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1 :08-cv-01 332-EGS Case 1:08-cv-01332-EGS Document 64-4

1 2/1 6/1 0 Filed 12/16/10 Page 2 of 3


Doc #1-6

Filed: 06/23/10

Page 2 of 3 - Page ID # 76


Robert FeM
Leland Grooms

Cc: Subject:

Daniel Garvev; Bumett.BrvantiaieDaniBil.epa.qov Re: Air Sampling at the Omaha Lead Site
07/20/2006 02:42 PM

Leland -- the air monitoring you are performing is very sensitive and will be subject to intense scrutiny. I would like to review the final QAPP and the Community Advisory Group expects to see it before the monitoring is performed. I can distribute once I get it - the next CAG meeting is August 9 and we may be pressured to wait until after that - We haven't made that decision at this time. As for the monitoring

of the excavation sites, keep in mind that these are in residential neighborhoods and
if they are going to be running overnight we need to get permission to use

electricity (providing for compensation to residents, Dan) and get agreement from all
neighboring properties. The CAG will undoubtely want to observe the monitoring while it's happening and scrutinize the final report (the CAG is supported by MFG

which provides litigation support to the primary PRP, Union Pacific Railroad). It will be critical that every i is dotted and t crossed since we're under a microscope, please delete this message after reading ~ we receive regular FOIA requests from
Union Pacific for our e-mails, thanks, Bob F.

? Leland Grooms/ENSV/R7/USEPA/US




Danjel Gan,ey/SUPR/R7/USEPA/US@EPA

07/20/2006 11:46 AM


Re: Air Sampling at the Omaha Lead Site

Hi Dan

Sorry about the delay in my reply, I have just returned from 17 days of army duty as an environmental officer at Fort Chaffee, AR and am just now in the office and catching up. I was able to speak to Bryant this morning and I had an voice mail waiting from Bob. I had e-mailed the both in June that by the time we had the QAPP rectified and signed (which it is) and I had met with the contractors and reconned the area, it was impossible for my air peers and I to get together in June and most of July due to rampant schedule items, (army duty, vacation, ozone, etc). We should be able to coordinate the first sampling event very soon, by Monday I will be putting out a tentative schedule. I do have all our air sampling equipment coordinated from the ground up and we should be good to go, I have been fortunate as well with experience opportunities having done hands on or helped oversee the air monitoring events from Times Beach, Sugar Creek, West Plains Charcoal Kilns, New Haven, etc and I have the same guys still working with me as
well from these projects. About 15-25% of our work is supporting SUPFUND, RCRA,

UST, and other such branches with this type of sampling and then providing a data report to support further sampling if needed. However in saying this, you are always more than welcome to assist us in the Held portion or any part of the project.


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