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MARCH 18TH, 2009

These days, cars have become so important in our lives that we depend a lot on them and we could not imagine our lives without them. With the invention of cars, our lives were completely different and became easy. At the beginning, there were a few cars on the streets, but in the twinkling of an eye, there were cars everywhere and then our nightmare began. Definitely, having too many cars on the streets has many negative effects in our lives such as traffic jams and health problems caused by air pollution. One of the effects of having so many cars on the streets is traffic jams and the problems they cause at rush hours. Because many people want to make it to their places at the very same time, hundreds of cars in different parts of the city are formed in a line waiting to have enough space to slip through the other cars. As a consequence of this, drivers are more likely to have car accidents due to the speed at which they travel. In addition to this, people are also more likely to be run over by a careless driver who is in a rush. These kinds of tragedies are worse when there are innocent parents and kids involved whose only fault was to be there when they should not have. As a result of having so many cars these days, the air that we breathe is becoming more and more polluted every day. Because cars pollute the air, a lot of people have developed respiratory problems and a decreasing life expectancy due to the bad quality of the air that we breathe every day. The air in the cities is so polluted that many people have lung diseases which keep them from living a normal life. Their kids are sometimes born with these problems and this is even more difficult for parents to deal with; however, they cannot do anything to stop the cars from polluting the air. A considerable number of people die every day at young ages since their life expectancy has decreased dramatically. The more time they are exposed to polluted air, the more chances they have to die while being still young.



MARCH 18TH, 2009

In sum, cars were a great invention which changed and improved our lives at the moment. Nevertheless, people have developed a big dependence on them that they would not survive without them. This dependence on cars has definitely provoked many negative effects in our lives. Traffic jams, respiratory problems and, consequently, a decreasing life expectancy can alert us of the horrible consequences that we will suffer if we continue to have too many cars on the streets.

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