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PRISON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is an efficient application for maintaining Prisoners information. More than a data storage program, it helps you manage the prisoners. It offers a wide variety of Reports that give you exactly the information you need. Add new prisoner details and about new cases. It enables to track every prisoner and their activities. There are three kinds of users Data administrator, Police officials and Administrator. Administrator is considered as Super user and he has full access and rights over the system than anybody else. Administrator can view the details of prisoners, cases, release diary, parole register and interview requests as well as in-out register. Next Police officials have rights to view the nominal rolls, case, parole, interview requests and his functionality is to check the nominal roll which comprises of whole details of prisoners and to fix date for court hearing as per courts advice. Finally, Data administrator prepares reports and enters data on behalf of the administrator with appropriate data. They have privilege to add and update the data as per administrators concern. The interview requests of relatives are made through data admin to administrator and the status of reports can reflect appropriately.

Existing system:
The prison system uses the documentation form storage which is a single user system to find the wanted information. The important and the most significant drawback is that the system is manual. There may be errors due to carelessness or oversight that may result in loss to the data and as to the organization. For an organization, time is very important factor.

The prison information is stored in the document form which is like a data sheet. This makes it impossible to search for information in such a huge number of documents manually and to add new information if the searched information is not available.

Proposed system:

The proposed system is designed to eliminate all the drawbacks of the existing system. The system is part of a large Application and shall be responsible for maintaining information about prisoners, Demographic details, New case details, Automated release diary generator, Parole register, Interview request register, In-out register, Court hearing register,

The major advantage of the proposed system is, It is an application, so that information is available anytime. High integrity and security. Ability to incorporate newly available data. It is user friendly. Speed and accuracy is increased. Fully automated. Security is associated with user authentication

Duplication of information is curbed.

The system is proposed to have the following modules: 1. Administrators. 2. Police officers. 3. Data administrators. 4. Nominal rolls. 5. Interview requests. 6. In out register. 7. Reports.


Administrators :

Administrator is treated as a super user in this system. Administrator can maintain different registers such as Nominal Rolls, Case Register, Automated Release Register, Parole Register, Duty Register and In-Out Register. Other tasks done by the administrator are generation of reports, maintenance of log files, backup, and recovery of data any time. Administrator also manages details of number of cells and their usage. Administrator is also responsible for managing finances of prison. Administrators are given permission to approve or decline the interview requests by the relatives and friends of prisoners to meet them and also administrator is given superior power to overlook the in and out timings in a register where prisoner is going out of prison for various reasons such as court hearings, family function and personal problems. He can also look over and supervise the parole register; automated release diary is also managed under

his guidance. The duty register and case register is also overviewed by the administrator. The new cases and new prisoners are supervised by the administrator.

2. Police officers:
Police officers can seek information regarding prisoners and convicts. The information is used to make decisions regarding court hearings, remands, release dates etc. He is also given permission to view all the details and registers such as parole register, case register, interview register and in out register. He can add data to in out register that means he can fix a prisoner to go for court hearing as he receives orders from the court to his cabinet. He can also view and modify the interview requests if only there exists some critical issues or endangers in fixing a prisoner to meet his fellow men. The duty register is also supervised by the police officials.


Data administrators:
On the behalf of administrator data manager

prepares all the registers with appropriate data. They can have the privilege to add and update data in the different registers. Data administrator adds the details of a new prisoner details such as name, age, identity marks, nationality etc. He also registers the details of new case with details of case and persons involved in that particular case and date of court hearings. Parole register is also maintained by the data administrator

he tracks the details and particulars of prisoner who is paroled and parole respectively. Automated release diary is also in control of data administrator under the supervision of administrator, data administrators can be able to add the details of release dairy and date particulars. The interview requests is also made by data administrators and the request is send to administrator for approval and the status of requests can be tracked by data administrators. In out register is entered in accordance with the court hearings and other personal events of particular prisoner.

4. Nominal rolls:
The details of the prisoner and his/her demographic details should be captured. A digital photo comprising different views of the prisoner and the list of articles surrendered by prisoner during nominal roll are to be recorded. The particulars such as name, age, gender, nationality details and identity marks and things collected from him during arrest are noted down in the nominal roll. This nominal can be viewed by administrator, data administrator and police officers, but only data administrators can modify or delete the particulars under the supervision of other two officials.

5. Interview requests:
Interview requests register is to register the details of interview requests made by the relations and friends of a prisoner who wishes to meet that particular prisoner. In the interview requests the details of prisoner who they wish to meet and the details of persons who all wish to meet them are noted down with timing details. No more than five members can meet a prisoner at a time and they should carry over anything other than food items. These things

are all supervised carefully. The request once made is sent to administrator and the status of that request can be viewed through data administrator. The reason for the interview is also mentioned in the request along with them other details for better understandings of the need to meet the prisoner.

6. In out registers:
In out register is maintained to record the details of prisoners who are all moving in and out of prison for various reasons such as court hearings, personal problems, health issues and family functions etc. The details of in out register are supervised by the administrator and police officials.

7. Reports:
The system allows the generation of various reports based on different criteria such as prisoners details. New case reports and parole reports are generated to submit to the court officials. The interview request registers report and in out register report are also maintained for the purpose of record history.

Software Requirements:

Web Presentation Client side Scripting

HTML, CSS : JavaScript

Programming Language : Web based Technologies Database Connectivity : Java Version Backend Database Operating System : Web Server : Browser :

Java : JSP JDBC : JDK1.5 : My SQL. Windows XP/2003. Tomcat 6.0 IE/Mozilla

Hardware Requirements (minimum):

Pentium processor RAM Capacity Hard Disk : CD-ROM Drive Keyboard Mouse Monitor : : 1.1 GHZ : 256 MB (min) 20GB : 32 HZ : Standard keyboard. : Optical 15 Color Monitor

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