to the Muslim community as the peace keeper of the land. No need to say it is not in my name. Dr Laksiri Fernando 269. Methlal Weerasooriya (@Methlal) April 27, 2012 at 1:34 pm (Edit) I am Methlal. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 270. Cham Buddhika April 27, 2012 at 1:37 pm (Edit) This violence is unacceptable. This extremism is not in my name! 271. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 1:44 pm (Edit) My Name is Sujith Subasinghe and this violence is not in my name. I encourage the silent majority to speak out against this and any kind of extremism. For the Buddhist Monks that participated or support this kind of behaviour I suggest you reread or rethink the Bhikkhu Vinaya. Alternately simply disrobe and pursue your political aspirations and need for power (within the law of society of course) as a layperson. 272. Amir April 27, 2012 at 1:49 pm (Edit) My name is Amir and this violence (or any kind of violence) is NOT in my name !! 273. Leo April 27, 2012 at 1:57 pm (Edit) My Name is Leo Tissera, this violence is not in my name, May God Bless our little Isle of Serendipity 274. Abdul Muizz April 27, 2012 at 1:57 pm (Edit) Im Muizz and this violence is not in my name and im a Sri Lankan. 275. Nishelli Page 46 of 196

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275. Nishelli April 27, 2012 at 2:05 pm (Edit) This intolerance is not in my name. Nishelli Perera 276. Mary Anne Philip April 27, 2012 at 2:14 pm (Edit) My name is Mary Anne Philip. This violence is certainly not and will never be in my name. 277. Tavish Gunasena April 27, 2012 at 2:15 pm (Edit) This was no monks work. That yellow robe is too freely adopted in these days and times. Religious violence? Never in my name. 278. Hilmy Ahamed April 27, 2012 at 2:18 pm (Edit) I forbid anyone using my name for religious intolerance 279. Nimal April 27, 2012 at 2:30 pm (Edit) Any violence not in my name. Race and religion are not my choice. The violent behavior of Inamaluwe Sumangala and other monks is sickening. This is the dominant tendency in the country created during the war. 280. confab April 27, 2012 at 2:34 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Aftab Aziz 281. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 2:40 pm (Edit) I am Madhuka Karunararatne and this atrocity is not in my name. 282. Hafsa Husain April 27, 2012 at 2:40 pm (Edit) I am Hafsa Husain. I am Sri Lankan. The comments posted on this page are truly heartwarming. Let us not be deterred by the mindless and intolerant. It is our right to demand a just response from our government. 283. Zuleikha Harrison April 27, 2012 at 2:41 pm (Edit) Never, ever again in my name. It is time to call a stop. 284. Upekshi Fernando April 27, 2012 at 2:43 pm (Edit) Im Upekshi Fernando, This intolerance is never in my name. Ashamed of being silent amid 30+ years of violence. 285. Gayani Samarawickrema April 27, 2012 at 2:48 pm (Edit) Voilence in any form is unaccaptable. Page 47 of 196

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Voilence in any form is unaccaptable. 286. Rosanna Flamer-Caldera April 27, 2012 at 2:48 pm (Edit) Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Burgher, Sri Lankan. Certainly not in my name! I agree with most of what is written here and am glad to see so many people voice their opinions about this shameful episode. 287. Mushtaq April 27, 2012 at 2:50 pm (Edit) Going in the path of war to achieve peace is counterproductive, so as the Dhambulla Mosque incident aiming to extend the holy land through destruction and terror. Not in my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 288. Ravi Peiris April 27, 2012 at 2:51 pm (Edit) My name is Ravi Peiris and although I am of a Sinhala-Buddhist background, I consider myself to be first and foremost Sri Lankan. Racism and religious intolerance is something I will not stand for. Not in my name, never in my name. 289. madhuka April 27, 2012 at 2:54 pm (Edit) madhuka karunaratne. racial and religious intolerance never in my name. 290. Husni April 27, 2012 at 2:59 pm (Edit) I am Husn.violence is not in my name..!!!! 291. Steve de la Zilwa April 27, 2012 at 3:03 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. Steve de la Zilwa. Sri Lankan. 292. Imalee Munasinghe April 27, 2012 at 3:10 pm (Edit) This intolerance is not in my name 293. PitastharaPuthraya April 27, 2012 at 3:11 pm (Edit) My understanding of Buddhism does not see how these so-called Buddhists justify their actions against Muslims and Tamils in Dambulla on that day. It was disgusting to hear the racist and supremacist language used by a buddhist monk towards fellow human beings of a different race and relegion. We have seen in the past how prejudice against a particular race and relegion killed 6 million jews under the Nazi regime in Germany. I do not consider myself a Buddhist although born to a Buddhist family. However, I admire the Buddha as one of the greatest exponents of non-violence. Thererfore, this was done no definitely in the Buddhas name let alone my name. Page 48 of 196

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Buddhas name let alone my name. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 3:26 pm (Edit) I am Durani from a Buddhist background and I will definitely not stand for this racism and intolerance never, ever .!!! 294. Thilina Rajapakse April 27, 2012 at 3:18 pm (Edit) Thilina Rajapakse. Sri Lankan !" (. , !" ( *+ . 295. rajivmw April 27, 2012 at 3:23 pm (Edit) This is surely a matter for the courts to decide, not monks, mobs or ministers. Shame on us for according them that power. Not in my name. No sir. 296. Rizan April 27, 2012 at 3:24 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan . These Idiotic Violence not in my Name. Not a single human being or a race deserve to be treated unequally in this world of because of their Colour, Language, Cast or who they or what they believe. 297. Gishanka de Silva April 27, 2012 at 3:27 pm (Edit) Ive lived through most of my childhood and entire adult life in the shadow of terrorism and war. I still chose to live and work in in this glorious country despite a number of choices to do so in more prosperous places in the world. Quite simply, I love this place and its people, warts and all. I have no intention of a group of racist, self serving, religion manipulating morons drag us all back into those dark days. Theres a shimmering bright horizon of prosperity, peace and general joy ahead of us, which I hope to fully enjoy along with my fellow Sri Lankans and all who live here. Lets hope at least the voice of digital protest works in the face of flaccid and meaningless political intervention. Kishani Cader April 28, 2012 at 6:09 am (Edit) Such an insult to Buddhism a philosophy that promotes tolerance, love and understanding. 298. Senaka Weeraman Page 49 of 196

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298. Senaka Weeraman April 27, 2012 at 3:33 pm (Edit) These acts are not akin to Buddha but are comparable to his nemesis, Devadatta, the corrupt monk who wanted to the lead the Sangha and turn it against Buddha and his own teachings. In the Jathaka stories, in his third and final attempt to kill Buddha, Devadatta put poison in his fingernails with the devilish intention to scratch Buddha to death. Just when he was about to strike, he tripped and scratched himself, dying with his own poison. These evil deeds and betrayal of Buddha, lead him to his inevitable path to Niraya a perpetual hell. But even Buddha hoped that he would one day see the light Please do not deceive Sri Lanka and take her to Niraya. We have been there already and are desperate to climb out. I hope there is a Buddhist leader who can correct these misguided individuals and show them that there is a far nobler path. There are many hidden elements and forces in this world who would revel in the chaos that this will create. The best way is to defeat this is by uniting and sharing the four universal values of compassion, loving kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity for all to see. This petition is a clear sign of this. I hope it will be extended to Sinhala and Tamil to reach a wider spectrum. These recent actions are not in my name, not in my familys, not in my friends, not in my communitys, not in my countrys and not in our universe. Whatever people may tell you, it is definitely not in Buddhas, not in the Sanghas and not in the Dhammas. karuna, metta, mudita, uppheka Senaka Weeraman 299. Leah Marikkar Bazalgette April 27, 2012 at 3:33 pm (Edit) I am Leah Marikkar Bazalgette. My father is a Muslim, my mother a Christian who is also a mix of Colombo Chetty and Sinhala. I am proud of my heritage and believe most Sri Lankans are not filled with hate, but with love, tolerance and mutual respect. This violence is disgusting and those behind it are not true Buddhists, only hiding behind uniforms of religion and spouting violent rhetoric completely in contradiction to the very beliefs they claim to protect. Never, ever in my name. 300. Randima Cavallaro April 27, 2012 at 3:42 pm (Edit) Not in my name Randima Cavallaro, a Sri Lankan, Bhuddist. 301. Tharindu Amunugama April 27, 2012 at 3:45 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 302. Niran Anketell Page 50 of 196

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302. Niran Anketell April 27, 2012 at 3:50 pm (Edit) Neither this brutish violence, nor the Constitution and structure on which the Sri Lankan state and Sri Lankan identity are built, are in my name. I reject them all and demand a stop to the violence, a Constitution that does not discriminate and an inclusive process of reconciliation and remediation before I can proudly call myself Sri Lankan. Mr. Comment April 30, 2012 at 4:25 pm (Edit) I agree with most of what you say, but I do Mr. Comment April 30, 2012 at 4:33 pm (Edit) I agree with most of what you say. But, I think identity has little to with constitution identity is a very personal concept. Your idea of a perfect Sri Lankan identity cannot be everyones. Hard Luck, bro. 303. Samantha Tenduf-La April 27, 2012 at 3:51 pm (Edit) My name is Samantha Tenduf-La and I am Sri Lankan this violence is certainly not in my name. 304. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 3:53 pm (Edit) Ziyam Kamil Not in my name 305. Maithri April 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm (Edit) During thr war, the government tried to show the world and the country that SL is a nation of cultural and religious diversity. And I believed in it, and to an rxtent that is still true. But this whole thing has just gone to show that the government dont care about that unless it is in their own interests. Shameful behaviour from them, and members of the sangha who should really know better. I was raised a Catuolic but my mother and her family are Buddhists and she is appalled by this. Even though deep down she still feels that Dambulla is a sacred Buddhist town, to threaten violence against othe r people is completely against Buddhist teaching and those involved should take a moment to reflect upon the religion they holdbso dear. I am Sri Lankan 306. Maithri April 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm (Edit) During thr war, the government tried to show the world and the country that SL is a nation of cultural and religious diversity. And I believed in it, and to an rxtent that is still true. Page 51 of 196

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But this whole thing has just gone to show that the government dont care about that unless it is in their own interests. Shameful behaviour from them, and members of the sangha who should really know better. I was raised a Catuolic but my mother and her family are Buddhists and she is appalled by this. Even though deep down she still feels that Dambulla is a sacred Buddhist town, to threaten violence against othe r people is completely against Buddhist teaching and those involved should take a moment to reflect upon the religion they holdbso dear. I am Sri Lankan and this is not in my name. 307. dulan de Silva April 27, 2012 at 4:04 pm (Edit) I am for violence when required.If not East Timor will be still under the Indonesians ,Russia under the Czar and China under war loads. However this is different and not directed at a wrong that needs to be corrected and in fact is doing a wrong. The fundamental problem is that every govt since Independence catered to racial and religious discrimination. DS took the vote away from plantation workers, Banda removed his suit and wooed the Sinhalese majority, JR watched whilst mobs inspired by his own Ministers burned and killed innocent Tamil kids and their parents.Rajapaksas are no better and openly subscribe to the view that minorities live at the pleasure of the majority Sinhala Buddhists. This is where the monks get their power. 308. Tania Amalen April 27, 2012 at 4:06 pm (Edit) Tania Amalen. Daughter of a Malay Father and a Sinhalese Christian mother, married to a Tamil Hindu. I am Sri Lankan firstly and this violence is not in my name. 309. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 4:16 pm (Edit) Dayani Abeysekera. Not for me. 310. Amrit Dayananda April 27, 2012 at 4:20 pm (Edit) Amrit Dayananda. Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 311. Manique Wijesinghe April 27, 2012 at 4:23 pm (Edit) Manique Wijesinghe a Sri Lankan, a Sinhalese and a Buddhist but certainly not a Sinhala Buddhist and all that has sadly come to signify!! This is an absolutely despicable act and is a sad reflection of the chauvinism which is rampant in our country today. Certainly not in my name. 312. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 4:36 pm (Edit) I am Kushlani Perera. Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Page 52 of 196

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313. Binesh Gunaratne April 27, 2012 at 4:40 pm (Edit) Im Binesh Gunaratne, This was not done in my name. 314. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) This violence is certainly not in my name. 315. Thuraiappah Vaseeharan April 27, 2012 at 4:45 pm (Edit) A human being, appalled by the ignorance that keeps dragging our beautiful country down. 316. Venuri April 27, 2012 at 4:48 pm (Edit) Venuri Perera. I am ashamed to be a Sinhalese Buddhist. This is not in my name. 317. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 5:02 pm (Edit) Blessie Keegel. Im half Filipino and half Burgher. Im a Christian, I love Sri Lanka and I believe that everybody should be able to worship freely with respect for each others beliefs without fear of persecution and injustice. This violence is not in my name. 318. T PBohoran April 27, 2012 at 5:05 pm (Edit) I am T P Bohoran. It was sickening to watch such actions from the deciples of a great teacher. This violence is not in my name. 319. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 5:09 pm (Edit) Yeshani De Silva. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 320. V. Jayachithra April 27, 2012 at 5:12 pm (Edit) Was there any demand by Lord Buddha to demolish all other religious temple and kept his philosophys landmarks along and, asked act violent to protect the so called heritage? NEVER!!! Buddhism is a one of the best philosophy for peace and conflict resolution with no harm. Lord Buddha has preached love and respect others with humanity. I feel so ashamed on people who participated for this act because they failed to be a real followers of Buddhism but some otherrrrrrs. What is the virtue that they gain after this massive sin.? This violation is not in my Name. 321. Christina Syms April 27, 2012 at 5:14 pm (Edit) Christina Syms. Half-Sri Lankan Burgher. Half Filipino. Sri Lankan through and through. Page 53 of 196

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Christina Syms. Half-Sri Lankan Burgher. Half Filipino. Sri Lankan through and through. Everything I want to say has been said above. This Violence is Not In My Name. 322. Anas April 27, 2012 at 5:22 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 323. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 5:23 pm (Edit) Visaka N. Abeyratne. Certainly not in my name. 324. Feizal Mansoor April 27, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) Yet again, we have proof that all organised religions are secular in nature, have little or nothing to do with original teachings and mainly serve as vehicles for jingoistic triumphalism and social tree climbing. In the face of this recent idiocy in Dambulla, the irreparable loss of the Bamiyan statues comes to mind and I wonder yet again when the ordinary people of the world will recognise that ones faith is not ones ethnicity and both are of little or no bearing to society. They are private matters and have no place in the body politic. Even the Norwegians declare their religious faith as a matter of state and while separating church from state the founders of the American republic nevertheless fell-back on God to assign unalienable rights. And the Magna Carta granted God rights I count the beginning of the end of our culture when we lit crackers to celebrate the death of President Premadasa. The long hand of chaos that reached across the seas in 1505 now has this jewel of ahimsa firmly in its grasp. In the Cult of the Goddess Pattini, Gananath Obeysekeres quotes a few lines from a kavi that refers to Lord Buddha who has His mahavihara in Becca. Becca was the pre-Islamic name of Mecca. By his intolerance and hurtfulness, the Dambulla monk has shown that his brand of religiopolitics is anathema to dhamma. I have heard that the great King Mahasamatta agreed to adjudicate over a dispute about grain for a share of it and that this is the foundation of our society through personal exposition of the Ten Royal Virtues by the King. As a nation, whatever the machinations of the political classes, our refuge and our response can only be Dhamma. If we live in dhamma, dhamma will protect us. A return to mahasamatta is the need of the hour, in the certainty of our ancients: the general or common consensus is that if we live righteously, the land and the people will be safe. We are all children of one mother, let us honour Her and set an example to the rest of the world. I think we have to make it appiri for anyone to behave so badly. The only hope for us is a true restitution of our way of life and the beauty is that this is something we can all do everyday and if we trust the wisdom of our ancients no matter what extremists do, through our culture we can defeat them. It was real and living enough to survive the British, shall it survive this peace? Page 54 of 196

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325. Kishani Kaluarachchi April 27, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) Kishani Kaluarachchi. I am Sinhalese Buddhist. This intolerance saddens me deeply. Whatever happened to the middle path? This violence is not in my name 326. shaahima April 27, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) Shaahima Fahim. This violence is not in my name. 327. Sabra Zahid April 27, 2012 at 5:27 pm (Edit) Sabra Zahid. This violence most certainly is not in my name!!! 328. Mariam Wadood April 27, 2012 at 5:28 pm (Edit) May we all be able to live in peace..may we all accept that all have different beliefsand may these beliefs be respected. May the acts of extremists not be accepted as the view of the better majority. May God guide each and every one of us on his path. A wholehearted thank you to all the sinhalese buddhists who have stood up against the violence. 329. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 5:29 pm (Edit) I am Radhini Kaluperuma. This violence was not in my name. 330. Maheshika April 27, 2012 at 5:31 pm (Edit) Maheshika de Alwis. My mum is Malay, my dad is Sinhalese, I was brought up in the Catholic faith. I did Bharathanatyam as a child, danced and visited Hindu kovils for blessings with my Tamil friends. One of my grandmothers was given an Islamic burial, the other a Christian one. I have a horoscope, my family believes in astrology , yet I am not a Bhuddist. I will never give up my multi-ethnic, multi-religious values and beliefs. I am Sri Lankan and this violence was not in my name. 331. fahima7s April 27, 2012 at 5:36 pm (Edit) This is the first time the violence towards other faiths has been filmed so vividly. Many churches and kovils have also been bombed and burnt in the past. What do these Buddhist monks want? Dont they know that our culture is enriched with other faiths? We have already lost a lot of our Burghers and Tamils and we are impoverished by it. Even if we build highways and prosper economically, we will still be poor. Cannot Buddhism flourish without the Buddhist monks protecting it? I am sure it can because of its beautiful teachings. May it remain untouched by corrupt and greed. 332. Jaufer April 27, 2012 at 5:46 pm (Edit) Not In My Name, pls We do not want repeat of the past and looking forward to prosperous Sri Lanka where everyone lives peacefully and respectfully. NM Jaufer, a Sri Page 55 of 196

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prosperous Sri Lanka where everyone lives peacefully and respectfully. NM Jaufer, a Sri Lankan. 333. Sanda April 27, 2012 at 5:49 pm (Edit) The only time I ever feel truly Sri Lankan anymore is when I feel ashamed; when I feel like a hypocrite. Surely, there can be no bigger hypocrite than a person practising violence for the sake of religion? I am a Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lankan. I long for the day when I can feel proud to claim those tags; when I can say that such violence is not in my name. 334. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 5:53 pm (Edit) Please Sri Lanka you have a beautiful country and a great population, get your act together. Lets have some news that isnt about violence. Let the world see the good side of a nation I really care about 335. mohamed niyas April 27, 2012 at 5:56 pm (Edit) I am Mohamed Niyas, a Sri Lankan Muslim, professionally a Teacher. I respect all religions and beliefs in this country and teach the same to all my students of all ethnic groups . I was shocked how can the monks who always preach saamaya, mithriya, karunaawa like great philosophies could lead such a racist mob in Dambulla. I feel relieved to know many of Buddhist people in Sri Lanka condemned this violence.The government should resolve this problem peacefully and treat both parties equally. The extremism in any form is not in my name. 336. Jeff Nettleton April 27, 2012 at 5:56 pm (Edit) Please Sri Lanka let the world see the beautiful nation you are, not the actions of the few 337. Dr Riffkhan Fareed April 27, 2012 at 6:02 pm (Edit) I am Dr Riffkhan Fareed,I am proud to be a Sri Lankan Muslim and this is not in my name Mufaris April 28, 2012 at 10:01 am (Edit) Spread the news Dr.Rifkhan .Pass to everyone you know .. 338. aykimaykim April 27, 2012 at 6:04 pm (Edit) Not a Sri Lankan but living here. And I do support the sentiments here. 339. R.M.B Senanayake April 27, 2012 at 6:11 pm (Edit) I find from the comments that there are many persons from all religions who oppose these Page 56 of 196

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acts of extremism and violence by the Buddhist monks. Why cant all of us from all religionsmen of goodwill who stand for religious tolerance get together. We should form a society to oppose religious extremism and campaign for tolerance. I wish some civic leaders form such a Non governmental Organization and gather together all right thinking persons in our society to oppose these extremists. This religious extremism has nothing to do with Buddhism for Buddhism does not countenance such unruly and violent behavior by his followers. Luxmy April 29, 2012 at 1:06 am (Edit) Thank you, Mr Senanayake. Youre well-equipped to lead. Please come on. 340. M Krishnamoorthy April 27, 2012 at 6:23 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 341. Leana Pieris April 27, 2012 at 6:24 pm (Edit) Not in my name! Extremism, intolerance, bigotry and violence will never be in my name. I am Sri Lankan. 342. invictusrilankan April 27, 2012 at 6:24 pm (Edit) What the monks did in Dambulla is shameful and disrespectful to the true Buddhist philosophy. But I am sure that all the Temple Buddhists Loved the SHOW.Today someone posted something on FB in response to my status update, THEY said Sri Lanka is the only country where the majority dances to the tunes of the minority My Mother is a Malay, my Father is a Sinhalese. I was Educated in a prominent Christian School in Negombo for 2 years and then completed my middle and high school in Colombo at one of the ONLY two TRUE Buddhist Boys schools in Sri Lanka. So you tell mescrew majority and minorityI am Sri Lankan and this was certainly NOT in my Name 343. Ramona Oshini Jayawardena April 27, 2012 at 6:38 pm (Edit) This is our land, it belongs to everyone who lives in this island paradise.we have gotten an opportunity after 30 years or one would say after the British rule, to grow and develop this country and it s people to great heights. where were these extremists when our sri Lankan men were at war with terroristsDid the army sign up only BuddhistsNOwe have freedom because men from all religions and all races fought for the country for us! Is this how we repay them, for giving up their lives to obtain freedom.This our countrythis is what we represent to the world.Do we want to be disgraced because of these uneducated , selfish hooligans who pretends to be Buddhist monks? This is RACISM with a capital R.. Buddhism is a way of lifeThe great Buddha did not teach his followers to behave like this! The authorities should nip this problem now before it gets too late. Page 57 of 196

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we are proud to be from every religion, we are proud to be from any race, we are proud to be SRI LANKAN..but most of all we should Attempt to be great Human beings! I am Ramona Oshini. This violence is not in my Name!! 344. Hiruni Jayasena April 27, 2012 at 6:40 pm (Edit) As a Sri Lankan, Sinhalese, Buddhist it is a truly sad day to see those representing a religion promoting religious harmony, peace and togetherness taking such extreme views and actions. A country that has just come out of a civil war which had put it back by 30yrs of development, does NOT need another war fought in the name of preservation of religion or culture. Not in my Name. 345. Afzal Cader April 27, 2012 at 6:41 pm (Edit) Injustice in any form IS NOT IN MY NAME Afzal Cader, Sri Lankan. The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the minds of the oppressed - FEAR Internationally, the LAW OF THE JUNGLE prevails! STAND UP BE HEARD BE A CONTRIBUTOR to the CHANGE. 346. Hasanthi Kumaranyake April 27, 2012 at 6:42 pm (Edit) A very proud Sri Lankan and a Buddhist. This goes against all of Lord Buddhas teachings of a peaceful existence. I pray that these criminals be brought to justice. Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs and NO ONE has the right to discriminate or violate anyone for their choice of religion!! NOT in my nameand NOT in the name of my country! 347. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 6:59 pm (Edit) I am a Buddhist (though many might disagree) and I disagree and condemn the acts of the mob at Dambulla. The core message in Buddhism is tolerence and peace. Karma will judge the mob, though some more immediate justice is very appropriate to prevent future occurences of this nature. 348. Yumna M. Ismail April 27, 2012 at 7:01 pm (Edit) Yumna M. Last weeks violence, or any violence, for that matter, was not in my name. 349. jeanne mansoor April 27, 2012 at 7:17 pm (Edit) Page 58 of 196

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I am Jeanne Mansoor and a Sri Lankan. Of course I am against violence any violence. What I wonder is how could the Lord Buddhas teaching have got misunderstood entirely by these monks who then obviously decided that violence against the Prophet Muhanneds followers was in order and taught that to their followers who trust them. The answers that come to mind are that these monks have actually not read what was written down as Lord Buddha spoke to his monks, or that they dont realize the essence of his teaching is to let go of ones ego (ego allows us to feel better than anyone else), or perhaps there are some major sickos who in monks clothing (or lack of clothing as the article tells us) led astray the others, or that the violent monks are like football fans (they get hold of some booze and go beserk from time to time). Whatever it is, I guess theres nothing much we can do except try to think of them with compassion because acts of violence do not bring happiness to those who do them. 350. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 7:22 pm (Edit) Its Sri Lanka, the country I call home. No violence that takes place anywhere is in my name, especially in Lanka. 351. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 7:23 pm (Edit) S Hilmy Not in my name 352. Fazmina Sideek April 27, 2012 at 7:24 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka is home, my home. Any violence that takes place there is not in my name. 353. Abimanasingham Sitthawatthai Uthayakumar April 27, 2012 at 7:36 pm (Edit) ,/ 012 4 517 9/:;< ,= > >9,< 9// 5C E 2, <GH HJ7 K M>NO /!7, PQ ,OR< ,H, =G(HK M(5 PU<, 2PU<, V/!W5 P WMU< 2( YN=:2, PQ !C(E2. 9, : : \2- 9,< 9,C ]/< , 2 2^(5 2^ 2 N=O >, W `VVN2 N=O 9, ]// 9/! a7"R<, "R< (in words and deeds) b\(, ,/ 017 9^2/ c4 de: ,f<, =G(f< M(5PU<, 2PU<, V/!W5 P WMU< gCh:< !Ci(YN ;(5< 2: : ;/:. 354. aravindaujl April 27, 2012 at 7:38 pm (Edit) I am a follower of Lord Gautama Buddha. Lord Buddha taught that every religion should be respected regardless of their beliefs, and we are taught to be compassionate even to our mortal enemies. Buddhism is based on wisdom, tolerance, and compassion.As such, the behaviour displayed Page 59 of 196

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by certain monks and people is a violation of fundamental Buddhist principles and values. Such behaviour is indeed deplorable, shameful, and damaging both to the Sri Lankan Buddhist community and Sri Lanka in general. As a Buddhist and as a Sri Lankan, this violence is not in my name. 355. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 7:49 pm (Edit) Amana Zahid. This violence is not in my name! 356. Aamina April 27, 2012 at 7:49 pm (Edit) Any violence happening is not in my name 357. Aadhil Aziz April 27, 2012 at 7:59 pm (Edit) I applaud this massive forum backlash, and frown upon the racism that started it. Yesterday I posted hoping that all Sri Lankan Muslims would show restraint and calm. Yesterday I had not watched the video when I posted, today I have. My views have not changed, and they reflect pretty much everything stated by everyone in this thread. This is wrong, and this should not be tolerated, yet Muslims should not escalate the issue. Remain calm, and behave rationally without escalating this situation. I applaud the highest Muslim group in this country for calling for restraint and advising a 2 day fast, and not to protest after Friday prayer. I hope any protests that did happen, happened peacefully. Islam means peace in Arabic. So how ironic that Islam is associated with terrorism the world over. I love Sri Lanka, and will repeat the question I posted on another thread, does the colonial genome run so deep that we cannot help but devide ourselves? Are we never destined to live in peace? I grew up believing that our generation will change this country for the better. I believe that for the most part, it will, forums such as this only help. I believe that there will always be more we can do, and that we should not rest for one day. I believe in the people in Sri Lanka, and their voice. I believe in Sri Lanka and am proud to be born a Sri Lankan. I am Aadhil Aziz, and violence is not in my name. 358. Monalee Suranimala April 27, 2012 at 8:05 pm (Edit) Monalee Suranimala. So not in my name. Page 60 of 196

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359. ashan April 27, 2012 at 8:13 pm (Edit) Im ashan bandaranayeke this violence is not in my name, Im a christian of mixed race parentage. 360. Natassja Gunasena April 27, 2012 at 8:16 pm (Edit) My name is Natassja Gunasena. Im a Sinhalese Buddhist Sri Lankan. My family is multireligious. My dearest friends, and the friends of my parents, are multi ethnic AND multi religious. It was Buddhism that taught me to respect and understand all religions. This violence is not in my name. 361. Poshala aluwihare April 27, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Edit) Not in my name 362. Ranmali Abeyasinghe April 27, 2012 at 8:23 pm (Edit) I am Ranmali Abeyasinghe, Sri Lankan, this violence was not in my name. Its such a shame that after all we Sri Lankans have been through we have not learned anything. 363. Devanesan Nesiah April 27, 2012 at 8:24 pm (Edit) Devanesan Nesiah 364. Nuwan Yapa April 27, 2012 at 8:32 pm (Edit) Nuwan Yapa, Atheist grew up in a Sinhala-Buddhist background. This disgusting act of violence is not in my name 365. Danushka M. April 27, 2012 at 8:33 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 366. Navaratna-Bandara April 27, 2012 at 8:34 pm (Edit) Time has come to say NO to racism and religious extremism. 367. Ira Wirekoon April 27, 2012 at 8:35 pm (Edit) I am a Christian, with a Buddhist background. I learnt both Christianity and Buddhism as my father was a Christian and my mother a Buddhist. I learnt to respect all religions in our land. I love my country and was ashamed to see the behaviour of the so-called Buddhist monks. They should not be allowed to spoil the name of Sri Lanka. 368. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 8:37 pm (Edit) Page 61 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 8:37 pm (Edit) Not in my name 369. Gayatri Natrajan April 27, 2012 at 8:38 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 370. Sam Ashroff April 27, 2012 at 8:39 pm (Edit) It is with great sadness I write this based on the media reports pertaining to the violent incidents few days ago at the Fifty year old Dambulla Mosque. It is beyond belief that having gone through the trauma of a thirty year strife rooted in communal disharmony, there are people who are bent on planting the seeds for further disharmony in violation of all common sense and a sense of inclusiveness, justice, and decency. Isnt it time to turn a new page in history and build a nation of peace and harmony for the benefit of each and every Sri Lankan regardless of race, religion or ethnic origin? I sincerely wish the political leadership will have the foresight and a sense of goodwill to ensure that every Sri Lankan is treated with due respect and dignity they deserve. Sri Lanka does not need any further negative publicity. Muslims as a community has been loyal to the concept of an undivided and unitary Sri Lanka. They certainly do not deserve to be treated in this manner by people of ill-will and ignorance. I like to conclude by quoting the Canadian Charter of Rights which states that the mark of a great country is the way in which it treats its minorities. and a quote from Mahatma Gandhi who said The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members. I wish Sri Lanka well and Hope and pray that it has the inspired leadership and a sense of justice and generosity to maintain peace and harmony for the present and future genarations yet to come. 371. George Cooper April 27, 2012 at 8:48 pm (Edit) I am a British citizen living in Sri Lanka, and any such intolerance is abhorrent and unacceptable in todays world. The Ven monk should be ashamed of his actions and words. 372. Sithy Haleema April 27, 2012 at 8:48 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan Muslim and i condemn the violence in Dambulla. We must remember that this was committed by an extreme minority group and does not reflect the views of the majority of buddhists are peace loving. I want an official condemnation of the incident by the we can all move on with our lives. 373. Sean Amarasekera April 27, 2012 at 8:50 pm (Edit) Sean Amarasekera. Sri Lankan. Page 62 of 196

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Sri Lankan. Not in my name will you fight Not in my name will you kill Not in my name will you burn a child Not in my name will you lie Not in my name will you invade Not in my name will you rape Not in my name will you terrorise Not in my name will you lie Not in our name will you dare to speak again Not in our name Luxmy April 29, 2012 at 1:12 am (Edit) Not in my name to discriminate between citizens. Not in my name to disrespect any citizen for his or her faith. 374. Sabrina Ahmed April 27, 2012 at 8:50 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan Muslim and i condemn the violence in Dambulla. 375. Thassim April 27, 2012 at 8:55 pm (Edit) I am Thassim Akbar. Sri Lanka is blessed land to be shared by all of us. Let us strive to make it so by building a caring society. God Bless this country and its people. 376. Shirin April 27, 2012 at 8:58 pm (Edit) Shirin Hussain. This violence is not in my name. 377. Alefiya April 27, 2012 at 9:00 pm (Edit) Ridiculous and disgusting. Not in my name. 378. Melanie Wirekoon April 27, 2012 at 9:01 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka a land like no other! Is this what we are? The end of a 30-year old war was the time to take the country forward. Three years have gone by and it is too late already. We have missed out on a glorious opportunity and we can only see that the country is going backwards, what with the rising cost of living, taxation at every turn, the breakdown of law and order, education and health services, and now in addition rabble rousing and flashing monks what a disgrace! This country belongs to all religions and races, there should be no place for intolerance of others. Learn to live in harmony and work for the betterment of our land, not just for yourself. 379. Wijith DeChickera Page 63 of 196

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379. Wijith DeChickera April 27, 2012 at 9:17 pm (Edit) NOT a noble view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration. IN vain his teaching? MY heart bleeds for Sri Lanka NAME: Wijith DeChickera 380. Stefan Andre Joachim April 27, 2012 at 9:19 pm (Edit) Return this country to its rightful owners this country belongs to 21 million Sri Lankans NOT to less than 200 in government! Return to the true teachings of Buddhism! NO VIOLENCE!!! 381. antonnorbert April 27, 2012 at 9:20 pm (Edit) Definitely, not in my name. This is an insult to Mother Lanka, its people and generations to come. 382. Safiya Sideek April 27, 2012 at 9:37 pm (Edit) Mother Lanka belongs to all of us, regardless of our different cultures and religions. Violence against any culture in this country will never be in my name. 383. Dhushyanthy Jayawardena April 27, 2012 at 9:56 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. Not in my name. 384. Indira Gunasekera Baron April 27, 2012 at 10:02 pm (Edit) Please not in my name. 385. Suad April 27, 2012 at 10:10 pm (Edit) I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit. Khalil Gibran 386. Muhammad Siddique (Professor) April 27, 2012 at 10:15 pm (Edit) I am Muhammad Siddique, a professor at University of Peradeniya. I left the West and returned to SL because I love this country. I had abandoned a lucrative teaching position in Malaysia and returned for the love of this country. I have great respect for the true teachings of Gautama Buddha but not for what goes as the parochial minded Sinhala Buddhism (SB). I hasten to say that a large majority of Buddhists I work with are fair minded people and do not subscribe to this parochialism of SB. Some of the bloggers elsewhere who are chauvinistic Sinhala Buddhists claim Muslim Page 64 of 196

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Some of the bloggers elsewhere who are chauvinistic Sinhala Buddhists claim Muslim intolerance against Buddhists in some Muslim countries and justify their actions. But let them go to Kelantan state in Malaysia, where more than 95% are Muslim and ruled by the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS). You will find as many 200 Buddhist temples in this state. In one of them, a huge reclining Buddha statue (in Wat Photovihan in the Tumpat district) said to be the largest in South East Asia was constructed in 1980. In another temple in the same region there is a very tall seated Buddha statue as big as, if not bigger than the one at Bahirwakanda in Kandy. In Kuala Lumpur and in some other cities, where Sinhala Buddhists are miniscule minority Sri Lanka Buddhist temples are found where priests such as Bhante Sri Saranankara Nayake Maha Thera who is the Chief Adhikarana Sangha Nayaka of Malaysia are serving. This priest had successfully rebuilt the temple in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur as a new magnificent temple of Sri Lankan architecture in 1996. Many Sinhala people have become citizens of Malaysia despite their recent arrival. Chinese and Thai Buddhist temples are found all over Malaysia. In Islamabad, Pakistan where there are hardly any Buddhists, the government of Pakistan has donated land for the building of a Sri Lankan Buddhist temple. Even the Taliban in Afghanistan who blasted the Buddha sculptures on mountain face ( I do not condone their action because the Holy Qur-an prohibits insulting/degrading what other people venerate) explained later that they did not do it for the hatred of another religion but to show their protest against the UN body spending millions of dollars in the restoration work of these sculptures when Afghan people were starving under US sanctions. The chauvinist Sinhala Buddhists have to shed their frog in the well mentality and develop a broad outlook. Do not they see that they are in the spotlight because of their narrow minded attitudes against the minority Tamil and other communities? What they continue to do against Muslim, Christian and Hindu places of worship in many parts of the country is not going to endear them to reasonable people in all parts of the world . I know these few hundred people who disgraced the Buddhist religion by their action Dambulla and elsewhere did not do this in the name of the good Buddhist people of this country and definitely not in my name. Please register my name in protest of their action, not in my name. 387. Suba Sivakumaran April 27, 2012 at 10:15 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Suba Sivakumaran. 388. Haseena (@_HasM_) April 27, 2012 at 10:16 pm (Edit) Haseena Mansoor. This violence is not in my name. 389. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:31 pm (Edit) I am Shafraz Not in My name! 390. Nalin Cooke April 27, 2012 at 10:43 pm (Edit) Page 65 of 196

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April 27, 2012 at 10:43 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Nalin Cooke 391. Anonymous April 27, 2012 at 10:55 pm (Edit) Certainly not in my name. The larger questions are how can Civic society in this Country persuade the powers that be to institute a proper rule of law without fear or favor in this Country of ours. Max Gunasekera 392. F.Sumaiya Ziyaha April 27, 2012 at 10:56 pm (Edit) I am Sumaiya Ziyaha This violence was not in my name. 393. Muhammad Siddeeq April 27, 2012 at 11:09 pm (Edit) Muhammad Siddeeq The mob violence in Dambulla is totally unacceptable. If unchecked, sooner than later, the country will plunge into anarchy. No one should be above the law and no one should be allowed to take the law into his hands .If any laws are broken, it is for the law enforcement authorities to take action, not for any individual or group of individuals, however important their position may be. Coming at a time when Sri Lanka has still not found a way to get out of the tight situation it faces following the UNHRC resolution, the Dambulla violence will make it even more difficult for Sri Lanka. Didnt the monks know how badly it will affect Sri Lanka internationally or is it that they just didnt care? Here is hoping that that the right thinking people of this country, who are certainly the vast majority, will raise their voices against ill thought and counter-productive violence and rally to save Sri Lanka from bigots and racists.. 394. Minoli De Silva April 27, 2012 at 11:17 pm (Edit) I am Minoli De Silva and I am a Sri Lankan.and none of this religious discriminatory violence is in my name. 395. R Senanayake April 27, 2012 at 11:31 pm (Edit) My name is Rajika Senanayake and I am very sad about the disgraceful behavior of the priests in Dambulla . Any attacks or any form of violence is not in my name and not in the name of any peace loving citizen of Sri Lanka. 396. Shahama April 27, 2012 at 11:39 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan and this violence was not in my name Page 66 of 196

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397. PF April 27, 2012 at 11:58 pm (Edit) I am Prashan Fernando This violence is not in my name. 398. Sanoon Mohideen April 28, 2012 at 12:22 am (Edit) I am Sanoon Mohideen. This violence is not in my name. 399. Jan Ramesh De Saram April 28, 2012 at 12:55 am (Edit) I am human and neither this nor any other violence, racism or bigotry are in my name. One Blood, One Love ! 400. Farzaan April 28, 2012 at 1:03 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan living in London. Sri Lanka is proving to the rest of the world that there are clumsy politicians and clumsy religious leaders in existence in this day and age. The law of the country starts from the top with the President. If the president cannot set the tone right then all will be a mess. This is what we see today in SL 401. Saroj Pathirana April 28, 2012 at 1:11 am (Edit) I am a genuine follower of Lord Buddhas teaching of racial and religious harmony so this violent campaign is not in my name. Saroj Pathirana 402. Yohan April 28, 2012 at 1:13 am (Edit) Yohan Lawrence .. not in my name 403. Kumi Samuel April 28, 2012 at 1:15 am (Edit) This is not the compassionate, tolerant Buddhism I respect. This is so far from the loving kindness it teaches. This is impunity for hatred. Not in my name ever! Kumi Samuel 404. Sofie Buelens April 28, 2012 at 1:22 am (Edit) I am a Belgian married to a Sri Lankan. Hasnt history taught these people anything? 405. Frishtha April 28, 2012 at 1:25 am (Edit) Majority of Sinhalese Buddihist are peace loving friendly people. We should not allow minority opportunists to tarnish that image. 406. Davidson Panabokke April 28, 2012 at 1:44 am (Edit) NOT IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY. Page 67 of 196

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NOT IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY. Inciting hatred and attacking the mosque is as bad as putting people behind barbed wire, imprisoning people for years and decades without charges, refusing IDPs access to aid agents, refusing counselling, preventing memorial services, denying return of IDPs to their original homes, and villages, militarising civil space, confiscating citizens land and property to form extensive High Security Zones, refusing elections to provincial council, maintaining lawlessness through paramilitaries, preventing journalists from reaching areas in crisis, attackingdisappearing/murdering human rights activists, journalists, aid workers, parliamentarians and ordinary citizens, changing demography by government assistance, building massive war memorials for heroes in areas where they killed civilians massively, building a large number of Buddha statues where there are no Buddhists, occupation army supplying free drugs to the oppressed youth,.. NOT IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY. 407. Vindya Dassanayake April 28, 2012 at 1:48 am (Edit) I am Vindya Dassanayake. I am a Sri Lankan and a follower of the Buddhist philosophy. I am deeply saddened that leading members of the Sangha do not understand the simple essence of Buddhism. Sabba papassa akaranam Kusalassa upasampada Sachitta pariyodapanam Etham buddhanasasanam To keep away from all evil Cultivate good (thoughts, habits and speech) To purify ones mind This is the teaching of the Buddha This shameful act of hatred and violence is most certainly not in my name. 408. shazeer April 28, 2012 at 2:06 am (Edit) Despite end of 30 years of ethnic conflicts Srilanka is a nation where people are not united because of those three glaring frailties. RACISM,INJUSTICES AND INEQUITIES. no matter how much people scream we are one nation, we are not gonna win as a nation until we get rid of those three. 409. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 2:09 am (Edit) Not in my name. Ruhanie Perera 410. ksandras April 28, 2012 at 2:51 am (Edit) Koshika Sandrasagra. Im Tamil and Burgher..and Sri Lankan. This is a disgusting demonstration of how far secular religion has moved from the teachings and spirit of Budhism. This violence is not in my name. 411. Lanka Solidarity April 28, 2012 at 2:58 am (Edit) We sign this in solidarity with those in Sri Lanka speaking out against the mob violence and Page 68 of 196

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We sign this in solidarity with those in Sri Lanka speaking out against the mob violence and desecration targeting the Muslim community. A significant number of Sri Lankans clearly and rightly abhor this violence and have expressed their outrage. The violence in Dambulla, however, was not an isolated event. It is the outcome of Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinism and a majoritarianism that dominates all levels of political discourse, and a culture of impunity that encourages such acts of blatant lawlessness, particularly when they are perpetrated against minorities. To recognize this is to take responsibility for what has been committed in the name of the people, and to work to ensure that it never happens again. The violence in Dambulla does not only hinder post-conflict reconciliation, but rather, is a symptom of the failures to have any meaningful reconciliation process at all. pureoneness April 28, 2012 at 7:03 am (Edit) Non-violence is the only way to stop violence, Buddha says so. 412. Vigy Nithianandan April 28, 2012 at 3:08 am (Edit) I am Vigy Nithianandan and violence s not in my name. 413. Dilhara Abhayaratne April 28, 2012 at 3:26 am (Edit) Not in my name. 414. badgerlover April 28, 2012 at 3:27 am (Edit) What makes Sri Lanka a beautiful country is diversity the diversity of its people and the diversity of its terrain. These differences make us stronger, not weaker. Violence makes fools of us all. I am a Sri Lankan and this was not in my name Anushka. 415. Anushka April 28, 2012 at 3:29 am (Edit) What makes Sri Lanka a beautiful country is diversity the diversity of its people and the diversity of its terrain. These differences make us stronger, not weaker. Violence makes fools of us all. This was not in my name Anushka. 416. Sunila Abeysekera April 28, 2012 at 3:32 am (Edit) never should any act of violence be committed in my name 417. avant3 April 28, 2012 at 3:50 am (Edit) As a Buddhist and as a Sri Lankan, this violence is not in my name. My name is Avanthi Liyanage. Page 69 of 196

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418. Rizmeer April 28, 2012 at 3:54 am (Edit) Priest and protesters entered and attack the mosque was an unlawful and not acceptable event. They should have gone for a legal action if they believe the mosque was constructed illegally. We havent finished the past war and bad memories yet, this is the time we all should be stand up and build the country as one nation. Getting ready for a racism war is not healthy for the country at this stage. President should invoice in this incident personally and all the people need an assurance for a peaceful life in the country. Because we all love the country and there is no other land like Sri Lanka. Need to take action (or stop the activities) against the group who still promotes the racism and trying to create unwanted problems and issues between religion. This is I think very important at this stage because people get emotion fast. we respect people, and we respect all religions, any voilence compaigns are not under my name 419. Rev. F. Reid Shelton Fernando April 28, 2012 at 4:07 am (Edit) I endorse the views of RMB Senanayake and it is time that the good people should come together for religious tolerance. The leadership must come from the Buddhist leaders Rev.Fr. Reid Shelton 420. Sajad Careem April 28, 2012 at 4:19 am (Edit) Feel a bit let down Sri Lanka 421. ksandras April 28, 2012 at 5:27 am (Edit) Im Koshika Sandrasagra, half Tamil, half Burgherand brought up Catholic, Buddhist and Hinduwith respect for all religions. Thats what Buddhism is supposed to be tolerance. This secular religion has stepped so far away from the precepts of Buddhism that its become a travesty. This violence is not in my name. 422. ranjan13 April 28, 2012 at 5:33 am (Edit) Another scab on the scarred landscape of Sri Lankan behaviour. Wish the Sangha and the Government would gets its tongue out of the nether orifice of the degenerate and the dregs and give us something to be proud of, rather than ashamed and despairing of. Ranjan Karunaratne 423. Shahani April 28, 2012 at 5:51 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan and this violence was not in my name. Page 70 of 196

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424. Seyyeda Zahara April 28, 2012 at 6:03 am (Edit) I am a Sunni Muslim who strongly believes in the practise of extreme patience and complete faith in Almighty Allah in every situation of life. This life itself is a testing ground for us and the reaction that a few muslims are making towards the Dambulla mosque attack is ridiculous and not in my name. This reminds me of the historical incident where the leader of Yemen came in with a powerful army to pull down the Holy Kaaba in Makkah. The people of Makkah were small in number and helpless to defend the army. So they prayed to Almighty Allah for protection and Almighty Allah sent flights of birds from heaven who pelted the army with tiny stones. The moment a stone touched a person, his skin burnt. In this way, Almighty Allah destroyed the whole army and the Holy Kaaba was saved. Allahs help will come only if we bear the threats and torture with patience and sincerely turn to Him for help. People who go round destroying and damaging cities and lives of people who are not in favour of the attack are only ridiculing themselves in the sight of Almighty Allah. Any Muslim who really wants to help save the mosque in Dambulla should pack his bags and go to the Dambulla Jumma Masjid and live there. Then he will understand the real situation there and if anyone tries to attack the mosque he can wade them off in the name of Allah. False demonstrations in a different city is not going to help stop the attack of that mosque. I sincerely pray that all Muslims think in the true Islamic aspect and practise patience and forgiveness in the name of Almighty Allah. Aameen shivah Navaratnam April 28, 2012 at 9:35 am (Edit) I oppose mob violence and racism practiced by the fringe elements in Dambulla. I call upon the govt. to promote, advance and protect the rights of all Sri Lankans alike, and take pro-active steps to foster harmony, pluralism and tolerance among all groups. I particularly condemn the actions of the Buddhist clergy who participated in a extremist protest and denigrated the sentiments of the peace loving muslim community. The state being primarily composed of the majority Sinhala Buddhist power-elite should take steps to stamp out racial intolerance emanating from sections of the community by the vigorous and impartial use of the rule of law. Shashi Ellawala April 28, 2012 at 3:30 pm (Edit) My Name is Shashi Ellawala. I am Sr Lankan and I was raised a Buddhist, but this is not the Buddhism my parents taught me. I was taught to respect all religions and people equally. This violence is NOT in my name. 425. Shehan Karunatilaka April 28, 2012 at 6:06 am (Edit) I am ashamed to be a Sinhala Buddhist. And disgusted to see these thugs in robes, morons who have no understanding of Buddhism, behaving like barbarians. The Buddha would be ashamed. Not in my name. 426. Anonymous Page 71 of 196

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426. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) My name is Rasika Degiri, I am a devout Buddhist and I am saddened by the way some sanga behaved. they show lack of respect towards other religions and encouraged violence and damage to property by their blind followers. I am saddened by the silence of this so called Buddhist society where monks are preaching a new type of Buddhism outside of the teaching of Buddha where race and hate are given priority. please dont let anyone damage the clean image of dhamma and sanga, this is the greatest sin according to Lord Buddha. 427. Mathuri Thamilmaran April 28, 2012 at 6:49 am (Edit) Born and lived in Sri Lanka. Religious extremism and bigotry is definitely not in my name. 428. Amirthava Shane Ramachandran April 28, 2012 at 6:55 am (Edit) True it is unacceptable !! budhism preaches love not hate !!! but some people think to gain from these things !!! not so good !!! Its sad cause I didnt see so many people revolting when my brothers and sisters were getting massacred !! but still at least some people stick together, thats good to see !!! hope this problem resolves. blood and time is always wasted no matter who or where it is !! 429. Nadishka Weerasuriya April 28, 2012 at 6:56 am (Edit) My name is Nadishka Weerasuriya. I am Sri Lankan, and this violence is not in my name. 430. madmolecule April 28, 2012 at 7:11 am (Edit) I cannot do better than agree wholeheartedly with every compassionate statement made by those before me. I am grateful and delighted to find so many people who reject this reprehensible action initiated by a few vile individuals, which have once again cast a sad shadow on my beloved Country. 431. Hazari April 28, 2012 at 7:21 am (Edit) I am a muslim, I am a Sri Lankan, I am Sinhalese, We are all One, dont break us up 432. Mithila Narendran April 28, 2012 at 7:27 am (Edit) My name is Mithila Narendran and athough I hail from Jaffna, I am Sri Lankan above all else. I was brought up to respect all religions. This violence never will be in my name. 433. Safnas Farwin April 28, 2012 at 7:47 am (Edit) I am Safnas Farwin.I endorse zero-tolerance on violence.Definitely not in my name. 434. Shibly Page 72 of 196

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April 28, 2012 at 8:08 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan Muslim. Proud of my mother land. This hatred is not in my name, 435. Shreen Saroor April 28, 2012 at 8:22 am (Edit) Never in my name. 436. Mohamed April 28, 2012 at 8:32 am (Edit) First they stopped the Azan we all know how it started and now attacking the mosques and bombing. During the Geneva Human Rights Convention 2012 (HR Violations problem)- Sri Lankan Government was pleading for votes from Islamic Nations. I wonder what the Government Muslim Minsters are up to? What hope has any community got when monks who should be promoting peace according to the teachings of the Lord Bhuddha are encouraging and supporting such racial activities? Defintion of ISLAM : Islam is an Arabic word which comes from the word Salaam which means Peace. It also means submitting your will to Allah the Almighty God. In short Islam means peace acquired by submitting your will to Allah (SWT). Muslims in Sri Lanka are friendly and loving. We have been always like that for centuries. I have lot of nice Buddhist friends they are not like this. But sadly there are some extremists in Buddhist community. Buddhist Monks should practice Buddhism not POLITICS. 437. Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala April 28, 2012 at 8:51 am (Edit) My name is Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala, I am a Sri Lankan, and this violence is not in my name. 438. Prasad Mapatuna April 28, 2012 at 9:15 am (Edit) Violence is not in my name, I declare; and it is in the name of religions and tribes. On the recent ugly events at Dambulla; We should not fool ourselves in to thinking that oh this is just a minority of rowdy people, good Buddhist are not like this. The problem is not the people. They are just average people like you and me. Probably bit too emotional, and probably bit to naive in falling for propaganda. The real problem is the organized religion. Institutionalized religion has been, and always will be a problem. The only solution is to less of that, less mosques, less temples, less churches. These should be demolished over the passage of time, when the people learn to keep their faith as a private and spiritual matter, and not an excuse to form a mob against people they dislike. Until such time, we have to agree that one religious mob trying to destroy the shrines of another religious cult is an ugly sight While I see institutionalized religion and the source of violence; I would not however advocate wiping anything out artificially. Let nature take its natural course. I feel though that path to stability lies in a direction that institutionalized religion is given less and less immunity in invading our lives. Religions are institutionalized for no other reason than politics. Allowing politicians to abuse it directly vice versa is the sole purpose of the Page 73 of 196

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politics. Allowing politicians to abuse it directly vice versa is the sole purpose of the existence of institutionalized faith. It is nothing but a political device. This however, it not a criticism against all forms of belief systems and ethical systems that do exist and make a very positive impact on society. These people oppose the Islamic shrine, because they KNOW the politics that comes with it. Unfortunately they are forced to choose equally evil political Buddhist camp, which is unfortunate 439. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 9:24 am (Edit) My name is Rosie Keegel. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 440. Rosie Keegel April 28, 2012 at 9:24 am (Edit) My name is Rosie Keegel. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 441. Rashida Galely April 28, 2012 at 9:26 am (Edit) My Name is Rashida Galely. This page and all the comments here make me feel very proud to be a Sri Lankan. This violence is shameful and most certainly not in my name. 442. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 9:27 am (Edit) Sad.. Today people dont respect each other priority ..This violence is not in my name 443. Roshni Alles April 28, 2012 at 9:35 am (Edit) Roshni Alles. Sri Lankan. Not in my name. 444. Kshanika Udugama April 28, 2012 at 9:41 am (Edit) All acts of violence not accepted by me. 445. Leisha Lawrence April 28, 2012 at 10:00 am (Edit) Disgraceful! DId we come out of 30 years of ethnic war to start a religious war? Where is the religious tolerance? This has to stop NOW. 446. Romola Rassool April 28, 2012 at 10:07 am (Edit) My name is Romola. I am Sri Lankan. This is not in my name. 447. Aneesha Peiris April 28, 2012 at 10:55 am (Edit) What a disgrace and embarrassment to both Buddhism and Sri Lanka. The government backing all this Sinhala Buddhist nationalistic crap is not just sad, but very scary. Open Page 74 of 196

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backing all this Sinhala Buddhist nationalistic crap is not just sad, but very scary. Open your eyes before history repeats itself. Not in my name. 448. Saika Anver April 28, 2012 at 11:01 am (Edit) whats happening is utterly insane and ridiculous!! 449. Shehani Thampapillai De Zilwa April 28, 2012 at 11:08 am (Edit) Change has to first begin in the heart. Its time sri lanka tears down the racial and religous walls dividing us and come together with love and tolerance as a nation. Im a mix of 50% sinhalese and 50% tamil married to a burgherbut more importantly im 100% Sri lankan. 450. A proud Sri Lankan April 28, 2012 at 11:11 am (Edit) I am a Muslim, living in a Buddhist country, received my formal education in a catholic institution and have friends of different faiths. Happy to have it all. Thankful for the freedom all religions have in this wonderful country which is been destroyed by the politicians! The people who protest in the name of religion need to be educated to follow their faith and respect other faiths. And they should also be made to realize all religions have the same message. And we definitely have more important things to protest, be concern ofcost of living is not going down! 451. Shameem Mueenideen April 28, 2012 at 11:21 am (Edit) My Name is Shameem Im Muslim by religion .. Sri Lankan in every drop of my Blood , This is My country And I love it to the core I am Against any sort of Violence and Justice needs to be done to any trouble makers 452. Hafsa Moulana April 28, 2012 at 11:26 am (Edit) Any violence is not in my name. 453. Mohamed Falih Feizal Caffoor April 28, 2012 at 11:26 am (Edit) Falih. F. Caffoor Certainly not in my name. 454. Jayani De Alwis April 28, 2012 at 11:34 am (Edit) This violence, any act of violence is not in my name. With metta 455. Kenneth McAlpine Page 75 of 196

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455. Kenneth McAlpine April 28, 2012 at 11:37 am (Edit) I reject any religious doctrine that does not appeal to reason and is in conflict with morality. - Mahatma Gandhi. My name is Kenneth McAlpine, I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 456. Louiqa Raschid April 28, 2012 at 11:38 am (Edit) I am Louiqa Raschid. I was born in Sri Lanka and was a citizen for many decades. NOT IN MY NAME. 457. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 11:38 am (Edit) Religious leaders should be religious not politicians. politicians should exploit any situations to retain in power. I condemn any violence. People have to be very alert about politicisation of every aspect of human life 458. Prof. Jayantha Seneviratne April 28, 2012 at 11:44 am (Edit) Prof. Jayantha Seneviratne Certaintly this violence is not in my name. 459. Caryll Tozer April 28, 2012 at 11:59 am (Edit) It is an absolute disgrace that politics, pajero monks, and rabble rousing monks have taken over Buddhism. We are multi ethnic and multi religious and we should go back to living in peace and harmony. If more people practiced the Buddha Dhama , and spoke more often and openly against such bigotry, maybe we could begin to stem this rot. We are all Sri lankans and the sooner we accept it the better. 460. Renuka Jayasundara April 28, 2012 at 12:03 pm (Edit) I am Renuka Jayasundara. I only saw a glimpse of the video and did not have the courage to watch it entirely. i preferred to hide behind the comfort of not knowing the ugly truth. I thought the Doctrine of Buddha was to remain in this world for 5000 years after his death. How did it totally disappear from our country within 2500 years?. and what are we the Minority to do to stop the doctrine being distorted by the majority ? I honestly dont know!. All i know is that what ever we are doing is not enough! 461. Rinas Mohamed April 28, 2012 at 12:04 pm (Edit) I am Rinas Mohamed. I proud to be a Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 462. Prabo Mihindukulasuriya April 28, 2012 at 1:03 pm (Edit) Buddhist monks cannot be above the law in this country. They are as human as everyone else (regardless of their aspirations), and susceptible to the same human evils as everyone Page 76 of 196

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else (regardless of their aspirations), and susceptible to the same human evils as everyone else. The Dambulla violence plainly reveals, once again, the un-Buddhist nature of hegemonic Sinhalese-Buddhist ideology and vigilantism. As a nation we need to resolve this critical question: Do citizens of minority religious and ethnic identity have equal rights to exercise their religious and civic liberties as their Sinhalese-Buddhist compatriots? Yes or no. My name is Prabo Mihindukulasuriya. I am a Christian Sinhalese and I love my country. This violence was not done in my name. 463. Tharanga Kularatne April 28, 2012 at 1:32 pm (Edit) If violence was the last option, Id still not choose it. So, certainly not in my name. 464. Nitharshan April 28, 2012 at 1:44 pm (Edit) Im Nitharshan, Any violence against any religion or society is not an acceptable behaviour. Certainly, I regret for this kind of riduculous horrific activity. 465. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 2:07 pm (Edit) Deshini Liyanaarachchi Im a Buddhist, and this lunacy and bigotry is certainly not in my name. Nor can it be in the name of anyone that calls them self a Buddhist because they understand, let alone live by, the very basics of the Dharma (as opposed to doing so merely resultant to the accident of birth). To say that this intolerance and unintelligence, let alone the violence and filth, was in the name of Buddhism is to be oxymoronic. And to those saying the Muslims did it first again, refer Buddhism. No matter what the reasoning or angle, this is not how it should have been dealt with, nor allowed to be dealt with. We have laws and a legal system for a reason. Sign the thing. Pass it around. Forget how jaded you feel about what can or cant come of it. For once go on record instead of merely talking about it. Spread the Sinhala and Tamil documents (found at the same link) widely. Urge people to take a stand, at least for the record if nothing else at the very least to show that some of us have learned from the last 30 years, and will no longer allow neither stupidity nor injustice in our name, let alone violence and hatred. 466. Ahmed April 28, 2012 at 2:25 pm (Edit) This is a case of Monks gone wild, who seem to have forgotten their role in society and religion, and evidently seem to have the consent of some politicians. The perpetrators must be brought to justice. Not in the name of religious freedom. 467. Farhan Abusally April 28, 2012 at 2:25 pm (Edit) Lets forget the past, lets be more liberal thinking respect each others religions , our country has gone through enough and we should stop this permanently, The Sinhalese and Tamils and all other people are our own blood WE MAY HAVE DIFFERENT RELIGIONS,DIFFERENT LANGUAGES,DIFFERENT COLOURED SKIN, BUT WE ALL Page 77 of 196

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RELIGIONS,DIFFERENT LANGUAGES,DIFFERENT COLOURED SKIN, BUT WE ALL BELONG TO ONE HUMAN RACE. think about the future , our next generations are they going to suffer the same fate ? I love my motherland let work with that spirit, forget the past think and work hard the future, Teach our children the values and importancy of religious tolerance, and completely ban VIOLENCE, 468. Shamilka Samarasinha April 28, 2012 at 2:27 pm (Edit) My name is Shamilka Samarasinha and I am a Sri Lankan of Tamil and Sinhala descent. I have zero tolerance for any form of violence and this VIOLENCE IS NOT IN MY NAME 469. Shashi Ellawala April 28, 2012 at 3:36 pm (Edit) My name is Shashi Ellawala. I am Sinhalese and raised Buddhist but above all I am Sri Lankan. My parents taught me to respect all religions and people equally. This violence is NOT in my name. 470. Anushya Coomaraswamy April 28, 2012 at 4:04 pm (Edit) The incident in Dambulla was disgraceful and must be condemned. It was certainly not in my name. 471. Senel Wanniarachchi April 28, 2012 at 4:16 pm (Edit) My Name is Senel Wanniarachchi. Not in my name. Certainly not in the Buddhas name. P.S. Where have all the moderates gone? 472. Prasanna Mahagamage April 28, 2012 at 4:43 pm (Edit) I am Prasanna Mahagamage .These acts of violence is not in my name. Not in my parents names. Not in my brothers & sisters names. Not in my friends names. 473. Najmudeen April 28, 2012 at 5:30 pm (Edit) We condemn this violence. All Sri-Lankans deserve to live in peace and harmony regardless of their race, religion or colour 474. Shamina April 28, 2012 at 5:31 pm (Edit) I condemn this violence 475. Mahinda Wijesinghe April 28, 2012 at 5:35 pm (Edit) Of all the leading religions in the world, never has a drop of blood been drawn in the name of the Buddhist religion since Time began, where the Teacher has preached ahimsa or compassion to all beings. ON NO ACCOUNT CAN VIOLENCE, BY A FEW THUGS IN Page 78 of 196

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compassion to all beings. ON NO ACCOUNT CAN VIOLENCE, BY A FEW THUGS IN YELLOW ROBES AND OTHERS, IN ANY FORM, BE CONDONED. They must be punished. So let us not blame the religion. It is the singer, not the song. This violence was not in my name. 476. Roshni de Fonseka April 28, 2012 at 5:45 pm (Edit) My name is Roshni de Fonseka. I am Sri Lankan, first , last and always. I find this violent act disgusting . I hope our leaders will come out and condemn it as such and ensure that the wrong-doers are brought to book. Let us walk the talk. 477. Farhan Sufiyan (@msmfarhan) April 28, 2012 at 5:49 pm (Edit) I am Farhan Sufiyan, and I am a proud Sri Lankan Mslim Citizen. These violence committed by racists is not im my name. 478. Sankini DeSilva April 28, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) Not in my name.Sankini DeSilva Merril Fernando Ottawa,Ontario Cananda. April 28, 2012 at 6:20 pm (Edit) Not in my name Merril Fernando 479. Cyril Pathiranage April 28, 2012 at 6:24 pm (Edit) I am Cyril Pathiranage,Sinhales and Buddhist,living in south.Thase act of violance is not in our name.I condemn it very strongly.Now the time is comming for save real budhism from the racest. 480. Nalaka Gunawardene April 28, 2012 at 6:58 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Not then. Not now. Not ever. We stand up and speak out so that the Isle of Compassion cannot be over-run by extremists of any kind. 481. Atheist April 28, 2012 at 7:06 pm (Edit) Nirmala de Soyza I am a Sri Lankan and I love this beautiful country with its rich diversity of cultures. This bigotry and violence may under no circumstance be in my name. 482. Savithri Rodrigo Page 79 of 196

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482. Savithri Rodrigo April 28, 2012 at 7:42 pm (Edit) I am Savithri Rodrigo. If our leaders dont have wisdom to see the wrong thats being done in the name of religion, then it is time, we the people, do something about it. Courage my fellow citizens, lets denounce this new paradigm that is dangerous and doesnt augur well for the future generations who will inherit this country. Stand up and speak out against religious extremism in Sri Lanka. 483. naushara mohammed April 28, 2012 at 7:59 pm (Edit) not in my name naushara mohammed 484. Anonymous April 28, 2012 at 8:16 pm (Edit) Shireen All religions abhore violence and advices tolerance of each other. So I cannot understand the acts of the very people who should set an example to the laymen and earn respect doing the very opposite. 485. Shireen April 28, 2012 at 8:32 pm (Edit) Shireen All religions abhore violence and advices tolerence of each other. So I cannot understand the acts of the very people who should set an example to the laymen and earn respect doing the very opposite of it. 486. Janice Hakel-Ranasinghe April 28, 2012 at 8:33 pm (Edit) I am Janice Hakel-Ranasinghe. As proud Sri Lankan Citizen I have condemn any form of violence and this VIOLENCE IS NOT IN MY NAME. 487. Dayapala Thiranagama April 28, 2012 at 8:35 pm (Edit) Not in my name 488. Dr.Farouk Dawood April 28, 2012 at 8:46 pm (Edit) A Buddhist is one who abides by the precepts of the enlightened one of Royal lineage. A Sri Lankan is one who desires peace and prosperity for our Motherland Sri Lanka. These are hooligans in saffron camouflage. NOT IN MY NAME. 489. Dr.Farouk Dawood April 28, 2012 at 9:05 pm (Edit) Nay, to be Human is to abide by the precepts of the the Noble One, these precepts are not in conflict with the teachings of any other religion. 490. Arittha Wikramanayake Page 80 of 196

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490. Arittha Wikramanayake April 28, 2012 at 9:18 pm (Edit) I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that to to sin by silence when one should protest makes cowards of men. We have been cowards for too long. So, not in my name. Dr. Aleem Moulana April 28, 2012 at 10:55 pm (Edit) Oh no not in my nameno reprisals even,not in my name..such violent.protests.that too for the sake of religious protests, I personally strongly Abhor. Luxmy April 29, 2012 at 1:16 am (Edit) Ditto M.V. Muhsin April 29, 2012 at 2:46 am (Edit) M.V. Muhsin We have, and will continue to, admire the secular nature of Sri Lankan society and the compassion and humanism that Buddhists stand for. Let no one take this away for our culture. The violence shown by these misguided, if not miscreant, hoodlums is not in my name and should be roundly condemned. 491. Thushan Hemachandra April 28, 2012 at 10:29 pm (Edit) I am SInhalese and a Buddhist. This behavior is exactly the opposite of what the Buddha preached. The very basic Buddhist principle of Maithri speaks to how we need to show peace and compassion to all, even to those we may disagree with. The hatred and violence on display here is disgusting, and a slap in the Buddhas face. So please, not in my name. 492. Shenelle Wijethunge April 28, 2012 at 10:31 pm (Edit) I am Shenelle Wijethunge, I am Sri Lankan, and this violence is not in my name. 493. Anupama Ranawana April 28, 2012 at 10:33 pm (Edit) I am Anupama Ranawana, I am Sri Lankan, I am Sinhalese. This violence is not, has not, and never will be in my name. 494. Annesley Joseph Ranasinghe April 28, 2012 at 10:35 pm (Edit) I am Annesley Ranasinghe. Not in my name 495. Marie Hakel-Ranasinghe April 28, 2012 at 10:37 pm (Edit) I am Marie Hakel-Ranasinghe. I condemn this violence. 496. Anton Padmasiri Page 81 of 196

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496. Anton Padmasiri April 28, 2012 at 10:41 pm (Edit) Kennedy stood up for the right of James Meredith to study in any college he wished to irrespective of the colour of his skin. For this one black man Kennedy was willing to commit part of the national guard. This despite it being politically inconvenient to do so. Because of that and because of many others who believed in the equal rights of all 60 years later the country was ready to elect a black president. We may not have such visionary leaders but we the people can and must. 497. Mangalika de Silva April 28, 2012 at 11:09 pm (Edit) Mangalika de Silva NOT IN MY NAME! 498. Yazmin Yousuf April 28, 2012 at 11:30 pm (Edit) As a former muslim this is what I have to say Sri Lanka thought me to embrace buddhism, love hinduism, adore the christian faith and have nothing but love towards islamas a nation that has thought me so muchThe monks who defile the scared buddha and his teachings should be arrested and should issue a public apology for not only hurting the peace made but also for defiling the good name of buddhaafter all if the great Buddha was alive, what would he say? NOT IN MY NAME.EVER! 499. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 1:04 am (Edit) Joanna Satcunan. I am Sri Lankan and this is certainly not in my name. 500. Joanna April 29, 2012 at 1:09 am (Edit) Joanna Satcunan. I am Sri Lankan, and this is not in my name. 501. Punitham April 29, 2012 at 1:28 am (Edit) 64-yr violence should stop with this. People have woken up somehow. Better late than never. Sri Lanka Spring for morality and humanity. 502. Niroshan April 29, 2012 at 1:41 am (Edit) Not in my name! Never! This is not Buddhism! 503. razix April 29, 2012 at 1:42 am (Edit) This sickness of secular behavior will destroy Sri Lankas proud and unbroken tradition of 2500 years where she was never dominated by any outside influence. Tamils and Sinhala are Page 82 of 196

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2500 years where she was never dominated by any outside influence. Tamils and Sinhala are the original dwellers of this Great Land. Sri Lanka never has and never had any problems in accommodating the people of various faiths. However, there is a new trend which is emerging a carefully planned and crafted and incubated by the elites of the world in order to knock down the barriers of the geographical and physical boundries of the world. Does Sri Lanka has to feel ashamed of being called a Buddhist Nation? It is OK for Pakistan or Saudi Arabia or Yemen or UAE and the host of other nations to be Islamic Republics but when the non muslim nations claim their proud ancestral hIstory, all hell breaks loose! Some of you consider it cheek to be called secular and indeed it is fashionable to be called secular up to the extent that you will annihilate your own self identity under the name of being politically correct. But to all those self righteous people who are beating the drums of secularismlet me ask you this question. Why it is OK for Saudi Arabia not to have ANY other INFIDELs place of worship? It is OK if the non muslim minorities are persecuted EVERYDAY in Egypt. It is OK if the non muslims are forcibly converted in Pakistan against their will everyday. It is OK for the Sikhs when they are forced to pay JAZIYA in Pakistan even today! It is OK that in Thailand and Malaysia, that even a day does not go by and we hear a bomb blast against non muslims or their place of worship! It is OK for the muslims to build the Mosque at ground zero and proclaim the might of Allah and to rub the nose of infidel and also to sprinkle the salt on their wounds by saying that this will increase the dialogue between the Muslims and the west!! It is OK for the muslims to occupy the street of Paris and Holland to pray and worship in the middle of the traffic and claim the might of Allah! It is Ok for the muslims to start their AZAN at 4;45 AM in the non muslim country but non muslims are not supposed to have any symbolism declaring their faith in muslim countries! All of you can have the AIDS of secularism and chest thumping self righteous and self annihillatory behaviorbut please spare me.. 504. Chathurika Hemachandra April 29, 2012 at 1:55 am (Edit) It breaks my heart to see this happening. We are all human beings, and all of us have the right to live in peace without prejudice. Definitely Not in my name. 505. Ayona Wijemanne April 29, 2012 at 2:15 am (Edit) Absolutely despicable, and completely goes against all Buddhist principles. How they can commit such violence in the name of buddhism- a peaceful philosophy, is a huge hypocrisy. No such behaviour from ANY ethnic group in Sri Lanka should be tolerated and it is never justified. The government need to think VERY carefully about the implications of leaving such behaviour unpunished, for the future of Sri Lanka. None of us wish to see history repeat itself. 506. hikkahome April 29, 2012 at 2:20 am (Edit) The actions of a few, abusing the name of our nation I condemn it 507. Anushke Guneratne April 29, 2012 at 2:21 am (Edit) The actions of a few are to be condemned not in the name of Sri Lanka Page 83 of 196

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The actions of a few are to be condemned not in the name of Sri Lanka 508. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 2:53 am (Edit) I am Azhara Aziz and this violence is so not in my name 509. April 29, 2012 at 4:23 am (Edit) I am Umesh. I am tamil-hindu. The violence is not in my name. There are 20 million people in Sri Lanka. 3 Million worldwide. We need to weed out the minority racist thugs who have caused so much hardship since 1948. 510. sunari silva April 29, 2012 at 4:29 am (Edit) As a Buddhist I am so ashamed of the igniorant, intolerant and thuggish behaviour displayed by the Mahanayake and his followets. This goes against all the teachings of the Buddha. Peaceloving srilankans of all religions and races should speak up to defend the good name of our nation and defend the rights of all our people. Bigots should not be tolerated. 511. Ramani April 29, 2012 at 6:04 am (Edit) Born Ramani Nanayakkara, sinhalese, buddhist. Not in my name! Havent we had enough war and violence in Sri Lanka? 512. Jayantha Dhanapala April 29, 2012 at 7:05 am (Edit) Certainly not in my name. The Dambulla violence and intolerance can provoke another cycle of mindless chauvinism unless the silent majority voice their unanimous condemnation compelling the Government to act decisively and speedily. The true Sri Lankan patriot, anchored in a rich past of tolerance and co-existence, is a not a racist or religious bigot. aainslie April 29, 2012 at 8:24 pm (Edit) Well said Uncle. (Trust alls well with you & yourslets catch up soon. Been too long!) True pity that some of these monks try to own or #occupy this philosophy of Buddhism. Not in my name. -Sasha S V Kasynathan May 1, 2012 at 6:08 am (Edit) but I hope we are careful about this true sri lankan patriotism thing and thus buying into the space for the paradesis and their mosques and temples that need to go. we can be humane without having to invoke our rich past 513. Aran Navaratnam April 29, 2012 at 7:09 am (Edit) Page 84 of 196

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April 29, 2012 at 7:09 am (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan by birth and Canadian by choice (due to the war)but this kind of behavior exhibited by the Monks is despicableThese monks should be confined to the temples and shouldnt be allowed to partake in politics or policy makingtime for a dawn in Sri Lankaand I say we speak out in a non violent manner.Buddha is awesomeI love the fellowand I hope these adherents also live up to his reputation 514. Mahendran Thiruvarangan April 29, 2012 at 7:12 am (Edit) I dont want to call myself a Sri Lankan. I love the island called Sri Lanka, where I was born, and I like to live there. This violence is not in my name. Also, the violence committed in the past (especially during the conflict) by the many different actors was also not in my name. I dont think we can bring an end to religious intolerance while preserving a state that offers all kinds of official, unofficial, constitutional and non-constitutional privileges to Buddhism. Lets also call for radical reforms to secularize the Sri Lankan state. But I recognize that this initiative is better than making no intervention at all. 515. Dr. Mario Gomez April 29, 2012 at 7:18 am (Edit) Not in my name! 516. Chanika April 29, 2012 at 7:36 am (Edit) This shameful display of racism is not in my name. 517. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 8:07 am (Edit) I am an Australian citizen so I am sure there will be those who say I do not have the right to comment. However, I love my country of birth and want to voice my opinion. Those who are regarded as religious leaders need to preach love and tolerance and above all, should abhor violence. What are we teaching our children, who will be tomorrows leaders? In the words of a great man who fought for harmony, We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Sri Lanka, your wounds have barely healed. Dont let it happen again. Renuka Dissanaike 518. Mohammed Mahuruf April 29, 2012 at 8:12 am (Edit) As a peace loving Sri Lankan I resolutely oppose the acts of aggression in the name of religion. NOT IN MY NAME!!! 519. Suren Raghavan April 29, 2012 at 8:42 am (Edit) not in my name at all 520. Manori Gunawardena Page 85 of 196

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520. Manori Gunawardena April 29, 2012 at 9:01 am (Edit) I am Manori Gunawardena. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter. (Dandavagga: Violence) Dammapada verse 131. 521. Faizun Zackariya April 29, 2012 at 9:19 am (Edit) Faizun Zackariya Not in my name!! . Religious extremism/violence of all forms should be vehemently denounced. 522. deshal d April 29, 2012 at 9:40 am (Edit) the only way to protect buddhism is to live by the teachings of the buddha i dont see how the actions of last week get us any closer to the realisation of anicca and anatta. deshal de mel sri lankan. 523. Ruki Fernando April 29, 2012 at 10:01 am (Edit) Im Ruki Fernando, Sri Lanka and this and any sort of violence is not in my name 524. Janaki Perera April 29, 2012 at 10:13 am (Edit) Not in my name. Janaki Perera 525. Abdulcader April 29, 2012 at 10:55 am (Edit) AbdulCader 526. Ayidha Abdul Salam April 29, 2012 at 10:57 am (Edit) I am Ayidha Abdul Salam. I am Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name! 527. Abdulcader April 29, 2012 at 10:58 am (Edit) What Lord Buddha said and those who preach dont follow, Sabbaa disaanuparigamma cetasaa, Nevajjhagaa piyataram attanaa kvaci, Evam piyo puthu attaa paresam Tasmaa na himse param attakaamoti . (S.I. 75) My mind wanders in every direction in this world. But I can not find anyone who is dearer than one own self. If in everybody the self is so dear, so cherished, those who have loved themselves should not do harm to the self of others. Sukhakaamaani bhuutaani Page 86 of 196

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Sukhakaamaani bhuutaani Yo da.n.dena vihimsati, Attano sukham esaano. Pecca so na labhate sukham . (Dhp. 131) Living beings yearn for happiness. Those who use weapons to harm other people so as to seek their own happiness, will never find happiness in the next world. Sukhakaamaani bhuutaani, Yo da.n.dena na himsati, Attano sukham esaano, Pecca labhate sukham . (Dhp. 132) Living beings yearn for happiness. Those who do not use weapons to harm other people so as to seek their own happiness, will find happiness in the next world. 528. Manjula Gunawardena April 29, 2012 at 11:37 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name. With the wounds of war still so fresh one would think politicians, community leaders and religious leader would be working towards a more united Sri Lanka instead of bringing us perilously closer to more unrest. We as a nation need to work towards respecting all our citizens and understanding that it is in our diversity that we find our strength. 529. Gamini Fernando April 29, 2012 at 11:58 am (Edit) Not in my name. Gamini Fernando 530. Indu Abeysekara April 29, 2012 at 12:14 pm (Edit) Thank you for initiating this citizens protest. I am shocked and distressed after viewing the footage of men in yellow robes monks they are not inciting a crowd to hatred, violence and intolerance. These bigots definitely do not speak for me. 531. Adnaan Sabireen April 29, 2012 at 12:18 pm (Edit) My name is Adnaan Sabireen. Im a Sri Lankan Muslim. A SRI LANKAN Muslim. We Muslims are not outsiders, invaders, intruders or any such thing. We are Sri Lankans and have been for generations. We are very much an integral part of Sri Lanka society and we have shed sweat, tears and blood, even sacrificed our lives during various periods, for various reasons, to protect the integrity, unity and the way of life of Mother Lanka. Im sorry to say the way the monks (especially the Chief Incumbent) acted was utterly disgraceful. Inciting and promoting violence and inter-religious disharmony, insulting and degrading other religions and beleifs and outright violence, just to name a few. I sincerely hope the government and the relevant authorities take immediate and sufficient action to control this now, before it escalates in to another inter-communal conflict. It is heartening to see that a large majority (including Buddhists) does not support the actions of Page 87 of 196

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heartening to see that a large majority (including Buddhists) does not support the actions of the so called Monks. This violence was certainly not in my name. 532. Gillian Sathanandan April 29, 2012 at 12:22 pm (Edit) All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing Burke, Edmund 533. Malik Mohamed April 29, 2012 at 12:29 pm (Edit) This was surely not in my Name and a few hundreds of my Non Muslim friends will also agree it was not in their names either. 534. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 12:35 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan. Violence is enough and enough for us. No violence in my name. 535. ruwanthie April 29, 2012 at 12:45 pm (Edit) i read the comments again and again. its all been said, so powerfully. nothing more to add. but my name. ruwanthie de chickera 536. Thiruni Kelegama April 29, 2012 at 1:34 pm (Edit) I am Thiruni Kelegama. This shameful act of hatred and violence in Dambulla is horrifying, saddening, and makes me hesitant to call myself a Sri Lankan. I firmly reiterate that this violence is certainly not in my name. 537. Real Happy Person April 29, 2012 at 1:40 pm (Edit) My name is Sugala Senanayake.I am a Sri Lankan and this shameful act of violence is certainly NOT IN MY NAME. 538. Geetha Lakmini April 29, 2012 at 1:42 pm (Edit) I never this in my name. 539. ashan April 29, 2012 at 1:49 pm (Edit) United as one 540. Aanjeli April 29, 2012 at 1:58 pm (Edit) I am Aanjeli Wimalasiri. I am a Sri Lankan citizen. This violence is not in my name. Page 88 of 196

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I am Aanjeli Wimalasiri. I am a Sri Lankan citizen. This violence is not in my name. 541. Tissa Jayatillaka April 29, 2012 at 2:59 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan and I am greatly saddened by this latest show of intolerance of and insensitivity to democracy and pluralism in Sri Lanka on the part of a segment of our fellow citizens.Will we ever learn? 542. Abhi Ananth April 29, 2012 at 3:02 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 543. Abbyramy P April 29, 2012 at 3:23 pm (Edit) I am Abbyramy Paramanayakam. I am a Sri Lankan citizen. This violence is not in my name. 544. Anonymous April 29, 2012 at 6:02 pm (Edit) I am Gayathri Attanayake. I am a Sri Lankan citizen. This violence brings disgrace to our motherland. This violence is not in my name. 545. Gayathri Attanayake April 29, 2012 at 6:04 pm (Edit) I am Gayathri Attanayake. I am a Sri Lankan citizen. This violence brings disgrace to our motherland. This violence is not in my name. 546. Shamila Burhan April 29, 2012 at 6:50 pm (Edit) Thank you for starting this. We shall actively take part in promoting co-existance, tolarence and reconcilliation. best wishes to make a positive change in our country. 547. Sandeep Jayawardena April 29, 2012 at 6:51 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. Watch the video. Know what happened at renounce it. 548. Parakrama Abeygunawardane April 29, 2012 at 6:51 pm (Edit) These are not Buddhists priests but just pretenders and Thugs.they misguide foolish people while insulting and disgracing Lord Buddha. 549. pirutha maindhan April 29, 2012 at 6:53 pm (Edit) Not in my name. But I am cynical about the chances of the minorities enjoying the same level of rights and respect as the majority. 550. Nissanka Rajapaksa April 29, 2012 at 6:53 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. Page 89 of 196

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This violence is not in my name. 551. Kumar Abayasekara April 29, 2012 at 6:54 pm (Edit) The end of military activity in the war twixt Liberation Tigers of Elam and the Sri Lankan Armed Forces is not the end of the war! Many historical lessons suggest that wars only end when the underlying issues are rectified. Treating all religious and ethnicpeoples with dignity regardless of any human classification of supremacy is the beginning of reconciliation and real victory for all affected people. The scars of war has taken its toll on almost everyone in Sri lanka whether it is Pirabakarans family members or Rajapakses family members to a greater or lesser (loss of lives or constant threat to life) extent. Is this not the time to rebuild the nation? If we lose this opportunity we would have jeopardised the futures of most Sri Lankans including expatriate Sri Lankans who yearn to return and help in the nations development. Real security and development only follows from reconciliation, justice and peace between all Sri Lankans. The more powerful one is the greater is this historic responsibility. Seize this opportunity now or lose it forever. This is not a time for revenge but reconciliation. The manner in which other Buddhist dignitaries and all Sri Lankan Buddhists and others respond to the violence of the above mob will reflect their true beliefs. 552. R.M.B Senanayake April 29, 2012 at 6:54 pm (Edit) Right thinking people must get together and resist religious extremism. I am reminded of Hobbes state of nature and the war of one against all an all against one. Buddhist monks should have no legal immunity for the type of criminal action they indulged in. 553. Hiran D Dias April 29, 2012 at 6:56 pm (Edit) The greatest enemies of Buddhas noble philosophy are monks and so-called buddhists who formed that indecent mob. Several decades ago I saw them come to the University, criminal types disguised in Buddhas noble robes who engaged in indescribable ragging. For them others like them, the robe is way to fool the innocent people and accumulate wealth and be fed and maintained by them. Sad that in the 2600th year when Buddha attained enlightenment, these criminals occupy sacred places of worship. Like in Thailand, there should be a Council to disrobe them. 554. Hijaz April 29, 2012 at 6:56 pm (Edit) Please stop the racist behaviour against other religions in Sri Lanka because we suffered a deadly ethnic war for the last 3 decades. Our politicians have to stop politicizing the religious extremism in the country for their own gain. Every society expects peace in the country. 555. Gayathri Attanayake April 29, 2012 at 6:58 pm (Edit) Page 90 of 196

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April 29, 2012 at 6:58 pm (Edit) Im Gayathri Attanayake and I am a medical student. This violence brings disgrace to our motherland. This violence is certainly not in my name. 556. Siv.sivakumar April 29, 2012 at 6:59 pm (Edit) It is a disgrace for the srilankans. It is not the fault of the Buddhist monks. They are just playing to the tunes of the politicians. The govt. wanted to create problems of this nature just to turn the people away from the economic hardships the ordinary people are encountering and who are fed of with this govt. 557. Jeanne Samuel April 29, 2012 at 6:59 pm (Edit) It saddens me to see what has become of our beloved Nation. We are a people trying to heal from the wounds of a protracted cruel war. Is this not the time for peace and reconciliation which should involve all faiths? It is time to take a stand against religious intolerance and hold the government accountable and responsible for the violence in Dambulla. I say the violence was not in my name. 558. Ranil Senanayake April 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm (Edit) I am embarrassed and ashamed at what is being done in our names to the other communities. i am frustrated that I am powerless to stop it. Please accept and convey my apologies and my sorrow to the entire Muslim community. I pray that the bigoted thuggery is only an expression of the corrupt rulers and not the people. 559. Dr A.C.Visvalingam April 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm (Edit) We have just got over a 30-year war, which began with a similar disregard for one minority. Let us hope that President Rajapaksa, in whose hands there is sufficient power to nip this in the bud, will not let another highly destructive conflict develop in this long-suffering Motherland of ours. 560. KM Razool April 29, 2012 at 7:02 pm (Edit) My name is Mohamed Razool.. and I am not a racist.. 561. Angela Shihara Fernando April 29, 2012 at 8:04 pm (Edit) My name is Angela Shihara Fernando I am a child of dual ethnicity, Tamil & Singhalese. This violence is NOT in my name. Blessings, Love & Light, Angela 562. Anonymous Page 91 of 196

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April 29, 2012 at 8:04 pm (Edit) Violence doesnt represent Buddhism and violent monks are a disgrace to the country & Buddhist philosophy they profess to represent. They do more harm to Buddhism than save it. This violence and hatred is definitely not in my name. Learn to live peacefully and let others live too. 563. greenpinkyellow April 29, 2012 at 8:19 pm (Edit) My name is Samanthi Gunawardana and I was born in Sri Lanka, reside in Australia. I am Sinhalese and Buddhist. I stand in solidarity with everyone here and this violence is not in my name. 564. Aran Navaratnam April 29, 2012 at 10:35 pm (Edit) Its a shameful behavior exhibited by the Buddhist Monks.Time to confine them to the temples 565. Cuthbert April 29, 2012 at 10:36 pm (Edit) The expansionist strategies of islam are well-documented all around the world including Sri Lanka; however violence has no place in our resistance. The spread of islam must be stopped at all costs, albeit peacefully and without the unfortunate violence we saw last week. 566. revan wickramasuriya April 29, 2012 at 10:37 pm (Edit) Pray for the day that all peace loving Sri Lankans can get rid of scum like this from holding positions where they can have such influence on people !!! 567. Siddharth Kotian April 29, 2012 at 10:37 pm (Edit) Thank you everyone for not keeping quiet. 568. Dilrukshi Handunnetti April 29, 2012 at 10:38 pm (Edit) It is time that all forms of religious extremism is peacefully resisted. There is no future for any one of us, otherwise 569. Nimal Dissanayake April 29, 2012 at 10:38 pm (Edit) I am Nimal Dissanayake. Sri Lankan. A Good Budhist. last weeks violence was not in my name. 570. Priyantha Kodagoda April 29, 2012 at 10:39 pm (Edit) All religions are great all the leaders Lord Jesus , lord Buddha and the mighty Allah would be shamed the way we people behave. So its the time to reunite & stand against shameless people who are trying to create another war. Page 92 of 196

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571. Dayananda Gunawardena April 29, 2012 at 10:40 pm (Edit) We are experiencing the break down of Law & Order in our Social fabric. this must be checked & stopped ASAP. 572. Chinthi Suranimala April 29, 2012 at 10:40 pm (Edit) The Buddha would be so dissapointed. This violence is definitely not in my name. 573. Priyantha Kodagoda April 29, 2012 at 10:40 pm (Edit) Is this Buddhism??? 574. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga April 29, 2012 at 10:51 pm (Edit) This attack and the clumsy, unacceptable handling of it by the authorities has quite certainly not been done in my name. We have just ended decades of violence, begotten by racial intolerance and hatred, PLEASE let us not start up another conflict, over religion. This land of ours has enough space for all those whove lived together for two millennia, one group does not need to grab all for itself. I fail to understand how an Islamist place of worship that existed peacefully, for over a decade, alongside a Buddhist temple, suddenly became a problem. I am a deeply committed Buddhist and have been all my life, although Ive never felt the need to publicise this for political or other gains. Ive studied Buddhism, Pali and a bit of Sanskrit at the feet of great Buddhist sages, while attending a Catholic school. A cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy is Loving Kindness, Tolerance, accommodation and renunciation of greed for material things. Buddhism is the only religion that has not indulged in wars, in the name of Religion. The Dambulla Temple owns over 25,000 Acres of land, bestowed upon it by the ancient Kings. If we follow the teachings of Lord Buddha, rather than resorting to violence to acquire more assets for our temples, shouldnt we exercise tolerance and generosity towards those who worship another creed? It is essential that we know that History is replete with leaders who have employed religion for their narrow political gains, to entrench themselves unduly in power. Unfortunately at times, this has been with the acquiescence of some of the clergy. My fervent prayer is that ,even now, our Government acquires the Wisdom and largesse of heart and mind to do what is necessary to build the bridges between the diverse communities of our fractured Nation, so that we celebrate the richness of our Lankan diversity, rather than allow this to be exacerbated into hatred and more division. Page 93 of 196

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My government achieved many successes in this matter. Hence, I know this can be done. May the blessings of the Triple Gem be bestowed upon our land, so that the shrill voices of hatred and intolerance of the extremist few be banished from Lanka! Anonymous April 30, 2012 at 2:47 pm (Edit) Dear Madam, back in 1995/1996 you immediately took steps (overnight) and took to justice some buddhist monks, the district CMO, and police officers for burning down a church in Hingurakgoda, and beating up the priests & pastors. This is the kind of justice we need now. I am completely against this kind of violence and would also hope that just as many of the Buddhist, Muslims and Christians have stood together to fight against the demolition of the mosque, that they would do the same for the Christian churches that are being attacked every few months all over the island. . 575. Rochelle Hakel-Ranasinghe April 29, 2012 at 10:55 pm (Edit) Not In My Name! 576. Nethra Samarawickrema April 29, 2012 at 11:00 pm (Edit) I was deeply disturbed by the events in Dambulla. As an anthropologist I have spent the past two years documenting how Muslims, Sinhalese, and Tamils in a small community in Galle live, work, and worship amongst each other. They have shown me that there is an alternative to this sectarian aggression. There, people are proud that they live in a multiethnic community and have understood that ethnic, religious, and linguistic difference are not only a normal part of everyday life but a source for curiosity, humor, and conviviality. We simply cannot afford to forget this. The monks and their supporters at Dambulla missed the basic human point that you cannot create one sacred space by desecrating another. I was raised as a Sinhalese and a Buddhist. But I am a Sri Lankan first. This is not in my name. 577. ravana April 29, 2012 at 11:49 pm (Edit) It is sad, but this divergence between the teachings and attitude of the Buddha and the teachings and attitude of Sinhala Buddhism started with its founders, who our school children are forced to venerate to this day. Three years before the 1915 Sinhalese-Muslim riots, Anagarika (sic) Dharmapala wrote: The Muhammedans, an alien peopleby shylockian methods become prosperous like Jews. The Sinhala sons of the soil, whose ancestors for 2358 years had shed rivers of blood to keep the country free of alien invadersare in the eyes of the British only vagabonds. The Alien South Indian Muhammedan comes to Ceylon, sees the neglected villager, without any experience in tradeand the result is that the Muhammedan thrives and the sons of the sol go to the wall. Little D. 1994. Sri Lanka The Invention of Enmity, United States Institute of Page 94 of 196

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go to the wall. Little D. 1994. Sri Lanka The Invention of Enmity, United States Institute of Peace Press, p.32 How different is this from the teachings of the Buddha? Since no Buddhist leader has criticised the behaviour, language and ideas of this racist and violent head priest of Dambulla, one can assume that Sinhala Buddhist leaders agree that this is an example of the way the religion should be practised. This idiotic racist bullying is not in my name. Jehan Mendis, Sri Lankan. Daniel Alphonsus April 30, 2012 at 3:34 am (Edit) The only response of the clergy Im aware of is found here and is decidedly neutral: On another note, its rather scary that Anagrarika Dharmapala is held up to be an exemplary leader in the local history and social sciences syllabus. So much for fostering toleration! 578. Nicola De Mel April 29, 2012 at 11:58 pm (Edit) Not in my name! 579. Shanuki de Alwis April 29, 2012 at 11:59 pm (Edit) This is not my Sri Lanka. The thug-monks in question should not be wearing those robes. They shame me, my country, Buddhism and most of all themselves. 580. Tanja Boekel April 30, 2012 at 12:34 am (Edit) I am of Dutch/Sri Lankan descent and no manipulation of religion/philosophy to further corrupt bigoted xenophobic causes is in my name. 581. real lankan April 30, 2012 at 12:55 am (Edit) I condone violence. has anyone heard of the Kuragala muslim invasion? i have seen to my eyes. desctruction to archeological property. the same dambulla treatment should be given to them. 582. Tamir April 30, 2012 at 4:13 am (Edit) Lets free our minds from hate and prejudice. 583. Sabrina Esufali April 30, 2012 at 5:57 am (Edit) Not in my name. 584. Anushka Dabrera Page 95 of 196

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584. Anushka Dabrera April 30, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) This violence is NOT in my name!! 585. Arquib Ismail April 30, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) Religious extremism of any caliber cannot be tolerated, those of sound mind will always resort to Judicial means of solving a crisis and not becoming the those who write and enforce the law themselves.. 586. Mohamed Bahardeen April 30, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) Only few exremists are responsible for this type acts. Let us pray to Allah for Guidance and opening the hearts of such people for the Good for the whole community and to the country 587. Ahamed Nishadh April 30, 2012 at 6:15 am (Edit) this is not the Sri Lanka that we expect it to be and certainly not the Sri Lanka that our soldiers rescued frm the terrorists few years back.. time for change and elimination of extremism in this nation.. 588. Mahim Mendis April 30, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) Let not any one say one day that our generation remained indifferent to all forms of authoritarianism. Let us rise against these social parasites bred and protected by greater parasites now, and not tomorrow!!! 589. Prashan De Visser April 30, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) Let the moderates of Sri Lanka turn away no longer. Extremist have done enough damage to this nation. The question is will the moderates stand up and work towards whats right ? Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.-MLK. Speak Act Persevere : Our country deserves better. 590. Rizvi Hasim April 30, 2012 at 7:02 am (Edit) This is a unnecessary, undesirable and shameful work done by a group of people. 591. Adam Raffel April 30, 2012 at 7:02 am (Edit) Panca Sila (Five Precepts of Buddhism) abstain from harming living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Need I say more? Page 96 of 196

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592. Navin Weeraratne April 30, 2012 at 7:18 am (Edit) set=a.10150694668337466.386879.546987465&type=1 Sanjana April 30, 2012 at 7:22 am (Edit) Thank you Navin, for flagging the link to your excellent photo album. We already flagged it on the Groundviews fan page, the Not In Our Name fan page and also on the Twitter feed of Groundviews. Anonymous April 30, 2012 at 8:35 am (Edit) Thank you Navin, excellent work. I have shared your album on my FB page. Jeevani 593. Dr. Rajan Rajasingham April 30, 2012 at 7:38 am (Edit) This violence and hatred was certainly not in my name! This is a call to the government (elected to represent us) to take steps to right the wrong done, and to prevent any further extremist actions. 594. arjuna ranawana April 30, 2012 at 7:50 am (Edit) Arjuna Ranawana siyalu sathwayo nidukwethewa may all beings be happy may all creation be fulfilled may we percieve that all beings created need to live in harmony the violence and intolerance is not in my name 595. G. Rajapaksha April 30, 2012 at 8:11 am (Edit) Our postcards vividly show Sri Lanka is a multiculti society and attract hundreds of overseas visitors to our shores with the slogan of how peaceful this nation with different ethic, religious and languages are thriving in a tiny island nation. In reality, all lies in a postcard. In a despute, either by an ordinary majoritiy individual or politicians first attack is always others belief. Thats the way generation to generation we were taught and given an impression that we are a superior race and therefore, have all the liberty to orchestrate any kind of crime. very unfortunate the governtment itself see through the same glass. 596. kamani April 30, 2012 at 8:17 am (Edit) Page 97 of 196

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I am a Sri Lankan Buddhist and such a shame to see this kind of act specially from monks. I saw the footage online and it was so disgusting. Everyone has their own right to believe in their religion. 597. Chanaka Vishwanath April 30, 2012 at 8:19 am (Edit) Being a Buddhist, being a Muslim does not make a person good or bad. What really matters is the action. If an act harm someone else it is bad. In that sense, Inamaluwe monks behaviour is unacceptable, specially because he is a monk and a so called religious leader. It is clearly violence, it caused displease for many Muslims. Buddhism is not that kind of a religion. It is about freedom and peacefulness, calmness. Unfortunately many Buddhists fall in to the category of Label Buddhists, where Buddhism is limited to the birth certificate. One does not need to label themselves as a Buddhist to become a Buddhist. I think it is the same with Christianity and Islam. Buddhism is a way of life, freedom. It is not a conventional religion. There are many devout Christians, Muslims while being faithful to God, benefit from Buddhist principles. This kind of erratic behavior will close the doors of Buddhism to others who are yet to benefit from it. Sri Lanka will never grow up as country if we give prominence to one religion or a race. Doing so will create minorities and thus unhappiness. What If Sinhala-Buddhists were the minority? One will understand this if we look at the scenarios in Multi-ethnic, multireligious countries like Malaysia and Singapore. Even though these countries started from a very poor state they grew up to be economic giants. Religious, racial coexistence played a vital role in shaping these countries. 598. Jinani Jayasekera April 30, 2012 at 9:07 am (Edit) Im Jinani This violence is not in my name. 599. Mihirini de Zoysa April 30, 2012 at 9:08 am (Edit) These are not the actions of those who practice the principals and precepts of the Buddha. This is the very opposite of detachment, love and compassion. Anger rises within me, at these acts of violence. I realize I must separate egocentric anger from righteous anger. Egocentric anger is useless, violent and causes more suffering to myself and others. Righteous anger can be used wisely and consciously to transform injustice. I express my righteous anger by signing in to this blog, and by sending my love, good energy and compassion to those who were led by their ignorance and lack of insight to engage in this act of senseless violence and to those who are affected by this incident directly, and to our island nation to look within ourselves and to find and practice the true spirit of the Dhamma, of love, compassion and forgiveness. May we learn from our mistakes and find peace, contentment and harmony. Page 98 of 196

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600. Arittha de Silva April 30, 2012 at 9:08 am (Edit) Have not seen the incident first had but if what is said in some media is true, what happened must be condemned. 601. Nipuni Perera April 30, 2012 at 9:09 am (Edit) I am Nipuni Perera, A Sri Lankan of Buddhist origin. The violence is certainly not in my name. It is a disgrace to Buddhism and to mankind. Violence of any kind is not justifiable, but violence directed at a religion is certainly deplorable! These acts are neither in line with the teaching of Lord Buddha nor in line with the thinking of majority of Buddhists.. 602. Praveen Ranawana April 30, 2012 at 9:10 am (Edit) this violence is no in my name 603. magerata April 30, 2012 at 9:10 am (Edit) Magerata, 0.5 Sri Lankan and a Buddhist. I have never stepped in to a SL Buddhist temple and now I wonder if I ever will. I could not believe how uneducated and un-Buddhist the priests and the followers actions were. Hope the priest will understand the level of stupidity he sunk into and make amends. As a Buddhist I apologize for what these people have done. Peace. 604. D. Ranawana April 30, 2012 at 9:17 am (Edit) THIS VIOLENCE IS NOT IN MY NAME. Dammikka Ranawana 605. K Ariyaratne April 30, 2012 at 9:18 am (Edit) History repeats itself. Im just embarrassed! 606. Kaushalya Attygalle April 30, 2012 at 9:21 am (Edit) Kaushalya Attygalle. Sri Lankan. Sinhalese. Buddhist. This violence is definitely not in my name. 607. Easwaran Rutnam April 30, 2012 at 9:24 am (Edit) How can a country boast of freedom following the end of the war when there is a barbed wire around religious freedom. The Prime Minister is openly saying that the rights of all religions will be protected. He must put those words into action. The government must ensure that the cabinet runs the country and that the police handles law and order. If monks are allowed to do that job then this country will not enjoy true freedom. Easwaran Rutnam Journalist 608. Rohan Salgadoe Page 99 of 196

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608. Rohan Salgadoe April 30, 2012 at 9:27 am (Edit) We should not cause shame to our religions and religious leaders by our evil spirited actions. How can anyone accept that Buddhism is promoting ahimsa, non-violence and equality etc? Or else can we accept that Lord Buddhas preaching are relevant and acceptable in todays socio -religious context. Lets be extra careful in preserving the name of Lord Buddha by practicing what he has preached without adulterating his preaching. Lets try to avoid insulting him and his loyal followers by doing only what he wanted us to do by refraining from all non-Buddha actions. 609. deshan tennekoon April 30, 2012 at 9:30 am (Edit) Win one war, start another? What, got bored already? 610. Pingback: Colombo Gazette CBK questions actions by Monks(Edit) 611. Viji ramachandran April 30, 2012 at 9:51 am (Edit) Abhor extremism or fundamentalism of any form. Be it Muslim hindu Christian or Buddhist. Buddhism was never this while other religions can be fundamentalist. Please dont do this to Buddhism 612. Kamanee Hapugalle April 30, 2012 at 9:51 am (Edit) I am a Sinhala Buddhist married to a Tamil Catholic and born in to a multi religious family. I love the religious and ethnic pluralism in our family for all the richness and respect for diversity that it nurtures. We are just one family. But I was always taught that the smallest social unit is the family and if the family gets it right then there is hope for better, more accepting and respectful communities, societies and nations. I sincerely apologize to our fellow muslim countrymen for what a few nationalistic, pseudo buddhists are doing in this country in the name of Buddhism. But you must remember that those who practice the philosophy of Buddhas Dhamma will not encourage discrimination, secularism, violence, chauvenism or intolerance. In fact, it goes against its very grain. In fact let me quote from a PRAYER OF THE BODHISATTVA Wherever I lay my eyes, may hope be revived and consciousness settle in. Wherever my voice reaches to, may love and wisdom reflourish. Wherever I lay my hand, may life be generous and abundance circulate anew. Wherever I go, may happiness come flooding. Wherever I am seated, may truth show through. Wherever I reside, may there be Light! That is the essence of the Buddhist Philosophy. I am Kamanee. I am a Buddhist and Violence is not in my name Page 100 of 196

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613. Fathima April 30, 2012 at 9:56 am (Edit) I am Fathima. I am a Muslim and Sri Lankan. I dont want violence or hatred in my country. We are not the judge. We cannot be racists. We must unite. Not in our name 614. Cayathri D April 30, 2012 at 10:05 am (Edit) Any act or form of violence should never be committed in my name. 615. Silva April 30, 2012 at 10:09 am (Edit) The deplorable behaviour of the men in saffron robes should be comdemned out of hand. Had they been in other attire, one may have mistaken them for a bunch of zealots from another part of the planet who are well known for their intolerance, and fanaticism. We must ensure the freedom of religious practice of all Sri Lankans. No religious group should impose their beliefs on another. As such, the use of loud speakers, unethical conversions etc should be banned by law. My mind goes back 30 years when I was on a business trip to the Maldives with two European travel agents . We were island hopping and at one stage our host, a Sri Lanka educated Maldivian told us very proudly, that there were hundreds of Buddhist temples in the Maldives, but we have smashed all of them , and not one remains today . We must also not forget what happened to the 2000 year old Bahmian Buddha Statues in Afghanistan more recently. An over whelming majority of Sri Lankans are tolerant, kind, peace loving people. Unfortunately,today, there is a total break down of law and order , and various elements in society are cashing in on the situation . The deeds of a few men in robes does not diminish the teachings of the Buddha , nor do the followers of his philosophy have to hang their heads in shame. The great teacher himself said that when the rulers of a land are not virtuous , great calamities will follow. Raja Bhavatu Dhammiko. 616. Seneka Abeyratne April 30, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) I stand for religious tolerance and ethnic harmony. No one is above the law. Appropriate legal action should be taken against any person or group of persons indulging in religious or ethnic violence in Sri Lanka. The government should formulate and enact a bill for outlawing any form of religious or ethnic violence and ensure that it is effectively implemented. The largest religious and ethnic group of any nation has a moral obligation to protect and nurture the fundamental rights of the minority groups. I am a Sinhalese Buddhist but I deplore what happened in Dambulla recently. recently. 617. Rafik April 30, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) Page 101 of 196

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April 30, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) May Allah protect Islam and muslim ummah in Sri Lanka and all around the world. Lets hurdle all the barriers and face all the violent against Islam; in patient and dignity.We are not racists but peace loving people. Let them learn that they cannot live without us and without our presence and assistance. 618. Andrew Kittle April 30, 2012 at 10:22 am (Edit) Shameful actions in Dambulla, especially given the all-to-recent history of violence from which the country is recovering. Pride should be in a nation that embraces multiple ethnicities and religions and allows them to peacefully exist side by side. This is the situation all over the country and needs to be acclaimed, not sullied by the actions of a few bigoted individuals. Of course disagreements will occur, but it is how these are handling that will mark the pedigree of the society. 619. sumathy April 30, 2012 at 10:22 am (Edit) Not in my name. Sivamohan Sumathy 620. Aamir April 30, 2012 at 11:45 am (Edit) This, and any resulting violence from this- NOT in my name. 621. Hathem April 30, 2012 at 12:05 pm (Edit) My name is Hathem, I am a Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 622. Anonymous April 30, 2012 at 12:16 pm (Edit) My Name is Deepthi Peiris, I am Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 623. Isankya Kodithuwakku April 30, 2012 at 12:17 pm (Edit) I am a Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 624. aloma April 30, 2012 at 1:10 pm (Edit) IF ALL THIS IS TRUE IT IS A SHAME FOR OUR COUNTRY BECAUSE THERE ARE WAYS OF TACKLING PROBLEMS WITHOUT VIOLENCE 625. Tamara de Silva April 30, 2012 at 1:58 pm (Edit) The Buddha preached the middle path. The behavior of the monks in Dambulla is against his teachings. Sri Lanka has gone through a violent period in its recent history. No one wants religious extremisim to fan another violent and bloody chapter. Extremisim of any kind has no place in the 21st century. Page 102 of 196

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626. Zainab Ibrahim April 30, 2012 at 1:59 pm (Edit) Extremism is never a solution. This violence is not in my name. 627. Sandya April 30, 2012 at 1:59 pm (Edit) The religious intolerance displayed towards the minority communities in the country is not acceptable, once more. This has to stop, at some point. 628. Ziard Deen April 30, 2012 at 2:00 pm (Edit) We Sri Lankans must learn from our recent past while the horror of ethnic strife is still fresh in our memory. This blatant belligerent charge by a group of Buddhist monks inciting violence and desecration of a place of worship must be condemned by all peace loving citizens. Threatening a young woman in foul language saying he will not only smash her temple but her home as well, and then reprimanding a very senior police official in public warrants condemnation from the highest office and the sangha. This callous and shameful action by a small group of thugs have robbed Sri Lanka of its newly built image of reconciliation and communal harmony. Sri Lanka must show the world. Chauvinism, belligerence and bigotry have no place in Sri Lankan society even if they wear saffron robes. Only then true peace will prevail. 629. Charmaine Ranasinghe April 30, 2012 at 2:00 pm (Edit) Let us all live together in peace. 630. Sabrina Esufally April 30, 2012 at 2:00 pm (Edit) 3 years ago we won a war in the name of unity and freedom. We won a war so we could get another shot at re-constructing an inclusive Sri Lankan identity. Disappointingly, our Government continues to ignore its promises of lasting peace and reverts to stirring up violent extremism in the hope that it will distract us from the issues that really matter. 631. Buddhima Padmasiri April 30, 2012 at 2:01 pm (Edit) I am Buddhima Padmasiri. I am a Sri Lankan. The violence in Dhambulla was certainly NOT in my name. 632. Pathum Fernando April 30, 2012 at 2:02 pm (Edit) My name is Pathum Fernando and I strongly condemn the violence which occurred at Dambulla. Although I consider myself as an atheist, I was born and raised as a Buddhist. Those acts do not constitute the true Buddhist fundamentals which I learned from my parents nor from my schoolwhich is the leading Buddhist school in the country. It is sad to see the people lord Buddha entrusted to teach the Buddhist way take part in acts which are far below the standards of any human being who has a functioning brain. Page 103 of 196

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far below the standards of any human being who has a functioning brain. 633. Ralston Joseph April 30, 2012 at 2:02 pm (Edit) Sometimes, peace deserves a war. I will fight to ensure you dont shame my name. 634. Dr. N. Satchi April 30, 2012 at 2:03 pm (Edit) It is a shame that this could occur by the disciples of the Buddha. This blessed Land that had so much promise has earned itself as one of the violent places to be. The contrast are so glaring. We have a Sankarakara and this beast in the robe of that one and only Prince who preached peace and harmony. This land we all love will never have peace and prosperity till these thugs in saffron robes are rained in and that is not going to happen. 635. Romeish de Mel April 30, 2012 at 2:04 pm (Edit) We have had enough violence in this beautiful country of ours .. enough is enough .. Why cant our clergy set the example .. PEACE 636. Niranjali April 30, 2012 at 2:04 pm (Edit) Its a shame that all this violence is being perpetrated in the name of the Buddha who is synonymous with tolerance and non violence. Its also a shame that the majority of this country stand by in silence when such acts are carried out. Is this how peace and reconcilation is gping to be achieved? Are we to watch while the chasms between our communities grow deeper and wider. 637. Dilinika Peiris April 30, 2012 at 2:05 pm (Edit) Violence is never in my name Dilinika Peiris 638. Ano Tissera April 30, 2012 at 2:05 pm (Edit) I am Ano Tissera and Im a Sri Lankan. What a disgrace! All religion should be about peace and not acts of war. UNITY will make us stronger .This violence is certainly not in my name. 639. Niranjali April 30, 2012 at 2:05 pm (Edit) I am Niranjali Jeyashanker. I say No to violence in our country against any person of any race, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation. Buddha preached peace and tolerance..this is what I desire for my country. I say No to ntoerance and bigotry in any form. Page 104 of 196

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I say No to ntoerance and bigotry in any form. 640. Anisha April 30, 2012 at 2:06 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 641. The Buckwoman April 30, 2012 at 2:06 pm (Edit) By all means this should end!!! Are they trying to start a war on religion? Then they have to rethink about what happened with the Holy Crusade; it never ended. Still they are at war in all parts of the world. 642. Nasser Hussain April 30, 2012 at 2:06 pm (Edit) This incident clearly puts to test the fundamental principals of all religions/thoughts 643. Devanesan Nesiah April 30, 2012 at 2:07 pm (Edit) I join in contemning the actions of the mob and the inaction of the authorities 644. Nikini Jayatunga April 30, 2012 at 2:07 pm (Edit) Violence like this is never in my name. 645. Khushi Kabir April 30, 2012 at 2:08 pm (Edit) We await a world without intimidation, domination, fear and the use of religion to repress people. Freedom and Democracy has to be based on respecting ethnic, religious and cultural pluralism, able to have and express differing viewpoints and all citizens of each nation enjoying the same liberty and rights as all its citizens irrespective of religion, class, gender, ethnicity. 646. Errol Abeyartne April 30, 2012 at 2:08 pm (Edit) Time up for poeple to think twice before they feed these monks on behalf of the dead and other occassions. 647. Shanil Jayamanne April 30, 2012 at 2:08 pm (Edit) there is a better, more civilised way for spiritual, religious leaders to go about things that dont please them. Thuggery is NOT one of them 648. Mayan Narendran April 30, 2012 at 2:28 pm (Edit) It seems that the incredible sacrifices made during, and to end, a terrible 30 year old war has not yet softened the hearts and minds of some who would rather see this country drown in bigotry, racism and strife than let her raise her head up and look to the stars. Page 105 of 196

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I am a Sri Lankan and this violence is not in my name. 649. G.S.MICHAEL April 30, 2012 at 2:28 pm (Edit) IM REALLY HAPPY AT LEAST FEW SRI LANK ANS HAVE THE COURAGE TO STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE WHEN THE MAJORITY IS FASTER SLEEP. keep IT UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS WE HAVE TO BE UNITED TODAY AND STAND UP TODAY AND NOW, FOR OUR CHILDREN TOMORROW, LORD BUDDHAS GREAT TEACHINGS CANNOT BE MIS- INTERPRETED FOR PERSONNEL GAINS, LET US UNITE AND FIGHT AGAINST THESE. 650. Vindhya Malalasekera April 30, 2012 at 3:01 pm (Edit) A week ago, the world saw how a section of Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka showed how compassion is practised their way. It was very disgusting to watch it. I fully condemn their shameful conduct. This is not the compassion we were taught by Lord Buddha. What were they trying to prove? I also want to know whether the JHU approves the Head monks Musawaada when he claimed that the TV stations showed a fake video. This is disgusting. If there were issues they could have addressed them peacefully. 651. Gihan de Chickera April 30, 2012 at 3:05 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Never. 652. Gehan April 30, 2012 at 3:18 pm (Edit) Speechless and dumbfounded at the series of events that took place at Dambulla. I am a Tamil Christian, I am Sri Lankan, and this was never in my name. 653. Sajie April 30, 2012 at 3:23 pm (Edit) What religion or race I belong to does not matter. But it matters that I am a Sri Lankan national and was born, brought up and have my origins in this country.This act of violence and the condoning of these acts by the leaders of our country is not in my name! When extremism and thuggery prevails at the expense of the inalienable rights of any national being distorted and they are made to feel like non nationals and aliens in their own country because they belong to an ethnic or religious must be condemned and not tacitly condoned! 654. Anonymous April 30, 2012 at 4:00 pm (Edit) Tehani Ariyaratne. Not in my name, not in the name of Buddhism. 655. Shalini Fernando April 30, 2012 at 4:02 pm (Edit) Page 106 of 196

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April 30, 2012 at 4:02 pm (Edit) Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. (Martin Luther King Jr. I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World) Sri Lanka is multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious and this diversity should be celebrated. As one of the first small steps towards national unity, the boxes for Race and Religion should be removed from all official forms and legal documents we are all SRI LANKANS. May all beings be happy! Let no one work to undermine another. Let them never wish ill of anotherlet people develop a loving heart for all beings. -(The Metta Sutta)Shalini Fernando. This violence is not in my name; not now, not ever. 656. Yasmin April 30, 2012 at 6:59 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka is my homeI am a Muslim and from birth I lived in peace surrounded by people of all faithssharing and caring. I want it to remain the same. I will give respect and hope I get that respect back. Peace to all! 657. Romeish de Mel April 30, 2012 at 8:14 pm (Edit) My dad is Sinhala roman catholic, mum is Burgher roman catholic, my wife is Sinhala Buddhist, both my Brothers in law are tamil, my best mate in school (and we remain exceptionally close mates to this date) is Muslim .. if any one of our family had the mentality of some of these monks and their henchmen, our family could have started WORLD WAR 3 .. wake up guys WE ARE ALL SRI LANKANS .. I pray that PEACE, LOVE and Common sense prevails . 658. Leela Isaac April 30, 2012 at 8:14 pm (Edit) The ethnic conflict in our country has still not been resolved, even 3 years after the 30 year civil war. Do we now want to start a religious conflict? Its beyond comprehension! 659. Bradman Weerakoon April 30, 2012 at 8:15 pm (Edit) Not in my name! 660. Viraj April 30, 2012 at 8:15 pm (Edit) However you look at this situation, its wrong. This is not how religious leaders should behave, regardless of the religion they represent. Im not an expert on Buddhism but I doubt that it promotes this sort of behavior. As a Sinhalese national I believe that the Muslims who were faced with this issue were wronged but they were civilized enough to take a step back to avoid conflict. that to me is how religious leaders should act. Sri Lankans should also realize that these incidents are fueled by people in higher places Page 107 of 196

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Sri Lankans should also realize that these incidents are fueled by people in higher places who enjoy seeing this sort of scenarios coming up. So we should all be a little smarter and think twice before we start dis robing ourselves. And one more thing to those who think that theres nothing wrong with happened; We Sri Lankans are a minority in the world. Wake up!!!!! This country belongs to all Sri Lankans, not just Buddhist! 661. Sithie Tiruchelvam April 30, 2012 at 8:16 pm (Edit) I wish to add my name in support of the statement. I would like to remind ourselves that it was not so long ago, in September 2011, another mosque in Anuradhapura was reduced to rubble. [See Charles Havilland BBC News, Colombo 15th September 2011]. It is regrettable that there has been no meaningful statement of regret or outrage from the Sri Lankan State which may help to defuse a volatile situation. 662. Terati April 30, 2012 at 8:16 pm (Edit) I am shocked and appalled at the unwarranted behavior of these so called religious leaders. Not only have they shown complete disregard to Buddhism beliefs, principles and ideals (which they supposedly practise), they have demonstrated utter disrespect to their fellow Sri Lankans with bigotry-fuelled actions. After 30 years of war, youd think that we Sri Lankans would have learnt a lesson on religious tolerance and co-existence, especially in a country that prides itself in being a multi-cultural centre. What is even more disheartening is that most Sinhalese defend these holy monks and do not condone their violence towards another faith. For those who think that way, please, do some research. Find out more on the history of this country, and how we came along to this point of time. Remember that none of us had any choice in which country or religion we were going to be born to. We were all simply born to this country and we should all be treated the same way with equal rights. turrrti May 3, 2012 at 10:14 am (Edit) * and condone 663. Prema Gamage April 30, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Edit) It was a shamefull behaviour. monks, do you aske us buddhists- to follow you? Shit. Get out from your robe and engage in thuggery. It is more appripriate. You monks are talking/critisising about religious conversion. If you are behaving like this, conversion is the best way for me to lead a shameless life. 664. Kavveen Kanagarajh April 30, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Edit) I am Kavveen Kanagarajh. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Page 108 of 196

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665. Nathalie Panabokke April 30, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Edit) Not in my name 666. Shanjieth April 30, 2012 at 8:18 pm (Edit) Please stop this violence and shameful act against the sovereignty of our country and enjoy the freedom our countrymen gave their lives for. 667. Ajith Rajapaksa April 30, 2012 at 8:18 pm (Edit) NOT IN OUR NAME 668. Gaya Fernando April 30, 2012 at 8:18 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 669. Hari Narendran April 30, 2012 at 8:19 pm (Edit) Our politicians continue to repeat the mistakes of our post-independence history, following the lead of a racist vocal minority, instead of providing the leadership needed to heal the wounds of war and build a strong, united, tolerant country in line with the vision of the vast majority. While it is sad to see the things done in the name of Buddhism, the most peaceful and tolerant of religions, it is even sadder to see that all the bloodshed and death that have tainted our history havent taught our leaders anything. 670. Iromi Dharmawardhane April 30, 2012 at 8:19 pm (Edit) I am against all forms of violence. The Buddha (and other religious leaders) have preached non-violence always and violence in the name of religion certainly cannot be condoned, and should be considered sacrilegious behavior. Two wrongs dont make a right. 671. fabiene gama April 30, 2012 at 8:19 pm (Edit) stop violence! 672. Ranelle April 30, 2012 at 8:20 pm (Edit) Im not Sri Lankan but Im against this violence 673. naomi April 30, 2012 at 8:20 pm (Edit) we dont need anymore civil unrest.. respect religious differences!!! FREEDOM of thought, conscience, and religion. Every person is entitled to freedom of Page 109 of 196

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thought, conscience, and religion, including the FREEDOM to adopt a religion or belief of his choice!!!!! Fundamental RIGHT of a citizen by the Constitution of Sri Lanka.. !!! !!! 674. Sharmini Boyle April 30, 2012 at 8:20 pm (Edit) Tolerance is THE virtue that drives peace. Thank you for this opportunity to express our condemnation of intolerance. 675. Ayman Al-Fayez April 30, 2012 at 8:21 pm (Edit) I agree with Ziard Deen 676. Anberiya Hanifa April 30, 2012 at 8:21 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Definitely it cannot be in the name of Lord Buddha who preached compassion. 677. Suha Cassim April 30, 2012 at 8:22 pm (Edit) To The Muslim Authorities: Please have a nationwide address on tv and radio, instructing all Muslims to NOT TAKE revenge, to not react with violence to not be aggressive with the non Muslims. Please re iterate that this is not how our Prophet (PBUH) reacted. Please remind them that God does look after the believers and they have to be patient and succumb to their desires (of violence and revenge). You dont have to behave like the monks or you become worse than them. Salaams. 678. Pasidu Pallawela April 30, 2012 at 8:22 pm (Edit) Im a Buddhist from Sri Lanka and totally against the monks who behaved like thugs in Dambulla. Certainly this is not IN MY NAME. Even in 1983 our parents protected our tamil neighbours and friends when thugs took control. But after 30 years Sinhalese and muslims in general are being blamed for violence against tamils. Hope this will not go that far. A big sorry for any heart broken Muslim brothers/sisters in Sri Lanka.. as a Buddhist. Shame on those monks. 679. INDRAKANTHI PERERA April 30, 2012 at 8:23 pm (Edit) What of robes? just garbs for power! The Buddha the great founder the supremely compassionate man who talked anout the Ajiva Ashatamaka seelaya laying so much emphasis on right speech.. Robe wearing is a responsibility and is a symbol of the wearer having renounced all material needs and(lands for one) being noble and worthy of support by lay to progress on the path. Not to riot in the jungle of greed and abuse. Iam trying hard to follow Buddhism but fail to recognise the inciting and words of monks as anything close to it. The buddha kept a code of conduct and admonished unsseemly nehaviour why are the leaders of the order of today silent? Page 110 of 196

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680. Kapila Tissera April 30, 2012 at 8:38 pm (Edit) You become a noble only by deed and not by birth. 681. Chaminda Rajapakse April 30, 2012 at 9:16 pm (Edit) With deep respect for the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha especially the serenely wonderful Buddhist monks out their giving their lives to make ours better This violence by these thugs in robes is certainly not in my name 682. Kevin Shimmin April 30, 2012 at 9:22 pm (Edit) Love, compassion, respect and acceptance will heal all wounds. Racism, violence and intolerance will tear us apart. When we hurt someone else, we are hurting ourselves as well. Learning about the faiths and beliefs that our brothers and sisters shareIslam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianityis something which can nourish our spirit and build empathy. It is better to create than to destroy. Struggle with love in your heart always. 683. Suchiththa Wickremesooriya April 30, 2012 at 10:17 pm (Edit) My name is Suchiththa Wickremesooriya, and this despicable violence presented in the form of religious awakening is both wrong and contradictory to the faith of all concerned. 684. Navin Ratnayake April 30, 2012 at 10:18 pm (Edit) Im sinhala buddhist and I am appalled. 685. Annie Kurian April 30, 2012 at 10:27 pm (Edit) Annie Kurian I am saddened by the intolerance. Buddhism is a noble religion. Why degrade it by such narrow-minded representation! Violence again in Sri Lanka, never, never, never again in my name! 686. Ruvanthi Sivapragasam April 30, 2012 at 10:57 pm (Edit) We have been silent for too long. 687. Gopiharan April 30, 2012 at 11:12 pm (Edit) I am Gopiharan Perinpam. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. 688. Kushali April 30, 2012 at 11:15 pm (Edit) this violence was not in my name Page 111 of 196

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689. Cyrene Siriwardhana April 30, 2012 at 11:39 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 690. Dilly May 1, 2012 at 1:44 am (Edit) Dilhara Attygalle. Sri Lankan, buddhist and sinhala if you like. But all those labels are temporary, like drawings in the sand. Buddha knew that better than anyone. This violence is not in my name. 691. Roshan Cooke May 1, 2012 at 4:22 am (Edit) Wasnt it the same mindless bigotry that led us into a 30 year civil war? The violation of the principle of coexistence cannot be in my name or in the Buddhas. A shaven head and a saffron robe does not confer a license to intimidate; on the contrary, it is about tolerance and compassion. Roshan Cooke. 692. Thrishantha Nanayakkara May 1, 2012 at 6:40 am (Edit) In 1983, paranoid extremists took the lives of innocent Tamil civilians in Colombo, and the Government was silent. In the short run it quenched the thirst of extremists in the South. The silence of the Government and that of the majority public gave the impression that all Sinhalese were racists and extremists. This was further highlighted and used by the LTTE to justify what they were doing. As a result, all of us had to suffer. After the war, the Government wasted too much time harping on the military victory without a credible Nation building and reconciliation process. They even went on to label those who raised a voice for reconciliation as traitors. Some were sent behind bars with bogus charges. This nourished dormant racist elements in the South. If we the normal citizens could feel the growth of these racist groups, the massive intelligence mechanism of the Government cannot say that they missed all clues till one such group made a violent attempt to demolish a Muslim religious place in Dambulla. What is more alarming is that none who violated the law were arrested. It seems that the Government does not want to lose the votes of these racist elements. Now it is our turn to loudly say that the Governments silence will distance more votes from moderate groups than what they would keep from extremist groups. Unless we show that we are the majority, politicians will protect these racists for sure. Who knows, some of their leaders maybe within the coalition too. I put my name here just to give evidence to my children that at some point in the future, if they happen to suffer from communal violence as a result of what happens under president Rajapakse Government, their father did his bit to condemn his silence. 693. Fareeda Aboosali May 1, 2012 at 6:40 am (Edit) It is good to see that many readers condemn extremism. One should expect no less from Page 112 of 196

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It is good to see that many readers condemn extremism. One should expect no less from those who claim to be the followers of the Buddha. But our failure, not only in Sri Lanka, is that we are able to see extremism only in its very dramatic forms. We have been desensitised to its gentler and cultivated voices over a long time. Not long after independence, Sri Lankans I have learnt, voted in very large numbers for a party that said Sinhala ONLY in 24 HOURS. After that how do you expect extremism not to walk the land and stalk everyone who is weak enough to be its prey? We need to have in Sri Lanka a law against racial vilification as they have in Australia and I am sure in some other countries also; and a law against discrimination as well as a mechanism with real teeth to act promptly and effectively whenever there is even a whiff of a breach from any quarter the clergy, the army, the press or the parliament. In a country where there is diversity we need such protection if we do not want extremism. Not very likely, I am afraid, as long as we take lessons only from friendly countries that agree with us. But at least why dont you ask your readers to sign for that? What happened in Dambulla and all the small and big things that have led to it are certainly not in my name. Fareeda A. 694. Anfus anes May 1, 2012 at 6:40 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name Lets put a stop to all kinds of Religious violence & prosecution of ethnic minorities. Lets move forward with rebuilding this wonderful country not for me or for you but for the next generation. Any religion & specialy any religious leaders who promote violence should re- educate themselves. 695. sophie May 1, 2012 at 7:57 am (Edit) not in my name 696. Swee Fong Ng May 1, 2012 at 8:08 am (Edit) Just to remind people who have forgotten, here are the eight precepts adhered to by Buddhists. 1. I take the precept to abstain from killing. 2. I take the precept to abstain from stealing. 3. I take the precept to abstain from sexual indulgence. 4. I take the precept to abstain from lying. 5. I take the precept to abstain from anything that causes intoxication and heedlessness. 6. I take the precept from taking food at inappropriate times. 7. I take the precept to abstain from dancing, singing. music and unseemly shows; from the use of garlands, perfumes and ungents from things that tend to beautify and adorn the person. 8. I take the precept to abstain from using high and luxurious beds. Page 113 of 196

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If we take these precepts seriously, we protect ourselves from stupid actions. 697. Nilakshi Parndigamage May 1, 2012 at 8:50 am (Edit) Certainly not in my name. 698. Nishan de Mel May 1, 2012 at 8:57 am (Edit) Theories and historical texts are not sufficient to inform us about any particular religion, we must look to the life and practices of its adherents. What is done and not done at this juncture to separate the institutions, authorities and ideology of Sri Lankan Buddhists from such rampages (which are in fact not a new phenomenon, though there is often much less or no media coverage of incidents) will further entrench such behaviour as a real and practical outworking of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Nishan de Mel Not in my name 699. Shahidheen Hamzy May 1, 2012 at 9:43 am (Edit) Please stop! Please let Sri Lanka be ONE! 700. Chrissy Abeysekera May 1, 2012 at 9:44 am (Edit) These monks who practice racist politics should be stripped of their robes and put to beg on the streets. Pandukabaya de Silva May 6, 2012 at 2:49 pm (Edit) Good response Chrissy! As a Sinhala Buddhist, I agree too wholeheartedly! 701. H.L. Seneviratne May 1, 2012 at 9:46 am (Edit) A statement in a currently circulating video that claims to temporarily suspend the attack on the Dambulla mosque indicates that a verdict will be reached in the Kingdom of Dambulla by the chief monk Inamaluve Sumangala. It adds that we are number one in self governance (meaning, the Dambulla kingdom is a self-determined separate state). According to the statement, Inamaluve is assuming power in the absence of a Sinhala king. He is doing so against the courts and without the President. He is thus quite explicit on usurping the authority of the legitimately elected President of Sri Lanka, and rejecting that of the countrys judiciary. In other words, Inamaluve wants the Dambulla Kingdom as his separate state for now, and dominion over the whole of Sri Lanka eventually. This sums up the mind-set of the Sinhala fundamentalist right: they are the real power behind the throne, and the elected government must bow to their wishes. Being the sovereign of Dambulla, Inamaluve is free to hurl rude words at a young Hindu woman, and threaten her with eviction along with the rest of her community, and its kovil. Page 114 of 196

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This separatist frenzy is not new. It was on gaudy display some years ago, when Inamaluve broke away from Asgiriya and formed a new chapter now called the Dambulla Chapter. Why did he break away? He wanted to grab the well-endowed and lucrative Dambulla from the hands of its legitimate custodian, the Mahanayaka of Asgiriya. Remember the Kandalama protest? Inamaluve orchestrated it. Why? to legitimize his appropriation of Dambulla and his new breakaway chapter. And the whole country, in particular the bleeding heart liberals of Colombo, were taken for a ride. They naively believed his claim to espouse environmentalism, feminism, anti-imperialism, equality, to protect the poor against the encroachment of invasive capital, and to seek to introduce multi-culturalism by means of a satyagraha of a coalition of Christian, Hindu and Muslim religious leaders performed on the Dambulla rock. Inamaluves penchant for his own version of illegality is evident when he talks about the mosque as an illegal construction, and when, during the protest, he branded Aitken Spence, the proprietor of the planned Kandalama hotel, a squatter. All Buddhists, especially the prominent members of the Buddhist clergy, should hang their heads in shame at this racist, mediaeval and un-Buddhist act. The government should institute legal proceedings for treasonous public statements undermining the authority of the duly elected President of the country. 702. Sri May 1, 2012 at 9:47 am (Edit) I am Sri. A Hindu, yet foremost a Sri Lankan. The violence and hatred that is spawning throughout the country is not in my name. Yet apart from condemning these acts of immoral and unethical behaviour, I shall not be silent whilst my brothers are being harmed either. 703. Uween Jayasinha May 1, 2012 at 10:08 am (Edit) I am a Sinhala Buddhist and all that can be said is that the acts of the monks do not represent Buddhism. They represent hostility and religious extremism which stand as a detrimental factor to the development of our Nation and therefore should not be condoned. Sri Lanka is home to all religions and ethnic groups and therefore such acts must not be tolerated. 704. Tracy Holsinger May 1, 2012 at 10:09 am (Edit) this act of of cultural colonialism is not in any of our names, not even in the names of the people who were spurred on to support this act by rhetoric aimed at making those who are disenfranchised and powerless feel like they are doing something heroic and purposeful. 705. Joe Lenora May 1, 2012 at 10:14 am (Edit) I am strongly against any such hate towards any race or religion. And whats happening in Dambula is so shameful its a disgrace for the whole country. 706. Ranjan Ramanayake May 1, 2012 at 10:38 am (Edit) Page 115 of 196

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May 1, 2012 at 10:38 am (Edit) I am Ranjan Ramanayake . I am a Sri Lankan. violence is not in my name. I follow all the religions as all if them teach us better ways to live Peace ! Ranja 707. Akram Mukhtar May 1, 2012 at 10:49 am (Edit) I thought that Sri Lanka, where we all belong was going to have a new awakening after the war. The price we paid was worth it. However, the actions of a band of rabid communal forces has undermined all what was achieved. Little do they realize the shame that they have brought upon the country. Rebuilding our motherland should begin with restoring the minds and hearts of its people. The shameless action last week shows us that we have not got anywhere near the country of peace and tranquility that our politicians often like talk about while knowing very well it is not so. If we are to progress in the path of peace and be the nation that we have aspired to become, then we expect our leadership to come forward and take decisive action to bury the communal bigotry for ever. Then only a land of peace and prosperity could be achieved by rebuilding of our motherland with the participation of everyone.There is synergy and beauty in diversity when it comes together. Words are comforting but temporary and it is action that is the need of the hour. We need to see that very loud and clear from our leadership. It is time that a spade is called a spade. It is irrelevant to call myself by my religion or race when I speak up as a Sri Lankan. Akram Mukhtar 708. Ruwan Perera May 1, 2012 at 11:12 am (Edit) we need to live in peacefully inside Sri Lanka. Tamil Muslim Burger Hindu Sinhalese as a one family. 709. maeve perera May 1, 2012 at 11:13 am (Edit) absolute disregard for other religions to worship side by side (as they have been doing for so many years) by these so called B/Monks should be condemned by all. sincerely hope sanity will prevail and all communities be free to worship and live in harmony. 710. R.KRISHNAKUMAR May 1, 2012 at 11:13 am (Edit) I strongly support your views on multiculturalism , and pluralism in Srilanka 711. Dr . Shorab Ibrahim Page 116 of 196

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711. Dr . Shorab Ibrahim May 1, 2012 at 12:47 pm (Edit) Dr.SHORAB IBRAHIM There is a hidden force behind this sudden unwarranted attack We Pray that Sanity reigns in the minds of all - may the Almighty Allah show us the way to peace and tranquility Ameen. 712. Sarah Ismail May 1, 2012 at 1:55 pm (Edit) Please stop! Please let Sri Lanka be ONE! 713. Anonymous May 1, 2012 at 2:01 pm (Edit) I am Shanaka Cooray. Not in my name 714. Tushani May 1, 2012 at 2:54 pm (Edit) Ive always believed that the best way to support your religion/belief is to stay true to its teachings. As a layperson you have a choice as to whether you want to follow a certain path and to what extent. However, once you become a monk you have already made that choice and following the precepts (in the case of Buddhism) is no longer an option but a necessity and a responsibility. Actions like those of the Mahanayakas in Dambulla are what harm Buddhism the most. 715. Suchetha Wijenayake May 1, 2012 at 2:55 pm (Edit) not in my name. not now. not ever. 716. YaliniDream May 1, 2012 at 2:55 pm (Edit) May we recognize that there are infinite paths to the divine and harnass the power to bring forth a Sri Lanka free of bigotry, violence, and exploitation. The Government of Sri Lanka, all religious clergy, and spiritual leaders must denounce these horrible acts. May all our peoples in Sri Lanka live in peace and solidarity with each other. One Infinite Love. I am a Sri Lankan Tamil raised in outside lands and these acts are not in my name. 717. Abdul Haleem Latheef May 1, 2012 at 2:55 pm (Edit) Every society, every cast and everywhere bad people are there but few when comparing with good people. Mostly the education promote a society to a higher rank among the mankind. Especially the religious education acts a very important role to make a man straight and peace-lover. What an irony, a group of clergies (Buddhist monks) who must ordain completely to the teaching Buddhism, how can became thugs or leads of mob against another religion? Kind regards to all, A concerned Muslim citizen from Kuwait. Page 117 of 196

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718. Chulanee Attanayake May 1, 2012 at 2:56 pm (Edit) Im Chulanwe. This violence is definitely not on my name, nor for the sake of Lord Buddha. Buddhism never taught or promoted disrespecting other teachings. So pls stop violence in the name of Buddhism. 719. Gitanjali Marcelline May 1, 2012 at 2:56 pm (Edit) Human beings dislike shades of grey. We prefer to persuade ourselves that we can keep truth and falsehood neatly separated. There is us and there is them, and we know who has the truth. Stereotyping and demonizing are natural next steps. Not only are they wrong religiously, they are somehow not quite upto our standards of humanity and thus to be pitied if not simply dismissed as irrelevant. Intolerance of religious diversity is a serious historical evil, a force that can be easily exploited by people of ill-intent. And yet it costs so little to approach religious pluralism with an open mind. On the other hand, wars are seldom fought for purely religious reasons. Communities of faith often develop side-by-side in relative harmony. When problems arise, they are almost always initially political, economic and social. Then, often enough, those who wish to keep the pot boiling invoke age-old religious differences as though they were the cause of every evil. They remind their constituents that if they really want to be loyal, they will not rest until some ancient slight to the faith has been set right. Underneath it all is the awareness that if you want to destroy a peoples will, you must attack the most powerful symbols of their identity, some of which are bound to be religious. 720. PresiDunce Bean May 1, 2012 at 2:57 pm (Edit) As long as a majority of the majority continues to be entrapped in the Mahavamsa mindset of that mythical fiction that the island of Sri Lanka is a divine gift to Theravada Buddhism, a holy land entitled to the Sinhala raceAs long as their political and religious leaders are unable to grasp the authentic history of the island and the social realities prevailing here things are going to remain the same. This country will continue to meander along as a cant be developed country which is inhabited by a majority of stuck in a time warp frog in the well people. Sad but true. For truth and honesty May 1, 2012 at 8:01 pm (Edit) PresidunceBean: Thank you for, once again, telling it like it is. If you keep this up youll have to register a fan club of those who respect and admire your perceptive comments! 721. gayathri hemachandra May 1, 2012 at 2:57 pm (Edit) Not in the name of my religion or ethnicity! 722. Gaya Nagahawatta May 1, 2012 at 2:57 pm (Edit) Page 118 of 196

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I am Gaya Nagahawatta. Last weeks violence and extremism is not in my name. 723. Piyal Kariyawasam May 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm (Edit) I am Piyal Kariyawasam. Last weeks violence is not in our name. 724. Jacques GARNIER May 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm (Edit) My mother in law was sinhalese (Dolly Bemelmans born 1908 in Patirade Ceylon 725. Inoka wickramage May 1, 2012 at 3:09 pm (Edit) No to religious extremism in Sri Lanka. 726. Gnana Moonesinghe May 1, 2012 at 3:24 pm (Edit) What a way to bring about reconciliation and build trust among the hitherto polarised communities? What a way to begin the nation building process in the post war period? What a way to initiate understanding to bring about the healing of wounds process? what a way to shut the protests from the international community over righs violations? Dambulla has proved that we do not learn lessons easily to correct ourselves. We are on a path to exacerbrate the situation and this time around add the religious factor to the racial issues and enlarge the geographic area of external inteventions to include the muslim countries as well. When will we lead the policy makers and stop being led by them on the thorny path we have been treading to date? It has to begin now and not tomorrow! 727. Kinkinee Willathgamuwa Nelson May 1, 2012 at 3:54 pm (Edit) Disgrace to all sinhala Buddhists ,Government should take necessary actions bring justice. 728. Onali May 1, 2012 at 4:10 pm (Edit) A true Buddhist will know that as per the teachings of Lord Buddha, that we are to respect all religions and their practices. As a true Buddhist I condemn this radical and unacceptable behaviour by the clergy. Unfortunately some of the present monks have forgotten that there is what you call a code of conduct when it comes to the clergy. 729. Sk May 1, 2012 at 4:10 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka in spite of having all the despises will not develop and is going to go down further to the point of non least please learn a lesson from successful countries like Singapore where there is no extremism or even like at least India.with extrememism you can get nowhere. 730. The SkyLark May 1, 2012 at 4:35 pm (Edit) Page 119 of 196

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731. Kalpana Isaac Morris May 1, 2012 at 6:00 pm (Edit) All over the world religious extremism is causing pain and anguish. Sri Lanka has had more than its fair share of suffering. Religion should only be used as a tool for healing the wounds. 732. Eshini Ekanayake May 1, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) Not in my name- Eshini, sri lankan 733. Shiraj De Silva May 1, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) Buddhism is accepting of all faiths and religions. Any violence conducted under the pretense of Buddhism is fundamentally wrong and unjust. I hope this violence and extremism can be overcome so that true Buddhism and harmony among all faiths and religions may prevail. 734. Kasuni Thewarapperuma May 1, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) my name is Kasuni Thewarapperuma. I am a Sri Lankan. I will not differentiate myself any further because I am an equal with all the others who inhabit my country of every shade of diversity they are born with. Separatist hate has no place with us. What is happening is not Buddhist or in the name of Buddhism, the beautiful religion I grew up with. Lord Buddha lived and thrived in a country of many religions, he preached love and tolerance for all. What you are doing is not Buddhist. This is not in my name. 735. Shantha Ramanayake May 1, 2012 at 6:02 pm (Edit) Buddhas way of life was simple. All religons strive to make individuals within and between each community live in harmony. Love, compassion and respect to each other are the key issues. We must understand that all living creatures however different they may be, are needed to keep harmony in nature. 736. Tamara Nanayakkara May 1, 2012 at 6:28 pm (Edit) Most definitely not in my name. This is a disgrace and flies in the face of all what the Buddha stood for and what Buddhism should stand for. 737. Rohana Ratnayake May 1, 2012 at 7:07 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 738. nadira May 1, 2012 at 7:31 pm (Edit) Not in my name! Page 120 of 196

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739. divya May 1, 2012 at 7:31 pm (Edit) not in my name! 740. Mangala Moonesinghe May 1, 2012 at 7:45 pm (Edit) The conduct of some of the Buddhist monks at Dambulla was disgraceful. It was an insult to the Buddha. In the Karaniya Metta Sutta the Buddha declares A person must cultivate loving kindness to all living beings. Those seen and those unseen Those living near and those living far Those born and those to be born This is the crux of the Buddhas teaching. It is totally contrary to the Buddha Dhamma. 741. Ishika Perera May 1, 2012 at 8:04 pm (Edit) Ishika Perera. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is certainly not in my name. 742. Mayoni Ranasinghe May 1, 2012 at 8:10 pm (Edit) Tragic is the day when a religious leader, instead of inspiring tolerance and loving kindness, breeds hatred and narrowmindedness. Such a person is no religious leader at all, in my opinion. Buddha weeps! I am Mayoni Ranasinghe and I am proud to be Sri Lankan. This is certainly not in my name. 743. Thyagi Ruwanpathirana May 1, 2012 at 8:34 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 744. Gayathri De Silva May 1, 2012 at 9:54 pm (Edit) Lets not trigger another civil war in the country. Its had enough and the people in it too. Talk about Buddhism being a religion, guess I would have to doubt that when seeing this. 745. Tiloma Jayasinghe May 1, 2012 at 10:06 pm (Edit) Not in my name for damn sure. Or my familys. Or my friends. Or my community, my country and my world. 746. Rasika Mendis May 1, 2012 at 11:14 pm (Edit) An attempt to protect Sri Lankas culture and heritage..?? please!! Is this what religious Page 121 of 196

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An attempt to protect Sri Lankas culture and heritage..?? please!! Is this what religious authorities feed to the populace? Can our thinking get any more confined and confused? Why do some of us feel so threatened? If we are not able to appreciate the rich cultural fabric of multicultural, multi-religious Sri Lanka, then we are only poorer for it. Dont violate our heritage to save it..! Not in my name!! 747. kolamba May 2, 2012 at 12:26 am (Edit) Where has all the Buddhist Compassion gone? 748. Kamani Jinadasa May 2, 2012 at 6:08 am (Edit) I am a Sinhala Buddhist and violence is certainly not in my name. The fact that I even need to state these things at this point defeats the purpose of Buddhism itself. I have felt ashamed for a long time now of the monks who profess to uphold the teachings of Lord Buddha this example takes this to another level. 749. Shenali Panabokke May 2, 2012 at 6:09 am (Edit) Not in my name. 750. Ramesh Fernando May 2, 2012 at 6:10 am (Edit) Definitely not in our name. Disgraceful. These acts certainly do not express the true virtues of Buddhism 751. Shaza May 2, 2012 at 6:10 am (Edit) keep Sri Lanka free of extremists!!! 752. Deepa May 2, 2012 at 6:11 am (Edit) Not in my name. 753. Dharisha Bastians May 2, 2012 at 6:11 am (Edit) There is nothing Sri Lankan about what happened in Dambulla but it may well be a picture of a Sri Lanka of the future we saw unfolding before the cameras that day. Dharisha Bastians. This violence was not in my name. 754. Rukmankan Sivaloganathan May 2, 2012 at 6:12 am (Edit) Shameful act that deserves to be condemned! 755. Shevonne Andrado May 2, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) These arent the teachings of any of the religions observed in our beautiful land. What a shame! This was certainly not done in my name. Page 122 of 196

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756. Roshan Dhammapala May 2, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) Peace in this land has come at such a great cost. A cost we cannot afford to pay again! Not in my name! 757. Dimuth Sepalage May 2, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) shameful behaviour by the Mahanayaka of the Rangiri Dambulu chapter!! Why??? 758. ISMAIL SHAAN WAHEED DEEN May 2, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) No Hate. No Bigotry. No Violence. No more. Not in my name. 759. Anonymous May 2, 2012 at 6:15 am (Edit) Its true that a sect of religious extremists drove that recent Dhambulla incident. But we should analyze that who are the real behind the scene villains of this, and what is the springboard that led to arise such a situation. If we study the recent history of religious violence around the world, theres one thing that we can observe generally. Which are these incidents were happened in the countries that give prominence to a particular belief. As a first step we should separate the religion from constitution. That means a secular state. Which will grant total power to judicial authorities, which can act without any form of bias to a privileged class. Next we should constituently abolish all the political parties that bias or labeled to a particular religion or faith. These political parties are the real instruments behind the recent incident. 760. Navin and Nelunika May 2, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) The silence from the powers-that-be is deafening. Lest it drowns out our voices, let me echo all the other commentators here Not in Our Name. 761. Madura Jayatunga May 2, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) Not in my name. 762. Dharshani Weerasekera May 2, 2012 at 6:17 am (Edit) As a critical Sinhala Buddhist I am disgusted and ashamed that such violence is being unleashed in my country, by people of criminal intent, some wearing yellow robes and claiming to be followers of the Buddha. Is this their message of love and compassion? How can anyone respect them when they take part in such terrible acts? I lost respect for the Sangha long ago. Why are they silent too? Look at their hypocrisy: We are all Sri Lankans first. There has already been too much violence and bloodshed. This Page 123 of 196

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violence is not in my name. Not ever. 763. Suha Cassim May 2, 2012 at 6:17 am (Edit) To the Muslims: Do not react with Violence, it against Islam unless it is to defend your life. Re-locate the Mosque. Your peaceful worship is dearer to God than your violence in his name. Set an example, do not stoop to their level of intolerance. Look to the Quran for your Guidance. Salaams. 764. sri perera May 2, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) against violence. religion is for peace not war 765. Hiran Balasuriya May 2, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name 766. Jason Williams May 2, 2012 at 6:19 am (Edit) I am dismayed by these abhorrent actions. It shouldnt matter what your religion or creed, violence cannot be the answer. 767. Safiya Husain May 2, 2012 at 6:49 am (Edit) . This intolerance is not in my name. Safya Husain 768. Dulini Mudunkotuwa May 2, 2012 at 9:23 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan Buddhist by birth. Im against anyone who choose violence to solve problems anywhere in this world be it monks in Dambulla, SL Government and LTTE in the war, or all the armies that are engaged in all the useless wars around the world. Any violence anywhere is not in my name. 769. Nadina May 2, 2012 at 10:04 am (Edit) Im Nadina, Sri Lankan and a follower of Buddhas Teachings. This kind of religious bigotry is NOT in my name! NEVER! 770. shabnam farook May 2, 2012 at 10:08 am (Edit) The incident that took place at Dambulla, was very unbecoming of the Buddhist clergy, who are revered in a country which proclaims it has high morals. As the citizenry, we should not be victim to religious prejudice or be easily manipulated by external sources that instigate such violence, in order to create havoc simply for their benefit. One must act prudently and not let history repeat itself. We owe it to be smarter and sensitive to religious diversity. We have too many old wounds that have not been healed, lets not give way for more pain and Page 124 of 196

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have too many old wounds that have not been healed, lets not give way for more pain and suffering. 771. Ramila May 2, 2012 at 10:09 am (Edit) I am Sinhalese. I cant stand what has happened. This war was bad enough where we were given a bad name. This has to end. 772. Kalim Iqbal May 2, 2012 at 10:09 am (Edit) Not in my name. 773. Will May 2, 2012 at 10:20 am (Edit) I am not a Sri Lankan but have been witness to similar acts of violence towards Muslims and other groups of outsiders in my own country (Britain) and am sad to see it happening here in what i perceive as a very diverse and accepting culture for the most part. I agree that its time for people the world over to stand up against bullies everywhere and to help them realise that the act of merely being born entitles you to absolutely nothing in this world. We are all in this life together and its high time people learned to truly empathise and to share things with others. 774. Nicole Parakrama May 2, 2012 at 10:26 am (Edit) Not in my name. Violence is never ever an answer. 775. M Rizan May 2, 2012 at 11:02 am (Edit) Our Mosque can not be demolished. we Unite and protect our mosque. 776. Dhammika Rodrigo May 2, 2012 at 11:34 am (Edit) My name is Dammika. Im Sri Lankan, of Sinhala and Buddhist background. We cant accept this violence in Sri Lanka. 777. Deshan May 2, 2012 at 11:34 am (Edit) It is one of the bitterest ironies of human life that although virtually all human beings cherish a desire to live in peace, we continually find ourselves embroiled in conflict, pitted against others in relationships marred by tension, distrust or open hostility. This irony is particularly poignant because it is immediately evident to us that cordial, harmonious relations with others are a necessary condition for our own genuine happiness. Not only do such relations allow us to pursue undisturbed the goals we consider essential to our personal fulfillment, but they bring us the deeper joy of meaningful communion with our fellow human beings. Page 125 of 196

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Contentious living, in contrast, is always intrinsically painful, involving a hardening of our subjective armor, a tightening of the knots of anger and hate. Indeed, whatever the outcome of conflict may be whether victory or defeat the result itself is ultimately detrimental for both victor and victim alike. Nevertheless, although harmonious living promises such rich blessings while discordant relations entail so much harm and misery, for the most part our lives and the lives of those around us are entangled in a raveled net of quarrels and disputes. Conflict may simmer within as silent suspicion and resentment or it may explode into violent rage and devastation. It may implicate us at the level of personal relationships, or as members of an ethnic group, a political party, a social class or a nation. But in one or another of its many manifestations, the presence of conflict in our lives seems inescapable. Peace and harmony hover in the distance as beautiful dreams for a summers night or noble ideals to which we pledge formal allegiance. But when reality knocks and dreams are dispelled, we find ourselves drawn, usually against our better judgment, into an arena where the pleasures that we seek exact as their price the hard cash of struggle and contention. The teachings of the Buddha, while framed around the goal of individual deliverance from suffering, are also expounded for the purpose of instructing us in how we can live in harmony with others. Such harmony is desirable not only as a source of satisfaction in itself, but also because it is a prerequisite for treading the path to the higher freedom. The final peace of enlightenment can arise only in a mind that is at peace with others, and the mind can only be at peace with others when we are actively committed to a course of training that enables us to extricate the roots of conflict that lie buried deep within our hearts. Once, in ancient India, Sakka the ruler of the gods came to the Buddha and asked: By what bonds are people bound whereby, though they wish to live in peace, without hate and hostility, they yet live in conflict, with hate and hostility. The Master replied: It is the bonds of envy and avarice that so bind people that, though they wish to live in peace, they live in conflict, with hate and hostility. If we trace external conflicts back to their source, we will find that they originate not in wealth, position or possessions, but in the mind itself. They spring up because we envy others for the qualities they possess which we desire for ourselves, and because we are driven by an unquenchable avarice to extend the boundaries of what we can label mine. Envy and avarice in turn are grounded in two more fundamental psychological conditions. Envy arises because we identify things as I, because we perpetually seek to establish a personal identity for ourselves internally and to project that identity outward for others to recognize and accept. Avarice arises because we appropriate: we attempt to carve out a territory for ourselves and to furnish that territory with possessions that will titillate our greed and sense of self-importance. Conflict being thus rooted in envy and avarice, it follows that the path to non-conflict must be a course of relinquishment, of removing the constrictive thoughts and desires that pivot around the notions of I and mine, the drives to identify and to possess. This course reaches consummation with the full maturity of wisdom, with insight into the empty, Page 126 of 196

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reaches consummation with the full maturity of wisdom, with insight into the empty, egoless nature of all phenomena; for it is this insight which exposes the hollowness of the notions of I and mine that underlie envy and avarice. However, although the final liberation from clinging may lie far away, the path leading to it is a gradual one, growing out of simpler, more basic steps that lie very close to our feet. Two such necessary steps are changes in attitude with the power to transmute envy and avarice. One is altruistic joy (mudita), the ability to view the success of others with the same gladness we experience at our own success. The other is generosity (caga), the readiness to give and to relinquish. The former is the specific antidote for envy, the latter the antidote for avarice. What is common to both is a lifting of the sense of identity from its narrow fixation on the self, and a broadening of it to encompass others who share our desire to be happy and free from suffering. As private individuals we cannot hope to resolve by our will the larger patterns of conflict that engulf the societies and nations to which we belong. We live in a world that thrives on conflict, and in which the forces that nurture conflict are pervasive; obstinate and terribly powerful. But as followers of the Enlightened One what we can do and must do is to testify by our conduct to the supremacy of peace: to avoid words and actions that engender animosity, to heal divisions, to demonstrate the value of harmony and concord. The model we must emulate is that provided by the Master in his description of the true disciple: He is one who unites the divided, who promotes friendships, enjoys concord, rejoices in concord, delights in concord, and who speaks words that promote concord. 778. Anonymous May 2, 2012 at 11:39 am (Edit) While only a temporary resident of Sri Lanka, I have come to love this beautiful country. How can these politicians who claim to do the same stay silent while a group of its citizens set about destroying that beauty? The culture of impunity that exists in Sri Lanka must end and must end now. 779. Kumar Manthri May 2, 2012 at 11:39 am (Edit) I do not condone violance in any form 780. Dinesha deSilva Wikramanayake May 2, 2012 at 12:12 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 781. Daisy Smith May 2, 2012 at 2:24 pm (Edit) This act of religious violence is certainly not in my name. 782. Gloria Spittel May 2, 2012 at 2:25 pm (Edit) As a child I (as I am sure many of us has) have taken part in various religious and cultural Page 127 of 196

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festivals,not limited to my religious belief. As an adult I look back at those times and I take pride that I have had the opportunity to be involved. I celebrate my multiculturalism through my nationality. I have thought that this, is what, essentially defines us as Sri Lankans. It is this, that has to be preserved and imparted to future generations. As such, the revolting acts in Dambulla are personal, they threaten a peaceful and harmonious Sri Lanka, a tolerant society and our multi-cultural heritage; it is certainly not in my name that such ridiculous displays of religious belief by those in Dambulla or of any other religion, is conducted. Gloria Spittel, a Sri Lankan that to me, means I am a multi-cultured, multi-ethnic and sometimes a multi-religious individual. I would like it to remain that way. 783. Daya Ariyawathie May 2, 2012 at 2:26 pm (Edit) We are living in a multi ethnic country.We should respect all Religions. I regret the attack which occured at the Mosque in Dambulla. We condemn the physical & verbal violence too. Daya Ariyawathie 784. Dhineli Perera May 2, 2012 at 2:27 pm (Edit) Lord Buddha would be ashamed of the intolerant and violent behaviour of these so called Buddhists. It goes against everything he stood for. Completely irrational and unnecessary. 785. Manjula Gajanayake May 2, 2012 at 2:27 pm (Edit) Please include my name too. 786. Sunanda Deshapriya May 2, 2012 at 2:34 pm (Edit) We despise all reverences and all the objects of reverence which are outside the pale of our own list of sacred things. And yet, with strange inconsistency, we are shocked when other people despise and defile the things which are holy to us.- Mark Twain 787. Sanaka Samarasinha May 2, 2012 at 2:35 pm (Edit) The Buddha would have been the first to condemn such shameful behaviour. 788. Anonymous May 2, 2012 at 2:38 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Thank you for this small window of opportunity allowing for open discourse. 789. Amanda De Silva May 2, 2012 at 2:38 pm (Edit) This violence is definetly not in our name, and here i was thinking we live in a country with Page 128 of 196

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This violence is definetly not in our name, and here i was thinking we live in a country with religous freedom. 790. Sandamali Herath May 2, 2012 at 2:51 pm (Edit) NOT IN MY NAME 791. Chandra Vithanage May 2, 2012 at 2:52 pm (Edit) Buddhism denounces all forms of violence. Then how come Budhhist monks resrot to violence in the name of Buddhism. 792. Dushy Ranetunge May 2, 2012 at 2:53 pm (Edit) Unfortunately my country is now reduced to a state where it resembles Kilinochchi prior to 2009, where a mindless band of radicals held the Tamil population as human shields after having intoxicated them with mindless nationalism, after having murdered the Tamil free press and marginalising any intellectual debate. They also kept Kilinochchi clean and tidy with a good road. Jack D May 3, 2012 at 10:07 pm (Edit) Nicely put! 793. Pradeep Amirthanayagam May 2, 2012 at 2:57 pm (Edit) Surely not in my name .What is sad is that we continue to behave like this . When will it ever stop ! 794. eureka May 2, 2012 at 2:59 pm (Edit) No inhumanity in my name. 795. Angelina Senevirathne May 2, 2012 at 2:59 pm (Edit) As a tiny island whos coming out of the 30 years war we certainly need no more conflicts! we all raises religions must understand to focus out thought and energies to feel like one but not many different 796. Shifan Ahmed May 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm (Edit) I shall not be apathetic about this pathetic state of affairs in our country. Im utterly disgusted over the actions of the mob, of which there is plenty of evidence in the form eyewitness accounts and video footage circulating in the web & Im deeply concerned about the lack of a proper resolution so far, which has served to erode any confidence Ive had in the State. The incident in Dambulla is most certainly NOT IN MY NAME! There are plenty of other instances of religious extremism and intolerance which have gone unnoticed because they have dealt with indifference. All this too has not been IN MY NAME. May the Page 129 of 196

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because they have dealt with indifference. All this too has not been IN MY NAME. May the Dambulla incident and its continuing reportage by concerned citizens also serve to expose past injustices and contribute towards the creation of a truly multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Sri Lanka. I condemn the actions of Rev. Inamaluwe Sumangala and the mob, 797. Kisara Yatiyawela May 2, 2012 at 3:09 pm (Edit) Luther King Jr got it right when he said Not only will we have to repent for the sins of bad people; but we also will have to repent for the appalling silence of good people Happy to have the opportunity to break the silence. The Dambulla debacle; definitely not in my name! 798. Nireka W May 2, 2012 at 3:10 pm (Edit) I am Nireka, a Sri Lankan citizen of the human race. Never in my name. The appalling behaviour in Dambulla violates basic human decency, the laws of our land, and the tenets of Buddhism. 799. Frank Stephen May 2, 2012 at 3:10 pm (Edit) Violence should not be tolerated! specially not in the name of religion! and this mindless violence was certainly not in my name. 800. Avrille de Valliere May 2, 2012 at 3:21 pm (Edit) These are just greedy business men, not monks. Buddhism has been turned into a disgraceful business. True buddhist monks would never dream of acting in such a manner. The Lord Buddha must be shuddering at the crimes committed in his name by such disgraceful specimens of men in orange robes. 801. Deepthi Siriwardena May 2, 2012 at 3:21 pm (Edit) As a practicing Buddhist, I totally condemn the irrational, uncalled for violence that happened under the guise of Buddhism a religion that calls for non violence and cool headed rationality when dealing with all matters of life 802. Arjuna Aluwihare May 2, 2012 at 3:22 pm (Edit) This is, amongst other aspects, yet another example of a breakdown in law and order, and normal humanity and values. The ring leaders need to be arrested and charged forr any damage to property. This is not just a religious matter 803. Udzi May 2, 2012 at 3:31 pm (Edit) The structure was there for 50 years. Why do we want to re-locate it. Page 130 of 196

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Why do we want to re-locate it. This is not right. As a buddhist , I wish that all of the disgruntled monks find peace in their hearts and let go of this. Do not make us feel ashamed to be Buddhist. 804. Jezima Ismail May 2, 2012 at 3:39 pm (Edit) As Trustees of the Earth all land is sacred to us To declare a land sacred in a spirit of violence and exclusive extremism is abhorrent and will certainly not be done in my name. 805. JC Weliamuna May 2, 2012 at 3:42 pm (Edit) The most deadly individual on earth is not just the fanatic or the terrorist; rather the one who cannot tolerate other devotions, faith or opinions. 806. Pasan Kodikara May 2, 2012 at 3:43 pm (Edit) its happy to c someone is actually talking time for a better to be a part of it. 807. Gilbert Abeygoonaratne May 2, 2012 at 3:48 pm (Edit) Violence of any sort is due to ignorence. Buddhism advovctes, compassion , tollerence & respect, as does most religions .The role of Buddhist monks ,or any other not keeping to these principles deserve to be disciplined by the competent authorities. Error to have these robed individuals , engaged in politics,and revolts. Its once again the result of ignorence and indifference. It must however be pointed out that using such incidents to create unrest by others often by exageration & ulterior motives will not bring a peaceful solutuion. It was not so far away that we lived as one family, lets pray that change will come and sanity prevails!! 808. Peter Rezel May 2, 2012 at 3:53 pm (Edit) Compassion is the essence of Buddhism. Therefore this form of expression of Buddhism can never be in my name. 809. Minan mahroof May 2, 2012 at 3:55 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 810. Dushinka May 2, 2012 at 4:21 pm (Edit) Dushinka Abayasekara. This violence is certainly not and will never be in my name. 811. Lucia Nicholas May 2, 2012 at 4:23 pm (Edit) Lord Buddha never teach violence against others. He taught us only peace and love. Not Page 131 of 196

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Lord Buddha never teach violence against others. He taught us only peace and love. Not only in Buddhism but in all Religions teaching us the same. Religions are not to be apart its to be united. That everyone of us must understand. 812. Mr. Abdul Cader Mohamed Rumaiz May 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm (Edit) I strongly believe that, such shameful acts be tolerated. The responsible individuals should be brought to in justice. This violence was organised by some people who do not accept Sri Lanka is living with PEACE. This violence is not in my Name. 813. Gavinda Bolonghe May 2, 2012 at 4:40 pm (Edit) lets not pave the way for another ethnic conflict. and we must remember that Buddha, Allah nor Jesus will cause riot for a piece of land or anything for that matter. god is within us and lets that reflect in our behavior. 814. Sonny Inbaraj Krishnan May 2, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) I am a Buddhist, but I renounce the recent violence in Dambulla by certain members of the Buddhist clergy. This is inappropriate behaviour, not supported by the rest of the Sangha. The Compassionate One taught us love and tolerance, not hatred and violence. The violence in Dambulla is NOT in our name and neither is it in the name of the Sangha. This is a shameful, despicable act of terrorism. 815. Newton Fernando May 2, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) By all means every human being should condemn this heinous act. This not any religion but racism. 816. Baasim Hassan May 2, 2012 at 4:48 pm (Edit) Everyone just want to live there life with less problems.. And religion and race is something politically driven for some individuals.. We are all Sri Lankans we just want to live in peace 817. Georgie Porgie May 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm (Edit) get rid of the politicians, then the country will be prosperous again. 818. Minna Thaheer May 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm (Edit) It is heartening to see Groundviews taking on the responsibility on behalf of the nation to inform and build awareness by making an impartial presentation of the events that surrounded the Dambulla mosque incident. It is gratifying to see Sinhalese take up this cause to prevent a totally unwarranted communal upheaval in the country. Yes, like how Hindus took up the case of the riots against the Muslims in Gujarat, only the Sinhalese can lead the way to peace here. Why cant Page 132 of 196

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against the Muslims in Gujarat, only the Sinhalese can lead the way to peace here. Why cant sacred sites be defined and boundaries publicised, (as we are yet to see the boundaries of sacred site in this case) without keeping it a flexible one? Minna Thaheer 819. Dimuthu Meehitiya May 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm (Edit) these evil fascist must be stopped. 820. Chathuranga Neminda May 2, 2012 at 4:54 pm (Edit) This is quickly becoming an epidemic along with the whole patriotism cloak. How soon have we forgotten the s*** that put us in this place. 821. Richard Simon May 2, 2012 at 5:06 pm (Edit) Im shocked that a petition like this has taken so long to reach 1,000 signatures even though many who have signed are only Sri Lankans, and not the Sinhalese Buddhists in whose name these shameful crimes are really being committed. May 3, 2012 at 6:10 pm (Edit) What are you talking about? A clear majority of the comments here have been posted by those who identity themselves as Sinhalese Buddhists. A Sri Lankan First May 4, 2012 at 12:14 am (Edit) only.. Sri Lankans? It is actually a strength that people identify themselves first by their nationality and less by ethnicity. It shows solidarity 822. Rizwana Yasmin May 2, 2012 at 5:14 pm (Edit) I am totally against religious intolerance and violence in the name of religion.Keep watch justice and equality for all. Live and let be lived. 823. M.C.M. Iqbal May 2, 2012 at 5:20 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka has a plural society, It is multi-racial and multi-religious. There is no room for extremists from any race or religion. The behaviour of the Buddhist monks at Dambulla has put us all to shame. They have also demeaned the noble precepts of Lord Buddha. The good name of all Buddhists in Sri Lanka has been tarnished by the acts of these monks. Let us all get together and see that such incidents are not repeated. 824. Malith Mendis May 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm (Edit) In 1983, we hung our head in shame, and saw our country descend into chaos for many Page 133 of 196

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In 1983, we hung our head in shame, and saw our country descend into chaos for many years to come. We have still not achieved a durable peace. A few ruin it for the rest of us. We sit in the middle of the India Ocean and call our selves poor. We shall overcome the extremist, short-sighted few. Let us look to a modern, prosperous Sri Lanka we, all of us, can be proud of. 825. Arjuna Mahendran May 2, 2012 at 5:32 pm (Edit) We need to grow up fast and forget these atavistic divisions or else our children and theirs will curse us for letting the world pass us by leaving them trailing in the dust. 826. Krishna Subramania May 2, 2012 at 6:30 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic society. So we have to stop all kind of repressions against any and every religions. Instead of that we have to look for ways for a peaceful coexistence. Krishna Subramania 827. I William Zartman May 2, 2012 at 6:31 pm (Edit) The victory over LTTE was a victory over extremism. Extreme religious intolerance should not now be the policy of the government, but rather all-encompassing tolerance and participation, lest the ashes of the past rebellion burst again into flames. 828. Mendaka Abeysekera May 2, 2012 at 6:47 pm (Edit) Against religious extremism in Sri Lanka 829. Nishani Karunaratne May 2, 2012 at 6:50 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 830. Sarala Emmanuel May 2, 2012 at 7:07 pm (Edit) I sign because the personal is political 831. Chandini Rajaratnam May 2, 2012 at 8:17 pm (Edit) never ever in my name. 832. Anonymous May 2, 2012 at 9:11 pm (Edit) Disa & Deepa Not in our name 833. Tehani May 2, 2012 at 10:05 pm (Edit) My name is Tehani Chitty. I am neither Sinhala nor Buddhist, but I am Sri Lankan. I believe Page 134 of 196

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My name is Tehani Chitty. I am neither Sinhala nor Buddhist, but I am Sri Lankan. I believe our diversity is an asset to be celebrated and not destroyed. This violence is certainly not in my name. 834. Parveen May 2, 2012 at 11:03 pm (Edit) Not in my name me who lives abroad but still yearns for the Sri Lanka which I know where all communities live together in harmony. 835. Milinda Jayatilaka May 2, 2012 at 11:04 pm (Edit) Every person who participated in these illegal and hateful acts should be prosecuted by the State to the full extent provided by Law. It is acts such as this that will lead to a resurgence of moves for separate enclaves or even a separate state. This sort of conduct should be stopped immediately. 836. Dr. Zulfika Ismail May 2, 2012 at 11:05 pm (Edit) I totally agree on what stated here. I am always with who are against all forms of extremisms that are used as tool to oppress people. 837. Patrick Olivelle May 2, 2012 at 11:05 pm (Edit) Shameful acts in the name of religon. 838. Nadira May 2, 2012 at 11:06 pm (Edit) With Martin Luther King Jnr, as my inspiration I say that I have a dream, that one day my children will live in a Sri Lanka where they arent judged by their beliefs or their race but by their strength of character and the good they have done. The Dambulla debacle was not in my name nor in theirs! 839. Muttukrishna Sarvananthan May 2, 2012 at 11:06 pm (Edit) EVEN THE TAMIL TIGERS DID NOT STOOP TO SUCH A LOW LEVEL. THE LTTE NEVER HARMED THE BUDDHIST TEMPLES IN JAFFNA TOWN, NAINATHEEVU, OR ELSEWHERE. Veedhur May 3, 2012 at 12:02 am (Edit) Oh dear! the LTTE did stoop to such level and desecrate the Mosque by shooting down muslims while praying. Bashing muslims is a common sport for both those groups. We could say that the {edited out] monk and the LTTE are one and the same! The danger though is that there is a significant minority in the majority and a majority in the majoritarian ruling regime who seem to side with the [edited out] monk Sumangala. 840. Ahimza Page 135 of 196

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840. Ahimza May 2, 2012 at 11:06 pm (Edit) Please stop this madness. Religious leaders should lead by example. 841. Maryanne Mendis May 2, 2012 at 11:07 pm (Edit) Let us hope that the President who put an end to the war will see to it that citizens of Sri Lanka of multi religions are able to live in Peace & Harmony without creating more unrests in the country. 842. Michael Roberts May 2, 2012 at 11:07 pm (Edit) Thank you for your initiative it is as pointed as vital. The extremist position of Inamaluwe Thera and his supporters cannot be considered an isolated incident; while the deafening silence of the leading members of GoSL is disturbing in its future implications. Inamaluwe Thera can hardly be placed in the lunatic fringe so his inititative has many potential ramifications. One is the erosion of the middle ground of politics and the promotion of extremism on all sides of Sri Lankas multi-cultural mosaic. PS: Inamaluwe was also part of the wheeler-dealing associated with Rangiri Stadium in cohorts with Thilanga Sumathipala. Here the President did step in behind the scenes and sort matters out after prompting by some politically astute members of Sri Lanka Cricket. 843. Indica Amarasinghe May 2, 2012 at 11:08 pm (Edit) This discrimination and religious extremism has not been done in my name !!!! Lets Hope and Pray that all our leaders have the foresight, wisdom and mostly a backbone to manage this situation wisely. 844. Cheran May 2, 2012 at 11:08 pm (Edit) Yes, Not in My Name! and I support this initiative in solidarity. These events are not isolated ones. they are part of a larger but ongoing project of the Sri Lankan state. 845. Herman Kumara May 2, 2012 at 11:12 pm (Edit) I condemn all the inhuman actions against any religion. Ensure inter religious harmony in the Sri Lankan society. 846. Godfrey Yogarajah May 2, 2012 at 11:13 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name 847. Neomal de Silva May 2, 2012 at 11:14 pm (Edit) We need a peaceful country, Stop all violence. 848. Faaiz, Ameer M Page 136 of 196

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848. Faaiz, Ameer M May 2, 2012 at 11:14 pm (Edit) certainly not in our name. 849. Priyadarshanie Ariyaratne May 2, 2012 at 11:14 pm (Edit) Religious fundamentalism is associated with brain washing. if you victimize it would be forever. Such a person is just like a ruthless terrorist. 850. Sureshni Peiris May 2, 2012 at 11:16 pm (Edit) Last weeks violence was not in my name. Priests and mobs hooting ,threatening, shouting insults and then saying sadu! sadu! all in the same breath.. ? 851. Yamindra Watson Perera May 2, 2012 at 11:16 pm (Edit) I sign this because I love this country, and I want all future generations, whichever religion or race they may be, to be proud to call it home. This act was shameful and disappointing. I hope the appropriate action is taken by the leadership, and that it does not get swept under the carpet. As we should know by now, extremism in all forms is a danger to the future of our country, and we need to nip this in the bud. This bigotry is not what we want our beloved country to stand fornot in my name. 852. Hashintha Jayasinghe May 2, 2012 at 11:17 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 853. Rachel Perera May 2, 2012 at 11:27 pm (Edit) Peaceful co-existence is the only way forward for Sri Lanka. Say NO to religious intolerance and extremism. 854. Maduri Dhanapala May 2, 2012 at 11:39 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 855. Wasaam Ismail May 3, 2012 at 12:01 am (Edit) Disappointing! We dont want another war in Sri Lanka. Such acts should be condemned and dealt with by the government! 856. Sharanya Sekaram May 3, 2012 at 12:02 am (Edit) For 30 years ethnic violence tore our nation apart and raised a generation of children who now for the first time in their lives are experiencing a peaceful Sri Lanka. Already the legacy that has been left to us is that of a broken nation that needs to be healed Page 137 of 196

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Already the legacy that has been left to us is that of a broken nation that needs to be healed why must be create further damage. I am Tamil, Sinhalese, Muslim and Burgher. I am a Buddhist, a Hindu, a follower of Islam and Christianity. I am today, and always, proudly Sri Lankan. Kumar Sangakkara How about we actually try to live by those words? 857. Cecil Gooneratne May 3, 2012 at 12:02 am (Edit) I certainly condmen this violence against religious minorities. We have lived in religious harmony all these years, and this isolated incident is a blot on our whole country the majority of whom are against this type of intolerant behaviour. 858. V. Kailasapillai May 3, 2012 at 12:04 am (Edit) I am very much perturbed over the incidents at Dambulla. This type of behvior will lead to further deteriorate the amity and harmony in this multi ethnic and multireligious society. Let us avoid this type of violence and live as bothers and sisters in peace and harmony in this country. THIS TYPE OF VIOLENCE WAS NOT IN MY NAME. 859. Devaka Seneviratne May 3, 2012 at 12:35 am (Edit) A Sri Lankan first and a Sinhalese second, this violence is definitely not in my name. How many such incidents of intolerance will succesive governments ignore in order to avoid a threat to their positions of power? 860. Esther Surenthiraraj May 3, 2012 at 12:36 am (Edit) Certainly never in my name. Anonymous May 3, 2012 at 1:01 am (Edit) Im Rimaz and im a muslim,some of my best friends who i would take a bullet for without batting an eye lid our budddhist,we our one nation without cast and creed.i dinounce this violance and shameful act affecting all Sri lankans 861. Upeksha Deegala May 3, 2012 at 12:42 am (Edit) Definitely not in my name. 862. Dr. Lalith Cahnndradasa May 3, 2012 at 12:50 am (Edit) lets join hands to stop this trend of ill tolerance 863. Caroline Hargreaves May 3, 2012 at 1:23 am (Edit) Page 138 of 196

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May 3, 2012 at 1:23 am (Edit) My name is Caroline. I believe that love is the strongest energy there is. I am a citizen of the world, but Sri Lanka rests deep in my heart. This violence is definitely not in my name. 864. Ranjini Obeyesekere May 3, 2012 at 6:10 am (Edit) I am and always have been, against all forms of violence political or religious. This attack on a mosque by members of the Buddhist clergy and thugs is unacceptable and should be nationally condemned by one and all. 865. Niyoshala Kumar May 3, 2012 at 6:10 am (Edit) My name is Niyoshala Kumar. My family comprises individuals from all religious faiths but that doesnt matter to me I am purely, a Sri Lankan. Actions such as this incident, of a few ignorant individuals who hide their ridiculous notions behind so called religious faith, make us regress as a society. The beauty of our island is our vibrant, multiethnic people it is sad that after all we have been through as a country, history makes slow steps to repeating itself. 866. Cynthelyn May 3, 2012 at 6:11 am (Edit) Against any kind of violence. 867. Shamara Williams May 3, 2012 at 6:12 am (Edit) First they came for my people and now they come for the Muslims?! when is this violence, this shame going to end? When did Buddhism become anything other than a peaceful religion? Why is it only the Sri Lankan monks that act this way? They are perpetrating this extremist behaviour in their name only and the name of the government they support. They are definitely not doing this in MY name! 868. virajith May 3, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) This seems like a reasonable initiative, but the message should spread to larger cross-section of the population. The demographic partaking in online forum discussions like this, is arguably limited to a certain socio-economic group. I propose an organised lunch/dinner/coffee situation. One of our greatest traits as Sri Lankans is how hospitable we are, why not use this to avert a potentially very serious conflict. If you are Buddhist; Find 4-5 muslim or hindu people on the road, through neighbors or even go door knocking if you have to. Most important part of this exercise is to find people from a different socioeconomic backgrounds to your own. Explain to them that you would like to apologize for the actions of a few that dont reflect the views of most. Invite them to dinner or lunch at your house, or buy them a meal at a kadey. Use that opportunity to explain to those people that you condemn the activities in dambulla and have nothing but compassion towards other religions (if you are an anti-theist this is going to be a Page 139 of 196

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nothing but compassion towards other religions (if you are an anti-theist this is going to be a bit difficult but being hypocritical in the name of peace isnt the worst form of hypocrisy). Just hang out for a while and ask them to share a meal or a cup of tea with someone of a different faith and ask them to pass on the message. If you have the means and time, make your way out of Colombo to do this. If you are Islamic or Hindu; Do the same with people of differing faiths. Explain to them that you understand that these were actions of a few. If you get any inflammatory responses, avoid conflict. Maybe even avoid the topic for a little while, identify another area of mutual interest and have a conversation. Hopefully after showing that people of different faiths arent necessarily that different to each other, ask them would it not be good if we could all follow our different faiths and peacefully co-exist? Just a suggestion, this could do some good and ease the tension at the grass roots. The work you guys do is pretty impressive. 869. Rashmira Balasuriya May 3, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) We just ended one war, there is no need to start another. We Sri Lankans need to respect one another, no matter what caste, creed or religion! 870. virajith May 3, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) the suggestion earlier still needs a lot of fine tuning, but seemed at the time like a good starting point. You guys should start a facebook group or something like that encouraging this initiative. in relation to the people that need to be reached, ideal it should be those who dont have alot of interaction with people from different faiths. Approaching areas with high density of a certain faith should be hihgly encouraged. Like the east to find muslim communities, i think theres certain amount of grouping within colombo aswell. Cant quite remember which areas Not In Our Name May 3, 2012 at 6:15 am (Edit) See Emil van der Poorten May 3, 2012 at 7:04 am (Edit) Virajith: While the principle you espouse cannot be faulted, I will fall back on an old aphorism in responding to it: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is a far larger issue than can be met with the kind of initiative suggested. This is part of a larger smokescreen that has to be dealt with in the larger political arena. The current regime, through its sins of commission and now omission (not a word of Page 140 of 196

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current regime, through its sins of commission and now omission (not a word of condemnation of this monstrous behaviour from on high) is where change has to occur Anything less is a colossal waste of time and energy. Sanjanas initiative in starting this web protest has to be expanded and reach as many as possible because it can and must be treated as the launching pad for much greater change at the decisionmaking level. Most important, those who believe that the status quo is unacceptable have to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Too many have been threatened into silence already by (very real) threats and the only way that will change is for those seeking justice, decency and honour to prove that they DO have critical mass. Sorry for the long diatribe, but your statement deserved that respect. Emil van der Poorten 871. V Kuhan May 3, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) These anti social voices of sectarianism have no place in the world of Budhism 872. Priyantha May 3, 2012 at 6:37 am (Edit) Not in my name. 873. Channa Daswatte May 3, 2012 at 8:11 am (Edit) Certainly not in my name. The manipulation of space and territory in the name of any religion or community will always lead to violence as seen in our recent history. Obviously we have not learnt from all the bloodletting. And certainly not from the Lord Buddha. 874. Gihan May 3, 2012 at 8:11 am (Edit) We as a nation endured 30 years of warAll communities suffered enough.Bombs that exploded never asked the if you were a tamil, sinhalese,burgher or a muslim.So lets not start something that can easily get out of hand and bring about another uprising against discrmination. We claim to be a democratic country.If so everyone should have equal rights. There should be no majority or minority..only Sri Lankans. Its time the Leaders and politicians give voice to fairness and equality. WAKE UP 875. Shyani May 3, 2012 at 11:33 am (Edit) This violence is certainly not in my name! 876. Nicola Perera May 3, 2012 at 11:34 am (Edit) Religious extremism is the natural and inevitable corollary of the chauvinist politics and Page 141 of 196

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Religious extremism is the natural and inevitable corollary of the chauvinist politics and culture of post-independence SL. Remove the constitutional and state protections, which allow religious bigotry and violence to flourish. 877. Faith Ratnayake May 3, 2012 at 11:35 am (Edit) Humans do not own nor did they create this earth, or universe. Conquering space? Useless if we do not conquer inner space hatred begins in and poisons the mind, spreads uncontrolled. Solution: sincerely live your religious or philosophical teachings daily, not use them as tools to attack and destroy. Love and compassion are all that are need 878. M.Maheswaran May 3, 2012 at 11:35 am (Edit) Though so many eminent personnels have lent their support, I wonder if this Governmant will ever listen. 879. R Fernando May 3, 2012 at 11:36 am (Edit) Very very appalled by what is taking place in the country! Are we looking at another civil war? 880. Harsha de Silva May 3, 2012 at 11:57 am (Edit) I saw the video footage of the incident and was appalled by the behavior of the mob. It should never have happened. If the reason for the disagreement between the temple and the mosque is a legal issue relating to its existence in that particular location it must be settled in court. However, I dont believe what we saw is a reflection of the majority Sinhala Buddhists, but, an aberration instigated by certain people with political backing pursuing an agenda. I think we need to look beyond this ugly incident in a pragmatic way on how to create a peaceful and tolerant society. While we know that as an independent nation we set out to create a multi-racial polity as a secular state on a territorial concept of citizenship (History of Sri Lanka by K M de Silva, 1981) we also know that that ideology changed subsequently. This is what Article 9 of our current Constitution says: The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e). Now what does Article 10 say? It says Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice. And Article 14(1)(e) says that Every citizen is entitled to the freedom, either by himself or in association with others, and either in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice or teaching. So here we have the framework within which we need to work. As Sri Lankans I believe it is the duty of all of us to ensure that rights enshrined in our Constitution are guaranteed at all times, but even more importantly in this particular case, move as close as possible to what our far-thinking post-independent leaders envisaged for us which is truer now than ever before. Page 142 of 196

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us which is truer now than ever before. Harsha de Silva, Member of Parliament nirmalan May 4, 2012 at 12:48 pm (Edit) I wish I could share the following belief that you espouse: I dont believe what we saw is a reflection of the majority Sinhala Buddhists, but, an aberration instigated by certain people with political backing pursuing an agenda. If your belief was founded in reality it would not have to be a belief and there would have been a massive reaction to this incident and we could then be certain that we have a polity that is committed to tolerance and the rule of law. The reality is clearly otherwise. anonymous May 4, 2012 at 3:43 pm (Edit) I did expect at least some section of the Buddhist clergy to react to the behaviour of the mob and particularly of the monks, I am sad to say that there was very little reaction. Emil van der Poorten May 4, 2012 at 7:33 pm (Edit) Nirmalen: As unpalatable as your comment might appear, it is hard, indeed, to refute it. I will be one of many who will be overjoyed IF you are proved wrong. However, as a realist, I am afraid that I am going to be disappointed as long as the present corrupt, racist regime and its apologists reign supreme! Emil van der Poorten 881. K Pathmaseni May 3, 2012 at 2:48 pm (Edit) The universal and underlining code of all religions is Peace. Ii advocates the principle that all humans irrespective of race,religion, language, big or small, rich or poor etc have the right to practise a religion they wish. The Gods /Deitiesof the various religions are not waging war against each other.. They are happy to be side by side as seen in several examples one of which is Kataragama etc. It is man who is warring in the name of religion. My appeal to the world is to advocate the universal principle of Live and Let Live. We all have to face the same fate at the end of our lives and we cannot escape it, irrespective of whether one is a Buddhist or Christian or Hindu or Muslim etc.etc 882. Andr May 3, 2012 at 2:48 pm (Edit) This violence is certainly not in my name! 883. Pena Manoharan May 3, 2012 at 2:49 pm (Edit) My name is Pena Manoharan.I am an Indian born in Srilanka and now repatriated and Page 143 of 196

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My name is Pena Manoharan.I am an Indian born in Srilanka and now repatriated and settled in Madurai,Tamilnadu,India.I was brought up in a Sinhala -Buddhist environment in Anuradhapura and I have visited SriMahaBodhiya and Ruwanvelisaya more than Sri Kathiresan Temple there.I am still in contact with some sinhala-buddhists friends there.This act of vandalism does not represent all sinhalese and buddhists in Srilanka.No,not in their name and my name too. 884. Indrani Rajendran May 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm (Edit) The need of the moment is not one religion, but mutual respect and tolerance of the devotees of the different religions. Mahatma Gandhi Its time for each and every Sri Lankan to think and reflect about Gandis saying about mutual understanding and appreciation about other religions as well ones own religion to prevent Religious conflicts in SriLanka.. 885. Ian Ferdinands May 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm (Edit) SRI LANKA CAN be what we want it to be ONLY if We, the silent majority start talking and standing up for what is Right. Lets protest this violence now. Not for our sake but for our children and future generations. 886. Chamila De Silva May 3, 2012 at 2:51 pm (Edit) It is not in my name. We share this country with many people, and all of us contribute to the future of this country. No one should be denied the space to practice their religion and traditions. 887. Thayalan Bartlett May 3, 2012 at 2:52 pm (Edit) What shame this incident has brought upon our country. Instigated by a few who profess to be patriotic by putting the morality and dignity of our people on trial. Going by the trend of the land I am not surprised by the incident but what surprises me most is the silence of the authorities whose inaction endorses such behavior and exposes a weakness for power. Does this inaction approve Clergyman of Hindu, Christian or Islamic faith to also behave and getaway with such impudent arrogant behavior? I think not. Lets not accuse others of double standards (in judging Sri Lanka) when we fail to practice what we preach. The clergy of that ugly day have a mandate only to spread the teachings of Buddhism and not to amass land but to amass people behind a faith that preaches peace and forgiveness -that is true wealth. Ridiculing peoples ethnicity and religion will not be done in my name. 888. Gehan Sirimanne May 3, 2012 at 2:52 pm (Edit) We Sri Lankans have just emerged from a 30 year period of unrest and strife, to what we hoped was to be a fresh new chapter of our history. The opportunities to build and develop a badly bruised and battered nation were endless, Page 144 of 196

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given an environment of ethnic and religious harmony amongst all its people. Is this now not to be? Are we going to allow yet another bunch of extremists to take this last chance away from us? I think not. If we could have got rid of the LTTE, why not these religious bigots?!! NOT IN OUR NAME 889. Kumara Badhuge May 3, 2012 at 2:52 pm (Edit) The Buddhism that I know, I follow from my heart is based on non-violence. I have not seen in any Buddhist scripts, in which violence is described as the choice for problem solving. Further, ones belief cannot be disturbed due to the presence of other religious institutions around oneself, as long as the belief is engraved in ones heart and mind and he/she is following it for its intended purpose, rather than for any petty short term selfish advantages. 890. amarcg May 3, 2012 at 2:54 pm (Edit) My name is Amar, This is not Sri Lanka, What I have to say, I have said 34 years ago. I feel as if I am living in the middle ages in some barbaric country . My response to those who strut around saying Oh we have a rich heritage and a 2500 year old history and culture is simply a blunt YOU MUST HAVE CROSSED THE BORDER SOMEWHERE Enough of this nonsense . Every year churches have been attacked by mobs which were led by Buddhist Monks, and authorities of this Government as well as previous regimes have done nothing. A 1000 Pirith Ceremonies nor 10,000 religious rites will not usher in peace and blessings to Sri Lanka. Only justice will do that for us. So in the name of humanity I demand that the authorities bring this barbarians who attack place of worship, to justice, enforce capital punishment , Fine those who even utter racist words, get rid of the devils in this country so that this country can be called Sri Lanka again . Until such time we will tell our friends that we live in a small jungle among demons and vipers at the southern tip of India 891. Buddhike Payoe May 3, 2012 at 3:25 pm (Edit) I believe all religions have failed miserably in Sri Lanka. They have failed to fulfill their objectives of leading the people to a better life. There are unaccountable assets with religious institutions without producing an iota on benefit to the people. Sri Lanka is plagued with suicides, rape, murder,incest and child molestation. How could these happen if we are a religious nation. We see vast amount of people flock to religious ceremonies but how many have the basics of their beliefs in their hearts. Today we see many monks, priests and so called religious leaders carve a niche for themselves based on religious fundamentalism. They are misleading the blind believers. True leaders must teach the basics of their faith to the followers these basics do not change no matter what the circumstances. Sri Lanka just ended a war of three decades just three years ago and it seems to me that we cannot live without a conflict. Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion and I encourage all those who oppose violence to send a clear message that acts like this is done Page 145 of 196

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encourage all those who oppose violence to send a clear message that acts like this is done by a mere minority and the majority will not tolerate these actions. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY OF THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS THAT GOOD MEN DO NOTHING Edmund Burke. The violence was not done in my name. Buddhike Payoe A saddened citizen of Sri Lanka 892. Anura Gunasekera May 3, 2012 at 4:34 pm (Edit) The conduct of all those involved in the anti-Muslim episode at Dambulla, particularly the Buddhist priest, is both abhorrent and aberrant. The so-called sanctity of one place of worship cannot be reinforced by the destruction of a symbol of another belief. Such behaviour is a violation of the teachings of the Buddha. It is also a result of the tacit patronage extended by the state to the concept of the supremacy of Buddhism , over that of other faiths being pratised in this country. We have not learnt despite thirty years of internecine conflict , that the majority imposing its will on the minority is unsustainable in the long term. The cause of Buddhism is best served by tolerance, compassion and acceptance, as originally taught by that itinerant monk who roamed the North of India, barefoot. He would never have envisaged that his philosophy would eventually pass on to the hands of saffron clad hoodlums, travelling in expensive vehicles and practising all known vices. It is paramount that members of all faiths, particularly Buddhists, speak out against acts of violence against other faiths, purported to protect Buddhism, which have become increasingly frequent. If decent , honourable people do not speak out and stop this type of violence , it will set off another set of conflicts in the chain of violence which has long engulfed this tragic country. 893. Anonymous May 3, 2012 at 4:59 pm (Edit) BERNIE DE SILVA Violence begets violence. If we follow the true teachings of whatever religion we follow the world would be a better place to live in. The violence in Dambulla is certainly NOT IN MY NAME 894. S:Mahendra May 3, 2012 at 5:03 pm (Edit) It is actually not Buddhist extremism that occured in Dambulla, but sri lankan rabid politics of the kind never seen before. The regimes agenda is somewhat coupled to these activity and therefore the silence from the top. 895. Indran Amirthanayagam May 3, 2012 at 5:30 pm (Edit) Not in my name. Never again. 896. Sharmaine Gunaratne Page 146 of 196

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896. Sharmaine Gunaratne May 3, 2012 at 5:32 pm (Edit) Certainly not in my name. Lets not forget that this is not an isolated incident and is not the first this has happened in the past in various parts of the country in different scale; difference is that this time it was recorded on a camera and came out in main stream media to be picked up Swift action is needed to prevent further occurrence and to enforce the law in respect of what happened. Comments and views of those who write in English need to be published in Sinhala and Tamil for the general public (among whom there are groups that are easily manipulated into this type of conduct) to understand a different point of view. Regardless of whether the political leadership would understand and act upon, it is important and time to mobilize people against this dangerous trend. 897. Enoka Fernandopulle May 3, 2012 at 5:40 pm (Edit) I feel ashamed that I live in the same country as these aggressors and their fans. They did not act in my name thats for sure 898. Vipulananda Sivakumaran May 3, 2012 at 5:55 pm (Edit) Sri Lanka should be a secular state. 899. Sweta Velpillay May 3, 2012 at 6:01 pm (Edit) Definitely not in my name. 900. Lahiru Mudalige May 3, 2012 at 6:22 pm (Edit) I am Sri Lankan, violence is not in my name, As a TV personality I would urge all the peace living Sri Lankans to be part of this. We should avoid incidents like Dambulla and promote inter religious harmony among us. Thanks Lahiru Mudalige from Swarnavahini 901. Harendra de Silva May 3, 2012 at 6:27 pm (Edit) POWER, Violence, MONEY, corruption, Impunity and extremism (political, racial or religious) are different facets of an unique quality of Homo sapiens to justify setting up their power bases to further strengthen their greed for power! These revolve around the most used weapon: impunity. Try to work out the origins of all examples that we see, whether it be abductions, political violence, religious or racial disharmony, all have the elements of money, violence, corruption extremism to get/strengthen power through impunity! There will be a few people who for short term gain will support these facets but they were the same people who supported other (previously) politicians during there tenure of power! Page 147 of 196

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These frogs will keep on jumping sides. Let us stand together to raise our voices to generate an echo to precipitate an avalanche! 902. Ann Jabbar May 3, 2012 at 6:30 pm (Edit) I stand for Peace and Violence of any type is definitely not in my name. Lets work towards a peaceful Sri Lanka. 903. May 3, 2012 at 6:33 pm (Edit) How can Buddhists and Muslims reconcile in Sri Lanka over the Dambulla incident? These two are fools. Which two? The one who doesnt see his/her transgression as a transgression, and the one who doesnt rightfully pardon another who has confessed his/her transgression. These two are fools. These two are wise. Which two? The one who sees his/her transgression as a transgression, and the one who rightfully pardons another who has confessed his/her transgression. These two are wise. AN 2.21 Its a cause of growth in the Dhamma and Vinaya of the noble ones when, seeing a transgression as such, one makes amends in accordance with the Dhamma and exercises restraint in the future. DN 2 The Buddha succeeded in establishing a religion that has been a genuine force for peace and harmony, not only because of the high value he placed on these qualities but also because of the precise instructions he gave on how to achieve them through forgiveness and reconciliation. Central to these instructions is his insight that forgiveness is one thing, reconciliation is something else. The Pali word for forgiveness khama also means the earth. A mind like the earth is non-reactive and unperturbed. When you forgive me for harming you, you decide not to retaliate, to seek no revenge. You dont have to like me. You simply unburden yourself of the weight of resentment and cut the cycle of retribution that would otherwise keep us ensnarled in an ugly samsaric wrestling match. This is a gift you can give us both, totally on your own, without my having to know or understand what youve done. Reconciliation patisaraniya-kamma means a return to amicability, and that requires more than forgiveness. It requires the reestablishing of trust. If I deny responsibility for my actions, or maintain that I did no wrong, theres no way we can be reconciled. Similarly, if I insist that your feelings dont matter, or that you have no right to hold me to your standards of right and wrong, you wont trust me not to hurt you again. To regain your trust, I have to show my respect for you and for our mutual standards of what is and is not acceptable behavior; to admit that I hurt you and that I was wrong to do so; and to promise to exercise restraint in the future. At the same time, you have to inspire my trust, too, in the respectful Page 148 of 196

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restraint in the future. At the same time, you have to inspire my trust, too, in the respectful way you conduct the process of reconciliation. Only then can our friendship regain a solid footing. Thus there are right and wrong ways of attempting reconciliation: those that skillfully meet these requirements for reestablishing trust, and those that dont. To encourage right reconciliation among his followers, the Buddha formulated detailed methods for achieving it, along with a culture of values that encourages putting those methods to use. The methods are contained in the Pali Vinayas instructions for how monks should confess their offenses to one another, how they should seek reconciliation with lay people they have wronged, how they should settle protracted disputes, and how a full split in the Sangha should be healed. Although directed to monks, these instructions embody principles that apply to anyone seeking reconciliation of differences, whether personal or political. The first step in every case is an acknowledgement of wrongdoing. When a monk confesses an offense, such as having insulted another monk, he first admits to having said the insult. Then he agrees that the insult really was an offense. Finally, he promises to restrain himself from repeating the offense in the future. A monk seeking reconciliation with a lay person follows a similar pattern, with another monk, on friendly terms with the lay person, acting as mediator. If a dispute has broken the Sangha into factions that have both behaved in unseemly ways, then when the factions seek reconciliation they are advised first to clear the air in a procedure called covering over with grass. Both sides make a blanket confession of wrongdoing and a promise not to dig up each others minor offenses. This frees them to focus on the major wrongdoings, if any, that caused or exacerbated the dispute. To heal a full split in the Sangha, the two sides are instructed first to inquire into the root intentions on both sides that led to the split, for if those intentions were irredeemably malicious or dishonest, reconciliation is impossible. If the group tries to patch things up without getting to the root of the split, nothing has really been healed. Only when the root intentions have been shown to be reconcilable and the differences resolved can the Sangha perform the brief ceremony that reestablishes harmony. Pervading these instructions is the realization that genuine reconciliation cannot be based simply on the desire for harmony. It requires a mutual understanding of what actions served to create disharmony, and a promise to try to avoid those actions in the future. This in turn requires a clearly articulated agreement about and commitment to mutual standards of right and wrong. Even if the parties to a reconciliation agree to disagree, their agreement needs to distinguish between right and wrong ways of handling their differences. Yet right and wrong have gotten a bad rap in some circles, largely because of the ways in which we have seen right and wrong abused in our own culture as when one person tries to impose arbitrary standards or mean-spirited punishments on others, or hypocritically demands that others obey standards that he himself does not. To avoid these abuses, some people have recommended living by a non-dual vision that transcends attachment to right and wrong. This vision, however, is open to abuse as well. In Page 149 of 196

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transcends attachment to right and wrong. This vision, however, is open to abuse as well. In communities where it is espoused, irresponsible members can use the rhetoric of non-duality and non-attachment to excuse genuinely harmful behavior; their victims are left adrift, with no commonly accepted standards on which to base their appeals for redress. Even the act of forgiveness is suspect in such a context, for what right do the victims have to judge actions as requiring forgiveness or not? All too often, the victims are the ones held at fault for imposing their standards on others and not being able to rise above dualistic views. This means that right and wrong have not really been transcended in such a community. Theyve simply been realigned: If you can claim a non-dual perspective, youre in the right no matter what youve done. If you complain about another persons behavior, youre in the wrong. And because this realignment is not openly acknowledged as such, it creates an atmosphere of hypocrisy in which genuine reconciliation is impossible. So the solution lies not in abandoning right and wrong, but in learning how to use them wisely. Thus the Buddha backed up his methods for reconciliation with a culture of values whereby right and wrong become aids rather than hindrances to reconciliation. To prevent those in the right from abusing their position, he counseled that they reflect on themselves before they accuse another of wrongdoing. The checklist of questions he recommended boils down to this: Am I free from unreconciled offenses of my own? Am I motivated by kindness, rather than vengeance? Am I really clear on our mutual standards? Only if they can answer yes to these questions should they bring up the issue. Furthermore, the Buddha recommended that they determine to speak only words that are true, timely, gentle, to the point, and prompted by kindness. Their motivation should be compassion, solicitude for the welfare of all parties involved, and the desire to see the wrong-doer rehabilitated, together with an overriding desire to hold to fair principles of right and wrong. To encourage a wrongdoer to see reconciliation as a winning rather than a losing proposition, the Buddha praised the honest acceptance of blame as an honorable rather than a shameful act: not just a means, but the means for progress in spiritual practice. As he told his son, Rahula, the ability to recognize ones mistakes and admit them to others is the essential factor in achieving purity in thought, word, and deed [MN 61]. Or as he said in the Dhammapada, people who recognize their own mistakes and change their ways illumine the world like the moon when freed from a cloud [Dhp 173]. In addition to providing these incentives for honestly admitting misbehavior, the Buddha blocked the paths to denial. Modern sociologists have identified five basic strategies that people use to avoid accepting blame when theyve caused harm, and its noteworthy that the Pali teaching on moral responsibility serves to undercut all five. The strategies are: to deny responsibility, to deny that harm was actually done, to deny the worth of the victim, to attack the accuser, and to claim that they were acting in the service of a higher cause. The Pali responses to these strategies are: Page 150 of 196

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The Pali responses to these strategies are: (1) We are always responsible for our conscious choices. (2) We should always put ourselves in the other persons place. (3) All beings are worthy of respect. (4) We should regard those who point out our faults as if they were pointing out treasure. (Monks, in fact, are required not to show disrespect to people who criticize them, even if they dont plan to abide by the criticism.) (5) There are no repeat, no higher purposes that excuse breaking the basic precepts of ethical behavior. In setting out these standards, the Buddha created a context of values that encourages both parties entering into a reconciliation to employ right speech and to engage in the honest, responsible self-reflection basic to all Dhamma practice. In this way, standards of right and wrong behavior, instead of being oppressive or petty, engender deep and long-lasting trust. In addition to creating the external harmony conducive to Dhamma practice, the process of reconciliation thus also becomes an opportunity for inner growth. The Buddha admitted that not all disputes can be reconciled. There are times when one or both parties are unwilling to exercise the honesty and restraint that true reconciliation requires. Even then, though, forgiveness is still an option. This is why the distinction between reconciliation and forgiveness is so important. It encourages us not to settle for mere forgiveness when the genuine healing of right reconciliation is possible; and it allows us to be generous with our forgiveness even when it is not. 904. Happy Heathen May 3, 2012 at 7:09 pm (Edit) Hi, I am Happy Heathen, a citizen of the world. (and not a celebrity or a famous person) The celebrated Sri Lankan scientist Sir Arthur C Clark once proclaimed One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion. The despicable incident at Dambulla not only validates Clarks statement but demonstrate religion as an outdated ideology. It is high time that world get rid of these Bronze Age fairy tales. Let me finish my rant with a little challenge that I adopted from late great Christopher Hitchens.Name me an ethical statement made or an action performed by a believer that could not have been made or performed by a rational non-believer.? 905. Nirmali Jayetileke May 3, 2012 at 7:30 pm (Edit) Not in my name-I am totally against what happened and renounce extremism and religious intollerance . All people are equal and have a right to follow and worship their Gods. 906. Sepali Kottegoda May 3, 2012 at 7:30 pm (Edit) Page 151 of 196

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May 3, 2012 at 7:30 pm (Edit) For once the media was allowed to be free to report an incident that epitomises the racism, chauvinism and intolerance of some sections of Sri Lankan society that call themselves Buddhists. These charlatans certainly do not speak for me. 907. Rishan May 3, 2012 at 7:31 pm (Edit) Same justice to all. Sri Lankan Muslims are truely Sri Lankans. 908. nimmi harasgama May 3, 2012 at 7:33 pm (Edit) Most definitely not in my name! Also I commend Guruparan Kumaravadivel in his statement here! These are the voices that we need to hear more of! 909. m.s.m.feroze May 3, 2012 at 7:35 pm (Edit) i dont like to remove that mosque from dambulla,,,we need peace allways in sri lanka 910. irfan May 3, 2012 at 7:35 pm (Edit) hi this is irfan from colombo, im totally against with sri lankan government be course of the violence n demolished the muslim masjid in dhambulla.. thank you 911. LEON May 3, 2012 at 7:39 pm (Edit) Let some sanity prevail. We dont want to see another blood bath based on religious fanaticism. 912. Mandhira de Saram May 3, 2012 at 7:51 pm (Edit) I find this violence sickening and entirely shameful. Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic, multireligious and multi-cultural nation. Let us make every effort to uphold peace and mutual respect. 913. Mythri May 3, 2012 at 7:55 pm (Edit) The anti-Muslim riots of 1915, Black July, decades of post-colonial displacement, the possibility of disappearing, the denial of lives lost in a bloody wars end: Sri Lanka is not and will never be an island of alien residents. We come from the same kernel of humanity, and history has shown us that our country will never prosper unless allMuslims, Tamils, Burghers, Up-Country Tamils, and Sinhalascan breathe with mutual dignity and respect. Violence should never be in someones name, and such bigotry will never be in mine. 914. Vijaya Samaraweera Page 152 of 196

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914. Vijaya Samaraweera May 3, 2012 at 8:14 pm (Edit) We have seen eggregious behavior from Buddhist monks but this is beyond the pale. 915. Sam May 3, 2012 at 8:23 pm (Edit) Those of us who are Sri Lankan Buddhists (and others who are interested) should take into account the following, the Buddhas teachings on how to reflect on our actions before committing them. Those in the mob at Dambulla should take the time out to sit down and have a good read of this sutta, letting the teachings sink into their minds. If they had taken the time to do so, I am sure they would not have done what they did, because to do so would have gone against the Buddhas teachings. This sutta is especially beautiful as the Buddha is teaching his own son. Will someone be able to print it out and send it to the mob at Dambulla? === Instructions to Rahula at Mango Stone I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha, at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels Feeding Ground. At that time Ven. Rahula was staying at the Mango Stone. Then the Blessed One, arising from his seclusion in the late afternoon, went to where Ven. Rahula was staying at the Mango Stone. Ven. Rahula saw him coming from afar and, on seeing him, set out a seat & water for washing the feet. The Blessed One sat down on the seat set out and, having sat down, washed his feet. Ven. Rahula, bowing down to the Blessed One, sat to one side. What do you think, Rahula: What is a mirror for? For reflection, sir. In the same way, Rahula, bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions are to be done with repeated reflection. Whenever you want to do a bodily action, you should reflect on it: This bodily action I want to do would it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Would it be an unskillful bodily action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it would lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it would be an unskillful bodily action with painful consequences, painful results, then any bodily action of that sort is absolutely unfit for you to do. But if on reflection you know that it would not cause affliction it would be a skillful bodily action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then any bodily action of that sort is fit for you to do. While you are doing a bodily action, you should reflect on it: This bodily action I am doing is it leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Is it an unskillful bodily action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it is Page 153 of 196

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action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it is leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both you should give it up. But if on reflection you know that it is not you may continue with it. Having done a bodily action, you should reflect on it: This bodily action I have done did it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Was it an unskillful bodily action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it led to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it was an unskillful bodily action with painful consequences, painful results, then you should confess it, reveal it, lay it open to the Teacher or to a knowledgeable companion in the holy life. Having confessed it you should exercise restraint in the future. But if on reflection you know that it did not lead to affliction it was a skillful bodily action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then you should stay mentally refreshed & joyful, training day & night in skillful mental qualities. Whenever you want to do a verbal action, you should reflect on it: This verbal action I want to do would it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Would it be an unskillful verbal action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it would lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it would be an unskillful verbal action with painful consequences, painful results, then any verbal action of that sort is absolutely unfit for you to do. But if on reflection you know that it would not cause affliction it would be a skillful verbal action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then any verbal action of that sort is fit for you to do. While you are doing a verbal action, you should reflect on it: This verbal action I am doing is it leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Is it an unskillful verbal action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it is leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both you should give it up. But if on reflection you know that it is not you may continue with it. Having done a verbal action, you should reflect on it: This verbal action I have done did it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Was it an unskillful verbal action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it led to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it was an unskillful verbal action with painful consequences, painful results, then you should confess it, reveal it, lay it open to the Teacher or to a knowledgeable companion in the holy life. Having confessed it you should exercise restraint in the future. But if on reflection you know that it did not lead to affliction it was a skillful verbal action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then you should stay mentally refreshed & joyful, training day & night in skillful mental qualities. Whenever you want to do a mental action, you should reflect on it: This mental action I want to do would it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Would it be an unskillful mental action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it would lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it would be an unskillful mental action with painful consequences, painful results, then any mental action of that sort is absolutely unfit for you to do. But if on reflection you know that it would not cause affliction it would be a skillful mental action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then any mental action of that sort is fit for you to do. Page 154 of 196

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While you are doing a mental action, you should reflect on it: This mental action I am doing is it leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Is it an unskillful mental action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it is leading to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both you should give it up. But if on reflection you know that it is not you may continue with it. Having done a mental action, you should reflect on it: This mental action I have done did it lead to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both? Was it an unskillful mental action, with painful consequences, painful results? If, on reflection, you know that it led to self-affliction, to the affliction of others, or to both; it was an unskillful mental action with painful consequences, painful results, then you should feel distressed, ashamed, & disgusted with it. Feeling distressed, ashamed, & disgusted with it, you should exercise restraint in the future. But if on reflection you know that it did not lead to affliction it was a skillful mental action with pleasant consequences, pleasant results, then you should stay mentally refreshed & joyful, training day & night in skillful mental qualities. Rahula, all those brahmans & contemplatives in the course of the past who purified their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions, did it through repeated reflection on their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions in just this way. All those brahmans & contemplatives in the course of the future who will purify their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions, will do it through repeated reflection on their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions in just this way. All those brahmans & contemplatives at present who purify their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions, do it through repeated reflection on their bodily actions, verbal actions, & mental actions in just this way. Thus, Rahula, you should train yourself: I will purify my bodily actions through repeated reflection. I will purify my verbal actions through repeated reflection. I will purify my mental actions through repeated reflection. Thats how you should train yourself. That is what the Blessed One said. Gratified, Ven. Rahula delighted in the Blessed Ones words. 916. Minoli Weeraman May 3, 2012 at 8:28 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 917. Miss Seema Sengupta, Independent Journalist, INDIA May 3, 2012 at 8:37 pm (Edit) Religion resembles the colours of life. Each colour is to be viewed and enjoyed separately or else they will merge and appear black. Religion like colours should be allowed to co-exist side by side and flourish. It is only then that humanity will find the free space to bloom. This is my message and let all those who have ears listen to this call for peace and harmony. 918. Page 155 of 196

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918. May 3, 2012 at 8:53 pm (Edit) This land belongs to you This land belongs to me This land belongs to all of us to live in harmony 919. John Stifler May 3, 2012 at 8:56 pm (Edit) I love your country as much as I love my own (the U.S.). In my time in Sri Lanka, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians alike have been generous, helpful and friendly to me, and I owe to all of you/them much gratitude for the blessing Ive been able to share there. As you can imagine, I am sickened by the ongoing madness in the behavior of the thoughtless people who have perpetrated the violence, vandalism and obscenities in Dambulla, whether in the name of law or in the name of religious principles. These actions could never be done in the name of any viable Buddhist belief or any civil law; they are not in my name nor in the names of my Sri Lankan brothers and sisters. John Stifler Florence, Massachusetts Fulbright Scholar in Sri Lanka, 2008-2009 920. Vickum Nawagamuwage May 3, 2012 at 9:18 pm (Edit) Not in my name either but is this campaign going to change anything on the ground? How many in Sri Lanka has access to the internet? Less than 10%? So who is the audience of this? Govt does not care as they know this type of campaign does not impact its holding on the 90%. We need to take these messages to the masses and thats the only way we can achieve a real change. It has to come within and for that they need to be educated. I am not sure if online campaigns are useful in this regard. I dont have an answer on how we can do this but something to think about. Mobile phones? After all we have more than 100% mobile penetration. Against Hypocrisy May 4, 2012 at 6:15 am (Edit) Vickum Nawagamuwage: You dead right! There are a few of us who have tried to deal with this question the need for wider dissemination of dissent in a context where the vast majority are Sinhala- and Tamilliterate only without success. If you are interested in contact with those of similar inclination, please google me and get in touch. Emil van der Poorten 921. J.T May 4, 2012 at 6:08 am (Edit) A strong reason to make Sri Lanka a secular state and remove state sponsorship of any Page 156 of 196

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A strong reason to make Sri Lanka a secular state and remove state sponsorship of any Religion 922. akram May 4, 2012 at 6:09 am (Edit) we need freedom for following our religion, 923. Darshi May 4, 2012 at 6:09 am (Edit) Condemning this act is not enough. We all must get together to prevent another conflict of any sort/kind. We should unite as human beings, nothing less, nothing more! 924. Shalini May 4, 2012 at 6:10 am (Edit) I am not a Buddhist but have respected and feel I would like to say I live by Ahimsa which respects living beings as a unity. 925. Aysha May 4, 2012 at 6:11 am (Edit) Hello every one!!! My name is Aysha , in my opinion, acts of viloence need not only be through physical damage. Its also through medias , such as social networking groups. Last week I saw so many disturbing comments about minors and ethnical groups. Its sad actually, I thought people in our country would have learnt from the war that we had for so long. People forget, that what ever race or religion we are from we are all SRI LANKANS, if we had this faith in us, we would not have seen what we all witnessed last week. It was sad that social groups did not even bother to bring down these particular pages , that were targeting groups and sadly to say very racist. We complain in a white mans world that , they are racist, have we ever stepped back a bit and observed how racist our own fellow men . All religions talk about peace . The issue could have been resolved with peace and harmony in a diplomatic manner, instead of the violent out-pore we all witnessed.. We are all Sri Lankans and no one is going to steal any one heritage. We have to be tolerant to live peacefully among one another. 926. Subhashinie Perera May 4, 2012 at 6:12 am (Edit) Not in my namenever 927. Holmung P May 4, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) This is not really a religious matter! More a symptom of a greater problem- the near absolute breakdown of the rule-of-law! Can this possibly be a new brand of Buddhism that advocates mans inhumanity towards man ?! I think not.. Never in me name! Jack D Page 157 of 196

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mans inhumanity towards man ?! I think not.. Never in me name! Jack D 928. SN Niles May 4, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) The perpetrators of this violence are the real traitors who betray the motherland and all it stands for. They have betrayed the Buddhism which they claim to champion. Certainly not in my name. 929. R. Miranda May 4, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) This is not in my name, nor in the names of the majority of Sri Lankans. Let us not let politicking to win the day. 930. Daniel Rainey May 4, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) It might seem strange that someone in the U.S., who has not, unfortunately, even visited Sri Lanka would have a comment about the religious-based violence that gave rise to Not In Our Name. But Im just old fashioned enough, if thats the right way to describe it, to think that the good and bad done for and to our brothers and sisters all over the world reflects on each of us, no matter where we happen to be geographically. Most major religions have at their base a core of values that suggest kindness and tolerance. History has given us all the examples we could ever want of instances in which zeal and fervor have overshadowed tolerance, leading to some of the most ghastly human-on-human violence imaginable. To quote a religious figure who happened to have been Roman Catholic: Though sometimes we have the feeling that what we do just means a drop in the vast sea, the sea would be less without such a drop. So, as my drop in the sea, heres my declaration: My name is Daniel Rainey, and no violence, persecution, or prejudice based on any religion, occurring at any time in any place, is done in my name. 931. vy choi May 4, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) I oppose bigotry and intolerance, and militant religious extremism in Sri Lanka, and other parts of the world. 932. Kithsiri Withana May 4, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) The behaviour of so called Buddha Putras who profess to uphold the principles of true Buddha Dhamma put all the Sri Lankans and other world followers of the Buddhato shame by their thuggish high handed behaviour and the spineless behaviour of the Law keepers and the political leaders. Under the prevailing circumstances the future is again threatened by a fresh set of bigots. 933. santhan Page 158 of 196

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933. santhan May 4, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) Any prominent Cricketerslike Muraleetharan? 934. subair May 4, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) i am condemning this violence in dambulla mosque attack. this not following budda. buddha not said do violence. please dont continue this. sort out soon as possible. thanks 935. Sunethra Bandaranaike May 4, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) Is this the way a Chief Priest of a historic Buddhist Temple should behave? How can a man like this so shamelessly claim to represent the teachings of the Lord Buddha. This is what all of us Sri Lankans should condemn. 936. Aparna Balasubramaniam May 4, 2012 at 6:18 am (Edit) Unaddressed acts of intolerance set a dangerous precedent, and tell minority communities that they are neither respected nor welcome. 937. Tim King May 4, 2012 at 6:19 am (Edit) The Tamil people do not deserve the suffering the constantly endure, the world must become brave and challenge the Rajapakse regime to end the madness or that regime will have to end very soon. The actions of the GoSL toward Tamil people are reprehensible and shameful. 938. AGA Barrie May 4, 2012 at 6:19 am (Edit) Extremism of any form is not acceptable in any part of the Universe. Behavior of the monks as shown in the U-Tube video is far from what was expected of religious people. I can only pray to the Creator to guide them so that they could promote peace and harmony. 939. Avanti Esufally May 4, 2012 at 6:20 am (Edit) The monks who participated in the desecration of the mosque in Dambulla insulted not just the Sinhalese people, not just all peace loving Sri Lankans but those who live in the name of Buddhism all over the world. Its surprising that these monks are still permitted to wear the ochre robes of such a tolerant faith. Our country will never develop while extremists of this nature are allowed to get away with their heinous acts. Do they not realize that when they hurt a minority community they not only inflict pain on that community but do so much harm to our country as well? If our leaders are not willing to step up to the plate and guide our nation in the right direction, then its time that the right thinking people of Sri Lanka do. The Not in My Name initiative makes me proud to be a Sri Lankan. 940. M.C..Spencer May 4, 2012 at 6:21 am (Edit) Page 159 of 196

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May 4, 2012 at 6:21 am (Edit) These is to be expected from people who consider them chosen like the Israelis as well as to side-track from the real issues. To enable them and their progeny to enjoy the fruits of office benefiting from the prejudiced and less discerning masses. 941. Sam de Silva May 4, 2012 at 6:21 am (Edit) Where are the voices of the sensible monks? This violence is not in my name. 942. s. Jayahan May 4, 2012 at 6:32 am (Edit) This a reflection of the criminalised Sri Lankan society of whch I am not part. I am glad In the future it would be worse 943. upali aturaliya May 4, 2012 at 6:36 am (Edit) Very unfortunate that these episodes are happening in a country that profess to be the seat of Buddhism. And the very people the priests who sholud teah non violence and tolerance are playing the lead role 944. Luxman Siriwardena May 4, 2012 at 7:03 am (Edit) As a Buddhist I strongly believe that no place for extremism or religious discrimination in teaching of Lord Buddha. Lets stand against any such act. 945. ifthikarrehman May 4, 2012 at 7:22 am (Edit) Any person of ANY faith should NOT disrespect another faith. Islam means PEACE, just because some factions take it to a different level, and some factions have their own reasons, ALMIGHTY ALLAHS religion still means PEACE. Just because we were born to different faiths and different countries I am also a human being with flesh and blood just like you. I can besomebodysfather/son/mother/daughter/brother/sister. do not do something to others that you would not like to happen to you. If every human lived by this rule we will all be in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!! Ameen. 946. Mohamed Azhar May 4, 2012 at 7:41 am (Edit) Let we all get together to uplift our standard via mutual understanding between each other community 947. Kumaran Nadesan May 4, 2012 at 7:49 am (Edit) We have already paid too heavy a price for condoning or excusing such extremism in the past. Never again should we allow for such ignorance and hatred to show itself in civil society. I condemn this act and the Elpitiya incidents and I condemn those who allowed for it to happen and worse, refuse to acknowledge it. 948. Evangelin Shantini Ekanayake May 4, 2012 at 7:55 am (Edit) Page 160 of 196

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May 4, 2012 at 7:55 am (Edit) Yes, this is a beautiful country and my home and always will be.. but NO, I will not stay silent any more when we allow the rot of extremism to fester and grow, blinded by double standards and opportunism..its easy to pander to the populace of larger feast off violent passions, call it patriotism, hide such hideousness under sparkling new bridges and roads, and suspect every one who raises a voice of conscience against what you do.. Mr. President these are not comments by foreign funded anti government NGO type but from a woman who aches for her country, to see justice, safety, equality, for all..and to see thugs and men of violence stopped form making a mockery of pure Buddhism , and of your administration. 949. dineli samaraweera May 4, 2012 at 8:00 am (Edit) Thuggery and violence in the name of Buddhism. We should all hang our heads in shame!! This is not the land that I grew up in! 950. Ziard May 4, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) Any kind of violence against any religion should be condemned in Sri Lanka even if the minority is .2 % of the total population they should be allowed to practice any where in this soil,otherwise no one can talk about equal rights to all communities & one nation 951. Dileni Gunewardena May 4, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) Hate in the name of religion, wherever it happens, whoever the perpetrators, is wrong. Not in my name. Tagores poem Where the mind is without fear reflects my (diminishing) hope for Sri Lanka. I still believe in its possibility, and initiatives like not in our name feed that hope. Thank you. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. Rabindranath Tagore (Prayer from Gitanjali, 1910) 952. Berni Yatawara - Development Practioner May 4, 2012 at 10:21 am (Edit) We still have to look inside ourselves deeper.are we truly interested in reconciliation and moving forward as a nation? Or we are interested in maintaining our identity as Sinhala Page 161 of 196

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and moving forward as a nation? Or we are interested in maintaining our identity as Sinhala Buddhist nation. We cant be both. Lets not full oursevles here. Not forgetting there is a price to pay in either alternatives. Berni Yatawara Development Practioner 953. Tarsi Fernando May 4, 2012 at 10:22 am (Edit) What happened at Dambulla should not be treated lightly. The monks involved have denigrated both Buddhism and Sri Lanka. The chief monks should wake up and put their house in order instead of pontificating on political issues. 954. Mohamed Shaheed May 4, 2012 at 10:22 am (Edit) Actually that incident hurt all humans, those who likes peace always. But everyone Muslim brothers & sisters has responsibly to against such a things. 955. Sajda May 4, 2012 at 10:23 am (Edit) My name is Sajda Hussain. The violence in Dambulla and all other acts of injustice in Sri Lanka are not in my name. 956. Shivantha Rathnayake May 4, 2012 at 10:23 am (Edit) This violence is not in my name. Im so fed up with Sinhala Buddhist hegemonic mentality, though I have a Buddhist origin. Buddhism is Buddhism, it talks about the reality, the nature of the universe. Dont think that Buddhism will exist only at the expense or absence of other religions. This land belongs to all human being living here. History can say something else..but the present reality is that. 957. Austin May 4, 2012 at 10:31 am (Edit) In this episode, if the Mosque is wrong take action against it; and, if the protestors are wrong take action against them. Let Rule of Law prevail, without dilly-dallying. In the midst of allegations of conspiracy to destabilize Sri Lanka, one can predict that if firm action is absent here, it may truly happen. Then, please do not cry for spilt milk! 958. Ameer Ali May 4, 2012 at 10:36 am (Edit) I am still a proud Sri Lankan and a great admirer of the compassionate Buddah and his teachings. However, I feel ashamed of those who have become intolerant of other human beings because they belong to a different religion or culture. What is worse is that this intolerance is justified in the name of Buddhism. Let us join together and condemn these militants and the politicians who support them in order to save the plural Serendib. 959. MFM May 4, 2012 at 2:35 pm (Edit) Page 162 of 196

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How different is this from the teachings of the Buddha? 960. Mrs. Damaris Wickremesekera May 4, 2012 at 2:36 pm (Edit) This is not in my name. Such actions are certainly against the good name of Sri Lanka. Dont such statements amount to treason? 961. M. Rasmin May 4, 2012 at 2:37 pm (Edit) To Muslims all over the world Mosque is Allahs House. It is everything to them. They turn to mosque for their prayers. Moreover Muslims posed no problem or threat to anyone in Dambulla or anywhere else. They never interfered with the religious affairs of other communities. Under such circumstance what is the need to raise demolish Dambulla Mosque. The question is do we need to precipitate such an unwanted crisis now? Muslims never failed to rise up to the occasion to support and protect the country. For example when two-third majority was needed to obtain independence in 1948 the Muslim community wholeheartedly supported the bill which was detrimental to their own interest. It is time all involved in mosque demolition read late Prime Minister S.W.R.D.Bandaranaikes passionate and emotional response and assurance to Muslims which were conveniently forgotten later. Ultra nationalists who claim and behave as if King Vijaya and Kuveni had given them the title deed of sole ownership to the island and now hand in glove with the Israelis have forgotten the historic role played by Muslims in preserving the territorial integrity of the country. For example from the very beginning Muslims opposed tooth and nail the LTTE claim for a separate state. Had they joined hands with the LTTE then the country would have been divided decades ago as the islands armed forces were not equipped then, as it is today, to meet the challenges posed by the LTTE backed then openly by India. Muslims paid a heavy price for this. They were slaughtered in village after village and even while praying in mosques. Their paddy lands acquired, businesses closed and their very means of survival deprived. The entire Jaffna Muslims population was kicked out within two hours and their belongings and property were looted. In return Muslims expected some relief after the military defeat of LTTE. Instead they have been simply dismissed and sidelined. Though they remain deeply frustrated, yet they only expected some peaceful solutions to their problems .It was in this atmosphere comes the move to destroy Dambulla moque. The country has ended up in Geneva due to its failure to deal with one community- Tamils. Is this the time to provoke Muslims without any rhyme or reason especially, when Zionist Jews, Evangelical Christians together with RSS Hindu extremists have unleashed a global campaign killing Muslims and destroying Muslim countries? Under such circumstance who can predict the consequences of short sighted move to demolish the Dambulla mosque? 962. rahman.U.K.A. May 4, 2012 at 2:38 pm (Edit) Page 163 of 196

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May 4, 2012 at 2:38 pm (Edit) Not in my name,Dont make unrest among the races by religious extremism.This the Paradise model Island. 963. Nirmalan Dhas May 4, 2012 at 2:38 pm (Edit) The recent incident at Dambulla and the refusal of the government to condemn it and take action against those responsible, demonstrates quite clearly the nature and identity of the dynamic that has seized power of the Sri Lankan state. This is not an isolated incident but part and parcel of the process of the development of this dynamic the rampant rule of which can now be seen in every social institution beginning with the individual and reaching up to the state be it in marriage, the family, the school, religions, or the economy where it has established its violent reign. The dismantling of this dynamic which, with its murderously destructive power and demonstrated virulence of its spread, has attempted, and come very close to succeeding in seizing the world and enslaving the human species not so many decades ago, is the task of those who have the clarity of vision and firmness of commitment towards a tolerant, inclusive and non violent world. I wish to make it clear that the events allowed to occur at Dambulla and all other acts of violence, be they physical, mental or spiritual, whether they be oppressive or claimed to be liberative, whether they be committed in the name of the defense of religion, ideology, ethnicity, or state, do not have my approval, support or consent and SHALL NOT BE DONE IN MY NAME. 964. Duvindi Illankoon May 4, 2012 at 2:39 pm (Edit) Im a Buddhist, and I know this isnt what tolerance is. Actually, sounds disturbingly like ethnic cleansing to me. Not in my name, and definitely not in this lifetime. 965. Riyas May 4, 2012 at 2:40 pm (Edit) My name is Mohamed Riyas. This violence is not in my name. I had the privilege of working and studying with Sinhala friends. I learnt from them how Buddhism encourages diversity and tolerance. What i saw in Dambulla is complete a different picture. When this incident happened, lot of my Sinhala friends talked to me ( some even over the phone) and apologize for what had happened and they too felt This violence is not in my name Thanks for my all my Sinhala friends. 966. Murtaza May 4, 2012 at 2:41 pm (Edit) The act was plain ridiculous and simply unacceptable, shouldve acted in a responsible manner. 967. Thathsara May 4, 2012 at 2:42 pm (Edit) Definitely NOT in my name. 968. Lahiru Elvitigala May 4, 2012 at 2:42 pm (Edit) My name is Lahiru Elvitigala A Sri Lankan, follower of Buddhism. This violence was not Page 164 of 196

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My name is Lahiru Elvitigala A Sri Lankan, follower of Buddhism. This violence was not done in my name. Personally, its completely disgraceful. 969. Kamal Sedra May 4, 2012 at 2:43 pm (Edit) Not in Our Name. 970. Holmung P May 4, 2012 at 2:43 pm (Edit) We were for a large part of our history a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious country The defense establishment that has now broadened its horizons has a key role to play in all of this! There is a large stand-alone Buddhist-flag put up all year through since mid 2010. Replacing this with our National-flag, would be a step in the right direction JAck D Jack D May 5, 2012 at 12:07 am (Edit) We were for a large part of our history a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious country The defense establishment that has now broadened its horizons has a key role to play in all of this! There is a large stand-alone Buddhist-flag put up all year through since mid 2010 at the Independence Square. Replacing this with our National-flag, would be a step in the right direction JAck D Jack D May 5, 2012 at 12:08 am (Edit) This flag is at the Independence Square! NAS May 6, 2012 at 10:50 am (Edit) To a few of us the national flag symblises violence. A lion with a sword. This perhaps is the only ( subject to correction) national flag with an animal and a weapon. 971. Aaqib Kufran May 4, 2012 at 2:44 pm (Edit) I am a Muslim. My closest friends include several Christians, Hindus and Buddhists and in no way do we mean any harm to each other. Its not the beaches or the greenery or whatever else, it is this that is the beauty of our country what some people fail to grasp. No religion EVER teaches violence and all those preaching or acting otherwise are, in fact, not part of any religion. These people!? They are simply thoughtless and illogical human beings who are being misguided further by hidden agendas and twisted information. This violence!? Its not in my name. It shouldnt be in any of ours. 972. Asanka Abeysekera May 4, 2012 at 2:46 pm (Edit) I am Asanka Abeysekera. I am Sri Lankan. This violence is not in my name. Page 165 of 196

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973. Wendy Jeanne Ebenezer May 4, 2012 at 2:47 pm (Edit) extremism comes from hatred and when displayed by leaders, obviously results in a herd mentality. it is shameful, despicable, hateful and brings sorrow to the heart and crushes the spirit of the innocent and defenseless, and is definitely no reflection on ones religious convictions!! such displays of barbaric violence in the name of religion must be halted if were to save face with the rest of the world and encourage visitors/tourists to our island paradise. individuals who perpetrate such crimes must be severely dealt with and punished, regardless of their priestly robes. 974. nimaliewhitney May 4, 2012 at 2:48 pm (Edit) Makes me ashamed to be Sri Lankan 975. Chrisantha Liyanamana May 4, 2012 at 3:01 pm (Edit) Not in my name, and Im sure not in the name of the majority. It is a minority of extremists who carry out acts such as this. It is about time the majority of moderates stand up and raise their of reason, against these forms of religious and racial intolerance. 976. Abdul Hamid May 4, 2012 at 3:42 pm (Edit) all websites and movements inciting/propagating religious hatred shall be banned. Also shall pass legislation to this effect toput wrong doers behind bars 977. jayanthi Gunewardena May 4, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) As a Sri Lankan I am ashamed of the behaviour of these monks. They are a disgrace to the religion. It is time for a peaceful protest against this type of people. As Buddhists we should boycott this temple and stop giving alms. The only way this type of priests will learn a lesson is if they feel the wrath of the devotees. It is also time for us to show peoples power against corrupt politicians. 978. Rehan Fernando May 4, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 979. Vajira Kasturiarachchi May 4, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) Why cant Govt. take actions to arrest the culprits. 980. Sharmini Pereira May 4, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) I am Sharmini Mary Francis-Xavier Pereira. I am a Christian Tamil and work under the name of curator/publisher. This violence is shameful. This is the only name for it because it Page 166 of 196

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is not in my name. 981. Mangala May 4, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) Let us walk the talk of religious freedom in Sri Lanka 982. riyas mahboob May 4, 2012 at 5:52 pm (Edit) We stand for Peace 983. Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe May 4, 2012 at 7:08 pm (Edit) The attack on the mosque in Dambulla is yet another example where institutional Buddhism has been usurped and violated by ruling feudal-clerical landlords in saffrom robes, who reign in wealth, status and privilege with State patronage. There is a high possibility of a hidden agenda behind the attack, led by fundamentalist forces, who are testing ground, claiming political space, expanding their social base to carry out the objective of foisting a unitary-fascist, theocratic State. While it is important to roundly condemn the attack, it is more important to identify the agenda and th evil forces behind the attck and mobilise all progressive, democratic forces to defend democracy and freeom- and our pluralist heritage. Surendra 984. Dag Nielsen May 4, 2012 at 7:09 pm (Edit) Its definitly not in my name! 985. Ranga Kalugampitiya May 4, 2012 at 7:11 pm (Edit) We Sri Lankans have suffered enough from ethnicity- and religion-related problems, and enough simply means enough. It is heartbreaking to see our country, relieved of war, is heading towards greater danger. Now that it is more than obvious that the Rajapakse government is not interested in even acknowledging this danger, let alone finding a longlasting solution to the problem, the intellectuals should get together and do something in the name of our children. 986. Dayan John May 4, 2012 at 7:40 pm (Edit) Certainly in not my name. 987. Kelly Spence May 4, 2012 at 8:02 pm (Edit) Not in my name! 988. Vasanthi Thevanesam May 4, 2012 at 8:31 pm (Edit) Page 167 of 196

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As an academic in the Sri Lankan state university system, I oppose any form of violence and state unequivocally that such violence is never in my name! 989. S G Arnold May 4, 2012 at 9:02 pm (Edit) Religious intolerance and violence must be condemned and dealt with by the authorities to show the world that most Sri Lankans do not support such violence and abuse. The perpetrators do not seem to realise the damage they are causing to the national interest which is considerable for all sorts of reasons. 990. Sharlene Adams May 4, 2012 at 11:59 pm (Edit) Its a shame. But I am not sure that our signatures will be of any use as it is a culture of impunity. 991. Mohamed H.M.Nizam May 4, 2012 at 11:59 pm (Edit) Venerable Inamaluwa Sobitha of Dambulla who insulted the Muslims & Hindus in public, is a disgrace for the country+sinhalese in general and for Buddhism in particular. 992. Suresh de Mel May 5, 2012 at 1:06 am (Edit) The video footage seems to be oozing with thanhawa (desire/greed) from all sides thanhawa for land, thanhawa for power? thanhawa for sinhala-buddist supremacy? What is even more depressing is the deafening silence of the govt authorities and the Buddhist leadership. And the general level of apathy among the average sinhala buddhist on the street who is not willing to take a stand against this. The govt fought one war with the tigers. Now its time the govt took on the lions 993. Avanka May 5, 2012 at 1:19 am (Edit) Certainly not in my name. Two suggestions: 1. A civil society initiative (which includes some prominent people) that visits the Asgiriya and Malwatta Mahanayakes and requests them to make a public statement against the violence. 2. A protest march condemning the actions of the Dambulla monk. To be really effective, it would need to be organized by some buddhist organization(s). AH May 6, 2012 at 10:37 am (Edit) I would agree with the 1st. Ideally there should be more Sinhala Buddhists involved in Page 168 of 196

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I would agree with the 1st. Ideally there should be more Sinhala Buddhists involved in this initiative. It would be better if Buddhist priests can join the group. I am told that the head priest at Bellanwilla and Rev. Sobitha Thero among few otheres had condemned the behaviour of the monks in Dambulla. It had appeared in the Sinhala papers but I havent seen it. This has to be appreciated 994. Luvini Ranasinghe May 5, 2012 at 7:31 am (Edit) Against religious extremism in Sri Lanka 995. YWA May 5, 2012 at 8:14 am (Edit) Father forgive us for we know not what we do 996. rushdi May 5, 2012 at 8:31 am (Edit) How low one can go 997. J.C. Ratwatte Jr. May 5, 2012 at 8:32 am (Edit) The lunatic fringe should be pushed back to just that the fringe. 998. Professor Amal S Kumarage May 5, 2012 at 12:46 pm (Edit) The violence against religion, the incitement of communal tensions, the unwillingness of authorities to act wisely on such events at least by learning from history or even from the lessons learnt commission they themselves appointed, is not what we expect from a democratic government. Thus all this is not in my name. 999. Ameen Akbar May 5, 2012 at 12:46 pm (Edit) finally Sri Lanka has peace. lets keep it peaceful 1000. Menaka Fernando May 5, 2012 at 12:47 pm (Edit) In the history of the world there is no evidence to show that Buddhists have interfered or done any damage to any other religion in any part of the worldBuddhist do not regard the existence of other religions as a hindrance to worldly progress and peace 1001. Carmen Wickramagamage May 5, 2012 at 12:47 pm (Edit) I am still mulling over the question why this predominantly Buddhist country, in the aftermath of the War against the LTTE which the state won handily, acts in such intolerant a fashion. Shouldnt victory make you more magnanimous rather than less against the vanquished? Isnt that the lesson from that story from the Maha Vamsa, which I hear often, on King Dutu Gemunus respect for the dead Elara [always portrayed as a "Tamil" king] about? Isnt it time that we all took a determined stand against further violence and bloodshed which is the end result of such intolerance against minorities? Page 169 of 196

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1002. Layla Gonaduwa May 5, 2012 at 12:47 pm (Edit) Tamil Tigers massacred whole Muslim villagers and drove them out in thousands a few years back because of extremism. Please not again and not by a Buddhist fraction. Im a Buddhist. My children are Muslims. Im well equipped to have a balanced view and have the right to want peace and tolerance, and not face extremism in any form from anybody. 1003. Harlan May 5, 2012 at 12:48 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 1004. Sharlene Adams May 5, 2012 at 12:49 pm (Edit) It is yet another example of how Buddhists flout the tachings of Lord Buddha. It is shameful! The sad thing is that in a country which professes Buddhism, the philosophy has rarely made an impact on the lives of people. One has only to encounter or read about the widescale corruption in the country from the policeman on the street, to the highest political levels, not to mention others of differnt rank in the public and private sector, to see that Buddhism has failed in Sri Lanka. It is not just in the behavior of the extremists described here. Many of tjose who patronize the temple, Monks and laity alike have failed to make the national, foremost religion which they brandish in bigotry, part of their lives. When will we ever learn! 1005. Geoffrey Walles May 5, 2012 at 12:49 pm (Edit) Anybody who practices or condones violence in the name of their religion is not in their heart a member of that religion but is an abuser of that religion. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this, Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. 1006. sepala senaratne May 5, 2012 at 12:51 pm (Edit) All this is because of petty politics that started in 1956!!! 1007. Albert Einstein May 5, 2012 at 1:17 pm (Edit) Not in my name a shameful act by monks and thugs. What we saw in Dambulla is a clear sign that Sri Lanka is headed down a steep precipice towards a moral ethical vacuum. We should ask how many other Mahanayake Theras are also speaking in such vulgar language to decent women? Very few buddhists in Sri Lanka practice Buddhism. Many are simply faking it including monks. Monks are the biggest crooks but they are well protected by powerful politicians. 1008. P. Dole May 5, 2012 at 1:41 pm (Edit) Page 170 of 196

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May 5, 2012 at 1:41 pm (Edit) I am a Buddhist; my husband & child is muslim. This is most certainly NOT in our name. Its an utter disgrace to our country and to our race! 1009. Rohan Samarajiva May 5, 2012 at 2:31 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 1010. David May 5, 2012 at 4:00 pm (Edit) Religious extremism like this is extremely dangerous & could be fanned by elements who are against the government.This has been on international news, has bad implications for Sri Lanka including the Muslim world. 1011. Aloka Kumarage May 5, 2012 at 4:00 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 1012. Pingback: Mobs, Monks and the Problems of Political-Buddhism 1013. Kanishka Wijesinghe May 5, 2012 at 6:51 pm (Edit) NO JUSTICE IN SRI LANKA ???? We have a very good legal system in Sri Lanka. If we think the muslim prayer centre is illegal we would have gone go the courts and get justice for us. I am sure the court will give an independent judgement as long as we have enough evidence to prove it is illegal. So I am asking those who participated in the protest, why you took the law into your hands. we have no rights to take the law to our hand. you thought you are protecting Buddhism but actually you have spoiled the good name of Buddhism 1014. Haleen Sookoor May 5, 2012 at 8:24 pm (Edit) The culture and the civilization of Sri Lanka is legendarythese acts of a bunch of hooligans has smeared dirt on the good name of the Lord Buddha and all that He taught. Not in my name. 1015. Ramya Vithanage Kalugampitiya May 5, 2012 at 10:45 pm (Edit) Never ever in my name 1016. Muhammed Faizee Raban May 5, 2012 at 10:46 pm (Edit) Its been my experience that educated Buddhists, specially Monks are very tolerant and very helpful to other religions and the other places of worship. My personal experience. I am sure the Buddha never said or encouraged a follower to speak in such a vile manner as was exhibited on that Day. If one was to go down Sri Lanka history, there are many instances where Sinhala Buddhist kings have helped Muslims, in the face of attack by the other Page 171 of 196

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where Sinhala Buddhist kings have helped Muslims, in the face of attack by the other colonists. Of the crowd that day, the vast majority would have been imports , not natives of Dambulla 1017. Gonnaduwa May 5, 2012 at 11:14 pm (Edit) The acts of the ignorant, yes ignorant monks (they are not buddhist in reality, but racists) is a shame. This is not what our Lord Buddha preached. Kicks these monks out of Dambulla. we Do not need another communical civil war. The Government what you guys doing? 1018. M.R.M Fahim May 6, 2012 at 12:03 am (Edit) if all are follow the real teaching of religions then wont be problems,we need to focus this to the world by the medias about similarities of the religion,as quran says come to common terms among us and you.. thaalaw ila kalimathin sawaein bainana wa bainakum we will compromise with common matters other matters discuss and solve. this is the only way of peace 1019. Ali May 6, 2012 at 12:12 am (Edit) I love Sri Lanka. Im home! I was born in this country and Im certainly not an alien. How can somebody alienize me? If you chase me out by the name of the religion, where can go? 1020. Rasmin Kamarudeen Haneefa May 6, 2012 at 6:56 am (Edit) What a shame for Srilanka ? Disgrace to real followers, Religious intolerance, Extremism is continuing on its way, Mawanaella, Mutur, Anurathapura, Dambulla, When will Take rest? Government is dumb folded? Rajapaksha didnt open his mouth? Is it Political Game? Yes, Whenever fly from srilanka Another game will be ready? The time is not far way to tell the truth. 1021. D.N. Muttiah May 6, 2012 at 6:57 am (Edit) Equality and Freedom, please! 1022. Sanjiv Alles May 6, 2012 at 6:57 am (Edit) Am shocked to find so many educated, civilized, rational minded people supporting the events over the last few days. In a civilized society discrimination in any form cannot and should not be tolerated. After all we are all a minority in some aspect of our lives.. 1023. Pingback: Mobs, Monks and the Problems of Political-Buddhism | TBC LONDON(Edit) 1024. Ranjit Wijekoon May 6, 2012 at 10:50 am (Edit) Page 172 of 196

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I join to deplore the mob attack and the complicity of the State that went with it. One group of people is trying to rule over the other groups.This has to be resisted. 1025. Suranga Mallawa May 6, 2012 at 10:50 am (Edit) Ive decided to put my name down for the following reasons : - I fear that silence over this specific incident may lead to many others widening the space for impunity in Sri Lanka and may have negative repercussions in the post-war and current conflict fragile environment. - If public and religious authorities are failing to condemn such acts of violence, its everyones responsibility to step up and ensure that more seeds of future conflicts are not planted and thats how I see this initiative. - This type of call for hate, violence and lack of tolerance is not the buddhism I was taught and I grew up with : however as a Sinhalese both from the South and the diaspora I am shocked to witness how close ones are blindly buying once again into this Sinhala Buddhist chauvinistic diatribe from this mob and monks. This is not my buddhism, my Sinhalism nor the Sri Lanka I want. 1026. Gamini Wijenayake May 6, 2012 at 4:28 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 1027. Ossan Salam - Doha May 6, 2012 at 4:29 pm (Edit) Beside all differences either by religion, race and language, we should join hand in hand to oppose any moves by any ethnic group or party against any ethnicity in Sri Lanka. we assume that there was a hidden hand in the Dambulla affair this so-called sacred place is not in the possession of Rangiri administration. So the ownership of majority lands had come under the government.if you want, you may consider sacred area only the land which is belongs to Rangiri. what we want to know from the Dambulla Thero that whether sacred zone has been determined by the Buddhist scripts or by Inamaluwe Thero. 1028. kaleel rahuman mohamed Suhail May 6, 2012 at 4:37 pm (Edit) do not destroy others freedom 1029. SriLankan May 6, 2012 at 4:38 pm (Edit) Violence against certain community went unpunished in 1950"s,60"s 70"s even 1983. The results is another 100,000 fatalities from all communiteis. Are we getting ready again for a post 2009 blood bath?.Albert Einstein Said, Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and Im not sure about the former. Page 173 of 196

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about the former. If we allowed few fanatics stupidity to rule this Island, the results may be worse than post 83. 1030. Rusni Kuraish May 6, 2012 at 4:38 pm (Edit) everyone has the freedom to follow their religions and do their religious activities in any country. 1031. Professor Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka May 6, 2012 at 4:38 pm (Edit) The attack on the Dambulla mosque led by senior Buddhist monks epitomises the sanctimonious humbug of false religion in Sri Lanka, where the pristine Dhamma of the Buddha has now effectively disappeared being replaced by a grotesque distortion that passes for Buddhism but may be more accurately labelled as Militant Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism. We must not forget that this latest offensive against Muslims comes in the wake of 238 attacks on Christian churches, Christian pastors and Christian worshippers in Sri Lanka between 2002 and 2012 horrific details of which are in the public domain and which constitute a hidden human rights skeleton in the cupboard that has lain in the shadow of more publicised violations. 1032. Mohamed Firdous May 6, 2012 at 4:39 pm (Edit) In Sri Lanka it is dire need to build up a pluralistic culture that enable us to living together. In this regard, this violence is strongly condemnable as of any potential religious extremists that will affect the peaceful living of all citizens of Sri Lanka. Here I should say the government as well as Buddhist religious highest authorities should open their voice louder than the way they behaved so far. 1033. S.R. Uthumalebbe May 6, 2012 at 4:40 pm (Edit) we are born in Sri Lanka, we are very Against religious extremism in Sri Lanka, the Buddhist religious dont produce again a terrorist in Sri Lanka. 1034. Ithrees May 6, 2012 at 4:40 pm (Edit) All Buddhist monks are not bad and personally I know most of them very kind and against racism. However the demolition of 63 years old Mosque has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice. By One Nation and One country 1035. Sisira May 6, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) Page 174 of 196

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May 6, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) 1036. Sabri Rauf May 6, 2012 at 4:42 pm (Edit) We are Sri Lankans, we can be Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus or Christians but we altogether we are Sri Lankan. 1037. Shapan Adnan May 6, 2012 at 7:09 pm (Edit) I have great respect for the Buddhist tradition. However, this kind of mob violence and communal/religious extremism has little to do with the tolerant and universalist Buddhist beliefs. 1038. Vim Kumaratunga May 6, 2012 at 11:09 pm (Edit) The beauty of the faiths practised in Sri Lanka is not only the richness of their diversity, but their common universal messages of peace, brotherhood, goodwill to all, compassion, respect and most importantly love. The appalling violence, motivated by greed, bigotry,hatred and lust for power, perpetrated by a mob of insecure, megalomaniac, racist thugs who call themselves Buddhist monks goes against everything I hold dear and sacred as a Sri Lankan. Not now, nor will this EVER be in my name. 1039. R.M.IMRAN May 7, 2012 at 6:37 am (Edit) My dear friend.Pls lend ur ears to me . Islam is not a religion created by the human beings as the others(Buddhism etc),its from Allah Almightywe,Muslims believe that he will protect it forever for the human beings to lead a peaceful life.In a situation like this,its advisable to be silent & show them that we are the people of peace.We got to remember that even they demolish all the mosques in the land.they cannot alleviate Islam from the our pls be patient & respect other religions.Thanx for reading.. 1040. Anonymous May 7, 2012 at 6:38 am (Edit) he 30 year communal violence we just ended all because of Politics & who suffered all the innocent civilians As the people who start these are well protected.. All the Religions , Sinhalese , Tamil , Muslims & the Burghers all inter marry & live as one family .Why again cause another situation specially the Clergy should set an example among the people .. If they take to violence who is going to stop them? This is very Sad as Everyone in our country wants peace & to Live with Dignity Who ever is responsible think again before leading this country to another crisis 1041. Susara Bhikkhu May 7, 2012 at 6:38 am (Edit) Buddhism is the Religion of Tolerance, Page 175 of 196

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Buddhism is the Religion of Tolerance, True Buddhist, especially true Bhikkhus Would never accept Violence against Brothers and Sisters of other Religions. Teruvan Saranai Susara Himi 1042. Azam wahid May 7, 2012 at 6:39 am (Edit) Not in my name. 1043. Dr K Sivanesan May 7, 2012 at 6:40 am (Edit) One Country Many Religons Do not impose majority religion to minorities! Have tolerance. Would you destroy Katharagama Murugan Temple as its in the South? Probably NOT! Do not divide the people now with religion and it did not happen in the past 1044. Michael Mendis, a Sri Lankan. May 7, 2012 at 6:40 am (Edit) Not in my name. 1045. Hemantha Jayawardena May 7, 2012 at 7:52 am (Edit) It is best of ALL so called religious leader crawl back into a hole and leave the people alone. 1046. Dinouk Colombage (@Dinoukc) May 7, 2012 at 9:57 am (Edit) I am Dinouk Colombage, violence is not in my name 1047. Charith Gunawardena May 7, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) Staying silent over ongoing militant religious extremism is not an option. This shameful behaviour mob violence and bigotry Not in my name. 1048. Rafha May 7, 2012 at 5:24 pm (Edit) What a beautiful country and people of all races in Sri Lanka. Oh my God! I cant think or even dream of religious extremism in Sri Lanka. No dears! we should not allow this silly and crazy creatures to play havoc in this tiny Island. 1049. R.M.B Senanayake May 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) The State must regulate the Sangha if there is to be law and order. It was so in the time of the Sinhalese kings. The monks are responsible for the Tamil ethnic problem and they will cause a religious problem as well. A law to regulate the monks and to punish them through Page 176 of 196

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a religious problem as well. A law to regulate the monks and to punish them through Ecclesiastical courts for violations of the Buddhist code of ethics for monks is necessary. Otherwise the war of all and against which Hobbes predicted when the State becomes ineffective will take place. 1050. Sharmini de Saram May 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) I support this campaign opposed to religious and racist violence 1051. Cedric May 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm (Edit) This is not Buddhism ,but primitive tribal behavior . A few years behind iron bars would be appropriate . ! 1052. Johan De Livera May 7, 2012 at 5:26 pm (Edit) Organized religion divides more than it unites. Buddhism is no exception and in our postindependence history, no stranger to using its influence on the people for evil. While condemning the actions of the priests in Dambulla, Id also encourage everyone to move away from the temples, churches, mosques, and kovils and deprive them of your support. Their power comes from you; their actions are representative of you. Take that power away from them. Practice religion as individuals, not as organizations. 1053. Sumathy Balaram May 7, 2012 at 7:11 pm (Edit) I am Sumathy Balaram (Rupen) I am Tamil Canadian. This violence is not in my name 1054. Rev Bertram J Mather May 7, 2012 at 7:21 pm (Edit) World in which we live is full of pluralism. Pluralism is Gods gift to us. Pluralism is in other words Diversity. Diversity is Gods creation. But the purpose of Diversity is to celebrate it in unity. The call for Gods creation is to celebrate the diversity in unity. Hence diversity cannot be eliminated. It is part of the creation and nature of the creation and it has to be preserved and celebrated. Lord Budha, The Enlightened one taught the middle-way. The insight of the middle-way is Maitri (Friendship) and karuna(Compassion). The Sangha the Monastic Community who is supposed to be the ambassadors of the teaching of the middle-way that of maitri and Karuna has themselves become the destroyers of the teaching of the Lord Buddha in Sri Lanka. This is the sad part of the Buddhism in Sri Lanka. We hope and pray that the Sangha will open their eyes to the real teaching of the Lord Buddha and will come forward to practice it. The three vehicles in Buddhism are the Sangha(The Monastic Community), the Hinayana(The little vehicle) and Mahayana(The Great Vehicle) are entrusted to the Sangha for them to teach and practice the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Noble Path that would lead for Nirbhana. It is sad and shameful that the Sangha who are supposed to be the Ambassadors of this Great way of life have themselves become the curse for Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Page 177 of 196

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Great way of life have themselves become the curse for Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Sangha, It is our humble plea and appeal to you to safe-guard the ethnic and Religious communities in Sri Lanka and safe guard our Motherland Sri Lanka by enabling all the communities to celebrate the life of co-existence and live in harmany and celebrate Karuna and Maitri (Friendship & compassion) the prime virtues of Buddhism. 1055. Athanasius Fernandopulle May 7, 2012 at 8:53 pm (Edit) Certainly not in my name! 1056. Shakeel mohamed May 7, 2012 at 8:54 pm (Edit) sri lanka is peaceful country..but bec of some stupid people the country loosing its name..why dont we build the nation together without fighting between us 1057. Thilina Wickramaarachchi May 7, 2012 at 8:54 pm (Edit) Any form of violence done towards another being is not justifiable according to Buddhist dhammaso this act cannot be condonedand is not be done in my name. 1058. Namel. Weeramuni May 8, 2012 at 6:13 am (Edit) What we need is a decent society in this country. Preaching has not done anything to moralise the society. What society needs is good literature and the habit to read. Implantation of feelings will make the people realis e what is violent and wha t is not violent. 1059. Mihiri Weerasinghe May 8, 2012 at 6:14 am (Edit) I follow Buddhist principles. This aggression is a disgrace. It is an abomination. This was not done in my name. 1060. Gamini Perera May 8, 2012 at 7:58 am (Edit) This type of violonce should be stopped immidiatly regardless of whom stands back. Our nation must not be divided. 1061. angela tampiyappa May 8, 2012 at 8:00 am (Edit) Violence is not good and would not achive anything good out of it. 1062. Fathima Sharmila May 8, 2012 at 10:32 am (Edit) Im Sharmila. A truly Sri Lankan Muslim. I have great respect for Budhdhism, this was done only by a minor set of people with very cheap attitude. Not in my name, hopefully not in any of a true Sri Lankans name. 1063. Shadheela Ravaj May 8, 2012 at 12:13 pm (Edit) Page 178 of 196

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May 8, 2012 at 12:13 pm (Edit) May the almighty protect the peace and unity of this country and safeguard the Dambulla mosque. 1064. Mohamed Afzal May 8, 2012 at 12:22 pm (Edit) This act is only going to harm the image of Sri Lana and create disharmony among different ethnic groups 1065. Sri Lankan May 8, 2012 at 12:35 pm (Edit) Power corrupts. No religion is superior to another. Therefor Sri Lanka should remove protected status of Buddhism from its constitution. This will take away divine rights of priests who can instigate violence and get away without being punished. No religion can last forever if it does not meet aspiration of people. Even Buddhism will disappear when it is not relevant to people. 1066. Chamah Kottage May 8, 2012 at 1:08 pm (Edit) As a Sinhala Buddhist I am deeply saddened to see this kind of behavior by our Buddhist monks. I really do not understand why they can not see that this types of incidents would do more damage to Buddhism than any thing else. 1067. Prerna May 8, 2012 at 3:47 pm (Edit) Akin to the Babri Mosque demolition and Gujarat riots against Muslims in India. Both unfortunately done in our name. 1068. SriLankanin May 8, 2012 at 5:08 pm (Edit) I am Chamathka. Im Sri Lankan. Im Christian. This is NOT in my name! Sri Lanka doesnt need more violence, more racism after the end of a civil war which broke out because of it! Open your eyes Sri Lankans! Were all people! Love each other! 1069. Shyam Sunther May 8, 2012 at 10:20 pm (Edit) It is sad to note that the way of the Buddha is being degraded by some bigoted sections of the very groups who are supposed to be protecting it. The great Buddhas teachings of truth, compassion and detachment do not need the protection of these bigots. As the Buddha himself has stated, the best way to propagate and glorify his teachings is to practice them. Hope this charade is nipped in the bud, as Sri Lanka can ill afford to lose its credibility as a just and dharmishta country especially at this juncture. 1070. Sonali Gunasekera May 8, 2012 at 10:20 pm (Edit) This type of violence is disgraceful. 1071. Dr. Aslam Page 179 of 196

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1071. Dr. Aslam May 8, 2012 at 10:37 pm (Edit) Riots of this nature still deepens the wounds already created by the 30 year long war of our country. Our country has just come out of the clutches of a terrible period of murder, insecurity and economic lability. We should as a nation move forward. Unfortunately the people who should be forward are the ones degrading the society once again. The monks have behaved very indecently. The have brought shame and dishonor to their own teachings. They have dishonored their fellow buddhists. Their actions were watched and witnessed by millions all over the world. And what a shame! The leader of this protest, supposed to be a very dignified personal has brought himself to ranks lower than the street pariahs. Fortunately, we all know that the majority of the buddhists of this country are peace-loving citizens and very hospitable. I hope that we do not fall prey to these thugs in monks robe and all live peacefully as brothers and sisters of one nation, one motherland 1072. Mohamed May 8, 2012 at 11:03 pm (Edit) Dear sri lankans this is for ur attention , incresing religious extremism in sri lanka will destroy our religious harmoney, in order to show our strength towards this will discourage this type of thugs attempt to destabalize our country, there fore kindly request from u all to against this from your heart and lets put pressure on sri lankan government to take legal action against this culprits 1073. moryz May 9, 2012 at 7:41 am (Edit) There is no Development without Peace. There is no Peace without Reconciliation (Communal Harmony). There is no Reconciliation without Accountability. 1074. Ray May 9, 2012 at 7:42 am (Edit) Unacceptable behavior by the monks. This mosque has been there for over 60 years. Why now? First Tamils, and ow Muslims. Next will be the Christians.. 1075. Dineth Sumathipala May 9, 2012 at 7:42 am (Edit) What the moronic mastermind behind this desecration thought it would accomplish, I will never know. But then maybe hes not as progressive thinking as he preaches. Shock horror. In any case, the violence, hatred and narrow-mindedness is certainly not in my name, and never will be. 1076. Ramani Gunasekera May 9, 2012 at 11:40 am (Edit) As a practicing Buddhist I am horrified and shamed by the actions of a few Buddhists, lay and ordained. Page 180 of 196

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They couldnt really be Buddhists. Wheres panathipatha nahiverena verani and basic Buddhist principles in all this? 1077. Lucky Kodituwakku May 9, 2012 at 11:45 am (Edit) Buddhist Clergy Please live by example according to the teachings of the Buddha. 1078. Wimal Jayakody May 9, 2012 at 12:31 pm (Edit) Any form of violence done towards another being is not justifiable. Behaviour of the Buddhist Priests is a disgrace. It should be the humble plea and appeal of all Sri Lankans to safe-guard the ethnic and religious communities in Sri Lanka 1079. Ronny May 9, 2012 at 1:14 pm (Edit) WHYwhy why for What what what.. 1080. Theja & Priyanthi May 9, 2012 at 1:15 pm (Edit) We denounce violence against any ethnic community religious belief system in Sri Lanka or any where in this world. We are for non violence. 1081. H.Samarasinghe May 9, 2012 at 1:39 pm (Edit) Reject religious extremism. Restore religious freedom. 1082. Brindha Radhakrishnan Ruwanpura May 9, 2012 at 2:33 pm (Edit) It is sad to see such things happening. It is a disgrace to the robe. I think the ease of taking a robe needs to be reconsidered. Most benefits attached to the robe needs to be thoroughly examined to identify if it attracting a wrong people to take up the robe. The sincerity of the robe seems to be lost these days. 1083. Priyan fernando May 9, 2012 at 2:41 pm (Edit) It will be the beginning of the end. No religion condones this type of action 1084. Roshan N May 9, 2012 at 2:51 pm (Edit) Sadly, we all know this isnt about a mosque or a Kovil. Dambulla incident was only a tip of an iceberg trying to pull out by the extremists to spread the ideology of sinhala supremacy in the country followed by the war victory, which will lead us to another ethnic conflict. certainly not in my name. 1085. Arjuna Fernando May 9, 2012 at 5:37 pm (Edit) It can never be in the name of Buddah. Page 181 of 196

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It can never be in the name of Buddah. It can never be in the name of Dhamma. It must not be in the name of Sanga. It certainly is not in my name. 1086. V.T.Thamilmaran May 9, 2012 at 5:37 pm (Edit) In my opinion. Buddhism recognizes pluralism and never condones domination. For Lord Buddha, Dhamma is the king of kings. We teach this as rule of law. But,unfortunately, we have many kings sans Dhamma. It is the basic problem with us. VTT. 1087. R.A.Ratwatte May 9, 2012 at 5:38 pm (Edit) This is NOT Buddhism. Clean up the Buddha Sasanaya in Sri Lanka. Get rid of the miscreants who are masqarading as the Sanga or stand to watch the destruction of our beloved philosophy during our lifetime ! 1088. Sultana Kamal May 9, 2012 at 7:54 pm (Edit) This shameful act has to stop not only in Sri Lanka but in all countries where human rights violations and atrocities are done in the name of religion. We dream of a world where all peoples are equal. 1089. Millsworth May 9, 2012 at 8:57 pm (Edit) Im a Singhalese, and can root my heritage all the way back to pre colonial periods, I come from a strong buddhist family.I suppose im the typical individual that these racist monks claim to representwell guess what I want nothing to do with these small minded bigots who shame my heritage and what Buddha taught! . There actions are NOT IN MY NAME! 1090. M.M.Razick May 9, 2012 at 8:58 pm (Edit) Religious tolerance existed in our country for the last several centuries, though there were isolated incidences on misunderstanding between two individuals of different religions ending in communal conflicts that were resolved peacefully. For a permanent solution a political leadership of a statesman like Mahathma Ghandi or Nelson Mandela is needed. Sometimes short sighted and power hungry politicians make use of these type of occurrences for their own advantage. 1091. Thilina Weerasekera May 9, 2012 at 9:00 pm (Edit) My dream is for a country where there is ethnic and religious harmony. 1092. Jivaka Atapattu Page 182 of 196

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1092. Jivaka Atapattu May 10, 2012 at 6:15 am (Edit) This is a disgrace. I totally condemn it 1093. Akuila Yabaki May 10, 2012 at 6:16 am (Edit) Any claim to uniqueness on the part of any religion be it Christianity or Buddhism is inappropriate especially when it has led to undeminig the human rights of others. 1094. prasanna vithanage May 10, 2012 at 7:05 am (Edit) Not in my name! 1095. Thassim May 10, 2012 at 11:11 am (Edit) well said 1096. Luke Pereira May 10, 2012 at 11:11 am (Edit) Religious extremism has been with us through the ages, but it becomes intolerable when supported by Governments. 1097. Naleem Badurdeen May 10, 2012 at 11:12 am (Edit) If we dont learn a lesson with our 30 years of unrest, we will never be able to build this country. Its easy to create hatred, but very hard to create love and care. The only true success will come by being united, have respect and tolerate for each other. Look at the western countries eg. Canada, people are there from all over the world, possibly every religion and race from all over the world. Yet they all live in harmony. The government has placed a system that works for everyone. Why dont we start looking at those countries and learn from them. Definitely not in my name. 1098. mayuri ariyasiri May 10, 2012 at 11:13 am (Edit) All Sri Lankans should live in harmony. No matter to what religion they belong to. We do not want violence to happen again in this country..Everybody should have equal rights 1099. Dr.Rukmal Seneviratne May 10, 2012 at 11:14 am (Edit) Tolerence was a quality which was praised by the Buddha. The kind of buddhism practiced by the majority of monks and laymen in Sri Lanka is quite in contrary to the teachings of the Enlightened One. It is only a handful of monks and laymen who practice the pristine Dhamma expounded by the Buddha .Sadly most of the Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka with the backing of the state, advocate this type of violence and hooliganism in the name of patriotism and religion. Let us all condemn such acts and live in harmony in accordance to the word of the Buddha. Page 183 of 196

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Let us all condemn such acts and live in harmony in accordance to the word of the Buddha. 1100. Professor Savitri Goonesekere and Rajah Goonesekere May 10, 2012 at 11:20 am (Edit) An Excellent Statement. We fully support and endorse this statement. 1101. M D M Rizvi May 10, 2012 at 12:32 pm (Edit) What harm in having a Mosque, Church or Kovil which is are sacred place of worship for the Muslims Christians and Tamils respectively in any area declared as an sacred area. Is Katharagama not a sacred area?, where there is a Temple, Kovil and Mosque in very close proximity to each other . The government should investigate to find if there is any hidden hand to disturb the ethnic and religious harmony in the country. I commend Groundviews for their innovative launch of the Not in our name campaign. M D M Rizvi Managing Director Freelanka Media Ltd Publishers of Navamani Newspaper 1102. Mikail Mushin May 10, 2012 at 1:03 pm (Edit) Born to Muslim and Sinhalese Catholic parents. My family is a model that multiculturalism is achievable. For the sake of a united & prosperous Sri Lanka. I hope we embrace our differences and commonality. This violence is not in my name. 1103. sach May 10, 2012 at 1:26 pm (Edit) Pls stop religous extremism in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is a multi religous and a multi ethnic country. Any extremism is bad for SL. And punish the ones involved in the dambulla incident. 1104. ishanka May 10, 2012 at 3:05 pm (Edit) Stop this madness. Punish the culprits. 1105. S Gunawardena May 10, 2012 at 3:05 pm (Edit) I am against this kind of violence. It is completely against Lord Buddhas teachings!!! 1106. Prof. Jayantha Seneviratne May 10, 2012 at 3:06 pm (Edit) Certainly this mob violence is not in my name. Page 184 of 196

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1107. Suresh Murugaser May 10, 2012 at 6:13 pm (Edit) CERTAINLY not in my name! I firmly believe that incidents like Dambulla or the burning of churches and kovils in the South (and even in the North) are taking place mainly due to the apathy of the Government. If it continues to follow the hardline Sinhala-Buddhist supremacy line, this Government is only inviting a reprise of what happened over the last thirty years and this time not from just one community, but also the growing number of poorer sections of the society. May God bless Sri Lanka and see that the correct ideas are implanted into the minds of the Leadership even at this late stage. Despite what many people think, the War euphoria is not going to last forever, and MR has the best possible opportunity to take the correct decision irrespective of a little dissension! 1108. Sisira Kumara Delay May 11, 2012 at 6:41 am (Edit) I dont like religious extremism in Sri Lanka 1109. Dr.Francesca Bremner May 11, 2012 at 11:47 am (Edit) I stand in solidarity, am proud to stand in solidarity with the Sri Lankans who have the courage to oppose bigotry and intolerance. 1110. U.K.A.Rahman May 11, 2012 at 11:51 am (Edit) Dont create religious extremism in our beloved paradise of the world-Srilanka, enough to us passed thirty years of terrorism/ethnic conflict 1111. Hasantha Gunaweera May 11, 2012 at 4:21 pm (Edit) this is fundamentalism, this time in Dambulla Sinhalese-Buddhist fundamentalism. 1112. M.Musthafa.M.Nizar May 11, 2012 at 5:38 pm (Edit) Undoubtedly Sri Lanka is well within the reach of a failed state where under the nose of the government all atrocities are committed under the supervision of politicians, police and armed forces . Urgent remedial measures to be taken by all right thinking people 1113. Mathisha De Silva May 12, 2012 at 6:17 am (Edit) People need to understand that we all live in one island that we cant leave.. And im not talking about sri lanka Think, the world. 1114. Nushelle de Silva May 13, 2012 at 10:33 pm (Edit) Page 185 of 196

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May 13, 2012 at 10:33 pm (Edit) So urgent was this message of hate that it couldnt even wait until prayers were over. This violence is certainly not in my name. 1115. Silma Mohideen Ahamed May 14, 2012 at 10:45 am (Edit) The Buddhism Im familiar with is Kindness and Tolerance. Whats happening?? Silma Mohideen Ahamed 1116. Mohammed Mafaz May 14, 2012 at 11:57 am (Edit) I condemn the mob attacks that happenned in Dambulla, as well as by signing this I condemn all indecent attacks that would be done against any religious institution in this country. 1117. Rasheed May 14, 2012 at 1:00 pm (Edit) 99.99 % Buddhist peoples had good understand about other religions & community. Very few people only doing these kind of work around the island. But we have a history more than 3000 years we are living with social harmony. Government should take action keep peaceful life with every society in the Island. But unfortunately powers keep a silence this silence destroyed our past social harmony. 1118. Seyed May 15, 2012 at 9:36 am (Edit) Sitting far from that emerald isle, my motherland where I was born and my forefathers, it is disheartening to see those who are suppose to preach peace acting and inciting the worst behavior that can be expected from any one. What they dont realize is how much damage they have caused to this country by this madness, undoing all the good things that majority of our brothers have done united. All I can pray to god is open their eyes to reality, enlighten them from this hatred, please we suffered for 30 years, one generation went through this this, lets not saw again, not again for my children, not in my name certainly. 1119. Sujatha Manushka Devische May 15, 2012 at 10:26 pm (Edit) The chief monks threat was nothing other than the actual promise of cultural if not ethnic cleansing in the name of religion, in the name of a transcendental sovereignty. It is evidently clear that he (the sacred temple) is fully armed with his own media apparatus to propagate not the teachings of the Buddha but his extremist religious orthodoxy, which more than confirms why there is no such thing as *Buddhism* in Sri Lanka. Certainly not what we understand *as* Buddhism, a philosophy that speaks of the impermanence and transience of life, of our inescapable finitude and mortality, yet this fundamental ontology of our human condition and existence seems to elude the monastic members who rather than meditate on this core ethical principle arrogate to themselves the title of `learned disciples of the Buddhist doctrine. It is a great irony that we are compelled to witness members of the Buddhist clergy behaving like bullying Page 186 of 196

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compelled to witness members of the Buddhist clergy behaving like bullying merchants driven by the capitalist desire to appropriate wealth and status increasingly assuming positions of dominance as representatives of the superstructure espousing xenophobic hatred and racist populism. This shameful racist violence in Dambulla is consistent with the totalitarian states ideological appropriation of land in the north and east for construction of Buddhist sites, justified in the name of historical injustice against Buddhism and its continued re-colonization and re-militarization in the name of a dubious peace. It was not long ago that a Muslim shrine was demolished for profaning sacred Buddhist territory in Anuradhapura while the police watched by. It is hard to differentiate the monks from mobs. The question to be posed is on whose side is the *law*? Recall also the assault on a Catholic church with monks leading a mob, all of which unsurprisingly have taken place in the so-called post-war Sri Lanka. The mob fraternity in this instance has been chillingly successful in achieving their political objectives given their access to state power and cover. These mob spectacles exemplify the insidiousness of what passes off as politics in Sri Lanka today. The Kafkaesque silence of the regime supporting lay Buddhists is astonishing. They seem to be lost in a Baudrillardian blur, where the agony of the other appears as a mere media effect. They must feel like depoliticized casualties of what Guy Debord calls TVs permanent opium war. Who gets to be human and who doesnt on evening news is the exceptional Schmittian decision relayed to viewers day in and day out as a spurious choice in the name of a revitalized democracy! It is precisely this kind of ethical blackmail one must resist! The institutional inscription of the distinction between citizens and non-citizens, *patriots* and *traitors* has never been more perniciously marked than in the pervasive triumphalist conjuncture of the victorious humanitarian war against the *enemy* of the *majoritarian* nation state. Thus one could see the violent action of the mob in conformity with the ruling regimes repressive clamp down of the public sphere, the crushing of dissent and criticism, the assassination of journalists, abductions and disappearance of activists, extra judicial executions, torture and detention. These crimes have been committed not without the signature of impunity and the counterinsurgency culture of the state that enables and legitimates them. Sri Lanka has been leaning towards this nation-state `Sinhala Buddhist predominance model. There lies the problem. Is it or is it not desirable to have the highest element (Hegel) not ethnically identified? Is it possible even to take up the challenge of reinventing a kind of statesocial body not founded on an ethnic exclusive identity? Can we unscramble this tragic reversal? This is the *specter *of reconciliation that haunts Sri Lanka, as indeed its *virtual* democracy. Page 187 of 196

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javajones May 16, 2012 at 10:37 am (Edit) Right on, Sujatha. Brilliantly put! 1120. British Sri Lankan May 16, 2012 at 12:56 am (Edit) Although I might live in Britain I still have my family there. I feel very ashamed that monks are becoming fanatics like some of the other religions trying to prove that their religion is the best. I follow the philosophy of Buddhism and not treat it as a religion, which it is not. We are supposed to be a non-violent people keeping balance. It is starting to put me off returning to Sri Lanka if this kind of extremism is being practiced by fanatics without understanding what Buddhism is about. 1121. S. Maria Anthony May 16, 2012 at 12:38 pm (Edit) Buddhism is a such a beautiful philosophy of life and it will grow by itself. The monks can only propagate the Buddhas ways. Politicization of Buddhism is dangerous. Our way of life should manifest Buddhas ways. Violent means of propagating religion defeats the core purpose of Buddhism. 1122. Sie.Kathieravealu May 16, 2012 at 2:10 pm (Edit) Violence of any nature is not directly supported by any religion. But there are exceptions for every rule including this rule. Greed is the main cause for most violent activities. Particularly GREED FOR POLITICAL POWER is the cause of unrest in the country and every country. So political power must be restricted to the utmost. One way of restricting political power is to divide political into tiny bits so that no one will be tempted to grab that tiny bit. Then there will be peace and harmony every where. NO VIOLENCE. 1123. Nimal Wimalasuriya May 16, 2012 at 3:00 pm (Edit) It is totally against the principles of Buddhist teaching to even threaten violence. It was shameful how when the (Muslim) lady very respectfully tried to explain her point of view, the so called monk threatened her. This was Sri Lankas day of shame. An insult to the robes that these so called monks were Page 188 of 196

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This was Sri Lankas day of shame. An insult to the robes that these so called monks were wearing. 1124. Rohini Hensman May 17, 2012 at 8:45 pm (Edit) Hatred and violence? Not in my name! 1125. EM May 17, 2012 at 8:46 pm (Edit) What Lord Buddha has taught us is to be peaceful. Protesting against a cause that is dear us is OK. But promoting vilonce especially by priest is not acceptable. They should not get involved any political activity except to teach us Lord buddas teachings. They do everthing except this. Hence priest go abroad leave robes and marry. Get caught up with rape. Get involved in business. I think the SL goverment has to look at the how the sangga is educated. They need to have special universities for the priests to attend with head pries as lectures and not let them leave their temple until they do their PHD or at least their Masters. Tis way they will learn how to conduct life as Lod Buddha taught us. Hope the goverment will consider strict code of practise for the priests. 1126. Gimhana Perera May 18, 2012 at 11:14 am (Edit) It is shameful that we seem to be going back to same mistake that we made some years back. It is time that we as Sri Lankans accept that no race or religion has the right for this whole country or to overpower the other. It is time to learn what is taught in our religions and live according to them. in peace respecting each other 1127. malki May 18, 2012 at 5:46 pm (Edit) Ours was a peaceful country tolerant of all religions and races. Lets not change this in the name of politics. 1128. Mifaza Hassen May 20, 2012 at 1:52 am (Edit) I am Mifaza Hassen and I am a Sri Lankan. I believe in a peaceful and united Sri Lanka. This violence is not in my name. 1129. j a herath May 20, 2012 at 1:52 am (Edit) Certainly not in my name. 1130. N. Loganathan May 20, 2012 at 1:53 am (Edit) The behaviour of the buddhist monks at Dambulla was deplorable!! Why was the Rule of Law not applied? The government and the police are answerable. 1131. Aparna Halp May 20, 2012 at 9:54 am (Edit) Not in the name of Buddhism, and certainly not in my name. Page 189 of 196

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Not in the name of Buddhism, and certainly not in my name. 1132. Rafeek Mohamed May 20, 2012 at 10:25 am (Edit) Just unite to resist all injustices. 1133. c winter May 23, 2012 at 3:20 am (Edit) I totally oppose mob violence and bigotry!! NO EXCUSES!! 1134. joseph May 23, 2012 at 3:22 am (Edit) Totally Against Religious Extremism as this only creates an uncomfortable environment and unrest among the people residing in the country who generally like to live peaceful lives with the freedom to worship no matter what religion each individual has chosen to follow. I believe that one should respect all religions as I do not know of any religion that teaches,preaches or practices bad. All religions in my opinion teach preach and try at its best to practice good. 1135. Zacky Ismail May 23, 2012 at 4:49 pm (Edit) This vandalism is suspected to be the work of a small minority of ultra nationalists who managed to get into influential positions in the government. Ever since the military defeat of the LTTE these ultra nationalists unleashed a vicious campaign community against Islam and Muslims inciting the majority. It began using ten Sinhala language and nine English language websites. They also produced a documentary on Daftar Jailani, Kuragala, accusing Muslims of grabbing this land which they claim belong exclusively to Sinhalese. There is also a growing feeling among the Muslims that Jamiyyathul Ulema should consult the community before taking any decision on behalf of the community. Long before Muslim politicians and theologians came to the scene, the spontaneous response of the entire Muslim community to the vandalism at Dambulla Mosque has been peaceful and dignified. Their only slogan was communal harmony. As usual Muslim politicians, theologians and all others slept. Then a mob taken from outside destroyed a Muslim shrine in Anuradhapura. Here too Buddhist monks led the mob. And now comes the move to demolish the Dambulla mosque. Even in this case though the mob leader was a local monk the mob was brought in from outside the area. What these unruly elements do not realize is that this destructive anti Muslim campaign has all the potentials to tear apart the country which has just emerged from a three decade of savage ethnic carnage. 1136. Muyeen May 23, 2012 at 4:51 pm (Edit) Page 190 of 196

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May 23, 2012 at 4:51 pm (Edit) it was cheap! we respect other religious hope for a change in our nation!! come out from blindness! 1137. Asanga Welikala May 24, 2012 at 4:43 pm (Edit) Deplorable. 1138. Giles Scott May 24, 2012 at 4:43 pm (Edit) Religious extremism is racism and should be punnished as such. 1139. Erosh Raymond May 24, 2012 at 5:06 pm (Edit) There is no time to point fingers at each other. but it is time for all to be EDUCATED that all Religions speak of GOOD, not to kill or hate others. therefore every one should join hands to STOP this menace , And the few who are making a very big effort On Face book and other social network to make this a war, and to put this country back in to torn community. 1140. Melwyn Gnanamuttu May 24, 2012 at 5:07 pm (Edit) We stand for democracy to the true sense of the word. 1141. Akram Wazeer May 25, 2012 at 12:59 am (Edit) I am a proud Sri Lankan,I consider my self to be blessed to be born in this paradise Island.This violence is not in my name,This violence is not in my friends name,This violence is not in my families name,This violence is not in my countries name. Let us stand to gather and work forth to to make Sri Lanka an exemplary nation for religious and ethnic co-existence and harmony, In fact we have been doing so for centuries,let us not allow our bond to be broken by few. We the many Sinhalese Muslims Tamils Burgers Malays stand side by side with each other to protect this nation and spread nothing but peace and love. Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.-Buddha In generosity and helping others be like a river. In compassion and grace be like sun. In concealing others faults be like night. In anger and fury be like dead. In modesty and humility be like earth. In tolerance be like a sea. Either exist as you are or be as you look. -Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.-Mother Teresa Page 191 of 196

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Teresa All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth.-Mahatma Gandhi We who have been born Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or any other faith can be very comfortable in each others temples, mosques, and churches, praying or meditating together to create a spiritual mass of consciousness which can overcome our greed, hatred, and illusions. Dr. Ari Ariyaratne 1142. Neela de Silva May 25, 2012 at 12:59 am (Edit) Very sad. Certainly not in my name. 1143. Radhika Philip May 25, 2012 at 1:00 am (Edit) I am Sri Lankan. As I understand it, this (or any) violence is the opposite of what the Buddha advocated. 1144. Fairooz Mahath May 25, 2012 at 1:00 am (Edit) Shame Shame . in the name of Budha. 1145. Aaliyah Hamdoon May 25, 2012 at 2:02 am (Edit) Not in my name. 1146. Dr Roshan de Sulva Wijeyeratne May 25, 2012 at 1:45 pm (Edit) The actions of some of the monks at Dambulla run counter to the doctrine of annata. These monks would would do well to consider the words attributed to the Buddha particularly in the early Suttas on the absence of self and the doctrine of dependent co-arising. For the Buddha the self was at the core of all the followed from such an assertion, violence included. 1147. k w janaranjana May 25, 2012 at 1:48 pm (Edit) no more racial violence 1148. Riyaz Marikar May 25, 2012 at 1:48 pm (Edit) Let us live in peace and harmony, enough fighting and discord, as sri lankans we can live side by side and its a very small minority who behave like this and we love our budhist brothers!! 1149. Gowru May 25, 2012 at 1:49 pm (Edit) I say NO to violence against anyone for any reason whatsoever Page 192 of 196

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1150. Bruce Raper May 25, 2012 at 8:07 pm (Edit) Thank you for bearing witness. We cannot remain silent in the face of violence. Imagine all the people living life in Peace!! 1151. Deepika Udagama May 25, 2012 at 8:07 pm (Edit) This despicable act goes against every tenet of Buddhism, hence, decency. Certainly, not in may name! Fanatics run riot when they are tolerated. Surely, was the war won to create this sort of an intolerant society? 1152. Valentine Ratnayeke May 26, 2012 at 1:59 pm (Edit) The founders of the major religons preached tolerance nd respect for the views of others. Religous extremism has no place in civilized society 1153. Olivia Bonnal May 28, 2012 at 3:58 pm (Edit) Such a shame 1154. Padmini Gunasekera May 28, 2012 at 10:49 pm (Edit) It happened to the Tamils, it happened to the Christian churches and pastors and now its happening to mosques and kovils. None of the above was in my name !! 1155. Joe William May 29, 2012 at 10:15 am (Edit) Religious extremism and national reconciliation cannot coexist. 1156. Marzook May 29, 2012 at 4:00 pm (Edit) This is a multiracial country where people respect each other. The Clergy men should make sure that all are Sri Lankan as one family rather than make a division. H.E. President says no minority in this country but here this clergies make afford to wipe out minority. This is totally against to Presidents policy. we just stopped one problem and they try to create the other. So, my kind request to all SriLankan whether Sinhalese, Hinduse, Christians, or Muslim pls. respect each religion and live peacefully as one family of Sri Lanka. 1157. Shervonde Silva May 29, 2012 at 4:02 pm (Edit) People turn to Monks and priests and those in holy orders to resolve their personal issues and aspects of hatred, jealousy greed , etc. How can lay buddhists people gain access confidently when they see them behave openly in this sad way. Surely this does not follow the teachings of the Buddha. People should be able to undertake a system of consultation which is close to the teachings and arrive at a value free decision. Page 193 of 196

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1158. Sindhu De Livera May 29, 2012 at 4:53 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 1159. Abdur rahman May 29, 2012 at 4:53 pm (Edit) Not in my name. 1160. Jonathan Gorvett May 29, 2012 at 5:28 pm (Edit) Astonishing that such people could claim to have anything to do with Buddhism, let alone be monks. Why does the sanga not expel them? This does so much harm to a belief known throughout the world for its compassion. 1161. Ayodhya Krishani May 29, 2012 at 5:44 pm (Edit) am against all forms of violence & intolerance from structural,to invisible to institutional to surfaced violence based on identities. And, am against people who exploit such situations/ peoples emotions to create violence in communities in anywhere in the world. 1162. Nilhan de Mel May 29, 2012 at 6:25 pm (Edit) This violence is not in my name. 1163. Yoshitha May 29, 2012 at 6:52 pm (Edit) To whom ever concerned, As a fellow, peace-loving Sri Lankan youth, and a Sinhalese, I am deeply saddened, and appalled, to hear regarding this sad incident. No one, has the right to trespass, or do damage to any person or property under any circumstances, in this democratic country, with a law. If this is so, kindly do well remember!, it is not that these our fellow Muslim brother-en cant well-defend themselves. If there is a illegal building made, there is well enough laws to remove it immediately, from that premises. My humblest request is, first; that these cowards, and whoever that has organised this; to be taken into custody immediately, and done all necessary under the law, to bring all of them accountable to this incident. Executing law-and-order, is pivotal in a country, from all viewed aspects (peace, business, morals, the culture) for a decent citizen to live, and work peacefully; and maintain peace, in country. Page 194 of 196

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Only if!- the law is not served reasonably, there will be no reason for a decent, peace loving Sri Lankan, to live in this beautiful, peaceful land, with a rich-heritage, and only will be left to all the thieves, and thugs, etc.; which will never happen under this president- Our President. Furthermore as we all understand, kindly, solve this dispute in a lawful manner, to resolve this issue (if there is an illegal construction made). We await for a very logical, reasonable, lawful approach to this whole matter, as we- the decent Sri Lankans, the Youth of this country is well closely watching this icident, how it is; of course, in general, the law of this country and safety. I would like to wish all the legal-staff, and all officials involved in this matter, the best. Regards, Yoshitha Ediriweera 1164. K Godage May 29, 2012 at 7:44 pm (Edit) Racism is worse than cancer if we claim to be a Buddhist country let us practice the preachings of the Buddha and extend unconditional love for all beings yes Beings just as a mother would protect her only child even at the risk of her own life let us have boundless love for all beingsseen unseen, born yet to be born . There is no place for hate or Racism in any form if we claim to be Buddhists KG 1165. Calistus May 30, 2012 at 2:01 am (Edit) The worst way to serve your religion is by being an extremist, hateful person. 1166. Mohamed Saleem May 30, 2012 at 2:01 am (Edit) We as Srilankans we have suffered 30 Years. The war was here even at time I born Finn ally it was over just one year ago.So this is the great time to build our nation So the jobless people have again started religious extremism.Which should be condemned and should be stopped. 1167. Azmy Abdulwahab May 30, 2012 at 2:02 am (Edit) he way this crisis in Dambulla is handled is a test to see how credibly the Sri Lankan state and its people depart from chauvinism to a more inclusive and just society. Unfortunately, Sri Lankans are yet to come out of their mind set created by others for them and discover their own by pooling all the positives from all religions and communities to build this nation as a model for others as an astute and sustainable nation. 1168. maarten schriek May 30, 2012 at 2:03 am (Edit) as a representative of the green party, part of a broader a pacifist and environment political, i Page 195 of 196

Put your name down, and resist violence Not In Our Name

1/6/12 8:14 AM

as a representative of the green party, part of a broader a pacifist and environment political, i condemn all violence against individuals or groups, as part institionalised or condoned method, when for reasons of being different from the violance condoning party. Lies will not help you justifie injustice! 1169. Minari Fernando May 30, 2012 at 4:29 pm (Edit) When will we learn? Definitely not in my name! 1170. Sashi Stephen May 30, 2012 at 4:36 pm (Edit) I vehimently denounce any form of violence against humanity, certainly religious repression not in my name 1171. Ainslie Joseph May 30, 2012 at 9:50 pm (Edit) Religious tolerance and religious harmony are extremely important at this hour for building national reconciliation 1172. s sivakumaran May 30, 2012 at 10:36 pm (Edit) Religious persons can neverbe extremists.They wish for for ALL BEINGS to be happy. Extremism in the name of religion is with an ulterior motive for some form of gain or total misunderstanding of the religion in whose name the violence is unleashed. They know not what they are doing. They need to be converted to people of goodwill through Maithri and Karunawa.

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