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I) FORM: 1) Affirmative: Subject + had + the third form of verb I had finished the report. 2) Interrogative: Had + subject + the third form of the verb+? Had you finished the report? 3) Negative Subject + had + not / hadnt + the third form of the form I had not finished the report. II) USES: The past perfect simple is used: 1) to express an activity in the past happening before another activity in the past. In this case we have two verbs: one of them is in the past perfect simple and the other is in the past simple: By the time we arrived there they had already left. We had read the novel before we saw the film. Observation: The time indicators used here are generally by the time and before. 2) to express an action in the past happening before another moment in the past. In this case we have one verb in the past perfect and a time indicator expressing anteriority: By 2000 they had lived here for ten years. Observation: The time indicator used here is generally by (= not later than) + a word / expression indicating time


I.FORM: 1) Affirmative: S + Will (ll) + verb She will forgive you. 2) Interrogative: Will + S + verb + ? Will they come? 3) Negative: S + will + not / wont + verb She will not / wont forgive you. II. USES: The future simple is used: 1) to make a decision at the moment of speaking. In this case we often offer to do something for someone: Ill come with you. Ill get you a cup of coffee. 2) to say what we think or to make a guess about the future: Real Madrid will win the match tomorrow. 3) to talk about things that will happen for sure in the future: Jane will be 20 next week. 4) to ask questions about the future when we are not sure if the person we are talking to knows the answer: Do you think Ben will marry Jane? (What is your opinion?) III. TIME INDICATORS: tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; in the future; next week / month, etc.;


I. FORM: 1) Affirmative: S+ BE (am, is, are) + going + to + verb: I am going to study more. 2) Interrogative: BE (am, is, are) + S + going + to + verb + ?: Are they going to help us? 3) Negative: S + BE (am, is, are) + not + going + to + verb: She is not going to come. Observation: Going is not translated with a merge into Romanian here. It has no meaning; it is simply used as an auxiliary to form the future. II. USES: 1) it expresses the speakers intention to do something in the future: I am going to quit smoking. 2) to express the speakers feeling of certainty based on something he / she knows or can see now: The sky is black. Its going to rain. III. TIME INDICATORS: tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; in the future; next week / month, etc.;

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