Filling Out Forms Correctly

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Filling Out Forms Correctly Library Forms, Information Sheets

I. Learning Objective Fill out forms correctly - library forms, information sheets

II. Subject Matter Topic: References: Materials: Value Focus: III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activities 1. Motivation Ask the Pupils: Do you like reading books? Where do you usually go if you want to read books? Who would you like to be with when you go to the library? Why? Library Card Forms and Information Sheets BEC-PELC Writing 4, p. 14 Basic English Skill Builders, pp. 207-208 puppets, charts, activity cards, improvised library cards and information sheets Humility

B. Development of the Lesson 1. Presentation a. Have pupils listen to a dialogue using hand puppets. b. Say: Today, two of your new friends would like to go to the library and read books. Listen carefully to what they are talking about. Introduce the two puppets as Ana and Jose. Ana : Jose : Ana : Jose : Ana : Hello, Jose! Where are you going? Im going to the library to read books. Oh, I see. Then you have to give information about yourself. Information? About myself? Yes. It is called the Library Card Form. You have to write information about yourself before you can read or even

Jose : Ana : Jose : Ana : Say :

borrow the books from our school librarian. Why do I have to? To avoid losing and destroying the books. That way, the librarian can check who the last person who used or borrowed the book was. Now, I know. That way, children will be careful in handling books. Thanks a lot, Ana. Youre welcome. Now, here is the library form Ana and Jose are talking about. LIBRARY CARD FORM

Name:___________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________Teacher/Adviser:____________ Address:__________________________________________________ Telephone No: _________________________ Parent/Guardian:___________________________________________ __________________________ Signature

2. Analysis and Discussion Ask: Who were friends? Where did they meet? Why do you think Jose needs to go to the library? What did Ana tell him? Why does Jose need to fill out the library card? What do you think Jose felt after learning about one of the library rules? Do you agree with that library rule? Why? What are the information needed? Where will you write your grade level and section? What is an address? How will you write your address? If you dont have a telephone number, what can you give? Whom will you write as guardian? What is another word for guardian? Whose signature should appear below? Why?

Whose information is written on the library card form? If you were Jose, and you do not know how to fill out a library card form, what will you do? 3. Values Integration If you do not know how to fill out forms, ask the help of others. Do not pretend that you know if you really do not know. This is humility. How could you tell that the person you meet is humble or not? Lead the children to share experiences wherein humility was shown. 4. Generalization Library cards and information sheets give data or facts about a person. These forms should be filled out correctly. C. Post Activity 1. Application a. Simulation Teacher asks pupils to pretend that they are going to be asked by the school guidance counselor to fill out an information form about themselves. Teacher will act as the guidance counselor and at a signal she will say: Good day, children. Im your school guidance counselor and Im going to give you sheets of paper where you will fill out information about yourselves. Teacher distributes the blank Information Sheets for pupils to write on.

INFORMATION SHEET Name: _________________________________________________ Surname First name M.I. Grade & Section: ________________ Sex: __________ Telephone No: _________________

Birthdate: ______________________________________________ Month Day Year Birthplace: ______________________________________________ Town/Barangay City/Province

Address: _______________________________________________ Mother: _______________________Occupation: _______________ Father: _______________________Occupation: _______________ Number of Brothers: _______Position in the Family ______________ Number of Sisters: ________ b. Have the class go to the school library and let them fill out library forms. Example:
LIBRARY CARD FORM Name: _________________________________________________ First Name Last name M.I.

Address: _______________________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________ Adviser: ______________________________________________ _________________________ Signature

Note: If the school has no library, teacher may use the reading corners inside their classroom. 2. Enrichment Activities Interview a classmate then complete this form DATA SHEET School _________________________________________________ Address Name: _________________________________________________ Last name Given name M.I.

Grade & Section: ________________ Age: __________ Telephone No: _________________

Religion: ______________________________________________

Birthdate: _________________Birthplace: ____________________ Mother: _______________________Occupation: _______________ Father : _______________________Occupation: _______________ ________________________ Signature Interview Guide - What is your complete name? - How old are you? When is your birthday? - Do you have a telephone number? What is it? - What is your religion? - Who is your mother? What is her work? - Who is your father? What is his work? After completing the information sheet, let your classmate sign the data sheet.

IV. Evaluation Direction: Help Romina D. Enriquez fill-out the information sheets. Below are facts about her. Read them carefully.

Romina D. Enriquez is a Grade Three Molave pupil. She lives at Rizal St., Tagum City, Davao del Norte. Her telephone number is 934-8335. She was born on April 17, 1999 in Davao City. Her mother is Eva M. David, a teacher and her father is Ruel I. Enriquez, a computer engineer. She has a three-year old brother named Romin D. Enriquez.

INFORMATION SHEET Name: _________________________________________________ Last name Given name M.I.

Grade & Section: ________________ Sex: __________ Telephone No: _________________

Birthdate: _________________Birthplace: ____________________ Mother: _______________________Occupation: _______________ Father: _______________________Occupation: _______________ Number of Brothers: _____________Name: ___________________ Number of Sisters: ______________Name: ___________________

________________________ Signature


Assignment Copy the library card and fill out the information asked for.
LIBRARY CARD FORM Name: _________________________________________________________ First Name Last name M.I.

Grade and Section: __________________________ Teacher/Adviser: ________________________________________________ Age: ___________________Telephone Number: _______________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ _________________________ Signature

Here is a sample of a Pupils Descriptive Questionnaire. Study and analyze. SET I, FORM D PART I: PUPILS DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONNAIRE DIRECTIONS: The Pupils Descriptive Questionnaire is not a test. It consists of several items on some information you are to give about yourself. Each item is followed by several possible answers. After each item on your Answer Sheet, blacken the circle that corresponds to your answer to that particular item. Do not leave any item unanswered. 1. How many members make up your family including father, mother and children? (Count only the living.) a. 3 b. 45 c. 67 d. 89 e. more than 2. a. Eldest b. Second What is your birth order in the family? c. Third e. Only child d. Youngest f. Others


3. What is the highest educational attainment of your mother? a. College graduate d. High School undergraduate b. College undergraduate e. Elementary school graduate c. High School graduate f. Elementary school undergraduate

4. What is the highest educational attainment of your father? a. College graduate d. High School undergraduate b. College undergraduate e. Elementary school graduate c. High School graduate f. Elementary school undergraduate 5. What is the occupation of your father? a. Manager, chairman, commissioner, director, elected official, judge, cabinet member, armed forces officer b. Professional (chemist, engineer, teacher, doctor, nurse, pilot, pharmacist, architect, accountant, lawyer, etc.) c. Law enforcer (policeman, enlisted man, detective) d. Performing artist (actor, dancer, singer, musician) e. Clerk, typist, cashier, secretary, salesman, salesclerk, bank teller, bookkeeper, news reporter, etc. f. Mechanic, technician, welder, electrician, tailor, blacksmith, tinsmith, shoemaker, carpenter, domestic helper, waiter, barber, beautician, masseur g. Transport worker (seaman, driver, conductor, stevedore, steward) h. Construction worker (mason, plumber, laborer, foreman) i. Vendor, peddler, factory worker, farmer, fisherman, etc. j. Others not mentioned 6. What is the occupation of your mother? a. Manager, chairwoman, commissioner, director, senator, congresswoman, judge, cabinet member, armed forces officer b. Professional (chemist, engineer, teacher, doctor, nurse, pilot, pharmacist, architect, accountant, lawyer, etc.) c. Law enforcer (policewoman, enlisted man, detective) d. Performing artist (actress, dancer, singer, musician) e. Clerk, typist, cashier, secretary, saleswoman, salesclerk, bank teller, bookkeeper, news reporter, etc. f. Dressmaker, seamstress, shoemaker g. Domestic helper, waitress, beautician, chambermaid, governess h. Transport worker (seaman, driver, conductor, stevedore, stewardess)Vendor, peddler, factory worker, farmer, fisherman, etc. i. Others not mentioned 7. a. b. c. d. Glee Club Science Club Math Club Sports Club What club or organization in school do you belong? e. Dance Troupe f. Student Council g. School Paper h. None

8. What textbooks were Department of Education? a. Mathematics d. Filipino b. Science e. HEKASI c. English f. None






9. What highest honors or awards did you receive in the fifth grade? a. First honors d. Best in Math/Science b. Second or third honors e. Best in English or Filipino c. Fourth or fifth honors f. None 10. a. English b. Mathematics c. Science What is your favorite subject? d. HEKASI e. Filipino

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